Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).
Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).
Need I say anything more. I do not know how we can make it any more clear to Christians that what is being taught and promoted on Oprah is doctrines of demons. Many “Christians” are taking part in the very deceptions that Paul warned us would come in the last days that would lead people into the end time Apostasy. Can it be any clearer that this universal God conscious religion of Eckhart Tolle and Oprah is from Satan? My question to those who call themselves Christians and still watch Oprah, is why? Do you think you will get light from her darkness?
Where do you think all this rethinking in the emerging church movement is originating from? I have to say to those who watch and repeat the deceptions seen on Oprah, if you can be that biblically illiterate and that easily led astray by doctrines of demons to follow another gospel, what makes you think you are a Christian? Or is “Christianity” just a convenient name for your demonic spirituality like Oprah?
Berit Kjos — Oprah and Tolle Fuel New Age Revival
“This book’s main purpose is … to bring about a shift in consciousness…. Not everyone is ready yet, but many are, and with each person who awakens, the momentum in the collective consciousness grows.”[1,p.6-7] Eckhart Tolle”Oprah is helping propel the spiritual enlightenment book [New Earth] to dizzying heights, thanks to an unprecedented online promotion that includes a 10-week interactive Webcast discussion…”[2]
“I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christianity.”[2] Oprah Winfrey
“Since the spiritual climate has changed, “enlightened” prophets expect the current awakening to reach a critical mass that will usher all of humanity (except uncompromising resisters) into the New Earth: a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (which has nothing in common with the Biblical heaven). Detached from “form,” the people will know their identity as “I AM,” or universal” Consciousness.”
i am so glad that there are Christians out there exposing this for what it is. it is truly scary and satanic.
Jesus Christ is the only one who can say, “I AM” and then put a period after it.
While watching Oprah’s show today regarding The New Earth, I was taken aback with her comment, “Jesus had a christ consciousness.” I say, No he did not! Jesus IS Christ!
Saying,”Jesus had a christ consciousness” would be like Elkhart informing Oprah that she was not Oprah per se but one who was having an “Oprah consciousness,” and then proceed to encourage the whole world to practice “Oprah consciousness,” too.
God is a jealous God; He shares his glory with no one.
I have included this blog in mine and have quoted you and recognized your website by creating a link back to your site. Very good work! I am adding you to my blogroll! God bless you
Thanks Kenya, great write up on your http://anointedvessel.wordpress.com/ Blog on Oprah.
God be with you.
Thanks Don
God bless!
And what makes this even more dangerous — than say, Tom Cruise promoting Scientology — is that just about everyone likes Oprah. Oprah doesn’t seem threatening to most people. And who doesn’t believe in spirituality…whatever that is…?
This is bad, folks. And it’s not like anyone can sue — she’s not ‘encouraging’ the nation to stop eating beef…just to start corrupting their Christian faith.
– LaVrai, http://www.lavrai.com/blogs
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
I’m starting to wonder if Oprah is the Anti-Christ… Well, it will be someone like her.. after all, the Anti-Christ would not come in the form of some poor guy on the street
Those who are going to be deceived into following these teachings have no idea what they are getting into. It is obvious that these are the doctrines of the devil and l thank you for highlighting this issue here. The oddest thing is to see Christians being taken for a ride by this devil’s messages. l wonder how truly Christian they are or were in the first place. My conclusion is that whoever is going to be fooled here did not have enough faith in the first place.
l am glad that many are seeing through Oprah now, it is time we stopped looking up to her as our mentor, l know she has done many good things and l thank her for that. But she is not going to drag me into some form of devil worship which is actually not new.
Many occult religions teach the belief on self as deity. It also incorporates theism.
We have been warned that the last days this kind of teachings will come, yet here we are Christians ignoring these warnings.
Thank you again Don for this timely message
Thank you Anne for your excellent comments.
Oprah tries very hard to teach people how they can gain the whole world but those who take the path she is promoting will lose their own soul.
There is a very real threat to Christianity today that is evident in attempts to redefine Christ and what He calls us to. I would even go so far as to say this threat is more insidious than those who oppose Christ through blind hate and violence.
Oprah and others are succumbing to the elevation of the ego above all else, even God! Their need for God extends only to that which they find palatable. God makes no demands on them – He is just flowing around them and in them as some impotent, unidentifiable force. Heaven forbid that they submit to the real God!
Christ calls his followers to serve, and through serving, you will find truth and the path to God. Oprah is spewing nothing more than a life doctrine based on moral ambivalence and a rejection of everything that doesn’t serve to elevate the individual!
The single greatest sin, unforgivable in fact, is to be aware of Christ and yet to reject Him. Bad news for those who seek meaning and purpose in only themselves and what this world has to offer, and not in what Christ promises to those who follow Him. Then again, according to Oprah, there is no such thing as sin… sad when you really think about it.
As Christians, we should pray hard for those who are swayed by this type of thinking, that God will work neverending to bring these lost souls home.
I think you all need to chill out and embrace the teachings of Tolle.
P.S. The world isn’t going to end anytime soon. People have been waiting on Christ to come back for 2000 years and it just isn’t going to happen.
Nobody said the world was going to end anytime soon. The Bible speaks about the planet being being here for quite some time. However, your world will certainly end soon.
Peter said that in the last days just before the return of Christ people would say almost exactly what you just said (2Pet3:4). You are just one more proof that we have arrived to the last days of this evil age as is the doctrines of Devils taught by Tolle (1Tim 4:1). Nonetheless, we do not even need more proof from you and Tolle, but thanks anyway. Other world and religious trends seen in the light of Bible prophecy are clear enough to any astute believer.
I want to make one other thing perfectly clear to people like you. No true Christian will ever embrace the satanic doctrines taught by Tolle,
Well Don, that’s just your opinion and we’ll have to agree to disagree.
I think Tolle has come just in time to help steer the world from disaster.
It is not just my opinion it is the opinion of Christianity. You disagree because you reject the absolutes truths of the Bible and embrace New Age pantheistic universalism. You certainly have the right to believe what you want but do not say you were not warned when you reap the eternal consequences of rejecting the truth that Jesus is the only path to eternal life.
Tolle has come just in time indeed. Just in time to steer those who reject the truth to the deceptions of the Antichrist.
Ok then, sorry.
It’s just the opinion of Christianity.
Its really just the truth of Christianity. There is only one truth and that is Jesus. He died for our sins and rose from the dead so we would believe the truth about Him. However, you will believe what you want.
This was frightening to read:
“Matt said » Well Don, that’s just your opinion and we’ll have to agree to disagree. I think Tolle has come just in time to help steer the world from disaster.”
…And I know I’m going to witness a whole lot more frightening things from folks who believe in a lie.
‘Steer the world from disaster?’ My friend, if we are all gods…then to whom do we answer? Did we create ourselves then? If you didn’t create it, friend, you are not the CREATOR. Please humble yourself and flee from doctrine that seeks to elevate you. Remember Satan? He wanted to elevate himself to the GOD’s throne (position and power), but how could he master the ONE who created him? Recognize the similarity in Satan’s downfall and this new age doctrine?
Anyway, can I share this: http://lavrai.com/blogs/2008/04/23/christians-hitting-back-at-oprah/
Hey LaVrai,
I’m an atheist so I don’t hold the Bible in authority. I don’t see any reason why anyone should humble themselves. In fact I’m encouraging people in my college to create their own religions and belief systems through the website linked to my name above.
Eckhart mightn’t have all of the answers but for me he comes a lot closer than the Bible ever will.
Just my view of things.
A atheist cannot be reasoned with about the truth of God because they would have to be God to know for sure that there is no God. Since we both know you are not God you are just deceiving yourself. There are no real atheist’s only fools (according to the God you do not believe in)
It also should not surprise Christians that you would post here telling them “The world isn’t going to end anytime soon. People have been waiting on Christ to come back for 2000 years and it just isn’t going to happen”. You say that because like knowing their is no God you just know everything. LOL
It also then should not surprise any Christian that you need to deceive others to be as deceived as yourself and that you would believe and promote a deceiver like Tolle .
Shouldn’t we be giving the truth in love?
1 Corinthians 10:32
Ephesians 4:31, 32
How do you plan on bringing Matt to Christ if all you want to do is run him down Don? I guess if you hit him with enough LOL’s and tell him that he knows everything, he will eventually end up at your church. Maybe instead of simply laughing at him you could show him love. Sometimes I think the message of Jesus was lost on those who claim to be His followers.
I did give him the truth in love? I guess you just missed it. I actually gave him the only way to salvation in this post. Only the Holy Spirit leads atheists or anyone else to Christ. We only witnesses to the world the truths that we know. I have done that.
You also missed the whole point of why I said what I said to him. Atheists say there is no God so obviously they know everything. It is an argument of logic. Did you expect me to use Bible references when he already said they carry no authority with him?
By the way, I can show you half a dozen versus in the Bible where God laughs at those who mock Him or His people. So because I was Laughing out Loud (LOL) at his foolish logic does that make me wrong?
This Blog is about Oprah and Tolle’s doctrines of demons. He came on it to tell the mostly Christians that read this Blog to “chill out” and then he could not help himself to also mock those who believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ . Knowing where his spirit is from I could and maybe should have just removed his post. Since I like to let people have there say on my Christian forum I also am responsible to refute any deceptions posted on it with truth lest anyone be led astray.
I could argue with you about how one goes about presenting the gospel of salvation to unbelievers. I do not think it is done by appeasement but by telling the truth in such a way that they must consider it. However, that is not what this specific Blog is about.
It is about Oprah and Tolle’s deceptive messages that are leading millions astray. You might concern yourself more with that fact rather than telling me how to dispute with an atheist who came here to help spread this deception and to mock Christian believers.
What are you doing about this deception?
What will the two witnesses do when they arrive?
You’re right, that isn’t what this blog is about, and furthermore, I recognize that it’s your blog, so you’ll do whatever you want in terms of removing comments or leaving them. You did offer him the truth of the bible, was it in love? Only you and God know what’s in your heart, but it seemed like you were more interested in winning an argument and making yourself look good.
I am sure you can provide many examples of God laughing at those who mocked Him or His people. You, however, are not God, as you pointed out to Matt.
Yes you could argue with me about how to present the gospel to unbelievers, but what would that accomplish? I’m not suggesting that you appease Matt or anybody else. And I believe you are correct when you say only the Holy Spirit leads the unbeliever to Christ, but how you do it and how you say it matter. Do you want to allow the Holy Spirit to work through you, or don’t you?
I agree that Oprah’s and Tolle’s messages are deceptive, and I think you are doing a fine job presenting the error of these beliefs.
What I am telling you is nothing more than you will find in your own bible. Jesus did not LOL at the thieves who mocked him at his own crucifixation. It never hurts to remember that Jesus loved us even when we were yet sinners, even when we were as lost as Matt.
You are entitled to your opinion but I do not think it is your call to judge whether or not I am allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me. As I said, this Blog post was never meant to provide the message of salvation to all that reply or to pander to those who promote Tolle.
The thieves on the cross you brought up did not promote doctrine of demons. Those who promote doctrines of devils fall in the same class as the Scribes and Pharisees that Jesus railed against.
Jesus also told us not to cast our pearls before swine. As far as I know nothing qualifies more than those that deny that God exists and also trample the word of God in front of others.
Scripture tells us that Barnabas disputed with the Greeks and because of this they wanted to slay Him and Paul disputed with the Jews openly and for this they wanted to kill Paul. So who do you think they were disputing? Believers or the deceptive leaders trying to keep people in demonic bondage? Perhaps you ought to read what Paul said about such people in 2nd Tim chap 3 and what Peter said about such people in 2nd Peter chap 3. It makes anything I said here rather mild.
The LOL is commonly used on the Internet for emphasis. In this case it was used to emphasize that he could not possibly know these things because he is not God. You are making a mountain out of molehill. By the way, I very rarely use it. Yeah, you might say I was trying to win an argument it would be pretty silly to post here, try to defend truth, and try to lose the arguments.
I think the scriptures tells us to contend for the faith which is what I am doing here. This is not as passive as you imply. But like I said, you have your opinion and I have mine.
“Mt 10;34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household”.”
We could go on and on, but meanwhile you are now distracting from what this post is about. It is about the demonic deceptions of Oprah and Tolle. If you really want to expose slivers in my eyes I am sure you can find some, but the proper place to tell me about them would be in my email box not on a public forum where it distracts from the message. So now we have diverted from talking about Oprah and Tolle to a likely troll pushing Tolle and to you telling me how I should handle him. Is it any wonder that most Bloggers now just delete comments that distract.
i was actually reading this book and thought i could take the basic idea of calming the ego AND keep my christian beliefs as well. in the first chapter he compares religions, after reading to chapter 3 i see this is impossible. i should have stopped reading in the first chapter.
this book is definitely a deception tool!
I am amazed at all these Christians.. so confused.
Tolle is the second coming of Christ… him and all those other people waking into Christ consciousness.
Wasn’t Jesus himself blamed of blasphemy? Your institutionalized religion will be incorporating teachings like his in the next bible a couple thousand years from now, if they find a way of using it to frighten and control people.
Jesus was used… and converted into a tool for mass control, look at history people! In the name of you ‘God’ millions have perished.
Why does a caged bird not fly if after many years the door is left open? Fear… fear of freedom.
Crhistians are afraid of questioning themselves… deeply terrified.
Ok.. comment will probably be removed anyways.. no point for writing.
So are you expressing a Tolle point of view or did you come up with this “wisdom” all by yourself?
The only Christ consciousness comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You don’t walk into Christ consciousness, you learn about Christ through a personal walk with Him. You people want to make Christ Consciousness something that Jesus was just a part of — No, Jesus is Christ.
Jesus defined how He was coming back. He said it would be coming In power and glory physically with all his Angels. So was Jesus a liar?
We are not talking about institutionalized religions. True Christianity is a personal relationship with the Creator and those followers did not kill anyone unless they were forced to fight in the army by their State governments or in self defense.
Jesus was the only Creator the only Christ so Tolle does not even come close to qualifying..
Christians have the only truth, so why would a believer question what they know is true? Should we do that only to be be deceived by religion or pagan spiritualism? Adam and Eve tried that and that is why the world is in the mess it is in today.
Christians are not in a cage we do not leave the presence of God become there is nothing outside that we need.
This ‘wisdom’ is not a Tolle point of view.. it is what I see, and I recognize in Tolle what I have seen as truth, or better, what is not truth. I also see that in Jesus.. and then all the sad misinterpretations. Most so called Christians apparently are not ready to see the majesty of what he was… most of you would have been there cheering while he was being crucified, mocking him.. afraid of what he represented, as someone who challenged old belief systems including the scriptures.
Again, he was used… and years later turned into an icon of worship, power and mass mind control.
But you will not see that, you will not see you are in a cage, afraid… convincing yourself you are in presence of ‘God’.
“Christians have the only truth, so why would a believer question what they know is true? Should we do that only to be be deceived by religion or pagan spiritualism? Adam and Eve tried that and that is why the world is in the mess it is in today.”
The world is in a mess because of people who believe their ‘truth’ is the one and only truth…
Go to Israel, go to Lebanon, talk to people… you will start to understand where conflicts arise, arrogance, so much arrogance, who are you to claim you have the truth… and you use His name, shame on you!
Why did Jesus only have 12 disciples?
He was not seen for what he was… small and conditioned religious minds could not possibly see the simple truth of what he was… he was a threat to their imprisoned minds, their heard headed beliefs.
Yet so simple a man.
How do you know Tolle is not one of Jesus’ angels preparing the world for his return… clearing your old, archaic, conditioned minds so that next time he can be seen? And not have to undergo the whole crucifixion thing again.
You know the lord works in mysterious ways…
You claim to know God’s ways… proves such arrogance, and such shallow beliefs, threatened by an inoffensive man talking . And he is called the anti-Christ or a demon!? I am shocked at how many of you react like this, how afraid you are, threatened, protecting your theoretical beliefs.
You do not even know what a Christian is, so how would you know what Christians would be doing at the cross?
Jesus was turned into an object of worship because He is God, He is the only object of worship. The eye witnesses of what Jesus said and did is in the New Testament were written just after Jesus death. Besides that all of the Old Testament also speaks about Jesus. The Bible is an integrated message. Jesus fulfilled the scriptures because He was the Christ not because He was part of some Christ conscientiousness.
Jesus said he was God either that makes him God, a lunatic or a liar. So don’t tell me how great He was if you do not believe what He said about Himself. The Jews did not believe Him and they crucified Him for claiming to be equal to God.
There is only one truth. Jesus said, ” I am the truth, the way and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me”. So was He a magestic liar? If not, you had better believe HIm because your eternal soul depends on it.. Now, if you and Tolle are going to demote Him by saying the truth of God that He came to show us is a lie then what is your fate? Be very careful going there.
Obviously then if Jesus is the truth and the religion founded on Him retains that truth every other religion is a lie out of the pit of hell. There lies the root of all spiritual warfare. Who do you say Jesus is? There is one truth, one God and one way to salvation. God would have it no other way. In fact, He came and died for our sins to prove to us this truth. All He asks of you is to believe that a loving righteous God did this for us. Those who believe in Him He promises eternal life. What other truth from God would even make sense?
Allah who send people to blow up people and then gives them 100 virgins for doing so? Is that truth?
Eastern Polytheistic and paganism where man gets to do it over and over again? Is that truth?
No my friend there is only one truth and it is not coming from the lies of Tolle.
Why did Jesus only have 12 disciples?
Jesus had many more disciples than twelve He choose twelve to be His Apostles that would rule over the twelve tribes of Israel. They certainly will.
How do I know Tolle is not a angel? What he says about Jesus conflicts with what Jesus and his Apostles said about Him and it also conflicts with the witness of the Holy Spirit that lives in believers. What you said also conflicts with Bible prophecy. Two witnesses will come to prepare the way for the second coming. They will be Jews with supernatural powers and they will give their witness in Jerusalem. Tolle does not qualify..The scriptures say, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (fa 1:8) Tolle preaches a different gospel then the one the scripture teaches so he is accursed lest he repents and turn toward Jesus.
The scriptures also say in 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. So take heed from where Tolle’s information is coming from..
The scriptures also says that Jesus died once for all. He cannot die again. Perhaps you need to read the Bible for yourself sometime instead of just reading Tolle and commenting on what you never really learned.
Do you really expect the Antichrist to come with horns on? He will say everything that the world wants to hear. According to scriptures the world will think that he is God. So you not knowing the scriptures, why won’t you not also be deceived by him? The Bible says you will. Take heed.
Hm… I have read the Bible, though my interpretations are not as yours, maybe I did not have someone preaching the meaning to me when I was young and gullible.
I thought the new testament was written much after the crucifixion?!
Like 50 to 150 years…
Ever played the telephone game? You get kids to repeat a message to each other in a line and the message comes out all distorted with their personal opinions..
I leave with a quote and good luck to you:
“As I lay with my head in your lap camerado,
The confession I made I resume, what I said to you and the open air I
I know I am restless and make others so,
I know my words are weapons full of danger, full of death,
For I confront peace, security, and all the settled laws, to unsettle
I am more resolute because all have denied me than I could ever have
been had all accepted me,
I heed not and have never heeded either experience, cautions,
majorities, nor ridicule,
And the threat of what is call’d hell is little or nothing to me;
And the lure of what is call’d heaven is little or nothing to me;
Dear camerado! I confess I have urged you onward with me, and still
urge you, without the least idea what is our destination,
Or whether we shall be victorious, or utterly quell’d and defeated”
I did not have anyone teaching the meanings to me when I was young and gullible but since then I have become older and more sceptically I have read it scores of times. It not just the reading of it that gives understanding. Satan knew the scriptures. Understanding comes from God. It is understanding what you read in the scriptures and being able to correlating it with everything else you learned from the scriptures. Great understanding only comes to those who are willing to put in a significant learning effort.
Most of the books were written in life time of those who observed the events. Had they been wrong the books would not have become in common usage in the early churches and the manuscripts would be lost or rare. The Books of the Bible were written long before the Catholic Church accepted them into a Canon. The last book Revelation was probably written about 95 AD. that was written by John who the youngest of the Apostles.
there are hundreds of times more manuscripts on the scriptures than on an other ancient document in history.and they come from many different independent sources. What we have is very reliable it would stand up as evidence in any court of law..
I will leave with a quote to you as well I think most of it will be fulfilled within this generation. I also wish you will find the true path to eternal life.
Mr 13:r Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
5 ¶ And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 ¶ But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
15 And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house:
16 And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.
17 But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
18 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter.
19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.
20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.
21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
24 ¶ But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
28 ¶ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:
29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.
31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
34 For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Don, have you ever felt so tremendously invaded by love that you fall on your knees, unable to walk, touched so deeply for being alive. A tremendous rush of fire and in that instant everything you perceive is love, everything around you is the same but completely new, a noodle, air, sunlight. After terrible times of pain everything is transformed in an instant, the majesty of His creation leaves you literally breathless, shaken to the core of your being by a presence that is felt in everything, including you.
How would you call this? If I were Christian I would relate it to some for of Grace or an encounter with Jesus..
If I don’t call it in that way and prefer to call it something else, or make up my name for it, should I fear that the Devil is tempting me? Should I fear trial for not being baptized and adopting a Christian religious belief, the one and only ‘real’ God?
Why is it important to use a specific name for this? If I call this Allah is it then Satan in disguise…. why not just ‘Mystery’, loving universal presence, etc…
Why should I learn to be afraid of the wrath of God if in my experience of Him, being joyful and grateful of this moment is all that is asked? As Tolle describes, whom I feel bathed in a similar presence… because he choses not to call it Christ, or the Cristian God (likely in order to not create a mental obstacle due to so many indoctrinated religious people).
Tolle by the way is against positive thinking, the secret, working on self esteem and all sorts of things for which you categorize him as New Age, or pagan or something that you understand as demonic.
