The Republican Party establishment continues to be predictable in the 2012 presidential nomination. Every time a conservative pops up the Republican Party establishment shows up to play Whac-A-Mole. Rick Santorum was the last conservative that popped up the hole. He is also the last conservative left in the game that has not been whacked, so you can be sure the Republican establishment will now focus their big hammers on him.
Mitt Romney is the only acceptable candidate for the Republican establishment because the establishment is as center left as he is. Does it even matter anyway who Republicans make their candidate? According to a poll, 20 percent of Republicans are now leaning toward voting for Obama. He is leading in the polls by large margins against all potential Republican candidates. The majority of Americans apparently want a socialist fascist state or they are totally dumbed down and brainwashed.
I know things appear quite different in parts of the heartland but rural conservatives are a minority and also the enemy of the Left. The FBI under the Department of Homeland Security has made it abundantly clear that they believe Christian conservatives are the real potential terrorist threat. According to a latest FBI report, anyone that believes in individual liberty or is against globalism is a potential terrorist and that is just the tip of the iceberg. We have seen similar lists before, the Far Left will just keep feeding Americans these lies until they learn to believe them. There goal is to divide this country and create a self fulling prophecy. I think many law enforcement officers are furious as to the division that they know is coming from the top in this country, but their careers are at stake
Don’t take me wrong, they know what they are saying. Nationalistic patriotic constitutional conservatives really are a threat to these utopians dreamers that control much of the world and now America. They have plans for a totally controlled socialist one world government. Don’t be misled, all roads with the Far Left lead to a Borg like society with a more evolved mankind playing the role of God on earth.
Conservatives in heartland America have false illusions that Obama is unpopular and will lose in 2012. They go to rural Republican rallies where everyone is in agreement that Obama must go, but they do not realize that the speakers at their rallies are just preaching to the choir. Meanwhile, the main American mega congregation is fixated on American idol.
You are being misled with all the talk that the majority of Americans are Center Right. They want you to believe that. Most Americans don’t even know what Center Right is. All they know is where their TV clicker is located. It is the mainstream media establishment that is doing the defining and according to the main stream media Obama is Center Left rather than the Far Left Marxist that Obama really is. They just moved the meaning of Center Right a couple of places to the left. The majority of Americans have been brainwashed to be Center Left by the educational system and media while giving disinformation that America is center right. That is why we always end up with a liberal.
The Tea Parry movement that came from heartland America did not even achieve making the House conservative although all representatives were up for reelection. The Center Left Republican establishment still controls the Republican party in the House.
I read that the government has just cleared the way for drones to be used to spy on American citizens. The government announced that they expect 30,000 drones to be flying over America by 2020. By that time, smoking or having a barbecue in your backyard will be illegal or even taking a leak in the woods. The progression toward a total surveillance society by big brother continues to accelerate.
Things are in the works so that those on threat lists like no fly lists will not even be able to get a job. There will be no end to government control in big brother’s brave new world. At the pace that we are going, by next decade you will be living between two pieces of glass with an identifying tag on your butt so that the watchers can shake your world if you do not conform to the collective rules of the ant farm.
Oh Yeah, and all these multi-billion dollar intrusive national security programs are happening at a time when the threat of injury or death from a terrorist is less than falling in your bathtub. You can imagine what would happen if a few terrorist attacks actually carried off a WMD attack and killed people. For all their national security they will not even acknowledge the real threat to America. That threat is Islamic terrorism, illegal gangs coming across our Southwestern borders and out of control government. Saying that might offend the ears of the real people that are inclined toward terrorism or La Raza or fascist globalism so they scapegoat and harass liberty loving peaceful people. They are cowards!
Obama is once again trampling all over the Constitution with his attempt to dictate morning after pills and birth control health care coverage to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church believes their teachings on birth control are infallible church doctrine. It is Catholic’s constitutional right to practice their religion without government forcing them to do what they believe is sin.
What about this first amendment to the Bill of Right does Obama not understand?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech
The Catholic leadership supported Obama in 2008 on healthcare and now he tells them they will have to disobey their own religious laws and obey his healthcare law because he thinks sex and birth control trumps freedom of religion. Obama told the Bishops that he will give them an extra year to comply. As if the said infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church will now comply to the national dictator. Rome will require their clergy to go to jail first.
Does Obama really want a religious war with the Catholic church? He ought to show some fear of the Jesuits. Make no mistake, this is just the beginning of the attack on Christianity in America. If Obama gets reelected, Christians will either obey his unconstitutional decrees or they will be charged with crimes.
Many Catholics prove to me that their faith is based on smoke and mirrors. Believe it or not the latest poll says that the majority of Catholics support Obama’s view over that of their Church. I was a Catholic and have an extended family that is mostly Catholic so that does not surprise me. I know first hand that the majority of Catholics are CINO’s.
Most Catholics just do not obey any teachings of their church that they do not like, even when it is claimed to be infallible doctrine. Catholics are taught that this disobedience to the church will send them to Purgatory or even Hell but they simply do not care. They live as if their faith is nothing but a Sunday ritual and that speaks wonders about the Christian beliefs of many claiming to be Catholics. I am not saying that Protestantism in general is any better. Protestants have their own issues. I was glad to hear that Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention is standing with the Catholic clerics on this issue.
The Secretary of Defense of the United States told the world and Iran that he thinks Israel will strike Iran this spring. You have to wonder about the reason for him offering this information? You can be sure that this was no idol comment, it was said for a reason. I do not know if it was a cover his butt statement, or if it was said to get Iran to compromise, or if it was said to try to take away the surprise and prevent Israel from actually doing it. It also could have been said to make Iran take some belligerent action. That would justify military action bringing about Iran’s military demise. It actually could have been said for all of the above reasons and more
I think the big disagreement between the US and Israel is in the timing of a strike. Israel wants to strike Iran very soon because Iran will soon have its nuclear capabilities underground. Obama wants to wait until he gets proof that Iran is actually building a nuclear weapon so it can be submitted to the International community to justify a strike.
It can be reasonably ascertained that the timing for the US to strike Iran is at least a year in the future. The US needs about a year to get the Ponce mother-ship refurbished and in place to base special forces. A large contingent of special forces will be necessary to take out hardened targets that are now under mountains and to rescue downed pilots. Israel does not have the capability to use a small army of special forces to take out the hardened sites so they want to strike Iran now. The US also wants to get its troops out of Afghanistan before any war with Iran.
I think Obama has convinced Israel that we will use our special forces to do the job of getting the hardened sites and that probably will prevent an attack from Israel this year. Of course Obama could be lying to Israel thinking that if he can delay Israel until next year they will never strike Iran. Who really knows what Obama will do after the election? Israel never learns not to trust in Gentile nations for their security. Iran’s nuclear capabilities should have been destroyed years ago.
There really is no incentive for Obama to bomb Iran now. He is comfortably ahead in the polls so why rock the boat? Should his numbers slide he always has that option.
A wild card is that Iran could provoke a fight. It seems that the cult leaders of Iran want a war this year or next. The President of Iran will not be in power after 2013 and the supreme leader is old and not in good health. He already claims to be regularly chatting with the living dead Mahdi about destroying Israel and Islamic world conquest.
Syria is a complicating factor in the Middle East because Iran is helping Syria to put down the resistance. Russia is giving Syria military cover with a show of naval power off Syria. Russia also has veto power in the UN to prevent military action against Syria. This civil war is going to get more bloody and it will probably drag on until the Iranian situation is dealt with. Other Arab nations and Turkey could get involved and take military action against Assad. His wild card is attacking Israel.
Full scale wars have started for far lessor reasons. Syria could start a war or Iran could do something stupid or Israel might think it is a matter of survival. My personal feeling is that Iran will not cave and there will be a world war within 18 months. There is no telling how that war will all play out after it starts. Nations often switch sides. One thing we do know is that Iran and Hezbollah are establishing military missile bases and terrorist training bases to attack America through socialistic states and drug gangs in Latin America. They are infiltrating these enemies of America through our Southwest borders.
We should be dealing with that problem now or we are going to have terrorist attacks on US soil that will result in less liberty for everyone in America. It also could be just what the statists want to gain even more control over Americans and maybe that is why government does little about the problem. Should we get involved in the Middle East again, we can also expect big trouble from North Korea and China and even Russia. One thing is certain the rest of this decade is going to be quite nuts.
Yes, the majority of Americans are brainwashed… through T.V, Music, Film, Print Media and of course through most of the ”institutions” of so-called higher learning.
If you or me are strongly opposed to some debauched philosophy or lifestyle “they” call you and me a phobic of some sort. When did WE give up our FREEWILL and allow the debased to tell us what to love and what to hate… what to tolerate and what to accept. What to call light versus what to call darkness. So long as I don’t reach out my hand and wrap it around another human-ist beings throat. Why can’t I hate what to me is hateable? Who am I if not myself?
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” Ronald Reagan
I just read where the head shrinks have classified shyness and grieving as mental illness. They will not be happy until they classify all people nuts. Then government can tell all of us that we cannot have guns or religion. The real danger to society is these psychopathic control freaks
“They will not be happy until they classify all people nuts”
ya…except the NUTS… they are okay NOW.
Not sure if I mentioned it before; but if you ever get a chance to watch a film called “in the mouth of madness” starring Sam Neil you’ll get an idea of what we’re talking to. Insane is sane and sane is insane. The whole film has turned out to be a brilliant metaphor for what’s to come. Evil is Good and good is evil. And the media (in this case a novelist) who’s writings helps to facilitate the change. Not sure if that was John Carpenters intent but it certainly is playing out that way in today’s real world.
Check out this scene… …as the sane person is institutionalized.
I believe that there are many Demon possessed people walking around (literally) that we just have gotten used to (legislated to) tolerating.
