Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet. They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.
- The United States and the world will not recover from the economic downturn, other shoes will drop and unemployment will stay high right into the next world war.
- There will be a world war early in this decade and there will be civil war in many places. The World War could start with an attack on Iran but will also likely contain the Psalm 83 war. This war against radical Islam could also start over Pakistan. No matter how the war starts, at the peak of the war it will cover much of Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Radical Islam will be defeated but it will be a very costly and bloody war. I think a Marian deception will be used to end the war and unite world religions.
- India will take back Pakistan and whole cites could be lost to nuclear exchanges between the two.
- There will be national drafts to fight the world war. The volunteer army concept will be dead.
- The whole world monetary system will have to be scrapped, the most advanced nations will be technically bankrupted because of debt. A new world monetary system will be set up. Most people will lose their investments.
- The word democracy may still be used but within a few years true democracies or republics will no longer exist.
- The Supreme Court of the U.S. will turn liberal and the Constitution will only mean what liberals want it to mean.
- The world will embrace the “third way” but the “third way” really is liberal fascism.
- After the world war against radical Islam a religious harlot will be given authorization to oversee all world religion. This religious harlot will claim to be the Universal World Church and have a many paths lead to God attitude. She will be tolerant and inclusive as long as others recognize that the Vatican harlot is the final religious authority speaking for God on earth. The harlot will advise the emerging world government on all religious issues.
- After the war, all fundamental religion that teach exclusive paths to God will be outlawed and those who promote it will be seen as a threat to world peace. The religious harlot will persecute all that will not submit to her authority on earth. Religious holy books will be sanitized and passages that might offend others will be taken out or changed.
- By the end of the decade, religious teaching on the airwaves and Internet will be controlled. You will have to subscribe to receive any religious teachings. Proselytizing will not be allowed in most of the world.
- Many liberal post-modern Protestant churches will continue down the road of apostasy and join with the harlot.
- The true Church of Jesus Christ will have to go underground in most areas of the world and she will be at great risk.
- A nuclear EMP is very possible over the United States during the next decade and if it should happen it would bring massive civil unrest, riots, and martial law.
- We can expect at least one natural pandemic in the world in the next decade but the real danger next decade will be from man made viruses. There will also be famine because of the world war.
- There will be successful terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction until after the world war against fundamentalist Islam.
- Due to the growing differences between liberals and conservatives, certain states in the United States will secede and there might even be a civil war. There certainly will be conflicts in areas where police attempt to take away peoples guns. I think the nation will break up into several separate nation states based on ideology but the separate nations will continue to have open borders and reciprocal agreements.
- By the end of the decade, all nation states in North America will join a new North American Union or face total isolation.
- Western Europe will emerge out of the world war against radical Islam as a western superpower. This will be a new union of nations, it will not include all the same nations as are in the EU today. The new union will be more on the boundary lines of the old Roman Empire and the recently proposed Mediterranean Union. This revised Roman empire will then set up 10 zones and appoint ten leaders.
- China, India, and Japan will be well on their way to becoming nuclear superpowers by the end of the decade.
- North Korea’s military will be obliterated and South Korea or China will take over North Korea.
- Russia will dominate East Europe and Northern Asia and form a block of nations almost on the same lines as the old USSR. Iran will make a defense agreement with the restored Russian superpower after the world war.
- Israel and most Arab ethnic areas will join the European Union/Mediterranean Union after the war. This will bring a short time of peace to the Middle East that will last until the Gog Magog war (Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39).
- Iraq will escape most of the world war and even profit from it. The rebuilding of Babylon in Iraq will become a major priority after the war.
- Most of Africa will come under the control of the African Union of States.
- There will be a South American Union of States.
- Anything you say or write that is not politically correct and that offends someone else will subject you to hate speech laws and civil suits.
- There will be total surveillance of all electronic communications. The Internet will be policed, monitored, and filtered. Talk radio and websites will have to be politically correct or they will be shut down.
- All main streets in cities will be under video surveillance. Geographical locations of homes and the names and identification numbers of occupants will be just two of the many layers on a massive Geographic Information System (GIS) database that will be accessible to all government and law enforcement.
- Unlimited high speed Internet and communications will become available worldwide through some new technology.
- By the end of the decade, all new computers will understand human speech and be able to translate anything you say into any language audibly. Powerful miniaturized computers will be taken with you everywhere and have continual access to the Internet anywhere.
- Homeschooling will be outlawed in liberal states. Children will only be taught state approved programs. Parents that are not politically correct will be reported by their own children and parents will lose their children if they persist.
- In liberal states all sorts of sex perversions will be called normal and protected. Addicting drugs will be taxed and legalized and addicts will be released from prison.
