The media created Obama administration of folly, deception and polices for a great depression

The conditions for huge trade imbalances with China really began under the Clinton administration. The problems needed to be dealt with early on but now that China holds much of our debt and is having its own economic crises and its leadership is threatened is not the time to corner this tiger. The response will be predictable. Did anyone in this administration learn anything about the causes of the last great depression? If nations try to solve this current crises through a retreat into protectionism we are heading for a huge world wide depression and wars. This is a prime example of why in a time of crises you do not put into power a man who has not shown any experience or any wisdom in his life.… continue reading

Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Many “black Christians” have chosen their Obamanation. I read that 97 percent of blacks voted for this abortionist.

We voted for him because the world is full of poor children who need food, they say! While the wolf enacts executive orders to kill off their next generation.

I have news for these “black Christians”. There is no skin color in the Body of Christ. Choose this day whom you will serve. Will you serve God or people with a tan that display the spirit of anti-Christ in their policies? Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Dave Daubenmire — More Black Than Christian

The history of black Americans is one of deep abiding faith and perseverance through generations of oppression.

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Liberal progressive black and Latino abortion programs

If anyone ought to know about this genocide it should be the blacks that are the victims but the silence from the “Christian” black community is deafening and most of the preachers and almost all the politicians take the “liberal” “progressive” side.

However “liberal” really means liberally killing your unborn kids and “progressive” means progressing back to enslavement to a life of dependency on your government overseers. Nevertheless, apparently 96 percent of blacks would rather have a half black man as President then to vote for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Benedict Arnold’s of blacks say give us enslavement and give us death and blacks just say yes at the polls.… continue reading

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.
by Don Koenig 2008
The Far Left has already taken over the Democratic Party of the U.S. They also control the educational systems of America and they control the major media and most major multinational corporations. In addition, they control the dependents created by the welfare system.  During the next election they plan to get control of the few remaining areas in this nation that they do not already control. Those areas among others are the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Internet, talk radio and the evangelical religious systems of America.
If they get the Presidency they also get the courts and when the President signs hate speech laws they get control over the evangelical religious systems, the internet and talk radio.
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McCain Palin should get the vote of all true Christians

John McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin was brilliant. He could not have pleased Evangelical Conservatives more had he picked Kay Arthur for his Vice President running mate. Here is a bright young vibrant born again Christian Governor that is not part of the good old boy Washington political establishment. A woman that is actually living out her faith in her decisions and lifestyle. Dr. Dobson is excited about Sarah Palin being McCain’s choice as is Rush Limbaugh and they will now support McCain. These are the the two big voices that can actually bring out a large conservative vote for McCain.… continue reading

The hippie counterculture movement and their offspring all hail the Obamanation

I always said wait until the counterculture hippies grew up and they got into positions of power. Well that day has arrived and they have taken control of the education system, political system, national media, and the religious systems of America. They also produced postmodern brainwashed children who now believe themselves to be the norm. So unless real Christians and real conservatives win this cultural war it is the end of this nation. When the far left hippies and their offspring gain total control they will embrace a totally pagan fascist world system. Woe to any who oppose them.

Had anyone said that America would decline this rapidly fifty years ago people would have thought you were smoking dope.… continue reading

Catholics and Christians Baracking an abortion absolutist Obamanation

Pat Buchanan makes the case on Obama’s very extreme abortion position and implies that Catholics would not vote for Barack Obama. The problem is that most of the Catholics I know support Obama for President. So what does that say about their claim to believe in Catholicism? Let’s not forget that many Liberal Protestants and New Evangelicals also support Barack Obama. Seems to me that many “Christians” in this nation need to choose whom they will serve. Will they choose to serve the Lord or will they continue to serve the doctrines of abortion loving godless secular humanists?

A Catholic case against Barack

Obama is an abortion absolutist.

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America will become like Sodom and Gomorrah if Christians do nothing

What Janet says in this article and her book is going to come to pass if “Christians” do not stop the anti Christian hate speech agenda. Those who love their sins will criminalize anything in Christianity that offends them. If you help elect Obama with his support of hate speech and thought-crime agendas and his stand that is contrary to the Bible on many issues you will have brought it on yourself. Also, if you elect that Liberal to the house or the Senate you will have brought it on yourself.

You can say we are working class, blacks, Catholics etc and we always voted democrat but you had better wake up and realize that this is no longer the party of your daddy.… continue reading

So called Conservatives and heterosexuals destroyed marriage.

This article was an eye opener on how heterosexuals destroyed marrage. You might not want to hear what Dr Johnston has to say but what can you say when he documents the truth? So we can make a big thing out of homosexual marriage as if that is the chief problem but if we are not seeing the big spiritual problem in the church and in the West toward the covenant of marriage and what God said in the Bible we are never going to get to the root of the marriage problem and all the other garbage that goes along with the destruction of marriage.… continue reading

The amoral majority and the moral minority in the American Democracy

America might listen to JB Williams but it won’t because it seems that the amoral majority are now the problem for the moral minority. I just read that half of the U.S. supports the homosexual agenda and we know that over half support abortion. That should say wonders about the people who live here. It is also obvious that half of the people are now living off the other half to a large degree.

So the land of the free and home of the brave is now about dead and gone. It will be replaced by the land of the socialist fascist enslaved and the home of amoral sissies.… continue reading

“Christians” and “men” in the U.S. cowered by sodomites!

