Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus. Employment is not rising. America is very close to going back into recession if it really ever got out of it and higher rates of unemployment are on their way. The Obama team is not going to admit failure in their Left approach to get around the economic abyss. They are just going to throw more money at the problem and add the cost to the national debt and live for today and forget about the bill tomorrow. They will just create more money out of thin air as long as nations and people are scared enough to buy U.S. treasuries at a loss. The next move of team Obama is to come up with something that sounds hopeful to the government plantation slaves before the 2010 election.

Wall street is obviously betting on more stimulus. There is no other explanation for a rising stock market at a time when business activity is declining. I think those investing in U.S. treasuries realize that the U.S. Federal reserve is going to create more money and that is why the dollar has recently started to tank again. If it continues interest rates will soon rise and so will inflation. Here is one perspective on how the economy will play out. It might not happen as he said in that interview or as soon as he thinks but it certainly could. Of course, Obama can always create a crisis in order to get the world to run to safety in the dollar like investors did when the debt of Greece gave them a bit of a scare. I am sure another war would be crisis enough to keep people buying dollars for safety for a short period.

After the 2010 election everything done by the Left will be toward one objective and that is to get Obama reelected in 2012. The long term objective of these radical socialists and globalists is to create a permanent dependent class. The dependent class will vote for more wealth distribution to themselves at the expensive of the middle class. The top of the food chain hope to get rid of the middle class and create a two tier system that has ruling masters and willing slaves. They envision a system were the slave class fawns over them like they do with media stars.

Everything they do will be toward getting the “O” reelected. They are using the housing downturn to essential give away houses to government dependents so the slaves will not leave the government plantation. Did you know that once again you can buy a house with almost nothing down at long term interest rates that will be much less than long term inflation? That will increase our national debt by trillions in the future. Did you know that government may even come up with a plan to pay part of the principal on the houses of all the loans underwater? (see my last post for more information.) What they really will be doing is buying votes with tax money. That used to be illegal.

Carbon laws will either come by legislation or by fiat from the Executive Branch. They will rob the middle class of trillions by raising the cost of energy and they will enact regulations or laws that will give government control over everything. The new Obama medical care makes all but the rich, dependents on the government. In the end the government will decide if you are treated or not. The Left wants amnesty for illegals so all those living on the government plantation can vote (for them). If Obama gets reelected in 2012, by 2013 we will have the same conditions found in Venezuela today under the dictatorship of Hugo Chavez.

Chavez controls all the press, so will Obama, Chavez controls the Supreme Court, so will Obama with one more appointed judge. Chavez controls medical care, so will Obama, Chavez controls big business, so will Obama. Chavez controls the guns, so will Obama, Chavez has price controls, so will Obama, Chavez controls all legislation, so will Obama. Chavez has double digit unemployment rates, so will Obama. Chavez has double digit inflation, So will Obama – or worse, since we do not have his oil resources available  (actually we do have the oil and gas reserves but we will not be doing much drilling under this administration.)

The government dependents getting freebies in Venezuela love Chavez but the middle class and those creating jobs have been decimated. Even with all its oil revenue the Venezuelan economy is heading the way of Cuba. That will also be true of the U.S. economy under Obama. Chavez fixes the elections and nobody can get him out of office and if Obama get enough government slaves living on the plantation the same thing will happen in America.


The sun is getting near a new peak cycle of solar storms. For the next three years solar flares could be a danger to communications, electronics and even electrical production and distribution. The danger of a solar flare knocking out electronics and electrical grids are rather small but it can happen. Even NASA has told us of the dangers. The point is that in the last fifty year we have become a society that is totally dependent on electronics and electricity. All that could be taken from us in a second by a solar flare or even more likely an electromagnet pulse (EMP) weapon by an enemy. I think we should be aware of these things because an EMP event either from the sun or an enemy could be the very reason why America is not found in Bible prophecy. I have articles on the subject on this blog if you care to know more.


Two decisions by two different Federal judges overturned the will of many millions of people in two sovereign states. Which just goes to show you how important it is to have a moral administration that appoints moral Federal judges.