- There will be national health care but your access to certain health care will have to be pre-approved by bureaucrats following government guidelines.
- If liberals remain in control, energy prices will triple. Burning of firewood without obtaining an expensive permit will not be allowed. It will be enforced by sky police and by rewarding finks.
- There will be food and gas rationing for most of the decade. Fuel will be very expensive and travel will be restricted.
- Foods that Nanny Health Care says is unhealthy will be almost taxed out of existence. Obese people will be forced to lose weight or lose access to affordable health care. If children become obese, parents may even get charged with child abuse.
- Meat will be taxed at various levels of production and become very expensive.
- Refined sugar will be heavily taxed to help pay for health care.
- Assisted suicide will be encouraged for terminal patients.
- Government will tax 90 percent of income over a certain level.
- Taxes will take over half of the pay of professional productive people to pay for massive government programs.
- by the end of next decade, the standard of living in the United States will be no better and may be worse than most of the rest of the developed world.
- In spite of what some are now teaching, the Lord will not physically return to earth during this decade but the Rapture could occur (or it may not).
Postscript Author’s note* Much of this did not happen during the decade because there was no world war. I think most of it probably will still happen in the 2020’s
Don, though you prefaced this by stating it will not be worse than the time of Jacob’s trouble, it certainly looks like it was taken straight out of the Book of Revelation. May our Lord deliver us who love Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Thank you for this post.
Bummer! What, as a business owner, (one that serves potentially deadly anti-Nanny cuisine) should I expect? We are actually expanding, but I only really care about keeping and sustaining my own family. Do you really think the decline will be so soon? I personally think it will be 2018-2025, and that the church WILL be here, but that’s just my two cents. How can we as Christians NOT preach doom and gloom, but still spread the Truth?
Heather, maybe it looks somewhat like the four horsemen of Revelation but I do not think the horsemen of Revelation are in the time of Jacob’s trouble or even in the last seven years. The world war that is coming next decade may be part of the beginning of sorrows that Jesus mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 but Jesus also clearly said the end is not yet and then went on to describe a time of persecution and deception. I have not even mentioned the Gog war of Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 because I think that does not take place until the following decade and I think this war is also before Jacob’s trouble.
I think the things that happen next decade will bring about a world government and the rise of the religious harlot described in Revelation chapter 17 but the Beast/Antichrist still cannot come into power until Satan is cast down unto the earth and the restrainer removed. There could be more than a decade from the setting up of a world government, world economic system and world religious system and the Antichrist figure coming into power on the back of these systems.
I think that you are right in your assessment, Don. We are watching it all unfold. I agree that it will get so much worse. We are seeing it line up perfectly with scripture. It is an amazing time to be alive.
Brian, Christians need to be realists and tell people the truth about where the world is heading. It is our message of salvation in the doom and gloom of a fallen world that gives people the truth and the only real hope.
People have a short memory there has never been much peace on the earth. My question to you is why would the decline I mention NOT happen so soon? Does anyone think that we are actually winning the war against Islamic fundamentalism and that the Iranians, Pakistanis, Palestinians and Saudi nut bags are going to put down their weapons and have peace with Israel, the West and India? Does anyone think that going further in debt is going to solve the world financial collapse caused by too much debt? Does any true Christian think the West and America is not in great moral decline? After what took place in just 100 days of Obama and the Liberal Congress it is obvious what they will pass in the remainder of Obama’s reign unless there is a revolution. Just wait until the liberals get control of the Supreme Court.
The Nanny liberals think we are expanding too fast in many ways and they intend to stop it by passing a law to sow the lips of all fat conservatives together. 😆
Well the things that you are prediction may well come to pass. But many Americans do not see it that way they think that “the best days of America is yet to come”
I do think that many Americans including Christians live in a world of fantasy. They think everything is going to be ok but when reality hits them hard I believe many of them will commit suicide or get on drugs.
I also see in the near future that the divorce rate will go up around 70-85 percent. There is not many teenagers know how to build relationships in these days and many of them sleep around. I think what you see from the black population you will see from the White and Hispanic populations.
Suicide rates will dramatically increase and more people will be on drugs and alcohol to get them out of reality.
Thinking about this it is going to be dangerous traveling on the roads because of this.
Paul Proctor wrote a article yesterday warning the Christians of what is about to come (which you may have already read)
I did link this blog post on my facebook page but I do not know if my facebook friends are reading this or not though.
Keep up the good work!
For some reason in this modern world people think it is going to be better in their lives than it has been for all other people of the world for the past six thousand years. As if human nature has now suddenly changed for the better? People forget or they are not taught that even the United States has had a major war in just about every decade in the last hundred years. Next decade will also see war. Even in normal times (if there are normal times) The world also experiences an economic collapse about every century as well as a very deadly pandemic. The next twenty or thirty years will be end times not normal times.
