Debunking a Muslim Beast Antichrist

Lately there has been a whole lot of teachers getting on the Antichrist will come from Islam and that Islam is the Beast world system bandwagon.

Apparently painting Antichrist horns on the obvious evil system of our time sells books but is is good theology? I posted a article why I do not believe the Beast will emerge from Islam or why the Beast will be Muslim.

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam

Dr Reagan has written a very scholarly work why the Antichrist will not be a Muslim.

Bill Salus in the article that I quote below gives more good reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Islam. There are also many informed comments.

I think the main reason people are now believing that the Antichrist is from Islam is the impact Islam is having on the world and the Assyrian references in the Bible. There are thirteen Assyrian references in the Bible but most of them do not refer to the end times and the ones that might, do not have to be associated with the Antichrist. Even if the Antichrist is Assyrian by birth it does not mean that he is Muslim or that he had been living in that area prior to the days when the world headquarters is moved to the area of Babylon.

For example, Some Americans call Obama an African but by Africans he would be called an American. He certainly is not an African through his mother. He once lived in other nations but now he resides in America. He claims to be a Christian although Muslims would say he was Muslim because once a Muslim always a Muslim.

In like manor the Antichrist could identify with Christianity, have lived in Iraq, but come to power through a revived Roman Empire. I am not saying that he will be Assyrian, I do not know his decent but it is also not out of the question that he will be raised in the area of Assyria. Nevertheless, even if he were Assyrian that would not make him a Muslim. When he rises to power no matter where he was born he will identify with the pseudo Christian West much like Obama does (no I am not saying that Obama is the Antichrist).

I think believing that the Antichrist is Muslim can be a big danger and a trap because I believe the real Antichrist comes into power through the wars against Islamic fundamentalism. So those who fall into the trap of making an Islamic Beast might actually help create the platform for the Western Beast Antichrist to stand on and rise to power and take over the world as the world’s savior that saved us from Islam.

I also want to point out something else. Believing that Islam is the Beast system is not at all logical. It is obvious that Islam with all its laws will never be accepted by the decadent West. It is also obvious that any system that unappealing to the West could never take over the world by force. So the logic of a Beast Antichrist out of Islam escapes me. Also, if the Beast were Muslim and his God was Allah, why would he demand to be worshiped as God? Those in Islam will never accept the worship of a man claiming to be God. The whole concept of an Islam Antichrist is fantasy.

PROPHECY DEPOT: Does Daniel Debunk the Assyrian Antichrist?

Relatively recently a small circle of individuals have injected into the Christian Church a paradigm shift in Antichrist thinking. They advocate that this beastly individual has Assyrian origins. Oddly the book of Daniel, which seemingly issues the most pivotal prophecy regarding the origin of this personage, does not once mention the Hebrew word Ashur, or Ashshur, which is translated as Assyria, or Assyrian. This term is utilized within the Old Testament approximately 135 times; however, Daniel considered by many to be a prophetic authority on the subject of the Antichrist, apparently didn’t feel the Assyrian shoe fit the foot of this coming crazed world leader.


Perhaps one might think that Daniel was given information about the Antichrist, but not necessarily about his ancestral roots. However, Daniel 9:26 refutes this presumption in that it gives us the most detailed literal account within the entirety of scripture as to the origin of this individual. Therein we are informed that the Antichrist will originate from the people who would eventually destroy the city of Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, referring to the second Jewish temple.


There are two primary arguments against the Eastern leg being the leg from which the Antichrist comes: the “Historical” and the “Prophetical”. The Historical argument will conclude part one of this article and the Prophetical will be discussed in part two.

Full article

For more information on the Bible prophecy war over an Islamic Antichrist you might read this link and follow the links within.


223 thoughts on “Debunking a Muslim Beast Antichrist

  1. For heaven’s sake, how can people be so naive to think the Antichrist would have to be a Muslim based on the Assyrian reference given the fact that virtually all modern-day Assyrians or Syriacs belong to Syriac Christianity? Middle-Eastern does not equate Muslim and Arab. I’m not saying I don’t understand why some are lead to believe the Antichrist may be a Muslim, but based on that one Assyrian reference? Incredible. Also, I must say I’ve never quite had the impression there was any revelation regarding the Antichrist’s identity and the most likely scenario for me would be that he’s a Jew. But if his ethnicity were of any significant importance, the Bible would have told us about it don’t you think?

  2. He might have a Jewish connection but since he comes out of the sea (Gentiles) if he does have Jewish blood it might will not be obvious to the world or he could be a Jew by blood but a leader in a gentile nation.

    The false prophet comes out of the Land so he almost certainly is a Rabbi in Israel.

  3. This whole Musli-Assyrian Anti-Christ thing seem to be a flavor of the current times. And those who hold to this view are sometimes quite venomous in their defense of it. Of course they have it all figured out. The Hal Lindseys, Tim Lahayes and others have it all wrong. They have it all figured out and woe to those who disagree.

    As one who holds to a Pre-trib Rapture view point, I think we could have an inkling of the identity of the Beast, but will not know for sure because we’ll be caught out before he is revealed. And personally, I really don’t care who the Antichrist is because I am not looking for him. I’m looking for the Lord Jesus Christ, the faithful and true one; not too early, not too late, but just at the perfect time!

    That’s my king!



  4. If it is impossible for Antichrist to be Muslim, then you might want to take on the three challenges below?

    By Walid Shoebat

    Does the beast of Revelation involve Middle Eastern Muslim nations, is it exclusively European, or is it both? Some say the notion that Islam could play a prominent role in the coming revival of the Roman Empire is impossible, unorthodox, untraditional, the work of ‘Lone Ranger’ type interpretation, and even revisionist.. 1

    The majority of American evangelicals believe that the Antichrist system must be exclusively European, yet this view is changing after the last few years with the rise of Islam.

    So, could Islam play a role in this end-times scenario? You might think to yourself—so what? Why should we care? Well, why then did the Almighty give us Daniel and Revelations? Even better still — why did God give us all the Messianic prophesies regarding Jesus’ first coming? Careless followers that missed these ended up without salvation, regardless of whether they sacrificed lambs in the Temple or obeyed the law—when it comes to the issue of Messiah, they missed the most crucial event in history. All for not paying close attention to Bible Prophecy. And what about the second coming? Are we to be careless with respect to the evidence presented in the Bible? I am not saying that you could lose your salvation, but if you end up on the side of Antichrist, you never had salvation in the first place.

    Yet today, the debate is brewing—what about the threat of Islam? Did the Bible warn us about it? Are we supposed to keep our focus exclusively on Europe?

    To shed light on the implications of such detailed evidence (which spawned countless challenges and questions) I decided to write God’s War on Terror regarding Islam’s involvement in end-times. Consequently, I get challenges daily, not only by Muslims that want me dead but also from Christians who are dogmatic about their views. Ironically, we have no record of any Christian minister killed for exposing the E.U. as the work of Satan, yet we have millions who gave their lives for standing up to Islam. So please allow me to alleviate some pressure and present you with only three challenges:

    CHALLENGE 1: Did traditional Prophecy scholars teach that Europe is exclusively the Antichrist kingdom?

    You might be shocked to know that the highest caliber commentators of old did not believe that Europe was the exclusive player in the End-Times. A revival of a Roman Empire never meant a revival of a European Empire.

    Many of our best western scholars on Bible prophecy believed that Islam would be a major player and will revive in the end of days as part of this end-time beast. John Wesley interpreted the Iron in Daniel 2 as Islam (Works, 1841). Hilaire Belloc foresaw Islam‘s rise.2 Gregory Palamus of Thessalonica interpreted the martyrdom of Christians during the Great Tribulation to come from Islam. Josiah Litch interpreted Revelation as the ushering in of Islam.3 He even described the magnitude of Islam’s role being Antichrist to the extent of calling it the “general agreement among Christians, especially protestant commentators.” Cyril of Jerusalem (315-368 A.D) in his Divine Institutes believed that Antichrist proceeds forth from the region of ancient Syria 4, which today extends from Syria well into portions of Asia Minor (Turkey). Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (560-638) and Maximus the Confessor (580-662) identified Islam with Antichrist and lived through Islam’s invasion of Jerusalem. Maximus was also an important theologian and scholar of the early Church who helped defeat the Monothelite heresy referred to the Muslim invasions as “announcing the advent of the Antichrist.” John of Damascus (676-749) was another very important figure in the early church. In his famous book, Against Heresies, he identified Islam as the forerunner to the Antichrist. Eulogius, Paul Alvarus and the Martyrs of Cordova (9th century) believed Muhammad to be a false prophet and the precursor to the Antichrist. 5 Many are not aware that while Martin Luther, father of the Protestant Reformation, believed that the Papacy played the role of the spiritual harlot, he also believed that the Muslims were the Kingdom of Antichrist. 6

    John Calvin interpreted Daniel 2 eastern leg as the Eastern-Roman Islamic Empire and that Daniel 11:37 applied to the Muslims. 7 Even Jonathan Edwards the great American congregational preacher, revivalist, and president of Princeton University, like Luther and Calvin, saw Islam as one of the premiere elements of the Antichrist Kingdom. 8 Calvin even interpreted Islam’s fall at the sound of the great trumpet 9 Islam falling at the sound of the great trumpet even carries Islam into the Great Tribulation and not as many of our contemporary prophecy analysts who allege that Islam must be removed prior to Christ coming.

    Even Sir Robert Anderson, perhaps one of the best prophecy experts who unlocked the seventy weeks of Daniel, in his remarkable book The Coming Prince, insists to focus on the Levant (Eastern) parts rather than the Adriatic (West). 10

    Countless other Bible commentators warned about Islam being the kingdom of Antichrist—Selnecker, Nigrinus, Chytraeus, Bullinger, Foxe, Napier, Pareus, John Cotton, Thomas Parker, Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, and George Stanley Faber. 11

    Also added to the list is Rev. Professor Dr. Francis Nigel Lee who sums up the traditional view in his excellent work Islam in the Bible: “from the seventh century onward – [the two legs] would degenerate respectively into the Papacy (which progressively took over the West) and Islam (which progressively took over the East.” (p. 5)

    Making Europe the exclusive body of Antichrist kingdom is not the orthodox or even the traditional view. Some insist that Antichrist is Italian since he comes from the Roman Empire, but Roman does not strictly mean Italian, just as Alexander the Great was Grecian, this does not mean Athenian—he was from Macedonia. Antiochus Epiphanies, another biblical prediction was Syrian not Athenian or Cypriot. Why then, when it comes to Antichrist, insist on an Italian ignoring the whole empire. Even Jesus insisted that Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-13, was the seat of Satan and not the gymnastically altered interpretation for an archeological relic that sits in Berlin.

    While contemporary prophesy analysts trumpet the idea that the fourth composite of Daniel 2 iron metal as strictly European, traditionalist views differ. Dr. Matthew Henry comments: “Who is this enemy—whose rise, reign and ruin are here foretold? Interpreters are not in agreement. Some will have the Fourth Kingdom to be that of the Seleucidae and the ‘little horn’ to be Antiochus…. Others will have the Fourth Kingdom to be that of the Romans, and the ‘little horn’ to be Julius Caesar and the succeeding emperors, as Calvin says. The Antichrist, the Papal Kingdom, says Mr. Joseph Mede.

    Others make the ‘little horn’ to be the Turkish Empire [Muslim]; so Luther, Vatablus, and others. Now I cannot prove either side to be in the wrong. Therefore, since prophecies sometimes have many fulfillments, we ought to give Scripture its full latitude (in this as in many other controversies)—I am willing to allow that they are both in the right.” 12

    Most students of prophecy that ascribe to a revival of the Roman Empire ignore that North Africa (Phut) encompasses five Muslim nations historically part of the western wing of the Roman Empire, and already mentioned literally in several end-times references. In order for the exclusively European model to fit, the whole of this Muslim region must be irrelevant. So what part of the Roman pie do we slice off and what parts do we include?

    So what happened? Why do we have such a variation between contemporary versus traditional? The problem began in 1981 when Greece joined as the tenth nation in the European Union and many sounded a false alarm that announced they unlocked the mystery and have the fulfillment of Revelation 17, all with its ten horns, to later be embarrassed when the European Union mushroomed into twenty some nations.

    Instead of pulling back their books, these analysts ran back to the drawing board, not to confess their error, but to insist that the E.U. model must shrink to only ten.. They still chose to finagle with the theory. Some, like Arnold Fruchtenbaum, realized that this was wrong: “It has become common today to refer to the ten kingdoms as being in Europe only, especially the Former Common Market, now the European Union. But the text does not allow for this kind of interpretation. At the very best, the European Union might become one of the ten, but it could hardly become all of the ten.” 13

    According to Fruchtenbaum, the European model comprises only one tenth, a mere slice of the whole pie. Jamieson Fausset & Brown insist that, “the ten toes are not upon the one foot (the west), as these interpretations require, but on the two (east and west) together, so that any theory which makes the ten kingdoms belong to the west alone must err.”

    CHALLENGE 2: Besides the argument on whether Magog is Russia, can anyone cite any literal reference to a nation that God destroys in the End-Times that is not Muslim?

    Only if you ponder this question can you grasp its magnitude. On one occasion during a lecture to a group of prominent Bible prophecy teachers in the Pre-Trib Prophecy Conference in Dallas, I asked this question and no one raised a hand to answer.

    In frustration, I pointed to Dr. Randall Price, a known Prophecy teacher and asked him to respond, in which he pointed that when it comes to literal references there are none. Grant Jeffrey, another known author, once attempted to respond with Cush, not realizing that biblical Cush (a reference sometimes translated as Ethiopia) is defined in the Unger Bible Dictionary as a landmass south of Egypt. Today this will be Sudan and Somalia.

    Grant Jeffrey chose one of the most fundamentalist Muslim nations as a response to find non-Muslim nations in end-times. David Reagan of the Lion and Lamb Ministries with frustration pointed to Mystery Babylon 14 ignoring that the crucial word in that question is “literal”. If Babylon is a response to cite any literal reference for a non-Muslim nation that God destroys, this would still support my view— Mystery Babylon is an allegoric reference.

    CHALLENGE 3: In every portrayal of Christ’s return to the earth, is He not fighting a nation that today is Muslim?

    The significance of this question is as follows —scholars are unanimous, that Christ’s second coming must happen after Antichrist appears on the scene. Christ’s mission will be to destroy Antichrist and establish His Millennium kingdom. The European Union model has the Muslim hordes destroyed before the Tribulation period. Yet the text shows that Messiah Himself deals with Muslim nations.

    The next prophecy conference you attend ask, “Is Jesus on earth on the Day of the Lord?” Ezekiel tells us of that day, “For the day is near, even the Day of the Lord is near” (Ezekiel 30:3). Yet this is when “Cush and Phut, Lydia [Turkey] and all Arabia, Libya and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt” (Ezekiel 30:5). Other prophesies show these nations are cast into Hell, including Asshur – “Iraq – Syria”, (Ezekiel 32:22-23) Elam – “Iran” (Ezekiel 32:24-25) Meshech & Tubal “Asia minor—Turkey” (Ezekiel 32:26) – Edom – “Arabia” (Ezekiel 32:29). These nations are punished for striking terror against Israel and the believers (Ezekiel 32:22-24 & 27).

    Perhaps sharing a few from the volume of hundreds of prophecies of Jesus’ wars during the Great Tribulation can shed more light on the matter: “See Jehovah rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt within them” (Isaiah 19). Does this remind you of the song “behold He comes riding on the clouds”? Yet rarely are we told that Jesus here is fighting Egypt—a Muslim nation.

    Even in Christ’s judgment of the nations (Joel 3) He is fighting Muslim entities. “Now what have you against me, O Tyre and Sidon [Lebanon] and all you regions of Philistia [Gaza]” (Joel 3:4) It couldn’t be more clear! It was as if Jesus Himself was speaking directly to Hezbollah (Tyre and Sidon) and Hamas (Philistia), challenging them regarding their bloodlust against the Jewish people. Their fight against Israel is in reality a declaration of war on the King Himself.

    In Isaiah 25:9-10 at the time of the Lord’s return, we have Christ fighting Moab “And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation. For in this mountain shall the hand of the LORD rest, and Moab shall be trodden down under Him, even as straw is trodden down for the dunghill.” (Isaiah 25:9-10).

    Even in Isaiah 63, scholars unanimously agree that He fights Edom (Arabia).
    Are the Muslim nations in prophecy destroyed prior to the Christ’s coming? Will the Antichrist then establish his European rule? Can anyone find a verse in the Bible in which Christ fights and nations are literally mentioned which are not Muslim?

    This is why many who exclusively see Europe as Antichrist insist on removing Islam from the scene prior to the coming of Christ. Since the Muslims still exist on earth upon the Lord’s return fighting against Him, their whole premise of an exclusively European Antichrist falls apart.

    Walid Shoebat, God’s War on Terror (720)935-2826

    1 Lamplighter Newsletter, David Reagan, January 2009 edition.
    2 The Great Heresies, chapter 4 March, 1936, page 127-128
    3 Hosiah Litch, The Three Woe Trumpets, Fall of The Ottoman Empire, August 11, 1840
    4 Divine Institutes, 7:17
    5 Paul Alvarus, Memoriale sanctorum 2.4
    6 Martin Luther, Tischreden, Weimer ed., 1, No. 330
    7 Calvin On Islam Revelation Prof. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, Lamp Trimmers El Paso, 2000
    8 Jonathan Edwards, The Fall of Antichrist, Part VII, page 395, New York, Published by S. Converse 1829
    9 Jonathan Edwards, The Fall of Antichrist, Part VII, page 399, New York, Published by S. Converse 1829
    10 The Coming Prince, Page 273
    11 Froom: op. cit., II pp. 323f, 325f, 331, 340f, 412f, 458 & 518f and also III pp. 40f, 74f, 125-31, 149, 183, 240f, &352f.
    12 M. Henry: A Commentary on the Holy Bible, with Practical Remarks andObservations, London: Marshall Bros. Ltd., n.d., IV:1270f.
    13 Fruchtenbaum, Footsteps of the Messiah, page 36
    14 Lamplighter Newsletter, David Reagan, January 2009 edition.

  5. I already did on this post.

    But I will repeat what I said in response to those challenges here

    I am aware of Shoebat’s three challenges. They were made on and I gave a partical response to them through Bill Salus who is now about to submit a response to the part of the challenge that no non Muslim nations are mentioned in these end time wars against Israel. I think if you read the various posts I have made on this subject on this Blog I would not have to repeat it all here. Also, keep in mind that Islam does play a role in end time prophecy. There will be a war against Islam in these end times but it is not because the Beast comes out of Islam. The war with Islam will set the stage for the Antichrist to rise out of the MU (not the EU).

    Christians are being persecuted all over the world so don’t think it strange that those who attack Islam will be attacked by those who follow Islam. Attack the beliefs of Hindus or Buddhists and you might receive threats from them as well. In any case, threats in itself prove nothing about where the Antichrist originates.

    First, let me say no one is saying that Islam is not antichrist and anti Israel. But so was Hitler and the Communists. All sinners who reject Christ are antichrist but that does not mean Islam is the Harlot of Revelation like some now claim. I write that all false religion since Babylon is the Harlot and after the Religious wars of the near future only a form of pluralistic Universal religion will be allowed to be practiced on the earth because any religious fundamentalism will be seen as a threat to world peace. So the Harlot of Revelation is all antichrist religion and not just Islam. What we see in Revelation 17 is the culmination of the great Harlot since ancient Babylon. The make up of the end time Harlot will be all who join with the acceptable world pluralist religion and not just a more politically correct peaceful form of Islam.

    The first challenge really is pretty week.
    What classical writers wrote about Islam hundreds of years ago does not carry much weight for correct eschatology today They knew little about these issues, most were amillennial. Obviously some people of any time would think that the enemy of their day would fulfill the prophecies of the Antichrist just as some thought the Catholic Church would or Hitler would or Communism would. For every classical scholar you can come up with that claims the Antichrist will come out of Islam I think ten can be found that say the Antichrist will come out Catholicism. Besides, where else would those who held the eschatology views of Catholicsm think the Antichrist would come from? So just picking those who support your views and ignoring those that do not support your view does not add weight to your theory.

    The fact is the Antichrist will come out of neither Islam or Catholicism per say, unless the name of the pluralist universalist politically correct world religion will once again be called Catholicism.

    The Second challenge was answered in the blog I wrote last summer and my recent emails to Bill Salus.

    Email one
    To Bill Salus.

    I personally think that the Antichrist will come out of the MU not the EU because the MU has the exact same nations as the Roman Empire. That does leave the possibility of an Assyrian Antichrist but that does not mean he has to be Assyrian and it certainly does not mean that he is a Muslim. I read most of the arguments for why they claim the Antichrist is Muslim but it is easy to build a one sided case. Obviously, Islam is antichrist but that does not mean it will produce the Antichrist or the Beast system. Obviously, there will be massive wars against the Muslim nations of the world but that does not mean that Jesus Christ is coming to battle against Islam. The nations that today are Muslim will obviously be followers of the Antichrist when he arrives because ..duh.. most of these people are not Christians and Islam was always antichrist. That does not mean that the Antichrist is from Islam it just means that most that occupy those nations are antichrist and anti Israel and they will accept the Antichrist.

    It is obvious that when Jesus comes he will destroy those nations around Israel because the bible says so, and the nations around Israel display that they hate Israel. As you know that is a blood feud and it is not going to change if Islam becomes pluralistic or even Catholic. What is Islam today becomes just another member of the world Harlot after the religious wars.

    It also is not honest to scripture to say that the Antichrist is just going to be regional. The Bible is clear that he will control the whole world and that no one can buy or sell without the mark of the Beast. The whole world looks at the slain prophets and rejoices not just what are today’s Muslim nations. The judgments are also worldwide in the end. Those who limit the Antichrist to Islam and the Middle East are very near sighted. They take a very weak position on the Antichrist. Like he will be some Islamic hero and not a supernatural being.

    No, the Bible is clear that Satan will be cast out of heaven and when he is woe to the people on the earth because he knows his time is short. Satan will incarnate this man and all of Satan’s angels will support him. It will be like Zeus came to earth with all his lesser gods and that is who he may claim to be. His power will be incredible and absolute and if Jesus did not come back to save the elect no flesh would be saved.

    The people writing about a Muslim Antichrist are setting people up the for accepting the real Antichrist. As I said before, the great deception will probably be that the Antichrist will have claimed to have killed the Antichrist and the False Prophet when in reality he killed the two witnesses of God. So with that deception the whole world will rejoice and be ready to go into his counterfeit Kingdom of God. But, to get into his kingdom you have to take his mark. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. He will claim no religion because he will claim to be God.

    It really is not necessary to try to refute each point of their arguments because their arguments are very subjective and in the eye of the beholder. So I just take the logical position. There simply is no way that the Western world is going to put itself under the bondage of Islam. It is not going to happen and there is nothing in the Bible that portrays a world under Islamic law in the last days. On the contrary, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes like in the days of Noah. The NT makes it very clear that in the last days men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. That is only possible under the permissiveness of the West.

    They then would argue that the Antichrist is a regional conflict with Islam but that is not what the Bible teaches about this man and his kingdom. Those who take up the fight against Islam in the coming religious wars might just find that they are really putting the Antichrist in a position of power.”

    Email 2 to Bill Salus.

    “Jesus will be coming to judge all nations. The nations mentioned in prophecy were given as a witness against them and so we that we could properly discern end time events and the three different wars mentioned in the prophecies. Some nations near Israel receive a very harsh judgment not because they are Muslim but because of how they treated Israel. Perhaps Mr. Shoebat should consider that this statement in Revelation chapter 16 is literal.

    16:12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

    13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

    And these passages as well,

    Isa 34:2 For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.

    Jer 30:11 For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee

    Joe 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

    Zec 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

    Re 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

    Re 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

    Re 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

    Zep 3:8 ¶ Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

    Joe 3:9 ¶ Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. Let the heat hen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.

    Jesus will judge all nations not just those nations around Israel that are Muslim today. When the kings of the East come with their hordes from nations east of the Euphrates will China and India be Muslim? Not likely. And will Islam fight against them causing the death of a third of mankind? Not likely, with what? Also the Lord says in Isiah and Revelation that He is going to shake the whole earth and all small and great will go in caves and holes in the ground. This is not describing a regional event and neither do many of the other judgments describe the end time judgments limited to Muslim nations around Israel.

    One other specific thing in Isaiah is that the Day of the Lord will come against the ships of Tar’ shish. The ships of Tar’ shish are not Muslim.

    What these writers fail to understand is that Islamic nations have no real military power they are not going to become a world power anytime soon. The US, Israel and NATO would make a short work of them on the battlefield. A few nukes and old tanks does not make a world power.”

    Less than half of all Muslims in the world live in the lands mentioned in prophecy. So using their own logic that only Muslim nations are named, why are not all these other nations mentioned as well if the fight is against Islam and its Antichrist? By the way, the claim is that Islam is the Harlot of Revelation but Jesus does not come back to fight the Harlot she is burned by the Beast before the return of Christ. So why does the Beast out of Islam destroy itself?

    Challenge three,

    was really answered by number two. Just because all the nations around Israel are Muslim does not mean that Jesus will come to fight Islam. He will come to fight against the Antichrist who gathers all nations of the world to fight against the Lord.

    Cherry picking scriptures is hardly an infallible argument. Most scholars will say there are three wars. The war of Psalm 83 the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 and the Armageddon campaign where the three demons that come out of the mouth of the Antichrist and False prophet deceive all the kings of the earth to come with all their armies against the land of Israel. Obviously the prior wars before this are dealing with people who are practicing Islam but those wars take place before the Antichrist is even on the scene. So when you cherry pick scriptures make sure you are picking the right scriptures for the right war.

    Again I do not claim that the Antichrist has to come out of the EU. I claim he will come out of the MU because the EU does not reflect the lands of the Ancient Roman Empire but the MU does. That in no way suggests that Islam is going to give birth to the Beast. What Islam really reflects is that most in that region of the world have rejected Jesus Christ and when the Antichrist comes, being dead in their sins they will be all to eager to be deceived and embrace the Antichrist as God. Maybe just like in Biblical times they will call him Baal or Zeus rather than the God of the Quran.

    As for Islam and Turkey and the Muslim nations being able to fight the West and win is simply not possible. Those who actually believe that Islam is a threat to take over the world are about on par with those that think man’s CO2 will cause run away global warming and destroy the world. These ideas are based on junk science, Junk eschatology and junk logic.

    So that’s my response about an Islamic Antichrist anything further can be found on my blogs and the comments I made on them.

  6. The following article presents some very good arguments for an Assyrian antichrist. The writer also says that it is possible that the Antichrist will appear on the secene as a ”Christian” politician since the assyrians are Christians and suggests that later on after his covenant with Israel he could convert to Islam and Allah, possibly the god of war mentioned in Daniel 11:38. Read the article in the following link:

    God bless!

  7. You failed to mention that Rodrigo Silva wrote the article that you provided the link to and he not only also claims an Assyrian Antichrist he wrote an article posted on Prophezine in rebuttal of Dr. Reagan’s critical article. As I said above I do not discount an Assyrian Antichrist possibility but I am for the reasons I already stated above 100 percent certain that the Beast of Revelation is not Islam and also certain that the Antichrist will not convert to Islam like Silva suggests in his article. On the contrary those now in Islam and all false religion will convert to follow the Antichrist.

    The article talks about the arrogance of scholars like Dr. Reagan but notice that Dr. Reagan has a PhD and about fifty years of ministry in this area. I also see these credentials on Bible prophecy experts who for the most part support Dr. Reagan’s views but I am not seeing credentials or experience from his rather arrogant critics.

    One problem I am seeing with all these new comers in Bible prophecy who either think the tribulation will come in 2012 AD or that Islam is the Beast or Harlot of Revelation is that they come up with a theory and then they search for only the scriptures and scant historical evidence that supports their theory and they disregard the stuff that does not fit. They then write a book on Bible prophecy with some strange twist and instantly they are accepted by some as prophecy experts. They might first learn from the experts and build on what they taught. Instead they tear down what the experts taught and claim in their books that they got it wrong and they have it right. They present some new theory that tends to itch the ears of those looking for a fight with Islam or looking for the Antichrist to appear next week. If you notice most of these people do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture so they obviously think Christians are going to fight the Islam Beast. .