This is where the relationship of so many Christians with their Religion makes no sense to me…
I know some Christians, Evangelist… very strong beliefs, and they tell me about the sad things that happen in their churches, how they are taught to hate, how they are brought up under physical punishment, how they are taught to feel sinful, miserable and worthless, afraid of being themselves, manipulated with fears (everything in between the ‘loving’ words of course).
One of them, now a good friend of mine, managed to escape what seems a brainwashing sect, I only found out about her religious beliefs very recently so I had in no moment any intention of changing this for her, only asking her to come to the present moment and leave thoughts and dogma aside.. She has explored calming the mind and questioning dogma with my suggestion (in ways not dissimilar to what Tolle teaches).
Something started happening, a process began has has me amazed, she was first shocked by the experience of God being within her as also Jesus. She has entered a process that in her words has taken her to live more fully and joyfully in these couple of years than in all her life in the church and with the oppressive family doctrine.
She says that now she understands the scriptures in a new light, without the forged misinterpretations, even the gospel of Thomas, previously seen as heretic. She is spontaneously feeling bathed in presence and love for all things which at moments becomes too overwhelming.
She is embracing writings of Buddha and other diverse teachers. Now it is me who listens to her for truly wise words.
Sadly for her, she cannot return to her Church or help her family in their struggle, as for them she has committed heresy and will burn in hell !!!????
How does ones mind do that??
When she shared her story of the Church with me I was bewildered, not understanding what the issue was, she was becoming a mature, loving and healthy woman… why would they be against that. She said it is impossible for me to understand how mad these people are…. I still cannot believe this, I cannot accept it.
Please explain, where is the mistake? Where has she sinned? What about me? How would you interpret what I have shared? I obviously am misleading people and myself to hell in your point of view.
But I read a different story in the Bible and in Jesus… so much open for free interpretation, and if taken literally, so much contradiction.
Jesus leaves absolutely nothing to interpretation. He declares Himself the one and only true path to the Father. Either Jesus is right, or He is a liar and a deceiver. You cannot cherry-pick what you like from the gospel and discard the rest. If you do so, you are not trying at all to understand Christ, but instead are trying to reinvent Christ according to your own likes and dislikes.
God wants much more of you than to simply ‘bathe in His presence and His love’. Apathy and not fulfilling God’s purpose for you is definitely a sin and quite hurtful to God, although He will always wait patiently and lovingly for you to conform to His will.
Jesus calls all of us to a higher standard. You can choose to follow it or not, but it is foolish to simply declare that the higher standard simply does not exist.
Regarding sin, EVERYONE sins and falls short of the glory of God. There is no way to make up to God how we fail Him – we can only hope that someone can intercede on our behalf and take the penalty from us. And that is exactly what Christ did, becoming the savior to all, and through Him and his death and resurrection, gaining the path to God and His mercy and love, and true forgiveness. Buddha and other ‘teachers’ can only offer you platitudes and suggestions for living, all coming from someone as flawed as yourself. Why not follow someone who was complete perfection in man, and indeed was and is God in the flesh come to show us the way?
That is for you and your ‘friends’ to decide. Keep in mind something though. Whenever you either experience or see feelings of sinfulness, worthlessness, anger, hate, etc., – these feelings do not originate from God. They originate from Satan, and are intended to deceive you and damage your relationship with God. Nobody, and I stress NOBODY, can walk with God, with Christ in their heart, and be hateful, or angry, or feel worthless, or be unable to forgive, or unable to love their neighbor. All these things, and so much more, await those who accept Christ into their hearts. It really is that simple, and it really is that difficult for some who would rather embrace their own ego and the things that this world has to offer.
To answer your question yes I have had experiences to some degree but after I was a Christian.
Your mistake is trusting your own feelings instead of trusting what God said. Feelings and experiences are unreliable. People on LSD have mystical experiences, does that mean that the way to find God is by dropping acid?
I understand what you are saying but you cannot have a true experience with God until you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that the Jesus that died on the cross for your sins and rose again to eternal life is the Lord of all Creation. Until you get to the point that you realize you are a sinner in need of salvation you cannot experience Jesus by any name. First you must be born into His new creation and then He gives you the presence of the Holy Spirit. Any other way to God’s presence is a counterfeit.
Satan is a powerful Angel of light he can give you any mystical feeling he wants and he is obviously doing just that to deceive many. Humans are prone to deception. This is one reason why there is only one way to God and that is God’s way through His Son.
You must believe that God revealed himself in Jesus Christ, paid for your sins, and will save those who will believe that God provided the way to His presence. It is because of His righteousness to save not your experiences. Every other way to God is false. You cannot get to perfection from imperfection. Perfection had to take on your imperfection and save those in imperfection and bring it into perfection through.His own works, not through yours.
I wrote articles that explain how one is saved and why there is only one way to God.
Is it too much for God to ask that people believe Him rather than believing every human that comes along with another delusion that will lead them to delusion? It is not the name that is important it is what the name represents “Jesus” – “Jehovah is salvation”. There is only one Savior and He was displayed in Jesus Christ and He is written about in the Bible. Anything outside of that absolute truth is a lie.
Don’t confuse the experiences in churches and in the lives of people who go to churches with Christianity. There are many false Christians. Christianity is nothing more than a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through His indwelling Holy Spirit. How we obtain that relationship is told in the gospel (good news). The Bible is very clear how we come into fellowship with God. You must believe in the Son defined in the Bible.
Buddhism and other Eastern paths to God is man trying to become God by his own merits. No person will ever see God without coming through the way and work that God provided. There is not an “AND Jesus” there is only Jesus. Any other being claiming to be a door of enlightenment is a demon.
What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and lose their own soul? The fact that she was becoming a mature person has no standing with God. God asks that you come to His Son for salvation because His Son is the Creator. Now why would the Creator allow demonic substitutes of deception and those corrupted by them to enter his perfect heaven? If He did it would not be perfect anymore!
Where has she sinned? We all have sinned and that is why we all need Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and make us perfect before God. She certainly cannot do it by sucking up to demonic spirits and make no mistake Buddhism is demonic. They worship the creation rather than the Creator.
Your problem is you probably never read the Bible or never understood it and never truly heard or rejected the salvation message. Read my articles and at least you will hear it. Only you can send yourself to hell by rejecting God’s Son as the path to salvation.
You want to get to God through experiences instead of through His Son. Unless you come to the Creator by the way the Creator provided why would you expect to have fellowship with the Creator?
Don, I am reading your articles, they provoke interesting thoughts. I don’t want to turn this into a Biblical discussion but the problem for me is taking a text so literally as you imply… when it is so full of contradictions:
How do you manage to Fear God and Love Him simultaneously:
when it is stated that they cannot go together:
Is literally saying that Jesus will return before people present die (sorry, interpretation of ‘tasting death’)… which to my knowledge did not yet happen, I doubt some one today is nearly 2000 years old. (also I believe ‘Son of Man coming in his Kingdom’ is commonly interpreted (yes interpreted) as the second coming, am I right?)
And in what way is the following different from the teachings of Buddha (and Tolle!)?:
If I take these last two passages it is quite literally implying one does not need to die to experience the second coming of Christ, within or among us.
Christ Consciousness, Voila! (that is more of a joke 😉
So how does one not ‘pick’ or take things not so literally?
Words by their nature are limited, and anything expressed in words will lack in perfection of that which is described.. which does not mean that Jesus was not perfect, just that when he spoke he had to communicate in our fallible and biased language.
This is why I love the Zen (Buddhist) saying: The Tao that is spoken is not the true Tao (Tao being the All, God, Mystery)
And why Jesus spoke mostly in parables (to bypass literal interpretations, or misinterpretations).
If you study the root of language and how the mind forms it you will start to see how limited and imperfect it is for describing anything.. more so God or matters of the spirit.
So how can Jesus speak to us in this language for that we may understand something, without his word suffering from the inevitable imperfections of the tool used to convey His message?
Even if he is the Son of God, I am not questioning that nor decided about it for myself…. just the process of Him, later His word, later the memory of the Apostles or sons of, or people around them and all their imperfections in trying to create a book that took hundreds of years in the making, to my knowledge greatly churned into form by the Council of Carthage in 397AD (I’m not even getting into translation issues).
I can’t even imagine the process of selection and interpretation done by hundreds of individuals (which explains the inconsistency and contradiction). And more so the opportunity for intentional exclusion of passages done in order to create the mass control mechanism it turned into not much later….
And the declaration of the Gospel of Thomas as a heretical text (or forgery) which not surprisingly is similar to Eastern teachings.
For example, everything about the afterlife and the judgement.. were those Jesus’ words?
In your article “Belief implies trust in Jesus and by this faith you are saved” it is as if you have found a way to rest your head, as so many do, from the terror of being alive and not knowing what awaits for us after death, if anything.
“[…]Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”
Luke 9:58
I appreciate and thank you for your time,
You ask how do you manage to fear God and love Him simultaneously?
The same way you did your own Father. The word fear is not a perfect translation and it would have different meanings for those who love Him and those who don’t. It means awe or reverence for those who love God. Dread and fear would be appropriate for those who do not because God will judge all and He has total control over where you will spend eternity.
On your second question. Jesus might have been talking about the vision that Peter James and John saw on the Mount of Transfiguration three days later but more likely He was talking about Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit indwelt all believers and the spiritual kingdom of God came to all believers on earth.
On the next question I believe Jesus was saying that the kingdom of God is among you or in your midst. Jesus was among them at that time. He certainly was not saying the Kingdom of God would come in the Pharisees that he called a brood of vipers. So no, you cannot find God by looking inside yourself.
The point is that when it comes to God’s word you need to take it literally. God meant what He said. When God uses literary devices like figures of speech and allegory in the Bible it is clear in the passage. Unfortunately too many try to make the Bible fit their theology instead of just reading it in a common sense way unless it is an obvious tool of communication by the writer. What writer would write something that could not be understood? What would be the point? Anyone then could put any meaning they want on it like the postmodern generation and liberals do. God actually wrote the Bible to be understood by those with spiritual eyes to see and the truths therein are absolute.
Jesus spoke in parables so those blinded by their father the Devil would not see. Not all people are children of God. That is what the parable of the wheat and the tares is all about.
The word of God is precise. It is the translations that are not quite as precise. Jesus said every letter written in the law and prophets would be fulfilled. I do not know how you get any more precise than that.
The Bible was written by 40 authors who wrote 66 books over hundreds of years and it is a integrated message. It is all about Jesus from beginning to end. No human authors on their own could possibly create such a collection of books. It is quite impossible.
The books of the Bible were in common usage before the canon was established. All they did was sort out the crap like the gospel of Thomas that obviously was not inspired by God.
There are no contradictions in the Bible. There might be a few versus that we do not fully understand but all the major so called contradictions have been answered but unbelievers continually like to keep bringing up contradictions as if they have not been answered. The real problem is that they do not want to look up or accept the explanations.
You can find this information if you really care to in books and websites that deal with supposed Bible contradictions.
Everything in the Bible is Jesus words. It is all inspired by the Creator. Just because it is not in red does not make it any less God’s word.
The Bible is clear that those that believe that Jesus died for our sins and believe that God rose Jesus from the dead to everlasting life will be saved. That is God’s promise to those who believe Him and I rest my head on that with certainty. I do fear uncertainty at death. I know where I am going. I wish you would find that same peace.
having said all this I am not going to be able to continue these long discourses other emails, blogs and work is stacking up. All of what I spoke about can be found on any good Christians apologetics website or book.
I want to tell my personal experience w/this book.1st, I don’t watch Oprah & knew nothing about the book. I bought it because of its cover description & I liked the idea of finding my purpose in life.I read about 180pgs,skipped my nightly Bible readings& thought this guy was hitting on something profound.It had a lot of Eastern religious threads interweaved despite his quotes of the NT. I recognized this &discarded the ideas I knew were wrong but still thought I could gain something from this while worshipping Jesus.
I read my Bible on night 4. God spoke to me TWICE against worshipping other gods &the doom that would ensue.I flipped through the 1st scripture,decided I didn’t need that &RANDOMLY selected another page w/a VERY similar message. I knew God was speaking to me at that point. He wanted me to stop reading & TRASH the book. Don’t give it away, don’t sell just trash it! I have no doubt there is something very evil here for God to speak so strongly. My testimony-God is good
The indoctrination practices of Christianity are indistinguishable from any other cult.
How can I qualify this statement?
According to the Grolier Encyclopedia, brainwashing involves two aspects: the confession of past crimes or errors, and re-education to new beliefs. Victims of brainwashing are “brought to confess” by “isolation from familiar surroundings”, and a “routine requiring absolute obedience and humility”, and “social pressure” from other victims with whom they are in contact. “The last includes mutual criticism and self-criticism sessions, which play particularly on the generalized guilt feeling that all people have to some extent. At the same time regular indoctrination sessions are conducted. The acceptance of the new ideas is again fostered by group pressure and the anticipated reward of freedom.”
These are the methods of Christianity.
More from Grolier Encyclopedia: “Improved understanding of psychology and neurophysiology have enabled modern totalitarian regimes to create extremely effective brainwashing programs. Some of their techniques, however, have been used for centuries; the INQUISITION, for example, elicited confessions from alleged heretics by similar methods. In the context of religion, some scholars have noted a parallel between brainwashing for political purposes and the techniques used by some religious groups to generate religious excitement and conversion.”
Again, Christianity. The parallel is observable in religions that use physical means (such as scourging, singing, rhythmic movement, dancing and drumming) to induce a trancelike state in which the individual is open to conversion. It is also apparent in the mind-control practices of some of the modern religions prevalent in the United States and elsewhere, most notably the People’s Temple group of Guyana, whose 900 person membership committed mass suicide in 1978.
What happens to individuals who have been psychologically abused and morally betrayed by
fundamentalist cult-like churches? How can they recover from the damage done? Physically leaving a church is relatively easy, but the emotional and psychological departure can take months or even years. This is why it is hard to understand how any person can stay under a state of religious influence – much the same way that people fail to see how battered women stay with their abusers.
Such dysfunctional and destructive cults of religion (whether Hari Krishna’s, Moonies, Branch Davidians, Heaven’s Gate or Fundamentalist Christians) often use manipulation, fear, and deception to maintain a hold on members. They also shower their prey with unbelievable amounts of affection and approval for staying in the group and meeting their expectations (“love-bombing”). The religious cults discourage members from receiving information from the outside. Thus it becomes a sin to read any “worldly” publications or “spiritual pornography.” Cults establish their own distinction between right and wrong, good and evil; everything in the group is positive (godly), and doubts, and serious questions are not tolerated. The authority of the group’s leadership is virtually absolute. All problems are oversimplified and deflected either away from the group or back towards the individual (this is a methodology that is called conflict isolation).
It is no wonder, therefore, that the religiously abused frequently suffer from emotional and psychological problems. It is high time that our society recognizes and deals with religious abuse as a social-psychological disorder in itself.
Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the Creator of this Universe. I do not need to qualify that statement – it just is. Accept it or reject it, that truth remains.
If you want to know how this relationship is achieved read my article on it.
People always have reactions be it toward music, philosophy, religion, politicians or the ice cream man’s bell. If they did not they would not be human. You seem to imply that because people act like humans in regard to religion they are mentally ill. Your views are a dangerous un-American fascist concept. I see more brainwashing going on schools and media, not to mention the global warming indoctrination insanity.
Tolle teaches love. He teaches the importance of stillness in one’s spirit, removal of the “ego” and removal of the “painbody.” The ego is the part of man that creates an identity for himself or creates the story of his life. For example: the ego is the part in the man that identifies himself as someone with financial burdens or with an eating disorder or with a family that doesn’t love him or care about him. The ego creates a “life story.” The painbody is an aspect of the ego concerned with negative past experiences. The painbody is just a term that describes how people react to certain situations when they hold on to grudges or their “life story.” Releasing the painbody and ego creates an inner stillness. It is a space of pure love. A space of immeasurable love and joy, one of expanding light that warms the inner soul of your being. When one finds this stillness, there is no judgement but pure love and compassion. Tolle writes that he is “not offering a religion or set of beliefs.” He does not intend to compete with any religion, nor has he chastised any religion. Tolle simply draws from many world religions, the common denominator of love.
Your so silly!
It does not matter what Tolle claims those with big egos will claim anything. What Tolle actually offers is anti Christian paganism. There is no need for Tolle to claim to compete with religion when all religious that Tolle’s draws from are doctrines of devils.
The only thing ego every created was people like Tolle.
I also know first hand that Tolle’s ego created some painbody here.
askeptic, you show very little understanding of the Christian faith. Your own ego seems to be a barrier in the true understanding of Jesus Christ. I challenge you to find anything about the true Christian faith that correlates to your distorted perception of “manipulation, fear, and deception to maintain a hold on members.” And no, simply regurgitating the Crusades does not qualify here. Try to research and understand Christ and His message and importance to every living being on Earth, and then try to justify your statement. Something tells me your ego will not allow you to submit to this, or to a higher power, and unfortunately you are much poorer for it. I pray for you and all who doubt the divinity and promise found in Christ Jesus.
Have you even read any of his books? Your ego – the very fact that you wring your hands waiting to pounce on someone who disagrees wtih you – is the very problem he talks about. You argue with posters because ‘you’ need to be ‘right’ and make ‘others wrong’. I’d call that closer to acting like the Pharisees than to acting like a Christian.
Because of Tolle, I have been rereading the bible in parts – especially Jesus’ Parables – and have found a deeper understanding of them than I had ever before. I am able now to shed the historical nonsense that pervaded my views with a fresh, clear and insightful vision and understanding of what Jesus’ teachings mean to me.
Your sanctimonious piousness is unbecoming. Jesus warned of this in the Parable of the Lost Coin. Perhaps you should revisit that.
I have read enough excepts of what Tolle said in his book to know that his Jesus is not the biblical Jesus and to know that Tolle’s teachings are lies. You do not have to read the endless complete works of new age pagan thought to know that doctrine all comes from the same rotten tree. We can judge they by who they say Jesus is? Tolle fails the test of a believer and he fails the test as a teacher from God.
I don’t reply to posters to make myself right and others wrong. That is a subjective biased judgment on your part and not something that you would find supported in the Sermon on the Mount. One of my goals on this Blog is to expose end time religious deceptions that we were warned about. The Bible warned that these men would come in the last days and itch peoples ears with doctrines of devils. Tolle has.
If your understanding of the parables places the wrong meaning on the parable you can get all you want out of it but all you got still will not be the truth. The parable about the lost coin that was found is about lost sinners that repent which is something Tolle really needs to do. I am not a lost sinner. I am in Christ. Tolle by his very views makes Jesus less than the only begotten Son of God who died on the cross to take away the sins of those who believe in His righteousness to save. The only way to Father God and the only Savior given by which mankind must be saved is Jesus.
Remember all teachers can be judged by who they say that Jesus is. Tolle’s expression of who Jesus is did not come from God or the Bible it came from his own mind or Devils.
So if that makes true believers in Jesus sanctimonious piousness and unbecoming in your eyes then you have an I problem. I suggest that you need to find the “I Am” Savior that will take your blinders off.
Don: “I have read enough excepts of what Tolle said in his book …”
How would you feel if I said “I read enough excerpts from the bible to know….” and go on an (incorrect) assessment of the teachings? You’d probably admonish me for not completing my studies. Back at ya. Excerpts are not studies. Your education is incomplete by your own admission. Try reading it with no preconcieved notions or ideas. You’ll find it in complete harmony with Jesus and his teachings. You might be slightly offended by the dogmatic christian teachings, but who isn’t?
Don: “Remember all teachers can be judged by who they say that Jesus is. Tolle’s expression of who Jesus is did not come from God or the Bible it came from his own mind or Devils.”
That’s YOUR opinion, YOUR Ego talking. YOU need that to be true so you can inflate yourself. Isn’t that obvious?
How would you make that statement given that you have yet to read the book, only ‘excerpts’, and probably excerpts that you had highly slanted preconcieved, anti-christ notions about? You speak from quicksand. You cannot defend that position no matter how hard you try, and I am not going to try and talk you out of it. Your mind is obviously closed and full of the Christian dogma that is corrupting the teachings he is trying to convey.
Tolle mentions about Jesus a few parables and *his* interpretation of them, not the conventional christian dogma. I happen to agree with his interpretations – they come with lightness, clarity and no historical baggage to speak of. He does not ‘exhalt’ himself, unlike you have here.
Don: “So if that makes true believers …” – I guess because I have a differing viewpoint than you do that makes me an ‘untrue beleiver’. Sanctimonious was the right term. Thanks for proving that for everyone who reads this blog.
Have a nice day.
Mark I wrote a ebook and many articles and many people comment on them all the time without actually reading what I said. Did you even read the article that this post quotes and links to or does reading the material just apply to me? If you did read the article you would know why Christians are giving Tolle a big thumb’s down..
The person I quoted and linked to a well known Christian writer that I trust who documents what she writes. I know she did read the book and she quotes pages. So should I now believe that she was lying about what she quoted and said about the book? Also this is not the first article that I have read from astute Christian authors on Tolle. I have read and posted other Christian discernment ministries that also know what they are are talking about. I have even heard some Christian audio commentators speaking about Oprah and Tolle’s book. So what I said was not an uninformed judgment.
In contrast are you actually reading what the Christian critics have said or do you just like Tolle because what he says makes you feel good and you get the warm fuzzes? Truth can stand the test by Tolle writings cannot and be called Christian read both side. Maybe you should check a little deeper into why we Christians are against the teaching of Tolle instead of defending him without knowing the Christian viewpoint. Gee, only your eternal salvation might depend on find out what really is true.
I do not need to read any more New Age crap because I have read many books on New Age teaching. Why should I waste my time reading what I already know they teach and just write the same things that other astute Christian authors have already said? Most of what he is saying is not new it is just a rehash of the same old New Age crap . What was quoted in Christians articles like the one I linked too was all any true Christian needs to make a judgment.
