If you want to know why the United States is not in Bible prophecy an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon exploding high above the United States is probably the most likely reason and not the Rapture of Christians like some wishful thinkers like to believe. I have been writing about the U.S. vulnerability to an EMP for over five years. It all started with this Imminent Danger article. You can find my additional articles on EMPs under “Categories”, on the blog side bar.
The reason for this new post on the EMP danger is not to say the same things that I have said in other articles. The reason for this post is that I just read “One Second After”, by William R. Forstchen PhD. It is a novel about a local rural area in the western mountains of North Carolina trying to survive in the aftermath of an EMP attack on America.
The book is written by a professor of military history that lives in that beautiful area. Professor Forstchen knows military history and he also knows the nature and danger of the EMP threat to America. This novel was written as a warning to our nation. Dr. Forstchen hopes people will heed the warnings and prepare and pressure their politicians into taking action so that the scenario that he writes about will never happen.
The book has a forward written by former Speaker of the House and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. He has been one of the few politicians that have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of the EMP threat. For that reason alone it might be wise to make him our next president because none of the ways to bring America back to prosperity or back to the American way that politicians debate about will matter one whit if nothing is done about our vulnerability to this EMP threat and our enemies carry out such an attack.
One Second After, is not a feel good book. It is not a happy book but it is a very interesting book of 350 pages. I am not going to go into detail about the novel here – you will have to read it. If you wish to know the technical details about the EMP threat they are available in my articles on this imminent danger and the links within my articles.
Usually when talking with people about the threat of an EMP. people’s eyes just glaze over. Making the threat play out in a novel succeeds in bringing the reality of the threat home where common people will understand.
Increasingly I am finding people around here that are preparing for something but they have many different ideas about the coming danger that they are preparing for. Some think the danger will come from our own government. Others think there will be an economic collapse. Some think that they are about to go through the tribulation. A few are aware of the danger from a solar flare but I still am not finding many that are aware of the imminent nuclear EMP threat. That is unfortunate because it is by far the number one threat for the continued existence of this country.
I think a nuclear EMP is more likely than not to take place over America within the next decade and that is the most likely reason why America is not found in Bible prophecy.
I hope men leading their families will read “One Second After” but I also think they should use discretion and discernment before giving the book for other family members to read. It certainly is not a book for children. Let them remain in their innocence as long as possible. There is nothing that they can do about this EMP threat anyway.
If you believe what is said in “One Second After” can happen, it would be prudent for you to make some preparations against that possibility. If family members are wondering what you are doing, just tell them the truth. We have become too dependent on electricity and electronics and there is good reason to believe that there could be extended power outages that could make our modern devices useless.
It has been ten years since 9/11 and it is 7 years after an expert commission reported to Congress about the danger of an EMP strike on this nation. The report to Congress is much the reason why this novel was written. Thus far our politicians in Washington have done nothing to harden our vulnerable electrical grid, electronics, communications and distribution infrastructures.
The consequences of ignoring this threat could indeed mean the end of this nation as a world power. In fact, it is already too late to harden our infrastructure if our enemies are in the planning stage to pull off such an attack within the next few years. I think Iran and N. Korea are in the advanced stage of coordinating and planning such an attack. They could already have one or more EMP weapons off-shore and they are making alliances with other rogue states like Cuba and Venezuela that could shelter such weapons in our hemisphere. The missile launch for a EMP will not necessary be short range either. Within a couple of years it could come from ICBM’s that are now being developed in both North Korea and Iran.
The book obviously gives the worse case scenario but that only makes sense if you are trying to warn the nation. In this worse case scenario where highly effective EMPs hit from from coast-to-coast there will be no electricity or communications and most modern electronics will be fried.
Sure, it is more probable that we will incur an EMP that will only be partly successful and that will not do quite as much damage as was described in “One Second After” but even the outcome of an EMP over one coast, or that is not optimally designed, or is not at the optimum elevation would still be horrific. Many millions would die before help would arrive. In a worse case scenario where the EMP hits coast-to-coast and fries most electronics there will be no help available at all. You or your community will be on your own. One Second After is a very realistic scenario from that worst case perspective.
The EMP and grid failure does not even have to be the result of a nuclear device. It can come from the sun. Each decade there is about a ten percent chance of a storm on the sun being powerful enough to knock out our power grid. If such a solar storm happens before we harden our almost irreplaceable ultra high voltage transformers it could leave people without electricity for years. It is a matter of historical scientific record that solar storms of the magnitude to knock out our grid transformers do happen and we know they will continue to happen in the future.
A general grid failure and other infrastructure failures could even come through a cyber attack (a worm) sent through the Internet or directly implanted in critical computers by enemy agents. All computer systems can be hacked with enough effort. If the whole grid goes down it will not be easy to bring it back up. That is even assuming the worm or virus has been neutralized and that there are no additional attacks. In such a grid failure it could even take weeks or months to restore power in parts of America. We are far more vulnerable to these attacks than most people know. Can you and your local community live without electricity for even a month? Think about what would happen in cities without power. In two days the stores would be empty. Then what?
“One Second After” obviously was written to try to wake people up but so far the response by government and those managing our infrastructures tells me that they would rather pretend the danger does not exist. They do not want to spend the money to save the country from a danger that they don’t want to believe will happen. I think the book aptly demonstrates the danger of such foolish thinking. Spending a few billion dollars or even tens of billions to harden our infrastructure is cheap life insurance when you consider that you can lose well over half the population of the nation if you do nothing.
If we go back to 19th century technology (that we do not even have for the most part anymore). We could support about 30 million people in this nation and not the well over 300 million people that we now have. The rest of the population would die off. Few in the cities could survive at all.
Our government is well aware of this threat but they spend their money patting down children and grandmas and buying machines that can look through clothing. Meanwhile, the real danger to our national survival can be sitting in cargo ships or subs off of our coast.
I first wrote about this danger in 2006 even before I created this Blog and I still think the EMP threat is the #1 imminent threat to the United States. This EMP threat is a bigger danger to the survival of the United States than even the Cold War nuclear threat. It is quite likely that nobody will ever figure out who was responsible for the EMP attack.
In the cold war our cities were in danger of destruction by nukes but nobody could do it without being identified and destroyed. In the cold war era we were not as vulnerable to an EMP as we are today. Everything today is interconnected with modern electronics and communications. Today that EMP attack could be pulled off and the ship or ships scuttled and we may never learn who was behind it.
We need to live in reality. We know that there are nations that want the USA out of the world picture.
Russia plans to form a new Eurasian Union formed out of many of the nations of the old Soviet Union and Putin is an old style KGB fascist who intends to be President of Russia for life. He would love to get America out of the picture. Russia has ample capability to pull off an EMP and then make it look like a terrorist group did it, or even enable a terrorist group to do it.