I read Paul Proctors article on the “hard times coming” earlier today, it is well worth reading.
I do not know about divorce rate going up to 70-85 percent it has been pretty steady for quite a while now and there is a reason for that. Many people are just not getting married until they went through a few prototype spouses. Half of all children in the U.S. are now born out of wedlock. What percentage of people today do not shack up before they get married? It is even common with Christians. Then when they dispose of their spouses it is not divorce in the eyes of the law or the institutional churches. These people can then assume the roll of those who never married. Even much of the Church embraces these “never married” types while shunning from leadership those whose spouse divorced them. 🙄
I do not know how many of your facebook friends are viewing this post but you now can now keep tract of top 100 viewed posts over the last 30 days on the sidebar. Well actually the software has not been installed 30 days yet so the count is about a week short. This post has only been up for a couple of days. It will continue to move up the list for awhile.
Thank you for keeping us informed. Don, I keep hearing we must be ready, but what does that really really mean? At times I feel overwhelmed and that I’m just not doing enough to what I think is to be ready for me and my family. In fact I feel totally behind schedule. Thank you again for your work and insight.
Your welcomed Linda.
I wrote an article about what we need to do to prepare for what is coming.
People think that we are “progressing” these days or another way we are getting smarter but the fact is that we are getting dumber and dumber. Also I try to warn my fellow Christians that we are in the last days and us Christians are about to face some tough times. But Christians will tell me that they heard the same message back then and nothing happened. They say that preachers back then thought the End was near. I really do not know if this is true or not. I just do not know how a preacher can say the end is near when the conditions for the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars, technology for the Anti-Christ to rule the world could take place at that time. Also at that time there were many people that had respect for the Bible and the Churches were not in apostasy as many are today. These Christians will say that we cannot know the day or hour when Jesus is coming back so why not worrying about it. One of them told me that Jesus could come back in 3025 which I cannot see that being possible. By that time I believe Jesus will be ruling on earth. Could you Explain why these Christians think like this and Also did preachers really thought the end was near at that time? If so why?
Well the divorce rate might not go that high due to people not getting married. shacking up will be the “new norm”
But these relationships people will be involved in will be like hell I believe. I think there will be alot of abuse, possible murders, and suicide happening in these relationships.
Many churches today let wolves run around spewing their BS instead of kicking the heretics out of the church.
We just live in a insane world that’s all.
Actually the Soviet Union did have the military capabilities to fulfill Ezekiel chapter 38 in the 1980’s and the war of Psalm 83 was thought to be in the tribulation period. As for the mark of the Beast, people though it was a tattoo or bar code. The falling away was also happening back then in the mainline denominations, it was just a matter of degree.
Mainly certain teachers believed the second coming would occur in the 80’s or the year 2000 because of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and their interpretation of the fig tree parable and the belief that 6000 years from Adam would start the seventh day millennium based on Bishop Ussher’s dating of time from Adam. So I guess you could say there was some rational or irrational exuberance in the past and it is still happening today for those who are now teaching 2012-2013.
Teachers that taught the end was near before the state of Israel usually had some dating formula based on some irrational day/year interpretation of Daniel.
We are very near the end times now for many reasons but the second coming is still about twenty to thirty years off in my opinion with the rapture being sometime sooner. Christians scoff at the nearness of the second coming because they believe in replacement theology, see no significance in Israel and have allegorical interpretations of Bible prophecy. Many others are ignorant of the Bible altogether and so cannot understand. Others think all Bible prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD. Still others just cannot process the signs of the times and think the world will get getting better and better and that Jesus will only come after the Church takes back the earth from Satan and makes it a paradise. It all comes down to lack of biblical discernment.
Also, You have to realize that the vast majority of “Christians” are not true Christians at all and they simply do not want to believe in any second coming of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for letting me know how they thought back then. I guess they forgot that Jesus said it will be like birth pangs. Also I guess they forgot that Babylon was supposed to be rebuilt.
It is amazing how many “Protestants” embrace the heretic St. Augustine’s teachings on how to interpret Scripture. That is where I believe why some teach that Bible prophecy is metaphorical. I think those who believe in “replacement theology” hate Israel. I just do not see how the Church think that they are better than Israel. I know one person who believe that us Christians are the “new Israel” he also does not believe that the fire in hell the Bible speaks of is not literal.
