The late great comedian Rodney Dangerfield used to set up his brilliant self-deprecation comedy routine with the line I tell ya, “I don’t get no respect”. Dangerfield actually did get a lot of respect from those that appreciated his humor. I suppose independent Christian ministries that write articles on the Internet are respected by some of their readers but generally few get any respect from their local church congregations.
Think about it, people like me often sit in front of computers 250 to 350 hours a month keeping our websites and Blogs going but we don’t get no respect. In fact, we often get just the opposite from Christian pastors or other Christian leaders that think that what we do is not filling some slot in their local pegboard.
Some church leaders suggest that instead of reaching thousands on the Internet each day we should be focusing on the needs of the local congregation by taking part in all of their programs. You get their subtle message when they continually ask you what you do all day with your time? Even though you have told them endless times that you have a full time Internet ministry, and even described the ministry, they are not hearing anything said because what we are doing is not part of their “God-given” local agenda.
The full-time job of keeping informed each day and doing the website administration, writing the articles, the daily emails, the comments, etc., is just a hobby in their eyes. It does not qualify as a real ministry like God called them to.
If you write over twelve hundred original articles that average 1800 words each, that is about equivalent to writing 20 books but I tell ya, we still don’t get no respect. In 15 years I probably have answered over 10,000 emails and comments but what credit do I get from anyone for doing that? I have to spend four hours a day keeping up with current issues by reading news articles or listening to Christian speakers but they seem to think I am doing nothing useful by staying informed.
Then if we dare tell Christian leaders that our websites get a lot of downloads, these people see dollar signs as if we are doing this to make money rather than as a Christian ministry. What a laugh. Perhaps a few do actually make money with Christian Internet ministries but few are getting paid anywhere near what a local full-time pastor makes, not to mention they get no benefits.
Even if you are going to sell stuff through advertisement you need to hire staff to take care of that end, so the money goes out about as fast as it comes in. And of course people actually think that a lot of people send in donations. Sure they do, just like you get them to give money on top of a real tithe! Maybe some actually do send donations to some sites but I am sure most Christian web ministers do not have to stay up nights counting all of their cash.
Then there are sites like mine that don’t advertise or take donations at all but I tell ya, they still don’t get no respect. Good web hosting and all the things you need to keep a website going is far from free. Maybe the local churches should be supporting Internet ministries as a missionary effort but we do not even burden them with that. Not that they would even think that our Internet ministry actually qualifies as a missionary effort.
I have been a member or a regular long term attendee of about 8 churches in the last fifteen years. Only one pastor even mentioned from the pulpit that I had an Internet ministry that people in the congregation might want to visit. And it’s not that most of the other pastors were not aware of it.
Few have any idea what it takes to keep fairly popular websites goings. For example, about 20 percent of my time is just routine administration work to keep the data safe and the website up 24/7. One screw-up or hack attack and all the visitors would only be reading error messages or blank screens.
I have 40 plug-in software’s to keep the WordPress part of the website running and secure. I also do daily backups and cloud backups for the whole site. I also have to back up the data on my computer quite often because computer crashes in the past have caused me scores of hours of work that is much like recreating the wheel.
Websites are hit by hackers all the time, and the spam is horrendous. Every minute of the day there are bots hitting this website. You have to monitor who or what is hitting your site or you may pay the price. Some of these bad guys can take down your site or put malicious code on your site if you do nothing to block them. However, if you put up too much security some people might not be able to even access the website or make comments on your Blog.
Us webmasters don’t get no respect. Ever wonder why some promising Christian sites just soon disappear? They probably did not spend enough time learning the webmaster administrative end. Show me a site that is not attacked and I will show you a site that nobody visits.
I tell ya, I don’t get no respect from local Christian leaders or most friends even though I spent 25 years acquiring the knowledge to even have an Internet ministry. I have been doing this full-time free Internet ministry for 15 years now instead of getting paid to work elsewhere. At my pay-grade that is about a million bucks that I could have earned or about $500 after taxes.
Talk about getting no respect. Most of my own friends and relatives do not even read the articles that I write even though a couple of them pretend that they do (I know the difference). The local church leaders that I talked to generally have the attitude that I am having a great time wasting my time, instead of doing something useful in the church like waxing the pews. They tell me that they will visit the website but those that actually have over the last 15 years probably can be counted on two hands and one toe.
