The postmodern movement moves to the past to relearn traditions of men and old doctrines of demons

I think much of the postmodern movement are made up of those who are just too damn lazy to study the Bible. It is so much easier for them to learn to contemplate their navel until “divine” revelation pops into their head. The leaders of this movement are quite different and deceptive, they know exactly where they are taking this group. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Paul warned us about. If they do not qualify I would like to know who does?

If you notice it is not just happening in Christianity the old pagan practices spouted by media stars are also coming back to the future to the world in brand new wrappers.… continue reading

Black Teflon

Amen to what this black man says about the Obama’s that nobody is allowed to criticize just because they are black. Yet, you will not hear a peep out of these same people when it does not serve there own black instructs.

Our next Teflon president?

Where is the outrage by blacks who feign insult and cry racism when Barack Obama, the potential next president, pledges his uncompromised support of abortion – and thus tangential support of Planned Parenthood?Planned Parenthood is the progeny of Margaret Sanger, who said there was an “ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.”

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If the Bell is warped it will not ring true.

Ken Silva asks some fair questions in this article about the message you are hearing from Ron bell and others.


Below here at Apprising Ministries you will see beyond a shadow of a doubt that emerging church pastor Rob Bell agrees with New Age priestess Marianne Williamson concerning the nature of man. The question that needs to be asked is: What kind of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ could agree with the lie from the pit of Hell you’ll see within? But it is this kind of lunacy in the Lord that we are getting leaders in the Emergent Church like the Elvis of Emergent Rob Bell.

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A model for blasphemy

You be the judge.


May I encourage you to be a Berean today. Examine its claims with the Word of God and then let me know your thoughts. And be forewarned: the way Mark refers to the Lord Jesus Christ is blasphemous; the way he wrests Scripture is unnerving; and the way he views the text of Song of Solomon is pornographic.

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Obama and Oprah receive the O’s and ah’s of earth’s idol worshipers.

It would not surprise me if Obama gives Oprah a Cabinet level position. In fact I think is is most likely. She helped make Obama the Idol he is. Oprah has money and fame now all she needs is high governmental powers to further her neo-pagan new spirituality agenda. It will be the perfect intolerant government for all that oppose their self deceived elitist Leftist, socialist, universalistic, self-righteous, neo-fascist administration.

Some think of Oprah as a god on earth and I am sure in her own “self enlightened” mind that she believes she has plenty of divine attributes.

Obviously there are some of us who think that millions are being deceived by these secret agents of Satan.… continue reading

Beer and wine use among Christians

I know where I stand on this issue. Drinking was in common place in the early church but obviously getting drunk and being a every day drunkard was never acceptable. Martin Luther and John Calvin and the Catholics believed it was a gift of God. It still is considered that by most in Christianity today when used in moderation. Having said that, it is not acceptable to get intoxicated in the worship service but moderate use  of alcohol should be acceptable in feasts and social gatherings.

Abuses by some led certain feminists to push their own views on everyone else through dominionist laws while most of our men were off to war.… continue reading

One well placed rocket will cause a new Middle East war.

It really is a matter of when not if. Rockets are being launched into Israel every day. It is just a matter of time before one hits a target that kills many people. Then all hell will break loose. That is why any talk of peace while the terrorist enemies of Israel are gathering thousand of rockets and are free to launch them against Israel is just plain demented thinking. Until the terrorists can be stopped their can be no peace. Israel might as well just wake to that fact and eliminate them. It is like the US declaring peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan while the resistance is going stronger than ever.… continue reading

Recent teachings on prayer and experiencing God misleads Christians

Here is a good commentary by Bob DeWaay on popular teachings that are now leading many Christians astray by equating images and thoughts formed in their own mind with answers from God or Experiencing God. Mysticism has a history of leading Christians astray and it will be no different with these who replace God’s word with extra-biblical techniques and experiences.

Critical Issues Commentary: Unbiblical Teachings on Prayer and Experiencing God

To a Christian, praying to God is privilege, a blessing, and a Biblically defined responsibility. We are called to pray. But a genre of literature exists that I call “prayer secrets.”

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A Religious UN in Rome is proposed.

Powerful figures have proposed a body that will speak with a united voice for world religion. I don’t thing that this should surprise Bible prophecy students or the fact that it will be set up in Rome. Revelation says the Harlot woman rides the Beast and the Harlot woman sets up in a city that could only be Rome.

Prophecy News Watch – Biblical Prophecy in the News

The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and Pope Benedict XVI.Veltroni

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Homeschooling becoming outlawed.

I have said that when people start taking kids out of public schools in California that they will start outlawing home schooling like they do in Germany. The court basically said that parents or even Christian homeschooling programs are not state approved programs. The court has declared that home schooling does not promote social interaction outside the family, it does not allow state social nanny police to determine if the child is brought up properly and they say that home schooling will be emotionally damaging. In other words parent home teaching will be outlawed by these socialist Nazis.

When the next administration takes over you can be sure that this will be the law nationwide.… continue reading

The departure of Christians from mainline churches will be followed by Christians in the Emergent Churches

The author warns that the mainline churches declined because they departed from the scripture. He says the emergent church movement is following in their footsteps and Christians will depart. I think the difference will be that the Emergent Churches will continue to grow but not with Christians, with New Spirituality pagans calling themselves Christians.

