Don Koenig’s World Trends Forecast for 2020-2030 AD

I made my world trend projections for the 2010-2020 decade last year. It can be found on the sidebar. Now that we are in the new decade I will go out on a limb and give my world trends projections for the 2020-2030 decade. I am not a prophet. This is offered as just food for thought. You do not need to believe anything you read here. It is extremely unlikely that everything will happen as I say here. I may modify this world trends forecast as we get closer to the start of that decade as things get clearer (if I am still around). These projected world events for 2020-2030 are not necessarily in any specific chronological order.

Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2020-2030 AD.

  • I think the Rapture of true believers most likely will occur in the 2020-2030 decade if it had not already occurred in the prior decade. (The chances of the Rapture occurring in each decade look something like this to me — 2010-20=25%, 2020-2030=50%, 2030-2040=24%,  >2040 = 1%.)
  • The United States of America will be history as a nation. It went into hyperinflation in the 2010’s and there was massive civil upheavals for a whole number of reasons, and the nation broke into smaller nations. These nations eventually joined the North American Union along with other nations that came out of what is now Canada and Mexico (these two nations also broke up).
  • The military might of America was mostly spent fighting the world war of the 2010’s. What remained of the high tech weapons was given to NATO and they became the enforcement arm of the EU and UN when America was forced to get out of the world policeman role.
  • After the Third World War (It also may be called the religious wars), proselytizing of those within other religious beliefs or speaking ill of someone’s religion became outlawed by international law as being a threat to world peace. Islam was sanitized. Christianity will not be allowed to proselytize other religions or evangelize. Nor, will believers in Christ be allowed to speak about sin, hell, judgment or about a physical second coming of Jesus.
  • There will be a religions branch of the UN and it will be primarily located at the Vatican in Rome. Its main agenda will be policing religion, doing good social works, and giving lip service to those that cling to God. The Pope will be the leader and mouth-peace of world religion. By the end of that decade pantheism and polytheism will be on the rise in the world and that will cause a increasing schism to develop between the religion of Rome and the religions of the East and the spiritually self enlightened elitists. Babylon Iraq will increasingly become the world center of  all the “self”-centered religions that reject monotheism.
  • After the world war of the 2010’s, world law will supersede national laws. The World Court will be the final appeal and authority on matters of law.
  • There will be a one world currency in place during the 2020-2030 decade and there will be a big push toward implementing a worldwide commercial buy and sell system that uses long range wireless communications.
  • By the end of the decade there will be technology that will allow people to connect to the Internet from almost anywhere if they have a implanted biological receiver and transponder. It will contain a virtual web browser and will be able to connect directly to the optical and audio nerves in your brain without surgery and it will be controlled by thought commands and over-the-air communications. 🙄 (No. This conjectured futuristic system will not be the mark of the Beast at this point).
  • Japan and Korea will be encouraging old people to cut their life short before they get too feeble and become a burden on the state. Dictatorships will arise in many rapidly aging nations that will tell old people to live a healthy lifestyle and to continue to be productive to society or risk euthanasia. Lifespans may even be limited in some nations unless your one of the privileged elite. By 2030 the leaders of China will tend to see its aging men as people only good for cannon fodder.
  • China will become an even more ruthless Big Brother tyrannical society than it had been. China will also be the head of a block of nations that will control South East Asia. China will have a nuclear war against Japan and Korea by 2030. China will see millions killed in that war but Japan and Korea will lose its major cities.
  • Brazil will become a regional power and it will dominate the South American Union.
  • India will dominate south Asia and will be a major world power.
  • After the religious wars there will be peace in the Middle East until the Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 – Gog Magog war.
  • Russia will be the head of a new union of states that will include most of the Old Soviet Union nations. In the 2020’s Russia and allies will come down to the land of Israel to take a spoil but their armies will be supernaturally destroyed by the God of Israel, as it is foretold in the Bible in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.
  • After the forces of Gog are destroyed the nations of the world will be quite aware that there is a God watching over and protecting Israel. Israel will be allowed to build their third Temple but soon after it is built, and soon after the daily sacrifices are started, they will be stopped by the World Court citing violations of animal cruelty laws.
  • The EU will change its name as it morphs into the same areas of the Old Roman Empire. This new beast will include Israel, North African nations and Middle East nations. Eastern Europe will again become aligned with Russia.
  • By the end of the 2020-2030 decade a peace covenant will be signed by all the leaders of all nations in this revived Roman Empire beast. Israel will also sign the covenant and all in this regional world power will be under common law.
  • By the end of the decade two prophets that speak for the God of Israel will start preaching from Jerusalem. They will flagrantly break the anti proselytizing law and send out 144,000 Jews to preach the gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yeshua. They will possess supernatural powers and the two prophets will cause great distress to all that dare oppose their mission. They will be supernaturally protected and they will be totally untouchable in this decade.
  • At the same time there will be many others that will claim to have special supernatural powers and they will claim to be someone great. They will claim to be ascended masters, aliens from another dimension or world, or even gods. Their powers really will come from demons. They will deceive many that do not want to believe the truth as proclaimed by the Jewish witnesses. Many will be deceived and follow after them.
  • By 2030 the whole world will be under the power of a demonically controlled ruling class but there will be great divisions between them.

