Halloween is coming do you want to see some real scary stuff???
This first article is real scary stuff! It tells us what America’s high school children did not learn while in the tentacles of our scary “teachers” in our real scary public school system.
Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution
The questions, posed by national research firm, Strategic Vision, are taken from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services exam, the test that all candidates to become U.S. citizens must take.As noted by the OCPA in their write up of the survey results, while around 92% of the people who take the citizenship test pass on their first attempt, only 2.8% of the students surveyed would have passed the citizenship test.
The results of the survey are displayed below, for further breakdown see the write up:
Question Answer % of Students Who Answered Correctly
What is the supreme law of the land? ……………..The Constitution– 28%
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? The Bill of Rights– 26%
What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? The House and the Senate– 27%
How many justices are there on the Supreme Court? Nine– 10%
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson– 14%
What ocean is on the east coast of the United States? Atlantic– 61%
What are the two major political parities in the United States? Democratic and Republican– 43%
We elect a U.S. senator for how many years? Six– 11%
Who was the first President of the United States? George Washington– 23%
Who is in charge of the executive branch? The President– 29%Out of 1000 students surveyed, only 6 of them got more than 7 questions correct, and only 108 got more than half of the questions correct.
Full article
Keep in mind that over 90 percent of those wanting to becoming citizens of this country passed the test but only about 3 percent of our high school kids passed. If that does not scare you, you might be a product of the public school system. But, now knowing that our kids do not know anything about American stuff, what kind of scary system of government would you expect to evolve out of the Department of “Education” beast that is running the public schools of America? Or should I really say Department of Indoctrination Beast?
But Heck, ignorance about our nation did not just start in 2009 or we would not already have real scary big government socialist control freaks called “Czars” running the nation. Anyone want to be a Obama Czar for Halloween?? They are very scary people! They will kill the checks and balances of our Constitution for sure but the brain dead zombies coming out of our public indoctrination system know nothing about the law of our land.
People in Europe and America have let real scary socialist big government control freaks czars take control so these real scary control freaks are developing a real scary computerized system that will monitor and control everyone and everything on the planet. You can read about the development of such real scary stuff in this second article.
EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor “Abnormal Behavior”
The European Union is developing a 21st century panopticon, a beast surveillance system that critics describe as “Orwellian,” “sinister,” and “positively chilling,” that would collate data from numerous sources, including surveillance cameras and personal computers, in order to detect “abnormal behavior” across the entire continent.
The surveillance system, known as Project Indect, promises to collect information by way of “continuous monitoring” of “web sites, discussion forums, usenet groups, file servers, p2p networks [and] individual computer systems”. It will also use CCTV feeds and other surveillance methods to develop models of “suspicious behavior” by analyzing the pitch of people’s voices (suggesting that private conversations will be recorded) as well as “the way their bodies move”.
Its main objective will be the “automatic detection of threats and abnormal behavior or violence”.
According to Danish Institute for Human Rights researcher Peter Scharff, the Panopticon was intended to promote “self-regulation that was to be provoked by the constant surveillance”. The concept was eventually incorporated into many prisons that continue today as “podular” designs, which also maximizes the amount of people that can be controlled by one person. The fact that authorities are building societal prisons around us all today using the same basic methods of control is enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine and remind us once again that freedom is a myth.
This has nothing to do with catching criminals – as recent figures in the UK have proven, CCTV cameras have virtually no impact on crime whatsoever. This is all about letting the slaves know who their bosses are, it’s a psychological mind game set up to distinguish and reinforce the master-servant relationship between the state and the individual.
The endgame is to convince the individual that to express their freedom in public, to engage in any kind of protest or merely to question the power structure that surrounds them, is a “suspicious” act detrimental to society and that negative consequences will follow for any slave who dares to step outside of this invisible yet oppressive jail cell.
Now, after reading that you might want to know the real scary stuff on how the Czars will eventually hook everyone up to the Beast? I think this next article will give you the general scary idea. They plan to have direct neural links from your brain to the web and all other inventory on earth will also be linked to the web as well (yes, people will just become another part of the inventory of this Beast). That concept should really scare you because this is the 666 Beast buy sell system of Revelation.
Beware, a day is coming when you will not be able to buy or sell unless you take the neural chip that connects you to the world wide web and the top Czar Beast that is controlling everyone through his system. It is not fully developed yet but the real scary stuff is that it is now under development and it will become a real scary reality in just a decade or two probably just in time for celebration of some future Halloween. Meanwhile, all the Czars are moving all the brain dead zombies coming out of the state indoctrination systems toward that real scary dead end.
Google ‘evangelist’ sees web, brain implant link | Stuff.co.nz
Vint Cerf, vice-president and “chief internet evangelist” of tech giant Google, foresees the introduction of internet capability to existing neural interface technology such as cochlear implants, allowing, as an example, web radio played direct from computer to brain.
He is also involved in work to send internet infrastructure into space to create “a communications backbone between space-faring nations”.
Cerf predicts the falling cost and rising sophistication of programmable devices will allow the internet to be widely embedded in inanimate objects, leading to revolutions in automated shipping and inventory control.
Here is another scary thing that is going on. Children are being taught to praise Obama http://www.crosstalkblog.com/2009/09/children-taught-to-praise-obama/ (the lyrics are posted below the youtube video if you have dial-up connection)
I agree times are scary, I hold tightly to my bible, and continue to do my best to commit God’s precious Word more and more to memory. The day may soon come when I no longer have it in my hands.
Justin, that song was sung for Black HISTORY month while Obama was nothing more than a presidential candidate. Makes you wonder, what possible justification could any “educator” have for this ode to BHO.
That stupid tune has been stuck in my head all day…ARGGHH!
don just wondering what if a christian in the tribulation was forced against their will to get the mark. Would they go to hell?
