Our government had better start dealing with the threats against this country or we are going to wake up to an EMP one day soon. Iran is frantically building missile bases in Venezuela with the thought of having intermediate range nuclear tipped missiles that could easily reach the United States. Anyone who thinks we can allow Iran to gets nukes because they are no threat to America is out of touch with reality.
We do not even know that Iran does not have nukes already and even if they don’t, they could have nukes anytime they want. The time to deal with Iran was years ago and the time to deal with that tin horn dictator in Venezuela is now. Not only has the government of Chavez allowed Iran to build missile bases they are running drugs and destabilizing many nations in the Americas. What was the point of dealing with the other tin horn anti-American Communist dictators in Latin America if we are now going to allow their second coming?
I don’t care what liberals and libertarians say about our foreign military actions, they are being naive. This world is not some place where these evil dictators are just going to be nice because America ignores them or tries to appease them. They need to be whacked and whacked hard or we are going to find ourselves literally in the dark or in the middle of a third world war.
Most of the trouble that we had and still have in the world since World War II is a result of our appeasing tyrants. Appeasement does not stop narcissistic human predators wanting more power. If you really think appeasement and good will works against evil people go into the inner city and try your appeasement on the leaders of drug and turf gangs that control your inner city and let me know how your good will works out for you.
The time to deal with these threats is now. Our leaders need to stop playing silly sanctions games or we will be living without electricity and literally eating each other. (Read “One Second after” and you will get the full picture of what an EMP attack could bring.) I am seriously considering going off grid because I do not think we are going to deal with the EMP threat that exists from at least five enemies of this nations and the sun.
Obama just announced big cuts in our military. Are we to believe that with rising Islamic militarism, Russia planning a new USSR and modernizing their forces, with the threat of North Korea, with China wanting control of South East Asia and the oceans around that area, that the world is going to get more peaceful?? Not to mention the rise of Islam in Africa and communism in South America. It took a lot to get the military we now have, that is the best military in the world. To simply gut our military with these rising major external threats while greatly expanding homeland security agencies to deal with minor threats is wacky.
Its nice of our political leaders to announce to those that hate us, that all they have to do is wait until we get in some inevitable war and then they will be free to do whatever they please because we just told them that we will not be able to fight two wars at the same time in the future. Heck, that might even delay Iran from publicly making nukes until we get involved elsewhere or China might wait to take Taiwan until we are involved in Iran. There was a reason for our military to be able to fight two separate wars and it was to prevent such scenarios.
Sometimes I wonder why our generals put up with the Obama threat to America? Don’t they already know that Obama is a threat to our national security? Don’t they know that they swore an oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution? They are not doing it.
Is it any wonder why the Far Left wants a smaller military when most of the military are center right or far right and a real threat to a Leftist dictatorship? I am not worried about our military being used against us. I am worried that they will become so overtaxed in foreign lands that they will not be able to prevent a police state dictatorship right here at home.
Speaking about dictators. Obama continues to dismantle the checks and balances of our government and not uphold our Constitution. Obama just appointed people to office that by constitutional law are first required to get Senate confirmation. Those he appointed did not get confirmation but he thinks he can get away with it. This is a test, he knows if Congress allows him to get away with these appointments that he can get away with just about anything else in the future. He just keeps turning the screws toward dictatorship and nobody in our government has the guts to do anything about it.
The Republicans know the Far Left controls most of the media and they are scared to death that the media will crucify them if they take any action against a lawless black President. So they sit on their hands hoping that he will be replaced in 2012. However, he holds all the cards to steer public opinion by creating crises, by giving away money and adding it to the debt, and by engaging in a new timely war just before the election. So it is highly unlikely that he will be defeated in 2012. This President is the greatest threat that America has had since the Civil War but few care or understand. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
It seems the only hope for a reasonable candidate from the Republicans is now Rick Santorum unless the nomination is not wrapped up by anyone before the Republican convention. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Republican establishment has determined that it will be Romney. They are willing to lose the Presidential election to Obama to gain control of the Senate.
They think that a Tea Party Far Right candidate can’t win and he will also lose them Congress. They may be correct, but Obama has already showed us that he is above the law so why would Congress expect him to follow the Constitution in his second term? And even if they get the Senate and Obama continues to break the law, it is not likely that they will ever have enough votes to remove Obama from office. Even if they did, they would just get Marxist Hillary Clinton as the replacement. So if Obama wins, Congress might as well stay home there will be defacto dictatorship.
Then what do the Republicans do for an encore when Hillary runs in 2016 and the Democratic Party is five or ten percent larger? Assuming that the UNITED STATES of America even survives to 2016.
It is a long shot to believe that the UNITED STATES will even remain united until 2016. If they would give odds on that in Vegas I probably could collect a lot of worthless greenbacks when that comes to pass.
No. I do not think Obama will run for a third term if he even survives that long. I think he expects to become Secretary General of the UN. If the trend continues, by 2016 the US will just become another country under the control of global governance, if the United States exists at all.
I am sure you are thrilled that the Government says unemployment is now down to 8.5 percent. The government is lying. The way they get the lower unemployment figures is to keep shrinking the available labor force. In other words, government is saying, since millions of people gave up looking for a job (because these people know there are no jobs to be found), that these people should not be counted as unemployed.
If you really want to know what is going on in the economy in this country keep an eye on the size of the labor force and the number of people on food stamps. The size of the labor force is not growing even though the population of America is growing by millions each year and the number of people on food stamps has not stopped rising since 2008.
And all this “prosperity” you see is a result of the government spending almost double what they took in during the three years that Obama has been in office and also the Fed creating trillions of dollars out of thin air. Just think what will happen to the economy and your pocketbook when America is forced to balance the budget because nobody will lend to us anymore and the criminal activity of just creating more greenbacks will make your wages and savings buy far less rice and beans.
Many top economics are still predicting a new downturn in the first part of this year and there are rumors about the Fed printing more money. Not that they ever stopped. They are just doing it through the European back door. The government smoke and mirrors act is certain to go on at least until the election unless the wizard is somehow first exposed. After that, all hell will break loose in 2013 for too many reasons to even mention here.
Christendumb, continues down a new age Universalism trend through the rising emotional gospel. There is a now a wave of extra-biblical presumptions about the afterlife that is being embraced by many in Christendumb as the gospel truth. “The Shack” and other such books redefined God through emotional theology. “Heaven Can Wait and other such books told us all about what to expect in Heaven through emotional theology. Now we have “Have Heart” and other such books where people are coming back from the dead to comfort their loved ones and to tell them about their heavenly or spiritual mission.
Keep in mind that the emotional gospel cannot be supported by the true gospel, yet it is taken as gospel truth because it appeals to people’s emotions. It seems the true gospel is not enough for Christians anymore, they want extra biblical information that appeals to their flesh. People in the New Age claim the same spiritual experiences. In fact, the emotional gospel movement is helping bridge the gap between those in “New Age” paganism and Christendumb .
Women really eat this stuff up. Now that “The Shack” and “Heaven Can Wait” has been read by over half the women in our churches this will be the next book on the must read list for Christian women. What happens is that one woman reads it and it brings tears to their eyes and touches their heart so they think it must have come from God and then they tell their friends to read it. Critical thinking and Bible doctrine then goes right out the window in favor of the new emotional gospel.
I guess we can now claim anything about the afterlife and it will be accepted in Christendumb if we just put an emotional spin on it. Nevertheless, it seems to me that God forbid Israel to communicate with the dead. Yet, some now think it is okay for Christians to communicate with the dead because they want to believe that everyone they know went to heaven and is having a good time?
We even have Greg Laurie, Chuck Missler and James Robison endorsed “Have Heart”. I am not heartless and I feel for people who lost a loved one, but we all do at some point, and if they are Christians why are they so concerned about the fate of their Christian loved one that died anyway? Why would God suddenly start giving mass extra-biblical information to comfort believers he already told, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Co 5:8).
It is also presumption to assume everyone you love went to Heaven and is now spiritually participating in your life. Put your faith in your Lord not warm wisps of wind that you wish to feel or some spirit whisperer that tickles your ears. Satan is not ignorant and demons do exist to deceive people that want to communicate with the dead. If you start creating your own reality in your own mind you will be in the occult before you know it.