58 thoughts on “Don Koenig’s World Trends Forecast for 2020-2030 AD

  1. sounds pretty good i must say, but the 24% in the 2030-2040 decade is a lil fishy, id say 5% because its way to far off, i think decade 2020-2030 should be like 80%.

  2. So nothing good is going to happen between now and the return of Jesus? Well that’s pretty crappy!

  3. the psalm 83 war will happen in this decade thats for sure, aka the religious war.Most likley by 2012.

  4. Hi Guys,

    Plenty good will happen between now and the return of Jesus. Many people will get saved. Life will go on for most of the world like usual until the Rapture but life in the United States is going to get pretty crappy no matter how you look at it. That does not mean it has to be crappy for you.

    I tend to agree that the Rapture occurring in the 2020-2030 decades figures should be higher but I do not want to be presumptuous. The coming of Jesus always has been later than most premillennial students have suggested and that probably will continue to be the case. After all, Jesus said he would come when you think not. I think a 75 percent chance that Jesus will come for the Church within the next 20 years sets the proper tone. It is quite a bit more likely than not.

    I agree that World War Three (the religious wars) will happen this decade that is in my 2010-2020 world trends forecast.

    I am seeing something wrong with the comments box myself. I will have to look into it.

  5. It was the new spam plug-in. It blocks spam fine but screws up the comments box. I have removed it. It should be okay now, if not do a browser refresh.

  6. works now,and i did notice in life that everything happens later than people say, so i do understand your percentages now, and the 75% in the next 20 years looks right according with everything thats happening right now, all i’m doing is connecting the dots from the bible and the news today and it’s amazing how everything is falling into place.

  7. True Christians are not scoffers and should use this current time to prepare; The scoffers will not be ready; I am not sure exactly how to prepare, but I am not letting up in spirit;

    Right now, it’s as in the days of Noah (pre-flood, of course); When things get “crappy”, I suspect I will be able to have much more time and effectiveness to witness to adjacent neighbors, who pretty much scoff at every overture (from the left and the right);

    And to think that the majority of the people will take the mark of the beast; Even in the 1,000 year reign, there will be many who will side with the loosed (one last time) beast; I cannot even fathom that;

    I am so thankful that I (and others here) was elected (the one and true election), and will spend eternity in the ages to come;

    Remember, this is NOT *our* world – Our’s is yet to come!

    Hang on… it’s just a little while longer… yes, albeit “crappy”, but maybe we can find solace is small victories that have the angels in heaven singing.

