1984 was prophetic about the world in 2024 but the prototype is already under development in Britain and China.

George Orwell’s prophetic book “1984” where big government controls everyone and everything has already arrived in Great Britain and China and if Americans continue to go down the road of the socialist control freaks now in power we are only trailing them by a few years. If the present trends in America continue we will have many phases of George Orwell’s 1984 world right here by 2014 and the whole world will be under total Big Brother control by 2024.

What was written in this book that was to come to pass in 1984 will come to pass forty years later.… continue reading

An asylum island like Australia needed for the criminally sane

Patrice Lewis wrote a good article about the paranoia that should be quite normal if we are still among the sane. That is especially true in light of the big change that government is now forcing on the sane people that remain in America. The still sane that reject the free government candy suckers for liberal suckers and that have overcome the endless brainwashing coming from government, media, and our schools increasingly want out of the funny farm that is under rapid and rabid development by liberal progressive fascist control freak socialists.

The problem is that now there seems to be no where on earth for the criminally sane to escape the inmates of the earth funny farm.… continue reading

Rupert Murdoch’s charging for news scheme.

I know that is off topic for this blog but it affects my blog and all who blog about news indirectly.

Rupert Murdoch has made it clear that his media empire is about to start charging people to read Internet news that would include Fox News as well as many others. He also expects other Internet news sites to follow suit. I do not know what world Rupert Murdoch is now living on he certainly is not living on Internet earth. Murdoch has been wrong about a lot of things lately and is losing a lot of money because of such irrational thinking.… continue reading

Willow Creek leadership conference: The making of a Harlot

An interesting article was written by Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. She talks about the 2009 leadership conference or summit lead by Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek Association. Two of the guest speakers for this “leadership” conference will be Tony Blair and Rock Star Bono.

Why would any Christian go to a Christian leadership conference to hear from Tony Blair and Bono? They both are all-paths pseudo Christian heretics. Seems to me that Bill Hybels job was to first dumb down Christianity with his seeker friendly program and then steer the pseudo Christians under his influence into the end time one world religion Harlot of Bible prophecy described in Revelation chapter 17.… continue reading

Barack Obama is not found in the Bible and Obama is not the Antichrist

It simply amazes me what people think that they find in the Bible and then publish on the Internet. I get emails much too often from people who think they found what everyone else missed in the Bible and it usually relates to some strange interpretation of end time Bible prophecy. There are some people who seem to do nothing but look for cryptic messages in the Bible in order to impress other people with their faulty detective work and deficient analytical skills.

This particular piece published on YouTube about Barack Obama being the Antichrist would be humorous if so many people did not take dumb on YouTube seriously and then just pass it on to dumber to try to convince biblically illiterate people that do not like Obama that Obama is the Antichrist.… continue reading

Going back to irrational exuberance

During the past two weeks I have been relocating to the Ozarks. The comments are now opened again on all posts. I will be quite busy off and on until I get settled here so your comments could take a day to appear at times. I probably will not have a lot of time for new posts either for a few weeks.

I see while I was gone the nation has gone back to irrational exuberance as if the worst is now over. Don’t bet on it! There is a whole other shoe to drop on home foreclosures and commercial real estate foreclosures are also about to hit the banks.… continue reading

The change in America during the first six months under Obama

I thought I would make a progress report on how America is changing under the Obama administration’s promise of change before I take a little break for my upcoming physical relocation to another state.

First lets talk about the economy under the Obama administration of the last six months.

We were told that if congress passed the nearly trillion dollar stimulus package it would keep unemployment below 8 percent. Right now we are at 9.5 percent and it is likely to go to 11 percent by early next year.  If you also count the people the government no longer counts such as those who gave up looking for work and those forced to work part time the real unemployment will soon approach 20 percent.… continue reading

Pastors, if you enable tyranny, after the second American Revolution you may be found guilty of treason, even if you use Romans 13 as your excuse.

If you are one of those pastors who willfully allow yourself to be used as an agent by some hypothetical tyrannical government to enable an illegal government to carry out their tyranny against the American people you will be guilty of treason. If you take part in the subversion of the rights guaranteed to Americans under the second Amendment to our Constitution or any of the other rights guaranteed by our Constitution given to us for the protection of “We the People” of the United States of America from such tyranny, you might rightfully be tried for treason during or after the second American Revolution.continue reading

The Russians are coming! Pravda is visiting my website.

Today I see that the English version of Pravda has posted a major portion of one of my articles on their news website.

The article I wrote is called “Break up of the United States of America and Civil Upheavels – Imminent Danger #6 it is part of my imminent danger series. I wrote this sixth article in the series last year.

I do not mind that Pravda has posted this since they did not publish the whole article and they do provide a link to the full article. They also credited me with writing the article so that is fine.… continue reading

Prepare for the great American blackout!

With the title Prepare for the great American blackout! I bet you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I have come to the conclusion that in about five years most of those who are still living in America will be living without electricity. The whole nation will experience a major prolonged blackout that will last many months, perhaps even years. Many if not most of the people living in the cities in America would not survive the aftermaths of the coming electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hundreds of miles over the United States.  That is my conclusion why America is not in Bible prophecy.continue reading

Southern Baptist membership not showing up at the weekly sugar shack.

Jim Elliff hits the nail on the head in this article about Southern Baptist membership not showing up. Most Southern Baptist members do not attend more than once or twice a month if at all. I cannot do the article justice by the few quotes of his that I quoted below so you will have to read the full article below.