Of course, I write things that most pastors would rather not read because I deal with reality and issues in the world and the church that they might not want to know. I believe the Bible has the answers when taken in correct context. I am not into traditions of men, the latest fads, or what the gurus of the denomination or the TV preachers are pushing this month. I also am not much into pastors that take one verse of the Bible and then build some elaborate story or fabrication that has nothing to do with the verse that was first quoted.
Frankly, I know more about the Bible and world and church issues than any pastor within fifty miles. That is not an egotistical statement even if it is, because it is also a matter of fact. And it’s not because I am so intelligent. It is because I study more than they do and I continually deal with the issues in a full-time ministry. Most local pastors around here are part-time and work a secular job. There is no way that they can keep up with the issues that I deal with.
And full-time pastors have too many side issues that they have to handle to actually have the time to get deep into the issues that I deal with frequently. So you might even think that some local pastors would confide in me about certain issues that I write about. However, that won’t happen because they do not even take the time to read what I write.
If someone in the congregational reads something that I wrote that they disagree with, it might end up on the pastor’s desk (that has happened) but they will never talk to me about it because getting into these issues might rock their go-along-to-get-along boat.
Even part-time pastors continually put on the airs as if they were the most knowledgeable person in any room because they were given the title “pastor”. I have seen this pastor syndrome in huge churches but I also see the same syndrome in very tiny fellowships. Put a pastor sign around their neck and they think that they are Peter, Paul and Mary – and man can they sing a song.
People wonder why their pastors do not have a clue about the evils in our country and in our church institutions? I can tell you why. You have pastors that have confused worldviews themselves, teaching Christians on the same passages they already heard dozens of times over, rather than equipping Christians with a Christian worldview so they can live and deal with this post Christendom secular nation.
Yeah, I already know, no respect goes with the job. We who do Internet ministries will not get many pats on the back by local pastors. Even so, you better give me a little respect when you’re talking to me about biblical issues or I will start showing up on your game nights with Bible Trivia. I might not get respect for doing what I do on the Internet but you soon will not be able to deny that I know more about what is in the Bible than your local brain-trust.
After all, I earned an Honorary PhD in Theology and another one in Website Administration from my University of Self-Importance, not to mention I have earned a master of arts degree by slicing through all the baloney that has come my way for decades. And they can keep the Pulitzer prize that I should have received for distinguished commentary.
I tell ya, I don’t even get no respect from certain other teachers on the Internet. Some will not link to this website and a few even took down their “reciprocal” link to this website because I said I did not agree with everything that they teach. I have no control over what you people teach, so why take it out on me? Stick with what the Bible teaches and I won’t have to warn others about eating the baloney. There is nothing worse than baloney sealed with thin-skinned Internet rappers.
I do not write to gain respect and that is why I don’t get none. I just call it the way I see it. If you’re going to buy into special revelation, twisted scriptures, and date setting you’re going down the wrong road. You really ought to thank those that help you out with a logical dose of biblical reality rather than taking it personal and getting all emotional about it.
I think leaders in local churches need to realize that there is more going on in Christian ministry than what takes place in their local congregations. What they say and do might reach scores or even hundreds and their preaching might even get past the choir once in a while, but there are some ministries on the internet that are reaching hundreds of thousands of people (or robots) each month (including this one). I tell ya, you don’t give those ministries no respect. The great commission is for believers to go out into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. Internet ministries are uniquely reaching the whole world. They are reaching the lost, they are equipping the saints, and they are preaching to robots and NSA analysts to boot. So you might give them some due respect.
Maybe we who do this Internet ministry full-time, do not have the time to attend all your local church functions because maybe God called us to do something more productive than attend local social gatherings. At least you might entertain that possibility, because I know that some in the Internet ministry like me are getting a Rodney Dangerfield complex.
I almost did not post this because I brought up the subject of what I was writing about to my wife but she told me not to finish writing it because I would sound like I was whining and being egotistical. She is correct of course, it might sound that way, but she knows what I do, but she does not read my articles either (unless I ask her to). I think what I am saying has merit that has nothing to do with my ego for those that actually read what I write. If readers take it the way she thinks and I don’t get no respect, I will have to live with that.
More importantly, I also know that if I did not finish and post this, I would have to come up with something else to write about and that thought did not make my day. So, in the end, I very conveniently came to the conclusion that my wife is wrong. I think readers should know that I don’t get no respect from the local church leadership because if I get totally fed up and quit this Internet ministry, it is you readers that will no longer be entertained by my “egotistical whining”.