    If there is arrogance it is those who come on the scene majoring in minors and then calling the teaching of these eminent Bible scholars that critique them arrogant. If they think they have the truth lets see them get their own theories through a doctoral dissertation and the required defense of what they claim. I know that saying this is not going to win me a popularity contest but if you notice these new theories are mostly written by new Christian converts and snot nosed kids. How in the world did they instantly acquire the in-depth knowledge and understanding of Eschatology that it took people like Dr. Reagan a life time to learn?

    By the way, the comments on Bill Salus’ blog answered most of what was said in Silva’s article about the claim that the people who destroyed the temple were Assyrian. That theory simply does not hold water prophetically or historically. See the comments on that blog to find out why.

  8. Don,
    You give too much credential to the ”experts” and forrget that God does not necessarily choose people with Ph.D letters after their names to be used by Him. Jesus chose a bunch of uneducated fishermen to do his work, not the scholars of His day who had their Ph.Ds. These guys who you call experts are just parrots who have been repeating what other before them had said. When you look in the mirror and see a scholar, no longer you think that there is more to be learned and God cannot give you new insights because he knows you will not accept them. He then must choose people who He knows will be humble and open to the voice of the spirit. People who consider themselves ”scholars” think they have everything figured out just like the pharisees of old thought they had eveything figured out. Just because Reagan has a doctorate before his name and has been in business for fifity years, does not mean he has all the answers. He made claims in newsletter which cannot be supported by historical facts such as the Romans ordering the destruction of the Temple. What kind of a Dr. is he who makes claims like that and cannot support them historically? These so called scholars love to flatter each other so they can have their egos puffed up.

  9. I give too much credit to the experts? I guess you believe that I should believe people who do not know what they are talking about? God chooses people to teach in the Church who study to show themselves approved. People with PhD’s in theology are scholars and they had to have done some study or they would not have a PhD. I am not saying that people without PhD’s cannot learn from self study but I do not see how these new converts or young people could have done the work required.

    You call scholars parrots of other teachers and so they are. Learned people learn from the teaching of others. Those who do not are self deluded know-it-all’s. If you did not have these so called parrots you would have no scholarship or theology today. After all, we are talking about correct discernment and interpretation of the scriptures and that is done through building on the work of others through study, prayer and God given wisdom and understanding. You are insulting people who spent their whole lives studying and teaching theology by comparing them to unbelieving pharisees!

    These are men of God who studied to show themselves approved in what they teach. I cannot say the same for most of the current wave of instant “experts”. You also assume that these mature men of God can no longer learn? What spirit would make you say that? Could it be the spirit found in the books of this new wave of “experts”? To say that a Christian filled with the Spirit can no longer learn is an insult to the Spirit who works through them.

    It seems to me the thinking of postmodernism has also entered into eschatology where now everything once thought true has to be redefined because the truth is no longer relevant to what some want to believe. They want to believe that Jesus is coming in 2013 so they just make it so. They want to believe that the Antichrist comes from Islam so they just make it so. Never mind about teaching sound doctrine.

    You also are assuming that God is using this “new wave” for good. I am not so sure of that. I think most of them at best are building on the house of God with straw. Most that are on the 2012 bandwagon are mixing pagan thought with Christianity and leading some into a form of harlotry. Others that are on the Islam bandwagon are setting up the “Christian” world to accept an anti Islamic leader who will turn out to be the real Antichrist. Most are also opposing the doctrine of the Rapture the blessed hope for the faithful Church. In addition, they are attacking those trained in Bible prophecy and those teaching sound doctrine causing confusion and division among Christians. They also will be just another wave of Bible prophecy teachers who will turn out to be wrong and open the teaching of Bible prophecy to more scorn by the world and even the Church. I know many have been converted to Christ through the teaching of scholars like like Reagan, LaHaye and Lindsey. Perhaps some are also converting to Christianity through the books of this “new wave” but for some reason I know of none.

    Everyone makes mistakes and no one is one hundred percent correct on everything in Bible prophecy. But you are also wrong in what you claim.

  10. Well answered, Don!

    There’s a trend to mock the likes of Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye by certain other “Christians”. I know that the stand-out reason is their particular eschatological viewpoint. Yet these two men have done more to bring people to Christ than their mockers. I can personally vouch for Hal’s influence.

    Just because something is new does not make it right. Just because something is new does not make it wrong.

    BTW, I don’t see how Dr Reagan is wrong about the Romans. Regardless of what the ethnicity of the people who destroyed the Temple was, they were acting under ROME.

    Oh and people should really get their own eschatological houses in order before they go picking on the system that the likes of Showers, Thomas and Mayhue capably defend.

  11. Those who post here contribute to the discussion they do not just post their own demented delusions. By the way, you have told nobody nothing here until now and you also proved that you have nothing worthwhile to say about this topic. Any other such nonsense will just be deleted.

  12. The Antichrist will come out of Egypt on his road to his public ministry that will be intended for three or more years and he will be an Arab religious leader that will use Europe as his base of operation.

    By chips in the hand the Antichrist will be drawing crowds in stadiums to worship him for jobs and food. Do not get taken in by this great deceiver and false christ.

    I have told you to look to the skies for omens and signs of the end times. As the Antichrist comes to power, he will use lasers and mirrors to make large images appear in the sky. These seeming miracles of light will be illusions and tricks to get people to worship the Antichrist. Do not believe any of his lies or believe in any supposed miracles for these will be the deceptions of the Antichrist. You will need strength to avoid the Antichrist and refuse his mark for buying and selling.

    When you see any construction of a temple near this wall in Jerusalem, you will know the time of the Antichrist is at hand.

    I have given you notice that the Hale-Bopp comet was a sign of the Antichrist’s coming and that he is already on the earth. It will not be long that those willing to have the mark of the beast will have it all over the world and this will be the time when the Antichrist will announce his coming to power. I have told you also that the comet of Christ triumph is also on its way and that will mean the end of the reign of the Antichrist, just as he will come to full power. When you see the Antichrist’s coming evident in our time of tribulation, you will know his days are numbered and Christ coming will be imminent.

    These evil ones will want to kill Christ faithful to eliminate His Catholic Church on earth, but the gates of hell will not prevail over Christ remnant Church.

    These evil powerful people are well aware of God messengers and His messages being conveyed through them. That is why God messengers will be attacked by these evil ones so their words will be silenced. Because God wants His messengers to carry out their mission that God has given them, God will send His angels to give His messengers protection from poison, snake bites, and the like just as God gave such power to His apostles.(Mark 16:17-18) His messengers will have healing powers and they will use their gifts during the tribulation. In order to remain spiritually strong to battle all of the evil spirits and evil people, His messengers must pray and fast often and keep our souls cleansed by frequent Confession.

  13. The reliance on Dan 9:26 to prove a AC related to the Romans is actually very week. The article discusses five different interpretations of this verse.

    The objection that the Muslims will definitely not worship al-Mahdi is actually possible. In fact there is a bizzare incident recorded in the Qur’an regarding Allah’s command for the angels and jins to prostrate before Adam. see for a possbile scenario, even though the article was addressing the Muslims. The Quran’ic precedent icannot be ignored.

  14. Actually the arguments on the link you provided to this Muslim Antichrist site are very weak.

    There is no al-Mahdi he is a Muslim fable that only a minority of Muslims believe anyway. Fables do not come out of a well and become the world leader Antichrist. The whole argument is ridiculous. Satan incarnates a man not a silly fable.

  15. Whether al-Mahdi is a fable or not does not change the fact that Muslims believe in and are looking forward to his coming and preparing to gather around him and support him.

    The Qur’an itself contains many fables (eg. the apocryphal story of Jesus speaking from the cradle, etc), yet Muslims are dead serious about its truth, and act accordingly. We may think of it as a fable, but Muslims do not, and that is what matters to their behavior. They do not follow our beat, but their own (and that of Satan). How Satan does not inhabit a silly fable is irrelevant. What is important is that Muslims believe so, and act upon them. Many Muslim groups are working for the creation of the Caliphate (of course the current Muslim govts won’t be so easy going… but the common believers are looking forward to it.)

    You also seem to think that Mahdism is a belief of the Shiites only (based on “only a minority of Muslims”). Not so. Mainstream Sunnis also believe in the coming of al-Mahdi, Isa (Muslim version of Jesus) to assist him, and ad-Dajjal (Muslim version of Antichrist). The article documents carefully many Sahih hadiths (Sunni) in these characters. The article talks about Isa’s role in the End Times. Many Sunni theologians and writers have written about al-Mahdi.

    The main difference between Shiite Mahdism and Sunni Mahdism is that Shiites believe that al-Mahdi is the 12th Imam, while Sunnis do not have any identiable person as yet. It will not help the matter to confuse them. In any case, al-Mahdi is said to be recognized by a group of people, so it really doesn’t matter much in the end. Other than the issue of identification, the majority of the charateristics of al-Mahdi and his exploits are the same in Shiism and Sunnism.

    Your original article posits that it is impossible for al-Mahdi to actually claim to be worshipped and Muslims to follow him when he does so. The article I linked to presented:

    1. a plausible scenario that is consistent with the Bible’s description. The worship does not happen until the second half (perhaps even later in the second half) of his reign, which by then is very late for the Muslims. By then, how many Muslims will be able to resist (to the point of death) in this reign of terror?

    2. The bizzare incident in the Qur’an of Allah commanding all the angels and jinns to worship Adam. Iblis (i.e., Satan) refused and was banished to the earth. Muslim theologians have explained that it is a test of their faith and obedience. That is what Muslims will be facing as and when al-Mahdi claims that.

    3. Isa, whom they regard as Allah’s prophet, will be in their midst. How many will dare to go against Allah’s prophet? (Recall that it will be the 2nd beast that made people worship the first beast in Rev 13). Muslims revere Muhammad to the extent of idolatory, even though they deny it (including following his turbans, bearsds, mannerism, etc). That kind of blind obedience and devotion is not something non-Muslims understand.

  16. We are not talking about what Muslims believe we are talking about what Christians believe about the Antichrist. A Christian should not study pagan eschatology and use it as some proof text for Christian Eschatology. Many of the same people are doing the same thing with the Mayan 2012 pagan crap. In fact the authors feed on each others books to prove their theories.

    The truth is that although some Sunnis believe in al-Mahdi they are a small minority and Shiities are also a minority of Muslims. In any case, what Muslim eschatology teaches has absolutely nothing to do with Christian truth. The problem with Muslim Antichrist proponents is that they seem to have more faith in the lies of Islam then they do in the teachings of the Bible.

    I also never said what you claimed I said. I said, “Those in Islam will never accept the worship of a man claiming to be God” In Muslim eschatology the Mahdi never claims to be Allah. I never said that Muslims will not worship a man. Many of them apparently already worship their human leaders right now.

    If people want to make an argument for a Muslim Antichrist prove it from the Christian scriptures and not from this counterfeit bastardization that takes Jewish scriptures and Christian scriptures and sorts them through the mental illness and demonic deception of Muhammad.

  17. I agree. By all means, Islamic eschatology is a perversion of Christian eschatology meant to spread confusion. It’s not wrong to research it but only to better understand what it means in the context of Islam and to Muslims. Only the Bible should be used to establish Christian doctrine.

  18. When discussing if Muslims will not worship a man (“as God” as you corrected me… my apologies), the most releva
    nt place would but what the Qur’an and hadiths, which governs the lives of Muslims. The foundations (or loopholes
    in my view), as I linked to, have already been laid out in Islam and the possibility of it happening are just th
    ere waiting. (More about that later).

    It is a misunderstanding to think that that non-Biblical prophecies are being used by proponents as a proof-text.
    Rather, if al-Mahdi does indeed correspond to the AC, then Islam’s prophecies (appropriation of true Biblical pr
    ophecies by Satan, or bastardization as you use it) dovetailing onto the prophecies of the Bible leads to a very
    good and ready deception for a religion that currently forms about 20% of the world and growing. In fact, I do no
    t believe that all the Islamic prophecies will come to pass, but enough to hold them in Satan’s grip. The yardsti
    ck is and always will be the Bible. I do not have more faith in the lies of Islam than in the teachings of the Bi
    ble (and the Mayan mud-sling, which I do not subscribe to, is irrelevant too). No more, more less. Let’s be clear
    about that. Such assertions are unnecessary and unhelpful.

    Dr. Timothy Furnish, a history professor who has a PhD in Islamic history, has many articles on Mahdism and the p
    henomenon ( — he doesn’t deal with AC paradigms on his site…. I don’t know what his pers
    onal views are. Furnish said that “Mahdism is believed by many (including scholars, who should know better) to be
    the province only of the Shi`is, but many of the most successful Mahdist movements in history have been Sunni.”
    (see his article on History Nework: Mahdism (together with the restoration of
    the Caliphate), has and continue, to hold sway in the lay Muslim’s fascination and thought, their antidote to th
    e “decandence and failure” of the West (which they wrongly equate with Christianity).

    In fact, many Christians are just as ignorant of the End Times events too, but we do not as a result conclude tha
    t it won’t happen. If we were to ask Christians today, “how many of you will take the mark of the beast?” I’m sur
    e most or perhaps all will say no way. Yet, we know from scripture, that a Great Apostasy is coming! You see, the
    falling away has been prophesied in the Bible, and the theological justification for the worship of al-Mahdi has
    been prepared in the Qur’an.
    Coming back to “Those in Islam will never accept the worship of a man claiming to be God,” (my apologies for mist
    akes in my quotation… I have problem rendering your blog in Firefox and Opera… part of the page is obscured b
    y the long column on the right that extends even into the textbox, which shows up as much wider than the page, I’
    m typing into), do you mean to say that the scenario I linked to be impossible? In what way is the scenario weak?

    Coming back to scripture, 2 Thess 2:4 contains three “theos” and the last one is anarthrous theos in nominative.
    Most translations render it as “God” (definite), and a minority render as “a god” (Geneva, NAB, etc). Many think
    that the AC will claim to be God supreme. However Dan 11:39 also tells us that he will also honor a “god of fortr
    esses”, and Rev 13:4 tells us that people will worship the dragon as well. In other words, whoever one thinks the
    AC will be, the worship accorded to the AC will not be exclusive, but in subordination to his god (i.e, Satan)..
    .. the Unholy Trinity imitating the Holy Trinity?

    Also, the Greek word translated “claiming” in NIV is apodeknunta meaning “showing” (by proofs, demonstration, etc
    ). Dr. Randall Price uses “display himself as god” (he used small letter “god”). Clearly, the proofs to be proffe
    red will dovetail with those of the False Prophet in Rev. 13. What this means is that the AC will demonstrate tha
    t he is god, but still in subordination to his god (Satan). The fact that there is a new round of killings associ
    ated with that worship (Rev 13:15) suggests that the new fodder for killings comes from his followers. Who is to
    say there won’t be some of his followers who will wise up? The rest who did not want to die will simply take it a
    s a test from Allah, or resign themselves to
    fatalism (as Islam teaches).


  19. This is getting too long for a comment section on a blog post. So I will try to keep it short and to the point. I do not have a lot of time to spend on any one blog post anyway.

    All the eschatological beliefs of Islam do not mean a hill of beans if Islam becomes incorporated into the Universal World Harlot religious system after the religious wars. That is my position on Islam and the three great monotheistic world religions. The Antichrist candidate will use the war against radical Islam to come into power by deception and conquest. I think Catholic Marian deception will be involved. After the religious wars all religion will be tolerant and they will be under the control of the Harlot in Rome. Any teaching that falls outside of Univeralistic doctrine will not be allowed because it will be seen as a threat to world peace (thus the reason for the persecution of the true Christian Church). Then after Satan is cast unto the earth and incarnates the Antichrist figure he will turn on the Harlot and claim to be the incarnation of God on earth and he will demand worship. His main power base will be from those in pagan spiritualism like those in Eastern religions and new age Oprahology, if you know what I mean.

    The role Islam will play in this is to give the West a dire threat to fight against for the Antichrist to rise to power. Islam will bring on the war of Psalm 83 and be involved in the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39. The other role Islam will play is that all in Islam that continue to reject Jesus Christ will certainly be deceived by the Antichrist when he appears but not because he pretends to be a Muslim. He will appeal to all on earth who reject Jesus Christ. The problem with the Muslim Antichrist proponents is that they are really setting up the thinking that will allow the Antichrist to rise to power when a great leader appears in the wars against radical Islam. Then after the wars they will expect some kind of Christ to appear but that is really when Antichrist is revealed. So they are really setting themselves up for deception.

    If you have problems reading this Blog in Foxfire or most browsers it is probably because your screen resolution is different than what this blog is best viewed at. Or more likely you have some issue with how you display data and how it wraps in your page setup. I use Foxfire and Explorer and I do not get overlap.

    I am not going to get into the rest because it is a waste of time. The beliefs of Islam are irrelevant to Christian eschatology for the reasons I already stated.

  20. I believe the antichrist to be Muslim. Revelation is centered in the middle east. This little horn will be fierce and speak against the most high. The two witnesses will grant protection as the new temple is being assembled in Jerusalem, with the hordes ready to strike when Gods powers leave the two. This head chopper will hate the harlot(Saudi Arabia) for not being true to its faith and prostituting itself with the west, and burn her with fire. Saudi sits on the Big Seven oilfields(mountains?) and the burning oil fields will send up smoke but there might be no one to put them out. The captains mourning over Babylon burning could be oil tanker crews. Saudi is the birthplace of Islam and the religion has mini towers, minarets, like babel towers? Also the new luxurious cities it is building, along with its mighty towers- skyscrapers, could be ready for destruction by the beast. Then he will step into the temple and declare himself allah, and have satan, the false prophet, and the image-icon to push the dark declaration. Jesus Christ is Lord! Also i would like to add, the wine of this mystery babylon the world got drunk on= OIL!!

  21. WOW ! The Bible is clear. Babylon gets drunk on the blood of the martyred saints through the centuries.

    Loony tunes is right Don !

  22. You searh the Scripture and you find not, but its simple.. Be it a person or a system, or a nation, the antichrist is rejection of Christ teaching. Than who reject Christ ? Who kill christian ? Who dominated this world with their sword dan law ? Who say that their law are from God of which are not… I think this is the true antichrist. ….

  23. Don,

    Sure.. billions antichrist and only one Beast ( leader). If there is no beast than there are no billions of followers and no system. But as we could see, the Beast is here into this world with their system and law and claimed all from God revealt through him. All of their teachings point to rejecting Christ teaching, they have a Christ in mind – ( another Christ). This is not a creative idea Don.. this is real.

  24. Frankly James, I really do not know what you are talking about. On this thread we are talking about debunking that the Beast/ Antichrist the man in Revelation that is also described by the prophets. I am saying this man will not claim to be a Muslim. If you have some idea that the Beast/Antichrist is not a person your non literal interpretation of eschatology is just not going to fly here.

  25. Well.. Don, simply the Beast is Mohammad and Islam is their system – the perfect antichrist.

    But if you not felt that way.. its OK. All the best. I quit…

  26. Islam is antichrist but so is all religion outside of Christianity. Muhammad was a sick demented man who is long dead and never was a king and could not be one of the seven Kings of Revelation 17:10-11. Muhammad is not going to rise from the dead and be the Antichrist.

  27. Don.. i am giving a final stand. Muhamad is the beast and islam is a system, making them the perfect antichrist.

    In a normal sense, Muhamad never was a king. But even the Saudi King rever him. So he is the perfect king of muslim world. The king of the kings.

    And, Muhamad already died and never arise until the judgement day. Think again, his teaching and doctrine alive and grows more than christianty. Look at the US President now, half christian half muslim.

    If in the near , or in distance future arise such a person to be antichrist, surely he is the follower of Muhamad, doing his will and islam system. So its clear that Muhamad is their leader and king

  28. You are arguing from what you want to believe not anything found in the Bible. The Beast is an actual man with an actual world Kingdom it is not a religion. The Harlot is religion she is not the Beast, she rides the Beast and then the Beast destroys her (Rev chapter 17).

    All on earth will worship the Beast/Antichrist. There simply is no way that you are going to get a secular humanist hedonistic world to submit to oppressive Sharia law of Islam. The Antichrist religious system in the final analysis will be a “New Age” concept where everyone is said to part of God if they identify with Him by taking the mark. Of course, the truth is that no one is of God unless they have been born from above into the Body of Christ.

  29. have you noticed how the world is becoming more and more pro islam. it is required now to teach the islamic religion in many schools and universities. islam is spreading to every part of the world. islam WILL accept a man claiming to be god as long as they beleive he is the mahdi. the secular hedonists you mention will have no choice – the bible says those who don’t submit will be beheaded (islam’s preferred choice of executing). daniel metal image – head of gold – babylon
    arms chest of silver – medopersia
    belly thighs of bronze – greece, thighs representing two of the four divisions mention later in daniel – seleucic and ptolemy empires
    legs of iron – the turkish ottoman empire. the bible says this empire “was, is not, and will be again for a short time. this islamic caliphate was abolished after wwi in 1923. it is now being revived again into an islamic union (not one empire, but a mixture of nation (iron and clay)
    ten toes – this revived islamic caliphate.
    the goal of the globalists (council of foreign relations, trilateral commission, bildebergers, united nations, etc. is to divide the world into ten regions. three are already formed – european, african, muslic; one is in the works, mexico, u.s. and canada. when all ten are formed, this seventh world empire, a global government, will be replace by an eight, the kingdom of the antichrist – the bible say, seven regions will submit to his kingdom peacefully, three will have to be conquered.
    all of this IS in the bible, not just something we WANT to believe. and yes new age religion is part of the whore, but only a part. any religion that doesn’t put JESUS first is part of the whore religion. the bible says the antichrist/mahdi will come to power by deception – he will claim to be the mahdi so that all of islam welcome him. but the bible says he will not regard the god of his fathers. his ultimate purpose is the worship of himself. that is why eventually he must force people to worship him by receiving the mark.
    it’s all very logical and makes perfect sense.
    i agree with you that most prophecy teachers have most of it wrong because they teach that the european union is the revived roman empire. even if it is, it’s irrelevant . roman has nothing to do with end times, only the area surrounding israel – the same geographical area where all of the 7 world kingdoms have and will ruled – (1)egypt, (2)assyria, (3)babylon, (4)medopersio, (5)greece, (6)the ottoman empire, (7)the soon to be global government, and out of the seventh, and eighth king, the antichrist.
    and also i do agree – jack vanimpe is a kook.

  30. Todd,
    I debated even posting your comment because it is such a mishmash of misinformation.

    The world is not becoming more pro Islam. Hedonistic people in control of the world will never put themselves under Sharia Law, you can take that to the bank. There is a temporary alliance between the Left and Islam because they are using each other for their own advantage against conservatives and nationalists in the world. It will fail. There will be a backlash against Islam and the Left by the nationalists and the alliance between socialists and Islam will dissolve. A house divided cannot stand.

    Most of Islam does not even believe in the Mahdi yet will Muslims accept a man as God.

    Contrary to what you Muslim Antichrist proponents say, the Antichrist will be a very popular hero and world figure. He will not come out of Islam his power base will come from the people that will war against radical people and the states controlled by the radicals in Islam. He will have all the answers the hedonistic world wants to hear and that certainly is not Sharia law.

    The ten toes is not the revived Islamic caliphate the two legs of Iron historically were undoubtedly the east and west parts of the Roman Empire not the Ottoman Empire.

    The Antichrist could control ten nations, ten zones in the revived Roman Empire, or ten world zones or even all three. The Bible does not tells us anything other than there will be ten kings that give their power unto the Beast. Anything else about the makeup is conjecture and is not something found in the Bible contrary to your claim that the Bible says these things. If you can actually find what you said in the Bible lets have chapter and verse? What you are doing here is reading what you want to believe into what is actually said and then telling us it is in the Bible.

    Again, the Bible does not say the Mahdi will come by deception the Bible does not mention a Mahdi at all. Neither does the Qu’ ran. Remember, the Antichrist and his mark comes after the Gospel of the Kingdom is taught to the whole world as a witness by the 144,000 and the two witnesses give their testimony in Jerusalem for 42 months. So no one is going to be able to claim that they were ignorant when they choose to take the mark. Those that take the mark rejected the truth (Jesus) and will willing believe in this counterfeit. By taking the Mark they are just showing they are sons of Satan (these are the tares).

    I do not know who your agreeing with here it certainly is not me? The European Union is part of the area of the Roman Empire and the Roman Empire will be revived.

    Rome has nothing to do with end times you say? Yet, Rome ruled the Middle East in the time that Jesus walked on the earth. So it has everything to do with end times. Had the Jews received Jesus as King of the Jews and establish the promised Kingdom on earth who would have been the opposition? It would have been the world power reigning over Israel. That was the Roman Empire. Nothing will change other than the timing, The delay is but a parentheses to give grace to the Gentiles. When the Jews receive their king it will be the revived Roman Empire that will oppose him. We see the restoration of Israel in the Land and in the same time period the revival of the Roman Empire is also taking place. This is not just a coincidence.

    It is amazing that your can rewrite world history here and just take out the Roman Empire out of history just because you want to believe in a Muslim Antichrist.

    Those who buy into this Islamic Antichrist baloney are marching in step to what Satan wants the world to believe, that is a false tribulation and a false Christ following. Satan is setting up a straw-man religion so the Antichrist can come to power as a hero when his power base defeats Islam and frees people in religious bondage. Then the world promotes this hero as their concept of the Christ.

  31. Anyone who visits this “web blog” should seriously consider the level of true biblical discernment of any person who still follows the erroneous “rapture” theory….

    Not to mention very little Biblical references are used to back up the authors assumptions, unlike someone such as Walid Shoebat who examines biblical prophecy very literally.

    But what does it matter anyway because anybody who posts here can just as easily be deleted, or ravenously mocked as usually is the case amongst the “pre-tribber” flock (not unlike the folk).

    And the comments like “Islam will never be accepted by the decadent West…” HELLO! If anyone will read a little into history they will find that Islam wasnt spread over an area larger than the Roman Empire by giving the “decadent Jews and Christians” very much choice.

    And the authors assumption of “a more politically correct peacfull for of Islam” is simply laughable. More musing from “ivory tower American bible scholars” …try to spend any significant amount of time in the 10-40 window like I have over the past few years and you will see the true implications of the ignorance of the West over the true nature and goals and progression of Islam.

    I pray that someday soon “bible prophecy scholars” will start to look at prophecy through a Jerusalem-centric position and not an American-centric one…

  32. Christians really should consider the biblical discernment of people who still believe in the rapture theory and they should clearly question the discernment of Christians that call the Rapture (the harpazo) erroneous when it is clearly taught in scripture.

    This post is not a book. So why would you expect to find as many references to scriptures as someone who spent years finding verses to misapply scripture? I have thousands of articles and if you put then all against what Shoebat has written in all his writings I will bet that there are more biblical references in my writings than all of his combined. So don’t compare apples and oranges. This website does not support me like Shoebat books support him. One post on one aspect of Christianity is not a lifes work for me. I will put in many references in all my posts if you will send me a million bucks so I can hire the staff that doing this would require. Since your so sure the end is coming this decade that should not be a problem for some of you Muslim Antichrist 2012-2019 tribulation proponents? You can’t take it with you, you know. Yet after many months of this challenge all these “true believers” send nothing.

    Besides, you act as if this is the only article I have written on this topic. There are about 20 more articles on this topic on this blog and some of them have links to bible references and other articles from Bible prophecy experts that give plenty of additional Bible references that debunk the Muslim Antichrist concept. Why should I duplicate what I already referenced? Another point is that I heard the number of references argument before from Shoebat and followers used against other Bible teachers. Since when does the number of references one quotes make one correct? If the references are not applied correctly they are worthless. Correct application of scripture is not a numbers game. Churches are not more Biblical because they have large numbers but it seems that Muslim Antichrist proponents think they are correct because they are gaining a following. No. People today just want to believe what they want to believe. Anything that tickles their ears. By the way, that is a paraphrased reference to the Bible. I use many of those home made paraphrases in my posts because I expect most readers that care about these issues to know the Bible and know that I am getting these concepts from the Bible without having to dig up chapter and verse for what they already know.

    If you feel your going to be deleted or mocked here then why do you post? If you come here to just criticize without trying to do a little research on the reasons I give in my various posts why the Beast is not Islam or the Antichrist a Muslim, then of course you should expect to take heat.

    The Bible teaches that the Antichrist will kill the two prophets and then have control over the whole world. I cannot help that you do not take what God’s says literally and that you make the Antichrist strictly regional. There are so many references to the power of the Antichrist being worldwide that I am not even going to waste my time on the references. Besides, I have already talked about the local Antichrist theory on another post on this Blog. There is a search box from the home page if you really care to do some research on my posts.