China has developed the ways and the means to carry out an EMP and if we become dispensable to them or get in a Taiwan conflict I think they will use EMP weapons against America. The leaders running China simply do not care if they lose millions of people in a counterattack even if we could figure out who did it. They know that after a nuclear strike they will have plenty of survivors. They have even built ghost cites that are meant to replace destroyed cities.
North Korea and Iran continue to carry out joint nuclear and rocket development for EMP weapons and delivery systems. The leaders of these nations are quite mad. The Iranian leaders think that a nuclear war is necessary to bring in the Shiite world savior. An EMP is the only way that Iran or North Korea can neutralize America. With no home base and supply lines once America fires off the weapons that are in place the military forces of the United States will have to go back to what is left of their home.
Pakistan has nukes and they also have delivery systems. Some of them could get into the hands of terrorists. With the disappearance of thousands of ground to air rockets after the fall of Gaddafi just image if Libya had nukes. Pakistan is every bit as unstable as Libya and they have scores of nuclear weapons.
Perhaps you are inclined to think that America will be spared because it has some Christians? Perhaps you think you will leave in the Rapture before America falls? Wishful thinking has never prevented the fall of any nation and I doubt if it will prevent the fall of an increasingly divided United States that has also become increasingly anti-Christ and in outright rebellion against God’s moral order.
If you want to know why the United States is not in Bible prophecy, an EMP attack is the most likely reason. Read “One Second After”. I think it will change your thinking about certain things.
If you have read “One Second After” This is the best place to discuss it.
I haven’t read the novel but if it’s available at the public library I’ll give it a shot.
I did recently read an article by JR Nyquist which had some very disturbing comments from a Chinese General.- http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/jr-nyquist/2011/09/06/when-the-china-bubble-bursts
And so, the best course for a failing Chinese economy is war. One might ask what kind of war? In a secret 2005 speech given by Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian (titled “War is not far from us and is the midwife of the Chinese century”), a biological attack on the United States was suggested as optimal. “It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans,” said Gen. Chi. “But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century….”
Why do we do business with these people if that is their attitude? The only answer I can think of is because some capitalists are making lots of money from the trade and outsourcing of jobs.
Separately I read in the Washington Post that Iran has been implicated in a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador to the USA on American soil. This can’t be good for relations in the Persian Gulf area. Could this be a prelude to war? Is this incident for real or is it part of the Administrations attempt to demonize Iran in the American publics view in preparation for an attack this winter against Iran.?
The problem with a biological attack is that they better have 1.3 billion antidotes for themselves. Some Chinese generals just like to run their mouth and I certainly would not consider Nyquist a reliable source.
No doubt that many military leaders in China see a war with the US as inevitable but then again if they can pull off an EMP before we harden our infrastructure there will not be enough survivors in America to worry about. I think the greatest EMP threat is probably from the Chinese but only after we become dispensable or they have a major downturn because of a trade war. Of course China also says they will take Taiwan by 2020.
Sometimes I think we are being blackmailed by China with an EMP threat. Remember the missile launch off the coast? It could have been a message. Perhaps that is why we buy their crap at our own demise and never take action against N. Koreas or harden our infrastructure. Of course that is unfounded conjecture but if it is true it started during the Clinton administation. There is a good chance that we will not even make it to the inevidable Chinese attack because someone will preempt them sooner.
I do not think we need to demonize Iran they are doing a fine job all by themselves but a successful strike on Iran 6 months before the election would give Obama the bump he needs to win the election. Iran’s nuclear and military program needs to be hit but it should have occurred years ago but the problem is that Obama controls the timing unless Israel blows him off and strikes as early as this year. One problem with starting wars through is that they usually do not go the way advisers think.
Don ,
I am one of those who just doesn’t see an EMP attack by another country as a likely threat. That certainly does not mean it will not happen. The sun is more likely to cause such an event in my opinion. Also the sun could cause multiple EMP events anywhere on the planet . There are probably more true Christians in China than there are in America , many people believe so. There is no doubt in my mind that God will judge America , but there are other nations he will also judge and China, Iran , and North Korea are on the list. We know from Ezekiel 38 and 39
what happens to Russia and Iran. I agree with you that it is not going to be peaches and cream in America until the rapture. I expect us to become irrevelant on the world scene due to total economic collapse and that may also happen in Europe. More and more I believe the current European Commnunity will emerge into something different like a Mediterran Union as you have suggested . The Rapture , whenever it occurs , has to cause some major disruptions as every nation will be effected. An EMP event could coincide with The Rapture as God has any and every option HE wants to employ.
My point is that the US will be gone as a world power before the tribulation events even start. I do not know what the number of Christians in China has to do with the price of tea in China? They certainly are not running their government.
An economic collapse is another possibility but that is not likely to destroy America since any economic collapse in America is going to cause the economic collapse of Europe,Japan and China as well as many others. So the world powers will just get together and broker something it is not going to be the end of nations.
What can take America out as a superpower in the next few years so that Europe can take over? My money is still on a EMP. I don’t see why anyone should think that a nuclear EMP has anything at all to do with the Rapture. The Rapture will be a world event an EMP is regional unless it is from the Sun.
There obviously is a solar EMP in the Great tribulation when the angel pours out his vial on the Sun but the US is probably long gone as a power before then.
I also do not think that there will be as many people going in the Rapture as some think. I can’t even imagine ten percent going from the U.S. Keep in mind that most calling themselves Christians in America are Catholics or they are in some other worldly institution that they call church.
Don ,
Your points are weel received and I do not consider myself your equal on these matters. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen and God will still be in control. I absolutely agree that not as many as some believe are going in The Rapture. I do believe The Rapture will wake up some who are left behind. If I understand Revelation at all , God goes to incredible lengths during the tribulation with The Two Witness , The 144,000 , and The Angel in Revelation 14: 6 and 7 to get people’s attention and offer them salvation. Am I wrong in my belief that The Rapture causes a problem for political and church leaders ? They have to come up with some LIE to explain the missing. I belief enough people worldwide disappear that some explanation will be fabricated to explain the missing. I have done what I can to prepare and believe my time should be spent sharing The Gospel with everyone I can until God decides He no longer wants me here.
I really do not want to get off topic here but actually the lie for the disappearance of Christians is already in pantheistic teaching. Before the great evolutionary leap forward can take place those that are not teachable and cling to their narrow religious view will be removed to another dimension for the sake of unity and world peace.
Following up with the emp theme, I suppose shortly after a successful emp attack North America would be invaded by the Chinese. Even if the attack was initiated by a different country I could imagine China invading to capture all the natural resources in energy, minerals and agriculture. And probably to relocate a portion of their overwhelming population and to work the land. So if you are fortunate or unfortunate as the case may be to survive through the first year after an attack you can look forward to serving as slaves to invading armies and hoards of Communist Chinese. Maybe the safest place to live in America is on a large sail boat in a slip somewhere in Florida.