As soon as someone talks about a Universal Consciousness, Christ Conscieousness, inner light etc. I already know they are New Age and that they do not have a clue about Christian truth. You make the mistake of thinking that true Christians can be convinced of pagan doctrine as easy as you were convinced by reading Tolle’s New Age books. That is not the case. We know the truth so lies are not going to get us to accept his false pagan viewpoints
I am quite aware that you agree with Tolle’s unconventional Christian dogma but no Christian would call it Christian dogma. Your also not a “untrue” believer you are not a believer in Jesus Christ at all. No believer in Jesus Christ could agree with Tolle. His writings are totally contrary to the Christian message and way of salvation. I wrote an article on how you can find salvation if you really want to read the truth.
You might as well read why Jesus is the only way to salvation and not one of many paths to God like Tolle teaches as well.
By the way, most of the people who read my blogs are Christians and they agree that Tolle is teaching doctrines of devils. So if what I said makes me sanctimonious you are also calling them sanctimonious. That should win you points! Actually, I guess we are holier-than-thou because we believe the truth and you believe Tolle’s fables..
First, I do not consider anything Tolle writes as ‘doctrine’. I can get enough of that at the local Church, thank you. Actually, your web side is a fine example.
You characterize it as ‘new age crap’ – well, there you go with that great open-mindedness you are famous for. As for ‘Christian Critics of Tolle’, where are they? What are they defending? What is their criticism? What are *you* defending? Your ‘personal god’? and why should I even care? Remember, you began the conversation with your great blog entry ‘the doctrines of demons’ – like that isn’t a lightning rod for criticism itself.
I don’t consider it ‘Tolles unconventional Christian dogma’ – that is *your* label. I consider it an alternate path to the same place, a path not littered with thousands of years of death and destruction and politics and murder and agenda the mainstream BIG BUSINESS Christian church is famous for – ‘Old Age Christian Crap’ as it were. I consider it a more truthful, clear and conscious way, a way that takes the words of Jesus and doesn’t inject them with dogma and centuries of misinterpretation to appease the masses. And, Tolle isn’t even *about* Jesus – he quotes the Buddha – who precedes Jesus by 500 years – just as frequently.
In the end, that works for *me*. *You* cannot save me; I need not be saved.
Truth is Truth.
You can have that. If that is the price of admission to *your* idea of Heaven, I’ll go elsewhere.
Perhaps you should read Dao De Jing. Is a bit older than what you might be used to. No Jesus, No Buddha, just truth, as you would have it.
Again, Have a nice Day.
Who said I was opened minded? When it comes to Christian truth I am not opened minded.
What do you mean where are the critics of Tolle? Try doing a Google search. I have 7 posts on just this blog with articles that mention Tolle.
If you will read the articles for a change you would have an answer to all your questions. Why should you care? You might want to learn how you can get eternal life rather than learn New Age doctrines of demons… but I suppose not..
I wrote my article to tell people the truth about Oprah she has a whole line up of New Age guests deceiving people. What people do with that truth is there responsibility. You actually think I care about the demonic specifics of what these known deceivers teach? Once they deny that Jesus is the only way to God they have nothing to offer me.
There is no alternative path to the same place. You did not read my articles. See, I give you links and you have no intention of reading them. That is why giving you information is useless.Your just a waste of time and that may even be your motivation.
It was Jesus that said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life no man comes to the Father: but by me” (Joh 14:6). Are you calling Jesus a liar? If so then why do you call him a great teacher?
Obviously you are getting the Body of Christ mixed up with Institutions that call themselves Christians. It was not true Christians that were killing people unjustly. It was phony self-righteous religious people. Just as it is with world religious today. Even some of the New Age religious want to kill true Christians because they think our inflexibility is hindering their evolutionary spiritual leap forwarded to universal Christ consciousness. It is a lie out of the pit of hell. Once the restraining influence of true Christians are removed there will be no one to stop all the prideful fools from killing each other.
How would you know that the words of Jesus were altered are you a ancient Hebrew and Greek texts scholar, or are you just telling me what some New Age pagan wants you to believe?
I know Tolle isn’t about Jesus and that is what I have been telling you. Tolle does not teach that salvation comes through Jesus and that is why he is a liar, a deceiver and anti Christ. Jesus is the Image of God the Creator of the universe there is no other way to fellowship with God but through Jesus. That is Christan truth. You can accept it or rejected it but don’t expect us to embrace any liar just because he tickles your ears with pagan doctrine.
Actually you do need to be saved. Otherwise you have no hope and will be doomed to utter darkness without God forever. Imagine a future with no hope and it never ever changing. This is your future if you do not get saved. Salvation is a free gift from God all you have to do is take by making Jesus your Savior. But it looks like you won’t because you think you are one of the enlightened. What trust in what God did for me….noooo can’t do that! If you ever should change your mind my last comment gives you the link of how you can be saved.
The price of admission to Heaven is Jesus and your not going to have any choice where you go if you do not accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Don’t flatter yourself.
I am not going to read Dao De Jing you keep forgetting that I already have the truth. That stuff is for those who are clueless.
“I wrote my article to tell people the truth about Oprah…”
*Your* version of the truth. All ego. Why the axe to grind against Oprah? I Smell something, and it ain’t sulphur…
“That is why giving you information is useless.Your just a waste of time and that may even be your motivation.”
I guess that goes against the Parable of the Lost Coin then. You are so full of contradiction.
Jesus was a great teacher. The fact that you cannot interpret his teachings without the veil of centuries of garbage is *your* problem. I care not. *I* cannot save anyone, as *you* cannot save anyone. *I* can only save myself. Same goes for you.
“It was not true Christians that were killing people unjustly. It was phony self-righteous religious people…” Bingo. Welcome to your blog.
“Once the restraining influence of true Christians are removed there will be no one to stop all the prideful fools from killing each other.”
Now there’s a happy Christian thought. Again, contradiction. You are so wrapped up in defending *your* version of Christianity that all you are doing is proving my point. I don’t want *your* egocentric version of it – your version of salvation.
“How would you know that the words of Jesus were altered are you a ancient Hebrew and Greek texts scholar, or are you just telling me what some New Age pagan wants you to believe?”
i didn’t say that. I said ‘interpretation’. And, you are a fine example. *Your* egoic interpretation fits what your concept of God is. fine. Just don’t tell me what I have to believe, and why should you care?
“Jesus is the Image of God the Creator of the universe there is no other way to fellowship with God but through Jesus. That is Christan truth. You can accept it or rejected it but don’t expect us to embrace any liar just because he tickles your ears with pagan doctrine.”
Who is *us*? Are you dragging ‘other christians’ into the fray? And again, if you were a ‘true christian’ those words would never be written. You have exhalted yourself once again, several times in your last post. I just may beat you to the finish line.
But hey, who am I to judge? I pray for the misguided every day. I’ll add you to the list.
“Tolle does not teach that salvation comes through Jesus …”
I happen to disagree with that statement. What he doesn’t teach is that salvation comes through dumping $20 in the till every Sunday morning or you’ll be condemned for all eternity. I reject your notion of who Jesus was and what he represents. It is my estimation that you represent the dogma that pervades and clouds. Of course, that is my opinion – you get to disagree with me, and that is ok too.
“This is your future if you do not get saved. Salvation is a free gift from God all you have to do is take by making Jesus your Savior…” Ok, you keep saying that but I have never ‘rejected’ anything except perhaps *your* sophomoric, bible-thumping ideals of Jesus. You appear to be so angry with me at this moment. Know that 1) I take offense to your *unwarranted* attack on Eckhart Tolle as if *you* are the guardian of heaven and, 2) I take offense at you telling me that *my* way through Jesus is *the wrong way*. And keep your ‘step by step guide to being saved’. It’s, at best, poorly written drivel.
“The price of admission to Heaven is Jesus and your not going to have any choice where you go if you do not accept Him as your Lord and Savior.”
I’ve known that my entire life, practically. I’m glad you finally see it. I’ll save you a seat, oh great exhalted one.
“I am not going to read Dao De Jing you keep forgetting that I already have the truth.”
And there is all I need to know about you wrapped up in one sentence.
Once again, Have a nice day.
Have it your way I have no more time to waste on you. You are ultimately responsible for what happens to your soul. You have been given the truth but what you do with it is your responsibility. I have news. No one is reading all these comments anyway it is all a huge waste of time.
Have a nice day, and please try to refrain from forcing *your* idea of Jesus and God on anyone. It’s not your job. It takes care of itself. Leave *your* ego and agenda out of it.
You’ve got bigger problems than Oprah or Eckhart Tolle.
Have a great day!
I’m reading!!
I’m also reminded of the saying:
Common sense is the least common of the senses.
How can one know that one has the truth, the ultimate and only truth?! I see that as madness, the reason why this world is such a mess.
Israelites having the truth against Palestinians, Palestinians having the truth against Israelites.
Communists against capitalists, capitalists against communists.
Christians against…
All blinded by their wounded ego…. pain bodies.
Fundamentalist dogma.
And the truth will prevail, so we will see….
If Tolle is a demon and Jesus comes back to take him down, it will be a hell of a sight, to say the least!
We will rejoice with you Don, I assure you.
To Mark I am not forcing anything on anyone. If you don’t like what I have to say on my Blog don’t come here. I gave you a pass last time but any more personal attacks on me and your last comments will be deleted and you WILL be banned from this Blog.
Jesus told Christians to preach the gospel to the whole world so yes it is my job.
Nicolas, when it comes to God there can only be one Truth about who He is. Jesus came to Show us God and what is written about Him is the Truth. Israelite’s rejected the Truth and they had Him hung on a cross. All the rest you mentioned are just worldly doctrines of men.
If there is Truth there must be Fundamentals that define that truth. You cannot expect someone with truth to have nothing to base it on. The postmodern generation wants everyone to have their own truth. Well that might sound wonderful but it is based on wishful thinking. There in reality is only one truth and one God revealed in Jesus and that is why there is Fundamentalist Christian doctrine. Anyone who says there is no Fundamental Christian doctrine cannot by definition be a Christian.
Tolle is a man, I have no clue if he has a demon but I know he teaches doctrines of devils because he denies the only way of salvation and the only Savior given by God by whom man must be saved. Those who will not be saved will die in their sins.
By the way, Jesus is coming to judge all on earth not just people like Tolle and it is not that far off. So It would be in your best interest to put your ego aside and learn of the Truth. If you do not, you will not be rejoicing in the judgments described in the book of Revelation that is coming to try everyone alive on earth prior to the coming of Jesus.
“Don: “To Mark I am not forcing anything on anyone. If you don’t like what I have to say on my Blog don’t come here. I gave you a pass last time but any more personal attacks on me and your last comments will be deleted and you WILL be banned from this Blog.”
Enlighten me as to what personal attacks I have made. The *only* one making personal attacks is you. See above. nothing but unchristian threats.
You’re confused as to the definitions of ‘preach’ – to proclaim or make known by sermon – and ‘interpret’ – to give or provide the meaning of. Yes, preach, by all means. Spread The Word. Don’t tell me what it means to *me*. you can’t do that, or, you can, but you do it from your ego’s need to ‘be right’ and control. That is *exactly* why Jesus taught in Parables. You make my point.
That Christianity 101, my friend.
Have a nice day.
Mark, Here are some examples to enlighten you.
“Your sanctimonious piousness is unbecoming
That’s YOUR opinion, YOUR Ego talking. YOU need that to be true so you can inflate yourself. Isn’t that obvious?”
“the very fact that you wring your hands waiting to pounce on someone who disagrees with you – is the very problem he talks about. You argue with posters because ‘you’ need to be ‘right’ and make ‘others wrong’. I’d call that closer to acting like the Pharisees than to acting like a Christian.”
“Sanctimonious was the right term. Thanks for proving that for everyone who reads this blog.”
*Your* version of the truth. All ego. Why the axe to grind against Oprah? I Smell something, and it ain’t sulphur”
“I don’t want *your* egocentric version of it – your version of salvation.”
“And, you are a fine example. *Your* egoic interpretation”
“f you were a ‘true christian’ those words would never be written. You have exhalted yourself once again”
“I have never ‘rejected’ anything except perhaps *your* sophomoric, bible-thumping ideals of Jesus”.
“What he doesn’t teach is that salvation comes through dumping $20 in the till every Sunday morning or you’ll be condemned for all eternity.”
Note (implying that I do)
” your ’step by step guide to being saved’. It’s, at best, poorly written drivel.”
Note ( I have no step by step guide to being saved I clearly say in my article that you are saved by “believing” that Jesus died for your sins and God rose Him from the dead)
“please try to refrain from forcing *your* idea of Jesus and God on anyone. It’s not your job. It takes care of itself. Leave *your* ego and agenda out of it.”
“but you do it from your ego’s need to ‘be right’ and control.”
“there you go with that great open-mindedness you are famous for”
“It was phony self-righteous religious people…” Bingo. Welcome to your blog.”
I understand that all the ego remarks come from Toole’s brainwashing because he also makes similar insults against Christians egos in his book. The fact that he feels it is open season to attack Orthodox Christian biblical teaching and all those who preach it reveals the source of his own ego. The fact that you and he make subjective insulting judgments about people who teach Orthodox Christianity but do not see them as attacks reveals much more.
I posted a new post on Tolle last night.
I think the author of the article sums up the book better than any I have read so far. If you still cannot see what is wrong with Tolle’s teaching after reading what Debra Rae wrote about the book, you are hopelessly deceived.
Heed the warnings on that post about any comments or you will be banned from this Blog.
Have a good day.
Why are Christians so upset ??
If you know your history, you know that Christians are the most violent people ever to inhabit the Earth, having attempted to wipe out the Native Americans, Native Aboroginals, the Incas, the Jewish people, the Irish……… the list goes on.
Your ‘tried and tested’ Christianity is an abismal ‘new age’ failure. It’s less than 2000 years old, a lot younger than the natural spirituality of peoples like the Celts, Native Americans, Africans.
Christianity only florished because it was forced upon the world by the Roman Empire- hardly a peaceful entity.
David D, that is a rather simplistic and poorly thought out opinion. You should not chastise others for not knowing their history when you so prominently display your own bias and ignorance towards history.
Anything can be used for evil, even the name of Christ. The incidents you cited above were not Christian campaigns, but campaigns of man motivated by hate, ignorance, and selfish desires. These campaigns were cloaked under the guise of Christianity, but they had little if anything to do with the teachings of Christ or His promise of salvation through Him.
Christianity has flourished because of Christ and God’s will for each of us. If you know your history David D, Christianity has been strongest when it has been oppressed and persecuted, not when it has been used by others to promote their own agendas or when it has been ‘forced’ upon others. True believers in Christ do not force others to do anything, but in knowing truth and understanding God’s will, we do recognize when others are distorting or damaging Christ’s message, and we will speak up about it, because as Christians we are called to proclain His Glory in the face of those who reject Him out of selfish desires.
David I will explain:
True Christians are upset because Tolle is not teaching Christianity he is teaching Old and New Age paganism that is further confusing ungrounded “Christians” within institutional Christianity. So institutional Christianity without sound doctrine is now rapidly becoming as good as it was in the good old days that you mention when wolves in sheep’s clothing controlled institutional Christianity but were practicing heretical dominion theology.
They even set up a pagan like priesthood and brought in pagan practices into Christianity. After they corrupted their institutions they actually started prosecuting the true Christians that tried to correct them. This war between pseudo Christianity and true Christianity has been going on since the days that Paul warned us that the wolves in sheep’s clothing were already among us. Almost all the Christian killed for their faith throughout time were killed by those who claimed to be Christians. Many of the people who first came to the U.S. are those that were persecuted by Pseudo Christians that took over most of Europe.
Tolle and Oprah are just another attempt to introduce more satanic paganism into Christianity and the results will be similar to the previous successes. Before long the corrupted institutional churches uniting on everything but nothing biblical will again be persecuting true Christians who hold to the foundational truths of the Bible. They hate us because we will never bow to those corrupting the free gift of salvation for all those who believe. For example, the apostate World Council of Churches claims to speak for much of Protestant Christianity today but almost every position it takes is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Now, mix paganism into their socialistic man made utopia gospel and you might have a World Church but there will be nothing Christian about it
Christians should expect books like Tolle’s to be embraced by the world but now thanks to people like Tolle and Oprah who mix Christianity and Paganism many calling themselves Christians have removed all foundational truths. So you have a form of postmodern Christianity founded on what everyone wants to believe rather than on the founder or what the founder taught. How then can they call themselves Christ followers?
They create a hybrid substitute Christianity that eliminates all the essential truths of the faith. For example, they say Jesus is only just one way to God when Jesus clearly said He was the only way to God and that no one can come to God except through Him. Jesus showed us God. He was the only visible image of God, He was not one of many ways He was God’s way. I will give you another example, They cannot say there is no Hell when eternal damnation was a central focus of Jesus and his followers.
We who study Bible prophecy also know where this deception will lead. It will lead to a world church, persecution of true Christians and then to the Beast Antichrist.
I think you surmised that I have already answered your other statement. Those carrying out world atrocities might have called themselves by a Christian title but they were not followers of the biblical Jesus Christ. The religious Jews claimed to be Jews but Jesus said they actually were of their Father the Devil. The true Jews were the true believers who recognized and followed their Messiah. It is the same in Christianity. True believers are really only a small minority of those who identify with Christianity. Since the foundation of the Church there have always been the Oprah’s and the Tolle’s corrupting Christianity with lies. What New Ages teaches is not that much different fromt the condemned Gnosticism of the first centuries.
Understand that Christianity is simply recognizing and believing that Jesus Christ was the promised one of God who would take away mankind’s sins. Those who believe in what Jesus did for us in His death and resurrection, in his righteousness to save us will be saved. Those who believe in their own righteousness will not be saved. That is what separates us from all other religion. We believe in God’s righteousness to save us and they think they can achieve God through their own righteousness. Thus, making themselves God.
Those that believe in Jesus’ righteousness are born into a spiritual body that He created when He rose from the dead. So true Christianity is being born into a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. In its pure form it is not a religion and it certainly is not the harlot institutions parading themselves around the world as Christianity. Although there are Christians among all of them..
What is satanic about a realm where all beings are at complete peace? Tolles teachings, which are in alignment with the spirituality of the ages, do not attack Christianity, they simply do not include it, or any formal religion for that matter. Those who are aligned with these teachings experience nothing but peace, even in the face of Christian bashing. Christians however flare up in savage aggression and throw accusations at Tolle’s teachings. Which of the two parties is at peace here?
When a madman talks silly, the sane person just laughs, does not get offended. Yet, Christians are offended by Tolle’s teachings, yet those who are aligned with these teachings feel no such offense from Christians or any other religious group.
“I am the Way and the Light” could have referred very easily to the way Jesus lead his life and his mode of consciousness. Tolle’s teachings allow for those aligned to feel and spontaneously BE every other teaching of Christ’s, except the misinterpretation that “I am the way and the light’ referred to Jesus as a man and not as a consciousness and a way of being.
Nitaant said “I am the Way and the Light” could have referred very easily to the way Jesus led his life and his mode of consciousness”.
You simply do not understand what Jesus said about himself nor what his followers and the Old Testament prophets said about Him. His followers after his resurrection clearly understood that Jesus was claiming to be God and the Jewish religious leaders of that time also understood that is what He claimed and they crucified Him for it.
Tolle’s book is a Satanic deception because it opposes the only true gospel that leads to mans salvation. Tolle does attack the teachings of Christianity because Tolle distorts the fundamental truths of Christianity and lies about the only way to salvation and that is why we expose Tolle for the heretic that He clearly is.
It is not a matter of being at peace. What good is your peace that is based on Tolle’s lies that will cut you off from God. That peace is deadly.
Jesus said:
Mt 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me
You have obviously not read Tall of \\The New Earth or watched any of the webcasts….so therefore how can you even presume to know by preaching to others what Echkart Tolle and Oprah’s beliefs are let along what they mean???? This is a very uneducated way of trying to discredit someone elses opinion and beliefs. I could have every Christian experience or teaching out there and still would not have the gull to discredit another without having all the facts to base my opinions on.
Not once does either Eckhardt Tolle or Oprah say that we are God. They simply say that God works through us. and we need to recognise that so that we can bring peace and love to the world.
I challenge you to read The New Earth from start to finish and watch the webcasts and then at least you can give your opinions based on having all the information not just parts.
Some will say that I am not a Christian.I am proud to say that I feel that I am and that Eckhardt Tolle, Oprah and The New Earth have brought me closer to God.
“God is Love”
God bless
You are sadly deceived and I am tired of repeating myself to people who will not even take the time to read the article or the many comments. You also do not have a clue about Oprah. Select the Oprah tag under the post and get educated on what she claims.
I have plenty of facts to base my opinion on. I get emails all the time telling me what Tolle says and I can read what other Christians have written about what they teach. I do not need to waste my time reading every heresy to know Tolle and Oprah abundantly teach it. Actually heresy is not a strong enough word, they teach blasphemy and doctrines of devils. They have a different Christ and a different gospel.
Some of the most vicious attacks I have ever heard against those who believe in the essentials of the Christian faith come from readers of Tolle who think they are “enlightened” Christians but are really just sucking New Age Kool-Aid. The most dangerous people in the world are those who use Christianity to feed people another gospel.
Love is not lies from the Devil that send people to Hell, even if Tolle and Oprah do not believe in such a place. Jesus warned more about Hell then most Baptist preachers.
I’m quite confused Don. Let’s set up a scenario here. Imagine a family born onto an island. The island had a couple grocery stores, low population, and could barely be seen on a map. But, the island had human beings. The same type of people as you and me. The same type of people that experience the same things on this planet. What if these people never had the chance to learn about Jesus? Would they be going to hell based on their geographical location? How would these people learn the path of salvation if they were a type of an indigenous culture? This is the part that confuses me in life. Wouldn’t God want the same thing for everyone. To be loving, compassionate people? I believe so. Don you seem like a good guy. But, what if you didn’t have the wonderful chance to learn about Jesus? Put yourself in those people’s shoes and tell me what you would do?!
What if they never heard?