It seems to me that in Christendumb people do not read the Bible or think that what God told us is sufficient. They want to read about mystical experiences that will tickle their ears. The emotional gospel always tends toward Universalism which say wonders. This new emotional theology is not coming from God. So, if God is not behind it what deception do you think is behind it and where do you think this deception will lead?
Good morning Don,
Admittedly, and it is embarrasing to admit, I wasted time reading the Shack a couple years ago. The scriptural errors are so rampant in that book it should not be considered a “christian” book at all. The feel good “everone goes to heaven, and God so loves us that he doesnt really punish anyone” mantra was a strong theme. Unfortunately, I cannot get back the time I wasted reading this piece of garbage, nor can we reclaim the trees that were cut down to provide the paper. But that is how life is sometimes….
I also saw in the news yesterday that Obama is authorizing our Defense Department to share our missile defense secrets with Russia. Only an enemy of America would consider such a foolish decision.
There is, as you said, this almost worship of “emotional” gospels that tickle the ears, and give a warm fuzzy feeling that comes not from God, but from Dopamine receptors located in the Nucleus Accumbens. There also appears to be a worship of pleasure that is contributing to not only the increase of drug use, but also the addiction to almost any form of entertainment that amuses the mind and body. While pleasure itself is not necessarily bad… When it becomes more important than God… It is.
Your article today touched on many significant problems that are going on. We are ignoring our enemies, denying who are enemies are, overtaxing our military while reducing their resources, and generally setting the stage for those who would do us harm.
I agree very much with your observations that in America much of Christianity has become distracted with meaty issues such as when to expand the nusury and what color should the carpet be instead of sharing the Gospel of Christ.
Thanks for the great read this morning.
Rod in Oregon
I have e-mailed briefly in the past, but this is the first post I have made on this site. I have been reading it for a while as I share the concerns that Don and others have expressed. I live in Saskatchewan Canada and I am just as concerned about the events that afflict the US as even though our books may be in better shape we are no less immune.
We know that from scripture these are but the begining of birth pains and what God has designed to be birthed will indeed be birthed. Birth pains are not fun (as my wife knows) and there is no epideral to be had. They will only increase in frequency and intensity and God will bring forth His will and His judgement for the purpose of raising up and refining His Bride.
I know politically I can not effect much change on the world and am but a small voice in my own country. The greatest impact I can have is in my own Church and circle of influence. Yes we must stop kidding ourselves that this is just a passing cycle of geo-politics and economics and begin to understand see the bigger picture.
We have ignored the greatest enemy of all and we have allowed our pride as Western believers to blind us to the reality of our wretched nakedness. We must stop living our lives like hobbits in our small shire thinking there is nothing beyond us and that nothing evil this way comes. We are very much under a spiritual attack and the dark forces are rising up and building their ranks while “Christians” fret and stress over the style of music last Sunday. REALLY?? Have we become so weak and immature that we have no idea what lies beyond the grassy knoll? It is honestly scary to witness the true status of this “Matrix” where we have been fed milk for so long we literally become nauseous at the sight or smell of spiritual meat. Our minds and spirits implode when faced with the reality of our pale and shallow existance. I praise God for His grace and mercy and the fire he has put in our Pastors and leaders to not go quietly into the night.
Our church is at a point of decision and it is a crucial moment were a slight awakening is taking place, but yet it is such a fragile state. Rev 3:14-22 is the reality of our Status and Christ is knocking. The time has become to not be emotional or just well imaged Christians but rather Believers that will open the door and reject Lukewarmness. This is the diagnosis and I have been reminded again this year of Isaiah 58 for God is challenging us to become an authentic people of God.
Like the days of Nehemiah it is time to rebuild with one hand while carring a weapon in the other. We are under attack from within and from without. We need to stand against the false gospels and pseudo-spirituallity. We need to rebuild and prepare for what is to come. We need to stand ready to be people who can proclaim the good news of Christ to a world that will soon witness another year of panic and fear.
I covet the prayers of anyone who will pray that we will be successful. There ares serveral men who desire more, but much work needs to be done and we need a powerful movment from the Holy Spirit to remove gernations of bitterness and unforgiveness or simply the removal of those who refuse to repent. I for one am choosing the fast to break the bonds of wickedness, to break the yoke and to become a repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets in which to dwell.
In Christ
personally, i would like our troops and military equipment brought home before ww3 breaks out. they deserve a rest.
we can’t sustain an empire and expect to be able to take care of a legitimate threat from an enemy that has a legitimate military force and military alliances (Iran is allied with Russian and China).
this is all planned.
also: you all do realize that Paul gets the most donations from active duty military than all the other candidates combined, right? my husband contributes to those numbers.
Knowing Pastor James MacDonald is a close friend of Greg Laurie, I felt compelled to send his chapel the following e-mail. I hope he responds with a clear answer.
I have listened to Pastor MacDonald for a number of years via his radio ministry and recently I have begun to purchase His DVD’s – various studies & sermons.
I am writing to ask whether Pastor MacDonald has endorsed a book (or will be endorsing a book) entitled “have Heart” I understand that one of Pastor MacDonald’ best friends (Pastor Greg Laurie) has already endorsed this book.
The reviews on this book states that the author proclaims that communication with deceased loved ones can and does happen (as the author personally attests to in his book) and that such communication is acceptable for a Christian to believe in as well as participate in.
Acceptance of communication to and from the dead with those here on earth is absolutely against God’s teachings. It CLEARLY goes against God’s command.
Please be gracious in allowing b e to ask simple this question… does (or will) Pastor MacDonald support or endorse this book in anyway?
I did correct the spelling & grammar before sending it.
Well, as I see it, we have too many politicians on both sides of the political spectrum who refuse to make decisions based on Godly principles, and with a long term focus. They make decisions based on the next election, and their own political gain.
They also make promises that are not feasible, and people fall in to the trap of believing they will actually do what they say. It appears to me that with each election the pool of candidates gets less and less desirable. Truly a sign of where we are headed as a people..
Rod in Oregon
We probably need to remove our troops from many places but if we do not deal with Iran and soon, it could be a fatal mistake for millions of people in this country. Have you read about the EMP threat? I have written articles on it? Here is one.
Ron Paul might have been fine before world war I and he would be fine after American no longer has any power to confront evil in the world. However, we live in the world that we NOW live in and the world we live in now is dependent on middle east oil. If you want to see total economic collapse and Islam with its Sharia Law spreading all over the world by force, just allow Iran to become a nuclear power.
Russia and China are not in a position right now to oppose the West on Iran militarily. It won’t happen.
Islamic expansion is happening and it will continue happening if nobody stops it. The Qur’an directs that it will happen all over the world and millions are willing to die to make it come about. It really is not about prior US actions like Paul thinks. Islam would have rose against the West anyway. It just might have taken a little longer. Even so, we now have to deal with reality, not hoping that if we withdraw that Islam is going to somehow like us and become moderate. They have never been moderate and Islam hates all infidels. They have not had the power to do much militarily in the last few centuries and it would be wise to make sure they do not get that power, or you have seen nothing yet.
In reference to Rick Santorum, I just found this at a website named nuggetnetreview.com that Santorum is a Knight of Malta and a Freemason. Don’t know if this is legit, what do you guys make of it? Looks like there is no one to choose from. I feel like voting is useless now and prayer and repentance is the only thing we can do.
Your article was just depressing. I know we are in a heap of trouble in this world. Our country is for sure. The military today is not the same military it was when young men went in the army and came out men, with manners and responsible. Nothing is the same though. The Churches aren’t the same, the teaching isn’t.
I probably have voted in my last election. I will not vote for Romney, nor will I vote Democrat for President Obama. But we can look up and Praise God, we are on the winning side, no matter how long it takes.
In regards to the “Have Heart” article I wrote the following in another blog:
“It would seem the authors had desperate reservations of their son’s salvation and reverted to subliminal thinking even to the point of rejecting God’s word”.
I have studied under Chuck Missler and find his endorsement of such rubbish very hard to believe.
I would dearly love to hear him refute or retract that endorsement
I can’t believe Chuck Missler would endorse Have Heart! I was very surprised when I saw this because he warns about Necromancy in his teachings. It doesn’t make any sense to me?