I do not think that will happen. The US is just too big of a land to just come in any occupy. They would literally be eaten alive by the natives. It would be easier for China to take Siberia. The Chinese might move people to the West coast if most of the native population died off but so would Mexico. In any case, whoever lived here would soon rebel against the Old Country just like our forefathers did.
Or…El Hierro could erupt, causing a massive land slide toward the west, triggering a massive tsunami that wipes out the eastern seaboard. I too, do not see the US in bible prophecy, so whether its an EMP, economic collapse, or the Rapture, something causes the US not to be a factor in end times events.
Don, i read “One Second After” and i’ll say that the further i got into the book, the more scared i became. Even if i prepared as much as they did i do not think i would survive. The way people are these days i see most as part of the roving cannibalistic gangs. Limited medicine if any, no electricity, no modern sanitary infrastructure, no food, etc,etc. Only 10% of the USA was left intact after most died off from untreated diseases and illnesses, starvation, and murder. I had a hard time going to bed a few nights as this was on my mind. Don’t get me wrong, i have some preperation made such as water, some foods, meds, arms, and such but it would be hard to defend when all around us we’d have the roving gangs and one has to sleep. I don’t expect any of our leaders to do anything preventive as they are mostly a day late and dollar short. Many good men and women serve in our gov’t but the idiots are the ones running it.
You weren’t suppose to give the book away it kills sales 😥
Keep in mind that this was a worse case scenario where there is a strong EMP from coast-to-coast and the United States continues to do nothing to prepare. I do not think such a highly successful EMP attack from coast-to-coast is possible except by Russia and China and even then it is not likely to fry everything like in the book. If we harden our grid which is fairly easy to do and relatively inexpensive it still could get bad after an EMP but it will not be nearly as bad as in the book.
There was a bill in Congress last year to start hardening our infrastructure but it did not get through the Senate because it was attached to something else. There is a new bill working its way through Congress now.
Yeah the book is troubling and I can understand why people lose sleep after reading it.
Long time reader – first time contributor. “One Second After” is indeed a scary book. After I read it some months ago, I could find no takers who wanted to borrow it to read. It is a very well painted scenario of a TOTAL EMP strike. However, in my opinion, a less than total EMP is much more likely.
The EMP issue has a natural peak in our current Solar Cycle 24 – this natural peak is now predicted to be in June 2013. They say up to $1 to $2 trillion in damages and could keep us busy for 4 to 10 years for complete recovery. Remember this is from nature – not our “enemies”. They model these damages after the Carrington Event – a great geomagnetic storm in September 1859 which looks to be about the same size as our June 2103 potential storm.
There was even a Space Weather Enterprise Forum held in the U.S. in June 2011 – it was called “Solar Maximum: Can We Weather the Storm?” Main risk they identify is the electrical power distribution networks and navigation from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
I do see a hint of the U.S. in the last days scriptures – during a time which looks to occur after the 2013 Solar Max timeframe. So, again, I am led to believe this could be a less than total EMP disaster.
I suppose that hint you see could be Isiah chapter 18. I certainly do not rule it out.
I actually see the hint I was talking about in Revelation 12:14 (which comes immediately after the Devil has come down to earth) – “But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.” In our modern day we certainly understand that the U.S. is “the great eagle”. But more interestingly may be where those two wings given to Israel come from.
Shifting to Daniel 7:4 (Daniel is talking about the 4 great kingdoms that will be on earth in the days of the anti-Christ’s kingdom) – “The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it.” Today, Great Britian is widely considered to be the lion – like a lion with wings of an eagle could certainly be the offspring of Great Britian – the U.S. However, this possible U.S. figure has its wings plucked off (so it no longer has them) – while over in Revelation we see Israel given two wings of the great eagle to flee. Certainly one could see the blessings that were once upon the U.S. being transferred to Isreal in those last days. Wings could also be the military ability to airlift out their people – as fleeing locally won’t get them far enough away from the physical Devil.
Unfortunately Daniel goes on to say this U.S. type figure then stands on its own two feet and is given the mind of a human. How much more accurate could Daniel be in describing the overtly independence from God (standing on our own two feet – NOT on His promises) and our overwhelmingly “rationalism” (i.e. – believing in God but not in His power)symbolized by the human mind?
As I said – just a hint of U.S. in the last days…
I do not think the Lord was referring to a specific nation airlifting Israel to safety in that passage. Nor is there a possiblity that the US is one of the kingdoms mentions by Daniel. The last nation in Daniel’s prophecy was the Roman Empire. We are not the only nation that can be identified with the Eagle. Germany also is identified with the Eagle
Besides, we are not in those times yet. Everyone wants to rush prophecy because the world has troubles. The world has always had troubles. It was not so long ago that we had the war to end all wars (World War I and then shortly after we had World War II. People were saying that both wars were the end of the world. Obviously it was not.
The US is probably taken out of the picture before the revised Roman Empire is fully established again. In these days I think people in this country need to be more concerned about their own survival rather than speculating how long it will take for the events around Israel to play out or that the Rapture will come to deliver them from the fall of our nation.
Our nation is in danger of judgment for the sins being flaunted in our own nation apart from the judgment of nations in the tribulation.
Greetings Don~
No matter the scenario, it looks ominous for the U.S. I have only recently heard of the threat of an EMP. If this occurs, or any other national disaster, in a vast portion of our nation, the people of this country will devour one another…(I don’t mean cannibalism, although that’s entirely possible). This nation is so far from wanting God to exist, Psalm 14:1, it will destroy whatever is left of itself. While this is not an easy topic to digest or investigate, thank you Don for sounding the warning.
I think those that have already read this post need to go back and click on the link that I just added on the end of the article. It is about a recent desktop exercise on the EMP danger and it also gets into how some just do not want to consider the facts.
One thing brought up in that article and that the Book never considered is the cooling of the shut down nuclear cores and the cooling of the tens of thousands of spent rods being stored on site under water. Think of what happened in Japan one hundred times over after a long term grid failure.
If your statement is true: “Nor is there a possiblity that the US is one of the kingdoms mentions by Daniel. The last nation in Daniel’s prophecy was the Roman Empire.” Then what do you do with Daniel 7:11-12 – “Then I kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was destroyed and given to the burning fire. As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time.”?
Daniel is quite clearly saying the horn (of the fourth and terrible beast – which I agree with you is the revived Roman Empire) is slain, destroyed and given to the burning fire (sounds like the defeat of the anti-Christ and his judgment into the eternal lake of fire to me). However, Daniel now has the other three countries (including the candidate for the U.S.) having their dominion taken away – but given an extension of life. In other words, these three great countries (world powers?) will be in existance in the days of the anti-Christ and AFTERWARDS (although now subservient to the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth).