The decision in Arizona was made by a Left leaning judge that was appointed by Bill Clinton. He stopped the main part of a law from going into effect that was voted in place by the vast majority of Arizonans. The law just directs the police in their state to enforce the same Federal immigration laws that the Federal government often does not enforce. Choosing not to enforce Federal laws is in itself against the law. Those in Federal government that will not enforce existing immigration laws should be prosecuted and removed. Those in State and local governments that make sanctuaries for illegals so Federal law cannot be enforced should also be prosecuted and removed. Are we a nation of laws or a nation where everyone does what is right in their own eyes without any consequence from those that enforce the law? What does that say about how far America has fallen from the rule of law?

The other decision was made over the will of the majority of people in California that voted to keep marriage only between men and women. The Judge is openly homosexual. How can someone homosexual give a fair ruling against the majority in a State that voted against a homosexual rights issue? He should have removed himself from the case and given it to a unbiased judge.

Obviously both of these decisions will eventually end up in the Supreme Court of the United States where I think the will of the people will prevail if the court remains the same but if Obama gets to change just one more Judge then Kattie-bar-the-door. The clear reading of the Constitution of the United States will be reinterpreted through Far Left activist judges.

Speaking about the Supreme Court, a judge that has no judgment and that is known to have done some shady things was just placed on the Supreme Court of the United States thanks to Obama and the five Republican senators that voted for her confirmation. Christians and Conservatives ought to take note of these “Republicans” when they come up for reelection.


There was some shooting in the middle east and some think that a skirmish like this could lead to the Psalm 83 war. I guess any conflict could eventually led to an Arab league decision to cut off Israel from being a nation. But, before that happens all the Arabs will have to totally give up on even a temporary peace with Israel. I do not think we will see the Psalm 83 war this year. Nor do I think the bombing of Iran by anyone will start the Psalm 83 war. Iran probably would have to announce development of  nuclear weapons before we would bomb them. Even then we would be very selective in our targets and hope that the Iranians would take care of their own Islamic theocracy problem themselves and stop the nuclear weapons program. Any bombing by the U.S. without obvious prior antagonism probably will not be authorized until late 2011 to give Obama a bump just before the 2012 election.

Anyway, the Psalm 83 war with the decision to cut off Israel from being a nation is going to come from a decision of the whole Arab Confederacy and it is likely that it either comes after a smaller regional war is lost by a Arab nation or possibly after Israel nukes Damascus because Israel finds out that Syria is about to launch biological weapons against Israel over the Golan height dispute. Syria has weaponized smallpox. The only real way to eliminate a biological threat like that loaded on missiles would be with many nukes. That is the only logical reason why Israel would wipe out a whole city the size of Damascus. To fulfill the prophecy of the destruction of Damascus as written in the Bible it would take scores of nukes or at least a half dozen hydrogen bombs. No doubt God could accomplish the same job with just one Angel and that is a possibility.


Eight Christian medical missionaries were killed in Afghanistan last week, six were Americans. Their crime was medically treating the dependents of the people that killed them. These murderers are worse than animals. They care nothing about their own families. All they care about is fitting in with the other guys in their club of hate. Any Christian that says Islam is a religion of peace ought to sign up for a missionary trip to a Muslim nation and find out the real truth first hand.


Mexico is beginning to talk about legalizing drugs. The popular former President – Fox, has come out for legalization. I guess some are realizing that they are in a no win situation in Mexico. If Mexico legalizes drugs we will have a narco state right on our borders. Are you ready for legalized drugs in America? If Mexico legalizes drugs we also will have little choice but to decriminalize drugs or the warfare now happening in Mexico will come to America and we will also have open warfare on our Southern Border as well. I personally think that our drug war has produced this problem just like prohibition produced incentive for organized crime syndicates and moon-shining operations. Governments in free nations need to butt out of these things as much as possible. Nonetheless, I see no happy ending now no matter what we do on the drug issue. That is because the real problem is a moral problem, not a drug problem. If government could cut off all known illegal drugs those looking for easy money would  formulate new ways for people to get high from common legal products. For example, there now is a marijuana substitute called K2. Also, if the government really went all out to stop illegal drugs in America we would already be in a police state.