The passage implies that all those who do not take the mark will not be able to buy or sell. That statement in itself implies that people will be given a choice to not take the mark. Also the word receiveth the mark implies the person is inviting the mark and in each of the passages it is used in conjunction with also worshiping the image of the Beast. You cannot receive and worship that which is forced on you.
Descendants of Adam make in the image of God were given a free gift from God to chose life by identifying with (baptism) and worshiping (making Him Lord) God’s only Image “Jesus Christ”. Here those that remain on earth will prove they are not children of God by identifying with (taking the mark) and worshiping (making him lord) a Image that is not Jesus Christ. Proving that they are really tares and children of the devil.
Here in Honduras the education is in crisis. The sindicates of teachers of public schools work in favor of socialist changes (is it the same in the US?). They have not given classes to the kids in 3 months because they are in favor of Mel Zelaya’s restitution on power. They have been going to manifestations on the street and have given full support to the socialist agenda of left winged politicians. My kids are going to a private christian school and meanwhile the kids of the public schools are learning nothing or worse, how to rebel against authority. I’ve been telling my wife that the situation here in is really unsustainable on long term. My son will have to deal with leftist bratts when he grows up.
By the way Eduardo, on the email you sent me, I replied to it twice but it was rejected by Yahoo. You might check your email account.
Anyway, here was my email response on your question for a source from a former full pretertist.
Hi Eduardo,
It will be interesting to see what happens in Honduras. I believe my wife
will be going there in November.
I do not know why people choose to have no understanding of the scriptures.
Here is a link to a blog from a former full preterist.
If the guy chooses to be blind there really is no point in dealing with him.
i assume you’re familiar with GEMATRIA. if not, i’m sure you can look it up.
applying it to our alphabet, the number of the word FOX is 666.
the owner of fox news is rupert murdoch. he comes from across the sea, and if you reverse the vowels in his name it will be pronounced MARDUK, which was the name of the chief god of ancient babylon.
happy trails!
English is not Greek or Hebrew so what numbers you assign to the English letters means absolutely nothing in relation to Bible prophecy.
Reversing the vowels in someone’s name only proves the crazy gynatstics that some will try to prove their pet theory. Those who look for such things are into scary stuff!
Another scary thing is that a Russia professor Igor Panarin predicts that America will break up in July of 2010. http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com/2009/10/america-to-break-up-soon.html
And most people do not see this coming.
Did you decided not to use twitter as a way to get more visitors?
I signed up for Twitter but there is already a Don Koenig on Twitter. I also find that Twitter is a real pain if you only have dial-up. I really could not see the purpose for being on Twitter so I deleted the account.
I was on twitter for about a month. I agree, it is pretty much useless. Not to mention makes one feel narcissistic. LOL
I think everyone following tricks and tweats on twitter is real scary stuff
“English is not Greek or Hebrew so what numbers you assign to the English letters means absolutely nothing in relation to Bible prophecy.
“Reversing the vowels in someone’s name only proves the crazy gynatstics that some will try to prove their pet theory. Those who look for such things are into scary stuff!”
is that a fact?
how did you get so all-knowing?
Don’s right. Numerology is not based on any verses in the Bible. Jesus himself said that no one knows the day of the rapture, only the Father in heaven.
D Nova,
By a lot of study and learning. So what I said is just a fact.
don: LOL!
you are a very funny guy (unless i assumed incorrectly that your comment was tongue in cheek, because otherwise you’d be a smug know-it-all, which couldn’t be the case, now, could it?)!
btw, frank, how do you explain the reference in REV to the number of the beast? gematria is old enough to account for it.
also, don, hebrew letters are consonants only, not vowels, whose symbols are often omitted in writing, so both marduk and murdoch would be written as the hebrew equivalent of MRDK.
as for gematria not applying to our alphabet, why not? the method, once invented, stands available for wider use.
I was referring to using numerology to try to discern when the Rapture would take place or any other future event. The number of the beast is not numerology.
wake up, frank: i’m discussing the number, not the rapture. you didn’t answer my question.
Wake-up and re-read Don’s post about the numbers in Greek and Hebrew.
apparently we’ve entered the tower of babel.
re-read my reply to don.
d nova, I think I understand baloney when I hear it. That is a God given gift. If you have a problem with that take it up with Him.
English is not Hebrew. There is no numbers and letter equivalents in English. I am aware that ancient Hebrew has no vowels. But you are comparing apples and oranges.
FOX does not mean 666 in Hebrew and just because you can play word game on the owners last name means nothing. If you are going to start mixing letters and languages and assigning profound meanings to the owner of corporations based on that you qualify as a space cadet.
Now I hope people will get more on the real scary topic because if you stay on this line of attacks you will be flying off on your broomstick before Halloween.
ah! the voice of da master! from your keyboard to god’s ears. or something.
right. “English is not Hebrew” and “FOX does not mean 666 in Hebrew….”
but i repeat: the number of the word FOX is 666.
We all need a good laugh which one of the English gematria calculators are you using? FOX in mine only adds up to 270. Maybe I should have added Murdoch’s weigh???.
The real point is that if you are going to look for endless combinations of words and phrase you are always going to find some word or phrase that fits your fancy. If CBS and Katie Couric’s grandmother’s last name added up to 666 I am sure someone would find some connection to one of the owners or the name of their dog.
They play the same games with the Bible codes. They put in endless combination into the computer until they hit on one phrases that works with something they are looking for. These people know nothing about statistics and probabilities.
and how, pray tell, did you arrive at that?
Type Fox into this germatria calculator and pray and tell what you get.
all of the videos are scary but when i saw it it freaked me out.
i love scary stories but some give me a fright