In regard to…
We do not even know that Iran does not have nukes already and even if they don’t, they could have nukes anytime they want.
When you say “anytime they want”, are you talking about Iran getting nukes from another source like Russia ?
Government Unemployment nonsense…
I thought those tainted figures were also calculated by those that no longer are getting unemployment benefits.
That is really disturbing if it is true that Greg Laurie and Chuck Missler are endorsing any kind of demonic seance nonsense. I do recall King Saul summoning Samuel in Endor…it certainly didn’t turn out well for him as he died the next day, if I remember right.
To answer your question it is no secret that Iran has enough enriched material to develop five nukes within a couple of months anytime they make a decision to further enrich that material to weapons grade. That is what exists for public knowledge. What they are doing in the secret facilities is anyone’s guess.
I take seriously the threat of an imminent EMP, as Don has spoken of so often. I listened to “One Second After” on audio book format at library & after about 1/2 way thru it was too hard for me to take. It’s lurid descriptions makes me acutely aware the days are short & scenarios like that are all too possible. God allowed Obama to win the election in ’08 knowing that as prophesy foretold, Israel will not get help from the United States when her enemies soon surround her on all sides. I believe 2012 is going to be a pivotal year- and as Christians we are to not faint in fear, but to rally for the truths we hold dear… & that is to be salt & light in a world drowning in darkness. If we fear for our own lives then we forget the One we serve, who sent us out to work in those fields of white before the Master returns. Our lives are but a vapor, but we have died to ourselves already when we were made new creatures in Jesus Christ…. Knowing to redeem the time by proclaiming the Gospel to any who are ready to hear, NOW in our everyday lives! It is exciting to think we are in the last days, and the last generation, I’m convinced- before Christ’s return. Ultimately, there is nothing to fear if you belong to Him.
Hmm, so all this political talking about the days and/or years for Iran to “have” a nuke is quite misleading then.
I’ve heard so many variables on it, I wasn’t sure.
Thanks for clearing that up Don.
“Santorum is a Knight of Malta and a Freemason. Don’t know if this is legit, what do you guys make of it?”
Years before I was saved, I was a 3rd degree Knight of Columbus while a RC.
It was a silly, boy scout type initiation; a club for grown children… with Flintstone type comedic handshakes and other gestures, including whispered top secret words or phrases. I never went out for 4th degree, so I don’t know if some Masonic link would have been made known to me at that stage. Basically my point is; that If I know ran for public office – someone would say “hey Al is a Knight of Columbus” – “with possible Masonic links”. But in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Don, was also a Roman Catholic at one time – doesn’t mean I hold a raised eyebrow. Maybe He’s a plant. Not!
Don’s Words and Actions will reveal his true character as well as his core beliefs… and who his allegiance is to.
Having said that: if someone could substantiate these claims about Rick and confirm that indeed Rick is STILL an active member, than I would reassess my verdict on Him – but until then Rick would be the only choice for me.
I am trying to figure out your new mug. I guess you are a dog with reading glasses on. From all appearances you changed form an ass to man’s best friend in one day 😆
I agree, I think people make too much of this stuff because they are all into Illuminati conspiracy theories.
I know a 33 degree Mason and Shiner. He does not have a clue that some people think the he is in some occult group trying to control the world. He is a nominal Christian. To him it is just a good ole boys club. My uncle was in the Knights of Columbus he loved his uniform with the sword, and the parades and the beer.
I do not know if Santorum is actually an active member of the Knights of Malta or not. He and his wife were honored by them but he is a Catholic politician so that does not surprise me. As for being a Freemason, from what I read I doubt it. A politician that is honored by a Masonic group does not make that person a Mason.
People need to check out what Santorum did and voted for over his long career. He obviously is very conservative. People should do a bit of research, so here are the basics.
He is right on almost all the issues, as far as I can tell.
I agree Don.
Good added points.
I was going to add that even if Rick Santorum did “belong” to “Malta” what does that really mean? Most assuredly nothing nefarious… as was my case, and that of your uncle and even your 33 degree Freemason friend.
BTW: had I went for my 4th degree I could also march in parades and dress in the colourful regalia. In order to do so though I had to do works!… recruit a new KofC neophyte.
I thank our gracious God for revealing a whole new and eternal plan for me!
One last thing: I would also give Rick the opportunity to explain. Not just listen to the detractors side. Not doing so would make me a very unfair judge in this or any matter. As I would for anyone else.
Yep Don, I am an old dog with reading glasses…but I can still be an ass 🙂
I hope this qualifies as a news Issue for Jan 2012.
Preface: I haven’t watched much Sports for a few years now; and I am not back watching now (not that there is anything wrong with it – I personally decided to spend all my time with my family… all the time.) But this story just keep appearing in news blogs and on Drudge.
Coincidence or Godincidence: Tebow win’s it in OT on the first play of OT
With an 80 Yard pass & catch. Total yards with that game winning (and game ending) catch for Tebow = 3:16 yards.
Don, I i have been trying to settle on a new Avatar – sorry for the constant changes.
~David now has a spare ass 😀
Yes Don I noticed… however we shouldn’t ASSume this internet property is available for others to acquire, since ~David may very well wish to hold on to it. Perhaps having enumerable ASSpiration’s for this ASS that although may be ASStronomically impossible for us to comprehend, yet in the end may very well leave us ASSking ourselves why we ever doubted. To keep one’s ASS, may very well turn out to be the best ever WISE-ASS decision in the history of mankind. 🙂
That was an asstounding observation. I guess I really made an ass out of myself presuming that ~David now has a spare ass.
It’s nice to see that I’ve had such an impact on the blog-ASS-phere.
It’s looking more and more true that the rumors about Ron Paul being anti-Semitic are true.
Much more so, than even the current administration.
If so, I think we would all be better off with another four gloomy, destructive years with Obama than a Jew hater like Ron Paul, not that Ron Paul actually has a real chance if past years are an indicator.
@ Don & ~David… 🙂
@David if true… could it be that that’s what’s behind his passion for a hands-off foreign policy agenda?
ASStounding post, Don. This Islamic nonsense is really a spiritual war. Always has been and always will be. That being true, it’s God’s fight, not ours. We need to pull back all our troops and hunker down. Go ahead and let Iran get a nuke, if she doesn’t already have one. Israel will deal with the problem, with God’s protection. Israel does not need the U.S. I’d simply inform Iran that any nuclear attack on this country will result in them becoming a green-glass skating rink. Then, if it happens, we carry through with the threat.
Not sure why anyone would think Paul is anti-Semitic. At least I haven’t read any of his statements to that affect. Being Libertarian, he naturally takes a hands-off approach on everyone.
I feel like Korni. I ought not to waste my time voting in this Illusion Circus for the masses called the Presidential Election — but I know I will. ;-(
There has been a bunch said about Ron Paul’s anti-Semitic quotes.
I have disregarded most of it as political mud slinging…but some of the recent stuff sounds legit.
Hi Doug,
It is not that simple and its not all about Israel. Israel will not delay Iran’s nuclear program for long and there is no way that the Sunni’s are going to allow Shiite Iran to get nukes without getting nukes themselves. The threat is more than just Israel. The threat of a nuclear Iran is a Shiite Sunni war and the collapse of oil output from the Middle East and a resultant world war and a world economic collapse.
We can tell Iran we will turn them into a green parking lot but the 12er’s running Iran do not think we can, because they think a war will bring in their 12th Imam savior and world conquest.
Also, keep in mind that the way Obama is disarming this country in a few years we will not have the weapons to turn any nation into a green-glass skating rink.
If you want to know why people think Paul is anti-semitic you might read what they claim he has said about Israel in the past. It is best not to go to the house’s mouth to check out his ass. 😯
Hi ~David,
Can you provide me with some links to the sources that suggest Paul is an anti-Semite. I know Paul doesn’t seem to be bothered if Iran gets a Nuke and that he plans to pull back the Empire… and certainly these can be taken in some circles as abandoning Israel and thus perhaps being Anti-Semitic. But I’d like more tangible proof than just speculation refracted from his foreign policy platform.