I believe we (the U.S.) are taken out of the picture because we stop relying upon God and start relying on our own wisdom (as the image of that first beast portrays). Things could be greatly complicated for us if a 2013 natural EMP blast hits us hard. So, given what Daniel clearly says – can you explain why you say this absolutely cannot be the U.S.?
Your off the post topic and it distracts from the reason why I wrote this article not to mention it also waters down the keywords in the ranking indexes.
Read my commenting policy.
If you want to know my opinion on the players of end times read my articles or my Revelation Commentary. There are search boxes and all kinds of aids that will help you find them.
I am not going to get into a discussion about Daniel and Revelation on a post about the EMP danger.
My apologies. I did start with what I feel is the higher risk of a natural EMP and was in my mind just following up with you on your comments about my comment. I must say I am used to commenting in a less rigid environment – but if I do post here again I will take into account your wishes…
What if the missile off the California coast was a test to see if the USA could or would identify or shoot down a missile of a freighter? If of was we failed the test. Maybe they are seeing how close they could get to the coast who knows. No doubt Iran would try this if we invade. It’s doubtful all of the continental USA would lose power but it would send the world into economic collapse and world war so even a semi successful emp would wreck havoc on a global scale.
The threat has certainly drawn me closer to the Lord, my Lord. I melt before Him.
I will read the book over the next few weeks, but perusing the “onescecondafter.com” web-site, I debate some of the extreme conditions that he paints. There are enormous and unknown variables.
I agree with sentiments that I (we) would prefer that the Lord would take the judgment (i.e., nature) versus Satan’s minions. The Lord possesses grace and mercy.
I can’t see the “missile test” coming from any other organization than a major state, not a rogue state. Otherwise, it would not have been a test.
It’s all really scary, admittedly. Not to be too open with my feelings/thoughts, but there are times when I wonder how I (we) can march with time. And why was I (we) elect? About the best I can do is “melt” before the throne.
Anyway, I wasn’t even planning to comment (never say never), but I am curious about Isaiah 18. I pulled it up (I have BibleTime2.5 on Ubuntu and I love that piece of software, but I’m still figuring it out) and I just can’t quite decipher Isaiah 18, let alone any possible hint about the USA / Americas (I prefer to say Americas versus USA, because in the threat and the coming war(s), Mexico and Canada are far more than “collateral damage”; They won’t be invading anything, as one post suggested).
Hi Don
Your link “Woefully Unprepared for EMP” took me to “In the Jewish exodus back to Israel the Edomites take our gold with them.”
I was reading the ‘Jewish exodus’ blog earlier this morning but can’t see how that would affect your link.
I have to allow some off topic discussion because people bring in other issues even while staying on topic and that is fine, but when we start going down a whole different road to a entirely different topic I have to say no.
Perhaps other blogs do allow people to go wherever they wish to lead every post but if you read the comments on them they all pretty much start saying the same thing sooner or later. After the first 20 comments there is no reason to read the rest of them on those sites.
I want this to be a place to share information on a posted topic and not a soapbox for those that disagree on some point that happened to come into the discussion. The topic in this post is the “one Second After” book and EMP’s not interpretations of Daniel. I could certainly dispute your interpretation of Daniel but then I would be getting my own post off topic.
I have over one thousand posts and there are tools on this site to find topical discussions. I am sure people can use the tools available to find a post where they can discuss what they want to talk about and still be on topic.
Ouch! I pasted the wrong link. I will fix it. The article is worth reading.
I googled it (the link) and found it that way. The comments are quite good. There is debate about what it would take (size of bomb, abilities of enemies), as well as a mention of “one second after” (which is being made into a movie, according to one post). It’s also clear the left wants no part of averting catastrophe, but I guess that’s to be expected, since the left is pro-death anyway.
The book reminds me of the movie (true story) “Defiance,” that tells of a group of Jews fleeing Nazi persecution that become self-sufficient. Lots of parallels in the two stories.
One that commented on that link does not know what he is talking about. He claimed that it would take a hydrogen bomb for an effective EMP. It certainly would not. A very small fission bomb could create a devastating EMP.
Here are some EMP facts and myths.
Don, thanks much appreciated… I didn’t know that the solar CME is more apt to produce [just] the E3 component (the E3 component is the one that knocks out the power grid, whereas the E1/E2 are the components that destroy [sensitive] electronics equipment). Back to God and nature and grace and mercy, a solar CME is less catastrophic (if that can be possible) than an attack (by Satan’s minions).
The myths page also makes it clear that the variables and unknowns are too complex. Mostly, there appears to be some balance on this site that I find useful. I think the onesecondafter is a bit extreme. I can’t plan for extreme, only what I can achieve and accomplish within reason and without losing sight, so to speak.
Thanks again.
There was fairly recently a TV series called Jericho (29 episodes between 2006 & 2008). Nominally Jericho is about 23 small nuclear bombs going off around the U.S. – effectively crippling the country (duh!). Surprisingly there is a complete loss of power (i.e. electricity) and an “unexplained” EMP takes out all electronics (except those that were shielded). So the story is about rural America trying to survive in the new very uncivilized world. Somewhat less extreme than “One Second After” – it is still a chilling depiction of going back to a pre-electrical U.S. It is a top cult TV classic and therefore easy to rent on DVD. Very interesting watching for those wanting to get a feel for what things could be like…
I think a much more likely scenario is the collapse of America from the world stage due to our economic problems. Debt is literally going to crush us in the next 10 years, at some point.
Even the Chinese are smart enough not to detonate EMP(s) and lose literally trillions in product sales here.
Frank – I agree with you that China would not pull off a devastating EMP attack. Russia is the only other country that probably could do it right – and they know we have many many nukes still with their “address” encoded.
I also don’t see that the rogue groups will be able to pull such an event off for many years to come. That leaves us with the natural EMP from the sun in 2013.
AND as Frank said – removing ourselves from the financial whirlpool that looks to be dragging the whole world down in 2013 (US debt, European debt AND Chinese – internal – debt).
Fount & Frank
I seen the Jericho TV series. It was quite popular but the network pulled it in mid-stream. Then because of the demand they produced a couple of more episodes but just as it was getting to a civil war scenario they ended it again.
If world debt takes us down and takes European and China down with us and leaves China with a lot of worthless U.S. treasuries what makes you think that China will care if they finish us off?
In world reality it is not usually one thing or the other, usually an economic collapse will also bring a war. Believe me, if things get as bad as some think, there will not only be major foreign wars there will be civil war right here.
I also think you are underestimating the Iranians and the N Koreans they have been practicing for an EMP attack for quite some time. If the expert commission to Congress was concern 7 years ago about them and even terrorist pulling this off with rogue nukes from a ship offshore and they still are concern I hardly think that we should be unconcern. Supposedly we are so concerned about Iran that we want to give antimissile missiles to other nations.