So how can I convince someone that has been taught that the End would happen in the 80s that we are in the end times and the rapture is near? I personally think that the rapture could happen around 2021-2025
You might be a bit more careful with your choice or wording. Read up on why St Augustine rejected chiliasm at some point in his life in the first place rather than dismissing all his teaching as heretical. And not all of those Presbyterians or Reformed folks who basically adhere to covenant theology argue in favor of replacement theology or downright hate the modern state of Israel either. That’s a very gross generalization and oversimplification of the issues.
I agree with nasrani replacement theology is a minority and a heresy.
To answer Justin’s question about how can he convince someone about the times we live in. Just give them a link to my website 😎
I will do just that. by the way how do get those facial expressions on ur comments?
thanks for correcting me nasrani. I will do more research on St. Augustine
Here are the standard facial expressions used in wordpress. Print it out
thanks for the link.
All I can say is what is the point? Where is the hope? I cannot see any hope in all this when there is nothing but pain, suffering, and oppression of everyone! Where is God? He seems to be absent and not caring at all. God seems to be checked out while the devil seems to be winning. Where are the miracles we read about in the Bible times? I am a true Christian but all this is getting so hopeless. Why doesn’t the Lord just come back and end all this mess? Why does it constantly have to get so bad. 2 decades before the second coming? HA! Mankind will destroy himself before that.
If you or anyone else expects your hope to be fulfilled in this world you are without hope. A Christian’s hope is in Jesus Christ. This is not our world and for two thousand years people have given their lives for hope and the promise of eternal life in Christ. The world has always had troubles and tribulations. Jesus told us that beforehand and it will continue until He comes. All Christians throughout time to this very day have died in hope.
God told you his plan in the Bible. Read the end of the book we win. For those in Christ there soon will be no more sin, sickness, sorrow, or death and eternal life. Read about the promises in the Bible for those who put their hope in Him.
In addition, there is a special blessed hope for those living in these last days because not all will die. The faithful that are here when Jesus comes for the Church will not die and that probably includes most people living in this generation. Mankind cannot destroy himself before the second coming or God would be a liar. Most Christians that lived would love to have lived in these end times.
I am wondering why you are so depressed? Nothing really bad has even happened yet. You live in the most blessed nation on the Earth where there is little persecution of Christians. Let’s keep things in proper perspective and try to keep the freedoms we have as long as we can.
Hi Don,
I am not necessarily depressed. Maybe that came across in my post. I guess I just do not see much hope in the future and then yes that is very depressing. I have a 5 year old son that I worry about. I do not want him educated in the public schools so we are struggling with how to pay for private school or do we home school.
Yes nothing bad really has happened however the signs are everywhere and its just a matter of when not if. I think its sad that we do live in the most Blessed nation but the elected officials are systematically destroying this great country with their godless ideologies. Its all written in my opinion. What we are seeing is predestined and known beforehand. I think all this will cause a great sifting of the Church. Most will be sifted out and their faith will be exposed for what it is. I honestly think that this country needs to go thru a time of great trouble so the Lord can be ultimately exalted.
You are correct that we need to put our hope in Christ. Its just sometimes hard to do that when He is so silent.
Thank you….
I don’t think all these things will happen. And it’s true, people have been saying for ages how frightening things are going to happen and yet they don’t quite happen. Remember during Clinton’s 8 years we all thought and heard how “this was it!”. I know I did. I remember constantly feeling sick on my stomach, being scared all the time. Instead of trying to better myself career-wise in my new marriage I figured what was the point – this was it! And let me tell you, that mind-set led to marriage problems. I really believe what’ll end up happening is that the United States will decend into third world status. It’ll be no better than Brazil or some South American country in 10-20 years. I think crime will go through the roof. But as a world power America will lose it not because of some horrific disaster. The brains to keep America as a super power won’t be there. Look at what the statistics show in regards to education – that in of itself spells the end. I think a lot of “skilled and degreed” Euro-Americans will move to Europe. I think a lot of “skilled and degreed” Asian and Indian Americans will move to their respective nations too. It won’t make sense to them to stay in the US due to the growing nanny-state, high taxes and class warfare where they’re not respected. So nations like China, India, Russia, Germany, etc. that are already graduating engineers will get more brains to bolster their economies. On another note: The fast-growing Hispanic (legal and illegal) population is largely nominally Christian and won’t go along with all of these godless ideas. They along with the black population played a key role in holding back gay marriage in California remember? And I don’t think wholesale persecution of Christians will be a reality in the US due to these same reasons. A bunch of angry Hispanics and rednecks which would make up most of the population won’t stand for it. Even the growing Muslim population won’t stand for many of the ideas of elite liberals when it comes down to it. The end result will be balkanization along ethnic lines, class, politics and it’ll happen with a whimper not a bang because of the dumbing down of people and the brain drain.