  8. Hey don you forgot to mention the possibility of an EMP. Do you still think this is probable or not? Also I think the farther into the future we get the more the world will become like the bible says it would be in the last days. What I’m getting at is that Jesus said he would come when we don’t expect it. I think a whole lot of people will expect him more in a couple decades than in a couple years. So maybe the rapture is sooner than we think. Hopefully you follow my reasoning. One last thing. For some reason I constantly feeling that something very bad is going to happen soon. Idk what it is but how do I’m if it’s just being paranoid or if it is the Lord putting it on my heart?

  9. I have had a feeling that something bad is coming down the pike also, sometime in the next few years. Don’t have any idea what it is.

  10. Jim,

    I did not forget an EMP. It is in my 2010-2020 world trends forecast. In the 2020’s decade it will have already happened if it will happen at all. In this 2020-2030 trends forecast I say the US will cease to exist as a nation because it went into civil upheavals in the 2010’s for a whole number of possible reasons. One of those reasons could certainly be an EMP.

    The Rapture can occur anytime it always has been imminent. The taking of the faithful bride does not necessarily lead immediately to the final week of years for the Jews. Enoch was taken to heaven a half of a lifespan before the flood Judgment. The way doctrine and premillennial theology is rapidly being downplayed in most of our churches. I think that very few will even be teaching on the Rapture in a decade and even less will be ready for it.

    The astute ought to expect bad things to happen when a nation that was founded on God’s moral law and is blessed, then turns against God and the moral law that blessed them. We can no longer expect God to continue to put a hedge around America and that means Satan will ask to sift us like wheat.

    Is the Lord telling His people to prepare for difficult times ahead in America? That is what all the watchmen I know say. Just look around. The judgment of this nation is already underway.

  11. i was also thinking that the rapture might happen earlier because everybody is going to be expecting it in the 2020-2030 decade, as you said jim, it would happen when we don’t expect it.

  12. I guess I am saying that after the 2012-2019 hype and disappointment that only the premillennial diehards will be looking for the Rapture after 2020 and that is the most likely time that it will happen.

    Why would everyone expect the Rapture in the 2020-2030 decade if it is after World War III and most people in the world will be believing an age of peace on the earth has begun and Christiandom will be increasing believing that any paradise on earth will come through the good will of all people?

  13. well i do agree on that, the 2012-2019 hype will obviously be a disappointment just like the past, and yes after ww3 people are probably not going to expect the rapture because peace has finally arrived. hmm i never thought of it this way, thanx for clearing it up for me .

  14. There is already a big move away from Premillennial and Dispensational Theology even among the evangelical churches that once had such views. That trend will continue and that is why there will be fewer and fewer expecting any Rapture. Those that believe that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in any literal sense on earth are really a very small minority of those that identify with Christianity.

    A word to the wise can be found in what Jesus said to the church at Sardis in Rev 3:3.

    “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.”

  15. i was also amazed to hear what the catholic church said recently about how jews should not use their bible to claim the holy land, and it just shows me that the scoffers have come to the full, it just keeps getting worse each year and now i can imagine what you said above that most people are not even gonna belive in the rapture anymore, i mean the church is getting involved now????wow

  16. Another thing I was thinking about is that the elite that put Obama in power will not want him out of office. They finally got their perfect man in the white house and I cannot see them just letting him be voted out in 2012. Also I have found obama statements about his civilian security force frightening. I just wish people would wake up and realize we are in danger and if we do not stand up we will end up without a country. I tell people this and most think I’m crazy. We are going to end up a 3rd workd nstion or in civil war if we don’t stop the liberal and globalist agenda

  17. Having read all of your comments/ thank you for “including me in the discussion”.
    I understand your comments. We live in the Midwest and husband and myself are watching a deteriortion in the society. As far as Jim’s comment: /////Another thing I was thinking about is that the elite that put Obama in power will not want him out of office./////
    There are a lot of people in our Midwest area that wear Obama t-shirts, jackets, caps, etc. If you warned them about upcoming events there are many people who would try to tell you that you were “daffy”.