I can’t personally watch the scene with my dial-up but when queer becomes normal and normal becomes queer, and a religion of love becomes hate and hate become a religion of peace and assertive feminism becomes sane and shy becomes mentally ill, it is very obvious what is taking place in the world.
I think we need an army of exorcists to march on Washington.
One last post tonight.
I just love this qoute:
“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”
? Ronald Reagan
30,000 Big Brother Drones ?
I can’t help but think of that scene in the movie “Demolition Man” when you had ‘bots that would give you a ticket if you used foul language…or maybe in our case, if you used the words “Jesus Christ”, there might be that ‘bot that would cite ‘Separation Of Church and State’ laws…then give you a ticket.
Don, what are you thinking here ???…
“”What about this first amendment to the Bill of Right does Obama not understand?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.””
…Everyone knows that Obama is clearly above Congress or any previous law, constitution or mandate.
I think, though, most in the world feel it in the air, Christian and atheists alike, many Americans (I don’t know about other nations) are ignoring the realities of what is about to happen and instead are reaching for their “clickers” as you said Don. However, the American reality is going to change and be a shock to those when what you said towards the end of this article becomes reality.
I was just listening to Pastor Chuck Smith, in essence, he was talking about how “They Loved Evil and Hated Good…and then they were destroyed.”
“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”
Ain’t that the truth.
Homeland Security is monitoring the web for anti-government sentiment and signs of social unrest.
Don, are you capable of monitoring the “monitors” on your site. Or are “they” undetectable? If the former is the case… have you seen any rat droppings?
Also to Don & Others:
I have noticed in the past week or so, is that many sites including Google, YouTube, Face book, etc, etc have the following disclaimer in clear view and highlighted.
“We’re changing our privacy policy and terms. This stuff matters”
Does anybody on here know What this is “really” all about? How nervous should we be?
Good article.
Hmm, if there is a way to monitor the “rats”…then I wonder if we’ll be where we are/were with radar detectors.
First, there was police, speed trap radar.
Then, there were radar detectors.
Then, the police got radar detector, detectors…so they could see if you were monitoring them.
Then, there were jammers to jam all police detectors.
Then, the states made jammers illegal.
What am I thinking? I think 1984 has arrived.
Al, anyone can hide their identity through a proxy so you really cannot know who is reading your stuff. People in government and the military need to read my stuff anyway. Many would agree. I was in the military and government. Everyone in government has not switched to Communism just because we have a Manchurian candidate in office.
I do not think the privacy policy on Google is an issue but I do think they are going to abide by the laws of the countries that they are operating in. All these sites as well as your website host, Domain name Registrar and ISP have always retained the right to deny you service. I think all sites will be filtered in a few years like they are in China.
I agree that those in government and military need to read your blog, however, if it became necessary…would making your site a free subscription help you monitor and possibly keep “rats” out ?
Of course, this might cause problems with newbie’s to your site also.
Most people do not want to take the time to sign up for anything. I tried that a few years ago and views really dropped.
Sounds to me like the shrinks need a shrink. I cheated and read the end of the book , game over
Jesus WINS!!
Good morning Don, and others… Regarding the Psychiatric community and their making adjustments to what is, and is not a mental health disorder… A few years ago, the developers of the DSM-IVR were exposed as having been in league with the pharmaceutical industry as they developed the criteria for various disorders. The system has become corrupted. Mental health diagnosis criteria are being changed with input from both the pharmaceutical and health industries with a clear agenda.
I believe there is also another agenda at work. By turning what is really a “psycho-social developmental” issue into a mental health condition, the schools can now be eligible for what is called Title IX funding from the government for making special allowances at school to educate them. What was normal, is now being considered “abnormal”.
Within the addiction field, there is a movement to turn the condition from a medical based diagnosis, to a mental health condition. The reason for this is very simple. This gives insurance companies more control over the treatment received. If a condition falls under the medical umbrella, the insurance companies are more restricted as to how much they can dictate of the care.
I work in a field that makes being a Christian a liability in some ways. God has called me to work in the lions den. While wearing a porkchop necklace… 🙂
Thanks for your posts Don…
Rod in Oregon
Greetings Don~I fully believe the President will be elected for another term. People are blind. It is incredible how far we have gone as a nation…in a relatively short time. Our freedoms are evaporating exponentially and it does not seem like it will turn back. Obama seems to believe he is above the law. He does whatever he wants & if he is put in for another four years it will make these past four pale in comparison! I hope Israel makes their decision sans our country. I fear for them if they depend on the word of our leaders. As for Christians in this country, the lines are being drawn. Thank you for your boldness & exposing the darkness!
Hi Rod,
That makes sense its all about money.
What Kiki said is how I see it.
Rod in Oregon,
I appreciate your knowledgeable, well put comment, and the humor in the end…you made me laugh 🙂
I learn so much from all of you !
Don and Rod ,
I can give you a perfect example of how it’s all about money. My wife was a teacher in the Los Angeles School District for 38 years before she retired. Teachers who are bi lingual get paid extra. At one time the teachers union tried to have ebonics ( that’s srteet language slang ) declared a second language in order for teachers to paid extra for being bi lingual.
Rod , keep in mind Daniel did pretty well in The Lion’s Den .
Don Fritts,
That’s not surprising…but what a shame.
I suppose now, if a teacher is homosexual then they’d get a company car.
I remember hearing from history that when schools were established in the new land America’s…that their textbook was the Bible, how far we’ve fallen.
Rod in Oregon.. Just what is the process in establishing a diagnosis for a psychosomatic disorder and how do “doctors of the mind” determine if it’s something that is normal or abnormal. And afterwards how do they arrive at a classification or as we see here re-classify something that is/was and that we all see as a normal everyday part of being a human. Also; I just want to point out how homosexuality was classified as a mental illness and then boom!… reclassified as NOT. Is the body of psychology/psychiatrists independent of any government regulation. Such as a “Government approved Doctors “that give the thumbs up or down in any new consensus among the PhD’d of the noggin.
Regardless these folk sure have some great power to wield. Perhaps someday believing in God will very easily be classified as a psychosis of some sort. In fact this is the very thing that ALL atheist employ as part of their arsenal of assault during internet/blog interaction versus a Christian or any religious person. “your crazy… believing in your fairy god’s” is an oft spoken response. If these doctors have this sort of unrestrained power to classify this or that as a neurosis or a psychosis we are in huge trouble. Isn’t this near to the sort of thing what took place in Nazi Germany.
Scientists and doctors of all sorts assuring the public that it was for the bets. That this person was viable and this one was not. That they needed to eradicate the illness (mental & physical) justifying eugenics. Are we REALLY on the verge of such high degree of danger.
Sorry if I put to many questions to you. But to me it is INSANE that such a small group of individuals should have such power. To alter truth and reality and force upon us that 1+1=3
I think you bring up a great point…
I just want to point out how homosexuality was classified as a mental illness and then boom!… reclassified as NOT.
What does this say about our society that buys into the mindshare sold by these power brokers ?
Doesn’t it say that the majority are nothing more than rats in a maze after their cheese that was laid out by the taskmaster ?
True Christians oppose this nonsense because we put our hopes in the Lord…and the rules/laws that he gave to us, otherwise, I think we’d go with what mainstream society teaches also.
“Doesn’t it say that the majority are nothing more than rats in a maze after their cheese that was laid out by the taskmaster”
Sure DOES ~david. I am just inspired to lay down some TRUTH as told by GOD above and not by low feeble minded men.
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is NO FEAR OF GOD before their eyes. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one. Have they no knowledge, all the evildoers who eat up my people as they eat bread and do not call upon the LORD? There they are in great terror, for God is with the generation of the righteous.
Hello Al, and others… Sorry it took a bit to get back here. The short answer to the diagnosis question.. A panel of “experts” from multiple disciplines look at research studies that seek to determine what a “normal” range of functioning is based upon a large group. Sort of like a bell curve strategy. What falls out on the ends of the curve are considered outside the normal range.
For instance, depression. We all have up days, and down days. Sometimes we have phases of down days that can last for longer periods of time, and sometimes shorter periods. Now, if a person has lasting depression for a couple months, but is grieving, say, the loss of a loved one, that is not considered “abnormal”. The person may have some adjustment problems, meaning, adjusting to a life without their spouse. When they look for diagnosis, they are supposed to rule out organic (medical, physical) causes that may account for the symptoms. They are also supposed to rule out life circumstances, and drug use, that may be causing the problem. If those variables are ruled out, then a diagnosis can appear to be appropriate.
The problem with the process of determining what is a diagnosable condition is being seen now as monetary gain has clearly entered the picture. When there is a benefit to creating a diagnosis, and someone does clearly benefit one way or the other, the danger of faulty diagnosis clearly exists. In addition, determining diagnosis also requires consistent integrity and honesty of those making these determinations.
The issue of homosexuality is a great one! Clearly, politics entered the process. Things are reclassified during a review process that is ongoing. It takes a long time to change a diagnosis once it is in place. We also lack a sufficient number of Christians within the psychological/psychiatric community. I am in the Chemical Dependency field, so I have alot more lattitude in discussing spirituality, and of course, God. Because research has fortunately studied the role of spirituality in people achieving “recovery” from addiction, there is not much they can do about it. In my case, research protects my ability to lead people to the true source of answers. 🙂 And David, 🙂 I am glad to give you a chuckle! Humor in my line of work is an absolute must! This past week I am pretty sure the lions were doing some nibbling! 🙂
I hope this answers some questions. I clearly see how abnormal is beginning to be regarded as normal, and the reverse.
Hope you are all well today,
Rod in Oregon
Hi Don,
Your article brought some of these thoughts to mind.
{I read you state that some people want to ‘use your comment board as their showcase.’ If you consider this is such a note, please ‘dock it!’ My ire gets up over these subjects. Thanks.}
Some think BO will be the last “US prez.” [I don’t consider him one right now – nor legal.]