The world of heretics and apostasy is alive and well. I ran across a few articles of interest on MoreBooksandThings. which is always a good place to visit for the latest information on well known “Christian” leaders that don’t quite seem to grasp the true Christian faith.

One post gives some links on the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year. Two of the main speakers were T.D. Jakes and Jack Welsh. The problem is that Bishop Jakes is a Oneness Pentecostal. They are called Oneness because they deny the Trinity. So what discernment can Jakes give future leaders in Christianity? Jack Welsh is the former CEO of General Electric, by the policies of General Electric today I would not think that Welsh is going to teach anyone anything on Christianity. It seems from what I read that Welsh talked about hiring smart people at the summet. As if intelligence is the best attribute for Christian ministry. This type of line-up is not unusual at Willow Creek leadership summits. They have a long history of inviting questionable characters and heretics. It almost seems that they think Christian leaders need to learn the ways of the world and know the teachings of popular heretics in order to lead other Christians. Lack of discernment is also probably why Bill Hybell’s Willow Creek gave Christianity the failed seeker friendly gospel lite church growth model and movement.

Want to hear a little about the interfaith G8 World Religious Summit this year and what they talk about at such summits? I thought so. Guess who was one of the speakers of this Summit in 1995 when they first started this annual Interfaith summit? Why, it was none other than Obama’s present heretical spiritual adviser…of course..

Hey, if you don’t want any religion coming in your home anymore, say no more! You can now buy an Internet filter named Godblock. I am sure Godblock will be what every atheist wants to give to their children for their 25th of December dog sled celebration. I wonder if Godblock blocks Islam and the names and attributes of the millions of gods in Hinduism? I wonder if they dare even advertise it if they do? Does Godblock also block native pagan deities and doctrines of demons like found in the New Age or New Spirituality movement? Somehow I doubt it. The positive side is that children with this Godblock software will never see the name of Jesus taken in vain on the Internet. That eliminates seeing just about all the atheist sites and most other Internet opinion sites as well. Children with Godlock will pretty much get to surf in their very own desert.


9 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

  1. Ha!! And what will be my place in all of this? It will be as one of the many, tiny, irritating pieces of sand that will abrade the gears to an otherwise “smooth running” world system.

    Jesus Himself threw the “monkeywrench” into the system, and it is just now coming to the point where it will jam the gears to a stop.

    Who knew that being a grain of sand could be so much fun!

    It is *such a blessing* to be on the winning team, even if I haven’t contributed much!

    Even so Heavenly Father, use me; use each of us who are Yours to bring glory to You

  2. All media talk about how Obama’s (Soetoro’s) handling the economy and every other issue. I believe he is a good servant to his master(s) and is doing what he is told. Any idiot would know someone without any real credentials doesn’t get to the White House on his own merits. But God is in control. He rises up Kings and brings them down.

  3. ^^ Sorry, but that last post is incoherent;

    Excellent blog, great summary of the past month’s events and prognostication; Love the “grain of sand” post; In a downward spiraling world, it’s nice to see the optimistic “grain of sand” analogy; Jesus is the real and only hope, and I agree, it will be great to be another grain of sand in these end times;

    With that said, I think the right will be ready to go to war against the left, and I don’t think a Chavez style Obama government could have the backing of the military (???); America is not Venezuela and I suspect a Newt type leader would be more probable;

    I do almost hope for the EMP scenario, particularly solar originated – this definitely throws the government for a loop as the society has to learn self reliance; It definitely throws the plantation slave scenario for a loop; Of course, this is pure speculation;

    Keep up these monthly blogs! Excellent “irritation”!

  4. Creig, I believe David was just implying that Obama’s masters are the world power brokers.

    I do not disagree with your view of the rise of a Newt type leader replacing Obama if that is what it takes to appease the people. Newt is just the other side of the same coin rolling toward the same world agenda. I wrote about it


    I also agree that much of the military will not support any anti-constitutional take over in the long run. That is why I also have predicted the break up the United States and even the second American civil war.

    All three were good comments. Thanks guys!

  5. Hi Craig,
    I do not doubt that we are heading for a Second American Civil War. As a matter of fact Igor Panarin,former KGB analyst said the same thing. I had been keeping a pulse on this for some time. Will this happen prior to or during the tribulation period? I cannot accurately pinpoint the exact time frame? Could you let me know if possible?

