I don’t want to rain on anyone’s Easter parade so I will keep this post fairly dry, although it is expected to rain here so much over the next five days that all the rivers in south central Missouri will be flooding. It seems that Gaia and her husband Al Gore, have started a new green hell offensive against us occupiers of the Ozarks. Yesterday, Gaia sent out a tornado that hit and closed the St. Louis airport. She probably was thinking that we will now have no way of escape from the green hell, but I am prepared to stand my ground and fight against the green horde anyway. I do not fight with carnal politically correct weapons approved by Al Gore. My weapons are mighty for the pulling down of green strongholds. I will use the H-bomb when necessary (herbicides).
Too bad the Latter Rain gods cannot get their act together and tell Gaia to move some of the rain to the drought stricken areas of West Texas and Oklahoma. I wonder why, with all their supernatural powers over creation, they cannot even get Gaia to nudge the jet stream toward the Southwest? After all, Pat Robertson told us that his own prayer stopped a major hurricane dead in its tracks in the Atlantic so that it did not hit his Virgina Beach university. And Robertson never even claimed to have attained to the level of David’s mighty men or Joel’s Army like those on the Elijah List of the New Apostolic Reformation.
Didn’t Elijah pray and command the rain? I think its time for those on the Elijah List that tell us that they are going to lead Christianity to take dominion of the earth back from Satan to either put up or shut up. I have heard about the amazing powers they have claimed that they are receiving for some time now. How about you “anointed ones” make like the Easter Bunny and spread some of the goodies around! You claimed a wealth transfer would be coming to you and that you would be distributing the wealth to Christians. Well, Lets see some of it! I am sure the Christian farmers in drought stricken Oklahoma will appreciate your assistance, as will all those that are chronically unemployed and underemployed. How come you mighty anointed god people all turn out to be all talk and no action?
On a totally different dry Easter note I have a good suggestion for Obama. I hear that there is a book coming out on May 17 called Where’s the Birth Certificate, by Dr. Jerome Cosri. It will tell us why Obama is not eligible to be President. From the early hype on the book it could be that the book is going to make Obama appear to be a complete fraud. No real surprise there though, so the Devil must be in the details. The book is number one on Amazon in the anticipation that something new is going to be revealed on Obama.
Therefore, Obama needs to steal the thunder from Cosri’s book by having a big Easter egg hunt on the White House lawn after his Easter sunrise golf game service. One of the eggs should contain his long form birth certificate and lesser prizes could contain keys to all the academic records that he has locked up. The grand finale of the event could be an Obama teleprompter presentation about how he pulled off getting a fraudulent Social Security number and why he will not be prosecuted by the “Justice Department” because he controls it. The consolation prize might be a signed copy of the new book that he will get someone to write for him that discloses just how he got terrorist Bill Ayers to write “Dreams of His Father” for him.
Wow! what a revelation that would be if Obama came clean and exposed all of his dark past. He could tell everyone how he has seen the light of Allah and is now turning over a new leaf of the Koran. Harold Camping and followers then could go in the Rapture on May 21st with the knowledge that the world is fully under the control of Rosemary’s Baby just like Camping figured out with his new math.
I can almost see the long form Birth Certificate entries now– Mother, Ann Dunham — Father, sperm donor selected by the Damian cabal (was the secret donor Malcolm X?).
*(Okay we were shown that there is a birth certificate right after I posted this and it says that Obama Sr. is the father but that does not mean he actually was the father nor does it explain why after spending millions and destroying lives not to release the certificate it suddenly appears. A revelation that was just made known through a Freedom of Information Act acquired document might make one wonder if the marriage was just a gimmick by Obama Sr. to try to stay in the United States and stay at Harvard. At least that is what the INS seemed to be thinking about Obama Sr., Obama Sr. even already had a wife in Kenya when he married Obama’s mother. We also know that contrary to what President Obama has been saying Obama Sr. never lived with his mother in the first two years of his life. Donald Trump has been taking all the credit for Obama releasing his birth certificate but it seems to me that it was really this post that drove him to do it 😯 )

Well, you do have to acknowledge that Obama has more resemblance to Malcolm X than he has to Obama Senior. If you follow the link in the Rosemary’s baby article you might even believe that there actually could be some paternal connection. Anyway, Obama could tell us all about the details in his new book.
On a not so dry note, tomorrow Christians will celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Let us keep in mind and tell the world what really happened almost 2000 years ago. God gave the world a free gift and it was not a chocolate Easter Bunny. God gave His Lamb as a sacrifice for our sins. Now we must take the gift and eat of God’s Lamb and obtain everlasting life or refuse and remain dead in sin, forever alienated from God. No matter how much you chocolate coat your own wormy good deeds to gain heaven, God will not accept the stuff. God has already determined that only His Lamb will be served. So choose His Lamb and life.