{the UN-progressive ‘boy’slave for the ss/fc/etc.}
Some think he “doesn’t get it”(everything he tries makes things worse), others think that he doesn’t care to “get it” – he just does what his bosses tell him to do. Play Pharaoh as long as he can before he’s changed out. Then there’s the ‘Utopian dreamers’ (as you coined), who are delighted that things are finally evolving into what the media/movies/TV says is our being gods – and finally letting our Hallmark feelings manifest = living the best, real life.
Tower of Babel and Nimrod thinking reborn, again (Sodom and Gomorrah style – even BO had to give up his homo love toy aid companion, from deterring him from his kill mission).
Opening the gateway to heaven, by the same father of lies source. Some (spiritual creatures) coming up and others coming down .
When the mentally deranged & immoral are running the show, of course anything or anyone of YHWH is a terrorist. They didn’t like Him when he came to earth the first time, the Word made flesh, why expect that to change?
Laws are devised for the controlling few not the good of the whole. Were taught “Obey” now they just add, “or else!” “TSA all the way!”
Do you think there will be a ‘real election’, a ‘rigged election’ [that’s already been happening, hasn’t it? MN] or ‘no election’ because of Marshall law/take-over/manufactured chaos? May just go directly into warp(ed) governance.
Some think this “plant” prez doesn’t “seem” to respect America or the Constitution or … the truth is so in our faces and no one seems to be able to do anything to stop his destroying this country on purpose. Every act designed for ruin.
Thanks for you your conscious writings Don!
Much appreciated.
{I was sending a controversial email to some gals and one was returned to me by her ‘server’ stating it was considered spam or inappropriate. Internet providers are now “governance inspectors” not ‘servers’ – there’s another misuse of a word! We pay them to let us communicate … but only in their “interpretation” of the law of what’s okay to send. BTW: did you know ‘Friend of the Earth’ are FOE?! Right in our faces.}
I think there will be an election this time. There may be some vote fraud but it should not change the outcome unless it is really close. The rigging really going on is done through the mind control and the Left indoctrination that people have been getting from mainstream media and schools for decades. If there is more economic downturn and Obama starts losing in the polls I would watch for Left led class warfare riots to break out in the cities.
Some people have direct control over their own email filters so it is hard to say if your email rejection was done by the ISP or not.
Thanks Rod for your thoughts..
God strengthen you and council you in all things. At Home, at work , in every moment.
Rod, four sentences in your post clearly stood out for me.
(1) “The problem with the process of determining what is a diagnosable condition is being seen now as monetary gain has clearly entered the picture.”
(2) “In addition, determining diagnosis also requires consistent integrity and honesty of those making these determinations.”
(3) “We also lack a sufficient number of Christians within the psychological/psychiatric community.”
(4) “I have alot more lattitude in discussing spirituality, and of course, God. Because research has fortunately studied the role of spirituality in people achieving “recovery” from addiction.”
As I understand the fourth sentence here on the list. The variable of Spirituality (belief in a God or a world beyond) has been accounted for and proven beneficial in recovery for an addict, so that “the powers that be” allow for SOME leeway in counselling the notion of (God / spirituality ) to the addict. Has there been any effort (and if so…studies) in allowing the same leeway in the other fields of psychiatry/psychology.
I am always fascinated on how they chart symptoms, run all kinds of new and modern tests, they do scans and take biopsies , they check the blood, the urine and every other fluid possible. They do DNA, and other cellular level analysis. They EVEN (dare I say it) experiment. Yet they NEVER really know THE cause. They can treat many of the symptoms but the cause REMAINS. Palliative care is all it chiefly is.
In the end a checklist of symptoms and test results determines that gentleman “A” has what they have TERMED turrets syndrome. I once lived near a man who had this and more as I could only guess at the rest. I can tell you that he was up at all ungodly hours of the night. And the sounds and screams that one would hear coming from his home would make your hair stand on end. Even the neighbour hood punk avoided that place. Should he ever have forgotten to take his NUMBING meds God only know what he would do. To me it was clearly a case of possession. “Something” was making this spoor soul do what he did not want to do. He must have been in terrible agony inside!
Anyway… I digressed somewhat. not to much.
Thanks again Rod.
Don, Looks like Willard first CPAC’d his bags full of goodies… and then preceded to take all of the Maine Lemmings over the cliff with him tonight! BTW: is Mitt confirmed as a graduate member in the Bohemian Grove?!
That Romney won the CPAC straw vote does not surprise me. It has been obvious since this primary process began that the big money was behind Romney. They want a Bush type Centralist again, but Romney will never get the support of conservative Republicans. It was surprising how well Santorum did in the vote. There is a real good chance of this thing going to the convention without Romney having enough delegates to win. Then I think the establishment will be looking at a Jeb Bush or Chris Christie and try to convince the conservatives that these centralists are conservative. They win anyway.
They will probably offer the VP spot to some Tea Party person like Santorum or Palin to try to placate true conservatives but the VP spot means absolutely nothing. So people would have to be idiots to think that the VP is going to make Republicans less big government Statists.
So unless Santorum can win the needed delegates (which is very unlikely) the establishment will get their man in place in one way or another. It is tragic because the Republicans will then lose. Ron Paul will run on a third party. Then that allows Obama to win and stack the Supreme Court with a couple of more fools. They will make the constitution say anything they want it to say.
The NRA at CPAC said that in Obama’s second term he will take away the second amendment. They were not kidding. He has already took away most of the other rights in the name of nation security. Taking away the second amendment can be done by a liberal interpretation of what it says.
So how do they enforce it? They can tie it to federal money and get local police forces to do it. It will start in the liberal states and then in the cites and then county sheriffs. Imagine if the New York state Sullivan Law was applied to the whole country and you get an automatic five year jail term if you are caught with a firearm without a federal permit.
Under the new rules most people will not be able to get permits because they are disqualified because they are classified as criminal or mentally ill. Anyone on the list that believes in things like conspiracy theories, the second coming, against globalism, convicted of a pot crime, took some tranquilizers, have PTSD from the wars, were forced to take some drug as a kid, have depression, or are shy or grieving etc, etc. will not qualify to own a firearm. Meanwhile the demonic homosexuals and control freaks predators will get their gun permits.
Believe me it can be done and it probably will be done. Gun control has happened in almost every other nation in the world and that is why the people cannot overthrow their ruling tyrants. Then you have to get the UN to come in and remove the criminal insane for you and that leads to world government control over all.
Its like a end time script. It is.
You said it Don!
Also, in your post you also now seem to share the same opinion as I had/have that Ron Paul will not go away quietly and will run as an independent – to make some sort of statement I suppose. Possibly to initiate a long-term third party option. This of course is fantasy.
BUT… What has prompted you to now also feel that Paul will be running as a third?
I don’t think Paul will run if the Republicans come up with a true conservative but if the choices are between an America hating Marxist and a social Liberal and war Hawk. I think Ron Paul will run. In any case, Someone will need to start an opposition party. If The GOP gives us another liberal it will be time for Conservatives to walk out in mass from the GOP and go with someone radical enough to get a third of the votes like Palin or a conservative general. People might say that will give the election to Obama but at least then between the GOP and the new party there might be enough votes to impeach and remove him and block his nominees and unconstitutional actions. If the GOP nominates a social Liberal they very well could lose all four branches of Government and then we will be living in the Soviet Union.
I am still holding out for a surprise real conservative option that doesnt come with a full set of samsonite “baggage”; Hasn’t been a serial flip flopper; and understands that isolationsim is not the answer to world affairs.
Any chance of a “white horse” candidate appearing?
Rod in Oregon
The Mormon church and the establishment already think the “white horse” candidate has already appeared.
I like Rick’s frankness!
Rick Santorum accused two of his opponents of trying to influence the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference both in the past and at its event this weekend. In Saturday’s poll, Romney came in first place with 38 percent and Santorum—typically considered a conservative favorite—took second with 31 percent.
“You know those straw polls, at CPAC,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “For two years Ron Paul has won those because he just trucks in a lot of people, pays for their ticket, and they come in and vote and they leave. We didn’t do that. We don’t do that. I don’t try to rig straw polls.”
Santorum accused Romney of similar tactics at this year’s conference. “You’ll have to talk to the Romney campaign and [see] how many tickets they bought. We’ve heard all sorts of things.”
Santorum stopped short of accusing his rivals of dirty politics, saying that stacking the deck is “standard procedure for straw polls” and noting that, “there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“We just don’t think that’s a good use of our resources,” he said. “Governor Romney obviously may have a different idea.”
Romney’s campaign denied that it had any inappropriate influence on the outcome of the vote and cited their candidate’s win in Maine and a separate survey as evidence.
“Rick Santorum has a history of making statements that aren’t grounded in the truth,” said Romney Spokesperson Andrea Saul in a statement. “Yesterday Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll and won a separate nationwide survey of conservatives conducted by CPAC organizers. Also, Mitt Romney won the Maine caucuses.”
Newt Gingrich came in third in the CPAC straw poll on Saturday with 15 percent and Paul came in fourth with 12 percent. Paul’s campaign could not be reached immediately for comment.
Adding to the conversation, a week or so ago I had an icky conversation at the sandwich shop. I was making small talk with the cashier and told her she must be earning money to attend college. She told me that she believed that everyone in America should receive a free college education. Really? Will I get the free college education before her?–Through circumstances I do not have a college degree but I have passed two college classes. so I responded to her comments…..Then she explained how she intended to vote for President Obama. I tried to give her several reasons why she should consider voting for a different candidate. Then she laughed at me. She made comments to the effect that I did not have it all together. This is just one sandwich shop employee. She actually represents millions of people in this country who think they are right in their viewpoint of supporting a president who is ruining this country. Just thinking about how she laughed at me gives me a chill up my back. Thank you for having a sound discussion without going down the bunny trails of theological disagreement that will not change a thing in this country. Only Jesus Christ can change the heart of sinful man to a new creation that follows his ways.