  18. Obama would get 35 percent of the vote even if he claimed to be the reincarnation of Karl Marx. He will get another 5 percent through vote fraud, illegal aliens and intimidation. So he has 40 percent of the vote assured to him in 2012 no matter what he does.

    Throw in a strong third party candidate and he can’t lose. So Obama and his backers will try to split the Republicans and work for a real Tea Party.

    Expect elitist power brokers to get behind a third party candidate that they know is too far right to win to split the vote. If there is no Tea Party in 2012 the power brokers will work toward getting someone unelectable to win the Republican primary.

    Also keep in mind that Obama and Democrats are going to demonize the Republicans over the next two years when they force them to deadlock government.

    Who are people going to blame when they do not get their entitlement check on time, when government workers get furloughed or the military runs short of funds because the Defense Bill was blocked because “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was part of the defense bill? There will be many such similar tactics.

    Defeating Obama is going to be harder than people think. Marxists and their cousins have worked their whole life to bring America down so they can have fascist socialist government controlling the world. Now they have a groomed Marxist in office. They know He will carry out the elitist agenda. If somehow Obama really screws up and losses his base of support Hillary is in the wings to save the day.

    You can only have a free nation if people in it are willing to do whatever it takes to keep it. That really is yet to be determined. But, considering the apostasy and immorality it probably is already a lost cause for about half the states.

  19. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; This is, continues to be, shall ever be, and always has been; We genuine articles (true Saints) are the light and salt of the world, so we are always “riding in the front”, behind the double edged sword of the tongue of the Lord;

    Put on your “helmet of salvation!”

  20. If he does win again in 2012 what about 2016? Would the elite in power just let him go away into obscurity? It seems like if they have their perfect person in power they will try to keep him there. Or maybe by then obama and his cronies will have done so much damage and put everything in place that it won’t matter who we elect.

  21. If Obama has another term the states that remain in the union will be under socialist tyranny before 2016. Like I said in my 2010-2020 world trends article, I think the United States will break up into several smaller nation states during that period.

    People like Chuck Baldwin are now relocating to very conservative areas of the nation for a reason. By, 2013 it could be too late to even move out of state without a government permit.

    All it will take is one more election and one more Supreme Court Judge appointed by Obama and then the people of the heartland will understand that the US Constitution is as good as dead. The only remedy will be divorce or revolution.

    Even if the leadership flips to Far Right conservatives there will be civil upheaval from the dependent class living in the cites of the liberal states. So there still will have to be a divorce among the states in the union.

    The bottom line is that a house or a nation divide cannot stand.

  22. Living in my little hole, dirt and mud and my cold, scared wife,
    there is no going back. The great-grandkid, before he wandered off, wanted to know what it was like.

    “It was great,” I remembered. “It was the greatest country ever.”

  23. When I was 5 years old we had no food in our house, yes, my mother let her 5 year old carry a sharp knife. But God knowing that this was going to happen caused asparagus to grow along the irrigation ditches in great abundance, the asparagus returned every day. God also caused our neighbor’s cow to give an over abundance of milk and also caused the woman on that farm to bake to much bread for her family to eat. So we had milk, bread and asparagus to eat and I remember it as being very tasty. That has been over 50 years ago, has God changed in the last 50 years?

    I was taught from early on to put my whole trust in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and today in spite of all that is going on that is where my trust is, still. I have work that has been assigned to me, everything else is a distraction from Satan.

    Proverbs 3:5 Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding.

  24. Hi Don,

    I do enjoy your site and your provocative posts. This current one broaches a fascinating subject. With all the boiling unrest, I feel this country is reaching a tipping point. My guess is if Obama attempts to chip away just a little more at the 2nd amendment, we will begin seeing a replay of 1861. It is interesting that Chuck Baldwin chose Montana. There seems to be other states better suited to riding out the next revolution. Texas comes to mind, and even little New Hampshire, with its strong Libertarian leaning and the Free State Project selecting it as its future home.