Another solid post – clearly outlining the many ways of descent into which the world is plummeting…
Since we last touched on the EMP issue – back in October / November – we were all in agreement that this is a substantial potential problem facing the world. Since then I have further considered that the anti-Christ who will be running his empire from Europe / Israel will need command and control. In other words he will certainly need at least European & Western Asian communication capacity – including intact electronics and satelites. So, logistically speaking it seems self evident he will move to prevent his underlings (N Korea, Iran, etc.) from doing an EMP attack.
Also I was recently reminded of Revelation 11:9 – “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.” It wasn’t that many years ago that Christian eschatologists celebrated the realization that the new world communication system could for the first time ever – actually show the people of the world the two dead witnesses of God. This also requires worldwide satelites, TV stations, working power grids and TV sets in homes everywhere. So maybe the EMP threat is ruled out by the Bible too…
I do think the US will have a hard time holding it together – but primarily because of the initial collapse of the European economy / financial system cascading into ours. After all, the anti-Christ has to be able to fix a really big failure in Europe to “prove himself”.
More than once now I have pointed out that what happens this decade will have nothing to do with the Beast. We very well could have an EMP in the 2010’s and have a completely new electrical and electronics system in place by the time the Antichrist arises. Besides, a nuclear EMP is limited to line of sight. If we are talking about an EMP over the United States it has no direct impact on electric or electronics in Europe and it probably will have minimal impact on satellites in outer space.
The economic collapse by debt in Europe does not have to be fixed by the Antichrist. More likely the Antichrist will arise in the aftermath of a great world war. None of the stuff we see going on the world in modern times is likely to be preciser to the Antichrist. The Antichrist could have come anytime in the past if the restrainer was removed and he cannot come until the restrainer is removed. The timing is in God’s hands not present current events.
People are getting the cart before the horse.
Hi Don,
Yes, I know there are a lot more ramifications to letting the Middle East run its course unhampered. I was just venting. It just seems to me all this sabre rattling is simply dragging out the inevitable clash. A part of me wants to get it over with quickly so we can pick up the pieces on the other side and start over again — as this government should have done three years ago instead of bailing out a failed financial and automotive institutions.
This who electoral process has really become a joke. Where are the good candidates these days? Michele Bachmann is/was probably the most honorable candidate. I think she dropped out too soon. Santorum is the best choice we have left. Huntsman scares me. Gingrich and Romney are the flip-side of Obama. Paul is the only one offering truly revolutionary ideas. He won’t make it because the powers that be won’t allow it, regardless of how the people cast their votes. It all seems so gloomy on the horizon. Think I’ll dig a hobbit hole.
Hi Al,
The Ron Paul’isms can be found fairly easily with a search engine, and yes, I do use discretion when believing most of them…some of it is surely political mudslinging…but some of it is quotable fact.
Hi Doug,
I liked Michelle Bachman, I think with her, we could get, if nothing else, sincerity and a commitment to at least attempt to do the right thing but its not going to happen for the same reasons you gave vs Ron Paul…just my opinion.
And why dig a hobbit hole ?
This is a great time to be alive and see the scriptures coming about right before our eye’s…I find it exciting and as I’ve said before, I get no joy knowing of the coming pains for this world, but how glorious it is to know that The Lords coming is so near.
The timing is indeed in God’s hands. I just see things moving faster than you do so our differences about the EMP, the economy, etc. come about because I seem to have a shorter timeframe for the last days than you do.
I know, but I offer all kinds of reasons from what the scripture says about the end times on this website why we are not going to see the Antichrist coming to power in this decade and all you give us is your suggestion that the Antichrist is upon us.
Where is the ten horned Beast? Where is the 200 million man army? Where is the infrastructure for the Mark of the Beast? where is the security in Israel that is required? where is Gog with his that magnificent Army? Where is the world harlot that the Beast rides on? etc.
Sure we can see the foundations being lain and coming together but it will take time. It is not logical to think this is all going to come together this decade because of some possible economic collapse in Europe. Keep in mind that the elite control world banking. Should countries default they are sure to come up with some kind of band-aid currency long before any mark of the Beast system.
I get sidetracked when I see interesting posts on your website since I do respect your grasp and dedication for the Lord and His second coming. However, it will take me many pages – about 250 of them – to explain all of the answers to those questions. They build on one another into a full crescendo of fulfillment. I do have that manuscript about completed – so I guess the best course of action is just to send you the book when it is finished. Would you like the published version or would you be interested in being a beta reader?
The timeframe works starting this year and extending out into the mid 20s – it will take some time. I’ll just check in later…
Hi Fount,
I like you have believed that things were coming together faster than they actually are…Don did temper that a bit through logical insight in the scriptures.
That said, the rapture can happen at anytime…there is nothing that has to happen for us to be swept away in the twinkling of an eye, today !!!
Here are two links regarding Ron Paul’s stance.
The one about the Palestine “concentration camp” as if its Israels fault really says a lot.
Apart from Alex Jones and some others picking up the Michael Savage’ attack on Paul; Savage asserting that Paul is an anti-Semite. I found very little dependable material on Paul being an anti-Semite that was substantiated by reliable public sources. No unambiguous video or audio bites… the only thing that keeps coming up ar esom equotes in some letters of around 20 years ago or so.
This page was somewhat informative. Along with the links in the article.
What do you think Don… do you think Paul is anti-Semitic?
Just to be clear I do not supoort Paul in any way.
Probably neither since in your theology we will all be gone or the book will be outlawed before the masses even get to read it.
If someone sends me a book that is published they might expect an online critique of that book.
Even so, even you said the time frame of your manuscript starts this year and extends into the mid 20s which gives plenty of time for an EMP to occur over America before the events of the last seven years.
If you think the physical second second coming is about 2025 we are only about ten years apart.
My original point was that there was time for an EMP to occur over America before end time events and you implied you did not think that would happen because an EMP over America would hinder the Antichrist. There is no reason to believe that it would, be the Antichrist be revealed around 2020 or 2030.
It depends on how being anti-Semitic is defined. I do not think Ron Paul has ill-will toward Jews but I do think that he thinks it would have been better if the UN never allowed for an Israeli state in the Middle East.
Paul also may have some problems with Jews because of his position against central banks and the Jewish influence in them, but I do not know that for a fact.
I say dig a Hobbit hole because you’ll want to hide from the government when TSHTF. Once they begin losing control, they’ll clamp down on the citizens of this country like a rat trap. Simply trying to keep my neck in tact until the Lord returns. 😉
An EMP “cuts the head off the eagle” / “levels the playing field”;
Even if they stockpiled, how are they going to move it? The pile pretty much stays where it is. If it’s got silicon in it, it’s either dead or still sitting in the pile.
In the U-MD study, all law enforcement in attendence basically put it this way: “screw the job, we’re going home to our family”;
What government? As for Obama and the other elitists, they move to Europe. They’ll be sitting on those “assistance boats” eating cavier and drinking champagne. I’m pretty sure what’s left of the military won’t be too happy with the “comander of beelzabug”.
It’s really going to come down to true community.
Thanks Don, I agree with your estimation.
I also don’t think that whatever dislike Paul may have for Israel is either racially or religiously motivated. I don’t think he hates the “Jew” per say.
For Paul its all about the U.S constitution, the banks, and the international legalities of interfering with sovereign nations. On the latter I completely disagree with him; for the reason that this is not the 1800’s. The world is a small place now, with depleting resources, with advanced weaponry and with routes (Hormuz for example) for international commerce that need to be secured. I look at it this way… I think Paul’ policies in anything that would adversely affect Israel (the budding fig tree) speak more to His ”belief” (or lack there of) of God’s prophetic word, as pertaining to God’s priestly nation… who will one day again be filled with His Holy Spirit… more than they speak to anything else.
This is not only dangerous to Israel…but to Paul’ himself….eternally and otherwise.
Here is an excellent article on Ron Paul…on WorldNet Daily.
Don… are you familiar with Harry?
What do you think about him…true Christian or false Sheppard?
Thanks ~David.
Just for the record… I don’t like Ron Paul.
His spiritless position on social issues (leave that to the individual States attitude) and his dangerous foreign policy which would essentially add up to the U.S turning its back on a friend (Israel)…. leaves me peeved to a high degree.