Second comment Don: Before President Obama became our president he spoke locally. He said that he did not plan on running for president. But his handlers did plan on him running for president didn’t they? Anyway, in person he is a very attractive person and very smooth. He has convinced a lot of people to support him because he has a lot of personal charisma. Yet, very few people realize his true agenda. I am not against him personally. I just wish he would wake up about what he is really doing because his personal relationship with Jesus Christ is at stake. The church that he attended in Chicago has produced adults he have some very mixed up and weird ideas and we know some of them personally. Very Weird!-He should have detached from them a long time ago…….
Obama does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone can say anything and he has. He clearly has an antichrist agenda. He has confessed that all religions are a path to God. He went to a Black Liberation Theology Church for 20 years that does not worship the actual Jesus Christ of the Bible. It is a racist cult with a Black Jesus and a white devil and eventual collective salvation of mankind through blacks overcoming the white race.
The whole history of Obama is Marxist from his mother to the people that brought him up to the people that he identified with and those that supported his rise to power. Now we also see who he is in the people that he appoints and the programs he got passed. His records are sealed for darn good reason.
Don, Rick is way ahead in a national Poll conducted yesterday!
What do you make of this. Is it a real deal?
Or they will tax firearms and ammunition to obscene levels which would make them unaffordable to many.
The people who want the “free lunch” have as much understanding about what they are asking for as the “Green People” who think that electric cars are the only sane way to help keep the environment pollution free.
They don’t seem to realize the smoke stacks that are created to produce all that “free” electricity are anything but eco-friendly. Same with natural gas, all that natural gas has to be trucked to locations from the pipeline.
And, I think you hit the nail on the head on Obama’s charisma.
I believe that the majority of Americans are extremely shallow in their discernment.
We saw the gullibility of the American people in the Bubba Clinton/Gore campaign. No substance, but we sure did hear what a “cool” saxophone player Bubba was.
O’Reilly interviewed young people who were voting for Obama in 2008, he asked why ?….their common response was…”he’s cool”.
In another words, If a Brad Pitt looking person ran for President, I think, unless they are demonized like Sarah Palin, they would capture the shallow American mind share regardless of their actual politics.
Hi Don – thank you for responding to my comments. Somehow you did say it better than me about that church —eeeww- I do ride past it sometimes–it is “pretty” and they used to have a much smaller building–I trust all of you when I say that I actually saw Obama speak in person. That is how I know personally that he has charisma David. +++++Don===some of the people that we know personally from the church that Obama attended are not Christ like but really racist against white people. So I speak about the attitude first hand. Don, I do not think that our president has received the gift of salvation. As far as the racism of blacks against whites, they are very overt sometimes in expressing their nasty attitude.
Thank you Don for your comments. Also, thank you for your comments David.
The wicked and perverse generation (and I’ll add a generation of spoiled rotten brats) isn’t even looking for a sign… yet…
You think that Obama is saved but yet everything he does is contrary to scripture or twisting scripture for advantage. Going forward in a black liberation theology Church that has a different Jesus and a collective path to salvation does not save anyone. Saved Christians do not believe that all paths lead to God or work all out to take God out of the country. Nor, does it promote abortion, infanticide, the destruction of marriage and the promoting of the perverted. Nor does it take from the productive to give to lazy government dependents.
If Obama is saved we might as well give up the term because the term has become meaningless.
I was looking for a memory verse of mine where Jesus said, to the effect “If you don’t do anything for me, I will cut you down and throw you in the fire”; Just a quick search in Matthew alone produced these scripture:
Matt 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Matt 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Matt 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Matt 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
Matt 13:50 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Matt 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels
Obama and the DEMS and just about all the statist Reps past Reagan have done nothing for Jesus. Not only that, but they have acted in the polar opposite of Jesus. They are, in fact, “of” the anti-christ in that their spirits do not recognize that Jesus is the [only] way.
It is one thing to sin, it is another to promote sin as public policy. The government has thoroughly disqualified itself as being God’s instrument to serve the people. God’s removal of his hand from this country makes America a sitting duck for judgment (and likely with extremem prejudice).
Obama and the God haters will be thrown in the fire as if they are garbage (after all, poison fruit IS garbage). They will weep (in physical pain) and gnash their teeth (in mental anguish) and it will never stop.
[sorry for the long post… I’m sure there’s even more scripture of the same theme in other NT books with Jesus as the source]
Seems you want to blame government for all the problems in America rather than the majority of American people that got the government that they voted for and deserve. You also seem to like judging people’s eternal fate as if you were God and you seem to take joy in the anguish of their souls suffering for eternity. Nevertheless, you are not God and I am glad of that.
The amount of scriptures you can dig up to say what you want to support about hating your enemy (if they even really are your enemy) means nothing if the scriptures are used without understanding.
Ever hear about the fruits of the Spirit? You know – love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith. Are you really showing that in your statement?
You really did not expect a pat on the back for that statement did you?
The days of conducting myself for a pat on the back are decades long gone. I’m too old and too weary.
Yes, the people are the ones who lost the constitution and are ultimately to blame. However, those in positions of government have royally failed in their duties and blew a major, if not God given, opportunity to produce true fruit.
I think your characterisations are a bit too strong. Again, there’s very little room in a meandering blog and I try not to make long posts, so there is a lot of room for people filling in their own blanks between the lines. So, I’ll leave it at that. But it’s about time someone came out and talked about where it all leads (akin to the “scared straight” tactic).
It’s really not much to judge, only to state the obvious, when it comes to those that:
“…work all out to take God out of the country. Nor, does it promote abortion, infanticide, the destruction of marriage and the promoting of the perverted. Nor does it take from the productive to give to lazy government dependents.”
I just finished the trail in my own way. Yes, the people are ultimately to blame. If the above is their fruit, it’s pretty obvious. So, the battle belongs to the Lord.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Blessings.
Santorum has taken the RCP AVG lead in the National Polls.
Don, do you feel the RCC has something to do with these numbers moving strongly over to a RC candidate – considering it a possible fallout from the recent pay for the pill controversy?
Or are Christian conservatives in general starting to wake up?
With all due respect, I think I see Craig’s point and agree with him from the point of view that the United States majority have chosen a godless way of life and “Obama and God haters” will bring further condemnation upon this nation and themselves.
Since Ronald Reagan, we have not had representation that has done much for Christ Jesus.
Promoting sin as public policy has cast us into a possible judgment because the majority buy into it and celebrate the evil.
I don’t think any Christ loving person can ever feel a vengeful pleasure for anyone facing eternal condemnation.
I, personally, with this stance, have been asked…”what about Bin Laden or the 911 hijackers ?”…well, The Lord is a just God, but he still doesn’t get any pleasure from sending anyone to eternal condemnation.
That’s my take and spat on what Craig said anyway.
As Gingrich fades there is only one real alternative to liberal Romney and that is Santorum and that is why he is now gaining ground. The birth control position of Obama might slightly effect Obama’s own Catholic support but Republicans do not have this issue because none of them would support what Obama is forcing. By the way, Gingrich is also Catholic.
I think conservatives are waking up to the fact that Romney is not one of us. At least I hope so.
You seem to have Craig’s comment and my comments mixed up.
It was my point that Americans can blame themselves for who they put in office. Craig was suggesting that our government is evil, as if evil is unique to government and not the people who give power to the government in a democratic republic.
Craig said, The government has disqualify itself as being God’s instrument to serve the people. Where is such a suggestion made in the Bible? That comment fits more with the UN Responsibility to Protect doctrine than the way God actually uses government.
God still uses government to rule over nations even if the people in those nations have chosen to do evil. That is why the far Left is in power here. If there were enough God fearing people in this nation this anti-God government would not be ruling. Americans can blame themselves for the government they have. In fact, most Americans actually want Obama or he would not be ruling over them.
Craig was also condemning Obama to Hell. That is not a Christian position to take. We were all going there before we were saved by a sovereign work of grace. We that are saved are to be a light to the world by being witnesses of the true light so people will believe and be saved. We are not going to do that by being presumptuous that other blinded people, as we once also were, cannot get saved.
I agree with your post of 10:32 am today Don.
I don’t want to condemn anyone to Hell. I used to use that phrase liberally at one time…”go to Hell” I don’t want anyone to go there. Neither does God – as he takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. Folks just go there all on there own. God’s perfect Love (which includes truth and justice) provides a place for such folks who are against God and his light. They go there freely!
I also understand Craig’ frustration and venting. Been there done that!
I am sick of people blaming politicians for all our problems. Don is right, the blame falls squarely on the people of the united states that voted them in. Godless people get godless leaders its so simple.
BTW Don… yes I did know that Newt is Catolico. He’s been many things to many people.
Maybe one day he’ll just be truthful to himslef, submit to Jesus… and then become useful to God.
I aint holding my breath pardner.
As always, I appreciate your candor and great comments.
I don’t fully see things as you do in the political spectrum. Our option for McCain in 2008 was not much better, if any, than what we have now. McCain has proven to be a big fan of furthering ‘Big Brother’s agenda…so, it’s not like we had clear cut superior options.
This is just my opinion and not meant to ruffle feathers.
I think you are missing the point. Nobody is saying that conservative Christians will be given a choice, we are a fringe minority in America. Most Americans call themselves Christians but what most believe is religion where they get to pick and chose what is right in their own eyes like Christianity is some smorgasbord. Obama, McCain and everyone running in 2012 claim to be Christians but are they really? Do they really have a Christian worldview or a humanist secular worldview with humanistic socialist solutions?
Why do we always get big government statists for a choice in the presidential elections? It is because this is what the majority of Americans vote for. They want the government handouts because they chose to live beyond their means just like the Greeks. They live like government is God and just electing the right politicians will save them.