    A couple of years ago a Russian professor/ex-KGB agent predicted the breaking apart of the US of A.

    He put together a colorful diagram of how the fracturing might pay out, and although I think the way he envisions the new “states” lining up is unrealistic — I mean Texas becoming part of Mexico? Really? — his theory has merit. You yourself have probably pondered which states would split and which would remain feeding at the government trough. Have you drawn any conclusions? Where do you think your own state of Missouri would end up?

    Thanks again for a thought-provoking site.

  25. My question or thought is that, what if all of these things start to unfold before the rapture? I mean, many people suffered through the great depression and then the horrors of WWII. Might we all have to venture through some of the terrible things to come? Now I know we will be kept from the hour of temptation, but I often wonder how much we will actually miss out on. Personally I believe we will escape the extremes, but maybe not some of the very hard times that are undoubtedly comming. I too feel like almost all is lost for our once great country. I honestly dont know who to believe anymore in politics. If Obama is not impeached before 2012, then he may be here for quite some time. It truly is amazing how all these things seem to be coming together. Also, I just saw where Indonesia was hit with another Tsunami, although not as catastrophic as the one in 2004. I believe some volcanos were triggered as well..After Haiti’s quake, now this one, It seems as if they are occurring more and more frequently like Jesus said. Don do you have any comments on Earthquakes? Maybe im reading too much into them? Thanks

  26. The fall of the United States probably will take place before the Rapture. I also assume that all I said in my 2010-2020 trends forecast will take place before the Rapture. Christians are not exempt from troubles and wars we are only exempt from the Wrath of God.

    I do not think the number of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions mean much. It is not significantly different than in past history. There just are more people on the earth today. When the real birth pains comes they will come suddenly all over the world and will probably be due to some external force interacting with the earth. Much like in times of the Exodus.

  27. it truly disgusts me how corrupt this country has became, anywhere you turn all they try to do is taking your money away. The wall street is filled with evil and corrupted politicions. And there is obviously no recovery, we are being told lies all the time, there is no hope for this country anymore and i cant wait to leave this corrupted world so god can put his wrath on the devil possessed people.

  28. I feel like I should be stocking up on food and supplies that will last a few months. I just have that feeling that is what I should do. Only problem is the money to buy everything.

  29. I am writing an article on that right now. I don’t think I will get it done for a few days. It is not going to cost much to be prepared. I will explain that in my article.

  30. i always hear about stocking up on food and supplies and that the shelves will be empty soon but i just don’t belive that its going to happen, iv been hearing this for a while now and its hard to imagine that a disaster of food shortages could occur soon, i just dont see it happening

  31. I don’t know why you do not think it will happen. It happens before every major snowstorm. There are worse things coming upon America than snowstorms. Even Homeland Security says to have a few months of food and water on hand.

    If you want to imagine some disasters that could make this a reality read my Imminent Danger Series. By the way, I left out a cyber attack and some other things because the US would survive it as a world power.

  32. Don,

    I was wondering about something… My question is a pre-rapture question, of course… I do worry about Nazi-style human atrocities being committed / perpetrated by the Obama-elistists, particularly against true-saint Christians; I know the prophecy of the Harlot getting drunk on the blood of the saints, but I had been under the impression that was post rapture;

    Of course, the Harlot is not necessarily Obama-elitist, but, well, the Harlot; But the Harlot certainly could influence or encourage the Obama-elitists to commit human atrocities on the level of Nazi; Think even SS and even human disappearances;

    Again, if fascism comes to my door, I think it will come down to “live free or die”; But, I tend to think that, pre-rapture, things wouldn’t get to that level of barbarism;

    Your thoughts?

    As for food stockpile, I have a ways to go (just getting started); I hope we have a couple years to prepare, in a slowly but steady manner, but who’s to say?