God said if they never had known the truth they would not be guilty. Yet, God said that no one is without excuse because He is revealed in His creation. You do not have to know our name for the Creator to put your trust in the Creator. The name “Jesus” actually means that “YHWH is salvation”. Or in English “I am salvation” and “Jesus Christ” would mean “I am salvation the anointed one of God”. Of course all this implies that it is the God that revealed Himself to the Jews and promised them a Messiah (anointed one). The only Creator is the God revealed to the Jews whose words were recorded by the Jews in the Bible.
Some Christians might disagree with me but I believe the nature of God can be known without knowing these names but you do have to believe the concepts. You must believe that salvation comes from the righteousness of God realizing that you are a hopeless sinner without His salvation and also realizing that you can never attain God through your own righteousness. If anyone wants to argue that point there were Jews called to be saved prior to the incarnation of Jesus who knew little or nothing about what Jesus would do to save mankind. They knew God was righteous and they trusted God (man is saved by faith or trusting belief in God’s righteousness to save – Abraham believed God and it was imputed to Him for righteousness, Rom 4:3, Ga 3:6, Jas 2:23). These Jews in the hall of faith trusted that God would provide a Savior but they knew little or nothing about the names and details.
So no, I do not think it is as black and white as some fundamentalists say. Yet, they are correct in what they say. You can only be saved by God’s grace through faith in God’s anointed Savior but they often woodenly apply this truth. Having said that, being saved from hell and being born into the spiritual Body of Christ – the Church – the Bride of Christ, quite likely are two different things.
So that is what I believe about people who never heard the good news. I do not say they are going to Hell. Only God knows who is going to Hell. Hell or the Lake of Fire was actually created for the Devil and his Angels but all not saved will go there. Nonetheless, when people hear the good news they cannot reject it for some lie or they ARE rejecting God’s only way to salvation and then the only thing left for them is eternal separation from God and the Lake of Fire but they choose it by choosing not to believe in a loving God who would have saved them. God gives people free will.
Tolle and Oprah have heard the good news but they are teaching other ways to God then through God’s anointed Savior and they teach salvation comes through your own efforts. They also claim we are all part of God (thus making our sinful selves equal with God). That is the lie from the Devil from the beginning that man can disobey God and in doing so become like God. No he cannot. If God does not save you, you are already eternally damned dead to God in your sins. If after hearing the truth of God’s Son dying in your place for your sins you then deny this way to Salvation. How then can you be saved by His Savior?
Yes, but what if you were born in the middle east and raised with the ideals of an islamic religion. You were told from the day you were born til the present day you were alive that the religion you have learned is the one and only way. People in the middle east are so brainwashed with the notion of God and getting to heaven that they blow up themselves and innocent people. The innocent people on 9/11 were killed because the terrorists believed they were dying in the name of God. But, those people had no idea or were unable to separate themselves from the ideals they were taught from the beginning of their time. They were unable to cast themselves outwardly from the doctrines they were taught. What do you have to say to this? If you were born in the middle east Don, and were taught everyday of your life from the beginning of sunrise and the end of sunset that this was the one and only way to get to heaven would you disagree or agree with the notion to kill innocent people was the way to reach heaven? Do you see that religion in this instance is used as propaganda and mind control? If Eckhart tolle is the antichrist what does that make Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler? They seem like pretty ordinary guys I guess, right Don?
What i’ve learned is religion can never be argued. You are set in stone about your views and the rest of the audience in set in their views. It’s a fundamental difference between people. There must be a time in everyone’s lives that we meet a common ground of love, peace, and tranquility. If someone comes along and preaches these things how could we label them antichrist? What did you consider Osama Bin Laden? What do you consider Adolf Hitler Don? What do you consider the type of people that treated blacks like slaves if everyone is created equal?
We’re at the point in our time where we are even labeling Barack Obama the antichrist. That word antichrist is being thrown around like a hot potatoe. It seems ironic that its being thrown around at a time where history is about to change. 1. The first black president. 2. Economic Crisis 3. Energy Crisis 4. Wars in the Middle East… Something is definitely changing in this world. You are a part of it. I am a part of it. We are all a part of it. Can’t you just feel it in the tips of your fingertips? It’s like a mysterious underlying feeling floating throughout the air that something is happening. Wouldn’t you expect a lot of changes transpiring? You writing blogs about the antichrist. People like me and other’s counter engaging you. Doesn’t it all seem to fit in place with the times? I think we all need to accept one another and help each other throughout this time. Can’t we just love one another and not point fingers?
If people are blinded by the Devil and do the works of the Devil they are of the Devil. Muslims in general do not believe in the biblical God. Those who live by the hate passages of the Qu’ ran certainly do not know God but not all Muslims believe everything they are taught about Islam, no more than all Catholics believe everything taught by the Catholic Church. Many are Muslims only because Islam is required but their heart is far from it.
World religion IS mind control and is of the Devil and that is the reason I do not call true Christianity a religion. Technically it falls under that definition and much of Christianity is a religion but true Christianity is a spiritual rebirth into the body of Christ producing a personal spiritual relationship with the Creator.
Nobody said Tolle is the Antichrist but he is anti-Christ and so is everyone who opposes the work of Jesus Christ on the earth. The Devil works in each person under his control in different ways but the end is evil and it produces the death of the body and the soul. Tolle is not better than Hitler if his doctrine is blinding people to the truth of salvation with the resultant eternal damnation of their soul.
Like I said, there is nothing to argue about, true Christianity is not a religion. Either you believe Jesus is who He said He was and you are born from above by faith in Him or you do not and you remain in your sins. That is the fundamental difference between all religion and Christianity. Religion says you have to do this or that to be righteous enough to be acceptable or to advance to God. True Christianity says that only God is righteous and He displayed it in Jesus who died for your sins. All you have to do is believe God and accept Jesus. In other words believe in God’s righteousness to save you and not trust in your own righteousness – often called religion.
Tolle is anti-Christ because believing his doctrine nullifies the work of Jesus Christ at the cross and it will result in the death of your soul. What good is man finding common ground if your common ground puts you in eternal damnation because you rejected God’s only way of salvation and substituted your own philosophy? Preaching love and peace when it causes the death of the soul is not love.
Something is changing in the world all right. We are in the last days. The Bible says the world will enter the worst period the world has ever known or ever will know because the world has rejected God’s only Son. He would bring them love and peace but they will choose to believe the lies of the Devil who will bring hate and destruction to the earth. Tolle is deceiving people into thinking that man can bring about a new world through man’s own efforts and goodness and in doing this he is setting the world up for the deception of the Antichrist. Man not reborn from above by Jesus is evil. God teaches that unless Jesus comes back to save His remnant on earth NO flesh would even survive at all.
We can love each other if our love is based on truth. We cannot love each other if we are going to tell each other lies from the Devil.
God’s judgement is always righteous and pure. Those who have never been introduced to Christ should not necessarily fear damnation, as long as they have lived a pure and righteous life. Keep in mind that without Christ in your life, you must bear God’s judgement for the sins that you have committed in your life.
If you have been introduced to Christ, and you reject Him as your savior, then you will have to bear the punishment not only for your own sins on Earth, but also for rejecting God.
Many things in this world are used as material for the devil’s work, including religion, which are attempts by man to understand the nature of God and His purpose. Satan more often than not uses subtlety and suggestion to draw others away from God, and he is more than happy to twist and distort our relationships with God in order to add to his army of fallen souls.
It is rarely the overpowering images of evil and violence that people associate with the devil that are the tools that he uses.
Connecting the dots….Eckhart and Oprah are affiliated with Marianne Williamson (Oprah’s longtime friend) who teaches “A Course in Miracles.” Here is where it gets interesting… go to thepeacealliance.org .. Marianne Williamson is the co-founder of the organization. A bill has already been introduced in Congress, HR-808, to establish the U.S. Department of Peace. That New Age Religion may be just around the corner. Maybe this is another reason Oprah was ecstatic when Obama won the election!.
Eckhart and Oprah are promoting the exact same satanic doctrine as the ascended masters who are actually the fallen angels that were thrown out of heaven for that belief. This lie was told in the garden, practiced in babylon, and channeled by alice bailey, and madam blavatsky, who started theosophy, and the lucifer (lucis) trust. They are guiding the UN toward a one world religion and even Tolle says that “if you don’t evolve you will die.” Christianity is now being viewed as old world thinking because we won’t accept their “I am god” cosmic christ consciousness scam. They say it’s all energy, and that demons don’t really exist, while they slow down their minds to an alpha state in meditation, allowing seducing spirits to guide them. (just ask a luciferian if demons exist, they do and they only one they fear is Jesus) They believe all religions are ways to God, and Jesus is just one of the ways. Then why do all religions totally contradict Jesus when HE says HE IS the ONLY WAY to GOD, and we need to repent of our sins. Oprah says she couldn’t believe in a jealous God, but she overlooks that God is only jealous because he loves us all so much, and doesn’t want us to worship these false gods, demons and idols who are only here to bring us straight to hell. GOD wants us to have a personal relationship with him, and to be born again in the holy spirit. Much different than the self realization divinity through initiation and works taught by the new age. Eckhart says he doesn’t even think about the afterlife or care who follows him? Is that the kind of person you want to be taking spiritual advise from? The Jesus of the Bible speaks with authority, healed the sick, knows mens thoughts, died on a cross and was resurrected to redeem mankind. Jesus is the real deal!
Exactly and very well said. Those are the issues with Tolle and Oprah and anyone that believes what they teach on these things is not saved. Tolle and Oprah teach doctrines of devils.
Hello people.
I see that most of you very much believe in the christian faith. You are happy with your religion and you have found truth in it. That is something very important and very wonderful to have in this life. And I know that other people are also happy and have found truth in their own religions. May it be hinduism, buddhism, islam or new age belief. Why can’t we be happy for each other? why do we fight? We have found truth and we are happy! what more can we possible ask for?
I am happy for you and me. I am happy for all of us who have found love and truth in our hearts, and I say yes to you. I know you can find it in you as well to be happy that we all are contempt in our hearts. I think it makes a beautiful earth to have a world filled with happy people who can be compassionate enough to care for each other even if we do not agree on everything. We don’t have to agree, we don’t have to fight. If you’ve found happiness, truth and love than do so. Be happy for you and for others. Know truth and know that when people are ready to receive truth they will understand but for now nothing can be done, God will reveal his truth to them when the time is right but in the mean time, spread love and in love acceptance is concealed. Understanding is concealed. So love truly from the heart that loves God and believe me, no evil could ever come of that.
Because there is more to life on earth than people being happy here. Life is about obtaining eternal life from the Creator and serving Him while you sojourn here on earth. What good is it if you gain all you love in the world for 80 years and never believe in the real Creator and lose your own soul for eternity?
There is only way way to have eternal fellowship with the Creator and that is through the grace of the Creator.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus was the Creator who became flesh to save us from our sins that would separate us from Him forever. Understand that sinful man cannot dwell with a perfect God so God who loved us while we were yet sinners had to become sin for us and crucify it on a cross so now that all who believe in His righteousness to save us will receive eternal life.
There is only one truth from God and that truth is found in Jesus Christ. Your truth may be truth to you but it is not true. You also cannot truly love God or man if you do not love God as displayed in the work of Jesus Christ and all evil comes from not finding that truth.
This truth is the great difference between Christianity and all other religions of the world. It is not about what you did, it is what He did to save you, but you must believe. All you need to know to obtain eternal life and true happiness is found in the following two articles.
Just because you don’t like the messenger, please don’t miss the message: Jesus died for You. There is only one way to be saved from an eternity in hell, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. And to do that you must first recognize your sin, and accept the gift of salvation that is available only through Jesus Christ. Without that your sin will condemn you in God’s eyes. This is not Don’s (or my) interpretation. It is Jesus’ own words.
If you think Jesus was a “good teacher” but don’t believe the exclusivity of his message please remember this: Christ called himself God. No “good teacher” calls himself God. So he was either God, or he was stark raving mad. Consequently, any writer who reduces Jesus to a “good teacher” and negates His deity is truly from the pits of hell, and can and will take many “home” with them.
There is a great book written by C.S. Lewis called “Mere Christianity” that can give a clear understanding for any who have not read it. And when it comes to the existance of demons, check out “The Screwtape Letters” by the same author.
I spent many years buying into the lies of “all paths lead to God”. Please do not let anyone’s feel good book determine your eternal fate. If you are not sure, pray for God to reveal the truth to you: trust me, he will. Jesus made no claim of peace in this life, and you should certainly question anyone who does.
the Bible, with over 40,000 well documented gross errors in transliteration, shouldn’t be any rational, contemplative person’s determiner of truth and reality.
To the last poster you are self deluded and quite a liar as well. 40,000 well document gross errors in translations in the Bible is quite nuts as was the rest of what you said that I deleted.
This is not a place a blog where you can post your own delusional insanity in order to deceive people with satanic lies.
You wanted to trade the truth for a lie so live in it and die and see if all your “wisdom” had any meaning in reality. I am not going to waste my time with you.
I do not allow the promotion of demonic religions on my Blog and your statement is totally off the post topic.
You are all a bunch of paranoid racists. I can’t believe that you are so intent on being close-minded that you have to come on a website to share your views with other radicalists. If you had approached it with an open mind an objectivity then I would have no objections to your opinions, most of what you say, however, is based on circular logic, guesswork, and simple imagination. It’s people like you who spawn hatecrimes, people like you who have spawned the decline of morals, and people like you who elected George Bush, who just so happened to make a fortune on the Iraqi war and is now under investigation, all of it pushed forward by people who were afraid of anything different than they are. Sincerely, your Buddhist, hippie, Obama supporting friend.
I left up the last post for a good reason. Notice the profound arguments on the last post. We are all racists and spawn hate crimes? Notice how the demented and delusional Left uses lying accusations such as racism to spout their own hated of any Christian truth. Notice how those of the darkness hate the light. Notice the words of “wisdom” from a self confessing Buddhist hippie who thinks he can lecture Christians on morals. Notice who they vote for. Notice these enemies of the light because these are the people of darkness that will bring destruction to America unless all Christians turn on their lights and expose the cockroaches.
While I agree with much of what you say in your forum, I would like to point out one item that I feel needs to be mentioned.
Christianity in my experience is about unity, fellowship, serving others, compassion, love, welcoming Christ into your heart, freely accepting God’s mercy, and understanding that God provided His only son to us, and had Christ pay the penalty for our transgressions, as the ONLY way to reconcile us to Him.
That said, I found the post from Casey Hadley somewhat amusing in it’s inanity, and also quite sad in it’s poor defense of it’s misguided worldview. You can see that those who do not know Christ often try to slander, label, and divide those who they conflict with, calling them “paranoid racists, close-minded, radicalists, creators of hate, immoral, and supporters of George Bush”.
In reference to Casey Hadley’s incredibly simplistic view of this issue as Republican vs. Democrat, and also in reference to your reply Don, where you likewise refer to enemies of Christ as ‘Obama-voters’, I would just like to state something for the record.
I am a Christian. I did not vote for George Bush in either election, mainly because I felt he was too self-serving, ego-driven, and did not have the capacity to truly serve others and address their interests. As much as George Bush tried to promote his faith, I did not see someone who walked with Christ. I feel my opinions on George Bush proved fortuitous, unfortunately, as his dishonesty and disregard for others eventually came to the forefront.
In the same way, I could not vote for John McCain, mainly because of the same ‘personal ambition’ issues that George Bush had. I felt John McCain, as honorable as his service was in the military, was too ambitious in his role as a politician to truly have the interests of others as his main focus. On the contrary, I saw in Barack Obama someone who did indeed desire to serve others, work for their interests, and in so doing, I saw a political candidate who actually walked with Christ in his life.
I am a Christian, and I voted for Obama. They are not incompatible views in the least.
Actually, they are quite incompatible. In Obama we have one who suppports the slaughter of innocent children in the womb, homosexual rights, and there is a question whether he denies the deity of Christ. He himself said that there are many ways to God (salvation).
Jesus himself said he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but through HIM! The narrow road, my friend, not the broad road that Obama seems to believe in.
Once can say they are a christian all day long, but when one denies the very core beliefs of christianity, it gives me pause to ask, what does this person really believe? Even Hitler called himself a christian.
I wasn’t a big Bush or McCain fan either. But I am not buying that Obama is actually walking in the christian faith. His words say otherwise. You can believe he is a unitiyer, that he cares, and has some new ideas (none of which I believe), but you have to question whether he is a true brother in Christ.
I have serious doubts.
Brother in Christ said, “I saw in Barack Obama someone who did indeed desire to serve others, work for their interests, and in so doing, I saw a political candidate who actually walked with Christ in his life”
Thanks for your views. I agree with them except for your logic on voting for Obama.
How did you see what you claim in Obama when he attended a Black Liberation Theology Church for twenty years that teaches a different gospel that includes a gospel of hate? What about his position on abortion and forced redistribution of wealth? These are not Christian concepts.
There are many other things like his voting record not to mention that he is a self confessed Universalist. That also is incompatible with Christianity. So I really don’t know why you think he is one.
What you meant to say is that Obama “says” he will serve others. You have no proof from his past record that he actually will. With your logic we would have to call Gandhi a Christian but Gandhi at least had a long record of works (if they were good or bad works is debatable). Obama thus far just talks and the servent you claim to see we will have to wait to see. I guess you never heard of “Lips Law” (what a presidential candidate promises he will do the exact opposite after taking office – named after George HW “read my lips – no new taxes” Bush).
I could not vote for McCain either because he might even turn out to be worse but in reality they all dance to the same tune of the same globalist elite or they would not even be in that position. I do not believe Christians were given a Christian choice in this Presidential election and perhaps we will never again will. However, for Christians to give all power and a blank check to one party that is obviously anti Christian and all for more depravity is pretty much suicidal.
So enough on Obama and the elections anyway, that is not the subject of this post.
Don said: “How did you see what you claim in Obama when he attended a Black Liberation Theology Church for twenty years that teaches a different gospel that includes a gospel of hate? What about his position on abortion and forced redistribution of wealth?”
Don, a couple things I feel the need to comment on regarding your critique of Obama:
Obama attended a Christan church for many years. It has been widely reported that the minister of the church made some inflammatory and radical statements regarding social, political, and cultural positions he holds. Firstly, we are all sinners, and fall short of God’s glory. I would still maintain that this preacher is a man of God, and it is wrong to label someone as less of a man of God based on the sins he commits (see David). Secondly, it is quite a jump to ascribe such radical views to Obama. I do not feel that I am guilty of the sins that others I associate with make, do you? It is quite wrong to make judgements on Obama’s heart and his walk with Christ based on some inflammatory remarks made by his minister.
Philippians 1:15-18 – “Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from good will: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.”
It is easy to be dismayed when one perceives another’s faith in Christ as somehow ‘off the mark’. The one thing to hold fast to, as Paul did in his Roman prison, is to REJOICE that others are speaking of Christ, regardless of their motivation. It certainly is another matter if a false gospel is being preached, and Paul cautions against that, but if one is sincere in preaching about Christ, and following Christ, who are we to be in a position of judgement on them? God knows what is in their hearts, and God will deal with them if they are false in His name.
I am quite surprised, however, at your view that forced distribution of wealth is somehow anti-Christian. Where is your treasure, Don?
Matthew 6:19-21 – “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Why should any Christian care what the government or others do with ‘earthly’ treasures? Why would something like this even find it’s way into your argument against Obama?
In Matthew 22, Jesus made this perfectly clear: “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”.
An argument for or against a political candidate based on whether they would benefit or harm your earthly riches should NEVER be used as a Christian litmus test. I think you should really re-examine your position on this, Don.
I certainly cannot defend Obama’s position on abortion, just like I cannot defend other positions by our government that facilitate sin in our society (i.e. – gambling). But as I stated before, I certainly saw in Obama someone who walked with Christ. Perhaps someone flawed of course, as we all are, but certainly someone who is looking to serve others as Christ has called all of us to do. Just look at the sacrifices he’s made in order to work in community activism to try and better the lives of others.
Maybe if you learned more about the man Barack Obama, and tried less to mark him with your wide ‘liberal anti-christian’ brush, you would be more understanding of the stark difference between the two candidates we had to choose from.
This if off topic because this post is not about Obama. I will answer but in the future I am going to require people to stay more on topic.
You say Obama attended a Christian church for twenty years. Many would say the UCC has denied the faith and is not Christian. One also does not claim a pastor as your mentor if you do not believe what He teaches. Black Liberation Theology is Marxism and racism in sheep’s clothing, which without preaching a biblical Jesus would make the pastor a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Anyone who thinks that Obama has never heard what Wright said before he was running for president is out of touch. What Wright said is what Black Liberation Theology teaches about white people and America.
David sinned and repented, Wright has not repented and he has been preaching hate speech against whites all his life. Some comparison!
Obama is a self confessed Universalist. That is not compatible with Christianity. In fact I believe his mother was Unitarian Universalist and obviously that is what Obama leans toward. By the way, Unitarian Universalist pastors and many UCC pastors have the same gospel. It is not the gospel of the Bible.
I do not think Obama has a walk with Jesus Christ or he would not be taking positions contrary to God’s word. By the way, the UCC is very liberal and does not take the Bible as the infallible word of God so their theology is built on sand and socialism. In most cases salvation does not come by faith in the work of Jesus. Of course, pastors in this denomination have different views so you cannot broad bush them all.
Again, I would say Christ is not being preached in Wright’s church. He preaches a bastardization of the gospel. It is a false gospel. One designed to itch the ears of those who hate whites. Ever wonder why black Muslim cult leaders think so highly of Obama and Wright?
I wonder who you think Paul was warning the Church against if the message of Wright does not qualify as damnable heresy?
You say you are surprised at my position against forced distribution of wealth? Forced distribution of wealth is called stealing. Jesus did not tells us to support thief’s. It is contrary to free will giving. It also is very bad economics.