    If you read my posts you would know that I do not think Islam is going to change until after a great world war takes place and after a Marian deception unites the world religions. Even now there is a large movement by a Muslim religious leader in Turkey to modify Islam. I have that article on this blog as well. So Islam is not as black and white as you indicate. In time people will get tired of war and then fundamentalism will be outlawed.

    I look at Bible prophecy through a Bible centered position. Not a Western, Jerusalem or even a Eastern position like Shoebat does. I think you really have not read my work. But from someone who mocks the reality of the Rapture what should I expect?

  33. I now understand why the last poster is not welcomed on His comments will no longer be welcomed here either. People really should read a blogs posting policy before posting. I have very little tolerance for those who go off topic and those who did not read the prior comments of the post and just want to come here to repeat arguments.

    Sometimes I have to wonder why the nature of those who hate the Rapture and insist on a Muslim Antichrist also turn out to be belligerent. I guess they are looking for someone to fight and thus they need a contemporary Antichrist rather than the one taught about in Daniel and Revelation.

  34. I’m open to all conclusions…But you should be aware that:
    1) Not necessarily a meshiach is a JEW
    (Isa 45:1) Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 to his anointed,4899 to Cyrus,3566 whose834 right hand3225 I have holden,2388 to subdue7286 nations1471 before6440 him; and I will loose6605 the loins4975 of kings,4428 to open6605 before6440 him the two leaved gates;1817 and the gates8179 shall not3808 be shut;5462

    From H4886; anointed; usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest, or saint); specifically the Messiah: – anointed, Messiah.

    1) The beast from the sea of revelation 13
    (Rev 13:2) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority.

    A beast composed then of Leopard (MACEDONIAN EMPIRE) with feet of BEAR (MEDO PERSIAN EMPIRE) and the MOUTH of LION (BABYLONIAN EMPIRE)

  35. The Roman Empire superseded these three and the revived Roman Empire (the proposed Euro-Med Union) intends to include these areas. These are the same four Beasts of Daniel except in Daniel’s vision he is seeing forward in time. So here John may be looking back to the future as this Beast emerges initially from Babylon then the Medo Persian and then the Greek and lastly the Roman Empire that takes on the areas, power and features of all three prior kingdoms.

  36. The Roman Empire superseded these three

    There is no account of the conquest of PARTHIAN (Persian) EMPIRE by Romans


  37. Me thinks you have the wrong order of kingdoms. Alexander took over the Medo Persian Empire and the Roman Empire came after the Greek.

  38. Yes but Revelation 13 says the beast has foot of bear i.e. has its foundations in the TERRITORY of PERSIAN EMPIRE this cannot be applied to ROME.
    maybe a future empire may comprise PERSIA CONQUERED anyway the LEOPARD depicts EXCLUSIVELY ALEXANDRE’S EMPIRE and no other

  39. Excuse me, Revelation chap 13 has no “I.e. has its foundations in the territory of persian empire” Your reading what you want into scripture and your also not getting the whole point so I give up.

  40. Symbols are made to BE READ i can read PERSIAN EMPIRE as a BASE in BEAST’S FOOT of BEAR
    otherwise John should have considered other animals….
    But he USES THE SAME BEASTS of DANIEL, moreover in one case (THE LEOPARD) uses the SAME WORD used in LXX version of DANIEL ????????.

    and ROME is OUT ’cause is THE ONE IS at the time of JOHN in REV.17
    Why all you are stubbornly insisting “It’s ROME, it’s ROME!!” maybe to have a SACRED SEAL to your ANTI-CATHOLIC HATE?

  41. I don’t have hate toward Catholics. Most of my relatives are Catholics and I still am a Catholic in the eyes of that Church. I do not think highly of the Roman Catholic institution because they have added doctrines of men to the gospel but so have many Protestants..

    You might read what this tread is all about. It is about why the Beast is not Islam and why Islam will not be the religion of the Antichrist. When I am talking about the Beast and the Antichrist as coming from the Roman Empire I am not talking about the Catholic Church in Rome I am talking about the revival of the Roman Empire (as we do see taking place today in the EU and the planned med affiliation). The Catholic Church in Rome fits more aptly as the Queen Harlot of Revelation chapter 17. She is not the Beast. In fact the Beast hates her and devours her in the end.

    In any case if I see any more accusations of hate coming from you, you are going to get banned. Not because I hate you, It will be because you will no longer will be welcomed to make false accusations and sow discord on my posts.

    I do not deny the symbols that you mention represent the Empires that you mentioned. Everyone who studies eschatology knows these things. I dispute your subjective interpretation of what the feet of the Bear means and some unknown conjecture by you about how the feet of the Bear eliminates the revived Roman Empire as the end time Beast.

    You really need to explain yourself better because I for one am not getting the picture. Even though I may be a little dense, a teacher must be able to make things clear to his students or he fails.

    9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
    10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
    11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    Here the same bible DEBUNKS your debunking….

    you will say how? Since from the first verse (AHA!) there are seven “hills” on which the woman sitteth (ROME!)
    Read carefully it’s written mountains NOT HILLS

    Verse 10 describes the succession of 7 kings before the final beast takes power: “five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet to come.” The current empire was Rome.

    But then verse 11 re-emphasizes “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” [Note that it does not say the beast is of the 6th, the one that “is,” which would be the Roman empire]

    To qualify as the beast, it would have to be “was,” and “is not” during the time of John. Since Rome “is” during John’s time, and not “is not,” this also shows that it is not Rome, but an empire that occurred before Rome. Recall that in Revelation 13, the previous ancient Grecian (leopard) empire, with some Roman (iron teeth) and Medo (bear)-persian (lion) elements, that will arise to be the beast, fit the description of the 7th and 8th beasts. This is the hybrid predicted in verse 8.

  43. Paolo,

    You are mixing scriptures that talk about two different things. I have told you this before, THE BEAST IS NOT THE WOMAN OF REVELATION chapter 17. The woman of Revelation 17 rides the Beast so how can she be the Beast? Also the ten kings that give power to the Beast hate the woman so the woman is not the Beast.

    In the Greek New Testament the word for mountain, mountains and mount is the same (orvo oros) . In English mount is the word chosen by some English translators when it refers to Zion and Olives otherwise they chose the English word Mountain or Mountains. To assume that because the word hills was not chosen for where the Woman sits that it cannot refer to Rome is equivalent to saying that small mount Olives cannot also be seen as a hill.

    Rev 17:9 is telling us where the spirit behind all false religious systems since Babylon will be headquartered in the end times (At the Vatican in Rome).

    Verse 10 is no longer talking about the location of the woman it talks about the seven world empires where the false religious Harlot fornicated ever since Babylon. So when it is talking about the seven mountains (world empires) five were before the time of John the sixth was Roman and the seventh will be the Revived Roman Empire. When it is talking about the seven kings as in verse 11, it says one of the kings of these seven world empires will also be the eighth king (a evil spirit behind the king unless one actually thinks one of the seven kings physically rises from the dead).

    Also I am not at all saying that the Antichrist does not come out of the Greek area of the Roman Empire or that the last Beast is not a hybrid of all the beasts before it. The argument of this post is that the Beast is not Islam and that the Antichrist will not come out of Islam. By the way, I think the Beast actually returns to Babylon for the last 3.5 years but at that point there is no Islam in the world. There is only those who follow the truth as it was given by the two prophets and the 144,000 and the angels and those that believe a lie and think that Satan is God.

    Read my Revelation commentary on Babylon and you should get my full picture.

  44. “..Five were before the time of John the sixth was Roman and the seventh will be the Revived Roman Empire” you said..
    Yes but….The so-called “Revived Roman Empire” has ALREADY BEEN and…Gone.
    “It is said that when Mehmed stepped into the ruins of the Boukoleon, known to the Ottomans and Persians as the Palace of the Caesars, probably built over a thousand years before by Theodosius II, he uttered the famous lines of Persian poetry:

    The spider weaves the curtains in the palace of the Caesars;
    the owl calls the watches in the towers of Afrasiab.

    After the Fall of Constantinople, Mehmed claimed the title of “Caesar” of Rome (Kayser-i Rûm), although this claim was not recognized by the Patriarch of Constantinople, or Christian Europe. Mehmed’s claim rested with the concept that Constantinople was the seat of the Roman Empire,(…)”

    SO MEHEMED SECOND was the THE SEVENTH KING having conquered the THRONE of the SIXTH: ROME.

  45. A claim that was not even recognized does not make it an Empire. If the Roman Empire is now replaced by a rising Muslim Beast? how do you explain the rise of the EU and plans for a Euro-Med union on the same boundaries of the old Roman Empire? We cannot ignore reality when we see Bible prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes.

    How also do you explain the Roman Catholic Church with all its Babylonian religious baggage and its retched history? A religion with embassies in many nations and a seat at the UN being a harlot with the world system? It even has a man calling himself the vicar of Christ in the garb of a drag queen. This religious system is the fitting image of the Harlot of Revelation chap 17 and it sits on the seven hills of Rome, not in Babylon or Mecca. By the way, a Harlot is someone that has a husband but whores. Islam never had any claims on Christ and never knew the God of the Bible. I mention the Roman Church because the Harlot rides the Beast into power and today the Pope is supporting the EU and UN NWO agenda. So put the Woman on the Roman Beast and it fits Bible prophecy. Put the Woman on Mecca and your prophetically still in some eastern desert.

  46. Many people in USA tend to EXAGERRATE the power of EU
    Emma Bonino (former EU commissary) said : EU is an Economic Giant (But is it anymore?), a political Dwarf, and a MILITARY WORM”
    No one of “Apocalypse telepreachers” consider the role of CHINA (remember HSBC is in LONDON but is CHINESE) in ENDTIMES. And CHINA is one of BEST FRIENDS of SYRIAN STRONGMAN BASHAR ASSAD (for someone mr. 666 in person….see
    In consider the attitude “the bible does not speak about musilims” a rather myopic attitude…
    Consider Ezekiel why all the nations cited in EZ. 38 are NOW all ISLAMIC?

  47. The EU has a GDP higher than the United States and that does not include the proposed Med affiliation. There is also enough military power in NATO to annihilate any Muslim confederacy.

    By the way, if the Eur-Med union becomes a reality it will include many of the nations around Israel and also Israel. Like I said, the Beast will look like the old Roman Empire. So, many of Arab nations will be incorporated into the Eur-Med union but this probably occurs only after the war of Psalm 83.

    God destroys the Muslim nations that come with Gog in Ezekiel but that war occurs before the Antichrist, so how then can the Antichrist be of them? If you need to find out why the Gog war is not Armageddon do some basic research on Bible prophecy. I am not going to explain it to you here.

    ASSAD is two ugly to be the Antichrist although he is antichrist. Does any thinking person believe the whole world is going to follow ASSAD or that even the Persians and all Muslims will follow ASSAD?

    The bottom line is that all the nations that come against Israel are Muslim today because the people that are in Islam do not know Christ, follow lies, and hate Israel. It is not that the Antichrist will be a Muslim. Islam will be dealt with in the wars of Psalm 83 and the Gog war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 but all this is prior to the Antichrist. What is left of Islam after these wars will likely be watered down and joined with the Harlot of Rome into a one world religion.

    Only when the two witnessness of God are slain and the whole world is throwing a party rejoicing and saying peace and safety will the Antichrist be revealed. The world is not going to be rejoicing and following the Antichrist because Islam wins and is imposing Sharia law on everyone.

    China’s role in the end times comes with the Kings of the East. China is not involved in the Psalm 83 or Gog war. This is after the Antichrist is revealed.

    I see you did not answer what I said about the Harlot. Islam simply does not fit the Harlot.


    Friday, February 23, 2007
    Martin Luther on the Jihad

    by Baron Bodissey

    In the early 16th century, nearly a hundred years after the conquest of Constantinople by the Turkish Sultan, the Turks had overrun much of the Balkans and recently subdued Hungary. The Germanic principalities in Central Europe were threatened by the Turkish advance, but their customary fractiousness — and the advent of the Protestant Reformation — had made it that much harder for Christendom to unite and repel the invaders.

    In 1528, Martin Luther had no way of knowing that a century and half later the Christian states of Europe would unite long enough to drive the Turks back from the Gates of Vienna. In his day, Europe was up for grabs.

    Here are some excerpts from what Luther had to say about Islam, and the necessity for a robust military defense of Christendom, from Vom Kriege wider die Türken (On War Against the Turk):

    Martin LutherI have some pieces of Mohammed’s Koran which might be called in German a book of sermons or doctrines of the kind that we call pope’s decretals. When I have time, I must put it into German so that every man may see what a foul and shameful book it is. In the first place, he praises Christ and Mary very much as those who alone were without sin, and yet he believes nothing more of Christ than that he is a holy prophet, like Jeremiah or Jonah, and denies that he is God’s Son and true God. Besides, he does not believe that Christ is the Savior of the world, Who died for our sins, but that He preached to His own time, and completed His work before His death, just like any other prophet.

    On the other hand, he praises and exalts himself highly and boasts that he has talked with God and the angels, and that since Christ’s office of prophet is now complete, it has been commanded to him to bring the world to his faith and if the world is not willing, to compel it or punish it with the sword; and there is much glorification of the sword in it. Therefore, the Turks think their Mohammed much higher and greater than Christ, for the office of Christ has ended and Mohammed’s office is still in force.

    From this anyone can easily observe that Mohammed is a destroyer of our Lord Christ and His kingdom, and if anyone denies concerning Christ, that He is God’s Son and has died for us, and still lives and reigns at the right hand of God, what has he left of Christ? Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Baptism, the Sacrament, Gospel, Faith and all Christian doctrine and life are gone, and there is left, instead of Christ, nothing more than Mohammed with his doctrine of works and especially of the sword. That is the chief doctrine of the Turkish faith in which all abominations, all errors, all devils are piled up in one heap.

    – – – – – – – – – –


    In the second place, the Turk’s Koran, or creed, teaches him to destroy not only the Christian faith, but also the whole temporal government. His Mohammed, as has been said, commands that ruling is to be done by the sword, and in his Koran the sword is the commonest and noblest work.

    Thus the Turk is, in truth, nothing but a murderer or highwayman, as his deeds show before men’s eyes. St. Augustine calls other kingdoms, too, great robbery; Psalm 76:4 also calls them “fastnesses of robbers,” because it is but seldom that an empire has come up except by robbery, force, and wrong; or at the very least, it is often seized and possessed by wicked people without any justice, so that the Scriptures, in Genesis 10:9, call the first prince upon earth, Nimrod, a mighty hunter. But never has any kingdom come up and become so mighty by murder and robbery as that of the Turk; and he murders and robs every day, for it is commanded in their law, as a good and divine work, that they shall rob and murder, devour and destroy more and more those that are round about them; and they do this, and think that they are doing God service. Their government, therefore, is not a regular rulership, like others, for the maintenance of peace, the protection of the good, and the punishment of the wicked, but a rod of anger and a punishment of God upon the unbelieving world, as has been said. The work of murdering and robbing pleases the flesh in any case, because it enables men to gain high place and subject everyone’s life and goods to themselves; how much more must the flesh be pleased when this is a commandment, as though God would have it so and it pleased Him well! Therefore among the Turks, too, they are held the best who are diligent to increase the Turkish kingdom and who are constantly murdering and robbing round about them.


    All fanatics, as a rule, when the spirit of lies has taken possession of them and led them away from the true faith, have been unable to stop there, but have followed the lie with murder and taken up the sword, as a sign…

  49. * “The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than Allah’s apostle and His Word which He cast to Mary; a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His apostles and do not say: ‘Three.’ …Allah is but one God….” (Koran 4:171)
    * “…Then Allah will say: ‘Jesus, the son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: ‘Worship me and my mother as gods beside Allah?'” (Koran 5:114)

    Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son.
    1 John 2:22

  50. Paolo, I do not deny that Islam is satanic and antichrist and that Muhammad was a false prophet but that does not make Islam the Beast of Revelation or mean the son of perdition (the Antichrist) will come from Islam.

    Shortly after Luther, many Christians were saying the Papacy was the Antichrist. Those that do not understand Bible prophecy and certainly those who allegorize Bible prophecy are not going to get Bible prophecy correct. Certain Christians that allegorize prophecy were always looking for their own concept of the antichrist to be present in their own time. They picked what they thought was the most qualified candidate. The same is happening today. Nevertheless, any serious study of Bible prophecy that takes the scriptures about end times literally leads to the conclusion that Islam is not the Beast.

    In all your comments you have not at all proven your case that Islam is the Beast and I now think you have said more than enough on this blog post.

  51. “Mr. President: I heard a lot about your newspaper. I have not met any Italian journalist, but I have met with a lot of politicians and parliament members, especially after the 11th of September which ignited European movement especially in the Middle East. Of course the problem lies in the lack of communication, not communication in the technological meaning, but in the human meaning. That is what we need; we need to have more dialogue, more communication. I do not think we are going to start this communication now between the Syrians and the Italians because we have a history of two thousand years, a common history. You know that Syria gave the Roman Empire eight Popes and five emperors. When the Pope came to Damascus last May, I told him we were watching your pilgrimage.”

    Bashar Assad. Interview to corriere della sera 14-02-02

    “The traditions of the Syrian Christians and Moslems’ living peacefully together is one of the most important characteristic of our people; we have also a Jewish Community. In Syria live many of the Russians. The most ancient Church exists in Damascus.”

    From His Excellency Interview with the Russian Gazeta Daily (August 20-21, 2008)

    I don’t say islam is the beast i say that THE BEAST will come out from the EAST but could well be
    that a SYRIAN ARAB will became the NEW ROMAN EMPEROR and SHANISHA of PERSIA and KHAKHAN of the NEO-DURRANI EMPIRE (Afghanistan+Pakistan) governing all that from BABYLON and CONSTANTINOPLE…..

  52. A Syrian might come to power in some future Eur-Med union but if he does he will not be Assad (too divisive and too ugly).

  53. what other religion has lead 1.5 billion people away from Christ. and by what prophet. its islam and thier false prophet mohammed. the beast that once was is not and will come again…. the pet name for the koran is the book of 666… pretty simple

  54. They never were of Christ. On the other hand, Catholicism and liberal Protestantism has led almost 4 billion people that call themselves Christians away from the true gospel of Christ over the last 1500 years. Any pet name of the Qu’ran being 666 is only in the eyes of the beholder. Who is playing the Harlot with the Kings of the world? That is pretty simple.

  55. Don – there is but one religion that has waged unending “holy war” against those “who hold to the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev 12:17). That religion is Islam. The Middle East use to be predominantly Christian. The reason it is no longer Christian is because it is now Islamic.

  56. The “harlot” with the kings of the world is Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. The harlotry is the alignment with the kings of the earth from a commercial perspective w her oil. Read Rev 17 and notice how many times commerce and wealth is mentioned. The “wine” in the cup of the harlot is her oil. Muslims consider Saudi Arabia as a harlot becasue of her alignment with the West, both commercially and miltarily.

  57. Jack

    If Islam is the Harlot then how do you explain these Bible verses. Islam was not around in the time of the prophets and apostles and all the blood of the prophets and saints are not found in Islam. The Harlot is all world religion that fornicates with another god besides YHWH.

    Rev 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.

    24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

    The Harlot is all false religion since Babylon not just Islam.

    Read chapter 17 and 18 of my Revelation commentary for a more complete explanation

    I might add that the Middle East was not predominately Christian or they would have never followed a false prophet.

  58. I might add that the Middle East was not predominately Christian or they would have never followed a false prophet.

    Traditional Islamic law mandates the death penalty for Muslims who leave Islam, in accordance with Muhammad’s command: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.” This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, although there is some disagreement over whether the law applies only to men, or to women also.

    Many Muslims take this dictum quite seriously even today. In August 2007, Mohammed Hegazy, an Egyptian convert from Islam to Christianity, was forced to go into hiding after Islamic clerics issued sentences of death against him. He refused to flee Egypt, however, and declared: “I know there are fatwas to shed my blood, but I will not give up and I will not leave the country.”

    An Afghani named Abdul Rahman was arrested in February 2006 – for the crime of leaving Islam and becoming a Christian. The constitution of the new, post-Taliban Afghani regime stipulates that “no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam.” Abdul Rahman’s case showed that the traditional Islamic classification of apostasy as a capital crime would be included in this. After an international firestorm, and pressure from the United States, Abdul Rahman was released and asked for asylum in Italy, which was swiftly granted; however, the conditions under which he was originally arrested still remain: the Islamic law provision in the Afghani constitution remains today.

    Mohammed Hegazy and Abdul Rahman aren’t alone. Christian converts face persecution all over the Islamic world – and it usually goes unreported. Another case that did come to the notice of the international press was that of Robert Hussein Qambar Ali, a Kuwaiti who converted from Islam to Christianity in the 1990s. He was arrested and tried for apostasy, even though the Kuwaiti Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and says nothing about the traditional Islamic prohibition on conversion to another faith. One of Hussein’s prosecutors, explained that Islamic law superseded the Kuwaiti Constitution anyway, and so Hussein could be legitimately tried: “With grief I have to say that our criminal law does not include a penalty for apostasy. The fact is that the legislature, in our humble opinion, cannot enforce a penalty for apostasy any more or less than what our Allah and his messenger have decreed. The ones who will make the decision about his apostasy are: our Book, the Sunna, the agreement of the prophets and their legislation given by Allah.” Even in places where it is not fully enforced, the Sharia retains the status of a kind of meta-law, often overriding and superseding the laws of the land.

    That fact also bodes ill for Christians. Besides denying the freedom of conscience, Islamic law mandates that Christians be subjected to a second-class status that mandates that they pay a special tax (jizya; cf. Qur’an 9:29) from which Muslims are exempt, not hold authority over Muslims, not build new churches or repair old ones, and submit to various other humiliating and discriminatory regulations. However, these laws have not been in force in Iraq since it was an Ottoman province – and under Western pressure, the Ottoman Empire abolished this discriminatory system, the dhimma, in the 1850s. In Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, as well as the Syria of the Assads and in other countries where relatively secular governments have been in power in recent decades, lawmakers took their cue in many areas more from Western law than Islamic law, and Christians enjoyed relative equality with Muslims.

    But those days seem to be drawing to a close. Preaching in a mosque in Al-Damam, Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid, a popular preacher whose sermons circulate widely over the internet, declared that “educating the children to Jihad and to hatred of the Jews, the Christians, and the infidels” is “what is needed now.”

    Many Muslims are heeding such words. In March 2007, Islamic gangs knocked on doors in Christian neighborhoods in Baghdad, demanding payment of the jizya. Christians all over Iraq live increasingly in an atmosphere of terror. In October 2006, a Syrian Orthodox priest, Fr. Boulos Iskander, went shopping for auto parts in the Iraqi city of Mosul. He was never seen alive again. A Muslim group kidnapped him and initially demanded $350,000 in ransom; they eventually lowered this to $40,000, but added a new demand: Fr. Boulos’ parish had to denounce the notorious remarks made the previous month by the Pope in an address in Regensburg, Germany, that caused rioting all over the Islamic world. The ransom was paid, and the church dutifully posted 30 large signs all over Mosul, but to no avail: Fr. Boulos was not only murdered but…

  59. Don – The beast of Rev 17 is an end time beast, and he represents an end time false religion. He has heads and horns, both of which are future. This beast is the third beast in Revelation, all of which are satan’s embodiments (Rev 12:17). The frist two are in Rev 13. The scarlot beast is the personaificaiton of the false religion first prophesied in Rev 13:1-8 (the world “worships” this beast). He is Allah, the god of Islam. The harlot rides the end time scarlet beast of Rev 17, demonstrating that in the end time, we should look for division within this false religion. There will be one from among the religions who is considered a harlot, even by her own. This is the case for the royal family of Saudi Araiba, the birthplace of Islam. If the harlot is all false religion since time of Christ then the harlot is unable to be personified.

    You need to read your history regarding the Middle East, Christianity, and Islam. The entire Middle East was Christian until the 7th century AD when Islam arrived on the scene. Islam destroyed the church. This jihad reached its peak when the Eastern Roman Church was destroyed in 1453. The city of Constantinople is now called Istanbul. Many, many, believers were martyed for their faith. For historical reference read, Roger Crowley, 1453, The Holy War and Constantinople. See also, “The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam : From Jihad to Dhimmitude : Seventh-Twentieth Century,” by Bat Ye’or, Miriam Kochan, and David Littman.
    Of course, for an entirely different paradigm, see my book website presently under construction,

  60. Paolo, I know that Islam kills Christians that is not the issue of this post. The debate is about the Son of Perdition – the Antichrist being a Muslim.

    Jack, I guess you did not read chapter 17 and 18 of my Revelation Commentary like I asked you.

    Sure the Middle East and the whole Roman Empire identified with Christianity but that did not make them true Christians. Had they been true Christians they would never have followed a false prophet.

    The Harlot is easily identified through history because she kills God’s people. Yes today Islam can be identified as being the harlot but tomorrow Islam will be supersede by a one world religion. In my Revelation commentary I give a brief history of the Harlot when I compare the woman of the flesh with the woman of the promise. The history through time of the Harlot woman of the flesh is in bold

    The tale of two nations or two women. The struggle between the woman from the flesh (harlot woman) and the woman from the promise (those who believe and trust God) can be followed in the following timeline (This is only a sample to help you understand and it is not meant to be all conclusive):

    · The Babylonian rebellion against God by Nimrod – the mystery religion and the Babylonian priesthood is founded at Babylon.

    · Abraham is taken out to be the father of all who live by faith in the true Creator. He believes God’s promise.

    · Ishmael is born of the flesh from Abraham’s slave girl – Ishmael mingles with the pagans of Babylon.

    · Isaac is born of the promise and follows the God of his father (Abraham).

    · Esau is the first son of Isaac but Esau puts no value on the promise of his birthright and sells it to Jacob for a meal.

    · Jacob becomes Israel and becomes a nation that is to keep the oracles and promise of God for the benefit of all the people of the promise.

    · Israel’s son Joseph speaks of the vision God gave him for the people of promise.

    · Joseph is sold into slavery to Egypt by jealous half brothers.

    · Joseph becomes prime minister of Egypt with the help of God and saves the descendents of Israel from physical starvation.

    · The Egyptian world government forgets Joseph, becomes totally corrupted by Babylonian pagan practices, and enslaves and persecutes the descendents of Israel.

    · God raises up Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt and the Law is given to Israel to lead them to the promised Savior.

    · Judaism becomes corrupted by harlotry with pagan gods.

    · The world empire of Babylon enslaves Israel.

    · The Mystical Brotherhood of the Babylonian order moves its headship to Pergamos after the fall of Babylon.

    · Some of the Jews return to Israel and rebuild God’s temple.

    · The Babylonian priesthood is moved to Rome by the last will of Attalus king of Pergamos.

    · Julius Caesar becomes supreme Pontiff (high priest) of the Babylonian Order in BC 63.

    · John the Baptist is born to restore Israel so they are ready to receive their promise.

    · Jesus “is the promise” and comes to save all mankind.

    · The Babylonian influenced Jewish priesthood and the Roman world system kill Jesus. The priests rejected the promise for adultery with Rome.

    · Jesus rises from the dead and the promise is given to all who by faith trust in this risen Savior.

    · There is a secession of Pontiffs from Julius Caesar to the year when the Babylonian Order becomes the ruler of the Roman Church in 378 AD (a very long story).

    · The wheat grows in the same field (the institutional church) as the harlot tares and grows up with them.

    · Islam is born and it teaches the sons of Ishmael and Esau to worship a single pagan God that persecutes those born of the promise.

    · The tares in the institutional church choke to death many of the people of the promise in the inquisitions.

    · The Protestant reformation is born by those who teach that salvation comes from trusting in the promise of Jesus alone.

    · Most of Protestantism plays the harlot with philosophy, psychology, new age paganism, humanism, pragmatism and materialism.

    · The people of the promise are now the wheat among the tares in the Catholic and Protestant Churches.

    · The printed Bible becomes available to the public. Smaller fields grow so much wheat the tares find little room to root.

    · Higher critical thinking philosophies war against those who believe the promise in God’s word.

    · The people of the promise are removed in the rapture and all the wheat not entangled with the tares (harlot) is removed from the earth.

    · All religions of the world unite after a great world religious war to form a world religion led by the Vatican at Rome. This woman will ride the Beast into her end time role.

    · The Beast devours the woman that rode on his back (world religious institutions and leaders). The tares are burned.