First, I will make my own observations and comments on this subject. They probably will not totally agree with Elliff’s observations and conclusions.

The issue in this article is why Southern Baptists do not faithfully attend their gathering and what should be done about it?… continue reading

The emerging emergent threat from postmodern Christians

While some Christians still get upset enough with government to contract their congressmen and talk about throwing the bums out of office, it seems that many Christians do nothing about the wolves in sheep’s clothing that have infiltrated their own churches.

The threat comes from postmodern leaders with its redefining of Christianity and the Bible. The threat is also known as the Emergent Church. The Emergent Movement now threatens to subvert once evangelical denominations. The Emergent movement is now a major emerging threat in the Nazarene denomination and is also a big threat in Baptists churches and others.

If you do not know what the big deal is about from this Emergent threat click on the link above and read the articles from Eric Bager and find out.… continue reading

The revived Mediterranean Union will also be the revived Roman Empire

(Revised edition)

I have been saying that the Mediterranean Union (MU) will be the actual revived Roman Empire and not the EU alignment that we see today because many of the nations in the EU do not belong in the land area of  the old Roman Empire and others that belong in it are missing from the EU. Some have said I am wrong because the MU idea was recently not well received by certain nations. However, that is changing, it looks like Sorkozy’s MU idea will take root after all.

The Mediterranean Union as the revived Roman Empire makes more sense to me than the present EU for a lot of prophetic reasons.… continue reading

Revolution in Iran may bring moderation and solve the nuclear issue for Israel

It is interesting times in Iran these days. When 1 in 6 of all Iranians take part in the demonstrations in the streets of Tehran in rage against the fraudulent election results you know things are a changing in Iran. The Iranian people are taking to the streets knowing that they will be in danger from the Islamofascists running the nation. Their Islamic taskmasters are even using foreign hired Arab thugs to put fear in the people. You can be sure when city streets are totally filled with people that things are soon likely to change.

It seems to me that the Islamofascists are rapidly losing control of Iran and that Iran is now ripe for a cultural revolution.… continue reading

Telling the truth to Israel in these last days

While reading Carla’s excellent and always discerning More Books and Things blog I came across an article that I think needs further attention by those who study world events and Bible prophecy. I might not agree with every single point in this article but I certainly agree with Prof. Malan’s major concepts.

Bible prophecy teachers seem to convey that Israel today is in the will of God. Therefore they suggest we better not do anything that could be conveyed as touching the apple of God’s eye. Some even suggest that if we do not bless this largely atheist nation that God will judge our nation.… continue reading

I confess I do not pray God bless America.

Saying I do not pray God Bless America might sound like a unpatriotic unchristian heresy to some. However, there was a time when God told Jeremiah not to pray for Judah because the peoples hearts were far from Him and they loved to believe lies. America is not even a called out nation like ancient Israel and Judah but America certainly is just as evil as they were just before their destruction.

Can anyone even come up with a passage that tells the Church to pray for Gentile nations on the earth anyway? The Bible tells us to pray for those appointed over us for the sake of the Church, so that the Church can live peacefully on the earth.… continue reading

America may be in a inflationary depression by 2011 and a world war by 2012.

Gerald Celente is interviewed by Human Events in my quoted article and like usual world trends forecaster Gerald Celente has some interesting things to say. I see things pretty much happening the way that Celente is saying myself. If you see any green shoots coming from this administration’s nutty economic policies you better pick them and convert them into something useful while you still can. Housing is not going to recover with all the unemployment, repossessions, and the now rising interest rates. The interest rates have to rise because no one wants to finance our risky debt anymore. So our government will just print the money they need causing the crash of the dollar and making a great recession into a great hyper inflationary depression.… continue reading

Hearing the death rattles of radical Islam before the great awakening

Frontpage did a great interview with Fr. Zakaria Botros on the teachings of Muhammad. For those wondering why Islam will collapse and will not be the Beast of Revelation I think this article indirectly gives us part of the answer. The whole foundations of Islam are built on the babblings of a mentally ill demon possessed person. Sooner or later Muslims are going to come to know what their own scriptures say and see  that much of Muhammad said is contradictory and demented. The main reasons why Islam is spreading now and is a threat to the world is due to four factors:

1.… continue reading

Seven dispensations all result in failure to save those who will not believe

This is another good teaching by Jack Kelley on the seven dispensations and why mankind fails in all of them. Dispensationalism is sometimes misunderstood. Dispensationalism is not different ways to find salvation; it is different rules for living in each dispensation for those who can be saved on the basis of their faith in God. Man is saved by God’s grace through man’s faith in all seven dispensations.

These seven different ways of God dealing with man on earth are probably demonstrations to man, angels and all creation about the sin nature of man and Satan. No matter how God deals with man on earth Satanic deception comes and most of mankind rejects God.… continue reading

The Church like Enoch was born on Pentecost and may be Raptured on Pentecost.

I believe that it is very possible that the Church will be taken alive to Heaven on Pentecost on the very same feast day when the Bride of Christ was born. The Church like Enoch was born on Pentecost and tradition tells us Enoch was taken on Pentecost. Enoch was taken because he walked with God before the judgment of the flood. The bride of Christ will also not reap the coming judgment of God because she is the Bride of Christ. Only after Jesus takes his rightful role as King of Israel and takes a Gentile bride can Israel’s promised restoration come.… continue reading