Then there is the solar threat and the cyber threat to our grid. There are tens of thousands of people in N. Korea, Iran and China studying nothing but cyber warfare and how they can take our infrastructure down. The Pentagon and homeland security is not worrying about this threat for nothing. They understand how vulnerable we are and that is why we told the world that any cyber attack on this nations would be seen as an act of war. What we or Israel did to Iran’s nuclear facilities with a worm can also be done to our nuclear plants and critical infrastructures. All computer systems have weaknesses that can be exploited.
The real question is not if they can do it the question is will they do it and risk the consequences. I think they will because these people are not playing with a full deck. For them it is a matter of timing. They will hit us when we are in a crises for some other reason or because we or Israel attacks them. I do not think we have long to find out because the thought of Iranian nukes simply will not be tolerable to many nations. If Obama will do nothing about the Iranian nuclear program Israel or the Saudis or France will and we will be drag into the war anyway.
So we need a infrastructure system that is hardened and that also has some redundancy or sooner or later the lights are going to go out and stay out for quite a while and the consequences will not be pretty. Once again much of the world is like before World War II we are vulnerable to an attack and we know it but all we do is cut defenses because they cost money and we naively believe that nobody will attack us.
I read the book. If such a thing happened, millions of lives would be in danger. Survival for some would be tough. Turn to Jesus now.
Don I have read several articles on this topic and am at a loss as to what the average person can do to realistically prepare. Short of selling your home and moving to a rural area with your own solar panel powered home and other similar non grid energy alternatives….99% of us are basically sitting ducks.
I have 60 day supply of water and 4-6m of long term food, but other than that I am dead fairly quickly if this happens. What’s the point. How do you really prepare?
Also why won’t the govt do anything?
The best things you can do is contact your government representatives so government gets going on hardening our grid and other infrastructure. As I said there is a bill in Congress to start doing that right now called “The Shield Act” or H.R 668. Other than that you seem to have a reasonable approach. I doubt if any EMP will be anywhere near as successful as was described in the book.
The reason government gets nothing done is because the people are not demanding that something be done. The House passed the bill last year but the Senate attached it to a bill that had nothing to do with the EMP threat and it died.
If you want to be more prepared. This is probably the best survivalist blog..
After reading this blog, I put a hold on the book at the local library. However, I’m rethinking whether it’s something I really want to read. Sometimes these topics only add more things to worry about, especially ones that I can’t do much about. I recognize the seriousness of this post but I also see that most people are barely coping with the daily situations that arise in their lives, never mind deal with a crisis of this magnitude. Honestly, if something like this happened during the winter where I live (Canada), I doubt we’d survive a couple of days in the extreme cold. I’d suggest that most people just don’t have the resources to create a private survival scenario. There is a balance point between personal action and trusting God with the future. I’m not sure where I’m hovering at the moment.
A couple of questions I have: what exactly does an EMP do to the electronic circuity – does it physically melt (how does it become damaged)? Also, everything I’ve understood so far specifies line-of-sight – are electronics affected which are sheltered inside buildings?
An EMP will go through buildings / materials. Basically, you have to figure out how to survive with no electricity / electrical items of any kind. You can attempt to create a small stockpile of small electronic items, wrap them in foil and seal with duct tape, but concentrate on essentials like two way radios (walky-talky’s). I have a marine band radio plus am/fm. I have a generator, but then again, what would it power?
Priority is water. Then comes food and protection. That’s about it. For that, all I can say is try to keep your head in the game. My biggest problem frankly is that I have no real time to dedicate to survival – I am swamped enough just holding down a job and so forth.
If the conditions are extreme, yeah: “sitting ducks”; I can’t plan for that.
I do question the onesecondafter blog that states that creeks and rivers will be polluted due to sewage plants dumping. That one I debate. But maybe someone who’s got expertise on that matter could shed some light?
Hi Don,
I got the day off, so why am I on here at 7am on a Friday morning? Anyway : )
Just food for thought and speculation. God reserved the Americas, especially the US for the latter days it would seem to me. The USA has multitudes of every race, religion, creed and ethnicity living here today. If the rest of the world was wiped out in what some beleive will happen in the coming years. God would still have a remainder of all races, religion, creed and ethnicity to continue on with. Everything happens for a reason, we just may not be able to see the reason at the time. It is possible that the “new world” and this country is still the “new” world in the perspective of time, and could be the surviving 3rd after the tribulation that many believe is coming from the reading of revelations.
The US has the military to defend itself and a still well armed population, both would make invasion very unlikely. If we would just keep our nose out of others business and let them fight it out on there own, perhaps we will be more inclined to do that now that almost everyone realizes we are broke and can’t afford to continue in our aggressive ways.
Its human nature to think we have everything all figured out and attach that beleif to our ego. But just because we interpet what the Bible says in a certain way does not mean our Father is obligated in any way to carry it out, as we in our limited human perspective of scriptures beleive it should be carried out. The Jewish leaders of the days Jesus was on earth would be a good example of this. They thought they had it all figured out and boy were they wrong!
I Do not think Bible prophecy is as unclear as you suggest. The Jewish leaders did not understand that Jesus was their Messiah or understand scripture because they were in unbelief. True Christians are not in unbelief and God told us what will happen in the last days in the Bible.
There simply is no reason to believe that most in the world are going to get killed but most in the US will be spared to repopulate the earth. That may be Mormon theology but it is not coming from the Bible. There will be people of all tribes that will be spared through the great tribulation like the gleanings after the harvest or a great shaking of a fruit tree.
Also, I keep trying to point out that the fall of the United States from being a superpower does not mean that the judgment of the world has arrived.
Annette, and everyone else. Nobody really knows how bad God will allow it to get in America. A lot might depend on the reaction of the people in America. Nothing like an EMP is going to be successful unless God allows it and if God is determined to judge this nation and remove the US as a great world power nothing is going to stop Him from doing that.
God knows how to spare those trusting in Him. Also, if God decides there is no longer any reason for you to remain here you will go to be with Him, so what is the big deal? Too many people think that life is all about our sojourn here on earth that is not the case.
Each of us can die at any minute and some of us do, even the young, but none of us will die a minute before God allows. Keep in mind that you already died to your body of flesh when you accepted Jesus as your Savior. You died with Him and were raised a new creation in Christ. True Christians are spiritual creatures. If the tent we live in is destroyed we go to be with the Lord.
What I am talking about in this post is a possible reason why the greatest power on earth is not found in end time Bible prophecy. Something happens to the United States to remove her from the world scene even before biblical events play out. An EMP can explain that but so can other things.