How can you expect a real Christian conservative to be nominated or elected when the people in this nation now believe that anyone with a true Christian worldview is a threat to their way of life?
Over 50 percent of Americans support homosexual marriage and the public indoctrination system. Fifty percent of Americans support Abortion. 50 percent are on some mind alternate substances. A majority think that all paths led to God. A majority think that truth is relative. A majority of the Christians do not even believe in the infallibility of the Bible. Most Christians have never read the Bible even once. A third are looking for any gimmick to get ahead in life like lotto’s or kissing up, rather than working to make something out of themselves. I could go on…you should get the picture that the problem in America is the fat lazy American dependents. The politicians that they elect are just part of the same spiritual disease.
The national politicians would not be reelected if they did not have popular support which proves my point. But let’s look for a scapegoat for our problems. Blame the elite, The Illuminati, The politicians, the Jews, the rich, the whatever, but never blame ourselves.
Yep, I certainly agree Don.
Just want to send out these classic tunes to the whole gang on the Koenig blog… I don’t mind a little “Christian” Rock venting sometimes. I figure if King David can sing and dance in nothing but his underwear, while banging out a rhythm with a tambourine… then this is alright. I could do what David did, but I figure I’d get arrested… But one day I might just chance it.
Readers Digest
Alice is a drag queen, Bowie’s somewhere in between, Other bands are looking mean, me, I’m trying to stay clean, I don’t dig the radio, I hate what the charts pick, Rock and roll may not be dead, but it’s getting sick,All over the world disc jockeys sound the same, And every town I play is like the one from where I came.
The Rolling Stones are millionaires, the flower children are pallbearers,The Beatles said all you need is love, and then they broke up, Jimmie took an overdose, Janice followed so close,
The whole music scene and all the bands are pretty comatose,This time last year people didn’t want to hear,They looked at Jesus from afar, this year he’s a superstar.
Dear John, who’s more popular now?
I’ve been listening to Paul’s records, I think he really is dead!
It’s 1973, I wonder who we’re gonna see,Who’s in power now, think I’ll turn on the TV, The man on the news says China’s gonna beat us, We shot all our dreamer and there’s no one left to lead us,We need a solution, we need salvation,Let’s send some people to the moon and gather information.
They brought back a big back of rock, only cost 13 billion, must be nice rocks?
You think it’s such a sad thing, when you see a fallen king, Then you find out they’re only princes to begin with, And everybody has to choose, whether they’ll win or lose, Follow God or sing the blues, who they’re going to sin with, What a mess this world is in, I wonder who began it,Don’t ask me, I’m only visiting this planet.
Why Don’t You Look Into Jesus
Sipping whiskey from a paper cup, You drown your sorrows till you can’t get up, Take a look at what you’ve done to yourself, Why don’t you put the bottle back on she shelf, Yellow fingers from your cigarettes, Your hands are shaking while your body sweats, Why don’t you look into Jesus, He’s got the answer.
Gonorrhea on Valentines Day, And you’re still looking for the perfect ***, You think rock and roll will set you free, You’ll be deaf before your thirty three, Shooting junk till your half insane, Broken needle in your purple vein, Why don’t you look into Jesus, he’s got the answer.
You work all night, sleep all day, You take your money, throw it all away, You say you’re going to be a superstar, But you’ve never hung around enough to find out who you really are.
Think back to when you were a child,Your soul was free, your heart ran wild,Each day was different, and life was a thrill,You knew tomorrow would be better still,Things have changed you’re much older now, If you’re unhappy and you don’t know how,Why don’t you look into Jesus, He’s got the answer…
Hello Don and others; Don, in response to your comment about “having ourselves to blame”. How very true. I believe the change started in the 80’s with people like Oprah and others who pushed the belief that there is always someone to blame for why my life is the way it is. However, the ultimate blaming began back in the garden of Eden after the whole “eating the forbidden fruit” episode. The blaming started there.
I find it very interesting that congress itself has had an approval rating below 20% for many years… Yet… So many of the incumbents keep getting sent back to Washington term after term. We do get the government we vote for. We get the schools that we allow through the school boards and superintendents that we allow in. The list goes on…. Blame is at the heart of the human condition. And Jesus is the only possible antibiotic…. Hey.. Thats pretty good… I need to remember that…… 🙂
Rod in Oregon
Good Morning Don ,
I finally figured you out, you’re one of those Christians when you get up in the morning , Satan says ” Oh crap , Koenig is up , it’s gonna be another bad day” . Keep it Up!!!!!!!!!
All of us need to become that way!!!!!!!
Thanks for the encouragement Don.
Your post prompted me to take an in-depth look at the demographics of the 2012 election here in the U.S.
Currently of the 270 electorial votes that are needed to become President Obama has locked up either 196 or 217 (per the 270 to win & the Real Clear Politics sites respectively – I have found both very reliable in the past). Both sites have a Republican at 181 solid votes. That means we only have 11 to 13 toss up states to be really contested – with a total of 140 to 161 contested electorial votes. At this point in time I seem to be favoring the 270 count of 161 because I can’t yet see Michigan and New Mexico as Republican locks (as RCP has them).
So of the 161 to go – 91 electorial votes come from current “Obamacare” healthcare lawsuit states. The key states among them then become Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada and Missouri – a total of 100 electorial votes. Over the last 4 election cycles these 7 states have voted for a Republican President 18 times and a Democrat 10 times (with 6 of those were in the Obama “flood”). So all of these are solidly tradationally Republican. Currently five of these seven are healthcare lawsuit states and four of them currently have Republican Governors. During that “Obama sweep” you only needed to change 488,8097 votes in ALL of those states for a “Republican sweep”. I think the sentiment against Obama with unemployment, poor economy, healthcare and the unwise recent attack on Christians with his latest “ruling from the throne” makes for a very plausible shift of those under 500,000 people.
So, if the Republican candidate wins just those 7 states out of the 13 being contested you remove Obama from office by a vote of 281 to 256. Remember that Bush #43 won 271 to 266 and 286 to 251 so you can see my projections are right in the middle of those two very close elections. We look to stay very much divided but yet lean again towards the Republican nationally.
Futher analysis – way too much to go into here – shows Santorum becomes the candidate that will eventually end up being the anti Romney candidate. Will this Christian Santorum Presidency restore us to a bright and shining city on the hill? Nope. Too much division (caused by apostasy) and too late in the game. Santorum however would at least help to make our last days a little more bearable as the events of the last days begin rolling in during his term(s).
Looking forward to the comments!
I think you are way too optimistic. The RCP polls show Obama x Santorum about 60 x 40 and the major attacks on Santorum have hardly even begun. The Republicans are losing ground in all the polls because they do not have a clue about what they will need to do to win this race. They are not going to win unless they expose the haters of America for the traitors they are and enforce the Constitution. I will write a post on what really needs to be done for America to change direction.
Don, I know Rick has been criticized about earmarks. But anyone with any sense can provide there own explanation on this. Rick was obviously working for his constituents to try and get something for them. Even if it was through a bill that he may have been fundamentally opposed to otherwise; but was well aware it was as going to pass regardless. So he got his folks something in the deal. This happens all the time.
Other than that what do they got on him? I’m not doubting you I just can’t figure it out. He looks pretty clean. So… what sort of other major attack are you forecasting?
And…. are they credible?
Are folks just going to accept but a lot of B.S. And if you say they will… then Ann was right. No point even voting or wasting our time on in this process called democracy.
BTW: I love you too DON 🙂 Keep on keeping on!
Your blog is one of a few that I can come to and get a sense that sanity still exists somewhere out there.
Thanks for the support.
I have already pointed out some things they can throw at Santorum to you on a previous post comment. I will repeat.
If Santorum actually becomes the candidate they will just take anything that their army of investigators can find on him and blow it all out of proportion on the MSM and they will make Americans think that he is a phoney or some right wing fringe loon. They WILL succeed to convince the brain dead unless real Americans stand up against this organized evil agenda and fight fire with fire. I just started writing a post on that. I hope to get it done before the weekend.
Don, I know you made these same points earlier. I just never really imagined that they could seriously hold the cool-aid and be taken at face value by the conservative voter. I really didn’t.
But you seem adamant that that’s how it will play out. I’m not disagreeing with you in that being the all-likely-hood of it. I’m just in shock and disbelief.
So to sum it all up… no matter how spotless the candidate; so long as his principles make too much common sense and lean too heavily towards the social conservative side of things, and if said candidate is a transparent and unabashed supporter of Israel… THEY will blow him up regardless….and all the little lemmings will eat their tainted “free” cheese with glee.
Well then I need to apologize to Ann. She was right all along! A waste of time!
Come Lord Jesus Come!
If we keep making the same mistakes and expecting different results it is all a waste of time. We are trying to play on a ball field that was custom designed by and for the Far Left and tilted toward the Far Left.
We conservatives need to design our own American ball field and drag them kicking an screaming if necessary to comply with the American rules. I am putting together my thoughts on how we do that right now. Otherwise, if we do business like unusual, you might as well get a head start for Western Montana, because the American Republic is lost shortly after the election.
I can’t disagree.
All the news is filled with darkness of allsorts . Just today when I was reading a positive, right leaning article about Santorum…. I scroll down to the comments section and wow it seemed like all the zoo animals were all let out at the same time. The vitriol, the pure hatred, the perverse logic framed in a smug, all-knowing, condescending and foul mouthed remark that would make a CC reader like me feel like ( fill in blank) Needless to say I navigated away…. as the Lord spoke my heart to clam down and have faith in knowing that He is in control.
I await your new article with great anticipation.