  33. The final apex of the Harlot is post Rapture but she has been around since the days of Babylon. The Harlot is world religion under the control of Satan. The Harlot was last displayed in the Catholic Church and now is most recognizable as Islam. I think the culmination of the Woman that rides the Beast will be a pluralist religious system headed by the UN with the ruling religious leaders at the Vatican.

    After the religious wars between the pseudo Christian West and Islam the Great Harlot will not be tolerant of those who claim any exclusive way to God. Thus, for the sake of world peace she will persecute those that will not compromise.

    When the Antichrist arises he turns against the Harlot. I believe he will be backed by a counterrevolution that will come from the Polytheism and Pantheism of the Eastern and New Age types where man is said to be God or can evolve to be like God. He of course will claim to have become God.

    All this will come from a great delusion that Satan and his angels will bring on the world when they are cast unto the earth. This is where New Age, paganism, ancient mysticism and Ufology will converge to bring the great delusion for all those that did not want to believe the truth as was taught by the two witnesses of Revelation.

    There could be persecution of true Christians before the Rapture if the fifth seal is not within the final seven years for the Jews. I tend to think it is not, and that the final seven years starts with the sealing of the 144,000 Israelis. God sends His prophets before judgment. Having said that, I do not expect any earnest Christian persecution in the West by the West to take place before after the religious wars, When people are convinced that those that hold certain Eschatologies and religious beliefs threaten world peace.

    You will not need as much food stockpiles as you think to survive until the Rapture. Stay tuned for my next post where I will explain that.

  34. He was dropped off for a job interview with Planned Parenthood. Forgot to put that in. Anyway, this is not for your blog but for you…

  35. Hi John,

    I guess it it worth telling everyone that my email address is on the homepage of this website This blog is just a subdirectory of my website but my email can be found on it under “blog author” on the top bar and also on the first item of the sidebar.

    Nothing surprises me anymore about our “Christian” leaders.

  36. @ Don, Would you consider the possibility that the antichrist and the ten horns are 10 middle eastern leaders that will despise Mystery Babylon, in order for them to pave way for the worship of the antichrist as “Allah” incarnate? What if they nuke the Vatican?

    That might fulfill Revelation 17-18. Give me your thoughts. Thanks.

    P.S Do you think Saint Malachy’s prophecy is true? IS the next pope really the last one?

  37. Nash,

    No, The Antichrist is not going to push Islam for the reasons I have already said about a hundred times on this blog.

    I give you my thoughts on Revelation 17 and 18 in my Revelation commentary

    As for St. Malachi, even the Vatican does not believe the prophecy literally means the next Pope will be the last pope. They think there are probably gaps in the sequence.

    The next pope either will be the last Pope or there will be another one following him. I do not put weight on personal prophecies about the future. I probably have read most prophecies predicated and that are in print since the Canon, and I can find none that have been correct unless they were so general that anyone would have a good chance of being right. For example, I predict the Pope will die within 10 years and I have better than a 90 percent chance of being right. That does not make me a prophet.

    In these old private prophecies mostly you’re just reading someones biased interpretation of what the person said anyway. Some Malachi followers cannot even agree if this Pope would be the last in the sequence or if it will be the next Pope.

  38. 2030 holds something very significant-I do not know just what at this juncture, but something big for certain.
    I have the gift of prophetic dreaming and have received several such dreams in the last 6 months or so, one involving the year 2030. Recently I dreamed of life immediately following full martial law being activated, with many people homeless and wandereing around, trying to figure out what to do. I myself was taking care of a friend of mine who is somewhat older than me and much frailer. As we were taking a break, her sitting with me standing next to her, guarding and protecting her, I noticed a huge herd of animals of all kinds, all moving together peacefully and in agreement with each other. To all around me who would listen I said, “Let’s follow the animals; they know where they’re going.”
    There is a major exodus coming, and soon-much sooner than 2030. I believe that this is a time for Christians to break away from the world and gather together in physical as well as spiritual strength and faith, knowing that God will lead us in the way that we should go. May we meet on the road ahead!!!

  39. “Let’s follow the animals; they know where they’re going.”

