How to get morons off the Net

That certainly is a rather moronic statement. There is a very good reason for anonymous posting or alias posting. First of all, not all governments allow free speech. We cannot even be sure that free speech will be allowed in this country much longer. Suppose the government passes hate speech laws and then searches for any comment that falls within their new demented hate laws? Suppose citizen action groups look for people to turn into the government or sue them? Suppose law suits are enacted against people who hurt other people’s feeling with their comments? Suppose employers will not hire you until they do a search on the Internet on your name to see everything you ever said about anything?continue reading

Life Almost Certainly Began in Comet says Astrobiologist

We have here the typical delusional thinking of atheistic scientists. They cannot believe that God created life and they now know that honest mathematics cannot support life starting on earth by chance, so this one says it undoubtedly began in space on a slushy comet, with warm watery clay pools. Nevermind, that no such comets have ever been found. These scientists contradict each other all the time. Just yesterday, I read from a scientist that life could not have survived any trip from a comet to the surface of the earth so he says life on earth could not have started on a comet.continue reading

Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

Here comes another film from the wisdom of atheists who attack what they know nothing about. I see nothing about Islam in this article? It would not surprise me that Bill Maher would exclude Islam in his film. These people attack what they do not know and fear what they do know.

Mather, you cannot possibly know about Christianity if you do not believe in the righteousness of God. So you cannot offer anyone any wisdom on this subject. It is rather ridiculous for people to be making films on topics they know nothing about. It is not a comedy it is a tragedy.continue reading

Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God Allah

Where do they grow these buffoons? The Bishop says God does not care what we call Him? We can debate where the name Allah really came from – The language or a demon god — but that is not the main issue anyway. The Quran says that Allah has NO SON. So how does Christians calling God Allah make Christians submissive to Islam’s Allah who has no son, as Islam requires? Christianity clearly says that if you do not have the Son you do not have the Father either. Islam does not have the Son and therefore does not have the Father either.continue reading

Do you really believe Syria wants peace?

I believe that war with Syria will be sooner rather then later despite everyone saying they want peace. The present leadership of Israel are a bunch of unbelieving humanistic fools who cannot help but lead Israel to great destruction. The Zionist Evangelical Christians will help Israel if the leaders of Israel are willing to listen to them but if they are going to go off into typical Jewish patterns of trying to appease those who want to see them dead and think that world government will protect them, they will see a worse Holocaust then they experience under Hitler.

Two thirds of Jews do not get killed in the time of Jacob’s trouble because they were listening to the people of God that are looking out for them.continue reading

The Church of the Dead Sea or the Church of the dead Me?

Once in a while Dave Daubenmire’s observations leave me somewhat bewildered. I don’t know where he attends church but his observation in this article are not based on the facts. Most Christians do not go to Church three times a week and none are over-stuffed with the word. You are luck to get Christians to attend church once a week for one or two hours. Most Christians are starving for the lack of the word being taught. I have yet to meet one Christian that is over-stuffed with the word. Most Christians have never even read through the Bible in their entire lifetime.continue reading

RFK Jr. to climate summit: worse environmental administration we had in our history?

I recall in the early 60’s that the Great Lakes were dead and many cities had air that was literally deadly at times. We had nuclear sites all over the West polluting vast areas.  President JFK headed the administration at that time.

What is JFK Jr’s solution for our electricity needs right now? If we did not now have these coal plants what is his alternative? Minor modifications like Wal-Mart is not going to solve our present energy requirements. It is also rather strange that JFK Jr. would praise a company that buys almost everything from China that is by far the biggest manufacturing polluter in the world.continue reading

Carlton Pearson says nobody goes to hell and becomes a heretic

You cannot teach things contrary to what God said and be regarded as a teacher of the Christian faith. Carlton Pearson was a heretic long before he more recently proved it to his own congregation and his denomination. He was in the heretical name it and claim it Word Faith Movement that is so prevalent on TBN. Is it any wonder that these unstable men go from one heresy to the next? With Carlton the defining moment came when he came to believe that the Bible was not the world of God?? Now why would a “believer” ever believe that? Obviously someone told him the Bible was the world of God sometime during his life but he never ever found out the truth for himself.continue reading

Father Jonathan speaks for Pope?

I greatly respect Father Jonathan but can’t the Pope make these things clear himself? I wish you were the head of the Catholic Church, Father, then maybe we would get somewhere, but you are not. We read what this Pope said. If he did not mean what the press communicated on his writings he should be the one to clarify it. Anyone can use their own beliefs and spin to try to tell us that the Pope is not excluding non Catholics from the Body of Christ but I want to hear that said from the head man himself.

You say the Pope does not believe all non Catholics will all go to hell but that is not the issue.continue reading

Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading

United Church of Christ cult (UCC) backs same-sex marriage

Which continues to show that the UCC denomination has no regard for Biblical truths. I think it would only be fair to the cults if they also were now labeled a Christian cult.

BBC NEWS Americas US Church backs same-sex marriage: “The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. “

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One-third of Americans abuse alcohol and almost all abuse something

Alcohol abuse is a huge problem in the US but there are problems with this report as well.

When binge drinking is label as having 3 or 4 drinks and that is defined as “problem drinking” then some are really creating drinking problems where it does not exist.

Asking people if they ever abused alcohol anytime in their life under predetermined criteria and then saying one third of Americans are alcohol abusers is like labeling one third of people violent because once in their life they were involved in a fight. Or if someone ever stole anything in their life labeling them as a thief forever.
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Pat Robertson predicts a horrific terrorist act on the United States in 2007

Pat Robertson is a false prophet with a long history of being wrong. – Religious Broadcaster Pat Robertson Predicts Horrific Terrorist Attack on U.S. in 2007 – Local News News Articles National News US News: “VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Tuesday a horrific terrorist act on the United States that will result in ‘mass killing’ late in 2007.
‘I’m not necessarily saying it’s going to be nuclear,’ he said during his news-and-talk television show ‘The 700 Club’ on the Christian Broadcasting Network. ‘The Lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.’… continue reading

British believe religion is bad

The British have a history of believing lies before reality kicks them in the pants.

British poll: Religion does more harm than good – News from Israel, Ynetnews: “Eighty-two percent of people in Britain believe that religious faith causes tension in the country, while two-thirds of the resident state that they do not believe in religion, a new poll published Saturday by the British Guardian newspaper revealed.

According to the survey, most respondents believe religion does more harm that good and see it as a cause of division. Only 16 percent disagreed with this assertion. “… continue reading