If something like the raid on the Bin Laden hideout in Pakistan took place on the “24 Hours” series or the “The Unit” series I would be saying that this is good fiction but I don’t think it is very realistic.
After ten years the President of the United States suddenly finds the most wanted man in the world and then instead of bombing the place takes the very high risk of sending in special forces to get him. You would think if they decided to send in special forces it is because they wanted to take him alive. After all, Bin Laden would know if al Qaeda had access to nukes or some other weapon of mass destruction, so why would you kill him?
The unit that when in met almost no resistance and nobody was shooting at them in the part of the compound that Bin Laden was in but they still shot him in the head anyway? Then they make a video on a ship and they dump what they claim is his body at sea all within a few hours of the attack so that nobody can view his dead body? I guess it really could have happened that way but how can anyone ever be sure it did?
If I was President Palmer or Obama or whomever fits the acting role or even some unknown person that was really running this operation, I would have wanted Bin Laden taken alive if at all possible (and it was) so that I could get my Jack Bauer character to torture him and abstract everything he knows about the ongoing al-Qaeda operations.
I also would want the world to believe that Osama Bin Laden was killed so that they would not know that he was a prisoner and so they would not know that my Jack Bauer character was “interrogating” him. I also would want al-Qaeda to believe he was dead so that they would not be concerned that Bin Laden could expose them in the future. (didn’t I see something like this on a “24 Hours” episode?)
So how do we really know that Bin Laden is dead and not really on some ship somewhere with a real life character like Jack Bauer? How could we know? The whole death thing can be staged they do it on TV all the time. You can get DNA from a live man as easy as you can from a dead man so the DNA does not prove that Bin Laden is dead. A photo of Bin Laden with a hole in his head proves nothing since photos are easily faked.
Who even saw Bin Laden get killed other than the unit? Even death can be faked as Jack Bauer showed us on TV. Perhaps Bin Laden’s wife did claim she witnessed the shooting but shootings can be faked with a wax bullet. We also do not know what might be in it for his wife to lie. Why was she the only one to survive?
I assure you those Seals involved in this would be sworn to secrecy and they are not the type that are going to be talking if Bin Laden is alive spilling his guts on the hold of a ship somewhere exposing terrorists that want to kill Americans. When they get all they can out of Bin Laden they can just kill him and dump him at sea. Who would be the wiser?
Maybe even Obama and his advisers are being kept in the dark, who really knows? One thing I do know is that if all of sudden we are rounding up top al-Qaeda and that is making this administration look good, we might just wonder who is talking. You might say this is a conspiracy theory but if it’s actually done in the name of national security to protect Americans from terrorist attacks who would dare call it a conspiracy, even if it was exposed?
To: Agent Mulder & Scully,
Yes, I do wish that Jack Bauer and Sayid Jarrah (from LOST) were interrogating people like Osama…and Obama for that matter.
Don, You are spot on. The story is way too simplistic. He might even still be alive only to be killed later. I think they would have to interrogate the heck out of him. I also think the pansy liberal politicians don’t know either. They are probably believing this fantasy story. Someone way high up had to have staged this, then did a “ceremony” for this monster??!! The ceremony plays into the hands of the liberal insane PC crowd.
I also read that it is biologically impossible to obtain DNA results from anyone within a 12-24hr period like the story goes. It takes almost a full week to get a positive and accurate match. Also a lab of the sophistication needed would not be on an aircraft carrier.
Its all made up.
oh brother…if this administration was one we trusted, or had voted for, we all would believe every word our beloved President would have to say. But we don’t and we didn’t so nothing is as it seems, everything is smoke and mirrors. How fun.
How about this scenario? UBL is the Anti-Christ who should shortly appear alive once again after having received a mortal head wound!! Somehow, if we all put our heads together we can figure out how to assign him some Italian ancestry.
What about his wife’s testimony? Was she there in the shooting? What is she saying?
On what basis did al-Qaeda declared him dead? What is the benefit for al-Qaeda declaring him dead?
The Truth Is Out There ~
Logical fallacies of the sort featured in Ammi’s response are quickly becoming a pet peeve of mine. The rationale for such arguments is that somehow, just because we don’t like Obama and/or his policies, we are, by default, so inherently biased that our criticism must be overblown, inaccurate, paranoid/delusional, racist (probably the most popular one amongst the media), fear-mongering, etc; and thus immediately discarded. Never mind that, as far back as Kant — if not further — it has been shown that it is impossible for a person *not* to be biased, to one degree or another and in one way or another, in approaching non-quantitative matters. Which in and of itself renders claims of bias not only moot, but silly. Furthermore, such statements totally circumvent the real question, which in this case would be, is there a legitimate basis for questioning the Obama administration’s official narrative? Based on the number of contradictory statements which have been made by this administration regarding the attack and OBL’s death, the fact that the official story has a number of gaping holes in it that haven’t been explained and at present seem inexplicable, past evidence that this president and his administration cannot be trusted to tell the truth — particularly when lying would lead to a perceived political advantage — and a long history of obfuscation on the part of intelligence agencies and the government as a whole, the answer would have to be yes.
And then, note how Ammi goes on to fallaciously equate Don’s scenario — which at the very least makes more sense than the official narrative, and helps explain the strange way this whole incident has played out — with something truly ludicrous: that OBL, who is either dead or will be in the near future, is the anti-christ [despite the fact that, as far as I can tell, there’s no reason that the antichrist has to die and rise from the dead (or appear to do these things) at all, as the reference could be to a government rather than a person, or even something else entirely]; a scenario all the more ridiculous because it ignores the fact that the antichrist doesn’t appear on the scene until after the Rapture. This comparison is a farce; there is legitimate reason to question the OBL death narrative, and absolutely no legitimate reason to consider OBL to be the antichrist, which is why it’s a logical fallacy.
