The Church needs a biblical thinking conference to counter postmodern doctrines of demons

The article I link to in this post says a lot and not just about contemplative prayer. It explains the demonic deceptions that are going on in many churches today in the name of being relevant to our postmodern society. I doubt that there are many large evangelical churches that are not to some extent being negatively influenced by this by either the pastor, some assistant pastor or one or more lay leaders. Certain influential national leaders are mixing various amounts of poison wrapped in Christian speak and Christian sounding programs and many are buying into their deadly deceptions because they never hear any biblical counter argument.… continue reading

Nobody is giving Christian children Christian education

It is eye opening to realize that 80 to 85% of pastors support keeping kids in our demented public education system. Now you know why the Southern Baptist convention will not take up the issue even though Bruce Shortt tried to bring it to the floor. Most Christians parents are not teaching their children Christianity anymore either they leave it up to their church to educate their Children and most churches are doing a terrible job at doing that. So the kids get very little Bible teaching except for going over the popular Bible Sunday School stories. The children are then bombarded with anti Christian postmodern brainwashing day after day in the public schools that attack religious doctrine.… continue reading

So called Conservatives and heterosexuals destroyed marriage.

This article was an eye opener on how heterosexuals destroyed marrage. You might not want to hear what Dr Johnston has to say but what can you say when he documents the truth? So we can make a big thing out of homosexual marriage as if that is the chief problem but if we are not seeing the big spiritual problem in the church and in the West toward the covenant of marriage and what God said in the Bible we are never going to get to the root of the marriage problem and all the other garbage that goes along with the destruction of marriage.… continue reading

Anglicans rejecting the nation who brought them the gospel because British Anglicans now have a false gospel.

Well it has come full circle. The African natives that the Anglican’s converted are now rejecting the seat of power of the Anglicans because the Anglicans in Britain now reject the true gospel for a false one.

It is obvious that The Christian Church is more healthy in third world nations then it is in Britain and everyone knows it except for the British who generally could care less about Christianity anyway.

Its time for the Africans to send missionaries to convert the new generation of Brits.

Anglican Church conservatives move to form power bloc – International Herald Tribune

Anglican conservatives, frustrated by the ongoing stalemate over homosexuality in the Anglican Communion, declared Sunday that they would defy the church’s historic lines of authority and establish a new power bloc within the church that will be led by a council of predominantly African archbishops.

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Another conference to tell Christians how to tap dance around the gospel!

I find this article and the conference that Jonathan Falwell is promoting at Thomas Road Baptist Church to be almost beyond belief. Just take a look at some of the people leading the conference. Some of them happen to be part of the problem.

I have news for Jonathan Falwell the Church is not to blame for pseudo Christianity being in crisis. The Church is doing quite fine as always. Pseudo Christianity is in crises because it has no salvation message. They are telling the world what they think they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. They want to tickle their ears instead of telling them the simple salvation message in the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

Are you a Christian or just a great pretender?

Cal Thomas has it right. You have denied the faith if you think there are other paths to God besides through Jesus Christ. So are you a Christian or just a great pretender? If you find yourself believing there are many paths to God you really should remove yourself from the Christian faith and quit corrupting our churches. Also, evangelical pastors and leaders need to take heed and teach the gospel often because 60 percent who attend evangelical churches have not heard it or understood it. Not to mention that in the mainline churches it is 83 percent. So is it any wonder that these “Christians” pick politicians who actually oppose the faith.… continue reading

Most people in the U.S. say there are many ways to God, even among Evangelicals!

Did you catch ABC news today? 3/4 of people in the U.S. do not believe their religion is the only way to God.

If I remember right about 56 percent of Muslims also said that – Which explains why many Muslims say they are moderate although there is no such concept taught in the Quran.

I do not recall the percent of the Jews but it was very high. 60 percent were not sure they believed in God at all.

Catholics were at 79 percent – How do the people who claim that Catholicism is the one true Church believe there can be other truths and many ways to God?continue reading

SBC says keep your kids in public schools so they can be indoctrinated by liars and perverts

I said last week that nothing would come of this resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention because we have girlie men in leadership. Many parents are out of touch with what is going on in our schools but nevertheless any Christian leader ought to know that the state is now indoctrinating and perverting children in public schools California and elsewhere. They just do not want to do what it takes to fix the problem.

The SBC has just given the government a blank slate for it to continue and then they wonder why they have lost most of their youth. The SBC excuse is that they need to focus on the same sex marriage issue.… continue reading

A manifesto to marginalize us old style evangelicals by calling us fundamentalists

Berit Kjos wrote a well document article on the problems she finds in the Evangelical Manifesto and the “new evangelicals” involved in the project. This is what you are not hearing from those who are pushing the Evangelical Manifesto. The real intent of the Manifesto is to marginalize us old style evangelicals that they are now calling us fundamentalists as if biblical fundamentalists carried the plague. The goal of many is to promote the way to an interfaith world.

Berit Kjos — An Evangelical Manifesto For an Interfaith World

“THERE ARE NOW TWO KINDS OF EVANGELICALS…. The old is the authentic, biblical position.

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The fall of Christianity in America

This article is a must read for all Christians. Are Christians going to allow the government to continue to indoctrinate their children and then wonder why none of them are coming to Christ?

Over half the Southern Baptists churches have not baptized one youth because the gospel is not being taught to them in church or at home and parents have almost totally lost control of their kids.