Don and others,
i recently heard that barak obama is planning another drastic reduction of our nuclear warheads. from what i read it could be as much as 80% this time. This is just after we ALREADY cut the number of nukes a couple years ago with START treaty. If he somehow gets this passed we will only have around 300 warheads left down from roughly 35,000 in the 1960’s. While this is all speculation cause idk if the people will allow him to do this but anything possible…
There is only two possibilities:
Obama and his admin. are traitors intentionally destroying and disarming America OR this is all an ingenious plan to lure Russia and China into thinking we are weak so they will attempt an attack and we retaliate with secret new technology that is far better than regular nukes.
there is only room for one at the top and its better to fight them sooner rather than later.
I lean toward them being traitors.
It probably will not matter anyway because by 2020 we are not going to have the money to launch a kite at the rate we are going in the hole.
Obama is a world socialist globalist in case anyone has not figured that out yet. He is one of many that have been groomed to bring about globalism in various areas of the world. Obama does nothing without consensus from the world elite. They did not give him a Nobel Peace prize before the fact for nothing. They know what he is programed to do.
Russia and China are fellow travelers they pretty much control the UN and Islam. Or at least they think they do. Unfortunately for world peace wild men are not easily controlled. (gen 16:12)
Jim ,
Agreed there is only room at the top for ONE , His name is Jesus.
Well, one thing seems to be abundantly clear.
It is getting easier and easier almost daily to see why the U.S. is not in The End Time prophecies.
I do not watch many Hollywood movies for this reason…
How sad that this movie, “The Vow”, based on the real life story of a couple who met and fell in love because of their shared belief in Jesus Christ…have a movie depicted of them sanitized with Jesus out of it…to please the secular and mainstream audience.
Don, it is just amazing what is happening. Rick is leading in every Poll and continues to climb.
Although it is also surprising to see the support that Obama still has. It looks like no one can beat Obama in a G.E. Obama is 6.1 (AVG) ahead of Romney in a G.E and Obama is 8.4 ahead of Rick in a G.E
Brings this scripture to mind.
Then all the congregation raised a loud cry, and the people wept that night. And all the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The whole congregation said to them, “Would that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would that we had died in this wilderness! Why is the Lord bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will become a prey. Would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt?” And they said to one another, “Let us choose a leader and go back to Egypt.”
Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the people of Israel. And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes and said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, “The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.” Then all the congregation said to stone them with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared at the tent of meeting to all the people of Israel.
And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them? I will strike them with the pestilence and disinherit them, and I will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they.”
Don, as we both grew up Catholic I am sure you remember the preamble before the sacrament of confession… “forgive me father for I have sinned…”
In the past decade, as understand it (through still having family who are catholic) it has been changed to “BLESS me father for I have sinned…” Is this not blatant anti-Christian language or what?
To be forgiven is certainly a blessing… but to ask for a blessing because “I have sinned” is incomprehensible to me. Am I wrong in this?
“Forgive me Father” was changed to “Bless me Father” over 50 years ago. I believe it was changed in the Second Vatican Council because many Catholics and priests actually thought that priests in the church had the power to forgive sins.
Actually, the Catholic should not be asking for a blessing because of the sins that they committed. Catholics are asking for the priests blessing after they confess their sins in the presence of a priest. The priest then dishes out some (unscriptual) penitence and he gives Christ’s blessings that they will be absolved of those sins if they in obedience carry out that penitence showing that they do not intended to sin again.
Of course,there is nothing biblical about this silly convoluted Catholic practice, as well as many other man-made practices in the Catholic Church.
I believe I received the sacrament of reconciliation in ’72. That’s 40 years ago this spring. I clearly recall (back then) saying “forgive me”. I suppose they were a little slower to act on the change at our parish.
“Catholics are asking for the priests blessing after they confess their sins in the presence of a priest.”
So why do they say “bless me father for I HAVE SINNED” BEFORE having actually confessed any sins? All I know is that its wacky!
What do you expect Catholics to say to a Priest when they go to confession? Spit on me father for I have sinned? Roman Catholics are taught that the Roman church, and thus their priests, have all the authority of Christ on earth.
I am not a Catholic apologist, if you really want to know the OFFICIAL position of the Catholic Church on these issues read the Catholic Catechism or ask a Catholic priest that is supposed to abide by it. However, why even concern yourself with the nuances of religious nonsense?
Peace be with you 😀
Thanks Don
I think I had forgotten of that change, and It just irked me when it was brought to my attention recently. This if course is not to indicate that I was happy with “ any version”… I Just needed to vent because of the openly demonic nature of the phrase. It makes me angry to think of how blinded I was and how many millions still are. I pray for them. As I pray for R.S eyes to be opened by our Lord as well, so that he can walk away from Babylon and walk solely into Jesus arms. And I eternally thank God for his work in bringing me to his only begotten son, my Lord and my God…JESUS!.
Peace to you as well brother. 😀
Don, I have been meaning to properly reply to your post of Feb 21st @ 8:43 AM
…And also with you 😀
Yeah, I almost said that your Catholic automated response for “peace be with you” should have been “and also with you”.
I will never forget when I traveled across country to attend a wedding mass. That these were the words of greeting that I got from my siblings and relatives. I had not seen them for years but I got a wooden “peace be with you”, and when I responded with a real greeting they just went on to the next person.
They acted like mindless wooden robots of the land of Pope Pompous.
Okay to be fair, Baptists have this spread the germs around hand shaking ritual and nobody apparently has the mind to stop it. I have told people that they need to put alcohol wipes on the back of the pews. I guess Baptists might be afraid that alcohol wipes would put sin in the church.
🙂 funny …and sad about your family. While we’re on the subject; I just talked to my Sister (a Catholic) on the phone today I have been trying to feed her some biblical truths. It’s all I can do. I pray they ALL open their hearts and minds to our true stand-alone saviour Jesus Christ.
Hey if Rick Santorum wins do you think he’ll close his press conferences and his addresses to the nation with a… “ peace be with you “… as well? 😀
I still recall Sen., McCain’s incessant term of endearment… “my friend”
Well my friend, peace be with you!
When you think that Santorum is so Catholic that he goes to Latin masses and thinks the Pope has all the authority of Christ on earth, what might he do if he gets in office?
I might touch on the move back to Catholicism in my next post.
LOL… I like the “pushy usher” syndrome in the church.. They reach out to shake your hand, while then gently moving you past them while saying “good morning”, “glad your here”…. They might as well say “next”! I have wondered often what people in churches would do if they actually had someone answer honestly when they say “Hi, how are you this morning?”… Or, “how was your week”.. Well, let’s see, one client nearly overdosed, another is in detention for continued use, another was physically abused by her dad…. And how was your week?
That would be a great post Don… Were stuck now in a situation where if the Repubs actually one the Presidency, we will either have a Mormon or a Catholic…. Im praying for a brokered convention, and another option… 🙂
Rod in Oregon
Don… where does the saying… “hate the sin, love the sinner” …come from? Is it a Christian source?
Nice pic of creation.
Don, I’m guessing pics cannot be posted on your blog?
I am sure it comes from a Christian source, but I could not tell you who was the first person to use it. It is a platitude used by Christians schooled in the Simpleton School of Theology that produced other profound presumptions like WWJD.
It probably can be done but I am not going to tell you how or encourage it in a comment section of a blog. It either is too bandwidth intensive or it produces bad practices like hot-linking that just steals bandwidth from other websites.
Don, the quote is ‘strongly” attributed to Ghandi. I wanted to give you an unprejudiced chance at identifying the source yourself.
So why do Christians quote a man who denied the deity of Christ and although a peaceable man with “good intentions”… he is now awaiting his judgement and Hell …As I understand the scriptures those who DO NOT believe in the only begotten son of God are condemned already? So why oh why do Christians quote a man bound for hell? This also applies to another well intentioned hippie phrase… “God loves you unconditionally” yes… we know He loves us… but isn’t the way God phrases it more in context and clear.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes NOT is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are worked in God.”
Why do many Christians feel a need to insist on these extra biblical phrases?
BTW: I understand about posting pics and your bandwidth limitations. I was just enquiring because I had a neat pic to post. No problem though.
Christians insist on using such extra biblical trite sayings because they heard it from someone else and being American parrots they like to repeat what they hear.
Few know what the Bible actually says and fewer can talk intelligently about biblical truths. The main truth that most think that they know from the Bible, is that God helps those that help themselves.
So true Don!
“God helps those that help themselves.”
I find that quote to be one of the most irritating of all the man made nonsensical Biblical teachings.
In a sense, it’s reducing God to nothing, since people are being encouraged by that saying to “help themselves”…so if people actually did it themselves, what credit is actually due God ?
I think the truth is that we can’t help ourselves…only God living through us can help us.
Just my opinion.
I have encountered Catholics that think “God helps those that help themselves” is a direct quote from the Bible. Of course they never have read the Bible.
Hello Don and others;
It is amazing how many people who profess to be “believers” have never read the Bible. It’s so much easier to simply repeat what others tell you is in the Bible. I have also known people who get caught up in the “theres only one interpretation of the Bible that is acceptable, and if you don’t read that version, your going to hell” belief. Seems to all come back to that self sufficiency worship of “self” that says I can be God.