I know God is in control when it comes to Israel and anything in this Universe or any other – yet we should still be there for Israel at all times. Like Jonathan was there for David.
While on this subject: Do you ~David or do you Don, feel that whoever wins the GOP nomination would consider putting Paul on their ticket – so as to maximize the Conservative vote.
Just go to his home page. From the topics it is quite evident that he is really screwed up.
I do not think Ron Paul will help the ticket what does a Vice president do but flap his lips anyway. I am not sure anyone can help this present slate of candidates win the election.
Is this the first you have ever heard of him Don?
Have you read the “about the author” page …and how he likes to speak in the third person? 🙂
Kidding!!!! 😉
Don said > “I am not sure anyone can help this present slate of candidates win the election.”
Don, Are you inferring that “someone” else may suddenly drop in for a run at the GOP nomination…say a Palin or a Huckabee?
I hope you know I’m just teasing you, with the Harry Bethel Comparison 😉 ;->
I have been perusing his site a little… his statement of belief seems fine.
Maybe we jumped the gun?
For what it’s worth…Rush Limbaugh seems to think, regardless of the Republican candidate, Obama is going to lose.
And Al,
Your not fooling me, I know you have a Ron Paul 2012 tattoo and the Ron Paul bumper sticker stapled to your forehead…hah, kidding 🙂
Hello all.. Is it just me.. Or does it seem with each election, the candidate selection gets worse and worse… Each of the candidates have pieces of good ideas, but there is not candidate that really stands out among the pack. The left leaning media sure seem happy to have Romney as the GOP candidate… Hmm…
Rod in Oregon
Yep…~David you have it backwords… I have the Tattoo on my forehead and the bumper sticker stapled to my _______ 😉 😉 :-}
I never heard of him and in spite of what he infers he is not widely known. In his claims of millions of Internet downloads he is probably counting hits and robots rather than people that actually read stuff on his site. His home page alone would produce 200 hits and tell people almost nothing except don’t go further.
I got as far as his narrow view of who is a disciple of Christ and his statement about his own private revelation from God and his claiming that his vision was the same as 2 Pet 3:10-12.
Then I went to his home page where he says it is time to get out of all the churches and says this:
It seems to me that the guy is a not very well educated and is a legalistic narcissist that thinks Christianity revolves around his own self informed interpretations of the scriptures.
I don’t need to read anything else to know that, but if you do, then read his site and give us your conclusion.
I agree with you Don.
“legalistic narcissist that thinks Christianity revolves around his own self informed interpretations of the scriptures”
Yes; he appears to apply certain passages of Scripture to support “his” view” yet skips over other passages that would nullify that narrow view. 😈 🙄
Thanks Bro for taking the time to have at it.
My two cents, for what it’s worth is that guy “Harry” sounds like a guy about ready to create a new self edifying religion…or maybe he should run for President since only he knows the truth.
I have been out of circulation for awhile and am trying to “catch up.” Who is “Harry”?
Here is the link to Dirty Harry all the traffic to his site should make his day. Just go to the Homepage to get the gist
I see I did not answer your question in all the hubbub. Yeah, I think it is possible that another candidate will appear especially if Romney does not do well in S. Carolina or nobody locks it up before the convention.
As for the Harry Bethel third person profile comparison, I guess I would not need to write my profile in the third person if I had an announcer like Chuck Colson that implies that Chuck Colson is one of the great Christian thinkers of our time after Colson’s 5 minute Breakpoint program. 🙄
Hi Bob From Texas,
I’ve been thinking about you of late.
Glad to see you back.
Hope all is well.
What do you think of this comment by Panetta that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons?
I have read this same thing from another middle east analyst that Iran quit its pursuit of nuclear weapons some years back.
U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.
Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Panetta admitted that despite all the rhetoric, Iran is not pursuing the ability to split atoms with weapons, saying it is instead pursuing “a nuclear capability.”
That “capability” falls in line with what Iran has said for years: that it is developing nuclear energy facilities, not nuclear weapons.
“I think the pressure of the sanctions, the diplomatic pressures from everywhere, Europe, the United States, elsewhere, it’s working to put pressure on them,” Panetta explained on Sunday. “To make them understand that they cannot continue to do what they’re doing. Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us.”
Its the old wish for the best and maybe the threat will go away routine from the head in the sand idealists. They really do not know what Iran is doing in secret and it is obvious that Iran wants to build nuclear weapons capability. That of course does not mean that they are willing to risk it right now. They would want to achieve breakout capability where they could build several nukes in a very short time period. They might also wait to breakout until the US gets their attention diverted by some other crises. N. Korea would be a good example and so would more financial collapse and riots in the US. Or the Iranian leader could just get the go ahead from the Mahdi that he claims he talks with.
Panetta is saying that he does not believe that Iran is actually making nuclear warheads yet. However, we certainly do know that Iran can make nuclear weapons within a couple of months of them deciding to do so, and we do know that Iran has the missile warheads in which a nuclear bomb could be placed and delivered. Panetta is saying that we are not going to destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities unless they cross the red line. The main red line is going for weapons grade enrichment from the 20 percent enrichment that we know they have now.
The Left under Clinton played the same game with N. Korea and we know how that went. Not only did they build nukes with the known plutonium program that they agreed to stop, we now know all along they were lying to us and they had a secret program to enrich weapons grade uranium as well.
Our intelligence has not got the WMD capabilities of any enemy right since the Second World War. So we should not put all our eggs in what is now a politically controlled intelligence.
~David and Don,
Thanks for the info.
I “crashed and burned” … but the cardiac staff at the local Catholic hospital were able to salvage me and return me to society before Joel and Benny could get to me.
Panetta probably wants to engage that spectacularly successful lefty negotiating team of Gore/Albright on the unsuspecting Iranians. How can the US lose in a deal like that?
I missed coming here for my daily dose of reality. But, I did get to watch the Oprah/Joel Osteen interview. PLEASE keep your site going, Don. It is needed more than ever.
Bob From Texas,
Could you please wait for the rapture instead of trying one of these stunts again ? 🙂
We need you here !
Also just think why Iran, a 3rd world country sitting on huge oil reserves, even needs nuclear energy. To go green and limit their carbon footprint in the world? lol.
This situation in Iran, the world, and the lying U.S. government reminds me of a Rod Serling Twilight Zone from long ago where….
…Some space aliens landed on planet earth.
The masses of humankind didn’t know what to think at first but because those aliens seemed to do the right things and expressed themselves in a dignified way, the masses came to trust the aliens.
There was a small minority who didn’t buy into the aliens rhetoric and could see that something wasn’t right.
The masses said “we, the people, should trust the aliens”.
As the aliens were gleefully transporting humans off of earth to the supposed alien homeworld, someone on earth discovered a book on the spacecraft.
It was in alien writings so they had to decipher it.
Early on, they could only determine the books title was “How To Serve Man”.
The masses said to the doubters, see what noble creatures these aliens are ?…so they applauded the aliens and couldn’t wait to get on that spacecraft with the aliens, soon there were many alien ships transporting thousands to….where ?
Well, as it turned out, that “noble” book, “How To Serve Man”, was a cookbook.
I remember that Twilight Zone episode. It was very clever.
How To Serve Man — one of my favorite episodes. But then, I think I loved them all. Rod Serling was brilliant.
That was a great episode.
Another good one was “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”
Beautiful women goes in for surgery and when it is time for the bandages to be removed from her face& head; she appears to us the viewer, perfectly beautiful (all is seemingly well to us) until all the doctors and nurses look upon the result of their surgery with a disappointment. The patient is given a mirror and she is disgusted with her appearance. Your left scratching your head… up until all the doctors and nurses remove there surgical masks…. Ahhhhhhhh 😯 no noses on any of them. That was a freaky good one. Kept me up for nights on end. 😮
I think you were on to something.
While I have no way of knowing if it was a “Godincidence” or not, the following is true about the 316 yards he passed for…
Following Sunday’s 316 yard performance from Tim Tebow, ‘John 3:16’ became the term most searched on Google. When he wore the same verse on his eye black during the National Championship Game in 2009, the term was Googled more than 90 million times.
Ya saw that.