If God wants you to survive whatever is coming you will. I have no idea how God will choose to do that. It could be from believing a message to prepare for living without power, it could be that He will direct government to be their to save you, it could be that He will lead you to a location that is safe, etc., who knows?
We all need to keep in mind that God has promised America nothing and everything America has could be taken away in an instant. It could come from an EMP, it could come from an economic collapse, it could come through a civil war or nuclear war, it could come from Yellowstone or Mammoth blowing, it could come from direct judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah. Who really knows how America falls if God removes the hedge?
If America really wants to continue to be blessed by God and have a hedge around it, the people in the nation have to acknowledge that the Creator that controls the earth exists and live like He is a God that still works in His creation and that He hates evil. In other words, people in America need to love and fear God because He gives life and He takes it away. He raises up kingdoms and He pulls them down. He is in control.
I would very much rather be with the Lord, than be here! People tend to think I am off my rocker or suicidal or something when I tell them this. LOL, I hope they aren’t right! I just have faith in the clear teachings of the Lord and beleive the promises that were made. I would much rather shed this flesh body and put on the Spritual body that our Lord has waiting for me!
We are told to read the signs of the times as the end does approach. I personally see some purpose from the Lord of gathering a large population of people, into the melting pot of cultures and religions and races that we have here in the US. Anyone would have to admit that we have the genetic diversity here in the US to preserve a good representation of mankind if we are all that was left of the remaining population after the Lords return. I did not know this was Mormon theology and actually have not read this or heard this anywhere else. This is something I came up with myself, and I surely would not encourage any one to beleive it because I said so. As I said, its just food for thought and a possibility I wondered about even when I was firmly in the Futurist camp.
As you said, God is in control. He also has purpose, in the things he does. The question I asked myself when studying scriptures through the Futurist glasses was what was/is the Father’s purpose in establishing the US and what was His purpose when dividing the land and keeping this part of the world from being “discovered” until fairly recently in world history. The only workable theory I could come up with is the one I presented to you. More than likely I am wrong, but I do beleive it is a possibility.
I can definitely see the possibility of the rest of the world blowing itself up and the US staying out of it and being left alone because of our strong military and armed population. For this to happen though, the US is gonna have to change its present mindset, perhaps a economic collapse and a “mini” revolution would cause us to become an America first nation once again. We will definitely have to remove ourselves from the present world government we are a part of and allow the rest of the world to work out things however they will.
It is definitely hard to present any new ideas to people when it involves relgion or politics. I usually do not waste my time trying, people become very attached to their particular denominational, eschatological, and political party beleifs. I beleive that you and I are alike in that we want the Truth. Thus, I presented something to you that I have wondered about and I promise you there is not a bit of Mormonism in me!
Have a great day, Brother.
America obviously had a purpose. It was a land of refuge from religious persecution for Christians for quite some time and then these Christians evangelized most of the world and saved the world from Fascism and Soviet Marxism. However, many in America are now freely giving everything that our forefathers believed in and fought for, for globalist Marxist humanism?? The real evangelism is now taking place in third world countries and Asia where there is quite a bit of Christian oppression.
There is no mention of the Americas in Revelation. I doubt that’s because the US all of a sudden decides to “mind it’s own business.” Obama is likely to attack Iran simply to get a poll bump at the right time to get re-elected. I don’t call that “minding our own business” (all other motivations aside). And, as pointed out, war never goes according to the “advisers.”
I don’t see much in the way of fruit shaking from the tree of the Americas as things currently stand. In any case / therefore, something has to “shake” the tree, and that certainly will not be because the people choose to repent.
I don’t see “Sodom and Gomorrah” because there are more than “10” (I question even 10%, but there are more than 10).
Regardless, the bulk of the people clearly reject the truth (to the point of taking the mark of the beast / not being elect), and I hardly would call that a “reserve”; That’s like saving bad gas. As Jesus said (although I can’t recall the scripture off the cuff), those that aren’t fruitful will be cut down in the fire. There’s only so much grace and mercy (without truth and judgment, grace and mercy have no meaning).
If God delivers me from this tent, problem solved. If He doesn’t, then I have a job to do.
Annette – as one might wear a static-guard wrist-band when opening up the insides of a desk top computer, that is sort of an analogy to how various components can get “fried” (a very loose analogy); For a big transformer, the E3 component that will be attracted to and travel across long cables and overload/overheat the power grid components. They literally could be burning. As for small sensitive components, the E1/E2 components will “zap” them. Thus, with the E1/E2 phenomenon, when the power comes back on, what’s left to power up?
Isaiah 18 anyone ???
Sewer treatment plants ???
I can see the cooling rod scenario and I wonder how it got that far? A power plant that needs external power to cool it’s spend fuel? The stupidity is just mind boggling.
Issiah 18 ( I will use the ASV because some words are clearer)
This passage has been sometimes identified as the USA by some. That does not mean that interpretation is correct. The key words and usual arguments are a land of buzzing wings (aircraft) the rivers divide (Mississippi) a people terrible (a nation with strong armies from the start until this prophecy) from their beginning that sends ambassadors overseas and that obviously has a great die off and bodies are not buried (verses 5 and 6) but later they recover and give a gift to the Lord in Israel (possibly American Jews)
The main reason why America comes to mind in this passage it that no nation in history or beyond the rivers of Ethiopia explain this passage and I do not foresee any around the Nile that will.
As for sewage treatment plants, obviously without power they will not work and raw sewage will spill into the rivers below cities. So I think polluted rivers is a reasonable assumption after the national grid goes down.
Certainly America will not be spared because of our “Christianity” in any coming judgment scenario. God is keeping His kingdom growning but it looks to me that 70,000 of the 77,000 new Christians in the world per day are coming from Africa, Asia and Latin America regions (so much for America’s recent faithfulness in carring out the Great Commission).
That “not sparing” includes an EMP scenario effecting America whether it is solar or manmade. I do believe in the solar as the most likely simply because of the shortness of time with which things need to occur (limiting the ability of North Korea & Iran to develop their technology far enough along). A “Carrington type” event in 2013 (see NASA for their warnings about this) would give us enough E3 headaches to keep our eye off the ball in Israel.
How do we respond since I beleive the rapture will not occur until long after this EMP issue? (Even Don’s calculations show 2023 as the earliest likely date for the rapture.) We do what God wants us to do – love the Lord and rely upon Him (that is all He ever calls us to do). An exended multi year period recovery from an EMP will increase unemployment to such a level that even multi month stores of water and food won’t sustain you. You can’t rely upon yourself – you can only rely upon God! The risks from “bad guys” during such a scenario certainly also outweighs any personal or home defense systems you could put into place.