Hi Don, I appreciate all your hard work as I am sure all your readers do. There will be rewards in heaven that will surprise a lot of people, and those that expect a huge reward might get theirs earth-side only.
Since we know few will enter in the narrow gate so it is with seekers and students of the Bible. You tell it like it is instead of whitewashing and giving out cupcakes to make your readers feel good.
Many leaders feel threatened by someone who knows more then they, so in a way it’s a compliment! Stay encouraged and thank you for the many hours you spend on this blog. I have been blesses by it (as many others) and get more out of it then my local pastor’s more and more watered down sermons in order to attract the masses.
Keep using your gifts for they are building up the body of Christ! Thanks again.
I wouldn’t be too concerned Don, “For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.” John 4:44
Yes I know many that read your blog express their lack of respect also, but those of us who are also ‘egotistical’ enjoy what you write and are generally uplifted by it.
Hi Don,
I do appreciate and respect you for what you do. I have some understanding of the lack of respect from others. While I do not have a website, I have written and sent out apologetics in brochure forms to friends and my relatives for about 10 years – most of whom do not read it. I have taught Bible classes for 30 years and studied prophecy for 40 years. I do agree with at least 95% of what you write about. Keep up the good work – your reward will come at the Bema Seat of Christ. Del
Hey Don-
I respect you. π I can relate somewhat to what you’re talking abut because I write articles for a couple of secular websites (along with working two part-time jobs) and I get the impression that people think all I do is sit on my hands when I’m not at those “regular” jobs. And only a few actually take the time to read my pieces but they’ll post, almost daily, on FACEBOOK, all kinds of articles from some of the weirdest sources. Keep up the good work; I think anyone with half-a-brain knows it’s not easy.
Thank you so much Don for your service to the Body of Christ. God has blessed you with gifts that you use to bless others. I believe that is what He intends believers to do whether or not they attend a church. You are an inspiration and a role model for me. Your articles are faithful to the Word of God and I am so grateful that you make them available on the Internet to people all over the world. I pray regularly for more Christian men like you to boldly proclaim Godly truths. We are in desperate need of them!
Whose respect are you seeking? I am not certain that I would find the respect of many (or most) clergy to be desirable. I am not a churchgoer, except when someone has a funeral. My post college employments as a navy officer and later as an engineer did not lend themselves to regular church attendance at any one location. When I did go to a church I thought the messages to be generally shallow and not always based on the Bible. So, I quit the church scene and studied the Bible, read what I could find, and prayed a whole lot for guidance. I do regularly, these days, read your posts and find your Biblical posts to be what I read in scripture and to be informative and educational. Thank you. Your topics are discussed at a depth that is not available in most churches. The only two other websites, that I regularly visit, are Rapture Ready and the Omega Letter that I would also say that about. On the TV, I only, on occasion, watch Dr. Stanley, as I cannot usually stand to watch most televangelists (Joel makes my skin crawl).
I have come to the conclusion that it is not the respect of any one on this planet that matters. God has given each of us our own assignments and expects us to follow his guidance. I have reached several people, over the years, that would not have ever have been reached by traditional methods. As long as you are following the plan God has for you and doing his will, recognition and respect will come in due season, where it matters. Anyway, keep up the good work and thank you again.
I thoroughly enjoyed the read, glad you decided to publish. Yeah you are whining, so what, it is nice to get stuff off your chest and you at least put a humorous spin on the details.
Please keep the articles coming, you may not get appreciation from your local church but us internet folks appreciate what you do whether we always agree with you or not. Especially the ones who realize the work and expense required in keeping a website viable, that you can do so without resorting to pesky advertisements is truly a blessing : )
Thanks for the support, but I am not really seeing respect from anyone on earth and I don’t deserve any respect from the Lord. The Dangerfield line is simply a literary device to bring up some obvious points in a somewhat humorous way to those that may need to hear it. Of course, those that hear it may disagree.
Hi Don, I respect you and thank you for all the knowledge that I have gained over the years, from reading your website. I don’t comment much on what you write but, I want you to know the I appreciate you. I do not attend church at the moment because I’m recovering from a back injury please keep me in prayer. I’m so greatfull to have your website in times such as this keeps me in perspective and close to God. I will keep you, your family and ministry in my prayers. God Bless!