You make some good points. Your correct that many will not go along with the Far Left agenda but that is the very reason why there will be increasing division in this nation. Those making hate laws are not going to persecute nominal Christians nobody is suggesting that. Obama and his administration are not going to persecute themselves. However, there is a vast difference between these Pseudo Christians and true Christians that preach the Bible instead of a social gospel. You can say Hispanics are going to side with Bible believing Christians but in states with large Hispanic Catholic populations that is really not the case. It seems nominal Christians care more about getting free handouts then they do about their church teachings. The proof of that is clear because most Hispanics and almost all Blacks voted for Obama knowing that he ran on the most radical abortion agenda of anyone in the congress. They also knew he promised to repeal the defense of the marriage act and they knew he would promote homosexual perversion. So why did they vote for him? Because they care more about the things of the world then they do about the things of God and they are easily manipulated by the far Left media. Also, stop calling the religious right red necks. Most on the religious right are very well educated cultured people.
One more point. I am assuming that the end is very near and if that is true then we are going to see the stage set for much of what is described in end time prophecy in the next decade. Books are now flying off the shelves written by those that study Bible prophecy about why America is not in Bible prophecy. The reason that everyone is talking about the demise of America is because the astute can see America has already crossed the line. We are already more perverse than Judah before her judgment. In fact, America is already under judgment and that is why America will not be a major factor in the world by the time the Antichrist arrives on the scene.
There are quite a lot of believers in Latin America but from what I read I also get the impression that most of these illegal immigrants and Hispanics in the United States are not Andy Garcias who are anti-Communist, vote Republican and are traditional Catholics. If only they were, it would be a lot better than the White liberal “protestants” and emergent evangelicals like Rick Warren that the West has today. I have long wanted to move to the United States but quite frankly I just don’t know these days anymore. When I see how radically America is shifting to the Left and adopting the EU-type Socialist mindset, I might as well stay in Europe. And why bother going through the legal immigration process anyway? The illegals get away with invading America but people like myself who would uphold the law and be willing to fight for the U.S. would have a hard time moving to the so-called land of opportunity. Apparently those liberals prefer unpatriotic parasites because they have a colored skin tone to folks who actually believe in the original American project. I bet they’re afraid that new Americans from Europe would be too “Right-wing Extremist” !! So quite frankly, if moving to the U.S. means more of the same Liberal politically correct bullshit being imposed on me, then count me out.
Hey Don,
Are you planning on updating this list anytime soon?
Hi Justin, I think I will take some time to think about world trends again before the end of the year and then I might want to add some new things to this trends forecast list for next decade.
Of course I will not be adding anything new to the list after the new decade starts. That is now only a few months away so thanks for the reminder.
No problem. Just to let you know Obama may have the ability to cut internet service out on anybody’s computer soon
Sure, but if martial law was declared he would not even need this Bill.
You might want to read Jack Kelley’s intake on the Mayan 2012 predictions. The affects of this also includes the affects of an EMP. It looks like a good guarantee that we will be without electricity in the next decade. Here is the link to the article
Also just to let you know. There was a supposedly “Christian” event which is called “En Fuego”. I never been at one of those events but from what I read about it. The bands they bring in are pathetic. The event has a person to preach a sermon after the music is played. I do not know if the preacher preach the true Gospel or not but I do know that churches even in the Bible Belt states are not using discernment. here is the link to article.
I read the article and I said it before and I will say it again.
Those who think you can get insight on the timing of the second coming through pagan views are sorely deceived, be it Mayan, Islamic or any other dark Satanic verses.
Also most real scientists would laugh, if you even suggested they believe any of these fringe subjective theories.
Satan does not have a clue about end time events. I am not even sure he believes he will be cast out of heaven. He can do nothing until He that hinders is taken out of the way.
This will be just another theory that will go on the junk pile of eschatology and be used by sceptics to discredit those who teach Bible Prophecy and the soon coming of the Lord. Never mind, that no such concept suggested here comes from Bible prophecy.
As for En-Fuego, I know nothing about them except for the article you linked. There would be better threads than this to bring up that issue.
I totally agree with your statement “Those who think you can get insight on the timing of the second coming through pagan views are sorely deceived, be it Mayan, Islamic or any other dark Satanic verses.”
I do believe though that Satan knows the last times events like we do. I believe that Satan knows what Scripture says about the last days. I believe that Satan just thinks that he is going to win the battle.
The reason why I told you to read it was because Jack put that “They’re (scientists)predicting that in 2012 the magnetic field will be at its weakest and a polar reversal could suddenly and dramatically take place with the North pole having the polarity of the South pole and vice versa.”
My thinking on these events will increase the rate and intensity of the birth pangs.