Why should wealth redistribution be in my argument against Obama? Because he is promoting stealing from the productive to give to the unproductive and it is wrong and bad economics. The Bible says those who do not take care for their own family are worse than infidels. How can you take care of your own family if you are going to vote in people who will steal what you work for and give it to government who will create a dependent slave class with it?
If you think it is so holy to give up all your money. Why don’t you just give up all your money and go live in the desert and eat locusts and honey? One reason might be because if all believers did that they would soon be fighting over bugs. God calls some people to give up material things he does not call all to give up material things or there would be no money to support Christian programs or Christian evangelism and missionary work.
We have a choice about what Caesar we elect in this country. Do you want one that will rob Christians so those in government can enslave us and others? That may be your choice of a Ceasar but it is not mine. Since we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people that means that we the people have a say in the Caesar ruling over this nation. I for one would want a ruler that honors and believes God. I believe in giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and that is why I pay my taxes. That does not mean I should try to elect a Caesar who is going to spend this nation into bankruptcy.
With your rationalization that we should give everything to Caesar. Paul should not have had free will collections for the Saints in Jerusalem. He should have made the giving compulsorily and Paul should have sent the money to Caesar because the Roman government would best know how to aid the Jewish saints
You say Obama made sacrifices to work in community activism? Don’t be ridiculous. He was sent to Harvard free by powerful people and then He worked under radical socialist Saul Alinsky for money. All he did was take the necessary jobs that would be stepping stones into politics in a black community. I hardly call that sacrifice.
I was not for either of the candidates but whose fault is it if every four years we only get a choice between socialist dee or socialist dum? Maybe those with thinking like yours?
I find it absolutely amazing that I actually have to explain all this to a Christian.
My wife and I left Catholicism (Queen of Heaven/Pope worship) and joined a bible believing baptist church. Our family members on each side of the family are either hard-core atheist or Quaker/Tolle followers. We have been completely disowned by both sides of our families because we are now “fear” based and part of the “dark” side of Christianity that uses the bible. Our only option for dialogue (so our family says) is to recant biblical Christianity and come back to the “light” on the Quaker side, or on the atheist side to renounce Jesus and embrace materialism. Both sides are completely intolerant and nasty to us. Interestingly too, both sides say they are about “love”, yet are not very loving to us if we embrace the Christ of the bible. What to do????
Saints Alive,
Just remember that you are now in the family of the living. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. Just let your light shine. What they do with the light is up to them. Jesus said those who will not leave their unbelieving families for Him are not worthy of Him. When you know the truth and the truth has set you free you cannot go back under bondage.
Man. This sounds crazy. I just stumbled onto this blog and read the arguing taking place. I don’t know what to say. I tend to side with the Christian folks that the new age really desires to replace something they deem to be “bad” with something even worse and more dangersous…the new age. The problem with the new age is that it continually speaks of “you” and loving “you” and how wonderful “you” are. Not much mention of service to others and putting others before “yourself”.
But I don’t know Don. I don’t really know who you are but I can tell you my life is very hard these days because my mother and dad have died. If Jesus Christ can’t promise me that my kind, little mother, and my dad, are not being tortured in the worst way right now…I openly refuse to worship this Jesus Christ or this God. And, if He/they expect me to worship Him/them under those circumstances…it will not happen, not now, not ever. I’m sorry, but I love my mother and dad at least as much and more, than I love Jesus Christ, and if He doesn’t like that, He isn’t much of a God. Certainly not a God worth praising, that’s for sure. He is more like an old tyrant that will have you beaten if you won’t submit to him.
The problem with the “New Age” is that it claims that man can become equal to God or it makes collective man or creation God. But man with his fallen sinful nature cannot even fellowship with God and man certainly is not God.
Sorry to hear that your Mom and Dad died. Unfortunately all people die sooner or later in this fallen evil world. God does promise that their will soon be a future world where there will no more sorrow, suffering or death. So this short play being acted out on earth to reveal the sons of glory for the Angels is temporal and nothing when compared to the joy believers will have in endless eternity.
Why would Jesus Christ or God be torturing your kind little mother and dad? Whoever told you that is not speaking for God. First of all no one has even been judged yet. Those who attain to the first resurrection will be judged by Jesus in the future for what they did in their bodies good or bad. It will be a judgment of rewards and loss of rewards but all who attain this judgment are promised eternal life.
Those who do not attain the first resurrection will be judged by God fairly at the Great White Throne Judgment about a thousand years later. These people will only get what they deserve.
I believe that people send themselves to the Lake of Fire by totally rejecting the Creator. God will not make people love Him and He will not make them enter His new creation through His Son. If people choose to remain separate from God for eternity and will not allow God to be their God they will have nobody but them selves to blame for the hell they put themselves in. Those who choose to reject God will prove to all creation that they never were of God and were sons of their father the Devil.
Jesus the Creator died for all the sins ever committed in the world that separate fallen man from a perfect God. His gift to the world is eternal life for those who will trust Him and enter into His loving kindness. But the cowards and the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death created for the Devil and his angels.
I do not think that includes your kind old mother and dad but it may include you if you hate and reject God without cause. After all, God cannot restore creation to perfection if there are going to be people in that creation who hate Him or hate others. That is why all the laws of God are summed up in this simple statement. Love God and Love your neighbor.
Wake up.
Jesus isn’t coming back, ever.
You’ve been waiting 2000 years. You’ll wait 2000 more and nothing.
Every generation thinks it’s the last. Just because life sucks and you need some drama.
Life does suck, it’s true, but especially for those who have no faith in Christ. Personally, I have only waited 10 years for Christ’s imminent return, but only because before then I had no belief in him.
Hopefully none of us are “waiting” for his return, but looking forward to it. For me, that means what would I want to be doing should he return in my lifetime? Do I want to be sitting on my rear confident in my salvation, or do I want to be fulfilling his will in my life?
Whether Christ comes before I die or not, I am glad to be among those who believe that my eternity is with Him. And the drama is unfolding, worse every day. When I think of unbelievers I think: Where have you placed your faith? I hope not in government, or man, or your own goodness. None of them will save you.
I am curious, are there unbelievers who see the world in chaos and wonder if there is any hope for the future? Even an unbeliever can see the signs of a world turning inside out. Do you have children? Are you concerned for them? what about any of your loved ones? As for me, I don’t need the drama, I have lived enough of it. But is your life without drama? Turn on the news at any given point during the day, how do you feel about what you see?
This response is concerning Matt’s post, but not necessarily personal. I do hope that those who don’t believe will see the writing on the wall and think what does it mean for them, personally. More and more, the bible has proved to be historically and scientifically accurate, and honestly seeing that is what got me pondering, wow, what if the rest of it is right? I am not sure anyone, even Don, can accurately predict exactly what will happen and when, but it is food for thought, for believers, but especially unbelievers…
Matt, if you are still around, I hope you at least consider the possibilities and implications. Life has drama with or without faith. I lived enough years without faith to remember how much harder it was without it. But maybe you are content.
I just read back through the posts, and I wanted to add to Don’s response to Nicholas’ questions concerning those who were never taught about Jesus…
Nicholas, this question was one of the first questions I asked someone I saw to be a sound Christian. Even after my salvation, it burdened my heart to think that those who never knew of Christ would be condemned. Understanding that I had no knowledge of Tibet, or Tibetan Monks, or what they believed…I put it to my friend that say there is a very spiritual monk in Tibet, and noone ever taught him about Christ…essentially the same as your scenarios, and his response resonated with me, and I would like to share it:
He said if I climbed that mountain, and told the Monk about Christ, he would smile at me and say, “oh, that’s what you call him”
The words are different than Don’s explanation, but I believe the basic principal is the same. I don’t know if this helps you understand, but it did me, and I wanted to share it.
God Bless,
PS. I know there are many who call themselves Christians who will not make it to heaven, just as there are some we’d call heathens who will make it there. The reality is religion divides because of sin and self-will. If I was a perfect Christian I would love no matter what, but I can’t stop myself when people pull out in front of me, kick my seat in theatre- or even, gasp! – church, or treat me or my loved ones cruelly. No matter what religion people follow, or buy into, they need to see that “sin nature” in themselves before they can see the need of salvation. Any teachings which lead anyone to believe they can obtain a higher plain without acknowledging sin is exactly what Don calls it: “Doctrines of Demons”
Further, I would argue that if any people of a different faith found salvation through spiritual experience, it was through the Holy Spirit and NOT pop culture.
Reading back through these posts, it gave me a chuckle from those accusing Christians of being “close-minded”. To which , I will proudly agree.
This whole thing with Oprah and Tolle is nothing new. It’s the same old tired New age mumbo-jumbo, all fluff-no substance that I read about thirty years ago. Same crap, new neon package. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
But I have to remind those who mock the Christian belief, remember that all christians were once non-believers. We have been on both sides of the fence. I once practiced these same New ages beliefs before I was reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. I gave both sides a chance (with an open mind) and chose Jesus, because in the end He was the only truth. He proved it when I first believed in Him and still continues to prove it 23 years later…every day.
So before slamming us and spewing hateful comments, I suggest you examine Jesus and what the Bible has to say before making pronouncements. I challenge you to understand the message of the gospel that we all have broken God’s law and how God himself came to this earth to die and pay our penalty so that we could have eternal life and a new relationship with Him.
I dare you to live up to your “open-mindedness” and consider the one who made radical, bold claims as being the only way to God and the real path of salvation. Don’t give me the lame argument of “Well, I read the Bible and blah, blah, blah.” I can tell you exactly why I reject New age beliefs. Tell me that you understand why Jesus came, died for you and why you reject that.
After considering both sides and if you reject it, at least you can say you were honest, accountable, and not “close-minded”.
Just a thought.
Here is my answer to that. I am not going to waste my time replying to those who think that God is a myth. God calls these people fools in the Bible so who am I to say otherwise?
If I delete this nonsense people get pissed and If I reply to these tares I waste my life. If anyone else want to deal with these toxic weeds be my guest.
Christianity wasn’t new either at the time of it’s inception. There were all sorts of Gods claiming to have Virgin births before Christ hit the market (Zoroaster and Mithras being just two examples). At its time Christianity would have been considered New Age mumbo jumbo. Christ, providing he existed (and the evidence isn’t completely concrete) made no unique claims. The Bible is simply a hodge-podge mix of stolen ideas, very much like The Power Of Now and A New Earth.
The difference between the Bible and The Power of Now, at least for me is that the latter made sense . It introduced me properly to meditation which has lowered my stress levels significantly. I didn’t have to subscribe to any of the absurd claims of Miracles or any of that nonsense to reap benefits.
Not all Christians were non-believers. Take children for example who have been indoctrinated from early childhood. I know several of these people and they ‘accepted’ Christ at between the ages of 5 and 8. Children at that age don’t have the capacity to meaningfully accept or reject world-views.
I’ve read the Bible kevneto and it didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. That said, God has as much a part in my life as Holden Caulfield in that He’s another fictional character who very occasionally ‘says’ something worth considering. My bullshit detector filters the rest out. Because of this I have absolutely no guilt for non-existent crimes.
As for the reasons why I reject Christianity, here’s 4 I can think of very quickly.
1) There is no evidence for a god or gods.
2) The claims of miracles are absurd at best.
3) Complete evidence on the historical Jesus isn’t there.
4) The Bible is largely an awful read (much like A New Earth) and isn’t even in my top 100 most spiritual books.
Remember, the fear of Christian hell only has gravity because we were reared in a Christian society, not because the Holy Spook is speaking to us. This is the reason why we aren’t afraid of Muslim hell and the reason why I’m not afraid of any idea of hell.
You obviously aren’t interested in discovering the Truth then Don which might explain why you come over so nasty to people.
Truth? From a mocker of Christian truth? That is really rich. Frankly, if telling the truth makes some people think I am nasty. This nasty person is in very good company.
You have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this post or blog so you are out of here. Peddle your Christian hate speech to “nice Christians” who will put up with you.
Eckhart doesnt preach, none of the content in the book is any sort of religion nor does it pertain to an afterlife of any sort. It is just philosophy, like all other peacful thinkers that have been before it is one mans experience put into words…. An experience at learning to think without obstruction from any sort of past or future conflicts that might be filling up your mind. Its just about living life without any sort of judgement
Its not about calling yourself god, its just a book…. A book about a guy who found peace from his once noisy mind.
I guess if what you wanted to achieve with this post was to steer any other christians away from A New Earth then thats fair enough, since the book contradicts your beliefs. But dont make Eckhart and his book into something it is not. He is not teaching the doctrines of demons, and he doesnt in anyway state that ‘I am’ is God. That is your interpretation of the book.
There are many people like myself, that still have respect for you and your religion Don, even though we might not share your beliefs
If Oprah me or anyone else appreciates A New Earth, perhaps try and respect that, and dont judge us for it 😉
It is “New Age” teaching in a new wrapper. So yes Eckhart is teaching doctrines of demons so if you want demonic lies and deception go ahead and read his book. If you want truth you would listen to those who know what the Bible says about his demonic claims. Also you can be a true Christian or you can be one of the great pretenders you cannot be both. Those who believe New Age teachings have never met the Jesus of the Bible. They are still dead in their sins
I really do not expect to steer those who reject Christianity away from his book. They are spiritually blinded so they cannot see? I am preaching to those who are looking for truth because the Holy Spirit is leading them. Nevertheless, even when those who reject Christianity are about to get run over by a streetcar the respectful thing to do for them is to warn them. This is much worse because their eternal soul is at stake.
By the way this is a Christian Blog so what else would expect but Christian teaching?
I think we bypass a whole lot of this redundant debate by examining what we believe to be the nature of the the so called afterlife and what went wrong on earth.
What if I seriously charge people to consider what heaven and hell could ever represent. To me heaven and hell cant be physical places for individuation. If so they would both be quite flawed. I think the universe we have always been a part of is quite perfect in its own right. Never forget for spatial and temporal beings we need contrasts that range in significance to have knowledge of any sort.
I find a lot of the jargon describing a better life after this one stinks of sickness. There is plenty of discussion on this sort of thing already. But a quick sum up is to say that when we assert the existence of a heaven we assume its better. In what way? Everything is just dandy and we sit around complimenting everyone or just god. Well then that sounds absurd to me. If heaven and hell exist I cannot see how one could regard them at all encompassing individuation of your soul. The only embellishments I can entertain is after life our self hood is revealed as it was, temporal. Thus perhaps our self hood dissolves away and is “merged” with the energy of life, the will of life (if you “will” heh). Anyway, I am not so sure that many Christians have really examined what heaven and hell really mean and how they stem from what this earth presents to us. They are metaphysical terms that stem from this physical realm. We can take any leaps of faith we want. You are entitled to that, but I find more intellectual cleanliness in the skeptical/comedic outlook. Oh and this isnt to mention how seperation from God through rebellion seems to make a whole lot of logical nonsense as far as will goes. But thats more typing and I think I am done.
We all are trying to reconcile ourselves I guess, I believe these attempts reveal a higher nature of our human species I just like to balance out my expectations and try to think slowly about the nature of being and our place in it. But then again I can grant that any given religion that is decent ly structured could be correct. Well then, its quite a market place! Hmmmmm. At least dogma reveals a higher seriousness, just how with this seriousness be characterized?!
“Teaching the doctrine of Demons”? Come on. That’s insulting to the intelligence of Christians. We do not live in the dark ages and such fiery rhetoric does not advance our faith. Please, if you can find it in your heart, listen to other points of view, and believe with quiet, confident humility. Attacking this man or his beliefs betrays fear, a desire to destroy the ideas of others, and weakness which is patently unChristian.
True Christians know the essential doctrines of what we believe and it is you that insult our intelligence by saying that we do not. You also claim to be one of us but that is rather doubtful. If you really were one of us you would know that the “New Age” teaching of Oprah and Tolle is totally contrary to Christianity and a lying deception from Satan.
I have to wonder what does advance your Christian faith? Is it dialoguing with heretics and liars to find common ground so everyone can be deceived?
It is Tolle that is attacking true Christianity and redefining it and leading many astray but you somehow want to think is is not Christian to take a stand against His lies that lead people to Hell? What you propose is some Casper Milquetoast Christianity.
The apostles stood in the cities and preached a unpopular message to the Jews and Pagans and they gave their life for it. They did not preach a message of inclusiveness with the pagan beliefs. They preached Jesus Christ crucified and risen. But, you now somehow think this huge deception coming from Oprah and Tolle should be celebrated by Christians? Unbelievable! .
By the way, identifying with Christianity does not make anyone a Christian. You also must believe the doctrine of Jesus Christ risen and Lord of all to be a Christian. It is amazing how many people today call themselves Christians who have NO spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ and who know nothing about the requirements to even be in the Body of Christ.
Christians believe Jesus is the the only way, the truth and the life and no man comes to Father God except through Jesus Christ. If there were many different paths as Oprah and Tolle teach, Jesus would not be who He said He was. So then why can’t you people who call yourself Christian’s see your own hypocrisy?
It is is clear that the doctrine they teach is anti Christ but you do not see it. The only conclusion one can come to is that you do not know the faith you claim to believe. Any teaching that is not the one given through the foundational teachings of Christianity is Satanically inspired and the New Age teaching of Tolle and Oprah are the chief lying deceptions of our time.
Some will certainly think this is a narrow minded view but Jesus said the door to salvation is narrow and few would find it. Jesus is that door. Jesus Christ is the only door. You must come to God through trusting in Jesus. You do not get to God by embracing the same old lies wrapped in a new cover that pagans believed from before the dark ages.
That is what “New Age teaching is all about. Oprah and Tolle would have us believe that mankind can evolve to become like God if we just all showed our good humanity and get on the same page. This is not the teaching of Christianity. Christianity claims that man is evil and dead in his sins and must receive God’s Savior. There is no way for man to positive think a new world into existence. The truth is that man is heading toward destruction because of his selfish evil nature and that is why he had to be saved by God’s only Son.
That is why God had to become a man and die for your sins so that you could have a relationship with Him. All the righteousness is of God, the love is from God, the work was done by God. Man could do nothing nothing and did not even deserve this free gift of salvation from God. All God requires of you is to believe that He is righteous and that He did this for all who trust in Him.
“Tolerance” and “open-mindedness” and being a Christian…I have been thinking lately about both words and I have to thank you Don for this thread and your comments and I am wholly behind you in this.
Both terms in some ways are completely impossible for a Christian to have. We cannot be tolerant of anything that draws away from Jesus, draws away from His Glory. In the same way we cannot be open-minded to ideas or doctrines that also do the same. We can study and learn what they say but in the end Jesus is the Way. To do any less would detract from Jesus’ message.
However, just to clarify the terms, when someone hurts me, I am tolerant. I forgive. They hurt me again, I forgive. We are told to forgive seventy times seven (basically no matter how often is required).Is this not the ultimate level of tolerance?
Also I have to be open-minded to the fact that I may be wrong is certain things, but that the right will be within God’s Will and Love and not contradict that.
People are quick to claim that we can be like God, to fully understand and share or emote with Him. But wasn’t this the original problem. We were tempted to be like Him, that He would not punish us for wanting to be like Him. Society today has lost responsibility, so many do not respect other people, take ownership for their actions or even understand the difference between right or wrong because in essence New Age states there IS no right or wrong, whatever suits you is fine.
Morals, responsibility, ownership of one’s actions all fall aside when the Id, the Ego, the I’ll do as I please selfish attitude rules a heart.
If everyone behaved as Jesus taught; to serve and love, the world would be a better place. Problem is to behave like Jesus needs His help as none can be truly like Him, completely selfless, completely humble and meek (meek as opposed to weak is actually controlled strength rather than lack). Being Christ-like is impossible without Christ and His personal involvement.
Remember that not all things that seem to be good are in fact so. For example, peace is good. But peace through fear and paranoia; Is that good?
You cannnot judge a book by the cover, just because it says peace or wellbeing doesn’t mean it is good when it costs your soul…
To those that love Jesus – never stop
To those that don’t know Jesus – look at those that do, remember they are still a work in progress and not always perfect, but see their life, see the change, see the hope and the Lord who works through them. He wishes the same for you.
Roguemeister, thanks for the words of Christian wisdom that you just added to this post.
Dear Don,
Please keep spreading the word on Tolle. My husband was reading a lot of Tolle, and something happened. He is not the same. My husband feels like a creepy person now.
I do not get how after 28 years I could all the sudden be creeped out by my own husband,
but I am.
Just to understand Tolle and his followers more I have had a look on his official website and the following is a brief dissemination of my thoughts. (This will go over 2 posts, sorry!)
The idea of Ego, the Id is paramount to his thinking. You can do all things as long as you focus on yourself. “understanding you in the present” Ignoring past or future and focusing purely on that which you are doing at that moment to the exclusion of all external factors. Interestingly, he equates thought and emotions to be lie and truth
“If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie, the emotion will be the truth”
“Enlightenment means rising above thought”
Unfortunately, we all know that emotion is a fickle master. It is that emotion that would have me steal or lie to gain an advantage over a colleague. It is emotion that when angry with my wife would never return. It is only my mind that reminds me of the consequence or the promise that stops me. Crimes of passion…just are that crimes made from emotions over-running senses. To see emotion as truth is to open up for complete chaos.
Tolle also extols that “Real love doesn’t make you suffer. How could it?” Where have I heard that before “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails”(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
He extols love as a pure state, but one only someone who frees themselves can truly attain.
Looking through his words, Tolle touches on truth, but only in the way a sine wave touches the x axis every now and then.
“Humans have been in the grip of pain for eons, ever since they fell from the state of grace, entered the realm of time and mind, and lost awareness of Being. At that point, they started to perceive themselves as meaningless fragments in an alien universe, unconnected to the Source and to each other.”
Almost exactly the condition of man after the Fall.
“Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that comes with it”
When in Christ we experience the wealth, the Truth which sets us free and plants us firmly on a rock rather than sinking sand!
