Learn the parable of the fig tree.

We have had quite a bit of discussion in the comments section about the fig tree of Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 because of certain teachers interpretations put on it that imply all end time events will be fulfilled by 2018 (a normal lifespan from Israel being back in the Land). It therefore probably should be something I should discuss in more depth since I do not agree that Jesus was saying that all will be fulfilled by 2018.

The Parable Jesus told us to learn is almost certainly referring to His cursing of the fig tree which also represented a curse on Israel.… continue reading

From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

When Jesus comes will there be faith on the earth? Yes, no and then yes!

Jesus asked this question, “when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8).

Here is the full parable.

1   And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2  Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
3  And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
4  And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
5  Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

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Dangerous theology grows on fig trees!

Certain Bible prophecy teachers are saying certain things that can only be labeled as dangerous theology.

The dangerous theology I am talking about comes from subjective interpretations of the Parable of the Fig Tree mentioned in three gospels. The problem is that they teach their conjecture as truth and that is what makes it dangerous theology. When they say the Rapture has to occur before the end of next year based on their own subjective interpretation of the Parable of the Fig Tree they are teaching dangerous theology.

I am speaking of  those that say the Rapture has to occur by next year because of their conjecture that the Parable of the Fig Tree has to be talking about Israel’s rebirth in1948 and their conjecture that a generation or a lifespan is seventy years.… continue reading

Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

Jesus must return before 2012-2019 you say? Then hurry send me a million bucks to expand The Prophetic Years Ministry

I really love these people who tell me that they really believe the world is coming to an end in 2012, or they are certain that the Rapture has to happen within a year or two, or that they have the date of the second coming all figured out, or that Jesus has to come before 2019 because of their interpretation of the “Fig Tree Parable”, or based on some pagan prophecy, or the sayings of  Jack Van Impe, etc., etc., but they continue to retain all their wealth like they are going to live here forever or take it with them.continue reading

Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019

I am certain that this post will upset some people but with all the hype and speculation about Jesus coming between 2012-2019 the truth has to be said by someone. I will say dogmatically that Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019 as some Bible prophecy teachers are now saying.

First let me make it clear that I am not talking about the Rapture. The Rapture of the Church is not the second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. The Rapture is always imminent and it can occur anytime even quite some time before the seven year tribulation.… continue reading

Is it a Islamic Antichrist, Western Antichrist or an Alien deception? The question might be solved in the big prophetic picture.

Many people are interested in things to come in these last days but some say it is a waste of time to teach on these things at all since interpretations of bible prophecy can be somewhat subjective. However, I assure you that if the Church does not teach on Bible prophecy people will go to the cults and those that give aberrant interpretations of Bible eschatology for wrong answers and spiritual bondage.

I see many different theories on how the end times events will all play out. Some think the end time prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled when an Islamic Antichrist comes against Israel.… continue reading

Total surveillance society being developed on schedule for Satan’s 2030 Antichrist.

What if Satan wanted to totally control the world through some future world ruler and knew a total surveillance system had to be operational by some future date, lets say Satan’s goal is to have it worldwide by 2030AD.

Satan knows that his world ruler will not be omnipresent, omnipotent or omniscient so this world ruler and his government will have to depend on a surveillance system that will watch, monitor and follow the movements of everyone on earth and also have access to all information databases in the world.

Satan is also quite aware that that countries such as the United States with its pain-in-the-butt Christians would not allow such intrusion in their lives so he knows the system could not be developed in most democratic states until he is permitted to bring events on the earth that will convince the majority to give up all their freedoms for the promise of security.… continue reading

Positions on the Ezekiel 38-39 war and the Rapture

Although I have seen this study posted in several different parts on a re-posting site elsewhere, the complete study is available on the link. This is about the best study I have seen on all the possible timings and positions on the Ezekiel 38-39 war. It gives all the different views and the pros and cons of each position. Nathan Jones position is quoted below. To read all the other views on this you will have to read the whole article.

By the way, Nathan’s position is the same as mine except for a couple of timing differences. I am not sure this war is before the Rapture and I do not see how Israel could be burning the weapons of war for 7 years during the great tribulation? … continue reading

Is the Parable of the Fig Tree about the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel?

About every other week I get a email telling me in one way or another that the parable of the fig tree means that all will be fulfilled by 2019 AD. Thus they believe the start of the tribulation or rapture has to be by 2012. There are well known Bible prophecy teachers teaching this today. I am tired of answering questions on this over and over so I am writing my own position on the “Parable of the Fig Tree”. In the future if anyone asks me about it or suggests that the Rapture has to occur within two or three years they will get a link to this post.… continue reading

Total dependence on the grid god of electrical forces could be civilization’s Achilles heel.