Rod in Oregon
Don & others,
At one time (when I had TV ) I watched Fox News channel… until it became apparent that their brand of conservatism was at best really traditionalism or libertarianism. They began to confirm my opinion, not only from their consistent unsteadiness on conservative social issues, but further more when they began to bring in people like Geraldo, John Stosel and one of the O.J opportunists Greta Van Sustren (an atheist at that) …these to go along with the well established traditionalist Catholic father Bill O’reilly and to a lesser degree Sean Hannity. Having not watched that channel for a long while and only on occasion going to their website… it is clear I was right… that Fox News is unmistakably a WEAK counter argument to the left (especially on social issues) and thus certainly a machination in furthering “somebody’s” agenda. The weak counterargument lends only to a further left leaning synthesis. It is so unperceivable, so microscopically incremented, that a viewer has no idea that he or she is being indoctrinated and conditioned to ideals that said viewer would otherwise strongly oppose. The viewer is placated to tolerate and to accept certain inevitabilities (as they frame it) in our new and modern 21st century world. Does anyone really believe that Fox News actually convert lefties to become righties through their so called fair & balanced reporting… and through personal viewpoints of their host personalities? No of course not. So what is Fox really doing? Blurring the lines a little? I feel the same is true of Matt drudge (and others) a so called conservative blogger. He exclamated my belief in this with his latest biased defamation of Rick Santorum via the proxy of a supposed source who directed Matt to some video of R.S speaking as a private citizen at a “catholic” university… “satan is destroying America”. I clicked on that link a few days ago when this story broke … and by the lack of comments on that story… I knew that I was one of the first to access the link… of this Satanist tale of horror. Who can deny that this was Drudge’s doing all along. All the major media didn’t get on to this non-story until a day later. Thanks to Matt Drudge…. a conservative. Ha ha.
Christians need to be very careful of who they trust for their news. What looks like an angel of light, or a beacon of conservatism… may actually be a bullet train about to run you over.
Hello Al,
I have come to identify the “fox news” network as the “Romney network”. They have gone all in for this guy. It requires considerable discernment to find a news source that gives an honest report.
Rod in Oregon
I do not doubt you Rod.
While I’m at it, I’d like to point out a couple of facts. One to do with Fox news the “conservative news alternative” for Americans, and the other point to do with Rick Santorum.
On Fox news: It is basic knowledge that American voters by necessity acquire their information on candidates and general news events from America’s major news outlets. Fox news consistently beats their competition in the news media. As I recall, Fox News themselves constantly boasted of their viewership numbers versus the competition. It also is VERY important to note that many of Fox News prime time shows beat the “combined viewership” of ALL the other news Channel shows COMBINED – CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, etc, etc. So one ought to ask oneself… “If Fox news is America’s conservative news source… and the numbers are so lopsided in favour of Fox. Why doesn’t America then have a right bent within its culture?” a noticeable one at least. So with Fox news “a conservative” broadcaster having such HUGE numbers it adds to the difficulty of reconciling these numbers to the reality that is America today. Obama would still win the Presidency today and the culture continues to go further and further down the abyss. So either those huge numbers for Fox are made up (which they are not) or the conservatism that Fox speak to is not really conservative. I also want to point out that
On Rick Santorum: It bothers me to no end that here we have a family man of seven children… that is of genuine character… and speaks to what so called Christian conservatives say they want… yet many accuse this man of all kinds of garbage, simply BECAUSE he is Catholic. If there was any clandestine agenda going on with Rick… then WHY was/is HE the only candidate with the least amount of campaign funds? If Rick is the Vatican’s Manchurian candidate… then someone needs to quickly write a memo to the Vatican informing them that a political campaign in the U.S.A requires funds. Lots and lots of funds. The other candidates are either filthy rich or get donations from many dubious sources… but that’s just fine I guess.
The family of readers and commentators on Don’s blog are something special in my opinion.
I get a sense of deep love for The Lord from the commentators here.
I think the group here at Don’s blog is unlikely to hear from The Lord…”I NEVER KNEW YOU”
Quite the opposite I think.
I think I have found a great place to visit in these here United States that I am excited about going to visit.
A rarity for me indeed as I usually don’t get too excited about destinations…but this is like a Christians Disneyland.
It’s in Groom, TX.
Don, do you believe in (A) pre-destination – arbitrary election.
Or do you believe (B) that God knows His Elect through His omniscient perspective of being out-side of time. Having always known who freely accepted His Grace… offered to all the world.
David ,
Groom, Texas is 40 miles east of Amarillo om Interstate 40 , I know this because I was born and grew up in Amarillo. This display is worth seeing.
I’d like to chime in my 2 cents worth on your question to Don Koenig about election. God cannot learn as He already knows everything from beginning to end. I believe God knows who will accept His grace , but allows every individual to make their own choice. That is the only way it can be based on His infinite love for us in my opinion. He would have created robots if that was what he desired.
Lisa , Still praying for your needs to be meet.
BLESSINGS to ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Fritts,
you wrote… “I believe God knows who will accept His grace , but allows every individual to make their own choice”
I understand it in that same way as well (B) – through my understanding of scripture; with the help of the Holy Spirit in guiding me to this and many other various discernments and knowledge.
I just don’t know where Don stands on this.
My answer is not A or B it is yes to both. I explain my position in my statement of faith from the homepage of my website.
“The Prophetic Years Ministry will not be classified as either Calvinist or Arminian. We find truth and error in both views. If you think that is a contradiction, so be it. We believe that man’s knowledge on the nature of God is imperfect, since man is severely limited by his brain and the four dimensions he lives in.”
Al ,
I think we are in agreement. I also agree with Don Koenig that our knowledge of God is very imperfect. God is so much more than we have the ability to comprehend. As Paul tells us , we see through a glass darkly at the present time. God is beyond any attempt by anyone to explain Him. My son told me recently that if we understood everything there would be no need for faith.
There is this ongoing debate of creation and how God did it, I suspect that creation is beyond our current capacity to understand how God created the uinverse, even if He told us we would not comprehend it. BLESSINGS!!!!!
Don K & Don F,
I AGREE that we can only know our God… ONLY through what He Himself reveals to us … with a capacity to understand; that He Himself endows us with.
I also agree that there are truths and errors in both views – Calvinist or Arminian. However I was not looking to comprehensively ratify either of those Doctrines with anyone…. I was just looking solely at the election question.
I point out that what God himself has revealed to us about His nature we can know absolutely. God is Love. Love, is mercy, peace, truth, justice, etc, etc. So while God can do ANYTHING He cannot do ANYTHING that goes AGAINST His nature. And for me, when it comes to election… only potion B does not contradict his nature. I can point to much scripture for this. But for now I’ll use only this… Cain was a murderer. Yet before he “murdered” God soke to him and told him that he had a choice. Control you sin Cain. Master it Cain. . Cain… “if you do good will you not be accepted?” God rhetorically states. So from as early as in the book of Genesis – we see that human beings who ever lived, live now or will live, have access to God’s grace. Else in this scripture God is obviously y mocking Cain – if one actually believed in “pre-destination” election. For how could un-elected Cain choose to do “anything good” (God’s will) or control His sin if he was Not pre-destined. Does God Mock? NO. In fact God takes no PLEASURE in the destruction of the wicked.
BTW: I am not shouting through capitals – just emphasizing.
Blessings to you both brothers.
To: Don Fritts re: Groom, Texas.
I’m curious – as a Red Raider. Is the cross display in Groom, Texas owned by the family of Zach Thomas (former NFL linebacker for Miami)
Portion A does not contradict God’s nature either since scripture clearly teaches that only those the Spirit draws and hear and believe can be saved. You or I have no idea what this is all really about. What is happening through man could be a demonstration to the angels as well as creating sons of light to replace fallen angels.
This whole temporal fallen world that we think is reality is not the real reality. It is just a seven thousand year period inserted into eternity in something now called time.
All we can really know is that those that trust in Jesus as Savior will be saved and those that reject him are condemned already. Anyway, we are not going to solve the issues between the Calvinist viewpoint and the Arminian viewpoint here. I do not know why anyone even bothers to try. This argument has been going on for centuries. I agree with Chuck Missler, “that both are correct about what they affirm and both are wrong in what they deny.”
Anyway, we are not going to get into an endless discussion about this here, there are books written on both sides of the argument for those who care. All make a case for their view by cherry picking the scriptures they want and ignoring the scriptures that do not fit their paradigm.
I personally believe it is a partnership and man has free will, but I cannot tell you how that can be possible with God being sovereign at the same time and not dependent on man.
Well Put Don. I can’t disagree with what you wrote.
This is a good example of why I stick around here… your a good and sensible teacher.
Don, Just for my edification, can you point me to the scripture that clearly shows arbitrary election. I know the term “elect” is used somewhat regularly and that the Calvinists employ the scripture that uses the phrase “at his pleasure” which I think appears once or twice in all of scripture. But I just don’t recall specific scripture that clearly shows arbitrary election. I was searching last night but (for me) I couldn’t find any unambiguous scripture pointing to absolute arbitrary election. Again, It would help in my understanding If I knew where in scripture it indicates this.
Arbitrary election is not a common term used, but I am assuming you are talking about Sovereign election, Which would be the Calvinist view that God predetermined who would be saved before the foundation of the earth.
If you are looking for scriptures that will support the Calvinist side of argument just go to Calvinist sites.
Here is one that gives plenty of scripture.
I am sure if you went to sites defending Arminian theology you could find plenty of scripture quoted there as well.
Bob from Texas ,
I really don’t know who owns the Cross Display at Groom , Texas. See for more info. I’m a Longhorn . BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!
Don, Thanks I will study the resources on that link.
I deleted your last comment. You simply don’t get it. I only gave you the link because you asked me for scriptures that seem to support sovereign election, there was a whole bunch on that web page. There simply is not going to be any never ending Calvinist verse Arminian debate on the comments section of this blog post.
If you want to argue against Calvinists go to their forums. However, you will have more fun spitting into the wind. I already give you my position on this whole matter.
Don, the reason I am so passionately AGAINST Calvinism is because their doctrine is extremely discouraging and exceedingly elitist… it does nothing to bring lost persons to Jesus. In fact I believe it is of the devil. I once went and sat down with a pastor and we did a rundown of Calvin’s TULIP. The man was so brainwashed that he would not consider any scripture that points to freewill and atonement available to all. I noticed his wife with their small child and I asked him… “what if they should be of the un-elect?” He gave me the usual response… “they are saved through me… like Noah’s family was through Noah” I told him that THAT certainly is stretching it. I asked him… what about the billions that through this doctrine are nothing more than actors in a play and ultimately kindling in an eternal fire. What Kind of God creates ANY man, without ANY hope and then condemns that HOPELESS unelected man to eternal damnation? His response was cold and void of LOVE. In fact so-much-so, that I have put it off of my mind.