“It wasn’t through the mind, through thinking, that the miracle that is life on earth or your body were created and are being sustained. There is clearly an intelligence at work that is far greater than the mind. How can a single human cell measuring 1/1,000 of an inch across contain instructions within its DNA that would fill 1,000 books of 600 pages each? The more we learn about the workings of the body, the more we realize just how vast is the intelligence at work within it and how little we know. When the mind reconnects with that, it becomes a most wonderful tool. It then serves something greater than itself.”
Miracle, intelligence? Amazingly he again points towards God but misses the mark.
For Christian’s Tolle pulls at just enough of the core beliefs we have to pique our interest. He draws on parallels to how the universe actually is, but then removes all that drawing on a ‘presence’ and extolling our own ability to understand the universe, yet at the same time removing thought as a tool to keep our variable emotion in check. He quotes buddhism and psychological aspects to appease his reality.
He is new age thinking at it’s best, 21st century para-spirituality focuses on anything that is not Jesus, take a bit of this, a bit of that, mix it up and away we go. Jesus? Why follow that archaic, traditional mumbo jumbo? What use is a man who said nice things, what does he know of what we do today? Tradition is rubbish and has no being in our society!
However, take away the technology and the science progression and man is as he was then, we are no better, certainly not morally wiser. We are still liars, cheats, bullies, self-absorbed, greedy, morally redundant things, anaesthercised from suffering affecting other people since it doesn’t affect us.
Jesus’ command – Love each other, serve one another is at direct odds against today’s society; Love yourself and do what you like.
Tolle, like many others fails to see the real problem that we must take responsibility that on our own we will fail. Sin at it’s very essence focuses me on me. We say we don’t need help, we can fix it ourselves. We are wrong, we need help and there is nothing we can do on our own to change it.
That is the demon agenda, that is what Tolle puts forth, we don’t need God. We can do this ourselves. We can save ourselves and in doing so we have become God by thinking we have saved that which only God can do.
Can I please advise all Christian’s that know and love Jesus, keep your focus on Him. He is all you need, He is the only Truth that sets you free. Look at everything through the lens of Jesus. you see the truth of the world, the truth over the lie. We need to rely on Him and not our own strength.
Blessings and thank you for reading!
I will agree, Tolle is rubbish, his sort of thinking is not very good at all. I actually like Christianities teachings better. I just wonder if Christians can see how resentful their worldview is. Is it not hateful ,in some way, to tell someone they will go to hell for all of eternity if they don’t say a prayer to Jesus. Do we hate unbelievers because we see some of them in us? So apparently love doesn’t transcend all. Rightly so I suppose, such is life. However I believe there is no easy way to explain away existence. Being and life on earth is such an enigma. There are so many dogmas out there, and it seems there is a common theme among them. I guess we assert exclusivity to salvation because it completes the system by necessity. But when we analyze this do we not see how faith is basically an enthusiastic remedy from a nausea of life. We all want some peace of mind I guess, so whatever. However I guess I am just jealous of the faithful that can be content through dogma.
Again, to me, one of my biggest hang ups on religions like Christianity is the popular concept of heaven and hell. I am curious, do you people believe in a physical heaven and hell? To me it doesn’t make sense to posit the existence of a realm where we are self cognizant and in space/time but 100% “good” – just doesnt make any sense to me.
Also are you people Calvinists or Armenians? Do you believe God elects (fates) believers or not? I am just curious. Sorry if I am going off on a tangent.
Don – why you are so full of anger? I don’t recall Christ being so full of anger – he was full of love and kindnees, forgiveness and understanding. He exemplified the evolved spirit living consciously – yet over the years his words have been twisted to become something devisive and separating rather than inclusive and peaceful. He showed mercy and compassion at every turn. Do you find your work on this blog does the same? It appears your defensiveness and anger cuts you off from finding and spreading a message of peace and love. Is there any other way to be?
Dear Don,
Please keep talking about this. My husband was reading a lot of Tolle. He has lost it.
He has become some other person. It is like a Twilight Zone episode, but this is really
not funny. My husband is now this creepy person talking about being happy right now. And if he is not happy right now, whatever he is not happy about goes away now. He was never
like this before. Our marriage may be ending largely due to this. It all happened very fast. My husband said one day a thought occured to him that he would be “euphoric” if we were not married. (We had not been arguing or anything) so he decided he was done. So he is now staying somewhere, I do not know where, but when I do see him, he looks anything but happy, and he has entered some wierd world. The kids think he’s nuts, and I have not a clue as to how to speak with him. He is in some wierd zone. This is a nightmare.
John, because I oppose people who lead other people away from the Biblical Jesus Christ to teach them to believe pagan lies does not mean that I am full of anger. You forget that Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the Temple and called the leaders of Israel a den of vipers.
Jesus also says more about Hell than any other Bible figure. Jesus is also coming back to judge the world and to destroy evil people from the earth. Jesus talked about this coming judgment on the earth in the Gospels. The Book of His Revelation fully paints the terrible picture for those that reject God’s Savior.
So the picture you paint of Jesus may be coming from the spin in Tolle’s books but it is not coming from the Bible. God is love but God is also perfect justice. I do not think it is love to tell people to take a path that will lead them to the death of their eternal soul. That is what Tolle does. I love people enough to forcefully take a stand against lies that will lead to their damnation.
Andrew, People do not go to hell because they do not say a prayer to Jesus. They will go to the Lake of Fire (Hell) because they have rejected the Creator. Only He can take away their sins so they can dwell with Him but God is not going to force people to love Him. For if He did He would have robots. Sinful people also cannot live in His new creation without corrupting it for eternity.
Mankind will totally destroy themselves without God’s intervention. People want to blame God for the troubles in the world but he already provided the answer for our fallen nature in His Son. In the near future when God does something about all the evil people who reject His Son they will blame God for His plan to make the fallen creation perfect again. People say they want God to intervene and make the world a paradise but they reject His plan to do so. Instead man says we can do it ourselves. Man cannot! Man is now doomed to die. Imperfection cannot become perfection. Man with his fallen nature would totally destroy all life. Unfortunately that truth will all be played out in the very near future. Only Jesus’ intervention saves a remnant.
Jesus is the Creator. That is what Tolle and Oprah do not understand. There is only one truth and that is the truth from the Creator. Jesus came to show us God. He is the visible Image of God. Now all should know God’s true nature and the good news tells us that He died for mankind’s sins so we could have fellowship with Him. Why then would anyone reject so great a salvation? All you have to do it believe in your own Creator’s righteous to save you and you will be saved, is that too much for God to ask for you to enter His perfect eternal creation?
If I was the potter and the pots rebelled against me I would smash them all and start over. God did not do that. He became a pot and got smashed for you so you could see his true loving nature and believe in Him and enter into His life and His new perfect creation. Now if you go to the Lake of Fire (Hell) you put yourself their by rejecting God’s salvation. The Lake of Fire was not created for man it was really created for the Devil and his angels but some people insist on being their own god like Satan and will end up there .
There is a Heaven and Hell. Heaven is where God exists and Hell is a Lake of Fire without God. By the way, in eternity Heaven is really the Holy City, it is 1400 miles square. It is a real physical place not some spiritual plane. Read Revelation chapter 21 and 22
Are we Calvinists or Armenians? Yes. I am sure some of both read this Blog.
My own position is that there is truth in what both theologies affirm and error in what they both deny. That is all I am going to say about that topic here and if anyone goes down that road I know it will certainly get the thread off topic to a endless debate and I will not post it.
Andrew – I can see your initial point, from a worldview talking about the lakes of fire and sounding condemning does seem as hateful. But if as a parent or a friend I shout loudly “Don’t touch that pan or you’ll burn!”is that out of hate or love? We do not want anyone to burn, but perhaps the way we do things sometimes may not be the best method.
I believe in loving people, I believe in helping people who need help, whether that’s time or money. Show them the love that God has shown me. That includes people who may have done me wrong or I find I don’t get along with as well as others. Jesus love that we are to share is the Greek Agape. Unconditional, voluntarily love like He has for us. This is actually more of a mental decision since, as I mentioned before don’t usually feel nice about those that hurt us!
Heaven and hell is a difficult concept for us humans, however I like this analogy about dimensions. We live in a 3D world. What happens if we were to enter a 2D world, how would a 2D person comprehend the idea of a 3rd dimension? It would make no sense to him and would he not claim that it can’t exist or that it existed beyond their understanding. I know that scientists currently have a theory that there are up to 10 dimensions around us, though we only see/understand 4 (I include space/time as a dimension.)
John – Jesus wasn’t angry?
He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts (Mark 3:5)
When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.”( John 2:13)
How would Jesus have driven out these without the anger to make that change? Anger is a necessary force. It is would makes us go against that which is wrong. Makes us fight against injustice and pain. If a man came and took my wife by the hand and led her towards a cliff edge with the sole purpose of walking off and if he was distracting her so she wouldn’t notice; I would be angry, I would shout and fight to rescue my wife. Christian’s feel the same towards anything that detracts from Jesus. That pulls people away or blinds them to the truth.
I think exasperation sometimes creeps in when you show people the same argument 10 times, almost like if you show someone that 2+2=4 but they still claim it’s 5. I read this thread and all its comments and Don has not shown anger towards the posters, but the falsehoods that have been posted. Not to speak for him, but I assume Don just wants people to understand that Tolle’s teaching is going to lead down a dark path.
So I can understand better, Don and Roguemeister – do you consider yourselves fundamentalists and/or literalists? I mean, do you believe the Earth was created in exactly seven days? There are over 700 versions of the Bible, which version of the Bible do you follow? I have so many questions – I hope you don’t mind me asking. Do you think Tolle is being blasphemous when he uses quotes from Jesus?
I can only speak for myself. I do not like handles because people often put different meanings on them. People started calling themselves Evangelicals because certain Fundamentalists became labeled as fringe. So Bible believers started calling themselves “Evangelicals” or “Born Again Christians” but now those terms have largely been corrupted by Christians that really are “Christians” in name only.
Lets just say I believe in the fundamentals of the Christian faith as defined by the Bible. I do not see how anyone can be a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ without believing His claims. After all, true Christianity is founded on Jesus Christ. I also believe the Bible is to be taken literally unless the author and common sense conveys that what is said is a literary tool.
God said the earth was created in seven days. But that does not mean that a day to God is the same time period as a day to us. In fact the Bible says that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. But, I am not saying that the earth was created in 7000 years either. What we really need to know from God about creation we have already been told. It is just a waste of time to try to second guess God on issues he did not further define.
I read the best translations of the Bible. There are quite a few. None are totally perfect but all the good translations contain all truth necessary for Christian faith and practice.
Tolle teaches a different God than the Bible teaches or Jesus displayed. That alone make Him blasphemous.
You may have so many questions but I do not think I will be answering them here. If you read through the scores of comments and the links that I provided in some of my comments any serious worthwhile questions you have will probably be answered.
I do not think new comments on this post will be opened much longer. Just about everything worthwhile about the teaching of Tolle and Oprah’s has already been brought up. The size of this post file is getting out of hand.
At the very least I am going to be much more selective about what comments are posted in the future. As I said most of what is worth knowing is already in the prior comments. There really is no reason to keep rehashing the same stuff. I also know a site that does nothing but discuss Tolle’s “New Earth” book has put up a link to this Blog. Therefore, the Tolle fan club comments will just go on and on like the energizer bunny.
So don’t get mad if comments that say nothing new are no longer posted.
Hi John,
Yes, Tolle is being blaphemous when he diminishes the person of Jesus Christ. The Lord wasn’t just some enlightened teacher who realized the Christ consciousness. He is the livng, risen Christ. The savior of mankind, the Creator of the all,and the alpha and omega. It doesn’t matter if it is Tolle, the JW’s, Moonies or Mormons; anyone who tries to lessen who He truly is speaks blasphemy, for they are saying that God is not God.
I take the Bible literally because that is the way God wrote it. The Almighty is a straight shooter and reveals things as they are. When poetic language or symbolism is used, you apply those descriptive terms to see what God is trying to reveal. And yes, I believe God did create the world in 6 days. He’s a very big God and nothing is too difficult for Him. He could have created it in 6 milliseconds if He wished. He’s really that big and powerful.
I think in our current world of hyper science and trying to explain away the supernatural, one can lose some of the enjoyment of knowing that God does great things that we can’t understand. If we could explain how God did everything according to science, He wouldn’t be a very big God.
And yes, there are many translations of the Bible. But, there are many more copies of the Bible from antiquity than any other document. There are over 20,000 original manuscripts of the New testament alone from over the past 2 thousand years. The only other document that even comes close is Homer’s Illiad at 643 copies. Scholars have studied the ancient biblical manuscripts and the only differences are some punctuation, spelling and word order. But there is no discrepancy of any doctrinal significance. God wrote a booK, He perserved it and it still stands today. The Bible I read today is the same Bible my same Bible my great, great grandfather read. And according to the Bible, we are still saved the same way, by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Just my two cents.
Hi John,
I don’t mind you asking at all! I will try to answer any question to the best of my ability! If you have any more questions rather than use this blog comments, please use my email which I am happy for Don to send you as I’m sure the address is registered with the comment behind the site. (Don’t want to add it officially on the site for obvious reasons)
I’m with Don on the labelling. I don’t say I’m any denomination (the church I attend http://www.alm.org.uk, have a look and see what goes on). I believe the bible is literal except where it obviously is not. Many of the parables or symbolism are clearly stated in the bible.
With the example of creation, I accept the 7 days as being true as there is absolutely no reason to doubt that if God created it then it took however long He wanted. Evolution as a theory does have holes in it, even with Intelligent Design ideas it doesn’t still fit. I cannot deny also that Creation when tested by science within the confines of the universe also raises questions, but I also know that it isn’t the crux of my faith.
I often read many different translations of scripture to get a view of the passage, sometimes a word can be translated in English in different ways which then means the passage does read differently.(NKJV, NIC, Amplified, The Message are the main I have.)
Tolle takes the bible and converts it for his own end, that is blasphemous. Anyone who takes scripture and subverts it for their own goals are doing so.
Excellent article. I’m amazed to see the Bible is so accurately prophetic! I mean, the Bible says there will be great deception in the Last Days…and here are Eckhart Tolle and Oprah deceiving hundreds and millions through television and printed media. Hundreds of millions of people believing this deception are trying to be “good persons” with “loving hearts,” trying to push their way into heaven. Hardly do they realize they’re stubbornly heading toward a cliff that leads to the Lake of Fire. The Christians rejecting these false teachings are truly God’s elect….
I have never seen a better example of pearls being cast before swine. Mr. Don, you did what you could, a noble effort. You are right on the money. I have been discussing Tolle with a “Christian” Tolle follower who disqualifies my views because I have not read the Tolle books. I really have no desire to read the books. All I need do is listen to her inclusive “many roads” lingo and know this is age old Luciferian logic. No rocket science needed here. Aspiring to one elevated mind, an eastern and transcendental theology, never gets old I guess.
The popularity of the message may evidence this world’s rapidly approaching deceptive end. Not altogether bad news.
The link to Ms. Kjos’s article is appreciated.
The pearls we cast are not for the swine. They are cast to those baby Christians that do not grasp the danger of wallowing in “A New Earth” pigpen.
Tolle followers think they have become freed and enlightened people because they read Tolle’s latest New Age comic book. They never understood the truth from the Creator in the greatest book ever written so instead they read and believe “New Age Lies Given All Over Again For The Me Generation”.
I am hesitant to post anything because I have only read half way down the comments. Also I feel that no matter what it is that I attempt to convey it shall be received negatively.
I would like to say I am a proponent of Tolle, and he is not the only person to expound the ideas about ego and Being.
At this moment,Now, I am deeply saddened by all the negativity and lack of compassion and understanding I have read in these comments both on the side of the Tolle supporters and those against him. To all my friends who are here posing an argument for The power of Now I would like to say practice acceptance and please attempt to see how the resistance of some individuals can be a wonderous catalyst for the transmutation of their pain. When the moment in “time” arrives when all of us are no longer bound by “time” and instead stand in presence and embrace one another and all creation I should like to remember this blog and give everyone a…….big cosmic shout out!! woot woot, west side of the galaxy, represent!(Lol you didnt think i was gonna be solemn the whole post, did you?)
In the end, God/Being/Tao is all forgiving and all things will return to Oneness/Heaven/etc. I only pray that everyone reading this has as smooth a transition as possible.
Typical New Age, all are one, Tolle jargon but it simply cannot happen. The children of darkness do not have a common inheritance with the children of light. All is not forgiven if you do not embrace God’s righteousness displayed in Jesus Christ. He is the only merciful Savior given to pay for mankind’s sin.
The righteousness and salvation of God was displayed through Jesus Christ at His death and resurrection to pay for mankind’s sins. No one can be united with the only Creator that they just denied by believing sinful man could achieve God through themselves. The only thing they have left is God’s denial of them. They will never enter His sinless eternal creation.
All I ask is that everyone be happy, whichever method or path they happen choose
You just want to keep everyone happy on the broad path that leads people to their eternal destruction? What a brilliant satanically inspired concept. You are quite an enabler. With that philosophy Nazi’s would have put you in charge of the trains to the death camps.
Don, I appreciate the article and I agree that Tolle’s book is a deception. I read about half of it so far and I knew something wasn’t right after he was saying all religions are the same…He takes Jesus’ quotes out of context.
I do agree with the ego part of his book. I would also agree that a more Christian book to read on ego would be Dale Carnegie’s. Carnegie, on the other hand, doesn’t go as near as deep as Tolle. Tolle covers some brilliant concepts on the ego. It is possible to take those parts with you which resonate and discard all the nonsense. Getting the problem of ego handled actually let’s us communicate with people better and tell people about Jesus. Because with no ego, we don’t hung up in arguments, compare ourselves to people, judge one another and the list goes on.
I can see how people who are not aware that Tolle’s book is a deception will start believing that all religions are the same, that they are their own gods, and all this other stuff. It very well may very movement that helps the antichrist to slip in to power.
If everyone realized they were slaves to their ego’s, greed, lust, hatred, there would be no war or famine or poverty. It is what Jesus was talking about, it’s so simple.
That simply is not true. Realizing enslavement to sins of the flesh and overcoming them are two different things. We have prisons full of people who realize that they are slaves to the things you mentioned and it does not change them. Half of our prison population are enslaved to drugs and they know it. That does not set them free from drug dependence.
The solution is not just knowing that you are enslaved to sin. The solution is to become free of sins of the flesh by dying to self and receiving a spiritual rebirth from God. That spiritual rebirth comes when one trusts in God’s plan of deliverance fully displayed in the work of His Son Jesus.
Those who have already rejected Messiah have also rejected the Father. By their own words they have condemned themselves. It will be a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living G-d by those with carnal minds who reject worshiping G-d in spirit and in truth. The carnal mind is hostile to G-d. There will be no excuses accepted on the day of judgment as we will have exercised our free will. What is it to gain the world at the expense of our soul. We are here for a short time, yet eternity is just that … forever. I choose eternity with the L-rd our G-d. I believe G-d is obviously a pro choice G-d. He gives you that free will to accept His invitation or reject Him. Many seem to forget that we are made in His image. Sadly, too many appear to prefer G-d to be made in their image instead. Do not make the fatal mistake of misinterpreting the patience of G-d and His tender mercy for a G-d that doesn’t notice or care about your life and sin. If He takes note of a lowly sparrow that falls from the sky He surely notices your words, your actions, your choices, your struggles, your pain, your temptations, your sorrows. Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Now that is what I call a G-d who is deeply concerned with you and exhibits abiding love with His creation. He is intimately aware of you. G-d searches the hearts of men. As He searches your heart, what, may I ask, will He find?
Today is the day of salvation. Please, do not let the day expire without bowing your knee to the King of Kings. Cast away the things which appear right in your own eyes and seek what is right in His eyes. Seek His will to be that of your own. Seek first His Kingdom and eternal life will be yours. Your eternal destination depends on it.
More could be said, but one of the hazards of being a pastor is to give a sermon *chuckle*, so I will wrap this post up. Messiah said he did not come to condemn the world, but rather that through Him the world might be saved. So, neither do I condemn. But I do hope that this post may touch hearts because, before men can change, their hearts must change first.
Blessings & best wishes,
Pastor David
Someday, when all these words are empty echoes, and all that we know and identify with is gone, there will be only one thing left – “Him Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken,” ultimate reality, universal consciousness, eternal peace, etc. etc. If we must name “Him Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken,” we can call him/her “God,” “Allah,” “Father,” “Mother,” Fred, Lefty, Universal Dude, or whatever we want. Do you think that He/She cares what combination of noises from the human vocal cords, or what sequence of marks we scratch on pieces of animal skin or paper, we attach to Him/Her? “God” is eternal, and loving, and ever present in the silence of our souls – if only we’d shut up long enough to listen.
The Bible (a book! Not God!) tells us:
“When you are in distress, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, when you turn to the LORD your God and obey His voice”
“Be still, and know that I am God.”
‘Then I will give them a heart to know Me.”
“…Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
“And lo, the Lord passed by. There was a great and mighty wind, splitting mountains and shattering rocks by the power of the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind — an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake — fire; but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire — a still, small voice.”
God (Fred, Bubba, Louie…, whatever) WANTS us to silence our egoic chatter, be still, and hear his voice in our hearts and souls. He/She is not, I dare say, concerned with the verbage we associate with him/her.
How would you even know that it is God talking to you in your silence? Many people thought that God was telling them things and they turned out to be evil. The only reliable description and words of God are found in the Bible and God was displayed in His Son Jesus. The Bible gives many proofs that the words of the book came from God. Fulfilled prophecy is just one of those proofs.
It is ironic that you would quote passages of the Bible that fit your own concepts of God but you will not quote passages of the Bible that quotes its own truth about God. Like many heathen that are wise in their own eyes, you miss the obvious. The Bible is really about what God would do on earth to redeem mankind through His Son. Any still small voice that conflicts with the words of His Son or the Bible He inspired is not from God.