    · Satan through the lying wonders of His Beast and False Prophet sets himself up as God, declares the Kingdom of God has come, and he moves the political and religious capitol of the world to Babylon where he builds a city of gold for himself.

    · The wheat bound with paganism is threshed during the great tribulation the Beast brings on the earth.

    · All people of the promise that were in adultery return to her husband – the true God of heaven – and are gathered into His barn.

    · God avenges all the people of promise by destroying the Beast and by setting up the real kingdom of God on the earth ruled by Jesus.

    The woman who rides the Beast has actually existed since the days of Babylon but she will play her major role in the last days. She in the end will be eaten by the Beast she rides because he will claim to be God and will not tolerate the worship of anyone or anything other that himself. Many who were in harlotry will come to understand the truth in those days through the teaching and the judgments that take place in this time of trial for the whole world. These who come out of Babylon will not worship the Beast and these along with a remnant in Israel will return to the true God of heaven but it will cost many of them their mortal lives. In those days all who seek to save their lives by worshiping the Beast will lose their soul and those who lose their life for Jesus’ sake will gain eternal life.

    Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

    For a more detailed study on the history and future of the woman who rides the Beast I highly recommend the book “A Woman Rides the Beast” by Dave Hunt, Harvest House, 1994.

  61. But I don’t discuss this: There has already been SYRIAN ARAB Roman Emperors or POPES of Church
    The question is the NATIONALITY not the RELIGION

  62. Paolo, What makes you think that I categorically think that the Antichrist cannot be Syrian or Assyrian? You must be mixing me up with someone else since I also lean toward the Antichrist being an Assyrian or Greek Christian ruling over a future Eur-Med Union.

    My argument on this post and other posts on this blog about this issue is that the Beast is not Islam and the Antichrist will not worship Allah. The Antichrist will worship himself and the god of forces.

  63. I am a follower of Moses, Jesus and Muhhamad. Peace be upon them all. The day will come when we will all be told the truth. What is consistent amongst all the holy books is God has told mankind again and again and again and AGAIN!! – Do not commit idolotry, do not have any gods besides ONE GOD. (Even after mans attempt to currupt the original scriptures this truth is evident) This is the simple truth that every prophet has delivered, yet men from all dinominations continue to blaspheme and to make GOD The Almighty; A man, 3 in one, a father, having a mother, having partner etc etc. Worst of all associating pictures and yes even idols in the their very places of worship. WAKE UP to all of those Jews, Chritians and Muslims who do this. Also consistent is that the Anti Christ in all traditions will ask to be worshipped as a man. So lets get something straight. The majority of modern day “Christains” already worship a man and the modern day Jews are still awaiting the messiah. The muslims WILL NEVER WORSHIP A MAN / EARTHLY BEING! So how in can it follow that the anti christ will come amongst the muslims. by a simple process of logic it would leave the jews who first tried to deny Jesus his rightful place as the messiah to take the anti christ as their saviour, The christians who today already worship a man will be split. Ultimately I care less about all this debate about the anti christ and more about who is God and thE nature of OUR CREATER. I for one bear witness that their is no god besides GOD and He has no partners and thier is nothing like unto him!! To all those who label themselves Jews, muslims and Christians that also believe this to be true. PEACE BE UNTO YOU.

  64. Tommy,

    God told mankind not to do many sinful activities but He also knew that mankind would sin and that is why God sent His own Son as a Savior to free man from the sins that would eternally separation man from a Holy God.

    God told us long ago that He would do this through the prophets but when the Creator came into the world the world did not know Him and leaders of Israel rejected Him.

    Joh 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

    Make no mistake the Jews killed Jesus because He claimed to be equal with God, yet their own prophets foretold that God would come as a man.

    Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

    Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
    22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
    23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

    Christians do not blaspheme God by calling Jesus God and the Holy Spirit God. They are one God in perfect unity. Just because you do not understand how that can be does not mean it is not true. Jesus taught this truth Himself. So don’t call Jesus a prophet if you do not believe Him.

    The Truth is that Jesus is the only visible image of an invisible God.
    Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

    Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

    Man was made in God’s image so is it so hard for you to understand that the Creator would also choose to look like a man? God’s plan from before the fall of man was to come in the likeness of a man to take away man’s sin through His own blood sacrifice that would forever pay for the sins of the image bearers that He created?

    Abraham displayed this foreshadow and truth when he was about to sacrificing His Son for sin. This is not in the scriptures to make a good story, Abraham was prophetically acting out what would happen in the future through God’s Son Jesus Christ. It happened at the very same spot where Jesus was crucified.

    I agree that there is no God besides God but He is displayed to His creation in His Son. Those that deny the Son deny the Father that sent Him.

    1Jo 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

    The whole point is that man cannot come to Almighty God through mankind’s flawed works. Man must be reconciled to God through the Father’s own righteous works carried out in His Son. That is why Jesus said:

    I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Joh 14:6.
    Jesus also said “He that has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9

    He was not talking about the body of flesh that would die, He was talking about the divine nature He had from the beginning with the Father. That is why the grave could not hold Him. He rose to a new creation and is now sitting at the right hand of God calling all people to eternal salvation through His own work. But at the appointed time He will return to earth to put down all spiritual forces and people that oppose Him on earth.

  65. Don, thank you for your efforts in replying and quick response. I think we agree that Jesus was sent unto mankind by God and that there can only be one God. We also believe in a day of judgement when everyone will be bought to task on what they said and did. I pray to this ONE CREATER as I hope you do with sincerity to guide us towards the right path. Whatever happens on the day of judgement we will be told of our differences. You have your way of life and I have mine.

    One final note of caution which I believe would be wise to observe; Be careful who and what you insult. Please don’t misunderstand this to be some sort of silly personal threat which it most certainly isn’t. Surely all words all deeds are recorded and will be judged by God so regardless of personal beliefs I think it’s wise not to talk or act in such ways that might one day come to regret.

  66. There is only one truth and one Creator and one faith and one Lord. I will answer to Him. Jesus showed us the Creator and the Bible was inspired by Him and written about Him. So I have no fear of insulting the Creator when I am just telling people what He did and said.

  67. i just felt like saying thank you. i actually just read about every post. i am not sure where i stand on the ac being from islam. it was great to be a fly on the wall reading all of this. i would like to comment more and maybe in time i will but i really just wanted to say thank you. may Jesus get his Glory from this blog!

  68. Daniel 11;37 : “neither will he honor the god of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.” Notice Yahweh does not say “your fathers”(plural)? A stepson claiming not to practice the religion of his father(s), and does not have the “desire of women”, which, I believe, is to bear children. Is that abortion? How could Daniel have described a technique that destroys infants in the womb when they had no term for this practice? Revelation 20;4 “And I saw the souls of those beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God.” Who hates christians and Jews? Do we know of a leader who is claiming not to practice islam, supports abortion, raised in a stepfamily, and seems arrogant?
    Daniel 8;25 “And by his cunning , he shall cause deceit to prosper in his rule(government)” Quite simply put, who does this sound like?
    Daniel 11;38 “..he shall honor a god of fortresses..” Canada has labelled the current administration in the U.S. as protectionist.
    Revelation 13;13 “..and he shall doeth great wonders, even causing fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men..” This never made sense to me, until I watched a news item on the predator drone program that this administration is now relyng heavily on as part of the operations on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Trained pilots can operate these vehicles from thousands of miles away via PC and eliminate targets through an onboard camera.
    Furthermore, the greatest power held at this moment is in the U.S. presidency. That is the northern hemisphere. It is not Russia, or China. It is the U.S. That simply makes the U.S. the “king of the north”.

  69. Zeke, your grasping at straws to make Obama the Antichrist and reading your own nonsense into Bible prophecy.

    The context of the verse in Daniel that you quoted is talking about the gods that the Beast does not honor. So the “desire of woman” is a type of god that women honor (for example the queen of heaven”). The verse is talking about gods the person will not honor, not abortion.

    Making the Predator drone the great wonders of the False prophet is really bazaar. I suppose you think the head of the Predator operation is the false prophet.

    Revelation and Daniel are not talking about the greatest power on earth today. It is talking about a man and a world power that will control the world for 42 months after the two witnesses of God are killed. They have not even appeared yet. Furthermore, the King of the North is the king north of Israel not some king on the opposite side of the world.

    Enough fantasy and falsely labeling people the Antichrist. I almost did not post this but since this type of nonsense is being said so often by “Christians” someone has to address people like you. So I will. Study scripture first so you can use proper exegesis or please keep quiet on the Internet. 🙄

  70. I did not ask to be insulted..
    I was merely making an observation.
    I have studied. How do you think I know those verses?
    You must be a liberal.

  71. Your calling our nation and our leader the Beast and you think I am being insulting when I correct you?

    Quoting scriptures does not make you a good student you must understand the passages and use them in proper context. You have not studied enough to show yourself approved in what you said here.

    Yeah I am Liberal. I am liberally tired of people that make scripture say anything they want it to say.

  72. I think reader your problem is that you did not read the arguments here and on other posts on this Blog about the Muslim Antichrist theory. That argument on your link has been addressed. It might sound good but it is part nonsense, part revisionism, and part not knowing where the buck stops. Islam and Christianity were not even in existence at the time of Daniel so why then identify a secular people that destroyed the Temple with some religion? Sure the Prince will come out of the area of the old Roman Empire just as Daniel said, but he certainly is not going to be ruling over just the weak Islamic states of the Middle East. Islam is a house of cards it will fall before the God of Israel before the Antichrist even appears. In fact the destruction of Islam is probably what brings the Antichrist to power. But, seeing God working through Israel and hearing the message from two prophets that God will send to preach in Israel for 42 months will not stop the people of the world from wanting to believe a lie.

    Lets be honest, those looking for an Islamic Antichrist are doing it for one of two reasons. They believe there is truth in pagan prophecies like some Mahdi coming out of a well. Or Islam is the only thing they can see that will be a big enough threat to bring a world war. The problem with that thinking is that not long ago they thought the same thing about Hitler and Soviet Union. So why do they look for an Islamic Antichrist? Only because they think the tribulation is already upon us and the only enemy threatening enough is Islam. In other words, they make the same old error that has been going on since the reformation. They interpret Bible prophecy by their most feared enemies rather than through the prophetic scriptures. However, I have news, the end is not yet, We are at least a decade away from the Gog war of Ezekiel 38 and that is before or at the very start of the tribulation. I obviously am not going to repeat all my arguments here. I have many links on this subject. Here are a few of them.

  73. Hi Don, thanks for your reply. Islam and Christianity were not in existence then, but God knew that it would be in the last days. Isn’t that the point of prophecy, that God would know the end from the beginning?

    When Iran gets nuclear weapons (and I think they will) it will not be a weak Islamic state, they might even give nukes to Turkey and Syria, who knows. Obama may be the president of a superpower, but he is a weaker leader than either Amadinejad or Erdogan or even Assad and he is not going to stop them. I don’t think Israel will do anything without the US and if they do it is going to strengthen the resolve of the Muslims to join forces against Israel.

    I don’t think Islam is going away any time soon, it controls a full 1/4 of the world and is getting more and more militant, and there are thousands of terrorist cells and sympathizers already in the United States and many western countries. If they think their judgment day is near they will all go active.

    I’ve read the arguments back and forth and I think now that to say Islam is going to be gone soon is most likely a knee-jerk argument to the growing influence we’re seeing it take in the world because it does not fit the European view.

    I don’t believe that there is any truth at all to the pagan ‘prophecies’ about the Madhi from the Islamic books. Only distortions of Biblical Truth. But what matters is that the Muslims do believe that those distortions are the truth. I think that the writers of the Koran and Hadith were demon-possessed because, you see, Satan knows the Word of God and those Muslim books are from the pit of hell. Satan has made the Jews and Christians into the “bad guys” and made the Muslims into the good guys, and he has deceived a full 1/4 of the earth into believing his lies. Sounds like the green horse of Revelation to me who is followed by death and hell.

    Just my opinion of course, but it seems like more and more are coming to the same conclusions.

    God bless you and thank you for your site.

  74. You obviously did not take the time to bother to read the arguments that I and others presented on those links or I probably would not be having this followup.

    God knows the end from the beginning and that is why Islam is not even hinted at in Bible prophecy. The Antichrist will worship the God of forces. Sounds more like New Age/New Spirituality pantheism to me.

    A few nuclear weapons do not make anyone a world power. The people of Iran are very close to Revolution, all they need is a catalyst. Most Iranians want little to do with Islam. After the revolution I think Iran will become a secular state and even be friends with Israel until near the time of the Gog war.

    The idea that the US could not mop up the military forces of Iran is laughable. Did anyone learn anything from the Gulf wars when we destroyed all the military forces of Saddam in a week? We are the only superpower on earth right now. Israel could take care of the Iranian threat herself if we would get out of the way.

    Islam covers 1/4 of the earth and the sword of the forth seal will be over 1/4 of the earth. There would not be this world war if Islam was not carrying out Jhaid against the West but how long do you think the West will put up with it? There is already a backlash rising in Europe against Muslims. We see that in Wilder party in Brussels and what is happening in Austria. Throw in a few future attacks with WMD and what do you think will happen in Europe? A nationalist backlash against Islam will bring in the Antichrist just like it did with Hitler against the Jews. Hitler was just one of many historical European Antichrist prototypes that was before God’s time.

    Also, do not lump together Shia Muslims with Sunni Muslims. The Sunni majority generally do not believe all the Imaim Mahdi crap. These factions of Islam will end up fighting each other. That is why Sunni Saudi Arabia just gave Israel air space to attack Shia Iran. It may start as a world war with the west but it will end in Muslims fighting other Muslims. It almost happened in Iraq. The revolution within Islam will be the beginning of the end of Islam as we know it.

    Satan has no clue about the timing of end time events. Satan can only do what God allows. According to Bible prophecy Satan does not rebel against the God of heaven until he is cast out of heaven at the mid tribulation point.

    Jews and Christians are always the scapegoats and sheep for the slaughter. So did the end come with the first century persecutions? That argument does not fly. People under Islam have no choice now but to tow the line. The religion is under the control of tyrants. If the Muslim people get a reasonable chance to hear the truth many will convert and rebel. My point is that there is a great revolution coming in Islam where the descendants of Ishmael fight other descendants of Ishmael.

    Some are coming to the Islamic Antichrist delusion for the reasons I mentioned. They are interpreting Bible prophecy through pagan thought and fear that the end is on us. Even the fear against Islam is irrational, because even if Islam could unite (and they can’t), they are many years away from being any major military threat to the West.

  75. Hi Don, I have read most of the arguments, after much study though I’ve changed my mind. Here are some reasons why (there are too many to list, but here are a couple).

    As for Islam not being hinted at in prophecy, I think that it is — the false prophet (Mohammed, and they believe that a “prophet” (false Jesus) will stand behind the Mahdi), beheading (Islamic Shariah Law), the surrounding nations (Zech. 12:2, 14:14; Joel 3:11-12; Ezek. 28:24-26 which are today all Islamic countries), virtually all of the nations that the Bible list as being judged on the Day of the Lord are all Islamic countries such as Jordan (Ammon, Moab, Isa 15; Jer 25; Zeph 2:9), Saudi Arabia (Kedar son of Ishmael, Isa 21:13-17, also known as Edom/Idumea/land of Seir Arabia, birthplace of Islam. Composite judgment against all Arab nations, Eze 29-32; 34-36 and Jer 25), Egypt (Isa 19-20; Eze 25-32; Jer 25), Iran (Persia, Eze 27:10), Iraq and Syria (Babylon, Isa 14:24-32, Jer 50-51, Isa 14:15-27;21), Lebanon (Sidon and Tyre, Jer 25; Isa 23; Eze 27-28; Joel 3), Lybia (Put, North Africa, Eze 30:5), Palestine (Philistia/Philistines, Joel 3:4; Eze 25:15-17; Zeph 2:9).

    I don’t think this is just a coincidence.

    Also, the Anti-Christ will show himself to be God, which is the exact thing that the Mahdi will do by claiming to be something that only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob declares Himself to be: the savior. Islam teaches that the coming Mahdi will be the savior of all humanity, not just for Muslims. “If the Mahdi proclaimed himself to be, and is proclaimed to be, the ‘true savior’ of mankind that the world must follow, this would fly directly in the face of God who says in Isaiah 43:11 that I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior.’ According to Scripture, anyone who would proclaim himself to be the savior of the world would be claiming to be God.” The Anti-Christ does not have to outright say “I am God” in order to make that claim. Jesus did the same thing without telling the Sanhedrin “I am God”, and they understood what He meant and they sought to kill Him.

    As for Sunni and Shia Muslims, I have looked into this and Sunni Islam most definitely emphasizes the coming the Mahdi (I have a friend who is Sunni that confirms this). Though belief in the Mahdi has been made mandatory in Sunni Islam, it is more emphasized in Shia Islam, with the main difference being his origin:

    “We Sunni (1500 Million), Our view of Al Mahdi is different from the Shia’a (150 million)

    We Sunni believe as above, while the Shia’a believe Al Mahdi to be the 12th apostle of Hussain (son of Ali – the cousin of Prophet Muhammad) a saint they worship, they worship Ali and his sons – we don’t believe in most of their thinking (ideology). – they have great respect for Ali and his sons more than for Muhammad. They say that Gabriel made a grave mistake by descending on Muhammad instead of Ali.

    Al-Mahdi as we are informed by Prophet Muhammad, will emerge from the east (his name will be like the prophet name) he is not a prophet of God, he will gather the Muslims on one word and will lead Muslim armies to conquer the Jews in Jerusalem and his army will reach Rome and conquer the Vatican, then he will march back to Jerusalem on the word that the Antri-Christ has emerged in Jerusalem (The Holy Land) … When Al-Mahdi reach back in Jerusalem, he will not be able to defeat the anti-christ, (He seems to have strong magical powers)”

    Islam teaches that the “anti-christ” (who they call the Dajjal) will be the Jewish Messiah. They don’t know it, but they are teaching that the Jesus Christ of the Bible will be the Anti-Christ and they are setting up their own people to fight against Jesus Christ when He returns to save Israel, thinking that He is their “Dajjal” (Anti-Christ). How Satanic of a deception is that?

    Btw, in the Sunni book “Al Mahdi and the End of Time” (1997) the Islamic writers claim to find their Islamic savior in the Book of Revelation. Here is a quote from this book:

    “I find the Mahdi recorded in the books of the Prophets… For instance, the Book of Revelation says: ‘And I saw and behold a white horse. He that sat on him… went forth conquering and to conquer… It is clear that this man is the Mahdi who will ride the white horse and judge by the Qur’an (with justice) and with whom will be men with marks of prostration (zabiba) on their foreheads…. The Mahdi will offer the religion of Islam to the Jews and Christians; if they accept it they will be spared, otherwise they will be killed.” (page 16).

  76. Almost all of the arguments that you made come from concepts in the false religion of Islam and not from the Bible. You act as if you think you can know the things of God from doctrines of demons. It is a vary bazaar way of trying to define end time prophetic events.

    You say the nations spoken of in the Bible are all Muslim but you conveniently leave out the fact that many Muslim nations are not listed in the Bible at all. The nations you mentioned are listed in the bible because they are enemies that hate Israel not because they worship a Demon God called Allah. These same nations hated Israel before Islam and they will hate Israel after the decline of Islam.

    Has it even occurred to you that Muslim nations have mostly unbelievers in Jesus Christ and that is why they accept the Antichrist? All unbelievers in the world will worship the Antichrist not just those that are today Muslims. What about Eastern polytheistic religious are they also going to become Muslims? How does the Mahdi savior conquer India and China and make them convert to a religion that they hate? The whole concept is absurd.

    The truth is that all unbelievers will accept the Antichrist because they reject Jesus Christ. God will send those that reject the truth a strong delusion so that they believe that the Antichrist is God. All religion outside of Christianity is Antichrist not just Islam.

    What can a fantasy do anyway? So how would you know what the Mahdi will do? There is no Mahdi! The Mahdi fantasy does not claim to be Allah and God has no Son in Islam so he cannot be any false Christ either. Not only that, why would the hedonistic and perverted Western society submit to the laws of Islam? It is shear fantasy to think that westerners would see some Islam cleric as the world savior. It is also shear fantasy to think that Islam could force its religion on the world. The world will worship the Antichrist because he is the lawless God they want. The world is not going to be dancing for joy after the two prophets are killed because Allah is now taking over. Get real!

    Muslims have almost as many different views and factions as Christians. So you cannot speak as if what you quoted was the viewpoint of most Sunni and Shia because you happen to know one. Even all the Shia do not buy into the claims of the Iranian nutcases.

    Unless you can give me real arguments from the Bible why the Antichrist comes from Islam you really are just wasting my time and space. If you think you have an answer from that book your quoting, I already answered all three of those arguments in this post and in the half dozen other links to my posts that I gave you. I am not accepting any more arguments coming from the point of view of demonic theology. I would receive more truth consulting my dog.

    If you want to believe in fantasy rather than Bible Prophecy that is your choice but do not be surprised when those that fight against their Islam fantasy find themselves suckered by a real supernatural Antichrist that has all the power of Satan.

    Those that are looking for the coming of the Antichrist rather than Jesus Christ really miss the whole message to the end time Church anyway.

  77. Don,
    I would like to thank you for your dedication and your work for the Lord! It becomes more and more obvious as time ticks by that many will absolutely NOT listen to sound councel,yet; would rather fullfill Scripture by heaping to themselves teachers to ‘scratch’ their ‘itching ears’. I am amazed and blessed in these days, for I see Prophecy unfolding according to the LITERAL reading of the Scriptures, and this leaves the ALLEGORICAL totally unfounded. Also, so that I might keep this in the proper subject line; I would like to state that proponents of the so-called Mahdi/Anti-Christ are gaining their information without Holy Spirit’s Guidance and Revelation of the Scriptures. I am still trying to figure out just HOW they came up with this stuff, considering the TWISTING required to get Scripture to SEEM to support it. I have studied the Word for 40yrs. now, and find absolutely NO support for their cockamaimy ideas. In my humble opinion, we are seeing a ‘fore-shadowing’ of the Delusion that Father will place upon the planet after the Body is removed, requiring the Annointing carried by the two witnesses, and the 144,000 to pierce.
    May the Lord Bless you and Keep you, and may He Cause His Face to Shine upon you and Grant you Peace; and may He show you Great and Wonderous Things which you do not know, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!

  78. Thanks Daiedaie, I would say that they are getting their Mahdi/Antichrist/Islam Beast concept from teaching in factions of Islam, and there lies the problem. The people first promoting this came out of Islam and they are now try to mesh the teachings of the Bible with the lies of Islam. Christians get truth from the Bible not from exploring doctrines of demons. The dead do not know the things of God.

  79. Hi brother Don, the arguments are not from some faction of Islam, they are from the Bible, which I now believe is describing the evil religion of Islam in the last days. We know what will happen because of what is revealed to us in the Bible only. The way that I see it, the fact that Islam selectively copies portions of the Bible and twists it for its own evil purpose is indicative, to me, of the Satanic nature of the Koran and of the enemies cunning ability to deceive, discourage and destroy. He cannot create anything for himself so he has to corrupt what God has already created, and his corruption is Islam.

    The same nations hated Israel in the past, yes, but the portions of scripture I noted speak about the last days and the judgment they will see at the hand of God. The decline of Islam will happen in one day imho – when Jesus Christ returns.

    I’m not sure where you get the idea that all unbelievers in the world will worship the Anti-Christ, I don’t see that in Scripture. What I see are only all those whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, and I believe that in God’s foreknowledge everyone’s name is written in the Book of Life before birth but is blotted out either upon death (by the willful and continual rejection of the Christ which is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, a sin which cannot be forgiven), or because they have taken the Mark of the Beast, in which they are lost and doomed to hell and God knows this absolutely. There will be many non-Christians in the world who will not worship the Anti-Christ because there are many non-Christians who despise Islam even today. Besides, John shows us that the wrath of God is specific to the Anti-Christ, his land, those who have the mark, who worship the Beast, who persecute the saints (Rev 9:4, 16:2, 16:6, 16:10).

    And look at all of the Gentile nations that survive after the tribulation:

    Isa 2:2-4, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. AND HE SHALL JUDGE AMONG THE NATIONS, AND SHALL REBUKE MANY PEOPLE: AND THEY SHALL BEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES, AND THEIR SPEARS INTO PRUNINGHOOKS: NATION SHALL NOT LIFT UP SWORD AGAINST NATION, NEITHER SHALL THEY LEARN WAR ANY MORE.”

    Isaiah is obviously talking about nations of the Earth that are not destroyed either during the Great Tribulation or after the Second Coming of Christ.

    Isa 14:1-2, “For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. AND THE PEOPLE SHALL TAKE THEM, AND BRING THEM TO THEIR PLACE: AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL SHALL POSSESS THEM IN THE LAND OF THE LORD FOR SERVANTS AND HANDMAIDS: AND THEY SHALL TAKE THEM CAPTIVE, WHOSE CAPTIVES THEY WERE; AND THEY SHALL RULE OVER THEIR OPPRESSORS”

    These verses wouldn’t make any sense unless it referred specifically to surviving Gentile nations.

    Zech 14:9,16-19, “And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one … AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT EVERY ONE THAT IS LEFT OF ALL THE NATIONS WHICH CAME UP AGAINST JERUSALEM shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of ALL NATIONS that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.”

    Eze 36:24-28,36, “For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God…. THEN THE HEATHEN THAT ARE LEFT ROUND ABOUT YOU shall know that I the LORD build…

  80. … hat I the LORD build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the LORD have spoken it, and I will do it.”

    Why are there so many Gentile survivors after the wrath of God on the Day of the Lord? God could destroy literally every last non-Christian or non-Jew on the planet if He wanted to. But I think the last portion of this verse is why many will live:

    Hab 3:2, “O LORD, I have heard Your speech [and] was afraid; O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make [it] known; In wrath remember mercy.”

    As for eastern polytheistic religions, many will be forced into Islam but your question assumes that the Anti-Christ is able to control every square inch of the entire planet but I now believe that assumption is incorrect:

    * If Antichrist’s rule is literally global, why are other nations waging war against him and why is he himself waging wars? (Daniel 11:39-45; 9:26).
    * How can “all” mean literally “all” if even one nation — for example Jordan — is able to escape his hand (Dan 11:41)?
    * If Antichrist rules the world, why is he so worried about news coming out of the east and the north (Dan 11:44)?

    The word “all” and “whole” is sometimes not intended to be literal, such as the following examples:

    Luke 2:1-3 “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that ALL THE WORLD should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And ALL went to be taxed, every one into his own city.”

    Mark 1:5, “And there went out unto him ALL the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were ALL baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.”

    Daniel 2:36-38, “This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; in your hands he has placed mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them ALL. You are that head of gold.”

    Ezra 1:2, “Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD Elohim of heaven hath given me ALL the kingdoms of the earth;”

    Romans 10:18 “But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into ALL THE EARTH, and their words unto the ends of the world.”

    We know the answers to the following questions, but in light of the verses above let’s ask the obvious: Did Caesar literally tax the whole world? Did every last man, woman and child in Judea and Jerusalem get baptized in the Jordan River? Did Nebuchadnezzar or Cyrus literally rule over the entire earth, ruling over the native Indians in North and South America? Was the Gospel preached to the whole literal earth during the lives of the disciples? We know that the answer to each of these questions is no, as the verses above are obvious example of a figure of speech known as a synecdoche. This figure of speech uses a part for the whole, or the whole for a part. This is especially true when we read about kings and their kingdoms, and Antichrist will be no different.

  81. This comment section of this post is not a general discussion forum like the site that you keep linking to. This comment file on this topic would become too big to download if I allowed unlimited discussion on every point about an Islamic Antichrist that you are apparently copying out of some book.

    Most of what you bring up has already been answered in the links I gave you and I cannot spend a great deal of time on just one post repeating myself. So I will address a few things you brought up and that will be the end of our discussion.

    All false religion is a corruption of the truth not just Islam. Muhammad was taught the Bible and that is why some of the Qur’an has some parallel teaching. So does the book of Mormon but that does not mean the Antichrist will come from Mormonism. So are the doctrines of Babylon written into some doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. So the fact that Islam is a counterfeit religion does not mean that the Antichrist will come from Islam.

    The Bible says all unbelievers not written in the Book of life will worship the Antichrist so telling me it does not through your subjective reasoning does not change that fact.