Now I really do not know much about the “Planet X “theories Actually that was the first time I ever read such which it was last night.
I should have discussed about En-Fuego on another blog post but I decided to post with the rest of the comment I was making. En-fuego is a yearly deal in Verbena,Al where they invite a band and a speaker. I just wanted to let u know about the apostasy going on in my state.
Thank you for your input. I enjoy reading your commentaries.
When you do update this list you might want to put this down. Increase of teachers raping kids and kids raping each other. Because when you got “safe school” adviser Kevin Jennings at the helm anything perverted is permissible
I am hoping the people of America will see what this pervert stands for and demand his resignation before 2010.
I hope so too but Only God knows. Today most of America’s parents let their teens listen to music created by demented thugs and by sexual perverts. for example here is two of the songs many teens (even so-called “christian teens”) listen too such as “Birthday Sex’ or “whatever you like”.
So basically I am not sure Americans will demand his resignation or not. Most parents do not protect their kids from being brain-washed by evolutionist marxist perverts so I am not sure if they will protect their kids from this demon-possessed queer.
Justin, actually I already covered in my 2010-2020 world trends what you said I needed to add in a update. I already said, “All forms of sex perversions will be called normal and protected”.
The only real hope is a movement back to constitutional law and Christian morality. But for the nation as a whole I just do not see it happening, the country is too far gone. I do think it will happen in some heartland areas but that makes it more likely that the United States would break up next decade.
I agree Don, it’s too far gone and getting further from the Bible everyday.
A side note: I read a few message boards everyday (one on Ford trucks, the other a Honda forum) and I can say that in the last 11 years since I’ve been on the internet I have seen a progression towards hatred for Christianity in general. Even though it was Muslim extremists that torn down the WTC. This ride is going to get bumpier in the future for us.
And it looks like that we might not be able to eat cheeseburgers in the future according to this article
I know you have many articles on GW especially on your DDDBlog. But here is a article by Dr. Tim Coleman that goes into the science of the climate and how they predict future climate changes
And has the latest news on climate issues.
And you may have already heard but Lord Monckton believes that there will be a global government starting to form when this treaty gets signed in Copenhagen in this December
I know my comment is somewhat off topic but most of your GW articles are on the DDD Blog. But this next decade will shock many folks in America especially in many churches that hold the “God Bless America” view.
I read quite a bit of this and Global warming is really not off topic here.
The Global warming agenda is a real concern for next decade and beyond because it will double the price of all energy and bring serious global governance. On the economic front the carbon agenda means much higher prices for everything and loss of jobs. Right now the Global warming bill is not likely to pass the Senate this year or the next because that is an election year. But we have to watch very closely what the Obama administration attempts to do through the back door with his energy czar, executive action and the EPA.
Much of this makes sense to me. I think the world leaders will take advantage of “Islamic hate”-witness the crimes or possibility of crimes in the news lately regarding Muslims…I believe many Christians will be deceived thinking it a good thing-to find their own Bibles and witnessing causing jail time etc!
the health care bill is only the first of many controls being put in place. they are going to go after water and water supplies…as in, telling you tap is unsafe and getting everyone back to using bottled ( which will be taxed) fats, sugars etc also taxed. I believe state assisted suicide is just around the corner ( actually already in place if you believe what was documented about VA pamphlets etc)
Sex sin may increase, but just keep your own hands clean and teach your children right. Christian morality and the US govt have nothing in common, now.
Get ready now folks to grow some of your own food, find locals with livestock ( try buying into a cow share and a CSA-for your veggies)
consider getting rid of GPS, cellphones, buying an older car with no tracking device in it.
Watch for the power grab through the EPA! remember-WE don;t vote on regulations!
God allowed us to live in this time, and I have to believe we are all up to the challenge! Where sin aboundeth grace much more aboundeth. Trust in God..pray for your fellow believers, pray for the workers for the harvest. In spite of everything, the greatest revival the world has ever seen may be about to take place!
in Jesus’ Name Amen.
I will take a good look at this forecast again between Christmas and New Years and see if there is anything that needs to be added just before the arrival of this coming calamitous decade for America.
Where will the safe places to live be Don?
What about Switzerland, (especially), Austria, Germany or Czech Republic?
They’ve elected some very pro capitalism leaders and lean right and they have more freedoms in some ways then the US in terms of Christian expression. In Switzerland they have the right to bear arms and are not part of the EU and UN like most countries are. Your thoughts?
Where in the US would you recommend to go to?
Since I think the decline of the United States happens next decade and before the tribulation that comes on the whole world I will say the best places for people to live in the United States next decade will be very rural areas that are not liberal and have some resources. Alaska would be best. Big cities will not be the worst places to be.