For those who do not think that ‘hell’ of the Bible is real, let me refer you to some startling evidence and similarities from people who was given the opportunity to go down to the depths of hell with Jesus, for the sake of warning the world. First on Youtube “The Divine Revelation of Hell” by Mary K. Baxter(please listen). When you finish that account go to Google and key in “The Truth About Hell”. Also from google other encounters of people going to hell with Jesus, for the sake of getting the word out about the hell of the Bible. Google “Seven Colombian Youth is Taken to Hell by Jesus.” and also Google “15y/o jennifer perez goes to hell.”(Please read those encounters. All those references has many similiar experiences. PLEASE! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME AND LISTEN TO ALL OF THE ENCOUNTERS, FOR SOME READ IT. Matt, Chris, John, Beth, Eddy Newhope, Andrew and Adman- PLEASE READ THE REFERENCED INFO THAT I HAVE COMMENTED ON. TELL ME WHAT YOU ALL THINK, AFTER YOU HAVE SEEN AND HEARD. CCJROSS@HOTMAIL.COM.
GOD LOVES EVERYONE, EVEN THE WORST SINNER. NOTHING CAN OR WILL SEPARATE ANYONE FROM THE LOVE OF GOD! HOWEVER, WHEN YOU REJECT GOD’S GIFT OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS-YOU HAVE MADE A FREE WILLED CHOICE TO REJECT SALVATION AND THAT WILL SEPARATE YOU FROM SPENDING AN ETERNITY WITH GOD. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER JOHN LENNON AND THE “BEATLES”. WELL IN THE ENCOUNTERSTORY OF THE “SEVEN COLOMBIAN YOUTH IS TAKEN TO HELL”- ONE OF THE YOUTH SEEN ‘JOHN LENNON’ HANGING UPSIDE DOWN IN HELL-BEGGING FOR MERCY FROM JESUS AND THEN BLASPHEMING AND CURSING JESUS AS HIS FLESH BURNS OFF HIS FACE AND REMAKE ITSELF.” HELL IS REAL. PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS INFO LIGHTLY. TO MATT: IN 2 TIMOTHY 3: v. 1-7 “This know that in the last days perilous (dangerous) times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their ownselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy; Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good; Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God; Having a form of our religion, but denying the power thereof………v.7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” v. 13 states” But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.(Eckhart Tolle and many others). Now Matt. do you see all of what I have just written, taking place in our world today? That’s one sign that Jesus is returning very, very soon. Matt let me know what you think. ccjross@hotmail.com GOD LOVES YOU ALL VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
I know you mean well but I think it is all nonsense and it will be the last thing I post from you on your “Seven Colombian Youth taken to hell” and “one saw John Lennon hanging their upside down with the flesh burning off his face”. That reminds me of the account of Richard Ebby that was also supposed to have been taken to heaven and hell and along with the nonsense that he claimed he also claimed he has told by Jesus that he would not die before He came back. He is now dead but gullible people believed his delusions for decades.
Stay on solid ground and stop believing those who claim some special Revelation from God. This nonsense does not further the cause of Christ. Most believers in Christ will just think you are gullible and abuse the scriptures and all unbelievers will think that you are a loon and enforce their reasons why they do not want to believe the Christian message.
The Truth is that nobody has been judged yet and the Hell of the Bible in this dispensation is a holding place for souls awaiting judgment. The Hell of the Bible after the judgment is the Lake of Fire but no one is there yet.
Christians trying to “expose” Tolle are only giving him more credit to the outside world. The only people who will believe them are people like them… fundies who are stuck in their minds and make the perfect “yes” men whenever they see this kind of trash posted. The more totally out of place scripture references there are the better! Tolle is not after disciples and telling people what to do and think, unlike some people. He’s simply happy to be “present” himself and to help those who are ready be they few or many. I hope some of you get uncomfortable enough squirming in your misery to venture out and breathe the free air one day.
People like you that support Tolle really say all that true Christians need to know about Tolle’s teaching.
Christians believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ or they are not Christians. You say Tolle is not after disciples and telling people what to do and think but you disciples of Tolle act like a bunch of groupies and think because you read or heard Tolle you now can now tell people who already know God to believe Tolle’s demonic lies. It is you who has a mind stuck on the teachings of your own personal religious Guru. Better to be stuck on the Creator of the universe than stuck on your Troll.
You will be squirming in your own misery soon enough if you continue to believe in Tolle’s teaching. I assure you it will seem like an eternity.
Hey Don! Lighten up! God loves you but he loves me too and a lot of others who don’t agree with you on what Scripture means. Most of all, do what Jesus said. Love God above all else, including your own little world view, and love your enemy, people like me who disagree with you. You are not God’s personal messenger. That is false pride. Please. In God’s name. Love is the answer! You’re sounding too much like a Pharisee here!
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16) However, Pr 6:16 says “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
Tolle and Oprah are great deceivers and preach another gospel. The word of God says, Ga 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Those who are blind to the truth have no relationship with God.
An example of real love is telling the truth so people will not believe lies and lose their own soul. Scripture means what it says it does it does not mean what you wish it to mean.
You cannot love God if you hate your neighbor and you cannot love your neighbor if you are going to enable them to believe the deception of Oprah and Tolle that if believed will separate them from God for eternity.
Well said. Here’s just a few more verses to ponder about. These Scriptures seems quite self-evident to me with regard to “love” :
“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:18-20
“If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” – John 14:15-16
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” – John 15:9-11
“Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.” – 1 Corinthians 7:18-20
“And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.” – 1 John 2:3-5
“And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.” – 1 John 3:23-24
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” – Galatians 5:16-21
“And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” – 2 John 1:6-7
“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” – Revelation 22:14-15
You might think that all those scriptures would get rid of Oprah’s Tolles… I mean trolls, but many simply want to believe their lies. As much as has been said on this thread I get the same types of comments as I did from Ron Bedry over and over again. Most of them I do not post since they will not even read the many comments I already wrote that explain the problem with Oprah’s pantheistic universalism and the “New Age” pagans that she parades.
Yeah, I’m afraid you’re right. I guess I was preaching to the choir again. 😐
If someone is truly a Christian then they have the “Comforter” the Holy Spirit residing within them. Thus
even new babes in Christ have access to true wisdom and discernment and anyone calling themselves
Christs, know that there is only ONE WAY to God and that is through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Period!!
Anything else is from the evil one. the god of this world. “Many will say to me on that day did I not
prophesy in your name and cast out demons,” etc. Our Lord will tell them to “Depart, I never knew you.”
That’s the ultimate in scary. We are truly so very close to Our Lords return. Pray for Oprah and her
false teacher friends. And all those they are leading to Hell with them. They are being lead by the devil and
his co-horts and taking many many souls with them. The days are dark and cold and evil grows worse.
For a person to live wholly objectively, a tragic paradigm that is all too common in our society, it would literally be inhuman, for it is our passions and our sense of ourselves and our values that constitute our humanity. Without subjectivity, there would be no passions, no values, and no “selves.” But without objectivity, there would be no facts; only opinions without a test of truth. It would be absurd to try to live in only one standpoint or the other. If I may bastardize Kant’s most quoted dictum: “Subjectivity without objectivity is blind; objectivity without subjectivity is meaningless.” The first is madness, the second meaninglessness. There are ample philosophical and methodological safeguards against the first. But the dangers of the second have been neglected, as if lack of passion were always to be preferred to the danger of destructive passions. But to eliminate hate and hostility is also to eliminate love and respect, and it is far easier to murder populations in the cold calculations of “science” than in the heated vengeance of enmity. But it is the “transcendental pretense,” the attempt to project one’s own subjectivity onto the world and other people – as “The Truth” – that is the most dangerous arrogance of all.
Fred Honea said “But it is the “transcendental pretense,” the attempt to project one’s own subjectivity onto the world and other people – as “The Truth” – that is the most dangerous arrogance of all”.
God’s truth is absolute it is not subjective. God’s revealed world is infallible truth and proclaiming His truth is not arrogant. Oprah and Tolle deny the absolute truth of God and replace it with their own arrogant subjective speculations about what God would be like if they were God. However, they are not God and they deny that God’s infallible scriptures are truth. Therefore, they become God in their own eyes and create silly theories for all those that love to deny the absolute truth given by God and displayed in His son Jesus Christ.
Kant was an insane New Ager who had a problem with authority. Christ states, “Thy word is truth.” That is all humanity really needs to know. Even Immanuel Kant is a believer in Christ today. Peace.
Thanks for the comments but, frankly, I still stand on my original point. “One’s subjectivity” cannot be God’s Truth by definition, even though it might contain it. Christians who spread the True Word of God are not using their subjectivity or a subjective standpoint to do so. As subjectivity and objectivity are standpoints and the subjective standpoint very characteristically human and not understanding this we tend to misunderstand ourselves and the world, It’s like taking Reality, adding our values and subjectively making Surreality out of it. Of course, this has nothing to do with God’s Truth, which simply is. You can formulate any idea of what God is, how He is or even what He says, with your subjectivity, embellishing or detracting from His image, that “is” subjectivity. But, it is not God’s Truth and this is the “arrogance” to which I refer. From this, you can deduct that there are very, very few who know God’s Truth well enough to teach it, much less write about it. And, this Truth, this Way can only come from the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself.
As far as Kant is concerned, New Ager or not, he made us think. Freud was even worse, founding a science based on a misunderstanding of the human passions but he made us think. Like these, Tolle and Oprah are wrong but they make us think.
The truth comes from Jesus but He reveals it to His Holy Spirit infilled Church through this five fold ministrey.
Eph 4: 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love
So to say that very few can know God’s truth well enough to teach it is also denying the power of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. For God Himself is teaching the Church through His word and those members that He gives the wisdom and understanding to mature the Church.
Thinking on man’s philosophies that are not of God is not only subjective it is lies. Oprah and Tolle might make us think but thinking about falsehoods is not beneficial to man. Believing in their deceptive lies can only separate one from God. The serpents deception from the beginning is making man think that he can become like God instead of man trusting in what God said to man.
No offense to Fred intended, but his posts really just are a long-winded way of saying that man has always tried to acribe his own opinions of God. I’ve read more books on these people than I care to remember, and they all fall into the same trap. Most of them try to say that, “God could never eternally damn someone to hell.” Plato, Origen, Westcott, Hort, Scrivener, et al.
God reveals himself in the KJV Bible. He does not change. We however, do.
Amen! It’s time people knew the truth.
I think qball was hit in the head by one.
All this talk, in “A New Earth”, about open-mindedness, tolerance, respect, etc. has nothing to do with Jesus, nor Christianity and even when they are applied to other people does not right a wrong. Did Jesus listen to other’s ideas trying to decide what his doctrine would be? Christianity is not a democracy, science or a forum of ideas. We are talking about the way to salvation and eternal life with our creator. You can believe it or not. My beliefs as a Christian are not ideas nor hypotheses, they are the law. Would you argue that Newton’s Law of gravity doesn’t exists or that we have to listen to other ideas after jumping out of a window?
Tolle talks about the emotions and doesn’t even know they are constitutive judgements not feelings, eventhough feelings are associated with the emotions. He talks about the Self as an Ego, one of Freud’s erroneous terms, a compendium of facts. The Self is not a set of facts it is what we make of the facts.The self is not a faceless form that wears the mask of every day life, a transcendental Self that itself is never seen. But neither is the Self the sum of those masks, our appearances to other people and our objective roles in the world. Rather, the Self is the wearing of those masks.
My last comment about Tolle is about his idea of Sin. Tolle calls it a human “dysfunction” when in fact it is a simple matter of education and tendency. We all have the ability to sin but some are more suseptible than others. Any Sin is a direct offense against God and ourselves. By choosing good over evil (not to sin) we gain freedom. When you sin, you lose your freedom. This is pretty obvious in every day life.
Overall, I was very disappointed in Tolle’s books and by Oprah’s ignorance.
Sorry, I sent this twice by mistake the second is the good one.
Calm down please.
Eckhart Tolle is not the Anti-Christ. Oprah is not the Anti-Christ.
I haven’t watched TV in 10 years I’m afraid and I’ve never seen ‘Oprah’. If someone came to me with a good idea – it doesn’t suddenly mean everything they say is correct.
I am a practising Catholic and I have been serving Mass for the past 30 years. Fear is a bad thing. Paranoia does not bring peace. Remember when Christ was among us (and I’m not suggesting Tolle or any of us are Christ) he was rejected by many. He was not a Priest, nor a King, nor wealthy, nor anything the World values so much.
Christ is my God. He is one with the Father and it is through Him that our sins might be forgiven (assuming we go to confession to ask for and receive absolution).
The message of Tolle heavily distilled is this – find peace within yourself first (before you take the splinter out of your brothers eye, take the plank out of your own first), do not let your ‘mind’ tell you that only IT is of value. Your being is more than just your mind. Do not condemn others who might not be as spiritual or as ‘enlightened’ as yourself. Notice the beauty around you and do not let the burdens of daily life encapsulate your being.
Lets face it. Tolle is not exactly Hitler is he.
Who cares if we are in the end times or not? Does it really make any difference? Should we not all live with whatever time we have been given to the best we can, knowing that we are flawed and sinful, we keep trying. None of the posters to this blog are without sin.
Love first, then do what you will. (St. Augustine)
Do not judge lest you be judged. (Jesus)
“Lord, there are those going about doing what you asked us to do – should we stop them?” (paraphrased from the Apostles)
Just calm down you lot, stop being afraid. Eckhart Tolle will not rob you of your faith in Jesus – nor will he me. I believe he has some good things to say, though it sounds deep to the novice where it lacks is that it doesn’t focus on Christ, nor God the Father, but on onesself. His words also ignore the presence of Evil, but I cannot condemn him for that, he’s not a Catholic or even Christian. It’s just his way of explaining things so take it for what it is.
Simon, your words are disturbing on a few fronts. I grew-up in the Catholic Church and am well aware of
the deceptions in the Catholic Church itself let alone all of the other (increasing daily) deceptions out there
today. Its the same old re-packaged lie whether in the Catholic Church, New Age Movement and many other areas as well. Same lie. Same devil. Just a variety of different packages appealing to a variety of different personalities and interests. Who cares if we are in the end times you ask? The Lord for one. He tells us to watch and wait and be on guard for “Many who will come in His Name” proclaiming they are the Christ. I also do not need to bring my sins to a priest for confession. I have a Hight Priest seated at the right hand of The Father who is my mediator. And who is the only mediator between God and Men. Jesus Christ the Righteous. I am also righteous because of Him. Not because of anthing good about me. Its all about Him. Jesus warned us of these days and to be alert. You say Tolle isn’t exactly Hitler. That’s correct, but he along with Oprah are in many ways worse than a Hitler could ever be. As Jesus also said, don’t be afraid of those who can kill the body but rather those who can destroy the soul. Many many people are following the likes of Tolle and Oprah and others teachings right at this very moment on the way to Hell. A real place that our enemy does not want us to believe even exists. I pray for you that The Lord will open your eyes to the great deceptions all around us and that you would truly place you life and trust in the hands of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The only priest anyone will ever need. The narrow gate that leads to life. Few there are that enter through the narrow gate. Most are on the broad road to destruction who follow the teachings of Tolle and Oprah and unfortunately many others. Choose the narrow gate Simon. I pray you will.
Peter Tracy
Why do you claim to be a Christian and promote what is anti Christ? You said yourself that Tolle is not a Christian so how could any doctrine from him promote Jesus Christ? The real point that you seem to miss is that Tolle passes himself off as someone more enlightened then Christians in order to lead people into New Age/New spirituality doctrines of demons. He teaches the antithesis of salvation through Jesus Christ.
It is not paranoia to point out the truth but is takes complete lack of Christian discernment to find truth in lies.
“Who cares if we are in the end times or not?” Just about everyone on this earth will. We were told that doctrines of demons would come in the last days and they are here now coming out of the mouth of People like Tolle, but you suggest people just accept a little happy talk mixed with deadly poison. Satan has been doing that since the beginning.
If the light coming from Tolle is darkness how great is that darkness? Tolle’s light is satanic, it is not a matter of Tolle being on the same level as all of us just because we all sin. Tolle is a false teacher that passes himself off as an agent of light. Those that believe what he teaches will lose their soul to hell.
“Love First, then do what you will.” (St Augustine) — What kind of love is found in teaching that leads people to hell? (St. Koenig)
Do not judge lest your be judged. (Jesus) — Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (St. Paul)
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (St. John
“Lord, there are those going about doing what you asked us to do –- should we stop them?” (paraphrased from the Apostles) – Mr 9:38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.
39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. (what the Bible actually says)
The problem with Tolle is not just that he can rob the faith of true believers in Jesus Christ the real problem is that he is a stumbling block to those even trying to find out about Jesus. Perhaps you cannot condemn Tolle for not being a believer but the Bible indicates that those who do not come in through Jesus remain in their sins and are condemned already.
I will give you a pass on your Catholic dogma because it is Catholic dogma and is off topic.
St. Augustine? Live by the words of Jesus and Him alone. As the apostle said, “Lord you have the words of eternal life.” Follow Christ and Him alone Simon.
Peter Tracy
@Peter Tracy
My brother in Christ, I do not take your words in any wrong way. I am not affended, nor do I believe you are wrong – and certainly not for loving Christ!
I do believe that when Jesus said to Peter “Flesh and blood could not have reveiled this to yu, but only my Father in Heaven, and to you (thee) I give the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and the forces of hell will never prevail against it.”
I don’t believe that Peter was perfect – after all he denied Christ three times before His death. And after that he went walking on the beach (at some point later – lol) going in the opposite direction (who wouldn’t) when Jesus showed Himself to Peter – and thus the famous words ‘Quo Vadis’?
I believe that love is the most powerful force there is my brother, it doesn’t mean that everyone thinks the same way – after all what is variety if every option is the same?
I am not fool enough to think that every road leads to Heaven – because they don’t. But we cannot. The gate that leads to Heaven is indeed very narrow – too narrow. In fact so narrow that without the Love of our Saviour, really Heaven would be pretty empty.
Let us hope and pray that both you and I (and ALL the posters to this blog – and everyone else for that matter…) might know our loving Saviour as He would want us to.
Peace be with you.
Oh, I can’t really quote from the Bible chapter and verse, but I remember this from when I was confirmed – I read it for all of us there, but it’s something like this.
St. Paul to the Corinthians:
I the prisoner in the Lord inplore you to lead a life worthy of your vocation. Bear it with one another charitably in complete selflessnes, gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds us together. For there is one Lord, One God who is father all, over all, through all and within all.
“The problem with Tolle is not just that he can rob the faith of true believers in Jesus Christ the real problem is that he is a stumbling block to those even trying to find out about Jesus.”
My brother in Christ, I believe that anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ would not give Him up because of a few truthfull, easy to understand and practical words spoken by a man who having recovered from a breakdown has realised some simple truth. I also know many scientists – who not believeing in Christ – have mocked me, or having suggested that ‘for someone that they thought was intelligent how could I be so stupid’. None the less my faith in Jesus remains the same.
“I will give you a pass on your Catholic dogma because it is Catholic dogma and is off topic.” – lol!
Many thanks. It’s been quite interesting for me today to stumble upon this blog, thank you for publishing my posts. Wishing you and your viewers all the best (with my prayers to)
Simon (with Jesus)
First off I was not trying to offend you and was speaking from experience in regards to growing up Catholic and in the Catholic Church. Secondly I know you are not a fool. For a very good listen if you have the time please go to http://www.olivetreeviews.org and go to radio archives. there is a broadcast on there from this past Saturday 10/24/09 with Jan Markell and her guest Dave Sterrett who has written a book with Josh McDowell on Oprah and her beliefs and the massive influence she has over millions of people. Listen to the broadcast Simon and let me know what you think afterwards. That’s http://www.olivetreeviews.org and go under radio archives. You can listen to the recording of last Saturday’s broadcast.
PS. sorry for the typo’s and spelling mistakes, I thought ‘raw’ was better, my thought are not calculated just from the heart (my heart isn’t very good at spelling – and my mind isn’t much better)
Thanks, I’ll go off and have a listen now.
Like I said, the real problem is that Tolle is a stumbling block. Those who are not grounded in the word get confused and go off into heresy. Those who do not know Jesus are led by Tolle to believe they have no need for a savior because they are told that there are many paths to God and no eternal consequences for those remaining in sin. The whole premises of Tolle in his books is a lie of the Devil, it is not truth. The real question is why do you not see the New Age deception in Tolle’s writings? If you do see them then you should be warning others about Tolle not supporting Tolle.
“One God who is father all, over all, through all and within all.” Of course I hope you do realize that verse was talking about those in the body of Christ not the concept of Tolle that God is in everyone and everything, that is a lie.
here is some of the context of what St Paul said.
Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
2 ¶ With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
I like Peter also grew up a Catholic, but I learned many truths from God’s word since then.
I hope you will visit other articles on this Blog and also my main website.
Thank you for taking the time Don.
Peace be with you all.
Don’t apologize for the typo’s Simon. That isn’t important. Only where your heart is. Focus on The Lord and just be aware that there are many deceptions out there. But God will give you the discernment and understanding if you ask Him. He is the only one who can.
The end of time is near guys, she belongs to satan. This is the work of the anti-Christ. We shouldn’t be surprised after all Jesus himself said, there will be a false prophets and Christ impersonators. All you devoted Christians out there please do not support this deceiving ideas that Jesus is not way to salvation, in matter fact he’s the only way to heaven and the everlasting life. I pray for you not to fallow her steps to hell.
Another one who gets it!!!! Yeah! It is increasingly dificult to locate others within the bride of Christ, who are awake( to the Truth of biblical wisdom that is) and who see through the current deceptions. It is hard to wake people up to the truth, perhaps they are tares or fakers with a plastic Christian label, but there have to be others out there who are blood bought and born again, and they have yet to open their eyes. It is nice to see that you are awake with your oil lamp lit and you are warning.
http://www.reinventingjesuschrist.com has a free online book by Warrens Smith,who is warning and gets it. He wrote A “Wonderful” Deception and I highly recommend it!
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Man that he didn’t exist.”