    Re 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    If an unbeliever becomes a believer than this verse does not apply to him but the fact of the matter is that this passage makes it clear that those that reject the doctrine of Jesus Christ will worship the Antichrist. In fact, the Bible says the delusion will be so strong that even the elect would be deceived if that were possible. So obviously all unelected unbelievers will worship the Antichrist. Remember the whole world will be told the truth by the two prophets before the Antichrist even appeared. So what does the world do when the prophets are killed? They rejoice. Proving that they rejected the message.

    Your opinion about when people are written in the book of life and how they commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is subjective and it adds nothing to the Muslim Antichrist theory.

    You say some unbelievers will not worship the Antichrist because they hate Islam. Don’t you realize that is circular reasoning? First the Islamic Antichrist would have to be true, the fact that some hate Islam does not make an Islamic Antichrist true.

    John in Revelation shows us that the wrath of God is on the whole world and not just the Antichrist. You who limit God’s wrath to just the Middle East certainly have a selective reading problem with the book of Revelation. I could dig up all the scriptures that make it clear that the wrath of God like the flood is worldwide, but I do not have the time to waste. Try reading Revelation without your Muslim Antichrist glasses on.

    In the Bible passages you quoted it is obvious that many will be converted in the tribulation and survive through the tribulation. The people who survive are the survivors of the nations on the earth after the tribulation. It does not prove that the Antichrist is a Muslim or that the judgment is not against all ungodly men all over the world. In fact, the Bible says that all nations will appear before Jesus before they are even allowed in the Millennial Kingdom (Mt 25:32). So no. Entire nations will not be exempt from judgment.

    After Satan is cast out of heaven with his angels, he and his angels have total control over the earth but his intention is first to destroy the Jews and after that fails because of Michael’s intervention he will attempt to destroy the human race. He brings this agenda about through the Antichrist figure and through demons influencing nations. The point is that instead of being the savior of the world, like the Antichrist believes he is, he will bring the world to total destruction – had Jesus not returned.

    Re 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

    When the armies are gathered against Israel Satan already knows the outcome. His very intention is have all flesh destroyed through the influence of these demonically controlled beings, but that is not God’s intention for the human race so a remnant survive.

    Your limited local judgment theory is wrong in the light of all scripture, but even if there were a limited area of destruction like you claim, it still would not prove that the Antichrist comes out of Islam. So I do not even know why you bothered writing a thousand words that prove nothing.

    The Antichrist transcends all religions he does not submit to Islam.

    So I have yet to see a good argument that the Antichrist comes from Islam when Daniel makes it clear that he does not regard any god, he magnifies himself above anything called God.

    Da 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

  82. Great blog Don, I realize I’m entering this discussion late. I think everyone should study Daniel 7 before studying Revelation 13 and 17. The fourth Beast of Daniel 7 with 10 horns is clearly the same beast with 10 horns in Rev 13 and Rev 17. Most Bible scholars agree that this is the Roman Empire. I believe the harlot of Rev 17 is Vatican City(clothed in purple and scarlet, sits on seven mountains(Rome)). This area will give rise to the false prophet(possibly a future Pope). The false prophet will cause everyone to take the mark and worship the antichrist. The antichrist doesn’t have to be European, but that area will probably put him in power. If you watch the news today, the United Nations is the one calling for One World Government. I believe they could be the ones that put the antichrist in power. The 10 kings(10 horns) could be 10 parts of the United Nations, it could take time for this to all unfold. Also, we need to be watching Israel. The Temple institute is all but ready to rebuild the Temple, One problem: the Dome of the Rock. So, there must be some kind of peace treaty between Jews and Muslims for the Temple to be rebuilt. I can’t see this happening for a while, but we know the antichrist must stand in the rebuilt Temple and claim to be God. Could the Jews and Muslims both fall for the same guy? It seems unlikely, but they’re not looking to the clouds like we are. I’m not rulling out the possibility of a Muslim antichrist, but I believe Europe or the United Nations will put him in power.

  83. Welcome Drew,

    Yours is the traditional premillennial view and is probably the correct one. My point is the Beast empire is not the nations of Islam. Muslim Antichrist proponents claim it is. It does not matter what religion the Antichrist was brought up in because he will not be promoting any religion when he come to power he will be promoting himself. He is not going to claim to be Allah or the son of Allah. Everyone in Islam knows that Allah has no son. So even if he made such a claim it would destroy Islam.

    While I am commenting I will bring up another point that Muslim Antichrist proponents like to pass over. How can Islam be both the Beast and the Harlot when they are clearly separate entities? The Beast destroys the Harlot. So are these Islam Antichrist proponents saying the nations of Islam will destroy Islam??

    Also, anyone that is aware of all the heretical movements that are now popping up all over Christianity and the all inclusiveness and dominionism that is rising without regard to correct biblical doctrine can see that pseudo Christianity is rapidly becoming that harlot. So why can we see a pseudo Christian harlot rising if she is not the harlot? The Bible tells us in the last days there will be a falling away from the faith and any astute Christian should see that is is already taking place on an increasingly larger scale.

  84. Yes I agree, the Beast and the Harlot are two separate systems. The Harlot rides the Beast. 15-20 years ago, I wouldn’t have been so sure of the identity of the Harlot, but as you said, sound doctrine is hard to find in Christian churches today. I’ve noticed this especially in the last 2-3 years, people have left our church for churches that play secular music and are shallow in the Word, if any Word at all.

  85. While I am commenting I will bring up another point that Muslim Antichrist proponents like to pass over. How can Islam be both the Beast and the Harlot when they are clearly separate entities? The Beast destroys the Harlot. So are these Islam Antichrist proponents saying the nations of Islam will destroy Islam??

    Don’t you read the news Don? Didn’t you realized that the worst battle is an INTRA-SLAUGHTER of MUSLIMS Vs. MUSLIMS?

  86. Actually you bring up a point why Islam will not be the Beast. The seeds of destruction are already sown within Islam. I think there will be a world war between the Shia and the Sunni and that is what will do Islam in as religion. Then the remnant will either get saved or join with the Roman World Harlot.

  87. the anti-christ comes from within the christian church, he will deceive many and if possible even the very elect…so saying can a muslim fool a christian when the religions are not compatible??….muslims outright deny Christ as GOD..#2 anti-christ will NOT be so obvious..or would a christian fall under its spell (FALSE DOCTRINE) will twist scripture and many will fall for it. # 3.. 2 thess. 2:4 ” who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped, so that god sitteth in the temple of GOD, shewing himself he is GOD”…”temple” here may not be a literal building at all. The Greek word naos in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. Naos is variously used to refer to the bodies of individual Christians, and to Christians as a corporate body. This being the case, it would be possible for the Man of Sin to fulfill the prophecy of sitting in the Temple of God by insinuating himself among God’s people, without the necessity of constructing a literal temple for him to do his dastardly part. ..the son of perdition was only used on 1 person in the new testament..who was that??..judas iscariot…a man in the very inner circle with Christ…and yet the anti-christ is called this also…i tell you now as the reformers have already proven..the anti-christ, man of sin, the lawless one (he is ABOVE the laws), has been in the place of Christ (the vicar of GOD)..God on earth for nearly 1500 years and he/it sits in the seat of satan where satan ROME.

  88. Don, I cannot say I agree with everything you say but I agree with most of it. My question is why do you give some of these nuts a platform to speak from? Most of these people have not the least ides of how to even study the Word much less how to rightly divide it. Not one of these people have even mentioned that the NWO will arise after the confusion and distruction of “wormwood.” If I didn’t know it beforte I sure know now that religion is in absolute and total confussion.

  89. Lloyd,

    There are many reasons why I let people post a comment. One prime reason is that it gives me further opportunity to give more information out to the public on the issue at hand. That’s why I tell people to also read the comments. Many of the arguments not addressed in the original post can be found in follow-up comments. How can people be educated if issues on theories they believe are never addressed?

    Having said that, I really do not allow just anyone to comment. And nobody gets open ended soapboxes here. They must stay pretty close to rules given in my commenting policy. Even today, I am receiving comments from a Muslim promoting Islamic commonalities in Eschatology about the soon return of Jesus (along with a link to a website promoting Islam). These will not be posted here because those spiritually dead can add nothing to knowledge about the Return of Jesus. Islam means submission (to the god Muhammad heard from), those that have already submitted to Muhammad’s false god and that are promoting Islam are under demonic deception.

    There is nothing in the Bible about any NWO arsing after the confusion and destruction of “Wormwood” But, obviously new world orders happen every so often on earth and a NWO order will happen under the Antichrist but a NWO will also happen under Jesus Christ.

  90. To the last Muslim poster. Your defense of Islam was pretty good but flawed, even most Muslims would disagree with you, but I am sorry to tell you that it will not get posted here because it will get this post totally off the topic. Read my comment policy.

    The issues are deeper then you might think. It is not living right that gets one into paradise. It is accepting God’s righteous Lamb sacrifice that took away all sin. If you believe in what God did to take away your sin through Jesus you are justified in the sight of God. This salvation is not something anyone can work for and achieve. It is a free gift of God for those that trust him and believe. No. It is not a license to continue in evil because He sends His Spirit to those who believe and works in them to do good works and put on the mind of Christ. There also is discipline and consequences for God’s Children that live in sin but he will not disown them.

    There is a spirit of antichrist that is in the world and there will be a literal Antichrist figure that will appear in the last days. I do not disagree that the spirit of antichrist is in western culture but it also is in all cultures and religions.

    Here are some links that will clearly show you why Islam and true Christianity can never come to agreement.

    By the way, the only way anyone can get to Heaven is God way, not yours, or Muhammad’s and God’s way is through His only begotten Son that Islam claims God does not have. All the Bible prophets spoke of Him. Even Islam does not deny Jesus was a prophet but they deny what the prophets before Him said about Him and what He said about Himself. Just read Isaiah. If you do, how can you miss the fact that the prophet said that God would come among men and His own brethren would reject Him, betray Him and have Him hanged on a tree (crucify Him)? Do true prophets lie and did Jesus lie when He said if you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14:9)? If you really want to know what this Jesus looks like now read His description in Revelation chapter one. He does not have blue eyes and brown hair like your believe we think. In fact, He looks like God because He is the image of God. Also the Bible is totally reliable it has not been altered as you believe. The dead sea scrolls and many other proofs prove the reliability of the Bible but if you open your eyes you might see that your version of the Koran might not be what they use elsewhere. So quit just believing what those in bondage themselves have told you and get set free of believing the demonic delusions of a man that never spoke one word for God. God had already given His full Revelation to man in His Son. No innocent person will be cast into the Lake of Fire but all who deny that Jesus is Lord will.

  91. To know the meaning of the prophecy we have to look at what the prophecy ACTUALLY says. The prophecy says that the belly AND thighs are the Greek empire. Then that means the Greek empire splits into two parts BEFORE the Roman legs, if in fact the legs actually are Roman. If the legs are Roman, then according to the prophecy the Roman Empire has TWO parts from its very beginning, which historically it didn’t. But if the two thighs are parts of Greece (which according to the prophecy they are) and Daniel CONTINUES the same prophecy later, giving more detail with each prophecy, then the thighs MUST be the Seleucid and Ptolemy empires. The legs then continue from these. Also, the EU is only the western leg. If the legs are Roman, the final empire must include Turkey and the Middle East.
    The religious wars that you believe will happen are speculation. Although they are possible, the Bible gives no CLEAR evidence that this will happen. On the other hand, if you witnessed the VEHEMENT defense of Islam by Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg against OReilly, it is easily understandable that the world could embrace Islam when Christians are gone.
    The Antichrist also rejects the religion of his fathers according to Daniel. He is possessed by Satan, so it’s easy to see how Muslims could worship Him, because they already worship Satan (Allah). You mention logic. Since when is the world logical. Every day I see it becoming more and more illogical and irrational. I think an Islamic Antichrist is very possible.

  92. I agree that the revived Roman Empire will include the same area as the old Roman Empire. The plans are already in place for a Mediterranean Union. It will merge with the nations that remain in the EU and become the ten toes which are probably 10 zones within the empire.

    The religious wars are really not speculation. Those in the Christian religion have been fighting with Islam since the time of Mohammad. All I am really suggesting is that this ongoing war will come to a climax in the last days and Islam will be defeated. All in the world that reject Jesus Christ will be ripe for the Antichrist not just those bound in Islam.

    Fools like Whoopi Goldberg may defend Islam but Whoopi and over 5 billion people in this world would never submit to the sharia law of Islam. They support a system that would kill them because these people do not live in reality. What is really irrational is why people listen to the rantings of media stars. These narcissists living in a fantasy world are not likely to be rational beings. The rantings of blown out minds does not support the irrational concept that Islam founded on sharia law could be acceptable to the overwhelmingly lawless world. By the way, the Bible calls the Antichrist the “lawless one” so if he comes out of Islam and forces Islam and sharia law on the world that seems to me to be a direct contradiction.

    He is called the lawless one because he rejects God’s laws. He proves it by killing the two prophets teaching about the coming lawful kingdom under the rule of Jesus. The people are not rejoicing and throwing a party all over the world when the two prophets are killed because they are now going to be under sharia law. No. They are rejoicing because they reject law are now free from law. It will be more like Oprah “New Age concepts” take over the world, rather than true Christians leave and Islam takes over the world.

    It is easy to see how people in Islam or any religion will worship the Antichrist since all man-made religions are satanic. Nevertheless, many that had been in Islam will believe the two prophets and the 144,000 and they will be saved. One problem with Muslim Antichrist proponents is that they seem to bind all in Islam to Antichrist and hell as if Islam is the only great evil on the earth to be defeated. All the world will be told the truth before they are given the choice to follow the Antichrist and take his mark. Only those that choose the Beast will receive his fate. It is quite a presumption to believe that most bound in just one religion of the world follow the Antichrist.

    Sure some that are now Muslims will accept the Antichrist but so will those that are now in other religions. All that reject the truth will receive the Antichrist. Even so, there is no reason to believe that after the Antichrist is revealed that Muslims will still follow the teachings of Islam anymore than those in other world religions will continue to believe their own satanic lies. What they will do is worship the Beast and the worship will be defined by the teaching of the False Prophet, not Islam. The concept will be that all religion had truth but now truth is personified in the Antichrist. Take his mark and you will become part of the collective God. Remember, Satan counterfeits God. Satan’s substitute for entering the spiritual body of Christ, is to have humans believe that they can become part of the collective Christ consciousness. Its going to be New Age, not Islam, and that demonic religion is spreading all over the world, it is even in our churches.

    So like I said, an Islamic Antichrist is not logical. Islam is not going to take over a world filled with people whose God is really themselves. The only law most in the world now follow is the law of relativism.

  93. A flash!
    SSNP Proud of Lifting Assad’s Posters in Beirut
    MP Marwan Faris said his Syrian Social National Party (SSNP) is “honored by those who lifted posters of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Beirut last May” during an attack by Hizbullah and allies on the capital.
    The SSNP, Faris said, is an “historic ally of Syria and President Assad.”

    The party also is allied with Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun who embarked on an official visit to Iran earlier in the day, he stressed.

    “The SSNP and the FPM would compete in the forthcoming elections side by side with other factions of the opposition,” Faris said in a television interview.
    Could be a NAZI ARAB LEADER Instead?

  94. The Jews would only follow Assad with a drone. Trying to figure out who the Antichrist is beforehand has always been a losing game. Just today I heard it was Prince William. I think we are up to about a thousand different living speculations now, not to mention all the dead ones.

    Are Arab leaders acting like Nazis? Yep, and that is why their will be another war very soon but the Antichrist does not become the Antichrist until Satan loses the war in heaven and is cast out unto the earth and then he incarnates someone.

    If we make people or events fulfill prophecy instead of seeing prophecy fulfilling people and events we will make the same errors as those of the past.

  95. Sooooo,there will be ANOTHER cult that beheads the saints,persecutes Jews,disregards womens rights,believes they serve God when they kill,worships a god of war,bows to an image,changes times and laws,blasphemes the God of the Bible SPECIFICLY,and worships a CURSE(alah in Hebrew means to be cursed)….Yeah,that could happen.Look at Ezekiel 28-32 ALL OF THE NATIONS DESTROYED BY MESSIAH ARE LISTED!!!

  96. I will reply to what you said and imply.

    All those that reject the love of the truth and believe a lie will worship the Beast. That means all in the world that do not accept Jesus will be deceived by the Beast and not just those that are now Muslims.

    Beheading people is not unique to Islam nor is that the general way that Muslims nations execute people.

    Institutional Christianity and Western secular governments have a history of persecuting the Jews so that is not unique to Islam.

    Disregards woman’s rights is not an argument from the Bible.

    Believing they serve God when they persecute or kill those who believe differently is true of those in many religions including Judaism and Christianity.

    Israel worshiped a God that told them to war. And Christians had the crusades.

    Nobody bows to images like Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists so why rule them out? Islam hardly even qualifies. Muslims bow to a place not a image.

    There is a passage that implies that the Antichrist will want to change the calender but it says nothing about changing law because the Antichrist is also called the “Lawless One”. None of this implies Islam.

    Actually the Beast that claims to be above anything called God blasphemes those that dwell in Heaven. Since Islam believes Allah dwells in heaven. A Muslim Beast would be cursing Allah.

    There is nothing in the Bible about the Beast worshiping a curse. The word Allah is not alah and alah does not mean in Hebrew what you claim it means. In Hebrew it means “curse, oath; sworn agreement; public charge.” it does not mean worshiping a curse.

    Ezekiel 28-32 makes no mention of the Messiah destroying all the nations listed and much of these chapters are history. Having said that, I suppose the Messiah will destroy all who come against Israel and it will not just be those around Israel. For example the kings of the east come and so do many nations from the whole world.

    12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
    13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

    The bottom line is that you have proved exactly zip about the Beast being a Muslim.

  97. . Please Reply.
    (I am A Christian and very interested in your idea on the following)

    I would really like to know who decided that the Anti-Christ will come out of the Western Leg of the Roman Empire and not the Eastern Leg of the Roman Empire? Who was the very first person to interpret the anti-Christ coming out of the western. Because if they are wrong. it is big.

    » My Argument for the Western Leg as the seat of the Anti-Christ.
    I really do not care which leg of the Roman Empire but I just would like the right one.

    1. There are 2 different legs each with a foot and 5 toes.

    People have chosen to forget about the Western Leg because it was wounded and covered but be very aware, it is healing fast. The Western Leg of the Roman Empire represents Ishmael. It will be know as the revived or the New Ottoman Empire. As Revelation 17:11 states: “ Here….Gone….and back again. The Roman Catholic Church as never gone away or ever been over taken by anyone. It has never gone away.

    Government control may have gone to Constantinople but the Pope put a stop to any take over of Italy. Mehmed II only had a beach head in Italy. See article below.)

  98. Jane,
    I edited out the last part of your comment because it is just stated unfounded Islamic Antichrist conjecture and links. The quoted description of the anatomy of the image of Nebuchadnezzar is not coming from anything found in scripture all those leg and foot parts are pulled out of thin air. In any case, I think we have already answered why Richardson and the others have it all wrong.

    To answer your question why the Anti-Christ will come out of the Western leg, It is because Daniel said the Prince that will confirm the convent will come from the people that destroyed the Temple. The people that destroyed the Temple was the Roman Empire controlled by Rome long before the Empire split. In spite of the claim that Eastern mercenaries destroyed the Temple by Muslim Antichrist proponents, that has been refuted, and even if it had even been the case, they were working for Rome. I think that has also been addressed here and in links from here adequately. I do not think Daniel was confused nor is John in Revelation when we are told that the woman on the Beast is the city ruling over the world (Rome).

    The Western leg of the Roman Empire does not represent Ishmael either, as you said. The descendants of Ishmael are many of the Muslim nations of the Middle East, perhaps you really meant to say Eastern leg?

    Your paraphrase of Revelation “Here…Gone…and back again” has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire, it did not exist at the time of John. So It could not have been “here”

    The Roman Catholic Church also did not exist at the time of John so I am not sure what you are implying by that statement? To be honest, your comment really is not making much sense to me at all and seems to contradict itself.

  99. Don – your premise rests upon the view that Daniel 9:26 is referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by the Romans, this being the time that “Messiah will be cut off and have nothing.” Tell me, how is “Messiah cut off [to] have nothing” by the defeat of the Jews by the Romans in 70AD? Christ had been crucified 40 years prior, and Christianity was flourishing when the Jews were cut off by the Romans. Christians were not cut off nor was Christ in 70AD. Believers in Christ had been empowered by the Spirit for some 30 years beginning with Pentecost and the 120 member “first Church.” In 70AD, the Church had begun to experience persecution under the Romans but not related to the “destruction of the city and the sanctuary.” This persecution actually fueled the spread of the church; it did the opposite of cutting off the Middle East, Africa and Asia from the Messiah. I propose you have the wrong event — it is not the destruction of Jerusalem or the crucifixion of Christ that the text is prophesying of, but another event, much later in time that can far more accurately describe the Messiah being cut off and the city and sanctuary being destoryed. The year is 1453AD and the city is Constantinople (now Istanbul), the “Rome” of the East. The sanctuary is the Hagia Sophia, grandest church of Christianity for over 500 years. The destruction of this city by the Muslims under Sultan Mehmet II effectively “cut off” the Middle East from Christendom from that point forward. It is the last major battle that rendered the land that Christ had walked (Turkey was the lcoation of the seven churches Revelation all of which were destroyed or ceased to exist through Muslim domination) “cut off” from the Church of Jesus Christ whether located in Rome or in Constantinople, for Muslims thereafter claimed dominion over these lands.

  100. Jack,

    It is just about impossible to discuss Bible prophecy with someone that does not understand even the basic fundamental truths of Bible prophecy and also for some unknown reason thinks that I believe the prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD.

    The Messiah was cut off from the nation of Israel when Jesus was crucified that was not in 70 AD. You need to understand that Daniels prophecy is about the people of Israel it is not about the spiritual Church at all. The angel makes that very clear in the prophecy. So you cannot apply it to the Church it is a prophecy about Israel.

    Your 1453AD conjecture is frankly ridiculous. It does not fit the prophecy. You take a world event and a bastardization of a Bible prophecy and force fit it to make it fit your Muslim Antichrist conjecture. At least get a basic understanding of the literal fulfillment of the prophecy before making things up as you go along.

    This link will help you or anyone else get a basic understanding of the prophecy.

  101. Daniel 9:26 connects the cutting off of Messiah with the destruction of the city and the sanctuary. They are linked by the conjunction “and” so that the reader can know each occurs together. You are unlinking them in your interpretation.
    Further, your view restricts the blessings of the six events that are “brought in” (Dan 9:24) to Israel alone; although Israel is included, it alone, cannot receive the full blessings that will be brought in by the 70 weeks of years. The Gentiles are also part of the blessings that are decreed by God. One of the six blessings is that “vision and prophecy” will be sealed. OT prophecy includes the coming of the GEntiles to God thru Christ (Romans 9:25 quoting Hosea 2:23).

  102. If Daniel 9:24-27 applies only to Israel, and the cutting off of Messiah applies only to Israel, then your interpretation means that the death of Christ (“finish the transgression, make and end of sin, and to make atonement for iniquity . . .), likewise applies only to Israel. How could that be the correct view? Further, other of Daniel’s prophesies are not limited to Israel(Daneil 7:9-10 includes all believers). Finally, Daniel 12:1 uses the same phrase found in Dan 9:24, “your people.” It gives us a more complete description of “your people.” They are those rescued whose names are “written in the book.” Not many interpreters limit that phrase to the Jews. The book is the book of life, same book in Rev 13:7-8. Your view means only Israel is rescued because only Israel’s name is in the book? Come on, man.

  103. Here is Daniel 9:26 in its context.

    24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
    25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
    26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    As I showed you in the last comment link the cutting off of the Messiah happened at His crucifixion on the exact time-line that the angel foretold. If the angel was also talking about the Temple being cut off on that time-line he would have given a false prophecy. The prophecy about being cut off was clearly talking about the Messiah being cut off not a Temple. The conjunction “and” just adds additional information about what would happen to the Temple because the Messiah was cut off.

    None of the promises in verse 24 were every fulfilled. They are not fulfilled in the Church. The transgression in not complete (and the Church never transgressed) this is about Israel’s transgression. Everlasting righteous does not reign in the Church at this time. Sin still exists in the Church and there is inequity. Also, the vision and the prophecy has not been sealed up or fulfilled. There is still a week of years left to be fulfilled. Further, the most holy certainly have not been anointed yet.

    The fact that Gentiles were grafted into the promise does not make them a fulfillment of the promise. The promise was made to natural Israel and they must go through the times determined for them. The Church cannot replace Israel.

    Daniel 9:24-27 is certainly about the Jews because the prophecy was in an answer to prayer to Daniel after he read Jeramiah speak of the seventy years of desolations of Jerusalem. This prophecy told Daniel what these 70 weeks would really be. The seventy weeks determined was because of Israel’s transgression not the Church. The Church did not even exist

    Daniel 7: 9-10 is a prophecy about what happens in heaven after the Antichrist is revealed on earth. It is a different vision. One prophecy has nothing to do with the other.

    Daniel 12:1 is also talking about Israel. Michael stands up for Israel and protects them in the mountains of Jordan for 3 1/2 years after the Temple is defiled by the Antichrist and they flee to the Mountains.

    You do not understand that Israel was given specific physical promises and that there will be specific physical fulfillment to Israel. The Church is a spiritual people and has a different role. Both are God’s people but the earth promises are to the Jews.

    What you seem to be doing is mixing Muslim Antichrist arguments with what seems like some mixture of preterism historism and idealism. There just is nothing consistent about your eschatology so I give up. This comment section is getting too long and this is getting to be a rabbit trail.

  104. Just for your information since you asked in posts that will not be posted. My last paragraph where I said “I give up” means that I am not wasting my time arguing anymore with you about your silly theories or wasting space here for yours. I have been to your website and see the book that you are writing and promoting. It should be a book of fiction. I guess you think you can just pile upon the theories of other Antichrist proponents with more absurd conjectures and then promote your book by making endless arguments here. It ain’t going to happen. Your not going to get posted. In fact the links to your site will will be taken out. I do not want Christians being confused with every new whim that might tickle ears.

    Your idea that the Europeans will be taken over by Islam by Demographic trends mean nothing because there would be a backlash from the natives long before that will happens. It will make the Jewish holocaust look like a Sunday school picnic. In fact, that is the way the Antichrist will actually come to power in Europe. Just like Hitler, only this time the enemy rounded up will be foreign immigrants. That is my conjecture.

    Nobody said Christianity had anything to do with the Romans trashing the Temple. That’s one of your problems you read things into scripture and everything that people say about scripture. The Temple was destroyed because God did not want it to stand when the Jews were led into captivity throughout the world. Daniel and Jesus said it would happen because God obviously determined it would happen. It was not a fulfillment of the 70 weeks of years determined for the Jews and nobody said it was.

    You deny many old Testament prophecies because the nation as a whole does not come in the same way as Christians as you told me. Before Israel’s restoration they deny Him and after their restoration they never become part of the already married Bride.

    As for the Messiah “having nothing” as you said are in most versions to make is sound like I am saying that Jesus would have nothing after being cut off, There is no such words in the Hebrew text nor in the Septuagint. certain translators took their own liberties with the text. So although Jesus was cut off he does have all things and once again nobody is saying differently.

    On your website you make Islam the Woman on the Beast and you make the Mahdi the Antichrist. Yet, the Antichrist turns on the woman and burns her with fire? That hardly is the role of some Muslim savior you call the Antichrist. Like I said you make it up as you go along. Chow!

  105. I want to ask a question.

    Does it really matter what region or ethnic background the antichrist will rise from. How can his country of origin overshadow the absolute hell he will bring to this world. He will be directly responsible for the death of billions. I don’t understand why this subject keeps being discussed.

  106. Because some today want to make Islam the Beast of Revelation, and because of it, they are expecting all Bible prophecy about the end of the age to be fulfilled within this decade. But, Bible prophecy will not be fulfilled in this decade because Islam is not the Beast. The Mahdi is not going to suddenly appear and fulfill the role of the Antichrist. The Muslim Antichrist theory really all ties into the various pagan based 2012 end of the world hype. It also fits sheer conjectures about the meaning of the fig tree parable.

    The bottom line is that most that are believing that Islam is the Beast and this early end, see no reason to carry out the great commission to those people that are now trapped in Islam.

