Certain Internet Christian webmasters, websites and Blogs are doing barbaric practices on the Internet and they seem to have no intention of changing their barbarian ways. I believe I can say that from the negative response I get when I complain to them. Therefore, I think it is time to expose and identify some of the practices of these Internet Christian barbarians.
You may qualify as one of the Internet Christian barbarians if you claim to be a Christian ministry and then try to charge people for almost all basic Christian information on your website. In my opinion, this is like charging people at the door of a church. If almost everything on your Christian website can only be viewed for a price you are not allowing the poor in the door. That seems like a rather barbarian Internet practice to me. I am not saying you should not charge for books or newsletters or that you should not advertise or ask for donations. Those working full time in the Christian ministry do need to make a living. However, civilized Christian websites should also remember the poor.
You qualify as one of the Internet Christian barbarians if material on your website is blocked by some moving box that blocks our view in order to try to force us to click on it before we can even read your information. I will go elsewhere for information before I will appease these barbarians using these very annoying and intrusive practices on the Internet.
You qualify as one of the Christian barbarians if you do not abide by proper Internet protocol and do the barbaric practice of just re-posting articles of other Christian authors taken from the author’s own websites without permission. Don’t you barbarians understand that you are creating duplicate context in the Internet indexes? Have you webmasters never heard of the proper Internet protocol of clipping a portion of an article and providing a link to the rest? At least if you must copy the entire article that someone else wrote and posted learn how to use the “noindex” command so the author’s article will not get dropped out of the main Internet indexes and replaced with yours because you created duplicate content. Also give the author’s website a link from the article. Seems that some Christian webmasters can learn the latest about how to make their websites look great but they can’t learn basic proper Internet protocol.
You qualify as an Internet Christian Barbarian if you hot link or allow hot linking on your blog. This is all to common on some Christian Blogs. Don’t you people doing this know that that is bandwidth theft? It is stealing. If you see a image on a website that you want to use and if it is in the public domain then just download the image and upload the image to the blog where you want to put it. Don’t just hot link to a image on another website so that website has to provide the download each time someone clicks on that blog.
You may qualify for being one of the Internet barbarian Christian websites if you frame articles on other websites through links on your website. When you do that nobody can get off your website without closing their browser. So why do you do it? These Christian barbarians probably want to dishonestly run up their statistics so they can use inflated figures to bilk those who advertise on their website.
You qualify as one of the Internet Christian barbarians if the wording in your link misleads people to think they are clicking on some new information when you really are just using deceptive headlines to direct them to a place where you are trying to sell them something.
You certainly do qualify as one of the Christian Internet barbarians if you search the Internet for website email addresses so that you can add them to your own email list. If I wanted to sign up for your latest news letter or article I will do it myself. I should not have to take time to send you an email to get off a mailing list that I never signed up for
These are just some of the barbaric practices done by Christians on the Internet there are others. But, unless these Christians are total dummies about Internet protocol they probably already know they use barbaric ways. They obviously like being members of the Internet Christian Barbarian Club (ICBC).
I got a email on this article and I am posting my response to it for anyone’s information
Hi —–
I do not know how you got the idea that I gave you permission to re-post my article from that article?
You seem to miss the point why many Christian author’s do not want their articles re-posted. Those who have forums where information is posted ought to at least read the policies of Google and Yahoo. We do not want our articles reposted because duplicate content is dropped from the indexes. If you repost my article sooner or later either your article or my article will be dropped from indexes like Google. When I write an article I expect people to be able to find it for years by a keyword search. If my article is not in the index it either will not be found or it will be found on your website instead of mine. Then people are not likely to find my website and read my many other articles. Also, I cannot answer questions that people might have about my article when my article is reposted on your forum.
I want people to find my website where they will get information and teachings on many things not just that one article. However, if the article was dropped from the major indexes because of duplicate content that will not happen.
So, it is not that Christian authors do not want to get their message out and want to keep God given insights they have on their own website in order to sell stuff. They just are aware that the best way to continue to get their messages out is that if everyone obeys the rules of Internet protocol. They are aware of the problems that duplicate content will cause.
You ask why some Christian sites allow you to copy their articles and others do not. Probably those that do are very well known and they get almost all of their traffic from their name recognition and direct links from other websites rather than through keyword searches on topics. At least half the people that come to my website still come here through keyword searches on a topic that I wrote about. That generally is the way people find most websites.
I allow up to a third of my article to be reposted and then there should be a link to the rest. If people are too lazy to click on the link they were not very interested in the topic anyway. The exception is if a “noindex” command is used. In that case all the article can be copied (see below).
Here is some information on the issue.
The “noindex” command does not allow indexing robots to index the article that you copied. Therefore, it does not becoming a duplicate content problem in the Internet indexes. Here is some info on meta commands that would be placed in the meta data of your article.
Blessings in Christ,
Great post! I hope the folks who need it will read it.
On another note..I must say I thought it funny when I wanted to comment with a short approval and your settings wouldn’t allow me and stated “your comment is too short, please say something useful” Given your topic I thought it somewhat ironic. lol 🙂
By the way what I said in that email and my last comment was a misunderstanding. I did give that person permission to re-post my articles a long time ago
I will leave what I said in that comment there because it contains a lot of useful information.
Lorrie, I put up that minimum content software to actually stop a Internet Barbarian that was seeing how many posts he could post to just harass me. I had it set at 15 and now just changed it to 8. I also have a maximum comment length of 5000.
No harm done – it made me smile! Amazing isn’t it that some folks have nothing better to do with their time? I love your term “internet barbarian”. Blessings to ya – love your writings 🙂