    Sorry, I find all such claims of mystical gifts to be totally unreliable so were not going down that road on this site. That does not mean that 2030 could not be a significant year.

  40. Rev Grace, It is at this time I feel it necessary to voice, along with Don, a certain amount of skepticism of modern day “prophetic gifts”.

    Hebrews one, tells me that “in time past” God spoke to us by prophets, but in these last days has spoken to us “by His Son”. So, unless you can show evidence of prior prophecies being proven out, I must remain skeptical.

  41. Rev.Grace Rose,

    You commented here claiming a prophetic gift that gives you visions of the future. My very long experience with all contemporary people that have made such claims is that they are not getting visions from God. Obviously if you are not getting these things from God you are into a form of mysticism.

    This post is not about what you think of my views on “prophetic gifts”. I already make it clear that we are not going down that road here.

    Obviously you never read my commenting policy or you would never even have posted your first post. The last three of your posts violated many more of the commenting rules. Therefore, I will delete the last three comments made by Grace Rose and there will be no further diversion down this road.

  42. World trend projection has nothing to do with Christianity-it is nothing more than a mathematical and statistically based system of future socio-political future predictions. Google World trend projections and check it out for yourself.

  43. I agree that world trends projections has nothing to do with the Christian salvation message. Nevertheless, Christians should not be ignorant, we should be aware of world trends. Christian missionary efforts need to be aware of some world trends. Those that are looking for the Lord to return should be aware of world trends.

  44. So how does your remote viewing training fit in with your [alleged] Christian walk? Seems to me that it-as well as the world trend projections (ie, predictions) are incompatible with Christianity

  45. Delta,

    That’s really pretty funny. In my information about myself I said that I have a Degree in Geography with a minor in “remote sensing” not “remote viewing”. Let me clarify to those who do not know the difference. Remote sensing in my training is the study of the physical earth from remote platforms. Like through the use of various electromagnetic radiation sensors on satellites and aircraft. What has become known as “Remote viewing” is tapping into the collective consciousness. It is the occult.

    This is the B.S. degree that I have from NAU. I see that they have not changed it much. Notice the minor in “Remote Sensing”

    My world trends projections are nothing more than my own views of where observable world trends are taking us in the light of what I know about the world and the Bible.

  46. And all this time I thought you (Don) were remote viewing planet earth from another galaxy and sending us this blog information with the power of your thoughts : )

  47. My bad; however, let me state here that I do not believe an error in a person’s reading/understanding is grounds for ridicule…I suppose neither of you have ever made an honest mistake, right?

  48. Look Delta, if you are talking about the dream vision of “Rose Grace” nobody ridiculed her. All I said was “I find all such claims of mystical gifts to be totally unreliable” and I do. That is not ridicule nor is the science of remote Sensing the occult practice of remote viewing like you implied. Seems to me like you were assigned the task of trying to ridicule me with your false insinuations. So what is your relationship with “Rose Grace”?

    Never mind I know. Your internet address tells me you are one and the same person.

  49. I once had an encounter with the husband of a “Rose Grace.” His wife had visions of rivers of oil beneath their property and wanted my employer to drill there. The skeptic geologists advised otherwise. Another company took the bait and drilled a duster.

  50. Jay Dee,

    Are you asking that question because you think I live there or that you know that I once lived there for two years? I now live about 200 miles Southeast of Kansas City.