Don, first of all the wealth transfer only works if you are a born again Christian and also work for one of the following: GM,Chrysler,Goldman Sachs…come to think of it almost all major corporations recieved TARP or some form of bailout, heck Larry Flynt applied for some. Why did’nt you do the same Don, you could have hired someone to kill the weeds with New Age chants and crystals instead of pesticides that are destroying Al Gores private Earth. You must be referring to Pat Robertson, not Robinson. I completely forgot yesterday was Good Friday as there was merely a mention of it on tv or radio but i did notice it was Earth Day. Yes one more New Age holiday or celebration that just happens to always fall on a religious or national holiday. Coincidence? Don’t be silly, the Gaia worshippers in gov’t would’nt do something like that, would they? Thinking of starting my own church sometime this year but it would have to be exclusive and i would have to charge a substantial membership fee as my wife would like a real Bentley and like to live in the Hollywood Hills, but she would settle for BelAir or even Brentwood,Ca. In all sincerity this was just sarcasm but i cannot believe the way the world is. Just as the bible said it would be “right is wrong and wrong is right.” Come soon Lord Jesus! Don, a Happy Easter to you, your family, and those on this site. To the earth worshippers i don’t know what you celebrate but i say Happy Easter, Jesus is Risen, even though it might offend the PC, i don’t care.
Nice comment Robert. Yeah I meant Robertson not Robinson so I changed it on the post. I know where your wife can get a Bentley fairly cheap right now. Just type Todd Bentley in the search box near the on top of the blog. Hurry though I hear he will be making a comeback and I am sure his price will go up.
I also hope you and yours and all real Jesus Christ worshipers have a wonderful Resurrection celebration.
Guess what? More T-Storms are in process so I guess I have to shut down until Gaia finds another hobby.
Resurrection Day – Such a better name than “Easter.”
I can hardly wait!!!! How awesome and holy and so *beyond* anything it will be to meet our *extravagant* and great, loving God face to face!!!!
No matter what we face here, we who have given our hearts to Jesus can eagerly anticipate His return and our being with our God forever! Nobody and nothing, not even us can separate us from our union with Christi Jesus, and there is no condemnation. And we will be like Christ and see Him as He is!!! We are *so, so blessed*!!!
Don, I’m starting to come to the conclusion that a world that is more concerned with who is going to be invited to the “Royal Wedding”, (and mind you…I have no bone to pick with either “His Nibs” or Kate) versus the FACT that Jesus Christ rose from the grave just as it was propheciced(sp?) and AS HE SAID IT WOULD BE is SO far gone that repair is a foregone option. Whether or not you are right about the timeframe of the Endtime events, we are in them and He IS coming back soon. I know…I KNOW…occupy until He returns. That, unfortunately(or God forgive ME) is becoming harder and harder each day. I long…I ACHE for the Lords return. If that makes me an escapist or less than what I am supposed to be, so be it. I am only being honest. The world can have the world. I don’t want it. I want to go home.
We are the bride in the only Royal Wedding that really counts.
Seems to me that we really have no say in the matter about how long we will be staying here without suffering loss. Even so, there is nothing wrong with hoping.
Brett Blatchley & Michael Angelo,
Your comments are inspiring and heart felt.
And, I agree, Resurrection Day would be a better name than Easter.
He is RISEN, Indeed, he is RISEN.
Latter day rain brings judgement and the Lord’s miracles.
“Yes one more New Age holiday or celebration that just happens to always fall on a religious or national holiday.”
I mentioned your comment in conversation regarding these end days to family and my son told me that April 22nd has been officially designated as Earth Day for some time. I checked it out and he is correct.
“In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day”
Sickening, but there it is.
Earth Day…I can go with that…the day that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, rose from his EARTHLY body to save all on EARTH : )
@David, nice spin on earth day……..I’m with the rest of you regarding the world, its leaders and its occupants in general……Come Lord Jesus! In the mean time, I have the urgent desire to teach, disciple and train up the younger generation in the event that the Lord tarries 10 years or more. We carry on, traveling light, always looking up! Happy Resurrection Day dear brothers and sisters in Yeshua.
Amen Ammi
May 21st, 2011…how sad, I just heard a guy on FOX news television, probably, a disciple of Harold Camping proclaiming that, “the word of God is the Bible and the Bible clearly dictates that the world will end on May 21st, 2011.”
How damaging this is to people on the fence about the Word of God…as Don has said.