A good link… though you might like it.
I am not going to bother reading the link. I have already heard it all before. I have heard many debates on both sides of the issues. I even did some Internet debating myself on the old Calvinist newsgroups. There is nothing new, people keep rehashing the same old arguments and cherry picking the scriptures they want and ignoring or twisting the others.
Most Christian teachers do not believe in all five points of Calvinism but many believe in a couple of them. Most Christian teachers don’t buy into much of the Arminian theology either. Most Christians are not on the outer fringes of either theology and done that are, will probably bother themselves with this website.
Enough said… the argument will never be settled to many people’s satisfaction without new revelation.
I was thinking about how many christians today use certain verses from the bible to reject the idea of fighting for our freedoms. They like to say all christians should submit to government at all times and just deal with any anti christian suicidal policies our leaders may enact. i completely disagree and i think it would be OK to rebel and even use lethal force if the situation called for it. whats your opinion on the matter? it would make an interesting topic for you to write about.
Our government is founded on the Constitution and all of our politicians, government, military and police forces are sworn to uphold the Constitution. If there are people in government that are not doing what they swore to do, then they are outlaws, and they should be removed by the citizens by every and all means necessary and replaced with people that will. The Constitution even says as much.
Matt drudge is allegedly a log cabin conservative…
“Out (magazine) named Drudge #6 of the 50 most powerful gay people in the United States in 2009”
So….Rick Santorum is a social conservative. ….This explains Drudge’s anti-Santorum stories / linked articles… on his blog.
Don, Super Tuesday Tonite.
Do you forsee any surprises apart from what the polling and media tell us?
I think it really says a lot about a sick nation when a celeb like Kirk Cameron says what he said for marriage between a man and a woman…and the American Idol idiots attack him with things like…“an accomplice to murder with his hate speech.”
I do disagree with Cameron when he said…”…“But it is also a complicated subject”…etc.
I don’t see it as “complicated”…but that’s just me, and of course, I’m not in the public eye.
So, I’m just guessing here…but I bet when Cameron’s new film “Monumental” comes out, there will be massive boycotts and picketing by the liberal loving “tolerant” mainstream.
What say you ?
I say he should of checked out the Monument before he used it as the focus of his American pie film. It was built by Freemasons and it has obvious connections with freemasonry. He probably did not know that because he probably is not the brightest bulb in the tree (he has been told). Which also explains why marriage between a man and a woman is some complected subject to him.
That could all be true, I really don’t know much about Kirk Cameron or his new movie.
It is just sick that he was so chastised for even mildly suggesting that marriage is between a man and a woman.
I think he really used the word “complicated” because he knows what is right, but to affirm this position against today’s mainstream is akin I guess to…“an accomplice to murder with his hate speech.”
Now, if a celeb said marriage is between a man and a water buffalo, I’m sure that would have been regarded as acceptable and “tolerant”.
Why couldn’t Kirk simply have said… “ I believe what God says… that Homosexuality is an abomination and YES that would absolutely be a SIN”?
Yep, that’s putting it as it should be said, thank you Al.
I am just glad that there is some bastion of God’s Word still available…here at Don’s blog.
I hope everyone here will keep up with what the world is calling “hate speech” and being “out of touch”.
Rod… I get frustrated when Christians try to use their own words in explaining God’s word to the secularists and atheists. Just tell them what God says… Period.
I presume you clicked on the video and watched that segment of the interview, when Morgan uses the hypothetical – and I paraphrase… “Kirk what if your son tells you he is gay… what would you say to him?”
I would have said… well Morgan that is degeneracy and I would tell my son that he is on a freefall down to eternal damnation. I would tell him that I love him and that he is welcome in my house and in my life BUT that not one iota of his lifestyle is allowed in my house or my life . I would also tell him that it is my responsibility as a Christian to incessantly reprove and rebuke him with what God says. The rest is up to my son.
I would then ask Morgan… Morgan are you a homosexual? If so can you please explain to me what it is that is so natural, logical and morally good about having sexual relations with another male? Do you hate women Morgan? Because Morgan; women by their obvious physical make up are designed for copulation with a male. Morgan… why do you reject women? Are you THAT insecure?
If Morgan said… no I am not a homosexual. I would say… well then that means you do not LIKE that lifestyle for yourself. Why not Morgan? Why do you then lie to homosexuals and tell them its okay for them to have gay sex BUT that for you it is a no-no. You will have no choice but to say… “well its because I don’t enjoy it” …that right there is the root of this evil Morgan…. PLEASURE. Its all about self gratification Morgan! You see Morgan in saying that you are okay for others to be homosexuals but not for yourself… you not only reject Godly morality but EVEN your very own standard of morality. You will likely say it is a personal freedom… so why then do you deny my freedom to call it what it is –acts of a reprobate mind. Morgan you are the definition of a hypocrite. You lie to yourself continually because through having no absolute standards of morality… you live in a constant changing and devolving personal world of relative morality – you are god Morgan. Morgan I say devolving because in you philosophy you must now continually ALLOW for freedoms in every individual – no matter how disturbing those freedoms play out in each individual. Morgan what happens when something that you absolutely cannot stomach is pressed upon you (like this gay lifestyle that IS being pressed upon us and our children – through many vehicles) …that it gets so bad that you possibly can’t say… “whatever makes you happy son – it’s a personal freedom” You CANNOT then default to a general societal standard of morality. Because first off, that too is ever changing. And ANY governing laws created by MAN, will absolutely infringe on what you NOW say are personal freedoms – and that would again be Hypocrisy Morgan. Either we live by Gods standards or we must live under the tyranny of whoever holds power… or by absolute anarchy. Right now Morgan many gays are holding power over America because of WEAK Christians. But one day Morgan the CHRIST himself will return… and since you did not choose to fall on that Rock and be broken THEN it WILL crush you to a fine powder Morgan…. …and this debate will be forever over.
I’m about the last person who would make excuses for the homosexual lifestyle, however, based on my experience talking to the few of them that I have, I don’t think your being necessarily accurate in your blanket reasoning.
For example, I talked to one lesbian who was absolutely terrified of men.
I have talked to another lesbian who gave me the nonsense that she was born that way. Personally, I don’t buy into that for many reasons.
Regardless of one’s reasoning, I do think deviancy behavior as defined by God’s Word is always a bad and evil “choice”…but I don’t think it is always centered on PLEASURE as you put it either.
Well with all due respect David I do think it is all about self gratification…about PLEASURE. Regardless of the circumstances that drives one to seek this “drug” (sex) as a comfort for what ails them; emotionally and or psychologically – and then in the cases of severe neurosis (due to extreme circumstances and psychological make-up) to deviate from the sexual norm and pervert the conjuring in the natural desire for the concluding relief, escape, gratification… whatever you wanna call it. .
When I was young and was abused; sexual gratification was my first escape from the emotional and physiological pain of my world at that time. It was a free drug. Let me be clear and preface that, I have never been gay or ever been with a man in any sexual way. But looking back at how my mother ignorantly sexually abused me (thinking she was showing me love) and how my father showed me ZERO love and abused me in all the other ways… ANY further uncontrollable circumstances such as; if I was a very homely looking and couldn’t get a date and or if I had a small penis OR if I just BELIEVED in my mind that I had these issues. Adding these on top of everything else, could have easily been the last ingredient(s) in a Molotov cocktail of psychosis that would easily have led to further perverted debasement in an impressionable mind of a young child and teenager. Believe me, I have talked to homosexuals and lesbians as well. In fact a past girlfriend of mine, a girl that I truly loved… turned out to be gay. I was devastated, but was to young unable to really help myself from the former mentioned things; much less be able to help her. I tried so hard to help her David. I loved her very much In the end, and most importantly the Lord speak extensively on this subject of carnal pleasures – lovers of pleasure. So you see David I know from many experiences, that in the end IT IS about self gratification. David if you actually could fully know my testimony you would NOT believe….. Jesus REALLY saved me from the pit of Hell.
I think it is awesome that you came through all that and ended up calling on The Lord instead of embracing the worlds evil ways and ending up who knows where…it’s a great testimony.
But again, I’ll say, I disagree on the blanket reasoning…actually, that one girl I talked to who was terrified of men, was in a relationship with a woman…but it was not sexual at that point. In some weird logic, even some lesbians have some sort of, lets wait before we do that.
I’m not going to address the homosexual thing again on this thread. I don’t like it and the only thing I hope for, is, I have more success talking to these people about The Lord…which I’ve had very little success with unfortunately.
Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) for me, I live in a very lesbian friendly, occult loving, satan worshiping area.
And Al,
Don’t get me wrong…even though we might disagree on some points, I love reading what you write…I get a lot out of what you say and look forward to seeing you in heaven.
God did not create lesbian women or homosexual men. He created men and women period. Perverts and a brainwashed society are the ones pushing people into four or more sex categories. The whole idea that kids need to find out their sexual orientation is absurd.
In the Homosexual perversion, masculine men most often look for feminine men and masculine women most often look for feminine woman so that they can play an unnatural role that really already exists naturally in the fringes of the men and woman bell curve.
Feminine men can find women with masculine traits if this is what turns them on and masculine woman can find men with feminine traits if that is what they desire, but society tells them they are not within two standard deviations of the mean so they need to look for a counterfeit. Yeah, it can be the other way around with the feminine looking for the masculine, but I think you get the point.
“even though we might disagree on some points, I love reading what you write�I get a lot out of what you say and look forward to seeing you in heaven”
Thanks David. The feeling is mutual.