What if you woke up tomorrow and there was no more electricity for the foreseeable future? If you think that is not a real possibility the experts say you are wrong. I already have written about the possibility of a nuclear EMP weapon that could put America back to conditions in the 19th century. Now a study by NASA and the US National Academy of Science (NAS) tells us that it is just a matter of time before a solar storm will make a similar event happen on at least part of the earth. They are not talking about some possibility of a storm some millions of years in the future.… continue reading

Mary apparitions may be the deception that unifies world religions into becoming the Harlot of Revelation

The excerpts of the article I quoted are from an article on “The Coming One World Religion, by Jim Simmons. I think in his article he has done an excellent job of communicating the Hallmarks of the false religious system called the Great Harlot in Revelation.

He like Roger Oakland and myself and some others believe that Mary apparitions will be a major unifier of the world religions. We know the apparitions and the messages will not be from Mary because the messages contradict what God says in the Bible. I believe the apparition is the same Queen of Heaven demonic being that God condemned in the Old Testament.… continue reading

Debunking the local Islamic Antichrist malarky because scripture actually indicates the Antichrist is Global

I am liking the teaching of Nathan Jones. He gives very good answers to those who expect a local Muslim Antichrist. Besides this article he also had a very good article the other day on the Divided States of America.  I wrote on this topic myself and like me, Jones also see the possibility of a break up of the United States because of deep moral divisions.

Having said that, lets go to this new article about the rational for a Global or Local Antichrist.

The Muslim Antichrist proponents see the Beast and its Antichrist fighting a regional war against Israel.… continue reading

Koenig’s Insights on these end times

The Handwriting on the Wall Reads – Prepare for the Apocalypse Now

The Handwriting on the Wall Reads – Prepare for the Apocalypse Now  – Insights on end times, by Don Koenig

Some have asked me how close we are to the prophesied end time events of the Bible and the promise of the second coming of Jesus. I am not setting a date but I have been indicating in my articles that by what I see taking place in the world, that all events are very likely to take place within two to three decades. I believe all that is written about the last days before the second coming of Jesus will most likely be completed in this period.… continue reading

Bible Prophecy wars over an Antichrist out of Islam

There is a rather heated controversy stirring between traditional Bible prophecy authors who think the Antichrist will be a western figure and more recent authors who think the Antichrist will come out of Islam.

I wrote on this in July and gave some of my thoughts why the Antichrist would not be a Muslim and his Beast Kingdom would not be Islam.


In the last Jan/Feb issue of Lamplighter magazine Dr. Reagan critiques four books that make the claim that the Antichrist is out of Islam and Dr. Reagan gives his views why this is not the case and is sloppy exegesis.… continue reading

The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World
By Don Koenig

The ministry of the two witnesses from God in Revelation chapter 11 will last for 1260 days. This event is the most understated event of Bible prophecy. The witnesses, the two prophets from heaven will shake the world to its core and the whole world will rejoice when they are killed because they tormented those who dwell on the earth.

I think we totally underestimate the impact that these two prophets will have on the world.

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Volcanic actively could change the whole world suddenly in a instant

I am posting this article not because I think the Yellowstone Caldera or Mammoth Caldera are about to go off but just as food for thought. I do not for a minute subscribe to the theory that this caldera was formed 642,000 years ago. More likely it was formed in the days of Exodus only a few thousand years ago.

With that in mind there certainly is no reason to think that future eruptions could not take place in the short term. Shortly before or during the tribulation period these earth upheavals become extremely likely. Just one massive explosion could reduce the United States to a third world power and throw the whole world into huge tribulation.… continue reading

Will the fallen angels claim to be Aliens or Gods, that is the question?

There is no question that there is intelligence life out there not of the earth. The Bible calls them angels. Some are fallen angels and we read about the conflict between the angels of God and those angels that follow Satan in scripture. Satan was the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Actually the word interpreted as “serpent” “nachash” could actually mean “the shining one”.

In any case, fallen angels had a role in the fall of man and throughout biblical history they have been trying to stop God’s plan of redemption through a son of Adam. Remember that Jesus who called Himself the son of Adam came to destroy the works of the Devil (1 John 3:8).… continue reading

Does the war of Psalm 83 come before the war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39?

I have not read the book “Isralestine”, by Bill Salus but it sounds like an intriguing prophetic explanation of end time events. Almost all futurist Bible prophecy students will agree that there are three end time wars involving Israel. However, we disagree somewhat on the timing of first two wars. Those wars being the Ezekiel Chapter 38 and 39 war where Gog comes down with a host of nations and the Psalm 83 war where a confederacy of nations attempts to cut Israel off from being a nation. In the mix somewhere is the destruction of Damascus since the prophecy has never been fulfilled yet.… continue reading