  107. I think that Islam is a scapegoat for setting people up and welcoming antichrist as a messiah when he kills
    the so called antichrist which is not the antichrist
    Now the antichrist is defeated.A false rapture ac-cure familiar spirits posing as old prophets dead dearly beloved friends family etc.And antichrist says I am your redeemer I am the real messiah now the millennial reign
    can begin..Jews and people of the world (carnal) will welcome their so called messiah and will actually be worshipping the beast with out knowing it (some knowing it). It could be this way thinking of the mosque being destroyed in the process and the third temple being set up as a fake millennial temple false prophet sanctifying the temple bringing down fire from the sky (False glory of God) miracles signs and lying wonders and again the sacrifices can begin and the feast kept as Jesus Christ says will happen in the millennial reign but this not being the true millennial reign spoken of Jesus Christ. Now the two witnesses appears refuting antichrist and his lies 3,5 years later 42 months are killed antichrist declares himself to be God, stops the daily sacrifice wich does not sit well with the remnant of Jacob and their veil finallys since moses is lifted
    so he starts to pursue them Jesus Christ puts his foot on the mount of olives and gives the remnant an escape way. Its possible only God knows for sure so we will do best in studying the Word of God daily
    and abiding in his truth Jesus Christ as new born bible believing children of God.

  108. I have had the opportunity to debate these issues with Muslims and their view about it all may be enlightening. I have since realized the Muslims never claim the christian or Jewish religion as the teaching or the doctrine the Antichrist will follow, they believe his religion would be Occult…….the one eyed religion using devils to manipulate and charm men. They believe the reason why God as allowed for the Antichrist and his mission is to punish the Jews for rejecting the real messiah in his first coming and also to try the world of men.

    First there is the point that the Anti Christ will be Jewish but not Semitic, but of European origin (Which means he may claim to be a christian). Yiddish speaking as opposed to true Hebrew/Aramaic speaking Jews. Which is the case in present day Israel and most Jews leaving in the west. And it is this corrupt Jewish deception that Jews will accept and follow.

    Second that the Anti Christ is the anti Christ not because he opposes Jesus Christ(Although he does opposes him) but because he claims to be related to Christ or of Christ, the messiah, thus will be christian, and must have the credential of the anticipated messiah/Christ of the Jews by first (1) Bringing about the creation of Israel state, (2) Returning the people and (3) Then decimate the enemies of Israel and finally establish Israel as a superstate bringing back the glory of king David and Solomon (The Golden Age).

    Thirdly, a vast proportion of Muslim scholars believe that the existence of the state of Israel in its secular form with powerful gentile support are validating their scriptures. They believe in the nearest future Israel will defeat Arab Muslims especially Egypt (Maybe the king of the south), seize their resources up to the Persian gulf oil fields and become a global power comparable to the USA and Europe combined with tremendous power and influence. With this credential the Jews will believe the golden age has arrived. Thus the deceit.

    Fourthly they believe the current state of Israel is the Nation of the Antichrists which they label DEJJAL. They predict a surprise u-turn in the activities of the Anti Christ (State of Israel) which are: A military pact with Iran, Libya, Ethiopia and Russia to launch a war on Europe (King of the North). Which will culminate in the Great War or Third world war. The Muslims believe that the Antichrist will have the support of Iranian Jews who are in the helms of affairs in that country albeit disguising and that the shia sect itself is a Jewish setup historically.

    Europe would almost be defeated by this alliance of the Antichrist nations but will be able to push back the enemies after having formed a 10 nation strong military bloc for the purpose led by Britain but with German firepower.

    A Muslim army will rise from the ruins of the Arabian peninsular with the promised Muslim messiah (Mahdi) which will side with Europe and bring about the demise of the Antichrist (State of Israel). The Antichrist nation alliance would be destroyed and there would be a treaty between Europe and the Muslims. Soon war will break out and from Europe, the head of the British royalty with Jewish (non-Semitic origin) lineage will invade and occupy Jerusalem and declare to be God thus the arrival of the Antichrist in person. An increasing amount of muslim scholars believe the Antichrist person has been chained up in Britain for centuries and would be released from there.

    At this point, after the Antichrist in person must have charm the whole world and then failed to fulfill promises made, the Muslim leader (Mahdi) together with another Muslim army from Afghanistan/Pakistan (Muslims refer to this second army as the original lost tribes of Israel) will prepare to war with the Antichrist, then a miraculous arrival of Jesus known as Prophet Isa will descend from heaven and lead the Muslims to battle the European lying Antichrist in person and have him killed in an Israeli city called lud. Then the Army from the east 200 Million (Probably Chinese) will come to attack new Jerusalem and will be miraculously defeated.

  109. John,

    I think arguing the end times from the point of view of Muslims will never get anyone the truth. They have no prophetic truth. All they can do is take Christian scriptures and twist it to put themselves in good light and to make Israel the enemy. You have to argue Bible prophecy with the Bible you cannot get truth about the future from a demonic religion. All your going to get is the type of twisted views and the deception that you posted here.

  110. Re: John Adex
    “…the Anti Christ is the anti Christ not because he opposes Jesus Christ(Although he does opposes him) but because he claims to be related to Christ or of Christ”.

    Since Christ is from the Greek Christos or anointed, and the anointed one in the Hebrew is Messiah would it not be more accurate to call THE Anti-Christ Anti-Messiah seeing he is not of the church age but of Daniel’s time frame?

    I think it might help to put things into perspective.

    For what its worth

  111. John Adex, I understand these are Muslim eschatological views. But something you wrote intrigued me, could you elaborate on what you mean here, “Soon war will break out and from Europe, the head of the British royalty with Jewish (non-Semitic origin) lineage will invade and occupy Jerusalem and declare to be God thus the arrival of the Antichrist in person.”
    Just curious.

  112. The Anti Christ will be a Messiah-Imposter who the religious Jews are looking for and that is why he must be a Jew. One has to keep in mind when discussing the Jews that “that they are not all Israel who are of Israel. Neither because they are of the seed of Abraham are the all children”, Rom.9:6,7. Scofield’s note here says, “the two kinds of Israelites- the natural and the spiritual”. The natural Jews we see dominating the media, ACLU, banks and the communist push for the New World Order. The spirtual Jews, who are waiting for their Messiah, are the 144,000 Manchild who will be raptured at mid-trib and the Remnant who will be martyred. National Israel will flee to the wilderness and be protected by God, hopefully to be saved after our Lord’s glorious return. Dolph

  113. There are two Antichrist figures in Revelation. The one you are talking about that the Jews will accept as the Messiah is probably the False prophet. The Jews will think that he is the Messiah and then he claims they need to worship the first Beast as God. The first Beast comes out of the sea (Gentile nations). The False Prophet is the second Beast that comes out of the land (Israel).

    By the way, in a separate comment you asked about “awaiting moderation”. when anyone gets the term “awaiting moderation” it means that it is awaiting moderation by me before it is posted. This happens to all first posters and it happens to those that post comments that I want to moderate before I allow them. It also happens to those who do include a email address since that is how the software knows who has been approved before. I am going to take you off of my moderation list. I already told you why I put you on it.

  114. Don, God definately has some unfinished business with Israel if one reads the whole chapter 36 from Ezekiel where God says they “they have made nations to fall”, “profaned my name” and “bereaved thy nations”. But He will take pity on His holy name and restore Israel “for His Name’s sake”.(v.22) “Not for your sakes do I this” (v.32) The Lord was not pleased when they rejected his Son and “conspired” to kill Paul so He dispersed them among the nations and allowed their temple to be destoyed. They have been on the back burner, so to speak, during this Church Age but Daniel’s 70th Week, Jacob’s Trouble is fast approaching. Let’s hope and pray they all get saved. Dolph

  115. I think we are also witnessing right now the process that the Lord God talked about…”they parted (divided) my land”…UN chief: End occupation, divide Jerusalem

    In message delivered by his assistant at Uruguay conference Ban Ki-moon says occupation is morally and politically unsustainable and must therefore end. ‘A way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States,’ he adds

  116. Dolph,

    We know that, but you’re really going to have to stay on the post topic. Read my commenting policy. Also, for about anything you want to say I am sure there is an appropriate post topic. Use the search box or click on a category from the side bar and you will get the first 50 teasers on that category if there are that many.

  117. Hi Bob
    Being early morning over here and with a clear head, I have just listened to your lead.
    There is a suggestion that MacArthur thinks a Muslim Anti-Christ is possible but it is by no means clearly stated. Personally I would like another opinion.

    The main thrust of his message is about the Islamic slant on end times and is very informative – it is Satan’s direct counterfeit of the Biblical narrative. Which has always been my main concern re these Muslim Anti-Christ exponents. Why build your eschatology on Satan’s lying counterfeit when we have God’s infallible truth

    I think MacArthur is up to his usual excellent standard.

  118. Hi Brian,

    I agree, JM is an excellent teacher.

    My “Muslim Anti-Christ” friends forwarded this link to me as evidence that Anti-Christ will come out of Islam. Basically, their point is that JM trumps Dr. David Reagan and his viewpoint.

    I agree, another opinion would be helpful.

  119. You might go back over this article and the comments and also read the many links within. I do not know what another opinion will do from teachers that do not even major in the study of Bible prophecy.

    Almost all the Bible prophecy experts I know believe the Antichrist will come out the revived Roman Empire and when the person becomes the Antichrist he is going to be the focus of all that reject Jesus Christ. he will claim to be above anything that people worship as God.

    Those looking for a Antichrist right now to appear out of Islam are setting themselves for a deception that will lead them into world war three.

    Many thought
    The Vatican was the fulfillment
    Hitler was the fulfillment
    Communism was the fulfillment
    Islam is the fulfillment

    No. None of these fulfilled Bible prophecy. You have not seen the antichrist system yet it will be based on the supernatural and not on any man made religion. It will be a complete paradigm shift of man’s concept of God.

  120. Hi Don
    I wasn’t wanting another opinion on the Muslim Anti-Christ, I think it nonsense. I would like another opinion on whether the link shows MacArthur’s thoughts. I didn’t think it came across what he thought.


  121. I think the question and answer here is…
    The writer of the Qur’an obviously stole excerpts from the Bible and perverted it.
    I don’t think any sane thinking Christian would believe the nonsense coming from the Muslim book of Satan.
    The key here is the nonsense that the Muslims believe as handed down to them by their taskmasters Imams.
    Personally, I believe the anti-Christ will come from the revived Roman Empire as Don said.

  122. I can’t watch videos with my dial-up connection so I cannot make a judgment on what MacArthur said, but if people need help defining what they think he said, there is a good chance that they are putting words in his mouth. I don’t know, but he probably was just saying that Islam is anti-Christ. All religion outside of Christianity are anti-Christ

    MacArthur taught the Roman Antichrist view so unless he changed his mind he still does.

  123. Don, in the video MacArthur was pretty much talking about how Islam is going to be deceived. It was just outlining how anti-Christ, false prophet, & Jesus Christ were going to be perceived by the Muslims.

    1st…Muslim promised Mahdi appears but is actually what us Christians call the anti-Christ.

    2nd…the false prophet appears but will be looked at as “Jesus the prophet” returns…and Jesus returns to help the Mahdi destroy Jews(Pigs) & Christians(Dogs). Muslims believe Jesus is equal to Mohammed in a prophet sense.

    The Dajjal (the Muslim Anti-Christ) is actually the one us Christians call, the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the Muslims believe this Dajjal (actually Jesus) must be destroyed.

    And more mixed up nonsense from the religion of peace.

    I think MacArthur was pretty much right on the money.

    Don, it’s nothing you don’t already know very well and for those who want to know the truth, they just need to read the Revelation Commentary.

  124. If that is actually what MacArthur said he should know better because he once taught otherwise.

    A religious harlot with a headquarters in Rome will bring in the Beast Antichrist and she is not Islam (The woman rides the Beast – Revelation 17). Those who believe there is going to be a demonic deception from the Queen-of-Heaven demon that now masquerades as Mary probably have it correct. This is what will unite the world religions under the leadership of a post Rapture Vatican.

    Islam will fall after YHWH defeats all their actions against Israel. Shia eschatology with the claim of a Mahdi savior figure will probably no longer exist in the time of the real Antichrist. So it is rather pointless for anyone to suggest that a Shia minority in Islam will somehow persuade the Sunni majority that probably will have converted to the views of the world harlot at that point anyway.

  125. I think your right Don, however, what I think MacArthur was talking about was the perception that Islam has today…not what will happen after they are defeated.

  126. It is correct to teach that is the perception of some in Islam today. However, that is quite different than saying that John MacArthur has bought into Muslim Antichrist theories.

  127. Don,

    Thanks for the link to the earlier JM teaching. It is very helpful.

    JM may need to publish a clarification. I would guess he has received lots of reaction. Muslim Anti-Christ proponents that sent me the video, view the video as supporting their view.

    I will have to watch it again. It is only about 20 minutes, so not a major time eater.

  128. Bob From Texas, how did you come up with that ? What ?
    MacArthur made it plain and clear that this Muslim Anti-Christ (Mahdi,Prophet,Dajjal)theory is a nonsensical deception.

  129. At 11:30 into the video, JM states: “The Bible’s Anti-Christ is Islam’s savior.”

    I think JM will need to publish a clarification.

  130. “The Bible’s Anti-Christ is Islam’s savior”

    Yes Bob, he did…and that’s absolutely correct.
    The Mahdi (the biblical anti-Christ) is Islams savior.
    Why would MacArthur need to clarify this video ?
    MacArthur did not in any way buy into the Islamic deception, he pointed out the fallacy of it.
    Bob, Did you actually listen to this video ?

  131. I just watched the video again and, actually, it is an outstanding depiction & comparison of the deception that drives the Muslims. Very well done.
    MacArthur in this video is extreme pro-Christian and VERY anti-Muslim.
    I do thank you for posting this Bob From Texas…but I have no idea how you could misunderstand it.
    MacArthur doesn’t talk about Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38/39 because its not the topic.
    MacArthur debunked all the Islamic theologies in the video.

  132. Or, I should say MacArthur debunked all the Islamic theologies pertaining to Mahdi,”Jesus The Prophet”, and Dajjal.

  133. The Shiite Muslim President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is deeply committed to the Islamic Messiah, al Mahdi. There have been many through the years claiming to be the Hidden Imam but Ahmadinejad believes he is yet to come. He claims that he is to personally prepare the world for the coming Mahdi. In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad claims he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi”

  134. Bob From Texas,

    I want to apologize for counter pointing you on “The Bible’s Anti-Christ is Islam’s savior” theology.

    You are technically right. It is how MacArthur depicted it.

  135. David says: April 1, 2011 at 10:12 am
    From memory this comment David wrote was as I heard – spot on. It was when JM began to speak on the eastern leg of the Roman Empire that I lost the gist.

    Proponents of a Muslim Anti-Christ seem to make a big thing of this eastern leg, yet I cannot see any mention of it in the scriptures. The legs (plural) are the beast of iron (singular) and vice versa. Also if the legs can be distinguished one from the other and it is the eastern leg that becomes dominant why does one leg have ‘feet’ as in mixed with clay etc.? Surely it would reference only one foot and five toes. Yes I am being a little facetious.

  136. Mac Arthurs teaching in the video is pretty clear. He simply states how the koran is a counterfeit to our bible. He hasn’t changed His views. He simply says muslims belief in the 12 Eman coming is satans counterfeit to our return of Christ. He doesnt need to clarify anything. Its all another lie from satan to counter what the bible actually says. He actually did a great job in the video. He didn’t agree that the anti-christ would be a muslim. He exposed their lie.

  137. Hey guys, thanks for the discussion but Its probably time to put whatever MacArthur’s views are on this subject to rest. As Good a teacher as he is, he is not the final word on the subject anyway. When the comments get to be about 200 on any post I am probably going to close them because the file gets too big and nobody is going to follow most of what was said. So let’s leave some room for possible future insights and input other than interpretations of one 20 minute teaching.

    I also hope you realize that on posts with many commentators many people signed up to receive follow-up comments and all this back and forth kind of spams their email boxes with nothing much of interest to most and they might remove themselves from further emails. So we all need to keep this in mind on these more popular posts.

  138. The whore of Babylon is Hellenism.The roots of Hellenism is found all the way back to Nimrod.Catholicism is only one denomination which adopted greco roman ideals.All of Christendom is wrought with Hellenism,as well as Judaism.It makes sense that the Anti-Christ is Islamic in how the whore sits on the beast.Scripture specifically states that the beast hates the woman.Sounds like a cultural war to me.Also,the the symbolism of the woman is found in the Greek goddess Libertas.Liberty as represented as the West.You know,I once held similar views as posted by some people on this blog.Sometimes it will bode you well to consider the prevailing thoughts on eschatology as it unfolds rather than criticize it as not being logical.The Holy Spirit is revealing His revelation to people with childlike minds.As He has before.By the way,I would not be quick to dismiss the views of a former Islamic terrorist who became saved. I think Walid as well as Bridgitte Gabriel are voices crying in the wilderness.’Have you also considered that Turkey was also a seat of authority of Rome?With all the Islamic nations in turmoil right now,it makes sense that the Antichrist empire will rise from that region.Did nOt Jesus address the churches there .Why just them.A clue perhaps.I pray Don that your view is correct otherwise we are all closer to the Second Coming and alot of Christians will not be served well if we are not putting forth all possibilities of eschatology.

  139. First off David, let me say that there is only one way that eschatology will unfold and that is God’s way, and I will also say to you that Christians have not been well served by those that always found some contemporary Antichrist in the past and proclaimed that we were already in the end of the age. There was and still is plenty of work to be done on earth to reach the lost until the time set by the Father.

    Let me make another things clear. No Christian is going to be blindsided by the Antichrist. He is not even the Antichrist until he kills the two prophets and enters the Temple and claims to be above anything called God (that includes Allah). Then the Angel will warn those on earth not to take his mark. So it’s not like people are not going to be told the truth about him before the end. People will worship the Antichrist because they rejected the truth of the two prophets, they oppose the coming of Jesus Christ to set up his kingdom and thus are deceived to follow the Beast and the counterfeit kingdom called Babylon the Great.

    Muslims Antichrist proponents are only voices crying in the wilderness because they have no real foundation for their teaching so thank God that most Christians don’t buy into their theories based on their fears. These people really want to get Christians and Western leaders to physically prepare for war with Islam by using carnal weapons. Through teaching fear they will help set up the Antichrist not help defeat him.

    Hellenism is Greek thought, influence and culture. I don’t think that goes all the way back to Nimrod at all but Paganism certainly does, and contrary to what you said that is clearly found in the rituals, teachings and priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. The path of paganism from Nimrod can be traced to the Roman Church, I did that in my Revelation Commentary. The Greeks also were influenced by paganism but I think you have the cart before the horse.

    One of the major problems of Muslim Antichrist proponents is their illigical thinking and how they just ignore scriptures that do not fit. For example. Islam cannot be the Beast that is put into power by the ten kings and the Woman on the Beast that fornicates with the kings of the earth as well. If the Beast were Muslim nations in the Middle East how is it that the ten kings that empower the Beast hate the Woman?( hate Islam?) If the Beast turns against Islam how could the Beast be the incarnation of Allah? That is not logical, but that is what most Muslim Antichrist proponents imply.

    There is no reason from scripture or anywhere else to believe the Woman on the Beast of Revelation chapter 17 is some Greek goddess named Libertas. That is just shoehorning whatever you want into prophecy to try to make it fit your own theory. Try using the correct approach and let scripture do the interpretation.

    Why would you pray that my view is correct that we are not as close as some think, if you really think we are closer to the end than I think so Christians need to know about Muslim Antichrist theories? The Lord’s coming is a blessed hope for Christians, it is not something for Christians to be fearing. It seems to me that only someone who thinks the Church is going through God’s wrath would make such an illogical prayer like that.

    You say the Holy Spirit is revealing His revelation to people with childlike minds? I say the Holy Spirit continues to reveal the truth of His Word to those that study to show themselves approved. God is not giving special Revelation to reveal how eschatology is all going to play out in this generation. Everyone that ever thought so turned out to be wrong. The Church has no reason to even know the exact events of the tribulation and the exact players because the Church will not be here and God is certainly going to reveal the truth to those that remain here through his two prophets before the Beast Antichrist even arrives. The study of Eschatology is trying to discern what God said about the end of the age, not what He did not say.

    What you are really saying is that Christians should just believe anyone with any new theory that use or claim sources outside of scripture because God did not reveal enough in the scriptures. So we have to interpret the word of God through contemporary events and know all theories no matter the source or how illogical and dangerous such impositions become to those that follow them. I think I will stick with the clear teaching of the scriptures!

  140. I leave the are unteachable.Christians won’t be blindsided by the Antichrist?That’s strange in that Jesus warns us in Matthew 24 and Paul in that even the elect will be deceived.I guess Constantinople not being a seat of Roman authority did not nail you between the eyes.Also,haven’t you read or seen that Islam is a major undercurrent in European affairs.Again,I digress,you obviously have it all figured out so I will lump you in the pile of useless prophetic sites that are just sticking their heads in the sand.I propose the opposite is true of what you say will be deception.The European model is so outdated that everyone expects it.Try teaching about Islam’s prophetic destiny publicly.It shouldn’t take too long before you see how much of a threat that teaching is to us as believers.I am sorry you are content in your own understanding.All of Hellenism is derived from paganism.Did we all not come from Babel?From Semiramis we get Mary.Osiris the catholic model for Jesus .The Catholic as well as Protestant observations of Holidays derive from this model.Don,I was actually trying to steer you away from being apologetic for the Catholic appraisal of eschatology.God bless.Baruch Hashem Yeshua.

  141. David,

    Bye………..There is some teaching going around about interpretations of Bible prophecy that I just do not believe and if that makes me unteachable it is because what is being taught is unbelievable conjecture. It is based on pop contemporary eschatology for those wanting to believe that the end is already upon us. They will use any pagan or private revelation to confirm their own fallacy about what the Bible does not teach.

    Matthew 24 was talking to the Jews. The elect Jesus was talking about will be elect Jews because the Church will not even be here. That statement is about what happens after the mid-tribulation point. Not only that. The statement says they would be deceived if it were possible but saying that implies it will not be possible for the elect to be deceived.

    There will be a Revolution against Islam in Europe that will deal with Islam, you can bank on it, you don’t really think the Austrians and Germans are going to submit themselves to Sharia law do you? The rise of the far right in Europe has already begun and the next antichrist will come from that area. Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    I don’t buy into the EU model myself, I buy into the revived Roman Empire model. It included much more than Western Europe. I recently did a post on that.

    By the way, Paganism or Hellenism found in Christian institutions does make the Antichrist come out of Islam.

  142. In Gen. we are told that Nimrod built the cities of Ninevah (Assyria)and Babylon as well as others, this I believe is significant especailly since Nimrod is the perpatrator of the Tower of Babel, they were trying to become gods, so the real God put an end to their plans. It is said of Nimrod that he was a mighty hunter before the LORD, I learned that this means he was a hunter of men’s souls against the LORD – that doesn’t sound good. If anyone embodies the “spirit of Anitchrist” it is ol’ Nimrod. All pagan religions can be traced back to the Tower of Babel, and even farther to the garnden where Satan gave his “you can be like The Most High” sales pitch to Eve. It is the same sales pitch he uses to this day, whether it be New Agers “Age of Aquarius” to Word of Faith’s false claims of we are “little gods”.

    Many ancient cities are founded upon seven “hills” or mountains like Rome such as Israel, Istanbul, & Brussels to name a few- interestingly enough, as a side note, “Gog” means mountain. The Kabbalah is mystical Judaism which came about while the Jews where in Babylonian captivity and many of the world’s mystery religions share their symbols and the Babylonian gods are the same only with different names. All these false religions need is someone to unite them all. How many people know that Islam was supported by Catholisism in an effort to combat the real gospel. Both Islam and Catholisism venerate Mary, and you can scarcly see a masque without seeing a Catholic church with in a few hundred yards. Muhammed’s wife was a Catholic, and was heavly influenced by her cousin, also a devout Catholic.

    Hinduism has rosary beads called japa mala beads used in their vain repeticious prayers, every pagan temple has a “star of David” of some sort in them, it is really the star of Remphan spoken of in Acts 7, aka the Star of Saturn/Satan. This man of perdition will unite all the religions in the world under himself as their god and they will follow him because they all have someone in common – Nimrod the Assyrian/Babylonian Sun God.

  143. This is to my friend david. In islam ,we believe that at the end of times Three persons will show up.First El Mehdi ( good guy) ,Dajal or Anti christ( bad guy),and isa ,jesus ( good guy). We believe that when the dajal rises he will spread touble and horror across the world. He will rise from a place between iraq and syria. El mehdi will come first to fight the dajal or anti christ ,than jesus will come down from heaven to fight with el mehdi against the dajal or anti-christ.El mehdi will die and isa or jesus will be the muslims leader and will defeat the anti-christ. After that the world will go through an age of peace. Thats What all muslims believe!!!!!

  144. Mahmood,

    That is not what all Muslims believe!!! Just like in Christendom there is great division in Islam on theology and most Muslims know little or nothing about end time beliefs. With that said, it does not matter what some in Islam teach because it denies that Jesus is the Creator the Son of God through whom all men must be saved to even know God. So a religion founded on lies is not going to produce the truth about how end time events will play out.

  145. Don,

    What Mahmood said…that is what I was talking about in previous comments I made regarding popular Muslim beliefs.

    El Mehdi = who Christians call the anti-Christ
    Isa/Jesus = who Christians call “The False Prophet”
    Dajal = who Christians call JESUS CHRIST

    Amazing how polar opposite the two sides believe…but what the Muslims don’t realize is they are playing right into the deception of Satan. When they come against Jesus Christ, whom they call Dajal and are defeated, then those left will see the truth apparently.

    John MacArthur has an excellent video on this.

  146. Mahmood also didn’t tell us that a popular Muslim belief is the one they call “Jesus” (who is actually the False Prophet) is going to tell Christians that while he was away, he became a Muslim and will persecute with death anyone who will not become a Muslim.

  147. The problem is that some Muslims like to claim the same terms Christians use but they place different meanings on them.

    They think Jesus is someone less than what Jesus said He is. Jesus is God. Nor do they believe that Jesus died for their sins, so they remain in their sins and religious self-efforts to try to appease Allah. So if a Muslim does not believe what Jesus said about Himself how do they even claim that Jesus is a prophet of God?

    From a Christian perspective the problem with Muslim Antichrist proponents is that they look at a position in Islam eschatology and expect it to be fulfilled as if it was Satan’s inspired plan to deceive the whole world into thinking Islam has the truth. The Western world simply is not going to rejoice if they are taken over by Islam and Satan knows that. The war against Islam and its very oppressive restrictive forced laws will be used by the Harlot to ride in the actual Antichrist in the name of pseudo Christian liberty. But people of the world will also find the Harlot to be restrictive. As the Antichrist comes The ten kings that give their power to the Beast will hate the religious Harlot and burn her with fire (Rev 17).

    The Polar opposite of Christianity is not Islam it is “Pantheism” AKA “Hinduism” AKA known in the West as “New Age” or “New Spirituality” or “mysticism”. All is God and God is in all so contemplate on the collective consciousness. The Antichrist will come from the satanic humanistic philosophy that man can evolve to become above anything called God. The Antichrist will not come from Islam although all now in Islam that continue to reject God’s Jewish Messiah will also certainly be deceived by the coming Antichrist.

  148. Yep, I agree Don…it’s all a deception…there will never be any rejoicing away from praising the True and Living God that is Jesus Christ.

  149. Mahmood ,
    In order for Christianity to be valid it MUST start with a fact, that absolute fact is The Resurrection. People who will take the time to study The Old testament will find prophecy after
    prophecy about Jesus literally fulfilled. Allah whom you muslims believe to be God is nothing more than a corruption of the moon god El – Al from ancient Babylon. It does not bother me one
    iota to point out The Truth which is that Islam is an occultic and satanic relegion for the purpose of enslaving people. Christianity offers poeople freedom in Christ. I do not hate or despise muslims, I give them credit for devotion to their beliefs , but the facts support JESUS as God in human flesh. The Jewish relegious leaders could have easily destroyed Christianity IF they had simply produced Jesus body. However , HE is Risen and HE is GOD as
    everyone will find out in eternity.

  150. While sinister, Mahmood’s deception, IMHO. is not as dangerous as another deception taking place in that it is more obvious.

    I have an acquaintance in a fairly large SBC church who has made a personal ministry out of “exposing” the Muslim Anti-Christ. He promotes Glenn Beck and Joel Richardson (not Joel Rosenberg) at every opportunity.