I think Europe will be in a civil war with Islam and a foreign war with Shiite Islam next decade so that is not the place to be. Switzerland might be an exception but they will not be accepting Americans that are not very wealthy. I think the people of Austria and Germany will lead a revolution against the non natives in Europe and progressives but I also think they and Europe will become very Nazi like once again.
If you are inclined to leave the United States and have some means of income that does not depend on the United States you might think about living in one of the more stable Latin American countries or parts of Canada, New Zealand or Australia if you can get in. Although I believe these will be non violent areas don’t expect too much personal or religious freedom there either.
During the tribulation that will probably come in the 20’s or 30’s there will be no safe places to live on this earth.
Those are some insightful answers but can you elaborate on a couple of things?
1) How probable do you think some Red States like Texas will secede?
2) How and when do you think the wars in Europe will play out? And what will the new governments in Europe like in Austria for example be like?
3) If you had to invest retirement money, where would you put it?
Markus, sounds like you want a fortune teller not a trend forecaster..
1. I think there is about an 80 percent chance of the US breaking up by 2025. Red states could secede but it could go the other way as well with liberal blue states seceding if there is a counter revolution and the far right takes control of federal government. In other words, if the Tea Party revolution actually succeeds and puts the nation back under the Constitution.
2. I think there will be backlash by the natives of Europe against non native Muslims. Much like what happened to the Jews before and during World War II but it will be much more bloody and the end result will be a fascist Europe that will eventually bring in the Antichrist.
When this will all start probably depends on Iran and how the NATO war against the Taliban goes and how many more terrorist attacks take place in Europe and India. I think the world war against fundamental Islam is inevitable and it will be triggered by Islam radicals within a few years. After the war the new government in Europe and the Middle East will look like the old Roman Empire. It will be divided into ten zones and there will be ten leaders of those zones until the Antichrist arises.
3. The only safe place to put retirement wealth is In Heaven.
Just a reminder, make sure you update this list
Thanks for the reminder but I already did update that this morning.
I did add a few things and changed the wording some on other parts.
Now all you have to do is get it out to Drudge and crash my server.
Don, I personally am trying to grow more of our own food. sounds like I should get chickens too (requires excellent fencing-we have dogs) I personally will send any of your readers what seeds I can-many home grown, all heirloom no GM stuff, if they want to try.I have ideas and recipes for cheap fertilizer and non-gas powered tilling etc. Actually you don;t need my ideas-go to Harvey Ussery;s page. great guy. the Modern homestead.
Secondly-I had an odd thought…what if the Big Bad is actually a pope? Jesus is priest and king…so his greatest fake might be too? this Pope is aging…might a younger man come in next?
And lastly-“where sin aboundeth grace much more aboundeth.” Expect miracles-and perhaps a revival. the last before the harvest? don;t know. I just know that trusting God, believing in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, will make a difference, even now.
Thanks for the advise. I just started a new post on discussion for preparations after an EMP attack you might want to contribute advise there.
The Beast/Antichrist is not likely to be the Pope. The False Prophet will be the religious figure and very likely could be a Pope.
There most likely will be repentance and revival in the true Church when conditions get bad enough that people have to rely on God and other Christians rather than their wallet.
I just came across this article. I think you are about right now with everything you said. I have studied the WORD of God and go to a college that “Proves all Things”. We do not go by tradition or what the “church” tells us to follow or think but what the WORD really says.
I just want to comment that 2027 is the 40th JUBILEE and the Early Church believed that Jesus would return on a Jubilee year. If this is true than the 7 year peace treaty with begin in 2020 marking Christ’s return in 2027.
Anny, I may be right or wrong. All this is just my best guess.
Since you are obviously implying things here about denominational churches I think I need to comment on what you said.
The problem is that the college that “Proves all Things” that you attend cannot prove all things. Some interpretations of certain passages are only opinions of what the Word teaches. Tradition and what the different institutional churches tell us is often based on interpretations of the Word. So we all really need to go to the school of “Gaining Understanding”. Course 101 at that college is to learn from gifted teachers in the Body that spent their whole life in the persecute of gaining understanding of God’s Word.
You say 2027 is the 40th Jubilee. Says who? People are all over the calender on various Jubilee date setting speculations. You say the early church thought Jesus would return on a Jubilee year? What is your source? I thought you just said that you only follow what the Word really says?
Just for the record (with no implications meant for the early Church beliefs on the Jubilees), much of the early Church had some wrong doctrines and that is why Paul taught and corrected them. It got much worse after He was killed so the early Church is certainly not our infallible teacher of the Word.