My bottom line is that I beleive that we are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience (not physical beings who can occassionaly have spiritual experiences). So focus on the eternal, focus on Whose you are and rest in the Lord…
I just want to correct one thing you said because it is not what I believe. I think the Rapture is always imminent I do not think it has to occur 7 years before the end. Actually in my figuring the Rapture is likely to occur before 2023 not after 2023 like you said, but I would not bet the farm on that.
I do believe that an EMP would come well before the rapture event. Don, thanks for clarifying your current belief on the rapture dating. I was going by your website article “When Will Jesus Christ Return” (Table updated June 2011). You had said in it: “The rapture most likely will occur 7 to 11 years before the second coming as soon or sooner than 2017 AD and as late as 2050 AD with the statistical highest likelihood of the rapture being 2023 – 2027 AD.” I was going with the earliest year of your statistical highest likelihood as being your earliest “best” date. I was thinking that your highest likelihood of 2023-2027 also meant that most likely came AFTER 2023 – so thanks for clarifying.
Personally I don’t think it HAS to come 7 years before the end either (I am quite convinced it won’t occur 7 years before). I am also very comfortable with the 2023 timeframe although it could come a little earlier. (And I don’t even have a farm to bet…)
Sorry to belabor the polluted rivers scenario… In order for spill over to occur, that would mean to me there must be natural pressure. My county city water/sewer infrastructure is fairly recent (1990’s). About 5 years ago, we had no drain flow. Turns out, a breaker on the unit in the street in front of our house had to be switched – a manual process. That suggests to me that, without power, there won’t be any feeds working to a plant. Thus, I just wonder how much natural pressure there could be to cause a spill over?
My inclination would be that the plant would sit tight (?) ; Also, I would think, if there were spill over, that it would not be in totality. Thus, I just sort of question the extremity, at least as the onesecondafter web site suggests.
Of course, everything depends on the size of the plant, age of the plant, configuration of the plant, location of the plant in terms of proximity to water ways, and, of course, the size / volume and flow of the waterways.
Chuckle – there’s always a sail boat. Shrug.
The statistical highest likelihood in that table is based on the validity of the projections in that table. I never said the projections in the table have to be valid.
I personally think the Rapture will occur sometime between now and 2028 but that is just my opinion based on my view on when the 6th day from creation ends. I am not going to get into any future explanation of that here because it is off topic. There is a post on it.
Craig, so where do you think all the raw sewage goes in an extended power outage? I guess if it never gets to the rivers it stays somewhere. A sewage plant can only hold so much sewage before it spills over. I guess where it goes depends on if it uses gravity flow or if the sewage is pumped. If the sewage does not go into the rivers it seems to me that sewage lakes would appear in various places or it backs up into peoples homes. Uck!
By the way Annette, I clearly said that the technically details on an EMP could be found through the link that I provided near the start of the post. The congressional report included in the referenced links should tell you more than what you want to know. The other articles are useful as well.
The E1 component on a Nuclear EMP happens so fast that it overloads and burns out electronics before surge protectors and circuit breakers can be tripped.
Then the E2 component quickly follows and is much like a lighting strike and if the surge safety equipment is down because of the E1 or if does not exist the E2 can destroy the wires in other electronics, power generation equipment and other things.
The E3 component creates amperage in electric long lines. That is what you would get from a solar EMP as well as a nuclear EMP. The longer the electric line the more current that will be created. Since high transformers are stepping up current to transmit high voltage very long distances at very low amperage to reduce resistance the transformers are not able to handle much back-flow amperage because the finer wire on the step up side of the transformer will melt cause a fire and blow up.
These transformers can not be easily replaced because they can be as big as a house and they are made in China. Only a few are made each year but we have hundreds that could burn out in seconds.
Yes, backs up… Yes, UCK. That’s why I have hinted at “nature’s head” on occasion. People will need to realize that the “flow of the world as we know it” is not gonna happen. There are some strategies. I don’t believe there will be an intake to the plants. If nothing’s going in, then there’s no pressure to go out. Therefore, what’s to spill over? Yeah, we need an expert to chime in that knows the technicals involved.
I do know, from my experience ~5 years back, when the breaker tripped, there was NO flow and, yep, you guessed it, it could have backed up in to the house. I say could have, because we recognized the situation and was disciplined enough to not use water period – until the situation was resolved at the street.
My bets are more on backing up than spilling over. It’s probably a bit of both, but the idea that everything is flowing to the plants from everyone’s houses needs to be shunted. That aint gonna happen.
Not that is that important in the scheme of EMP things but I think the onesecondafter blog is correct. The rivers will become polluted from spillover or whatever you want to call it. We are talking about cities. In times of wet weather most water that flows into these sewage plants come from city sewers. When they have a big rain they have a by pass or spill over where untreated sewage go directly into the river or lake or whatever. Waste water is going to seek the lowest level and it all ends up in the rivers or lakes sooner or later. If there is no treatment below the cities the rivers are going to be polluted with human waste just like they said. Besides, you cannot even drink the rivers now. If the source of water is a river your going to have to boil, disinfect or filter the water.
I’m about half way through the book now. It certainly gives you some things to think about. I thinks it’s possible to prepare for water and food but the security issue could be over whelming for an individual but not for a community of like minded people. There’s several water sources 1/4 to a mile away from my house I could get a couple gallons every day and disinfect with clorine until that runs out. Several gallons of clorine could be a life extender. Don’t forget the garden seeds. Cigarettes and jack daniels could be very useful for bartering. 🙂
If the power is out at the sewer plant I suppose it would be out for the water supply as well, once the reservoirs are empty. So the backup of sewage into homes may not occur. Waste will be deposited where ever it’s convenient outside and probably lead to disease.
OK, rain water et al flowing in to the plants… Ack on that.
I’m not looking to rivers / creeks for drinking water. I have a well and it’s tested and I don’t see it being corrupted or violated by what ever would be happening in the creeks and rivers. Regardless, I did obtain a decent supply of filters and iodine.
I live about a mile from the water in all directions, and it’s a big body of water. About a football field out the water level drops to 30′ and the depths can get to well over 80′ to 100+ feet. My plan is that our community could fish and crab – our community has a waterfront with small marina and ramps and beach and jetty and fishing pier etc. So, if pollution from upstream cities does not take over a very large bay, the community should be able to put food into tummies, which would make for an otherwise potentially peaceful scenario, under the circumstances. If it weren’t for the spill over scenario, I think the renewability and sustainability for a reasonably sized community is possible (late December through March would be bleak, however).
Tim nailed it: a community of like minded people. I think I am potentially in a community like that.
As for “personal waste”, I think the off grid “nature’s head” is a good solution. Otherwise, get yourself two buckets. You get the idea.