Having said all this, do I agree with Don? I’m currently undecided. But I do tend to think that OBL, regardless of the how, is dead; also, I expect he is coming to the unpleasant realization that, far from receiving 72 virgins for himself, he *is* one of the 72 virgins.
“and absolutely no legitimate reason to consider OBL to be the antichrist, which is why it’s a logical fallacy.”
Those of us who have followed this blog for some time and know Ammi from previous comments recognise his was a ‘tongue in cheek’ comment.
His comment “Somehow, if we all put our heads together we can figure out how to assign him (OBL)some Italian ancestry” shows this very clearly. Your criticisms of him are misplaced.
I think Brian the Aussie is right. Since we can only read what Ammi says, we can’t see his facial expression. His “tongue in cheek” comments should not be taken literally.
I agree, Nick missed AMMI’s obvious sarcasm even though he included a big smiley face. But I also think Nick added some good discussion about the Obama administration and it’s un-earned believability and OBL.
On the Internet, it is easy to take people wrong when you are not familiar with their prior points of view and cannot see their expressions to determine that what was said was “tongue in cheek”.
Sorry to have hit a nerve, Nick, I was just trying to insert a little humor into an otherwise grave set of circumstances. No pun intended. Thanks for the grace from the rest of you.
Now, on to the seriousness of Don’s blog;
Our current commander in chief is either an absolute, naive, over his head POLITICIAN, or he is as wily as a fox, intent on 1. getting re-elected, 2. a revolutionist in a nice conservative suit, 3. on a course to bring down this nation from its super (oppressor) power status 4. regulating our lives and businesses so as to reduce and or redistribute our many and potential assests and resources until we become a third world country, 5. let each reader add his own idea.
The point is we can not know for sure what the truth is. We are being fed and leaked information that we can not verify. (They can’t even come to a concensus on how to spell the dead guy’s name, so it’s no wonder to me that there are other discrepancies. Usama or Osama?) I was just getting tired of all the conjecture. If he is dead, good. If not, he will be eventually. We are called to peace and the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And while being about the kingdom business we are to be praying for our enemies, even our political ones. (I confess I could be better at this.)
Here is a little joke which I believe is still on topic;
A guy walks into a bar and asks for an osama bin laden. Bartender says, ‘what’s that?” The customer replies, “a couple of shots and a splash of water.”
I’m celebrating Mother’s day at the seaside. I’m not a him, they don’t use smiley faces cuz life is too damn serious!!!
Maybe the powers the be have decided that if you can make the majority of Americans look crazy and unstable for questioning a President’s birth certificate then why not try something like this?
Happy Mother’s Day, Ammi. Is Ammi pronounced “Amy?”
Thanks, but no on the pronouncement. It’s a Hebrew word, the ‘a’ is soft and sounds like apple. Amee. It means “my people” and in answer to the next question, I’m not, to my knowledge, Jewish.
I liked what Don said about being able to get DNA from a live person, but I still think he is probably very dead, after all didn’t al Qaeda verify that? I know, I know, who should we believe, our own administration or the enemy? Neither? How sad is that? How it must grieve the Lord’s heart to see once again that “the wickedness of man is great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually.” We who are righteous, only because of Christ’s atoning blood and nothing else, should be alert and ready because “the door of the ark is about to close” once again.
I am so delighted that the King of the Universe is fully capable and powerfully able to deal with all the bad people out there. I would rather not spend my time, as the media does, dissecting, questioning and second guessing every detail about the operation in Pakistan because it’s unsettling to me. Practicing Phil. 4:8 gives me a calm and peaceful spirit, which in turn encourages me towards assurance and confidence that God is in control.
Final word;I find Don’s blogs to be informative and entertaining and the comments from readers are probably reflective of many believers and I enjoy reading them. Maranatha
I simply do not know how it is even possible to get a DNA test completed in a few hours because just hours later he was supposedly positively identified by DNA. If anyone knows of an expect that says it can be done that fast I would like to hear about it? Because everything that I read says a high probability DNA match cannot be done that quickly. Then another twist is perhaps they want us to believe that they bought the story.
Al Qaeda reads the sames world news stories. They do not really know what happened to Bin Laden that day. They could not know if he is dead or on a ship hold somewhere spilling his guts. Governments continually give out misinformation to the enemy. Al Qaeda would obviously know that he is not available anymore and assume he is dead from all the reports but I do not see how they could possibly know anything about Bin Laden other that what our governments wants them to know.
Heck, we still do not know what happened to Hitler’s body but government fed people a line about his identification and death in a bunker anyway. And who really killed JFK and those around the Cinton’s Everything is not always as those in power want us to believe. In fact, I would not believe anything coming from the group of pathological liars running this administration.
Panetta is probably suddenly silent because someone whispered in his ear: “Remember Ft. Marcy Park”
I had heard there was a DNA “controversy,” but was not aware of details.
I watch al jazeera and mosaic news everyday. I see funerals and protests daily in Syria… Egypt…etc…where they have pictures of people who were killed or caskets (not sure what they call them) What I want to know is WHERE are the bodies of others who were killed in the OBL raid… are there no brothers, mothers, daughters, sons who are out in the streets screaming about their relatives being killed and not given “proper” muslim burial???
I have been looking, cant find any info on others who were killed there… NONE
Ammi, I apologize for misunderstanding your intent. Unfortunately, I really do see/hear people making such arguments all the time, so I took you at your word; having not read any of your previous posts, I failed to recognize that you weren’t serious.
California Diver on a Mission to Find Bin Laden’s Body on the Sea Floor.