David V,
Thanks, I have been know to whine occasionally among friends but using a little humor does not exactly encourage them to wear ear plugs.
Hi Don,
As with all you write, I always enjoy reading,and appreciate all the hard work you put into this ministry. What you speak about is really the apostate conditions that exist in almost all churches these days. People and especially pastors just can’t be bothered to read and study their bibles. The pride and eggo of these people borders on being narcissistic.
I was reading an exchange you had with a guy named Al,and the remark he made about a pastor telling his son “we are Christian first who go to a Baptist church. Al’s response was indeed bizarre. But your final reply was that he should get involved in a local church. Are you sure that’s your final answer o_O. A pastor I know said that “pastors have a saying, church would be great,if it weren’t for the people” . These selfrighteous Pharisees, in most churches,and not just pastors,are all about thier pet program’s. You know,judge me by my works type, which then they feel entitles them to be FRUIT INSPECTORS. The biblical illiterates are always quoting their favorite verse to condemn someone,or praying about someones problem to others,OH, that’s gosiping I meant. Sooooo, Do you really want respect from those people,or those who truely appreciate what you do. For me, it just seems like too much hassle to go hear some repeat,warmed over,sermon,meet and greets where no one ever does anything to really get to know anyone,and if they do,well,don’t step out of line,or you will be the subject of next week’s sermon. Maybe I’m too cynical these days, but I’m not ready to waste time playing church.
Hi Don,
Your website is one that I keep coming back to (also Brannon Howse’s) and I love to read your articles. I consider a good sound apologetics/discernment ministry to be a great service to the body of Christ. Some people are looking for strong meat and it’s not available in a lot of churches. Keep on doing what you are doing, remembering Whom you are really serving. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
David LaVeque,
I still think there are some good local churches out there in some locations, but I understand your position. Things have degenerated even more since I made that statement to Al. That Pastor made that statement to his daughter over ten years ago. That church was and still is a beacon on a hill in Nogales Arizona. Part of that might be because they have had the same leadership for decades and many of the people that attended there were active or former missionaries in Mexico and actual converts out of the pseudo Christendom of Catholicism.
If people can not find a local Church that they feel led to attended they still can seek out Christian fellowship. After all, we Christians are the Church.
For over a year after our old church started to destroy itself we have been trying to find a good church and were not pleased with any of them. We finally went to one we know that just split and lost almost all its members but had a few good people left that we know from elsewhere. Basically we are starting from scratch and in two months we went from about 15 people in attendance to 45 last Sunday. I think this congregation has potential to be a light in the area and the Pastor has never had Bible College training or been ordained. He does teach through the Bible which is rare around here and we do have a good couple that leads the music worship and the youth. There is a prison/jail ministry out of the Church as well as other things going on so.
Yeah, there are a few things that still need to be changed that is still part of the baggage of the original church but we are working on trying to get that changed. One can do that in a church that has a new beginning and have people that are Bible centered, but it is almost impossible where the membership is entrenched in traditions of men. You might look into that possibility in your own area.
Dear Don,
I thank God for the internet ministries like yours.
I have loved prophecy almost from day one of my salvation .
I know I won’t hear about those scriptures in a church,or almost
never.You just set your face like a flint and keep doing what God has
called you to do!
First of all, I LOL a few times while reading this, Ha!
Secondly, I think we are in an era of transition, and most folks don’t realize it yet. Transition from our local assemblies meeting our needs to being able to meet our needs ourselves through the plethora of resources online. People who poo-poo that, just don’t realize they are behind the times. Add to that, it is hard to find good teaching churches, so people like me really appreciate your blog, as this is one site where I come for real learning. The fact that your bologna meter is zero is why I trust the site. Thanks Don!
Don – I look forward to reading your articles and check my RSS feeder every day hoping you have a new post. Thanks for all the hard work!
Don, is it time for a virtual group hug in this cyberspace world of ours? Seriously though, you are one of the few people on a website that I actually give any credence to anymore, ever since Grant Jeffery, Jack Kinsilla, David Wilkerson, Dave Hunt, and a few others have gone home. Keep it up PLEASE!
Hi Don, You are doing an amazing job. I hadn’t imagined what it took to keep a website up.
When I found your website I was looking for a deeper insight into the bible. I was tired of the Sunday sermons for 5th graders. I got more than I was expecting.