The New Mainline – CWN

Even a peripheral examination of the current fads and trends within Evangelicalism show a shocking trend. Those were have been characterized by a strict adherence to the authority of scripture are starting to walk in the footsteps of their mainline counterparts. The Emergent Church that seems to gain strength daily is characterized, to a great extent, by the same propensities as those who led mainline Protestantism into oblivion.

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The big shift to the great apostasy and its doctrines of demons.

I hardly knew what to do with this article because I hate quoting so much of anyone’s writing but in this case i think it is necessary. I really want you to read this entire article for yourself because you need to know where all the “New Spirituality” you hear on Oprah and the “shift” talk of the emergent movement and the popular feel good ministers of TV are taking people.

If this article does not convince you that we are the verge of the great apostasy of “Christianity” I guess nothing will wake you up. What follows are some clip quotes from the article but you really have to read the full article to get the full flavor of this.… continue reading

Comparing The life of Jesus with the life of Muhammad

This is a great article that compares the life of Jesus with the life of Muhammad. When one looks at the life of the founders of the two religion there really is no comparison between the two.

One point though, if anyone really thinks the world is 33 percent Christian they do not know what a Christian is. I will admit that 33 percent of the world identify with Christianity but that is not the same thing as them being Christians.

Jesus and Muhammad compared

What motivates fundamental Muslims to violence? Much effort has gone into answering this. Muslim apologists are quick to point out Christians have also committed violence.

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Chuck Baldwin equates international bankers with moneychangers in God’s temple?

Chuck Baldwin usually has some good points as he does in this article but some of what he says is simply way off the mark.

Chuck makes a huge leap by saying the moneychangers in the temple were the equivalent of the international bankers of our day. First of all, they are not. They would be more the equivalent of a local exchange service changing dollars for peso’s or dollars for Canadian loonies. Jesus did not throw them out of the temple because they were international bankers and international power brokers. He threw them out of the temple because they were making money on money that was meant to be be given to God in tithes and offerings.… continue reading

Global socialism will lead to fascism and the Beast Antichrist

This is a really great article on socialism and fascism it should help you to understand it better, why it will fail and why it always end up in dictatorship. Then he begs the question, if the world is going socialist what will the global dictatorship it will evolve into look like? The answer of course is the Beast.

The world is already going socialist in many ways. If the US elects a socialist leader like Obama or Clinton the world will be well into the start of the global socialist cycle that he implies. If that is true the Beast Antichrist global dictator is not far behind.… continue reading

Bank of America and their un-American activities

Bank of America has the most arrogant phone staff that I have ever encountered. Once when I noticed that they were charging me large fees for several months on a checking account that I had since changed to a non fee account. I called them trying to correct their error and get back my money.

After playing the phone game with their first line of defense and finding no one who would give me back my money no matter how I explained the issue. I asked to speak to the supervisor of the first line of defense supervisor who told me that it was my fault for not checking the monthly bank statements.… continue reading

Biblical texts often taken out of context by prosperity teachers and others

Three biblical texts that are often taken out of context by health, wealth and prosperity teachers


Here are three of the most taken out of context, misplaced, misapplied, misappropriated, and misinterpreted Bible verses that we hear. All three of these verses are found in Matthew 18:18-20; all three of these verses have to do with church discipline; and all three of these verses can mean only one thing in their proper context. Let’s take a look…

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“The Shack” is “The Message” outhouse.

“The Shack” is not about a basketball player it is a book that twists the Gospel. If you are buying into the message of this book thought up in an outhouse you are buying into damnable heresy. The endorsement on the cover of this heretical book is from Eugene Peterson, author of “The Message”. “This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ did for his. It’s that good!” Eugene Peterson, author of The Message (Front cover endorsement)

I for one am fed up with those who quote “The Message” as if it were the Bible.continue reading

Neale Donald Walsch conversations with the Devil promote witchcraft

When people are in rebellion against God’s truth they always end up embracing the lie of the Devil to man from the beginning. That man can become like God. Neale Donald Walsch is quoted, pushed, and followed by some who claim to be Christians. His “Conversations with God” is nothing more than conversations with his own demonic spirits. if you do not know about Walsch, Wicca and Witchcraft it is time you found out because it is now everywhere and even taught in some apostate churches.

Why so many Americans are embracing witchcraft

By golly, I think I’m beginning to understand why millions of people
love Neale Donald Walsch and his god!

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Can Evangelical Christians practice Wicca and support what God calls abominations?

Lets be clear about one thing. Evangelical Christians are not taking part in Wicca. People who call themselves Evangelical Christians are getting involved in Wicca. Just because people go to a so called evangelical denomination does not make them a Christian.

I read another article today that talked about how Evangelicals were supporting Democratic political figures like Obama and Hillary. Many that call themselves Evangelicals have moved to the Far Left because absolute truths of the Bible mean nothing to them. They are just following what they learn from worldly media. This just shows that many in the Evangelical churches never learned or never believed the truths in the Bible in the first place.… continue reading