Hey Don,
When you get to were you’re going tell, Hitler, Clay says hi.
How can you believe in something that has been rewritten many times over the last 2000 years? If God is so great, that would mean we are part of God. Believing dogma because it has been spoonfed to you, simply because you have been born in to a certain geographical location where Christianity was the dominant dogma is probably the most stupid thing I ever heard of.
For me the anti-christ is the Pope himself. If you really understand the teachings of Jezus Christ (meaning Jezus the anointed one), you would understand that Jezus wasn’t too keen on hiërarchy, dogma and killing untold millions because they disagree with your dogma. Jezus was a man with a mission, and I am glad I understand his teachings now, even though I considered myself an atheïst for some time. I challenge any Christian believer to listen to Eckhart Tolle and decide for themselfes.
Obviously Clay knows Hitler personally.
The Bible never was rewritten it was just copied and translated. Actually the dead sea scrolls and the many thousands of manuscripts found prove that what we have is identical to the scripture that Jesus and others quoted. The New Testament manuscripts also prove they are reliable copies of that.
You think Jesus was a wise man but do wise men claim to be God? Jesus claimed to be God, and if you understood His teaching like you said, you would be a follower of Him. How can a atheist truly understand the teachings of Jesus the anointed one from God anyway? Now, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
By the way, men have no mission at all if there is no God. If everything came about by time and chance there is no rational reason to believe the teachings of anyone. In fact, there is no rational reason to think that anything is rational. So why waste time discussing meaningless things? Why even take the next breath? Who is going to know or care in the time and chance of the future? You certainly will not, because you will not exist.
If you really want to understand what Jesus said and how you can know God read these articles.
By the way, most true Christians would agree with you that the Pope’s have been anti-christ. Don’t confuse institutionalized Christianity with true Christianity.
I challenge any non believer to listen to what Jesus actually said and find the truth about God and salvation. Why just believe a very flawed man because he wrote a book? Millions gave their lives because they would not renounce there belief in Jesus many millions more made great personal sacrifices to give the world the gospel of Jesus and they did it for good reason. How many will die or even live for Tolle?
Amen, Don! Please remember though that it is our call to save as many people as possible in our lifetime for the Father. I can’t even bear the thought of one person suffering eternal separation from god.
The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).
Don’t turn your back on the one that gave you life people. Don may sound strange to you and he may not communicate as well as a seasoned preacher but listen to him, save yourself from a horrible fate of which only you condemn yourself to; an eternity of separation from God with zero (and I do mean zero) chance of redemption. Don’t live in eternity with regret.
Through the years man-made ideals and views on the afterlife have crept into man’s thinking that have absolutely no foundation to stand on. Let’s all heed the clever words of past president Theodore Roosevelt:
“If a man is not familiar with the bible, he has suffered a loss which he had better make all possible haste to correct.”
Yeah, I have to say it because most seasoned preachers will not even touch this subject.
The belief that there is no literal hell – Sadly one day those who do not believe in hell will believe in it because they will end up there if they die without receiving the Lord Jesus Christ.
Universalism – is a false belief that a loving God would never send anyone to hell. It teaches that all mankind will be saved and brought back to God and holiness.
The fact is, God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. But since He is a loving God, He allows people to make their own choice. So it depends on the person’s own decision where they will end up; heaven or hell. “For the wages of sin is death (hell); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Polls consistently reveal that most people believe in heaven and believe they are going there. Far fewer believe in hell, and almost no one believes they are going there. Remember, just because a person does not believe something the Bible teaches does not make make them right and the Bible wrong. What we need to understand is when things are inconvenient or uncomfortable to think about, many people decide to push it off and decide their own philosophy is the truth. This makes them more comfortable. This is very dangerous!
Centuries ago people didn’t believe the world was round, even though God’s word said it was round. Ponder these words of wisdom from the almighty God: “Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretch out the heavens as a curtain, and spread them out as a tent to dwell in: (Isaiah 40:21-22). Approximately 700 BC God spoke through the prophet Isaiah’s writings that the earth was a circle! There are also other countless examples of this. God’s word has never been proven false. Many atheists and scoffers in the past have started out to disprove the Bible, but find out it can not be done. Many have even become believers because of it’s divine and unique supernatural qualities.
Evolution – Is a false belief that mankind is the result of random chance. The belief that when you die you no longer exist.
Why do people believe in evolution even though the Bible teaches that all life was created by Almighty God? (Gen 1:1)
“Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1:19-20) The main reason is because man does not want to face the fact that one day they will have to stand before the God of all creation and acknowledge their sin! They willingly suppress the truth in unrighteousness, so they can continue to walk in sin! How dangerous this satanic doctrine is!
If you will honestly take the time to listen and open up your heart, it can be proven to you that evolution is false and has absolutely no foundation to stand upon. See Kent Hovind’s on-line seminar tapes. There is so much evidence against evolution that Kent Hovind has a standing offer of $250,000 to anyone who can give any empirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution!
Reincarnation – is the false belief that when someone or something dies, their soul comes back in another body or form. Death is not to be feared because the soul just get born into another body taking wisdom that they have gathered in their previous life or lives. When a person dies they really don’t die, but are reincarnated.
The Bible says we die only once and then the judgment. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”: (Hebrews 9:27). Satan was the first one to tells this lie back in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). (See Reincarnation: Truth or Lie?
Purgatory – This is another lie from the pit of hell. This lie has no Biblical foundation, but again is a man-made doctrine to escape the reality of hell. No one can work their way out of hell! “For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth” (Isaiah 38:18). There is no hope for anyone to get out of hell!
Why does the Catholic Church teach this? Find out many more false teachings that the Catholic Church promotes. Read the on-line book “Understanding Roman Catholicism” that proves that the Catholic Church does not teach the same as the Bible.
If a person lives a good moral life – they will go to heaven. Again, the Bible disagrees; “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Rom 3:23). If you are hoping for good works to save you, you are trusting in a parachute which is full of holes.
A person can live a wonderful good moral life, they may do many kind things such as: feed the hungry, clothe the poor, volunteer in hospitals,…
or just by being a good caring husband or wife, father or mother. They may even be a pastor or may teach Sunday School. All these people are no better off then a Satanist, a drug dealer, or a murderer, and will wind up in hell if they have left Jesus Christ out of their life. You see, no one stays out of hell because of a good moral life filled with good deeds or any other man-made reasons. A person only stays out of hell because they have received the gift that God has provided for them. This gift alone is Jesus Christ the Son of God. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). God has provided one way and man must acknowledge God’s way alone.
God is creator of the universe, but unfortunately he is not the Father of all. Jesus clearly told certain people in His day that their Father was the devil (John 8:44). God can only become the Father to those who will receive His Son. “But as many as received him (Jesus), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” (John 1:12). Once you are a child of God you will have no fear of hell.
Hi Don
Love your blog.
I often spend a morning (I am retired) reading your articles, and then the responses and reactions of your readers. I have just browsed this article on Oprah and Tolle. What a revelation to the apostasy of our time.
The patience you show is indicative of much personal tribulation (Romans 5:3).
I am always baffled when seemingly intelligent people believe the blind mindlessness of evolution in preference to God, but when they claim to believe in Christ and misuse his words and actions to promote their own vain philosophies, I tend to get cross.
I realize that the pompous rejection of truth shown by these so called ‘enlightened ones’ and their sympathisers should not cause me annoyance, for if people reject the ministry of the Holy Spirit who am I to be upset? His ministry is to convince of sin, of righteousness and of coming judgement and if any disregard his ministry what is there that we mere mortals can do to convince them otherwise: Nothing.
But we must contend for the faith, not for the benefit of the apostates but for babes in Christ and I thrill at the strong uncompromising stance you take in fulfilling this ministry.
I live on the other side of the world but I look forward to shaking your hand when we are called home.
Thanks Brian
I recently read Eckhart Tolle’s books and thought they were worthwhile reading. I haven’t stopped believing in Jesus Christ, haven’t stopped needing Him, having faith in Him, following Biblical teachings, etc…like “Be still and know that I am God.” Why do some Christians contradict that and say, “You’d better NOT be still or quiet….the demons will jump in and fill the space!” It is sad how many people have a “spirit of fear”, the opposite of love. They seem to spend much less time loving God and lots of time running in terror from demons, real and imaginary. Where is your faith in God being strong enough and merciful enough to protect you from all that? Didn’t Jesus Christ Himself say that perfect love was incompatible with any degree of fear? He also advised that we be of good cheer, because He overcame the world! What’s more, many Christians seem to think that as long as someone/something is stamped with “Christ” this or “Bible” that, it must be ok. Then, you get a fundamentalist preacher who gets caught committing homosexual adultery and you don’t understand how that could have happened. Labels aren’t everything.
Using the reasoning shown here, I would have to read absolutely nothing but the Bible. I would have to go nowhere but church. I would have to be scared to leave my home because there is this whole world out there, filled with wrong ideas, beliefs, non-Christians (or Christians with doctrinal differences), and evil spirits, too. On top of all that, I would never be able to sleep or even to relax quietly for a moment. While I’m sleeping, couldn’t the demons influence my subconscious?! Maybe I should check to see if various devices (car, bike, computer, etc…) were created or patented by Christians who share all my beliefs. Then, if a good enough Christian didn’t make it, I should refuse to use it under any circumstances.
Not everyone that reads Tolles books are Christian and many that are Christians lack Christian discernment about the truths of the Christian faith. Would you feed hot air to the starving and spoiled milk to an infant?
Most people is this world just accept whatever they are told by media and religious figure as the truth, and that is why Tolle, Oprah, Obama, Osteen and TBN (TOOOT) have large followings even among some that claim to be Christians.
Since, many are being misled by what is taught by Tolle and Oprah it is the Christian duty of those with maturity and doctrinal understanding to warn others of the demonic deceptions that Tolle is teaching and not just encourage this deliberate deception, or to encourage others to read this heresy because the book did not impact their own faith.
It is like preaching to the A.A. to go take a drink because you can take a drink without becoming a drunk. There are a great number of people that have not been correctly taught the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and these are actively being led into New Age doctrines of demons through deceptions coming from the likes of Oprah and Tolle.
Any Christian that cannot see the danger of the deception from these false anti-Christ teachers might find out why that happens to be the case?
There’s better Truth out there than the kind channeled through Mr. Ulrich Tolle.
He has come before the world preaching a gospel that the world seems to be dying to receive. He offers relief, joy, love, peace… the kind that will last forever.
But, what he is calling his followers to is not truly peace, but delusion, and one that his followers must return to again and again and again (after all, wouldn’t one book be enough for truth to be told?)
The readers and listeners of Ulrich (that is, his disciples) resemble Paul’s warning regarding the time when Jesus the Messiah would return. “The time is coming when people will not have patience for sound teaching, but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever their ears itch to hear. Yes, they will stop listening to the truth, but will turn aside to follow myths.”
Ulrich Tolle preaches a gospel of schizophrenia through his knowledge of the world’s ancient mythologies. He teaches his followers to believe that they are not what they seem to be, the world surrounding them is not real, and it’s all in their head. But they can be delivered from the suffering that this insanity causes (Note: he calls reality insanity and insanity reality)if they would only stop thinking and instead just accept that everything here is just a dream.
But, that is not all.
In stating that you are not what you seem to be and that everything you think you know is an illusion, he declares that the “God” that you have always been taught to believe in is just you and has always been you and will always be you.
In essence, Ulrich declares that you are the “I am” that God (and God through Jesus) has declared Himself to be…
And that everyone else who has told you otherwise is a liar.
Ulrich claims to be Enlightened.
Jesus claims to be the Light.
I reject Ulrich in favor of Jesus, and I recommend that others do the same, for I would much rather look to the Source of Truth than the man who claims to be a spokesman.
“The dead can’t praise Adonai,
not those who sink down into silence.”
Anthony, thanks for that astute input. It was a very well put observation of the teaching of Tolle.
I had a different understanding of Tolle using the phrase: “I am”. His point was that everyone seeks external “things” to make them who they are. He claims all of these things are illusions. That when you strip all of the “things” away that what you are left with is your eternal self. This is what is known as “I am”. It is this quintessential part of self that is who you truly are. He believes that if people get in touch with this part of themselves then they will have peace.
Eckhart, like many others in this world, would like to see an end to wars and suffering. He would like to see people to stop defining themselves by external “things” that cause conflict. Religion is one of the things that cause major worldwide conflict. Just think of Muslim Fundamentalist and their all out assault on Western Society. If they would first define themselves as a eternal spirit being (I am) and secondly as a Muslim, then they would see the likeness they have with greater society –forcing them to build bridges as opposed to destroying them.
I find this hardly demonic. There are a lot of demonic things out there, but acknowledging that all of us have an eternal existence to us is not demonic. There is no rejection of Jesus, resentment of God or anything else that would be characteristic of demonic activity.
Tolle is no more than a Gandhi figure. Don would you consider Gandhi demonic as well?
I believe Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, I just don’t like your Christians.”
I believe there is only one way to God. However, God has showed himself to numerous societies throughout creation. Some of those societies went astray and formed other Gods before him –this happened within Christianity at times — while others didn’t open themselves to the full blessings of God for one reason or another.
My only point is that there are a lot of demonic things going on in this world. However Christians today, for the most part, seem to be abandoning what they were called to do. Fewer and fewer of them are obtaining spiritual gifts and exercising them in the world. Going around causing hell without having any power is pointless. Jesus said that greater people would come after him, but where are they? I know they exist, but they aren’t available in the large numbers they should be. Jesus also said to do as he did –especially in terms of spiritual gifts, but where are those people?
Watered down believers who have no sense of power besides raising pointless hell is not the type of Christian I want to be. Jesus spent most of his time teaching the way of life, feeding the poor, healing the sick, raising the dead, going into the forest and connecting with God. Not harassing the Pharisees. When the people of the world see something that is real they will be gravitated towards it. Where are the real Christians?
It never ceases to amaze me that people claiming to be Christians will defend anti biblical and anti Christ doctrines.
The only illusions are those humans that think that fallen eternal spirit beings would always choose good. Satan is an eternal spirit being and he chooses to do evil and so do his followers. Their end destiny will be eternal separation from God and His redeemed creation in the Lake of Fire. Why? Because with their evil nature, and their hate for their Creator, and their jealous desire to be God they would always corrupt God’s creation. As they do, and that is why there is evil in the world. However, Jesus will deal with them after He redeems those given to Him out of this insane planet ruled by a want-to-be god.
Any doctrine of saving yourself other than the one God gave through Jesus is demonic. So yes, Tolle is demonic and so is Gandhi. Just liking Christ is not the path to salvation. One has to believe Christ and be spiritually born from above from this Christ. Christ said that He who loves me also loves his brother. You cannot hate true Christians and be in the body of Christ. Gandhi like yourself confuses the world Harlot religion often identified as Christianity by the world with true Christianity. True Christianity is those in the Body of Christ they are not religious pretenders.
True Christians are not abandoning what they were called to do. But, pseudo Christians never could do what Christians are called to do. That calling is to preach the good news of salvation through Jesus to the whole world and to occupy on earth until He comes for us. You seem to think Christians today lack spiritual gifts. I guess you believe that the Holy Spirit is defeated in His own vessels.
Jesus said his followers would do greater works through the power of the Spirit and collectively the Body of Christ has. Jesus did not say that greater people would come after Him as you indicated. There is no one greater than Jesus. If your looking for someone who will claim to be greater than Jesus you will find the Antichrist.
The only way your going to stop wars among humans or any form of hated for that matter is to convert the whole world to true Christianity. But, we know that is not going to happen before Jesus returns because Jesus make it quite clear that there would be wars until He returns and that some people will not be saved. Fallen man cannot regenerate the evil of his own heart, yet do it in others. Only God change the heart of man after one is born of the Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ.
World religion causes world conflict because world religion is the agent of Satan. Do not confuse true Christianity with world religion. Religion is mans own efforts to become good while still in his fallen nature. It is like trying to make already rotten fruit to become ripe. Christianity on the other hand, is a relationship with God. The relationship came about because God is good and man believed and trusted in His nature to redeem him.
You ask, “where are the people with spiritual gifts and why aren’t there more”? How can you judge who has spiritual gifts when you cannot even discern the teachings of a troll er..I mean a Tolle. When the Church is removed and the world self destructs you will clearly see what all those with spiritual gifts were doing to oppose and hinder the self destructive agenda of Satan on earth. We are feeding the poor. How many millions in the world would have starved if it were not for the Charity of Christians throughout the Church age? The Church is healing the sick. That comes through both providing the sick with medicine and through prayer. The Church is raising the dead. The only true life is spiritual life in Christ. We do connect with God everyday through prayer. Jesus had to get alone in the field to pray because otherwise others would flock to Him. Unlike Jesus we have houses and we have no problem getting alone to pray if we wish.
The reason the world often just sees phony Christians is because they are looking at media stars like Osteen and Tolle and the Mega pastors of glass cathedrals but the true Church has been actively working on the earth since Pentecost. However, why would you expect the world to promote the works of the true Church? The world hates us. For example, how many good stories have you heard from the world media on the good works of Samaritan’s purse? But, for decades they have been feeding the hungry, they are providing doctors and medicine and prayer to heal the sick. They do give the gospel of salvation wherever they go. But, all you hear from the world media is how Franklin Graham said Islam is evil. Well Islam is obviously evil. Yet, there are millions of Christians that support the effort of this charity through the spiritual gift of giving and there are many others doing similar works of the Spirit in the world.
So, perhaps the real reason why you are not finding real Christians is because you are not looking in the right places. You certainly are not going to find them in the self absorbed “I am” somebody, delusion.
Christians are easy to find if you are a true Christian.
The problem with Tolle is he doesn’t know what love is… nor any of the emotions, for that matter. Our emotions define our lives and for that reason we have to know what they are and how to use them properly. Tolle hasn’t the slightest idea. His ideas definitely add to our problems and provide no solutions.
Dear Don,
I really enjoy your site, I actually knew and worked with Eckhardt, that was his name at work before he wrote his book & became a famous guru. Infact he was fired from a project we worked on together.
One day I asked him if he wanted a ride home but he said he had a spiritualist meeting at the Borders book store and invited me to attend…I am a Christian; immediately I told him that spiritualism is errant & forbidden philosophy. He then said that he was writing a book about it, so I told him I beleived the bible and that it warned against such activity & devination…he said the typical it’s a good book but…so I then asked the dividing question…what his belief in Jesus was and he then denied Christ as savior, I am sure that those here would not be suprised – He continued saying Christ was a good teacher but NOT the Son of God and I said to him that I guess it depends on who you think Christ was and left it at that.
I never further witnessed to him and feel horrible I didn’t put in more effort, I guess he became homeless and could have used a friend…so the lesson is never give up on anyone.
I was then later surprised to find out he became so phenomally successful with his heretic philosophy…and was surprised to see Oprah whorshipping his every word…I do not believe he is a Christian and infact may lead thousands & even millions to destruction…
Learned my lesson! The wise man winneth souls!
Interesting story, but I would not be too hard on yourself. The Holy Spirit must draw a person to Christ.. You just do not get the reward you could of had if the Holy Spirit could not use you. Nevertheless like you said, the wise man does wins souls.
The New Heaven, Eckhart Tolle talks about, is the Lake of Fire.
It stops right there with me. God is Love. Love not Fear , not jealous. how can a true god be jealous
You picked that up from Oprah. What gall it takes for created beings to think that can define the Creator? God is God, He defines Himself through the scriptures and displayed Himself through His Son. What you need to do is to study what God said really means. What you think as the meaning of jealous is not the way God defines what He said. Jealous when used by God simply means being Zealous in a positive sense. Read this link.
The doctrines of the Scientology,New Age, Islam etc. are all the same religion just packaged differently promoted by different leaders under their master, satan. It is the time when the sheep are being separated from the wolves. Winfrey and Tolle are in the business of deceiving many through the spirit of anti-christ, that is, the spin-doctors of a doctrine devised by the one who was defined by God as the Father of Lies-satan.
Their agenda is their father’s agenda which is to lead many away from truth and into perdition with their father, satan. Being themselves deceived they bring deception to others. Both Winfrey and Tolle, are blind to the truth because they don’t want it but their damnation is even greater for encouraging others to partake in their doctrine of destruction. This is the time when good is called evil and evil is called good and everyone is to respect differing views and religions with the emphasis on “tolerance.”
“What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul.”
Winfrey, Tolle and others like them may have the “world” now but they will assuredly inherit damnation.
Reading all this just makes me so sad. If anything is lacking the spirit of god, its this hateful sounding blog. I think the hate comes from being confused and kind of scared. The Jesus and god I know and love would never ever sound mean, or say hurtful things about others beliefs. Telling the world that people are bad or good is not our place. God is the only judge. Says that in the bible. And lets just face it….this is a really hard place to be sometimes and being hateful and un-christ like is not helping. We need to love and be a light to one another. If you want to know the truth….just ask. We were all born with the natural sense of right and wrong. So use that sense and follow the answers that will come. It all comes down to you and your own relationship with whatever you choose to call god. When its all said and done, you will be standing and answering to god all by yourself, and you will not get to have a million excuses for why you were hateful, or why you put others down. You will know in your heart if you are on the right path. God bless you all in your search for peace and happiness. What ever that may be!
Lula, is perfect example of emotions speaking. From what she said out of her own mouth she makes it obvious that she does not know Jesus or God and therefore cannot understand what is written in the Bible.
I suggest that she quit doing searches on the Internet on Oprah and Tolle and spend a little more time learning some Christian apologetics and truths if she is even going to claim that that she is a Christian.
When all is said and done only those that believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved and confess Him as Lord will go into the Kingdom. That leaves Oprah out, unless she repents of her New Age all ways theology.
By the way, true love tells people how they can be saved from eternal damnation through the blood sacrifice of God’s only begotten (not made) Son. Those that accommodating people who love spreading demonic lies so people can stay deluded really hate their brother and they are not getting any such appeasing message from God.