On a much smaller scale than the one you experience I can relate to the lack of appreciation. A few years ago the pastor of the church I went to then told us to do whatever we could do. I can write so I prayed about it for two months then I spent two more months collecting information. I wrote a short article/petition against abortion and asked the church to sign it. I sent a copy to our two Texas senators and a congressman. The next Sunday the pastor gave honorable mention to a lady’s cherry cheesecake, but said not a word about my petition. It’s kind of funny now, but I felt indignant about it at the time. Not that I wrote it for my own honor, but that cherry cheesecake was more memorable.
So we notice that you, Don, are hard at work on our behalf. Thank you.
Hello Don,
Firstly, thank you for this Ministry. I have learnt so much from your posts and Bible knowledge, and you are a leader in “cyber church”. To be blunt, at times I have learnt more and felt up-lifted by the posts on this website, than I have in all too many boring Sunday services in the past.
I knew there was some work involved in maintaining a website & blog. But until now, I did know how much was required.
Thank Don.
Don, the job of internet ministry and the job of a local pastor are very different. You are not on the ground in a local community to ..pastor them. counsel them, lead them in worship, etc.Your job is to reach anyone anywhere who needs to hear the Word of God especially those who are attracted to your real world discussions.
You yourself counseled me personally to find a local church.I did so..after asking several pastors LOTS of questions…they didn;t like that either. I did find out what passes as Christian ministry is a whole different beast these days.
If you ask people to join a local church, and ask them to study the Word, and ask them to question and pay attention to what is happening all around are so biblically sound on all of this teaching…you should be embraced as an outreach for Christ, a brother in arms…and yet, what I think many in the world..oh ahem the churches.. would see is a source of information outside of themselves, a portion of time “taken away” from the church, a distraction.
I am so grateful for you, personally.
I guess the only question is whether you have been in prayer and feel this is what God would have you do….for who are we to fear.. God or man? And then…carry on.
I hope the new church grows and becomes that place of worship and light you are working towards.
Don, I for one am very appreciative of all the work you put into this website. Thank you for the ministry you provide for others who are wanting more than the fluff and fairy floss that comes from so many pulpits these days.
I pray for you and your ministry and will continue to do so. Hang in there, Don, you are very much needed.
Thanks Faith and all,
I know I was called into this ministry by God. I could not even do this if He did not allow for a very early retirement from government. Not that you can call a full time ministry retirement.
Don….I too want to say thank-you for your commitment to working hard in the Kingdom.
I love your website, your attitude, the Holy Spirit inspired wisdom, your no-nonsense approach,
the deep research and thoughts expressed from hours of study. I am in agreement with 98% of
what you post. The other 2% just means its to deep for me to process right now.
My personal thoughts concerning these “last days” we’re living through are simple and why you need to put away any thoughts of quitting (if you are?)
Most of the Body of Christ is sleeping and choose not to deal with the reality of whats going on in the earth realm. Reading a site like yours is like getting hit across the face with a Holy Ghost 2 x 4. Some of us look forward to it, nor do we fear the knowledge, and some of us avoid it at all costs. Even though most of the redeemed have this “pollyana world view”
we’re still going to see those rascals taken up in the Rapture, and mouthing these words;
“I HAD NO IDEA!!!!!!”
Regards, Brother Dave
I look forward to each new post of yours. You give me much to think about and chew over. I really only read from The Prophetic Years, The Omega Letter and with J. V. McGee on a kindle app so I am slightly restricted in my own world view. I am quite happy to read and agree with yours. Our church is reduced to game night on Wednesday after supper at church and a short devotional from pastor. We are a church that watches many videos and studies books…not The Book so much tho. Still, the name of Jesus is preached and folks can hear the Gospel. I wish to encourage you in your work. It gives me much hope and increases my faith by keeping me looking up,with a thrill in my tummy and a longing in my heart that I might at any moment see His blessed face.
Hi Don,
“He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” Isaiah 53:3
Our precious Lord got no respect either. But some day, Oh some day!
Thanks for the information which tells us all the details you deal with each day. It helps to appreciate you more. I agree with all of these posts and could almost have written any of them because these are my feelings also. This is a very special group of people who look only to our Lord and His Holy Spirit to teach us through His precious Word. Your insight into the world situation bringing along biblical input is great reading and helps us to think more and more. I think we all appreciate your efforts. This is also your work and a man wants to be appreciated at his work. As you stated, God has given you this ministry and you are being faithful to the call. When I teach my ladies bible study I don’t worry about being appreciated–I only desire the Holy Spirit to teach and I guarantee I stick only to the blessed Word of God. Our rewards are not on this earth–who wants them?–but will be given by our Lord if they hold up to His refining fire! You must enjoy doing this as your attention to detail is shown and we pray God will provide continued wisdom and direction for this ministry. Thank you for all you do!