    I think he has taken some “flak” recently about Beck. He recently sent out a “damage control” email that began in this manner:
    Glenn Beck is a member of the mormon religion. However, I have watched him almost on a daily bases since October 2008 (when he was on CNN) to the end of June 2011 (when he was on FoxNews). I have never heard him say anything but basic Bible-Christian principles.

    He has fully swallowed and digested the “Beck Kool-Aid.”

    Many deceptions are alive and well in what I thought were good doctrinal churches.

    I have developed greater appreciation for this site as time passes by. I have missed Don’s “loony-tunes” comments for awhile. Don has been very patient.

  151. Bob From Texas,

    It is because of Don’s blog here that I came to understand the truth about Glenn Beck.

    About 10 years ago, I used to listen to Glenn Beck on the radio and I never heard him say anything other than basic Bible principles (& conservatism) either…I’ve never even heard him mention Mormonism…so, I was deceived as well.

  152. Good point, Don about the Moslems. (I never use the Arabic term “Muslim” as I am an English speaker, not an Arabic one.) You are correct that Moslems use Christian terms with an Islamic slant. A thing all us Bible-believing Christians should remember is that ecumenists, Mormons, JWs and other “Christian” cults do the same thing. People make use of terms to their own advantage. For example, George Bush, when asked if he was born-again, said “Yes”–and he said it without lying, at least in his own mind. That’s because he was born-again in his Skull-and-Bones cult. The fact that he said yes in order to deceive, though, was still lying.
    But to get back to the point: Revelation 17 talks about Mystery Babylon, as oppposed to physical Babylon. That tells us that it is occult and so has religous connotations. Remember all her idolatry goes back to Babylon: Mother & Child worship, the Queen of heaven, &c.
    The fact that it is a woman that is riding the Beast tells us that she is a church, albeit apostate. She is the MOTHER of idol worship and abominations of the earth.
    Islam is not a church and it is not represented as a woman. The Catholic church is always represented as a woman, the mother church for one instance. It is a woman that is the head of her church–their Mary as opposed to the New Testament Mary, who had other children other than Jesus. She is known as the MOTHER of GOD, to Catholics; a term I heard often by the priests who taught me as a child at the Catholic schools I attended. (It’s also a term which would imply she was around before God!)
    In Catholic Churches she is central in their statues. When she is represented in them with Jesus, he usually portrayed as a baby or dead (in pietas). And she is also reckoned in their doctrines as being a co-redemptrix with Jesus. (Blasphemy or what?)She is sung to in hymns–“Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean star.”
    She is drunk with the blood of the Martyrs: The Crusades, the Inquisition, her involvement with the Nazis in World War 2 (all of the Axis powers were Roman Catholic), her siding with Arafat and his terror against Israel, her history of anti-Semitism. She sits on seven hills. Her colours are Scarlet and Purple. Islam neither rules from seven hills nor is its colours Scarlet and purple. Scarlet and purple were the colours of Ancient Rome as well as Catholic Rome.
    I think the finger surely points at Rome and not Islam. As Don says, it doesn’t really matter what Islam clams prophetically about the Mahdi. Islam has no record of fulfilled prophecies. So Judeo-Christianity is virtually awash with them. That is why we can be so sure that there are so many to follow.

  153. The POPE is the beast with two horns and they are 1. The Holy See and 2. The State of Vatican City. Each is a completely separate and sovereign entity and each has a Head of State. The Head of State of the HOLY SEE is the POPE. The Head of State of the State of Vatican City is the POPE. The POPE is the HEAD of TWO separate and sovereign entities,thus the two horns. Horn one,the HOLY SEE is a KINGDOM and horn two,the STATE OF VATICAN CITY is a COUNTRY. The POPE is the BEAST with two horns of REV.13!!!! The current E.U. flag was adopted by the Council of Europe on Dec.8,1955. Dec.8th is the ROMAN CATHOLIC holiday the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF MARY. Arsene Heitz, the designer of the flag took his inspiration for the flag from the ROMAN CATHOLIC belief that the woman with the crown of twelve stars of Rev.12:1 is Mary,the QUEEN OF HEAVEN. The EUROPEAN UNION has a QUEEN OF HEAVEN FLAG. This also proves worship and a causal relationship between the BEAST with two horns and the people regarding the BIRTH of the EUROPEAN UNION. The BIRTH of the EUROPEAN UNION took place in ROME on March 25,1957 with the signing of the TREATY of ROME. March 25th is the ROMAN CATHOLIC holiday of the ANNUNCIATION of the BIRTH of the LORD. The ANNUNCIATION of the BIRTH of the Lord on March 25th is the ANNUNCIATION of the BIRTH of the EUROPEAN UNION with the signing of the TREATY of ROME March 25,1957. This also proves worship and a causal relationship between the BEAST with two horns and the people regarding the BIRTH of the EUROPEAN UNION,the IMAGE with life of REV.13(eikon with pneuma. The Council of Europe issued a poster showing the TOWER OF BABEL penetrating the stars of the E.U. QUEEN OF HEAVEN FLAG. A slogan also is on the poster which reads as, EUROPE: many tongues,one voice. This explains the pneuma of the IMAGE as being the voice of the Parliament of the EUROPEAN UNION. The lawful SEAT of the Parliament of the EUROPEAN UNION is the rebuilt TOWER OF BABEL located in Strasbourg,France aka the LOUISE WEISS building.The poster issued by the COUNCIL OF EUROPE shows a UNION between the QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND BABYLON which is in fact a EUROPEAN UNION! Rome,is the home of the BEAST with two horns, the POPE and the Whore Mystery Babylon THE GREAT MOTHER(I repeat MOTHER)of Harlots and abominations of the earth. The POPE is the FATHER and the WHORE OF BABYLON is the MOTHER. The IMAGE of REV.13(eikon with pneuma) speaks from the TOWER OF BABEL(BABYLON) which is the VOICE(pneuma) of the PARLIAMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION(eikon)!The seven heads are, Five kings are fallen and one now IS and the other not yet. There is an eigth king but he is OF the seven. The seven heads ALSO IS a GREAT CITY where the WHORE sits. At the time of the sixth king the one that IS,(present at the time)ISLAM DID NOT EXIST and MOHAMMED WAS NOT EVEN BORN YET! MECCA was just a place of the ARABS. The GREAT CITY IS ROME,the home of the BEAST WITH TWO HORNS,the POPE(FATHER) and the WHORE OF BABYLON(MOTHER),the place of BIRTH of the IMAGE with life(eikon with pneuma)of REV.13 which is the ENTIRE EUROPEAN UNION. The E.U., born in ROME March 25,1957 on the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE LORD. March 25th is the day the BEAST with two horns(the POPE) says the angel told mary she was with child. Check out March 25th on the JULIAN CALENDAR. You will discover it was the VERNAL EQUINOX,the MAGNA MATER(GREAT MOTHER)and the HILARIA MATRIS DEUM(joy of the MOTHER of the gods). Whore Christianity retained the date and renamed it to The ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE LORD and it is the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE EUROPEAN UNION! WILLIAM Le ROY IRWIN

  154. Hey I was wondering if the the eight empire is the revival of the seventh empire, how can it be a Roman Empire, when the Roman Empire was the sixth during John’s time when he wrote the Book of Revelation?

  155. Shaikh,

    The revived Roman empire is the 7th head and the Beast comes out of that wounded head and becomes the eight.

    Daniel gives fitting description of four kingdoms from the time of his prophecies and the Ottoman Empire is not one of them.

    The claim is wrong so the article is wrong. I suggest that you read the comments and the links on this post and the related posts. I do not plan to rewrite this stuff.

  156. Don, I have looked at your posts and material which is why I got rescued from the End Times Deception of the Muslim Antichrist notion which I was involved in. I thank you from my heart bro.

    But I don’t recall any information refuting the notion of the Seventh head being the Ottoman Empire and therefore the eight being the revived 7th aka what some call the revival of the Ottoman Empire. PLEASE HELP ME HERE! I’m not trying to argue or debate, I truly want to know how to counter this argument by some people.

    At the moment, I’m struggling and am having difficulty seeing how the Roman Empire is the seventh, didn’t Apostle John say that there is one, which is the sixth, since the first five went away AND THE SIXH KING DURING JOHN’S TIME WAS THE ROMAN EMPIRE?
    Please tell me if I am missing something, I don’t know how the seventh is the Roman Empire????

  157. Shaikh,

    The Ottoman empire does not fit the other prophecies of Daniel or the Bible. The Ottoman Empire was never a empire ruling over most of the known world. The Ottoman empire did not even rule over Western Europe. Israel did not even exist in the land at any time in the Ottoman Empire because Israel was dispersed among the nations. That is key because Daniels prophecy are about gentile empires that would rule over the people of Israel while they are in the land until the transgression for Israel is complete and the kingdom of the Jews is set up.

    If the Ottoman Empire was the seventh empire than the revival of the Ottoman Empire would be the eight and the Beast with the deadly head wound would be the ninth but there is no ninth. If the Roman Empire was the sixth the revival of the Roman Empire would be the seventh and the Beast that comes out of it would be the eighth like scripture says.

    The other prophecy that you are talking about is kings that would rule. Five kings were fallen at the time of John, one was ruling at the time of John and the seventh had not yet come yet and the eighth will be of the seven. None of this gives any clue if the seventh king will be the revival or Rome, or the revival of the Ottoman Empire. So, there simply is no reason for this prophecy to be included with the other prophecy.

    Daniel says the Prince of the people that destroyed the Temple will sign the 7 year covenant and break it in the midst. We know that this is the Antichrist and we know that the people that destroyed the Temple was the Roman Empire.

    I don’t know why this is so important to you anyway. It will happen the way God said it will happen and chances are this prophecy will not effect you or the people arguing with you one bit. Muslim Antichrist proponents love to argue because the Mahdi fable is their Antichrist and they see the end happening any minute now, they think the battle against the Antichrist is regional when it clearly says he will rule the world and they generally think they will be going through most of the tribulation and fighting the Antichrist. I do not believe the end is upon us this decade and I do not think faithful Christians will be going through the tribulation. Why waste your time trying to teach those that are looking for the Antichrist rather than Christ?

  158. I totally agree with your last statement, its just that I wanted to have a more better understanding of eschatology and that’s why I asked and brought up the issues that were concerning me. Our faith in Christ is the most important thing and being strong in faith so that we are not overcome by the AntiChrist.

    One thing I do want to address is that after the fall of the Roman Empire there were various Middle Eastern/Jerusalem centric empires like the Ummayyad Empire and Abbasid Empire that came prior to the Ottoman Empire. So if the proponents want to argue that the Ottoman Empire is the 7th Beast, then they would have also face the problem of Middle Easter Empires that came prior to the Ottoman Empire and BEFORE the Roman Empire and why none of them are candidates for the 7th Beast? Using their logic we would have to conclude that the Ummayad Empire was the 7th Beast and the Abbasid was the 8th this would then make the Ottoman Empire the 10th “Beast”..which doesn’t add up.

    The things I mentioned in the second paragraph may be of some use. Thanks again for your time and GBU. I’m actually using your material to rescue as many people from the false eschatology of the Muslim “Beast”.

  159. Point to consider if you believe in the Pre-tribulation rapture: What’s the point of intensive Biblical eschatology to tell believers (yes, I believe in the rapture before the tribulation) that the AC will come from here or there? He will appear regardless and those who unfortunately read your arguments but did not themselves turn to the Lord Jesus as their only hope of salvation will find themselves immersed in a world where the total power of Satan will be unleashed on this planet.

    The Spirit of strong delusion will come over those who thought they had made a way to heaven apart from Christ and they will believe a lie – it will be too late because they were already convicted of their sin nature yet they did nothing about it (being saved by grace is all you can “do”). My observation is that reams and reams of study about where the antichrist is coming from is not conducive to sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The exhaustive disputations or attempts to zero in on who the antichrist could be are in my observation a snare to those who make him a point of wonderment. Who hasn’t wanted to figure out who he is? What good would it do to even figure it out? If a person is here when the antichrist comes into power the only ones who know that he is the antichrist will be the Jews because he will break the peace covenant halfway through the tribulation.

    Satan is very clever and subtle (remember the garden of Eden) and he doesn’t need to change anything to convince Christians of his existence because Jesus said that the god of this world is satan even though he is a defeated angel of light. The signs and wonders that are coming from the enemy of God will be such that they will be able to deceive the very elect. That’s another discussion, but what is the value of arguing about the interpretation? Do you really feel like you can tell someone that so-and-so is the antichrist? What would you do if you figured it out? Kill him? The scriptures say through prophecy that the antichrist will rule, and the only one who will stop him is King Jesus. Who wants to hang around after the rapture to say, “hey, that’s him, see, I told you so”? Everyone who thought they could still be saved after the rapture won’t get the chance to be saved. There is no fence straddling. Share the gospel with every living creature.

    Last thing: Telling people about the antichrist and who he may be does not save anyone except if you are ascribing to what Jude said by saving some with fear by sharing the glorious gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Daniel and all the prophets were given the revealed truth for those who believe to warn non-believers about the consequences of not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ before the tribulation (or their death).

  160. Thomas,

    Your not really adding to the topic of this post here but I will respond once since some others might also believe like you do.

    Although some of what you said may have some merit, you seem to be assuming that people cannot get saved after the Antichrist is revealed. Revelation teaches that countless numbers will get saved in the great tribulation and they cannot possibly be all Jews(Rev 7:14 Rev 15:2). Also scripture does not teach that those that heard the gospel before the Rapture will continue to reject the gospel after the Rapture and they cannot be saved. So those that miss the Rapture might look into topics like this or remember the discussion we had here.

    After the Rapture there will still be the two prophets and the 144,000 preaching and even the everlasting Gospel will be given by an angel in the tribulation to the whole world (Rev 14:6). The purpose of the great tribulation is a great time of trial for those on earth to determine who is worthy to enter the kingdom. During the tribulation the tares and the wheat will be separated. It is not God’s will that any should perish but all come to repentance and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. You are quite wrong that people do not need to know about the events that they will go through if they miss the Rapture. They will need this information even more.

  161. What are we to do with the book of Revelation, it is predominantly about events after the Church has been caught home – those events will not effect us. Yet we are offered a blessing in studying, and presumably discussing the book.

    The anti-Christ is the prominent entity in Revelation and in many other places within the Bible. We are commanded to study the Bible, therefore a study of anti-Christ must fall within that command and surely his origin is part of that study.

    Whether we as individuals find it ‘conducive’ to the gospel to discuss the origins or even the person of anti-Christ to unbelievers is very much up to the individual and the situation.

    This blog however is for Christian discussion, and anti-Christ’s origin falls very squarely into that arena.

  162. Don.

    I personally think it much more likely that the False Prophet will be Islamic. Consider the lamb-like beast with two horns of Revelation 13:11

    My first reason is staring us in the face. Mohammad = False Prophet. #2. It has two horns of authority = Shiite and Sunni. #3 It portrays itself as a lamb-like religion of peace to the West. But when you hear it speaking its native Arabic language, its words are anything but peaceful. Metaphorically described as dragon-like #4. It could be said to rise out of the land, because the Hashemite royal family are direct descendants of Mohammad. And they have control of most of the Promised Land. If one of them were to claim to be the Mahdi, backed with a few false miracles, lying wonders etc. Its not impossible to imagine him uniting Islam under his influence.

    In your reply to Shaikh you state “The revived Roman empire is the 7th head and the Beast comes out of that wounded head and becomes the eighth”.

    Daniel’s visions come with interpretations that identify the beasts, as empires/kingdoms, not just heads. In fact the only head identified as a kingdom/empire is that of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image.

    If you identify Revelation’s beast with the fourth beast of Daniel 7. Why do you think the definition of what depicts a kingdom/empire should be changed?

  163. Phil,

    1. The fact that Muhammad was a false prophet proves nothing about who the False Prophet is. Mormonism has false prophets, so do many religions. for example, the Popes claims to speak for God and some in Protestantism also clam to speak for God. They also are false prophets.
    2. Likewise, the fact that Islam has two major sects of authority does not mean that it is the False Prophet. Christianity also has two horns of authority called Catholicism and Protestantism.
    3. The passage does not indicate that the second Beast will be speaking peaceful like a lamb at all, as you indicated. It says it has two horns as a lamb but speaks as a dragon. There is nothing in this passage that says it will speak as a lamb to one group and a dragon to another. It says he speaks as a dragon period. Do you really think that with what we see today, and what we are about to see happening in the world because of Islam, that westerners will see Islam as a religion of peace by the time Antichrist arrives?

    Besides, the False prophet is a person and is not speaking today. He also causes all to worship the first Beast. Now you need to correlate scriptures to determine that the first beast was, and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seven. It does not fit Islam.

    4. That is quite a stretch. If one on the Royal Family of Jordan claimed to be the Mahdi as you suggest, do you really think the 12er’s would believe him when they claim he will rule from Iran? I suppose you believe that the whole world is just going to go under Sharia Law because someone claims to be a cartoon figure?

    I am sorry, but this Islamic Antichrist theory with everyone under Sharia Law and a new economic system under Islam gets pretty funny. As if the pagans of the West are suddenly going to see the Islamic light when the whole Western world is now heading into new age and Eastern pantheism. And I am to believe that Islam with its backward ways is suddenly going to bring prosperity to the world to make them want to take part in the Antichrist economic system? Keep in mind that Revelation says that even after judgments the people in the world still did not repent. I can just see everyone in the world jumping up and down and having a great party when Islam with its Sharia Law takes over from the two Israeli prophets. 🙄 The Antichrist is called the lawless one for a reason.

    As for your last statement, We already know from history that there were four world kingdoms or empires from the time of Daniel’s vision. If you cannot see them as kingdoms it is your problem.

  164. Don.
    You are reading into my post, things I never said.

    I didn’t say it will speak as a lamb. I said “It ‘portrays’ itself as a lamb-like religion of peace to the West”. Hence the vision of a lamb-like beast to depict its method of deception.

    Neither did I say Islamic Antichrist or Islam will rule the world because I don’t hold that view. But I can imagine the Antichrist having an Islamic partner as I have described.

    I agree with you that Daniel’s vision speaks of four world kingdoms that are depicted by beasts. But I would be interested to know why you think Revelation’s 7th head depicts a kingdom. Revelation 17:10 seems to indicate the heads depict the seven hills that Rome sits on, and definitely indicate seven kings because it says so in plain language. I don’t see how those heads can be also taken to mean kingdoms.

  165. Don,

    who do you think the God of Fortresses is whom the AntiChrist worships? Since as I recall from Daniel though the AntiChrist calls himself God, he also worships a deity, which Daniel calls the God of Fortresses. Some people think its a reference to Allah. Thanks!

  166. Shaikh,

    There is no reason to think it is Allah. It just probably means that his God is a force. After all, he declares that he is God and probably believes the collective thoughts of man creates reality or is the force called God. The Star Wars series is not just a coincidence it helps set up the world for pantheism. If you are aware of all the subtle New Age deceptions like “The Secret” that are hitting even people in Christianity from every direction then the Antichrist probably will not take you by surprise.

  167. Phil,

    I know what you said but I also know what the Bible says. You say you do not believe an Islamic Antichrist will rule the world but the False prophet demands everyone on earth to worship the first Beast so it is really the same thing. Islam has never and will never say peace to the infidel West and opinions not founded on scripture is not worth very much.

    I can also imagine the Antichrist having a religious partner but it will probably be the same religious system that controls the world saying the Antichrist is God. Neither pseudo Christianity nor Islam will do that, and that is why the Antichrist persecutes the religious Harlot. The Antichrist is the object of worship and he will appeal to those that reject the truth as told by the two prophets and the 144,000. It is likely to be some form of pantheism mixed with ufoology making the Antichrist the highest being and making man that will take the mark of identification his collective conscious offspring.

    I think Revelation’s 7th head depicts a kingdom because Revelation 12:3 and 13:1 says the dragon has 7 heads and Revelation 13:2 names the Beasts in reverse order than Daniel. The kingdoms before the Roman Empire. Clearly they are Kingdoms and Kings. There are other reasons but this is getting off topic. The comment section on this post is getting too long as it is.

  168. Don.

    I can understand you having that view. Your country is a long way behind Europe in its slide into Islam. I know you keep yourself well informed, but do you realise the extent to which Europe has sunk into this Islamic pit?

    Shariah law runs along-side our laws. Just a few miles from where I live there are areas of London that are Shariah zones. Don’t let you wife or daughter walk alone there without covering themselves to Islamic standards.

    And England is nowhere near as bad as France, Holland and Belgium. Areas of Paris are shut down by these Islamists praying in the streets every Friday.

    Blaspheme the name of Christ all you like in Holland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark or Norway. But dare to truthfully quote the Koran’s anti-Jewish and anti-Christian passages, and you will end up in Court. And if it is the Scandinavian countries or Austria, you will be convicted, resulting in a heavy fine or jail.

    I don’t believe Islam will produce the Antichrist, but if you lived in Europe you might warm to the idea.

    That revers order theory ignores the fact that the Times Of The Gentiles starts with Babylon. Not Assyria, Egypt or Samaria. And I think we go astray if we ignore scriptures own interpretation like Rev 17:10.

    But as you rightly say. It is getting off topic.

  169. Phil,

    I am very aware of Europe’s Islamic problem but people will only be pushed so far. There are always backlashes and counter revolutions? It has already started in mainland Europe where natives are increasingly fed up and turning toward the far right. That will eventually bring a civil war in Europe and even a world war and that is why Islam will be defeated in one way or another. Some time after that, the Antichrist will come but he won’t come out of Islam he will ride in on pseudo Christian based Fascism like Hitler.

    Reverse order theory??? Come on, this is basic stuff, and it is history not a theory. The reason the animals representing the kingdoms are listed in reverse in revelation is that Revelation is looking back from the time of John’s prophecy. Daniel’s prophecy was look forward in time.

    Enough said.

  170. Don,

    This is a topic that I have tried to show you a side of that I wasn’t effective in doing…so I let it go.

    I do wish you could watch John MacArthurs video on this but you can’t because of bandwidth.

    I do not believe the anti-Christ will necessarily be Islamic, but I do believe many in the Islamic world will see him as their Mahdi, regardless of their status at the time…just my two cents worth.

  171. ~David,

    I do not know why you think you need to bring it up again on a post with almost 200 comments? I do not need to watch MacArthur’s video to know what He teaches and he is not the only Bible teacher in the world. I already read his article on this.

    There will be no Islamic world in the time of the Antichrist. The world Harlot comes first with an all inclusive religion for the sake of world peace. Everyone in the world is going to hear the truth. The scriptures is clear that the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole world as a witness and only then the end will come.

    All people in the world that do not accept Jesus as Lord will received the Antichrist as Lord so there is no more reason to point out that Muslims (if people are even still identified with their former beliefs) will be any more deceived than Pseudo Christians, Hindus Buddhists or any other religion with a name. There is no Mahdi and the Antichrist is not going to be called the Mahdi by anyone. He will want to be called God. All the present loony religious thinking will be replaced by a great deception that will deceive the whole world.

    Just imagine if someone claiming to have come from an advanced race says all religion on earth is false. It will be a much worse deception than that when Satan and his angels are cast unto the earth. All will be deceived, even the elect if that were possible.

  172. Don.
    I am not in total disagreement with your views on Islam and the Antichrist. But Islam being taken out of the equation is not something you can be certain of. It may be just as much a part of the delusion as Mary apparitions or space aliens.

    You dismiss my False Prophet theory. But it fits the bill scripturally. Catholicism and Protestantism couldn’t equally fit the description like you said because they come out of the Gentile sea, not the Promised Land.

    I know its accepted as 101 by most of us premillennial dispensationalist types. But it is scripturally unsupportable. As I said above, Revelation 17:10 doesn’t allow for that interpretation. Neither does what we understand The Times Of The Gentiles to mean.

  173. David.

    John MacArthur does marshal the facts well. But I believe his conclusion is scripturally wrong.

    The Antichrist will be a prince of the people who destroyed the temple. The argument that he will be a prince from among the descendants of the lowest ranked soldiers who did the heavy work is daft. Titus was a prince of Rome at the time the temple was destroyed. He was a foreshadow of the Antichrist.

    The Antichrist will be a prince from the line of the seven kings depicted by the Revelation 17 beast that also indicates by seven hills that he comes from the Roman Empire.

    This argument about Rome’s eastern leg on its own being the Antichrist’s kingdom doesn’t fit the bill. The revived Roman Empire is the European Union and the Union for the Mediterranean (EU/UM).

    The Antichrist prince will come from the ruling elite of that unified supranational state. He will be able to prove his descent from the Ptolemaic (king of the South) and Seleucid (king of the North). And by the latter he will connect to Antiochus IV Epiphanes the Assyrian foreshadow of the Antichrist.

    I’ve almost finished a book on the subject. Watch for it at Amazon in the next few months. Plug Plug 🙂

  174. Phil,

    Islam is in the equation, the conflict with Islam helps the Antichrist rise to power. The signs and wonders of the False prophet is what is going to overthrow all religions and that includes Islam.

    By the way, I never said Catholicism and Protestantism represented the two horns. I do not think that is what the two horns mean at all. You said the False Prophet could come out of Islam because Sunni and Shiite could represent the two horns. I then implied if your going to think that way then the two major divisions in Christianity also could qualify. I personally think the two horns represent two world religions but I think Christianity and Judaism fit, they have the same scriptures and same God. Therefore, I think the False Prophet will be a Jew. Quite possibly he will be a Jewish Pope that also obtains power to administrate over the Holy sites in Israel, and that would give him two horns of authority. So that fully qualifies as the second Beast that comes out of the Land. That also just makes sense if the revived Roman Empire is where the Antichrist comes from, it fits much better than Islam.

    I do not know why you say it is scripturally unsupportable? Revelation 17:10 does support that interpretation.

  175. Hey Don, seems like this discussion never ends… what are your thoughts on the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple? I don’t believe the Antichrist will be Muslim, but it seems he would have to convince Jews and Muslims to come to peace for the Temple to be rebuilt. I hold to a more traditional view that the Roman Empire is the beast, but it seems that muslims could play a role because of where the dome of the rock is.

  176. Don.

    A Jewish Pope as the False Prophet. Wouldn’t that mean the ten horns destroy the False Prophet?

    I do agree with your views regarding the Fascist/Socialist politics of the beast kingdom. Politics everywhere seems to be lurching that way every day. And I can see it taking hold of the EU/UM with the recent appointment of unelected heads of Italy and Greece. I think there’s a good chance Portugal and Ireland will go the same way soon.

    I think the EU/UM will morph into an autocracy similar to the early Roman Empire’s change from a republic to an autocracy.

    I think Socialism is initially the thing that binds the empire together. It seems to be the common ground most people share in the Middle East.

  177. Are there are any goob well written books proving that the AntiChrist is not going to be Muslim and filled with actual correct eschatology?

  178. The last post by William was deleted such foaming at the mouth is not useful in this discussion.


    This is going to have to be the end of it this discussion the file is getting too big. I am going to have to be very selective in the future about what comments are posted on this highly hit on post. Unless somebody brings in something new that has not already been discussed it will not get posted or remain posted. Otherwise I am going to have to close comments on this post.

    To answer your question. The ten horns hate the Harlot of Revelation 17. She is the woman that rides the Beast in, she is not the False prophet. The False Prophet only appears in the last 42 months along with the Antichrist.

    I also agree with the rest of your observations, people should keep in mind that Fascism is a form of crony capitalistic socialism where the state (or world system) is all important and individual liberty is a threat. Fascism includes governance by the elite and it is already ruling in almost all the world and that includes in America.

  179. Shaikh,

    There may be books debunking the Antichrist but I do not know why we need a whole book for that. This article and the links in it already debunk the Muslim Antichrist theory.

    You gave us a link to why the Antichrist comes out of the Roman Empire but the truth is that almost all premillennial teachers on Eschatology believe the Antichrist will come out of a revived Roman Empire.

    The Muslim Antichrist theory has recently become more popular because Islam is a threat again. Islam was also a threat in the past when it almost took over Europe but what happened? The Holy Roman Empire Crusades led by the Vatican. There is nothing new under the sun. What has happened before will happen again.

  180. Speaking of a Jewish Pope, isn’t it possible for the Antichrist to be a Jewish Pope (religiously Catholic/Ecumenical, but of Hebrew Jewish blood)?
    Just a thought I felt like sharing.