I like the quote (forget who said it – I think a Pastor) When asked if God cared about football…. He said and I’m paraphrasing… “not even a bit; but He sure cares about the man who plays football’
Maybe Tebow will not snap another down next year in the NFL – maybe his work is done; a tool in God’s hand…for a few folks out there that needed to hear the good news.
Haven’t seen a new posting on the entire site since I last posted around 3:30 this afternoon. Is everyone alright or did I miss the Rapture? 🙁
Hi Al,
I get the impression that there are still many readers with the plethora of Don’s information available here…but I think some use Don’s site as more of an educational thing than a conversational blog.
I have noticed that not even the regulars post very often unless it is aimed at the topic…which I think is the way it’s supposed to be.
I have found that there are buuckoo resources, not only with all of Don’s articles, but also with his “Great Website Links” that you can access at the top of the page.
I’m not trying to speak for Don but that’s the impression I get.
What options do we realistically have other than continuing to live our lives as normal? I think we’re being groomed for Nazi America, so to speak. The TSA is no longer just at airports.
“Today America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by the World Government.”
– Henry Kissinger, 1991 Bilderberg Conference.
At what point does it stop being a conspiracy and start being a fact?? Who really knows?
Hi David Henley,
I agree with your first paragraph and I think it’s a prelude for what’s coming.
Our option is to love the Lord with all our hearts and souls and give the Good News to others…or we can embrace the things of this world like the majority and be devastated when the inevitable happens.
What Kissinger allegedly said is true for the majority, but absolutely not true for those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. We embrace the True and the Living God and his book to us told us what is going to happen.
Look at what’s happening even on this blog.
As a group, we are keenly aware of what is coming, though, we are the minority.
Just my opinion, I think we are past things being set in motion and we are actually starting to see the rotten fruits that a man led world has produced.
Come Lord Yeshua !
Jesus says to come all who are weary and he will give us rest. It seems almost too easy but how many of us really trust and completely believe? I can’t say I do 100% at all times because I do not. Wish I did though.
How much of our time is wasted on things we can barely understand and realistically have little to no possibility of changing?? Maybe instead of spending time acknowledging “debt limits” or The Constitution and who’s not following it, we could spend time meditating on the Bible? It’s a good wish, right?
Good thoughts to everyone reading Don’s blog and comments.
David Henley,
Yeah, assuming that you are then going to do something worthwhile with what you learned.
Hate to beat a dead horse, but back to Ron Paul. 2 things really pop to my mind. 1., the bit about the US being wrong to go after Hitler; is Ron trying to be another Neville Chamberlin? 2., his willingness to allow Iran to have nukes; whether or not ANYONE else but 10% of Moslems believe(primarily including Amidinajawackjob and the rest of the ruling class of Iran) that the Madhi is waiting in a well in the city of Qom and his followers NEED to fry most of the Earth for him to come back WITH “JESUS” to dispell the “Myth” of the crucifixition and Jesus rising from the dead, my question is really…exactly when,Mr.Paul, did you officially go both insane AND apostate? The fundamental problem I see is that far to many people are selling out their beliefs to earthly poliotical positions. Make no mistake about it…I LOVE THIS COUNTRY AND WOULD DIE FOR IT, but if I had to make a choice between Jesus and the US, sorry but Jesus wins. Every time. As I stated before…NONE of these guys is capable of reversing the course we are on, and NONE of them qualifys as Saviour. Not a Mormon, a Libretarian, a beuracratric converted Catholic, not a seeker frendly partisan(Perry), heck, not even Santorum. None of them. And I can anticipate any response to this statement…no, I don’t have any solution of who to vote for…I can only hope in Jesus, and hope that the trumpet sounds soon. Other than that, I really DON’T see anything else. On a sidebar, GO TEBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Don. We really appreciate your hard work with prophecy in the end times. You ridiculed me 2 months ago when I suggested that the Mossad would take care of the Iranian nuclear threat. You suggested I was drinking ” cactus juice”. Well, Don I am an non-drinker. Now covert war against the Iran goverment is the leading news. Dr. Dave Reagan has not accused me of drinking, we really enjoy bouncing ideas off each other to stimulate thinking. I wish you would open yourself to ideas that did not originate in the Ozark Mtns. We would love to send you our thoughts occasionally without ridicule. God bless you sir.
Texas Wolfie,
About the only thing I remember about you is that you said things that did not make much sense especially when you signed on as Texas Wolfie and then started talking about Robert as if I or you were Robert? It was real confusing, made me think you were on cactus juice.
I drink one now and then and don’t see anything wrong with it and don’t really care what Dave Reagan thinks about what you do or do not drink. Name dropping are we? Do you really think Dr. Dave Reagan needs your bouncing ideas to be stimulated?
I am waiting with baited breath for one of those stimulating bouncing ideas.
You act like I do not let people have a say here when I might even put up with you. If you can bounce ideas and stay on the post topic be my guest. However, don’t assume I have the time to answer everything you want to bounce or that I am not going to bounce back nonsense. Dave Regan has a staff to help him, I don’t, so I have less time to play bouncing games. I am still waiting for that million dollar check from one of those people leaving in the Rapture last year so I can hire a goal tender.
I am not from the Ozarks so don’t put me in that hayseed mold. I have lived in more places on this planet than you ever will. Your problem is that you can dish out ridicule yourself but you can’t take it.
By the way, even if Mossad killed that guy (and we do not know that) they did not take care of the Iranian nuclear threat. The best covert warfare against Iran will do is slow it down a bit.
Hi Michael Angelo,
Nice to see you back.
I remember a movie from a long time ago called “Brewsters Millions” where Brewster promoted voting “none of the above” for the politicians.
I wish we did have that option and could then fire all of them, and start over the way the founding fathers of this country intended…but we don’t and won’t.
Logically, the problems the U.S. and the world are facing today won’t get better, they will get much worse, and won’t get solved by any human derived means.
For those of us who have our faith and hearts with Yeshua, we understand what is coming and are armed with the foreknowledge and spirit to deal with these coming events.
For those of us who reject Yeshua, the coming days are going to be tragic.
And you, with the job I know you have…your going to see it first hand. On that note, thank you for what you do.
And yes, I’m not a Bronco’s fan but you gotta love what Tim Tebow has done…for a few days there, John 3:16 was the most googled item on the iNET thanks to Mr Tebow 🙂
well I enjoyed reading the article, but most all the comments lol 😀
Just read an article stating that there are 15000 of our troops in kuwait, waiting for a confrontation with Iran. Do think there could possibly be a war started for just the allegations that Iran pointed the finger at us for killing a there scientist? Seems there fire is being fueled a whole lot more because this happened :/
Here is the link of the article 🙂
I believe it was just yesterday that Iran had armed speed boats racing at one of our warships. Any of these incidences could cause retaliatory action that would lead to warfare. You have a very tense situation here because the leaders of Iran think warfare will bring the 12 Imam to help them take the world for Allah and Iran is getting very near our red lines so we are building up forces in case they cross one. Covert warfare is also occurring against Iran to slow their nuclear program and that could incite Iran to take revenge. Any response by them would be met by a greater response by our forces.
Having said that, I do not find Debka sources and their perspective to always be reliable.
With all do respect, I believe that Iran has been crossing the red lines for quite some time now…starting with the UN inspectors and so on.
I think it has resembled more of a comedy over the last 2 years the way the world keeps saying that Iran can’t cross this or that red line or else, then Iran plays politics to delay an attack so they can be more ready with defenses and, of course, closer to their nuclear goal…which has brought us to this point, which finally appears that something serious is about to happen.
And, this is what I was talking about when I said that the U.S. should have an aircraft carrier parked on their doorstep.
I do have to wonder if those speed boats were some kind of a test run on Iran’s part.
Whether Debka is accurate or not, if Obama called Netanyahu and was angry over the death of the Iranian scientist, it says a lot…hey, that scientist might have been a close friend of Obama’s.
The red lines seem to be drawn with disappearing ink.
Iran (Aryan)does indeed takes it’s cues from Nazi Germany and the tatics of Hilter when it comes to red lines and we all know the results of that.
About the resurgence of Judah…
Isn’t it written several times in the Old Testament scriptures that after Israel comes back into the land (happened in 1948), that they will not be divided again ?