You have had my respect since I discovered your website a few years back, and am an example of how your ministry is far-reaching. The cultural church model has seemed to me to be largely a holdover from darker times, and is stifling church growth and the exercise of spiritual gifts. I have long been struggling/praying with how best to operate within the current state of affairs, but you clearly have a calling which you are answering, and which the Holy Spirit is using to edify the church in ways that “local churches” no longer understand. I laughed about your last paragraph because my wife would say the same things, but I think this is a very important/useful article, as you are effectively addressing a problem that is much larger in scope and ramifications than your personal experience. As such, it is the second time I’ve felt compelled to comment. In Christ.
I very much appreciate your ministry. Your timeline is one of the best and most reasonable I have seen. Keep up the service to the Body of Christ. Every one of us has our unique ministry gifts…this is yours!
Hi Don, I’ve been a visitor to your site for years. I echo everyone else here to say your site has been a blessing. Personally, it’s one of my favorites because there’s much less cultural Christian sugarcoating here.
It’s amazing that you’ve toughed it out so long when many sites have disappeared or have not been updated regularly.
I’ve enjoyed your articles over the years, and I too, feel your pain. I’ve only been writing weekly for 3 years now, and its been a source of great frustration and personal sacrifice (time, family and work relationships, etc) but also been where I think the Lord has led me. I never liked writing prior to being asked to write by the late Jack Kinsella. But I did it, and haven’t looked back ever since. We will never know this side of the Rapture what kind of impact we have, but in these waning moments of a free internet (free from censorship)we do what we can. God bless, and keep up the Lord’s work in reaching the masses.
Thanks Pete,
Writing did not come natural to me either. Someone with better grammar could write ten times faster than me. I still can’t spell or figure out where the comma’s go. The Lord has a sense of humor.
You have a gift and voice much needed in our nation. Jack was a treasure. Thanks for your work in helping to keep his website going. People can read your weekly articles at (Pete Garcia)
May God richly bless you for your service.
Hi Don,
Well this is the 4th time trying to reply. I wrote three lenghy replies,and lost them due to incoming calls,email,browser hiccups. Just wanted to say thanks for the advice,I will take it under advisement.
I hope you are feeling the love. “Godliness with contentment is great gain” 1Tim.6:6 “Let elders that lead well be counted worthy of double honor,especially they who labor in the word and doctrine.” 1Tim.5:17
Have a blessed weekend,
Dave L
Hi David,
I find that phones and tablets are not very user friendly for writing anything. They really need good voice to text conversion.
All the support I am getting may blow up my head with enough hot air to keep me on the cloud for awhile.
Thanks,I do have that option available,when I figure how to use it effectively maybe I won’t lose so much.
Have you read the recent post at herescope? May 27th article. It ties in to your review of Horn & Putnams books. I just got the latest ,”The supernatural worldview” by Putnam and I got all the past 8 books,pus a bunch of research material on CD. The May special,all for $32. Anyways,I wanted to know what to lookout for,hence,a little homework. That is a good review of yours,but Herescope really lets it rip! If you are interested in Putnams latest,I would be happy to mail it to you. The biggest issue I have so far is his view of tongues,and I’m generally a cessationist. I believe God still does perform miricals,but He don’t need to work thru man. Yes,prayer is needful and helpful but does not limit The Almighty. Have you writen anything on tongues?
Hi David,
I did not know they had voice to text on the Ipad’s. It least not any that are worth the effort.
I like Herescope. I just read it recently but it was before May 27th and the article you refer to was not up at the time. They did an article on a similar topic a while back. Their articles are quite long and go into a lot of detail. I look forward to reading it but probably won’t get to it until later today. I am still sleeping through Horn’s Eco-Vaticana from last year zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Horn and Putin are HyperPentecostals and think everything is one big spiritual conspiracy that will all tie together with the Alien/Antichrist and probably end in Dominion Theology.
Of course, if you read their previous books you should know that they think the Antichrist was due a couple of years ago and that we are already in the final seven years. Now they have the great tribulation (the last 3.5 years) starting or ending in 2016 if I recall correctly. I think they have some screws loose. And that becomes more apparent when you see who these guys appear with.