  181. Shaikh,

    The Antichrist can be a Pope with Jewish roots if he becomes head of a new Holy Roman Empire. Keep in mind that the ten kings give their power to the Beast. So he is more likely to be a political leader than a religious leader. Rome better fits the Harlot of Revelation 17 than it does the future Antichrist.

  182. A Response to Bill Salus “Does Daniel debunk the Antichrist?” (partial text)
    The full text can be found here.

    Overwhelming Biblical evidence exists that the wicked ruler defeated by the Messiah in the latter days is an Assyrian. This article was written to respond to arguments made by Mr. Bill Salus in his blog, asserting that the book of Daniel refutes this belief. I will quote from the relevant portions of his paper, and conclude with passages that clarify this Eschatological interpretation. Mr. Salus writes:

    “Daniel 9:26 refutes this presumption in that it gives us the most detailed literal account within the entirety of scripture as to the origin of this individual. Therein we are informed that the Antichrist will originate from the people who would eventually destroy the city of Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, referring to the second Jewish temple.”

    The problem with this argument is that it relies on the English translation of Daniel 9:26, and ignores the most basic meaning of one, important Hebrew word. Every English translation renders Daniel 9:26 as “…and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary…” This is an obvious attempt to interpret Daniel 9:26 a fulfillment of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, in 70 A.D. However, Hebrew reference works reveal that the basic meaning of the word “destroy” allows for a different interpretation. This word is Shachath. “Destruction” is one possible meaning, but the basic meaning is “to corrupt” “ruin” or “decay.” In Strong’s Concordance, we read:

    shachath, shaw-khath’; a primitive root; to decay, i.e. (causative) ruin (literal or figurative) :- batter, cast off, corrupt (-er, thing), destroy (-er, -uction), lose, mar, perish, spill, spoiler, × utterly, waste (-r).
    a. 08686 Stem -Hiphil Mood -Imperfect (Brown Driver & Briggs) (Hiphil)
    to spoil, ruin, destroy
    to pervert, corrupt (morally)
    destroyer (participle)

    A simple word study reveals that Shachath is used many times for moral corruption, or for something that has “decayed,” has been “spoiled,” or “perverted.” For instance, in Psalm 53, we read:

    “To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David.> The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt (Sachath) are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.” (Psalm 53:1)

    If the basic meaning of Shachath is “to corrupt,” this must be taken into consideration when Daniel 9:26 is interpreted. Furthermore, if the Antichrist is an Assyrian, the translation “corrupt” fits historically. Assyrians are Arabs, and Arabs rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. When they did this, they placed their own structures in the city, and shrines on the Temple Mount. Islamic shrines. Therefore, the people of Antichrist are responsible for the “corruption of the city,”—which which continues today.

    A fair comparison of Daniel 9:26-27 with Isaiah 10:26-27 reveals a specific context to Daniel’s words. In both verses of Daniel, phrases are borrowed from Isaiah, in a prophecy of the last days. Let us compare the words used in both of these Scriptures:

    Isaiah 10:22-23
    For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption [killayown] decreed [charats] shall overflow [shataph] with righteousness.
    For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption [kalah ], even determined [charats], in the midst of all the land.

    Daniel 9:26-27
    And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end [qets] thereof shall be with a flood [shataph] , and unto the end of the war desolations [shamem ] are determined [charats].

    And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate [shamem] , even until the consummation [kalah ], and that determined [charats] shall be poured upon [nathak] the desolate.
    In Daniel 9:26, we read that the end “shall be with a flood [shataph]” This has been anomalous, and very few offer an explanation. However, in Isaiah 10 the same word is used for the Judgment of God at the final battles. Isaiah wrote:

    “…the consumption [killayown=destruction] decreed [charats] shall overflow [shataph] with righteousness.”

    In Isaiah, the prophet wrote that the destruction (or consumption) of the “final end” was “determined” or ordained by God. These are the same words found in Daniel. Of course, Isaiah was written before Daniel, and as a Jew, Daniel would have recognized these terms. As soon as the angel spoke these words to Daniel, it is obvious the prophet would have remembered Isaiah’s prophecy.

    In Daniel, he wrote that the “end” of this “corruption” would be with a flood. There is no evidence of a “flood” occurring in 70 A.D., when Jerusalem was destroyed. Yet, Isaiah used this phrase about the the Judgment of God being “poured out” on sinners, resulting in righteousness being established in the earth.

    Because of all of these these facts, I have concluded that the first “time period” of Daniel’s prophecy ends with the Messiah being “cut off,” and then looks forward to the end times in verse 26, not at the beginning of verse 27. The only part of verse 26 that is historical, is that the “people of the prince” would corrupt the city and the sanctuary. The remainder of the verse elaborates on the same subject matter as verse 27.

    If the corruption of the city of Jerusalem, and not it’s destruction is the subject matter of Daniel 9:26, this passage is not proof that the Antichrist will rise from Rome. It is possible, but not likely, since the Daniel quotes from Isaiah 10:22-23.

    It is obvious scholars have relied on the English translation of this passage, in order to facilitate the popular, and almost universal, interpretation. This ignores the fact that the Temple Mount has been corrupted (according to the Law of Moses) by Islam—hundreds of years before the arrival of the “Little Horn.”

    The article continues to present Biblical evidence related to events that answer the remaining objects posted by Mr Salus, and also contradicts the interpretations of mainstream proponents of the Islamic Antichrist theory, while offering an alternative view that suggests it would be the natural outcome of recent history.

  183. Russell,

    Your whole argument is “corrupt” for many reasons. Your whole argument is based on your false assumption that scholars wrongfully interpreted a word that you say should be interpreted as “corrupt” instead of “destroy”. Then you build a ridiculous theory around that false presumption. The context determines the interpretation of Hebrew words. It is quite clear that the meaning of that word here is destroy and Strong also makes that evident.

    07843 txv shachath shaw-khath’

    a primitive root; TWOT-2370; v

    AV-destroy 96, corrupt 22, mar 7, destroyer 3, corrupters 2, waster 2, spoilers 2, battered 1, corruptly 1, misc 11; 147

    Apart from the translation of the Hebrew text to English the interpretation of that word as “destroy” is backed by the Septuagint.

    Dan 9:26 And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one shall be destroyed, and there is no judgment in him: and he shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint the city to desolations.

    By the way, The flood mentioned is explained in Revelation 12. It happens after Satan is cast down to the earth and persecutes Israel.

    I also suggest that if you want to refute arguments made on the blog of Bill Salus, that you do it there.

  184. The word translated “destroy” in the Septuagint can also mean “corrupt.” If you place the “flood” in the Great Tribulation, then there is basically no argument there. The same symbolism is used for basically the same event. I posted this here to give an alternate view to a Scripture that has only been interpreted one way. And the Hebrew does allow for the alternate translation, no matter how many times the KJV translates the word either “destroy” or “corrupt.” Twenty two times is alot of times in my opinion, and gives credence that my explanation is possible. And if possible, the other passages about the “Assyrian” in Isaiah should not be met with so much hostility. God Bless, but I do think the Hebrew allows for both points of view.

  185. Russell,

    You seem to be confused about whether you are emailing me or wanting to post a comment.

    Since you emailed me and I responded directly to you. I am going to post the emails so people can follow the conversation.

    Russell’s email

    The Hebrew word can mean both “destroy” and “corrupt.” The Septuigint uses a word that can mean either also. You trust the translation of ONE verse, and ignore passages throughout Isaiah to Micah that the Assyrian will defeated in the last days. The translation “corrupt” reconciles these passages, “destroy” does not, because it makes the Antichrist Roman.

    Read Theological Wordbook and Brown Driver Briggs, and do a word study. “corrupt” is acceptable. The context is the prince that is to come, who will committ an “abomination” on the Temple Mount. This qualifies as “corruption.” A word study proves it does. So it is not ridiclous. And if the “flood” is from the Dragon, this is in the latter days, and thus not in 70 A.D.

    My email Reponse

    You’re really not being honest with the translations. Just because a English word is acceptable as a possible translation choice for a Hebrew word does not make it acceptable if that English word does not fit the passage context. The destruction was fulfilled as written. The city and the Temple were destroyed, not corrupted. Even Jesus in great detail said the Temple would be destroyed and that happened in 70 AD. You think something so historically significant that fulfills what Jesus said, should just be ignored in favor of some nebulous corruption, just so you can claim the Antichrist will be a Muslim?

    Your argument on the Assyrian is to the wrong person. It is a non argument to me, because I never said the Antichrist would be Roman. Nobody knows the decent of the Antichrist. He very will could come from the area of Assyria and still lead a revived Roman Empire. I believe the revived empire is a still future MU, not the present EU. Besides, those Assyrian passages were explained away by Bill Salus or Dr. David Reagan as not talking about the Antichrist at all. Go argue with Bill Salus or Dr. Reagan if you insist that the Antichrist has to be an Assyrian.

    I think the Antichrist will come from the same place as the historical foreshadow, but who really knows for sure? I don’t lose sleep at night worrying about it because it is of no significance to the Church. My claim is that he will not come out of Islam. If Islam or any distinct world religion other than the Harlot even exists at the time of the Antichrist it will be quickly abandoned for worship of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is going to claim to be above anything that is called God or worshiped. Even the religious Harlot will be burned.

    I never said the flood mentioned happened in 70 AD. So that is also a non argument. Like I said, go argue with Salus, you are arguing with the wrong person.
    Since your last comment really adds nothing new. I have nothing further to add that I have not already said in my email to you above.

  186. Revelation says the Beast will have the appearance of a Leopard (Greece). The Beast is Hellenistic, i.e. he comes from the Hellenized western world. He has the mouth of a lion (Babylon) because he speaks blasphemy, Babylon being the origin of false religion. He has the feet of a bear (Medo-Persia). (Persians are Aryans, descendents of Japheth.)
    So is the Antichrist Greek, Persian, Assyrian, Jewish, Roman? . Maybe he is called different names only because of his seven heads?

    If he is foreshadowed by Antiochus IV, he is Greek. The Seleucid Empire covered the same area as the Medo-Persian Empire, which could explain the feet of the bear.

    The Papacy isn’t the Whore, Babylon, MOTHER of Harlots. It is only a daughter of Babylon. The Whore, Babylon, is a united world religion. The Ecumenical movement is the beginning, uniting Protestant and Catholic at the expense of truth. Eventually it will incorporate all religions, united in the name of peace, all waiting for their respective “messiah” to appear. (“Jesus,” Maitreya, “Messiah,” Mahdi, Kalki, Sayoshyant, etc.) The Antichrist will be all things to all people.
    The Pope, however, will probably be the False Prophet.

  187. Hi Todd,

    Good comment. Your comment got delayed a bit because you got caught in my spam filter for some reason. I would agree that the Antichrist will probably come from the area of the Seleucid Empire like Antiochus IV who is the obvious foreshadow.

    I think the Harlot is all false religion since Babylon. Actually you are saying the same thing when you bring all world religions into the ecumenical whore at the end. Yes, the whore will peak in a world ecumenical movement and be looking for some Messiah figure to arrive.

    What you seem to miss is that False Prophet and the ten kings that support the Beast will hate the whore and burn her with fire. So she is not going to get a whore friendly Messiah. Ecumenical religion will be destroyed by those that demand worship of the Beast as God.

    I also tend to think the False Prophet will be a Jew since he is the Beast that comes out of the Land (Israel). The scriptures would have no reason to call him a false prophet if Israel did not at first accept Him as a prophet. Of course a Pope can come from anywhere and/or have Jewish blood. And at that point the Roman Church could have a second Vatican overseeing the Holy sites of Israel.

  188. Hi Don
    I wrote this some time ago but it is relevant to what you have just said.

    “In Revelation 17:12-18, the kings – the rulers of the ten political regions give their allegiance to Anti-Christ and because of their contempt for religion will turn and destroy the religious system. Revelation 17:16 says the kings “hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire”.

    The cause of this hatred may be religion’s objections to absolute power being given to an individual and destruction of the religious system may be the only means for that power to be gained. It would certainly remove major opposition to his image being set up in the Temple in a renewal of ‘Emperor’ worship. Such a system of worship would combine both the political and religious systems under a single authority.

    Religion and politics are fundamentally antagonistic and when these two systems compete for power the one who holds the allegiance of the military, and the resolve to annihilate the other will win out: In this future instance it is the political head. Satan cannot allow two centres of power and to bring people’s allegiance directly to himself he destroys religion and concentrates all his power into this one man (remember the words of Christ Jesus regarding a divided kingdom not being able to stand). Religion in the second half of the tribulation will be the enforced worship of this man who claims to be God, a man whose image will be in the Temple.”

    I also believe and pretty much for the same reasons. that the false prophet will be Jewish.

    Sorry for the length of this Don but Matthew Henry has written of those times thus:
    “He (Antiochus Epiphanies) carried on his malicious designs against the Jews by the assistance of some perfidious apostate Jews. He kept up intelligence with those that forsook the holy covenant (Daniel 11:30), some of the Jews that were false to their religion, and introduced the customs of the heathen, with whom they made a covenant. See the fulfilling of this, 1 Macc. 1:11-15, where it is expressly said, concerning those renegade Jews, that they made themselves uncircumcised and forsook the holy covenant. We read (2 Macc. 4:9) of Jason, the brother of Onias the high priest, who by the appointment of Antiochus set up a school at Jerusalem, for the training up of youth in the fashions of the heathen; and (2 Macc. 4:23, etc.) of Menelaus, who fell in with the interests of Antiochus, and was the man that helped him into Jerusalem, now in his last return from Egypt. We read much in the book of the Maccabees of the mischief done to the Jews by these treacherous men of their own nation, Jason and Menelaus, and their party. These upon all occasions he made use of. “Such as do wickedly against the covenant, such as throw up their religion, and comply with the heathen, he shall corrupt with flatteries, to harden them in their apostasy, and to make use of them as decoys to draw in others,” (Daniel 11:32). Note: It is not strange if those who do not live up to their religion, but in their conversations do wickedly against the covenant, are easily corrupted by flatteries to quit their religion. Those that make shipwreck of a good conscience will soon make shipwreck of the faith.”

    Such will be the False Prophet

  189. Don,
    I agree that the False Prophet will be Jewish, but I don’t see the False Prophet in Revelation 17. What I see is that it’s the Beast and the Ten Horns that hate the Whore, not the False Prophet and the Horns The atheistic World Government hates the religion, but uses her for it’s own purpose (actually for God’s purpose, which is judgement of the false church -Rev 17:17) Once the Beast and the Horns rise to power, they destroy the religion. The Papacy has always wanted Jerusalem. Maybe the Antichrist will use this religion to gain control of Jerusalem, then destroy the Whore when he has it.

    Do you believe the False Prophet is the leader of the whore?

    I heard another thing yesterday. The story of Herod the Great and the death of the children is a type; the antitype is Rev. 12. Herod was an Arab (Idumean). He was also a Jewish convert. And he was a Roman citizen. So the Antichrist will probably be the same, all three – a Jewish Assyrian with Roman citizenship.

  190. Hi Don, Would you consider the Hellenistic Jews part of this empire, Selecid and Antiochus IV? Along those same lines, would you consider the book of Maccabees to be left out of the reformation Bible because it does not pertain to those who are to be raptured? I am not a history buff or a war buff but my discernment radar is on. Thanks.

  191. Brian,

    Good comment. Even today it seems the Jews worst enemies are apostate Jews. That is because like Paul in Romans said “they are not all Israel, which are of Israel”. Jews that reject their heritage to gain the world lose their souls. That is why they are Atheists.

  192. Julie,

    Like Brian pointed out some Hellenistic Jews were involved with Antiochus IV. You certainly cannot broad brush them. I think Maccabees was left out of the Canon because it does not meet the test of God given scripture. It is useful for history.

  193. Todd,

    The False Prophet demands worship of the Antichrist alone so it is obvious that he would be against religion as are the ten kings.

    I think the False Prophet will be against the whore so it is not likely that he would be the leader of the whore. However, it is possible that the leader of the whore could see the Antichrist as God and then turn on the world religion that he led. For example, if the leader of the Harlot is the Pope he could say the Antichrist is Christ and then turn against all that deny it. We shall see.

    Herod was an Edomite his family converted to Judaism for advantage. I think the death of the children and Revelation 12 are reading things into scripture that are not there. However, as to the make up of the Antichrist, I have basically said that similar things are possible.

  194. Great history lessons, Don, Todd and Oz. Gives me much more to read and understand and helps with discerning. Thanks Guys!

  195. More of Antiochus Epiphanies incursion into Israel:
    It also is from a previous study and may be a little speculative, but I found it fascinating.

    “We saw in the events of Antiochus Epiphanies’ incursion into Israel a type of anti-Christ, and it could be that other events of Antiochus’ day may have prophetic significance also.

    AUBERLEN, on page 65 of his THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL etc, accepts Porphyry’s statement that “Antiochus, in the eleventh year of his reign (166-165 B.C.), invaded Egypt again, and took Palestine on his way. The “tidings” of Daniel 11:44, as to the revolt of tributary nations then led him to the East”. Porphyry made the statement that, “Antiochus, starting from Egypt took Arad in Judah and devastated all Phoenicia; then he turned to check Artaxias, king of Armenia. He died in the Persian town Tabes, 164 B.C.”.

    This statement from history does seem to fit with the future movements of anti-Christ prophesied in Daniel 11:44-45.
    “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.”

  196. Hi Don.
    Over the past two days I have read all of this part of your site up to this point. It is excellent.
    I’ve learnt a lot. I not only love the way you bring everything back to Scripture and do so cearly and concisely, you actually do so definitively!
    When people get off on tangents, your incisive logic stops them in their tracks and turns them around.
    While I respect Wallid Shoebat and Brigitte Gabrielle, I disagree with their views on a Moslem anti-Christ. I do so for several of the biblical reasons you cite. But I have to thank you for adding more points to refute the Moslem anti-Christ idea than I had. You have clarified several other points I hadn’t considered.
    Brian’s point, too, regarding a Jewish false prophet is a new idea to me. So thanks to Brian also for causing me to condider something I’d never thought of before.
    So thanks for your blog, Don. It’s certainly an education and is a great aid to growing in knowledge.
    May God continue to bless it and bless you.

  197. Bob from Texas said:
    I have an acquaintance in a fairly large SBC church who has made a personal ministry out of “exposing” the Muslim Anti-Christ. He promotes Glenn Beck and Joel Richardson (not Joel Rosenberg) at every opportunity.

    My response:
    Was wondering if you could post a link to his set of work/s on the subject? I would love to look into it.

  198. Another thought on this Jewish false prophet/Antichrist (I realize they are not one and the same!): As the true Messiah had to be a Jew and claimed that Salvation is of the Jews [John 4:22] and the Resurrected Jesus Christ still is A Jew [Rev 5:5], would it not be most likely that the false prophet and Antichrist would have to be Gentiles?
    We know that Israel will never be numbered among the nations [Num 23:9] and the pro-Arab UN–backed by the world’s nations and the Vatican–fulfil that prophecy. While also bearing bearing in mind that Israel will never cease to be a nation in God’s sight [Jer 31:36], would it not suggest that the idea of a Jewish false prophet or Antichrist would be extremely unlikely?
    This is only a thought but wouldn’t both of these evil characters have to be the antithesis of Jesus Christ Who was the true Messiah and a true prophet?
    I’d appreciate your views on those points, Don.

  199. Hi Martin,

    Not really. Jesus talking to Jewish leaders said they rejected Him because He came in the name of the Father but there is one coming that would come in his own name that the Jewish leaders would accept.

    The Beast coming out of sea in Revelation probably means the Antichrist will come from the Gentile nations and the second beast coming out of the Land in Revelation probably means he will come out of Israel. The Beast coming out of the sea is the Antichrist and the Beast coming out of the Land is the False Prophet. Of course because the first Beast comes out of the nations it does not mean that he could not have Jewish blood as well. One comes out of the nations the other come out of the religious system. That is represented by the horns on the Beasts.

  200. There seem to be something missing in both arguments…The antichrist will claim to be God and people will worship him- something never allowed in islam.But how will the papal power make everybody to worship it even in a militarily defeated islamic world which will still refuse to believe in the AC(for the same reason mentioned above)…For this to happen islam has to become extinct altogether.What will be the ultimate outcome of the king of the north defeating the king of the south? Can somebody explain please?

  201. Surendran,

    I am assuming that you’re saying how will the papal power make everybody worship the Antichrist.

    The Papacy is not the Beast Antichrist and probably is not the False Prophet either since the Papacy is the Harlot of Revelation chapter 17 and the ten kings that give their power to the Beast hate the Harlot and burn her with fire (Rev 17:16).

    The Bible tells us how the False prophet will deceive the world to cause them to worship the Antichrist. It will be through lying signs and wonders. He will even make fire come down from Heaven (Rev 13:13-14).

    Islam does not have to become extinct, it can have a reformation and join with the one world religion Harlot.

    The outcome of the King of the North is told in Dan 11:40-45

    40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
    41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
    42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
    43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
    44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
    45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

  202. A spiritualist belief associated with Islam–which can be a sect in it’s own right–answers Sudendran’s argument. This belief is “sufism.” A Muslim can be a Sufi and a Shia or Sunni at the same time. Sufi’s believe in miracles, and believe that they can channel their god. They call on dead saints as intercessors, and do other practices not accepted by the mainstream Muslim beliefs. Certainly, the Shia believe in miracles, but the Sunni do not. The Shia also believe their Mahdi will stand in the place of their god. However, God said that He would send a strong delusion on them. A Sufi who preformed miracles could united both of these warring factions, and at the same time, would believe in Sharia Law, thus cutting the heads off of those who believe in Jesus, and the Word of God, as Revelation states. This would occur in the Middle East. It is absurd to believe that the nations of the world on a global scale would decapitate, as the Bible predicts. Scots with blood drenched kilts? However, to believe that a future Islamic caliphate throughout the Middle East could do such a thing via the institution of Sharia Law is not out of the realm of possibility, especially if America is destroyed in the fire of Revelation 8.

  203. Russell,

    Muslims that practice mystical paganism are really just pagans acting like Muslims. It is like some that are really into New Age paganism still identify with Christianity. It would be much more logical to think that the Antichrist will embrace paganism like the Nazi’s than to try to narrow down what he came out of to a Muslim cult. When he takes power the only worship of God allowed will be the worship of Him.

    Seems most of your argument is based on the beheadings spoken of in Revelation. That can just be a figure of speech for those murdered unless you think that all the previous martyrs were also beheaded. Even if this is literal, the idea that beheading is unique to Islam is what is absurd. French guillotines were very common not so long ago. Even John the Baptist was beheaded by Harold. Off with your head! is just a very efficient way of killing people especially if the ammo is need for the wars.

  204. I do not think that beheadings is unique to Islam, but I think this passage is literal. My point is that the idea that the ‘entire world’ will behead anyone who does not take the mark is what is absurd. Sharia Law, and this form of execution practiced in some countries against those who will not renounce Christianity, brings a prophecy that appears to be an Orwellian impossibility into the realm of the possible. A “caliphate” or empire in the Middle East that is as brutal as Iran can bring the passages concerning these beheadings into literal fulfillment. The belief that everyone in the world who does not take the mark is based on the interpretation of the word “earth” to mean “the whole world.” In both Hebrew and Greek however, this can mean a region of land. So, the Middle East likely is where this will take place.

  205. Russell,

    The scripture does not say that the “entire world” will behead anyone who does not take the mark. The killing of those that do not worship the Antichrist is the doing of the False Prophet and those that follow his directives.

    You’re also missing the point given clearly in scripture. All on earth that do not love the truth that Jesus is Lord will be sent deception and it is they that will worship the Antichrist. Obviously then, all in any prior religion that rejected the truth and continue to do so will worship the Antichrist. They will however, get to hear the truth through the ministry of the two prophets and 144,000 and even the everlasting gospel that will be given by the Angels.

    After the great deception that comes through the Antichrist and his false prophet, there are not going to be any religions allowed on earth other than the worship of the Beast. It is pointless to say the Antichrist comes from a religion when he believes that he is God and is above anything called God. He is not going to pretend to be Allah and lead what were former Muslims. He wars against any God by any name that was worshiped in heaven. He sends out demons to deceive the nation to war against the coming of the Lord.

    Revelation and other scriptures are very clear that the whole earth will be judged. Jesus even equated this Day of the Lord to the time before the worldwide flood in the days of Noah. Jesus said, that period on earth will be the worst period on earth that ever was or ever will be again and that includes the great flood. Jesus said, if he did not shorten those days no flesh on earth would survive. Anyone making what is said pertaining to just the Middle East is simply not properly correlating and discerning the scriptures. End of argument.

  206. It seems there is a small dawning of the evils of Sharia Law. I am waiting for CAIR to react to see how far they will go. This issue is sure to escalate soon.

  207. How does the ISIS and it’s agenda as well as victory fit into biblical prophecy? They have revived the caliphate and are planning for a worldwide expansion…besides their headquarters now is exactly in Babylon…does it point to a Muslim antichrist or is a buildup to the war of ezekiel38

  208. Surendran,

    ISIS probably does not fit into Bible prophecy at all. The Saudis and the Iranians control the major sects of Islam. ISIS does not have a headquarters in Babylon as you said. That area is controlled by the Shia not ISIS.

    There will be no Muslim Antichrist. The Antichrist comes from the fourth Beast mentioned in Daniel and probably the same area of the world as the forerunner.

    The Gog war of Ezekiel 38 is led by a very large army led by Russia and Iran and maybe parts of Europe and others. It is at least a decade in the future.

  209. If you read Richardson’s or Shoebat’s book you would see that the A/C will be Muslim. Right now Obama is a prime candidate. He may not be living in the ME but God looks at the heart. America is will be destroyed by an nuclear attack, economic collapse, the rapture or a combination of your choice. See Chuck Colson’s vision. The A/C will rule ten counties for 3 1/2 years.

  210. Dolph,

    Lol, I know what Richardson and Shoebat write but they are former Muslims and they see Bible prophecy from a contemporary and Islamic point of view rather than from any clear exegesis from the Bible.

    The late Chuck Colson might of had a dream, we all do. However, Colson was no prophet. Colson did not even believe in the Eschatology that you used him for to support your end time views. His theological was much like the Roman Catholicism. He even attended Catholic Mass with his wife. He had a soft form of Dominion Theology.

    By the way, the Bible does not say the Antichrist will rule over just ten countries. Richardson and Shoebat want to limit the Antichrist to have control over ten nations of Islam but that is not what the Bible teaches. It says that ten kings will give their support to the Beast but they have no kingdom as yet. They very well could be world zones. Other passages make it clear that the whole world will be controlled by him.

  211. “If you read Richardson’s or Shoebat’s book you would see that the A/C will be Muslim.”

    Sorry Dolph but I read the Bible and look at the divinely inspired and historic eschatology not the writings of men who attempt to put Biblical eschatology into line with current events.

    I have read Shoebat’s thoughts on the matter but cannot remember if he uses Koranic eschatology to support his Biblical views, but I have just listened to Jack Kelly’s series on Daniel and he certainly does.

    This gives the writings of a sensuous murderous pagan a certain equality with the Bible (this statement will be denied of course but it is a fact). To use the Koran in this way is to give it a sense of divinity. The only inspiration that can be accorded the Koran is satanic, and even then it will only be a distortion of what God has already had recorded. Satan (Allah) is not Divine and does not have the ability to KNOW the future (much less his disciples).

    It is possible that a ‘FORMER’ Muslim and even an Assyrian will be the Anti-Christ (so it might be Obama?), but at the time he will be the ‘prince of the people that destroyed Jerusalem’, and he will allow himself to be proclaimed God. My take is that it was Rome that destroyed Jerusalem not Assyria, and to be worshipped as God would necessitate the repudiation of all/any former religion.

  212. I agree with Brian.
    I got onto a site regarding Dr Reagan’s Lamplighter magazine. It dealt with Wallid Shoebat. I have listened to Wallid’s comments and find him a brave man: his former allies will now see him as an apostate. Like Pastor JD Farag, another former Moslem and “Palestinian” who loves Christ, he shares views close to Wallid’s and believes in a Moslem Antichrist, and it is there I have to disagree with him also.
    Dr Reagan’s site compared their–and Joel Richardson’s similar claims–to Scripture and they did not tie up. And that’s my main problem with a Moslem antichrist! Brian has summed it up already succinctly so there’s not much point in repeating what he says. But I’d like to thank Brian for reminding me qhy I agree with him and thank Don for putting his words here. Blesssings.

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