I have read it quite a few times directly from the scriptures as that’s where I’m at in my current studies.
Not to say that humanity might try, but if God said it isn’t to happen…then it ain’t gonna happen.
Scripture makes it clear that will happen when God brings the whole house of Israel back after Jacob’s trouble and He puts His Spirit in them. Applying this passage in Ezekiel 37 to pre-trib events is a stretch.
I need your thoughts on something.
Am I to understand that Water Baptism was/is no longer necessary for a true believer as it (WB) was only required up to the point of revealing Jesus the Messiah to Israel.
That being accomplished… after this… during the transitional period (OT to NT) it was/is no longer required. As Baptism by the Holy Spirit (in born again spirit filled believers) was the Only baptism now required. To do otherwise would be to make one’s Baptism by the Holy Spirit appear as inferior.
Acts 18: 18 to 28 Acts 19: 1 to 7
18Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time. Then he left the brothers and sailed for Syria, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila. Before he sailed, he had his hair cut off at Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken. 19They arrived at Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. He himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. 20When they asked him to spend more time with them, he declined. 21But as he left, he promised, “I will come back if it is God’s will.” Then he set sail from Ephesus. 22When he landed at Caesarea, he went up and greeted the church and then went down to Antioch.
23After spending some time in Antioch, Paul set out from there and traveled from place to place throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
24Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. 25He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervorb and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.
27When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him. On arriving, he was a great help to those who by grace had believed. 28For he vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.
1While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit whena you believed?”
They answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
3So Paul asked, “Then what baptism did you receive?”
“John’s baptism,” they replied.
4Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” 5On hearing this, they were baptized intob the name of the Lord Jesus. 6When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tonguesc and prophesied. 7There were about twelve men in all.
So on this I am asking; since Saint Paul says that John’s Baptism was one of repentance… and as I had/have repented in my mouth and with my HEART to God… and as I believed on Him who saved me and asked our Lord into my Heart and He came to abide in me as I am a born-again spirit filled person….what need is there for me to now go and partake in a water baptism? In doing that would I be saying my Spiritual baptism by the Holy spirit did not suffice… I need to go and repent again….and receive a WB? If that is true then I am not spirit filled…but I know that is not true for I know in mind, heart and sprit and the fruits there of… that I am.
What do you say to this Don?
Some days i think yep,, any time now…
Just looking over
http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/ and the today’s headlines of http://www.raptureready.com/rapnews_db.php and you just get a strong sense of the world polarizing itself as per PS 83 / Ez 38 and watching the Western world slowly collapsing in on itself.
Chancellor Obama (recently disfigured by the Jedi) makes the following promise “Let me be clear, I will only use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government.”
Russia says “An attack on Tehran is an attack on Moscow.
US flexs it’s muscle behind a viel and the World can only send rebukes to abusive nations and their leaders with letter heads with hearts, doves and that soft scent of “play nice” perfume.
Yep… any day now….
Even here in Canada I shake my head as the soundly beaten Liberal party begins to reinvent itself with a promise to legalize Pot. Oh so that’s what was missing in our current approach to having a responsible Government and a respectable Nation (heavy sarcasm). Not that I voted for the Liberals or the NDP. Why is it that you feel like you vote for the lesser of the evils only to feel ashamed anyways. It just gets more deporable with each decade. I have not been a big one for voting for the tiny Christian grassroot parties that will never get in but I’m starting to think I can no longer support any main stream party. I am thankful that our current Gov’t has more of a backbone in supporting the Israelie nation and I believe we’ll benefit from that as per God’s promise to bless those that bless Israel.
We all know where we are heading. The birth pains have only one course of action and one outcome.
Yep.. Any day now… please
Water Baptism for Christians is just an outward sign of an inward act that already took place when you repented and believed in Jesus. There is only one baptism (into the body of Christ and all in Christ receive the Holy Spirit) and there is only one Baptizer for Christians and that is Jesus.
John the Baptist said:
Even so, if you have not been water Baptized you ought to do so in obedience as a signpost to your death and resurrection with Christ, and as a witness to others, but water baptism never saved anyone.
I am hoping this is the right place to ask a question. A number of months ago I believe there was a discussion about the book “Heaven is real”, about a 4 year old boy claiming to have seen heaven. There are a lot of Christian people totally engrossed in this book. I am looking for either an article or one of your monthly perspectives to point me in the right direction to help me help people see the false teaching in this book. I have searched all over your website and just can’t find it. Can you point me in the right direction?
Thanks Don,
I value your opinion as always.
I am going ahead with my water baptism as I planned to do all along; as it has been pressing on my Heart.
Recently it was brought to my attention that maybe it was unnecessary for me as a born again believer, already baptised by the Holy Spirit …to have the full immersion baptism. But I have prayed on it, searched scripture and asked friends like yourself for their opinion.
You’re a swell saint!
God bless you Don!
I wrote two posts that contains some criticism of the book.
The Name of the book is “Heaven is for real” there were better arguments than mine against the book for example this one.
If anyone is interested and has broadband, there is an excellent free video @
…that addresses how the apostate Christian Palestinianism is working hard to gain mind share and mislead Christians.
I can’t help but think that all these pictures of Jimmy Carter standing with the Palestinians are going to be accompanied by Obama’s mug after his term(s) ends.
So, we’ll have two former U.S. presidents taking pictures and trying to further the agenda for the “poor victim” terrorists against the “evil occupier” Israelis…nice !
Don, Do you know anything about the Hebrew Roots cult.
A friend I just began to converse with online last week; appears to be losing his family to it.
Any words of advice on how to handle this?
Is it just a case of it has to play itself out?
Pray and leave it to God?
I have a couple of posts on the Hebrew Roots cult. Follow the link to the full article for information on the movement.
I have found people in the Hebrew Roots cults movement to be closed minded but that is true of all brainwashing cults that teach people that their cult members are the only true believers on earth and everyone else is of the Devil.
I would feed them with living water. But keep in mind that you can lead an ass to water but you can’t make it drink. I think some that get in these cults finally figure out they cannot meet the legalistic standards and they depart, but they usually then get turned off to all religion.
God is going to have to have to draw them to the truth and your friend should be available if they ever seek it. How do you make the religious blind see that salvation is by God’s grace through your faith in Him alone? If there were an easy answer for that we would not have world religion.
Check the first link again because it was bad. The full article now opens to another article on the Hebrew roots cult.
Thanks Don,
I gave this friend your blog link hopfully he will check it out.
I recently watched a film about the Scopes monkey trial.
As you know, the trial led to evolution being taught in Americas Classrooms.
It is interesting to note that the prosecuting attorney (Bryan) who thought himself a lay Bible scholar of sorts, denied the literal six-day creation during examination.
Here is an excerpt from the actual trial transcript. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/day7.htm
Darrow Questions – Do you think the earth was made in six days?
Bryan Answers – Not six days of 24 hours.
Darrow Questions – Doesn’t it say so?
Bryan Answers – No, Sir.
I suppose Bryan felt uncomfortable to say that the earth was created in six literal days. In the end, Bryan turns out to be a poor witness for God. Had Bryan been reading his Bible diligently and paying close attention (and as highly respected attorney with a natural disposition to investigate – with strong enquiry) he would surely have made note of the qualifier that explicitly indicates six literal days.
After each day, the Lord says “And the evening and the morning were the _____ day”
This indicates A (1) literal day. Not a thousand years, nor a million years.
This all took place on day 7 of the trial – July 20th 1925
The trial concluded the next day – July 21st 1925
On July 26th , 1925 – Five days after the trial ends, Bryan dies in his sleep in Dayton.
This is exactly SIX days after Bryan in examination denies the literal six-day creation.
Coincidence? Or did God have His own testimony to offer in this trial?
Don, I wonder if anyone has ever made note of these facts.
Its the first I heard of them.
Quit doing all that comment reposing please. I hope you realize that every repost and every correction goes to the email box of everyone that checks the box to be notified of follow-ups.
If you or anyone wants a correction to a comment email me and I will fix it (my email address can be found on the top bar under my name or near the bottom of website home page)
By the way I had already corrected many spelling errors on that post and not just the one that you asked me to change. If it still is not the way you want it email me and ask me to change it or delete it.