  51. It’s 9/9/14 and ISIS is on the move. Lots has happened in the last year. More wars are coming and the economy is as real as the Federal Reserve is a Federal entity. For about 25 years now I have thought the Rapture would come 2025ish. I also would like to think the 2+2+2+1 (1000 years parallel is a good one)

    Also, I was not sure where to post this, Don. Enjoy!
    Birth of Israel was prophesied to the day (Grant Jeffrey show notes pasted)
    May 15th, 1948 – accepted by United Nations
    Ez.37 – valley of Dry Bones – Israel predicted a nation 25 centuries earlier
    Is. 66:8
    8 Who has ever seen anything as strange as this?
    Who ever heard of such a thing?
    Has a nation ever been born in a single day?
    Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?
    But by the time Jerusalem’s[a] birth pains begin,
    her children will be born.
    Jer. 25:11
    Ezra 1:1-3
    Jews freed exactly 70 years after taken into captivity to Babylon and 95% of Jews stayed in Babylon after being released (book of Ezra)
    When Romans scattered Israelis in AD 70 (3rd captivity) , they scattered to 70+ nations and never came back.
    Ezekiel laid on his side Ez:4:3-6
    430 days equal 430 years
    Leviticus 26 – gives a principle (430 years of captivity)
    In 536B.C. Cyrus releases the Jews
    430yrs promised captivity – 70yrs of Babylonian captivity equals 360 years left of captivity
    Most of the jews decided to stay and only ~42,000 according to the book of Nehemiah and Ezra decided to return to Israel (~95% decided to stay and there have been some there to this day) and became a group of about 10 million people until the romans scattered them among ~70 nations
    When Romans scattered Israelis in AD 70 (3rd captivity) , they scattered to 70+ nations and never came back.
    Ezekiel laid on his left side Ez:4:3-6
    Ezekiel 4:3-6
    New Living Translation (NLT)
    3 Then take an iron griddle and place it between you and the city. Turn toward the city and demonstrate how harsh the siege will be against Jerusalem. This will be a warning to the people of Israel.
    4 “Now lie on your left side and place the sins of Israel on yourself. You are to bear their sins for the number of days you lie there on your side. 5 I am requiring you to bear Israel’s sins for 390 days—one day for each year of their sin. 6 After that, turn over and lie on your right side for 40 days—one day for each year of Judah’s sin.
    And for 2000 years they were lost among the nations from 536B.C.
    And 360 years later they did not keep the condition so they had those years multiplied by 7 for 2,520 bible years of captivity (began in 536B.C.)
    Each bible year is 360 days (the flood had days of 30 days each month) and encyclopedia britannica gives historic record of this
    So converting 2,520 bible years * 360 days from 536B.C. Babylonian captivity is exactly May 15, 1948.
    Not one of 26 Bible commentaries noted it in Grant’s library and he may have been the first to find it.
    We have to subtract 1 year because there is only one year between any date in 1B.C. and 1A.D.
    When precisely did Israel become a nation? May 14th or 15th?
    Both are recorded as right. The Conessa, Israel’s self-proclaimed parliament announced it on the 14th but officially became a nation by the at one minute after midnight into May 15.
    Other religious books fail by not stating precise prophecy which proves the One and only true God emerges.

    Ezekiel prophesied the rebirth of Israel to the very day! (May 15, 1948, 25 centuries before it actually happened)
    Grant Jeffrey had 20+ commentaries and none found what God showed to him a few years ago about the prophet Ezekiel getting the date right to the VERY DAY of Israel’s rebirth!
    No other religious book including the Quran has accurate prophecies as the Bible has 100% of the time. God’s prophetic track record is PERFECT!
    Rebuilding of the Temple for the antichrist
    a trigger event to rebuild the temple speculated just north of the Muslim Dome of the Rock so the antichrist can go in and play God for a moment in time, then all hell breaks loose literally

  52. Stan,

    I used to believe a lot of Jeffrey’s timelines over twenty years ago. In his book, he speculated that the tribulation would start in the early 90’s and the Lord would return in 2000. I have some of Jeffrey’s calculations in my projection table article that gives such timelines about end time events.

    Most of the dates that Jeffrey speculated about in his book turned out to be I wrong, but the rebirth of the state of Israel might be correct, if Jeffery actually used the correct start dates and if a 360 day year can be used for the entire timeline from the Babylon captivity until the 1948 establishment of the state.

    Anyway, the book where he has this stuff was “Armageddon Appointment with Destiny” first published in 1988.

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