Without the electricity and the electrical based products we use – we simply go back to a 19th century way of life – right? Now that was quite sustainable for those communities of the day. The difficulty for the U.S. is that is NOT our current model. We are way too urban (big city) based to make a simple transition back to the 1800s. Big cities do NOT in any way work without electricity (imagine walking/biking 10-15 miles to work each way every day). Only the rural areas work – and they have pretty much also become too specialized to make a smooth transition. West Texas for example – great if you need to only have cotton – but if you want to eat… The crop transitional period will be very difficult even for them.
Small communities already set up for self sufficiency might make it – if they are big enough and have such a mindset that they can successfully defend themselves from outsiders who will want in. However, no small community that is successful can make it for long if they double or triple in size overnight. How can Christians turn away other Christians and remain in His kingdom?
Not much we can do in such a scenario as an EMP blast over where we live other than rely even more upon God and realize (REALLY realize) that our bodies are but temporary tents and that going to be with God is certainly a far better thing.
Facinating article just out on the use of EMP as a military weapon. Even talks about integrating Ferriday cage technology to defend against – with a Texas company is now putting it into concrete…
Just goes to show how serious this technology as a weapon is becoming…
I think an EMP would be thee perfect way to get America out of the picture as well as having an excuse for the communists in our government and around the world to take over. Can’t use bio weapons or you risk killing millions around the globe if it spreads. Can’t use a massive nuclear strike or else the attacking country gets nuked as well. I doubt they could manage to launch dozens of nukes off ocean freighters secretly… Can’t invade cause they would never be able to occupy the whole country with half of the Americans willing to hunt them down and kill them. So basically after an EMP you kill most the population and have the survivors demanding martial law to defend against the roving gangs that will kill for food. The last thing people will care about is elections. Of course a economic collapse could do almost the same thing if it gets bad enough.
Here is an interesting angle on the EMP idea:
Electromagnetic Weapons: Frying Tonight
Brett ,
Thanks for the link, article was very interesting. There is a lot of research being done in this area by The Dept. of Defense. There is also extensive research on using laser beams as both offensive and defensive weapons systems
People at my church probably think I’m nuts, but I like to be prepared. I have plans to fall on in case of an EMP. The best (and cheapest) place to look for items that are EMP hardened is the military. I have a m35a2, a deuce and half (the engine is a multi-fuel, meaning it can run off of diesel, gas, used motor oil, just about anything flammable actually) and it can start without batteries or even with the electrical “on” switch on!
These trucks can be had for under $4,000 easy…I purchased mine direct from DOD for $2,500! My dad got one for $1,900! I’m not a nutcase, but I like to be prepared and at the same time have a fun “toy” to work on or take in parades…we even have a military vehicle show at church to honor veterans.
Personally, I think an EMP or terrorist nuclear strike will cripple us either to start a collapse or piggy backing on a financial collapse. I am writing a novel on a nuclear terrorist strike myself, during my free time.
What about a solar flare in the Middle East at the exact same time as a Missel strike against Isreal? Could this cause the missels to instead destroy those countries that fire against Isreal? The Bible predicts that there will be a strike against Isreal that God stops, and attacking countries are destroyed. Also the Bible talks about wars are fought in Valleys in Isreal and the people are fighting physically on the ground on horses. So for some reason they are not using anything electronic.
Just a Thought,
In Revelation the angel pours out his bowl on the sun and it causes great heat on the earth. I suppose whatever happens will fry all electronics and that very well could be the reason why people are riding on horses or even fighting with ancient weapons.
Love your site Don, a blessing and great resource to learn from.
After reading all the pre rapture EMP information. I think I will focus on:
30 days of food and water to use while I apply all my heart, thoughts, prayers and actions into getting my family members, neighbors, friends close by saved and completely right with God. Anything else is not Scriptural, worldly and silly I think.
Roving gangs? Use your guns to hold off/delay them until the above is accomplished, then give them what you have and do your best to win them to the Lord. I don’t recommend anyone kill others to keep some food and water, the Lord would not have us do that at all.
Please consider this though: The Word does not mention the western hemisphere specifically anywhere and since it is a recent 600 year development in the “civilized” world. It makes sense to me that it is a big part of the church age only and certainly plays little part after the rapture.
I think if an EMP event occurs in the US, would it be Scriptural with tribulation prophecy if it occurs prior to the tribulation? That kind of world shaking event is more in keeping with the ushering in of a world leader to save the remainder of the world which is only referenced in the Bible (eastern hemisphere).
Besides, imagine the droves of conversions in the US (whole western hemisphere really) if that occurred prior to the rapture? The Bible doesn’t support this kind of tremendous coming to Jesus before the rapture thinking I don’t reckon. Actually the opposite in a tremendous “falling away” from the Lord, which we are witnessing every day now.
Don’t get me wrong, nuclear attack with associated EMP is definitely supported by prophecy and will mostly likely be part of the west’s destruction very early in the 7 year tribulation to make the remainder look to the Antichrist for leadership. Think about it, what other national collapse on this planet would make the whole world quake like America’s fall? Or make them RIPE for a world leader to replace America’s world leadership?
Apart from the fact that America is not mentioned in the Bible, what other Scriptural basis do you have in support of this pre rapture event? I may have missed it in my reading and apologize if so.
I am not following your logic at all.
Many great nations of the past ceased to be great for one reason or another. I suggest an EMP as just one way that America could be removed from leading the end time world power structure.
You agree that the Western Hemisphere is not mentioned in the Bible, than using the same logic the fall of any great nation within the Western Hemisphere would also not be specifically mentioned in the Bible.
Some years after an EMP occurred over the United States, there still could be events elsewhere that will bring about the Antichrist.
Actually, all nations are mentioned in the end times under the word “all” so to say a world leader would arrive to save the remainder of the world after an EMP over the United States is not suggested in Bible prophecy.
I agree that the Bible does not support a mass revival prior to the tribulation but there simply is no reason to believe that there would be a mass conversion to Jesus after an EMP over the United States either. I think the US being out of the picture would just make it easier for the Roman Harlot to rise in the world.
You’re suggesting that an EMP will occur early in the seven year tribulation. I see no suggestion of that in scripture. We are probably about two decades away from the time of the Antichrist. You ask, what other national collapse would make the world ripe for a world leader? Who says it has to be a national collapse? The seals in Revelation talk about great wars, famine, and disease on earth. It is these wars that bring in a man that has all the answers and not the fall of one nation.
One more point, You cannot get your neighbors saved even if you make an all out effort for 30 days after an EMP to do so. Only the Holy Spirit can save anyone. So, after 30 days you say you would just give the roving gangs your remaining water and food? So, I am then left to assume that you would just let your family and friends die of thirst and starvation because you will not help defend them? I find that to be unscriptural.
Of course, you do imply that you got all those roaming gangs converted during those 30 days, but that is just presumptuous nonsense. I suppose you think Israel did not kill anyone when they fought in the name of YHWH. The scripture suggests that David slew ten thousands.