    God Bless,Matt

  6. There is more recent updated information out there as to the Solar situation that is supposed to hit us by atleast 2011-2013 depending on which article you read. But Nasa and or the US Government are funding 100mil to get ready for it according note worthy news Sources and Government spokes persons. Not sure if that is enough money since we just carved out another 26bil for teachers. If the Solar thing is anything like what happened in 1859 then it will be very bad for our modern society and could take us out of the loop for many years and way more preps need to be done in advance. Just maybe their OK with it, like Deep Impact! What can they really do? Get some folks underground and hope for the best. I guess the rest of the world will be going through the same thing (if this happens at all). So we’re back to real conventional arms and maybe not even guided weapons unless they are some how saved in advance of this 11 year predicted Solar Storm and this next one is supposed to be a doozy atleast according to Michio Kaku, if you place any stock in what he says. It could explain the rush to control the middle east and of course it’s vast oil reserves. This of course seems to line up well with the current mess we find ourselves in and would almost ensure BO gets to stay our dear leader for the foreseeable future….or heck maybe even leader of the world. Panarian predicts this breakup due to economic and social upheavals (there is truth to that). Looks like we are right there folks. Let me see, the Gospel is reaching the four corners of the globe where it could not before due to cold war, Berlin Wall etc, technology is on the brink of cloning humans and BO adminstration wants to experiment on Embryos, same sex marriage….you and I communicating in the blink of an eye….:), how much more can God take? Maybe a humbling time is at hand. I really hate to think it is, but I can no longer believe that we live in the same America in which I enjoyed growing up in with a feeling of safety and security. It is these very realizations that people will need to start putting their faith in God for their security and survival. Can the merging of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of this Earth be far off Don? I know I am jumping ahead of this blog but what say you?

    God Bless All.

    Thanks Don for another enlightening blog.

  7. I would put the possibility of a solar flare setting the world back in the 2011-13 period at only a few percent. First there would have to be a huge X class flare. It would have to occur when the spot is lined by with the earth and the earth’s natural shields would have to be weak for some reason. We would also have time to shut down vital equipment and thus would be able to limit the damage. I would be much more concerned about a nuclear EMP over the US within the next decade.

    It seems the woeful events of Revelation are caused by wars and objects like Wormwood hitting the earth. There probably is no significance at all to the 22 year natural cycles on the sun to end time events.

    Many weapons systems are hardened against EMP’s because they have to be able to operate in a nuclear war environment.

    I do not expect the start of the tribulation in this decade but in the following decade the start of it becomes likely. Here is my take on the next ten years.


  8. Hey Don Before you start poisoning peoples minds about another brother maybe you should atleast read there website for there beliefs. FROM TD JAKES WEBSITE UNDER BELIEFS.

    Belief Statement

    The Bible, the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God without error in the original writings, and are the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.

    There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross, the complete and final sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.

    The Holy Spirit
    The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and during this age, to convict men of sin, regenerate the believing sinner, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service. Man – Man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.

    The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ by faith are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God. The Return of Jesus Christ – The personal, pre-millennial, and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ is our hope and has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer.

    Future Events
    There will be a bodily resurrection of all the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord, and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.

    The Church
    The true Church is composed of all such persons, who through saving faith in Jesus Christ, has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the body of Christ of which He is the head.

    Baptism and Communion
    Water baptism by immersion soon after accepting Christ as personal Savior, is a testimony of death to sin and resurrection to a new life. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial service setting forth in sacred and symbolic manner the death of the Lord Jesus Christ; all true believers and only believers should share in it.

  9. Last I heard he will not accept that The Father Son and Holy Spirit are three distant persons in the Godhead. Thus, he say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all manifestations of God. This is Modalism which is a heresy.

    Norman Geisler: “That’s correct. He does. It’s an old, old heresy in the Christian church called modalism. I know T.D. Jakes is very popular, and I know people don’t like his ministry being called a cult, but it is. It would have been condemned by any orthodox church down through the centuries.”

    And here is a perspective on Jakes from the apologetics index

    This first article also points out other problems with Jakes besides just Modalism. He is also a speak it into existence clone.

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