Hi Don…I’m a long time reader, first time writer. I’m curious about your time frame for Jesus’ return being still a decade away at best. Many of the items you listed are happening now and it seems to me that 10+ years is awfully long for this to develop. I’m sure you read other sites and therefore know that some legitimate scholars are predicting/anticipating the rapture as early as this month (May).
I understand that the rapture is separate and earlier, but still…ten years? And then, I can’t shake the thought that the rapture itself will be the catalyst that makes this all come together. Paraphrasing Ben Franklin (I think), I think the world’s attitude will be..”if we don’t all hang together, we will surely all hang separately.” and that would ensure a one world everything. Still though…10 years?
Hi Ron,
Number ten in the top 100 viewed posts of the last year from my sidebar answers your question.
Also read my 25 articles that give much more detail why world trends indicate the second coming of Jesus in power is not feasible in this decade.
The Rapture can occur as early as the next second since it is always imminent. The Rapture is not the physical second coming of Jesus to Earth and does not have to occur just seven years before the second coming like some think. But, no matter what one believes about that, no “legitimate Bible scholar” should actually believe that they can know the timing of the Rapture.
Some of these “Bible scholars” need to study the Bible rather than putting their reliance on extra-biblical dating schemes, pagan religion concepts, and their own narrow interpretation of what Jesus was telling his disciples to learn from the “fig tree”. Here is my view on that since it will otherwise come up.
Hey there, the decade of 1936 to 1945 was pretty deadly and full of turmoil!
Grandpa Harry
It sure was and the world is starting to look even more ominous than it did back then. The next world war will see many times more deaths than did world war II.
Don, I’m not sure what topic this should posted.
There is a site(Now The End Begins) that I have been watching. It seems to be getting “flaky” over the comet Elinin. The have now posted this on the site:
OBAMA ORDERED TO DENVER AIRPORT BUNKER on same day ELENIN will align with Earth….
Sorry – it posted before I finished.
I think Elenin burned up a few days ago. I strikes me that they are knowingly pushing this fraudulently for some reason.
They do it because there are people that eat this stuff up. There are some people out there that make their living pushing end of the world space alien crap. I remember after Elinin burned up the host of one popular “Christian” site (that was making and posting very silly conjectures about this comet being the beginning of the end) said that we blew it up with our “secret space weapons”.
Even some “sounder” Christian sites jumped on the Elinin bandwagon for absolutely no sound scientific reason. I guess now most have scrubbed those articles off their sites.
This is comic book stuff. They cannot and do not offer a shred of evidence and people just keep believing them and then get sucked into the next fairy dust tall tail that comes along. As we get into 2012 you can be sure the Mayan loons will be very active on the Internet.
Thanks, Don.
I guess I can cancel my order for the special Elenin telescope blessed by Bennie with special olive oil in Israel.
Hi Don,
dont recall how I came accross your site. I think I ws looking for things that point to what Oboboo will do in his next term. I am in the U.K and so dont have much good intel from the U.S.
I read your blog ( above) and found I agree with near all of it. Some good insights there my friend, you have a good site.
However ( yep there it is ) one of your predictions is that the church, true bble believing church, will go underground.
I believe that is already underway. Over here in the U.K it is already difficult to find a good community church. they are mostly all compromised with bad teaching or plain ecumenical error and sold out to Rome.I dont doubt this will spread more accross the U.S for the next term.
Once again , Great site there aren’t that many people that call it how it is like this.. Keep up the Good work.
and to the guy who is worried about how dark it all is. Jesus said that was going to happen, he is coming real soon, keep looking upto Him. It is a bit scary but also real exciting.
i started getting an uneasy feeling back in January of 2010. I could not put my finger on why.
The wife is not really on board. While you be hard pressed to find a more faithful Christian, she has a “normalcy bias” a mile long.
This puts me in a hard spot. I know we need storage food and water. I have started raising some food and in spite of what the neighborhood association says, I’m getting 4 chickens in the spring. I’m putting in rain catchment and have already built a solar power system that can run my deep freeze and some lights and computer.
I go to a big church that’s doctrinally sound, but the demographics are fairly well off and some quite wealthy. This presents it own problems. They even did a series on the Purpose Driven Life a couple of years ago. I did not read the book. Most everyone else did. They’ve not done anything like that since. Hopefully they saw the light…
It’s lonely seeing what’s coming and being the only one you know that thinks that way.
Don, I came to this post from one of your recent ones and it’s interesting to see how so much of what you mentioned is playing out. The rise of political parties like Golden Dawn and Jobbik in Europe are a case in point. Who’d have believed, even a few years ago, that extremist parties would gain such a foothold again? (A foothold that is growing, too.) Your blog is always a good read. Thanks, Don.