Its really is all about forcing the whole world to legitimize their own perversions. What is really crazy is that two percent of the world’s population are telling the other 98 percent to give up any morality they have and they are getting away with it. Next, the drug addicts will tell the rest of us they we need to allow them to openly parade their practices in public and push their lifestyles to our children in schools. Same difference!

Men that are allowing perversion to become normal practice in society truly need their own manhood check. Why are they cowered by perverted sex sissies and why are they allowing their children to be morally raped by sodomites in government, schools and media?continue reading

Eugenics through population control

The article gives the connection from eugenics to world population control. The power elite want the earth to have far less people for the sake of the environment. The people they really want to limit are what they consider the genetically inferior underclass. Many of the world birth control polices are toward that end. The common people are so misled or oppressed that they either are forced to submit like the people in China or they are “educated” to support quantity control through birth control and abortion like inner city blacks and the poor in the U.S.

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control

Population control today – and the corresponding environmental movements – grew out of the post WWII shift from eugenics to Malthusian programs.

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Presidential candidates give us Christian wisdoms like, “babies are a punishment”

Dave Daubenmire correctly sees that all the leading candidates running for President are not Christians in any biblical sense of the word. Anyone can call themselves a Christians but when Christians start believing that known pagans are Christian, maybe they should reexamine why they believe that they themselves are Christians. If you need further enlightenment read the article.

On the other hand, what should Christians expect to come out of a satanic world system? Christians. The U.S. is not a Christian nation it never really was. There are no Christian nations on earth there are only various percentages of Christians in the nations.… continue reading

Demographics makes it clear that the harvest of the earth draws near

At the rate the birth rate is falling the young adult population of the earth will peak in two decades. When the young mature crop in the field is at its peak is when the harvest will come. This is another sure sign that we are living very near the time when the angels will be told to harvest the wheat of the earth.

‘Demographic Winter’ Exposes the Century’s Overlooked Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS

“Demographic Winter” — a dramatic new documentary — is the first to explore the most overlooked crisis of our times: the rapid, worldwide decline in birth rates.Philip

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Beer and wine use among Christians

I know where I stand on this issue. Drinking was in common place in the early church but obviously getting drunk and being a every day drunkard was never acceptable. Martin Luther and John Calvin and the Catholics believed it was a gift of God. It still is considered that by most in Christianity today when used in moderation. Having said that, it is not acceptable to get intoxicated in the worship service but moderate use  of alcohol should be acceptable in feasts and social gatherings.

Abuses by some led certain feminists to push their own views on everyone else through dominionist laws while most of our men were off to war.… continue reading

Can Evangelical Christians practice Wicca and support what God calls abominations?

Lets be clear about one thing. Evangelical Christians are not taking part in Wicca. People who call themselves Evangelical Christians are getting involved in Wicca. Just because people go to a so called evangelical denomination does not make them a Christian.

I read another article today that talked about how Evangelicals were supporting Democratic political figures like Obama and Hillary. Many that call themselves Evangelicals have moved to the Far Left because absolute truths of the Bible mean nothing to them. They are just following what they learn from worldly media. This just shows that many in the Evangelical churches never learned or never believed the truths in the Bible in the first place.… continue reading

Without natural affection in the last days

Who do most blacks and even black Christians vote for? They even vote for blacks that help kill their own babies. Many that have the abortions and the leaders they follow are without natural affection.

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“Officer!” I bellowed from
my lofty perch above the death-camp directed towards a patrol car sitting at the
entrance of the clinic. “There is a hate-crime taking place inside that
building. A white doctor is killing black babies by the dozens. DO something to
protect them.”
As is often the case, the cops wish there was a sniper in the
vicinity to silence my appeals for the unborn.

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You want a socialist Obama-nation?

I wish the American people would get educated before it is too late. Obama has the most Leftist voting record of any member of the Senate. What should that tell you? It tells you if Obama gets elected with the most liberal congress of all time to support him, his leftist socialist agenda will get passed. That means you will soon be living in the Peoples Republic of America.

If they taught you any real world history in school at all, you should know that wherever Communist socialism was tried it was a failure. Now why would you want to destroy a system that has been working and has made America the most prosperous nation on earth for a socialist system that has proved many time that it cannot work?… continue reading

Jimmy Carter heads push for Baptist unity

Jimmy Carter the great compromiser now attempts to unite Baptist denominations over his own beliefs. He can achieve this if everyone just decides that biblical issues that divide us like abortion, homosexual rights and Israel are no longer important. Well thanks to people like Jimmy Carter the church in America is now just about dumbed down enough to unite on anything.

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so the issues are only women in ministry, marriage, legalized abortion,
gay rights and the separation of church and state. Nothing that can’t be
overcome with a smiling compromiser like Jimmy Carter around to help everyone
link hands.
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Obama supports every pro choice abortion legislation

You would think that people would learn about his beliefs his voting record and what he plans to do if elected President before they just vote for someone with a winning smile. He will bring in deadly and costly social activism.

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“Senator Obama doesn’t care that abortion has obliterated the rights of more
than 15 million black children since 1973,” Gardner said in a statement. “He
doesn’t care that abortion is the No. 1 killer of African-Americans surpassing
deaths caused by accidents, heart disease, stroke, crimes, HIV-AIDS and all
other deaths – combined!

“He won’t make one of his powerful speeches decrying the injustice of
abortion providers as they plant killing centers firmly in black communities –
making it easier to kill black children.

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