About the only thing I have written about tongues is that when I was a young Christian I used to speak in tongues and even interpreted what I said. It did not take long for me to figure out that I was hearing what I wanted to hear. So I stopped and never looked back.
Today I think tongues is an actual human language and not gibberish. I doupt if that actual gift has been used since the examples in Acts that showed how the same Holy Spirit was given to all nations and not just the Jews. Having said that, I don’t tell people what to do in that area. They will have to figure it out for themselves or live with it. That is my position, but if someone wants to argue they would be better off not wasting their time, it is off topic here.
Hi Don,
Not i-pad but android ,and voice to text is powered by app thru Google play store “speach to text” fsm software. Clipboard,sms,email etc.
As for the books,there is some interesting stuff if filtered correctly.That’s why I was looking at reviews and such. I had read most of the series on their website,that’s why I ordered it. I realize some of it will read like national enquirer or sun mag. Or even weekly world news π . As for the other topic,I understand. Well,it looks like I have my setting in the right place for now,and all my stuff synced finally,so take care,for now.
David L.
I thought all that stuff was called IPAD’s. Shows what I know. I agree that some of the stuff in those books is interesting but most seems to be cherry picked mystical writings and mythology, uniquely interpreted by Horn, and shoehorned to fit within Horn’s star wars eschatology. Have a nice weekend.
Greetings, Brother Don,
Your rewards are being laid up for you in heaven right beside that truck load of respect from people like me. I thank God for you and for this site.
Our own Lord went without respect and His miracles limited in His own hometown and around His family. Just keep on, Brother Don. You’re using your gifts to the Glory of God. Your doctrine is sound and your encouraging words edifying. Thank you, your sister in Christ.
Probably not that my opinion means much, but you certainly have my respect and appreciation. Any time I read a new take on End Time Prophesy this is the first place I come to. I do learn from others, but many of those just do not have the disciplined and analytical discernment you possess. I do try to think for myself when my ADD allows me to. At the right time Brannon Howse is doing some really needed expose’and the Churches; I love John McArthur but can’t understand why he uses the Koran’s end-time prophesy to confirm his Islamic Antichrist views and that seems a big disappointment. There is some new info on America in Biblical Prophesy which, howver compelling, I just keep on the back burner of my mind.
But please keep up, your excellent work. From the comments here we need and depend on you. My prayers that you continue on with your unwillingness to compromise on Biblical scriptures and incites on current events.
Don, your articles are the most accurate, informative, and biblically sound. I always look forward to your articles. Loved when you wrote more frequently but knew you could not keep up the pace and glad you slowed down. You have given many a spiritual uplift whether you realize it or not. Also love Pete Garcia and his articles on Rapture Ready, he has the same gift as you do. Straight shooter, no sugar coating, and bibi ally sound & accurate. Many follow your articles Pete, I know I do.
Keep up the great work Don! I found an article of yours a few years back and didn’t catch your website name. I spent over a year trying to find your site again by typing keywords into Google until one day of searching I clicked on and here I am today. Now hardly a day goes by without me checking to see if you wrote a new article. So thanks for all you do.
This has been one of the most important websites to me in the past 6 years. I definitely respect your work and knowledge. I read everything you write. Of course, this website is not going to be popular among pastors. It deals with real life issues and IT IS DEEP. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. Most readers do respect your work, but you already know that. God bless you.
Boy did you ever nail it Don! Thanks for another good read that’s so very true!
Greetings Don,
Just wanted to also express my thankfulness for all your hard work by which you are obviously disciplining many. Some want to pick a fight but many are engaging in Gods word because of your obedience to this calling. I dont post a lot but i have been reading for a number of years now. I’ve even done some blogging of my own and it is not easy for sure. We have a good Church but i too have become increasingly frustrated as i feel the wheels spin as people are more focused on what they get from church rather than being the church. Talk about an identity crisis!
We are to be faithful in preserving the unity of the faith and to be examples of love one for another and so we press on. I pray that God will continue to lead and guide us all in this. I admit at this present time i too am struggling to know where God is wanting us to focus our time and efforts. Not for the respect or the reward but so that we can truly experience God in our lives with others who desire the same and not be weighed down by those that just seek to fill a time slot Sunday Morning.
You have my respect. π
Thanks Brother and God Bless