I was just made aware of this article.
Russia’s TOTAL support of Iran and the counter threats against Israel and the west.
Have you gone turban shopping yet ?
Why are these Presidential Candidates being asked if they’d support a Muslim-American Presidential Candidate ?…as if I didn’t know.
“Would you support a Muslim American running for president?” Younes asked. With a hint of what he may as the political future of the United States in coming years, Younes also asked, “Would you endorse…a Muslim-American, [who] could possibly be running for president?”
Gingrich did not flinch and replied, “A truly modern person who happened to worship Allah would not be a threat. A person who belonged to any kind of belief in Sharia, any kind of effort to impose that on the rest of us, would be a mortal threat.”
The Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim lobby in the United States, labeled Gingrich’s comments as evidence of his being “one of the nation’s worst promoters of anti-Muslim bigotry.”
This is just unbelievable…and I guess the American Liberal Press would heavily support such a candidate with their, “if were only nice to them, they’ll be nice back” mentality.
A good article on the history (and proclaimed current status) of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
According to latest intelligence, Iran now has some 10,000 functioning centrifuges, and they have streamlined the enrichment process. Iran today has five tons of low-grade fissile material, enough, when converted to high-grade material, to make about five to six bombs; it also has about 175 pounds of medium-grade material, of which it would need about 500 pounds to make a bomb. It is believed that Iran’s nuclear scientists estimate that it will take them nine months, from the moment they are given the order, to assemble their first explosive device and another six months to be able to reduce it to the dimensions of a payload for their Shahab-3 missiles, which are capable of reaching Israel. They are holding the fissile material at sites across the country, most notably at the Fordo facility, near the holy city Qom, in a bunker that Israeli intelligence estimates is 220 feet deep, beyond the reach of even the most advanced bunker-busting bombs possessed by the United States.
Wow. It’s a good thing we have an almighty God who loves us then! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
I am confused on Mel Gibson.
I thought the “Passion Of The Christ” was excellent…but then all his antisemitism after the movie (in his personal life) really threw me.
Now, he is in the process of doing a movie about Judah Maccabee.
I don’t watch many movies, but I can only hope that it will be done well…as the Passion was.
You are probably not half as confused as Mel Gibson is.
Don, I truely appreciate your blog. I have learned a lot from you and all the people that leave comments. Thanks for responding to my request for information on the book “heaven is for
real”. Have had many great discussions with friends about the subject of heaven and hell. Recently a family member of mine, who gave up his Christian faith about 6 years ago, who also has a Masters of Christian education and a Masters of Divinity, sent me an article “John Green on Hell”. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. He also gave up his faith in Jesus Christ. I would like you again to point me in the right direction for either an article you have written on the subject or someone you would recommend. I am really concerned for the welfare of brother-in-law’s salvation. As I have no bible school training and he obviously does, he usually talks circles around me. He has the gift of speech and I don’t. I know he’s made his decision, but I would still like to be better equipped to to communicate truth to him and other people. I would appreciate some good articles about the truth of the reality of a physical hell.
i have a very random question. i was thinking about the attributes of God and how He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. many astrophysicists believe there is a 10th dimension that covers all the other dimensions and is the sum ( maybe not right word) of anything that can possibly happen in the other 9 dimensions. If a being was this 10th dimension it would be omni present, omniscient and omnipotent. do you think it is possible that God is the 10th dimension? Just something interesting to think about.
Is God the 10th dimension? No. Dimensions are part of God’s creation. God transcends His creation.
To Don, Sean, Brian, Phil and everyone else…
I wanted to say thank you very much for all of your posts in regard to prophecy over the last few days, I really learned a lot…and a lot to ponder.
I don’t know if this is totally correct but in relation to oil, the Middle East, The Bible, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
If memory serves, the story is that Eisenhower was reading the Bible and determined from what he read that there should be massive oil deposits in the Middle East….which is what started the U.S. oil interests in the Middle East.
At that time, apparently, the Middle East was living in the stone ages (hyperbole statement there) or very primitively.
The U.S. sent people to the Middle East to show them how to produce the oil (with our equipment), then as they progressed, they became self sufficient and we have what we have today.
I am not sure on all these facts…but that’s how I remember the story.
Correct me if I’m wrong…or Don, delete this if it’s too far out there.
It couldn’t have been Eisenhower, it was a connection with D’Arcy…I’m researching now to see who it was, I’ll get the right info.
Issues of 2012 and Biblical Prophecy keep mounting. Although I have to wonder if this is a pre-Ps83 build up or just an initial spat? When I look at Ps 83 it seems to be more of a planned cooperation between those nations. Of course when I see on the News that A.K. Supreme leader of Iran offering direct assistance to any one who wants to attack Israel is that the announcement of a countdown? They have to know Israel will not stand for this and will Iran attempt a first strike before Israel does?? Typically a country dosen’t advertise their capabilities unless they are confident and often further ahead than what they display.
2012 is a crucial year indeed and despite the ignorant who can’t believe that a country like Iran would risk conflict just has no clue about how much they believe their cause is just and right and their “god” will grant them not only victory but protection… so with that in mind why would they not launch a nuclear attack……
Don…and all,
The imminent M.E. war ?
After reading this article about Russia and China’s stand vs. any western action in Syria, it seems to me that it can happen any moment.
Russia is clearly going to defend (militarily) any action that the west takes vs. Iran or Syria and have deployed ships and troops already for the expected confrontation…but Russia doesn’t seem to have that same hard line stand vs. Israel so far.
What say you ?
Russia is not going to militarily defend Iran and Syria even if she was able to, and she is not. Why would Russia want to make the Muslim Brotherhood and all the Arab oil states their enemy? She might ship Syria and Iran some weapons but that is about all Russia is going to do.
Russia is just doing what she can to keep its two allies hoping that a Russian presence will deter any Western action. If there is any action these ships from Russia will just be used to evacuate Russian personnel.
Getting closer.. as I mused.. would Iran launch a pre-emptive attack if they thought Israel would???
IRAN’S AYATOLLAH: KILL ALL JEWS, ANNIHILATE ISRAEL: Iran lays out legal case for genocidal, preemptive attack against ‘cancerous tumor’
Posted: February 5, 2012 in Uncategorized
“The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people,” reports Reza Kahlili, a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officer who became a double agent for the U.S. and is now a consultant to American intelligence agencies. “The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide. Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove ‘this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification’ to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.’ The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine…” To read the rest of this important article, please click here.
In lieu of no Koenig perspective for February have posted my Q here.
During the millennial Kingdom, their will be summer & winter, sowing and reaping of the harvests, and as I understand it, families and newborn babies. Now what I want to know Is this. When Satan is released for the final time (before thrown into the Lake of fire forever) many souls will rebel against our God Jesus (now reigning in the flesh from New Jerusalem) and coming to do battle against our God most high. Is this rebellion (the desire to do this in each individual man/women) exclusively a freewill choice or does man still retain a sin nature during the Millennial Kingdom.
Because without the sin nature that drives the flesh to do evil and desire carnal & emotional things (including pride) how could humans once again (also knowing full well our History from the Garden to the Kingdom) be beguiled to go against God?
My perspective for Feb might be out tomorrow or Friday.
To answer you question. Man will clearly have a sin nature in the Millennial Kingdom. Read Ez 44 and 45 among other places talking about the millennial period.
OK, so some of us on Don’s Blog here have differing views on some prophecy and political issues and what not…but how can any of us ignore what we are reading in the news practically daily of the youngsters among us killing for a “good time”.
This is only two articles, there are many more…if this isn’t a sign of the “hearts of men”, nothing is.
Come Lord Jesus.
Jim ,
I agree with Don , however many dimensions there may be are under God’s control , he created them. Some physics experts believe there at least 11 dimensions. If you have an interest in studying this check out Chuck Missler at http://www.khouse.org Missler has some material on this issue, it is a very complex area of study. BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
With friends like these…
Ya’know…I am beginning to believe that Israels biggest enemy is the U.S.
This is gone on far enough, the sooner Israel realizes that the U.S. does NOT have their best interests (survival) in mind, the sooner Israel will do what needs to be done.