There is a Southern Baptist Convention this coming week and a resolution that will deal with this issue. Will the SBC actually take some strong action? My view is that they will not because most of the church in America has already lost its savor or they would not be electing amoral candidates to high office who promote this amorality.… continue reading

Sheep will have no direction without Shepherds

I have often heard pastors tell the sheep in the pews that they need to get busy because God works through them as well. That is true, but sheep do not lead they follow. Perhaps your people are not doing anything but warming the pews because you have not provided them a spiritual battle plan. How many are even giving their onward Christian soldiers a weekly briefing on issues of our day like those found in the quote of Dave Daubenmire below?

I think we have all heard enough of your canned applications for living a Christian life. Now we need leaders who know how to take the high ground and be steadfast against the amorality and heresies of our day that are perverting our nation and our churches.

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Being cool for Jesus

One can easily justify why they conform to be like the world. The hard thing is not conforming and still getting the message of salvation out to the lost. They are not going to find the message of salvation through you being cool for Jesus but they may through your heavenly warmness.

The Church Of The Cool And Groovy (A Worldy Christian View) – CWN

It’s no secret that churches are using gimmicks to attract the masses. Much like all of the rock bands I worked with, the cooler and hipper you are, the more you can attract a crowd. This is prevalent in so many churches, and it usually starts in the youth groups.

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Lost Christians is the greatest crises in America? What is the response to such a bazaar concept!

What a totally bazaar concept “lost Christians”? This is an oxymoron!  If these “Christians” have lost their faith in the Bible, the church and Christian beliefs then they are not “lost Christians” they are not Christians!

Thirty-one million people have left these churches because they were never believers they were just cultural Christians. It is happening in the U.S., Canada and Europe because many of the mainline churches in the West do not teach or practice biblical Christianity. All they have is denominational rituals. They baptize people into the church as babies and then they call them Christians. Then when they grow up and leave they say they are “lost Christians.… continue reading

Pastors need to stop being bullied by unconstitutional IRS censorship rules

Its about time that some national organization stood up against the unconstitutional decrees of the IRS. If the IRS wants to go to court on this issue lets go at it. The IRS will lose. The fact that no one has ever lost tax-exempt status for what they preached from the pulpit is evidence that they do not want a court fight. They would just rather bully everyone into compliance. It is time that this self censorship by Christians stopped and now you have a national organization that will defend you if the IRS revokes your tax-exempt status.

Pastors called to defy IRS censorship rules

Christian pastors should stop censoring themselves in fear of an “unconstitutional” 1954 provision in the IRS code that has threatened to eliminate their church tax-exempt status if they speak out against positions held by political candidates, urges a leading legal alliance.

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Is your pastor a teacher or a counterfeit?

The attitude with some is why do the study and work when you can just pull it off the Internet. Some just legally use the sermons of others all the time, they pay for them. I can see some part time pastors and pastors in a crunch using the material of others but when it is not original they should have to say so. Then if the church knows its is continually getting sermons of others they might replace this counterfeit teacher with an original.

Pulpit plagiarism a growing problem (

The book To Plagiarize or Not to Plagiarize? is an attempt to set boundaries in the wake of pulpit plagiarism claims that have hit not just Catholic clerics in Poland but ministers from other Christian denominations in the United States.

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We are not the prodigal nation and belief in the Rapture is not the problem

Dave Daubenmire obviously too often listens to people who do not know what they are talking about.

I emailed Dave the last time he made this ridiculous assertion that the Church is sitting around doing nothing waiting for the Rapture. Obviously what I said to him did not sink in so now I will say it publicly since he makes his ridiculous assertion publicly.

Most of the Church could care less about the Rapture and it certainly is not obsessed with end-time prophecy. As I told Dave before, almost nobody is teaching it anymore. The few churches that are, are probably the churches that are actually doing something spiritual in this nation.… continue reading

Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

The Catholics taking part in this Global Living Rosary are practicing what is forbidden in the Bible. The Bible says that there is one in heaven that makes intercession between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Show me any scripture that says we are to pray to Mary or that Mary makes intercession for anyone. I will show you many Old Testament scriptures that says the Queen of Heaven (often carrying a child) was in existence before Mary and it was a demon. Those who prayed and offered to her were condemned by God.

These also think that their many rote prayers to someone other then Jesus works up power.… continue reading

This Jeremiah is no prophet – Wright is wrong

Some black preachers just want to tell other blacks what they want to hear. There are white preachers that do the same thing though focusing on other fleshly issues. Pastors need to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ not some social gospel that appeals to the flesh. This is why Jeremiah Wright is wrong. Preaching rebellion against white America is not prophecy, it does not build up the body of Christ, it is divisive, not biblically founded and it really is rebellion.

If Jeremiah Wright is a prophet, Isaiah wasn’t

The essence of the real prophets was not that they said things that disturbed people; the moral essence of the prophets was their moral clarity.

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Don’t teach tithing, celebrate free will giving in your church.

I wrote a detailed article on tithing. So I am not going to rehash that here but just let me say the facts prove that most Christians do not tithe. The majority do not even tithe in tithing churches. And the tithe these churches claim is a biblical mandate is not the biblical OT triple tithe anyway.

Christians need to celebrate free will giving because God loves a cheerful giver. Also remember that many people are specially gifted to give. If Pastors would express the real needs they have in the church to the membership instead of trying to put all under a tithing bondage.… continue reading

The Church should police its own

Government is going after them because the Church will do nothing to police its own. Word Faith prosperity teachers should be shunned as heretics. Any TV network and Radio network who airs their programs should be dealt with severely by the denominations. Those ordained ministers who help support networks that broadcast Word Faith heretical teaching should be subject to being defrocked.

Having said that, the prosperity message is popular because many Christians are greedy for material gain. It really reflects the state of Christianity in America.

Feds Need to Cage Every Crooked Evangelist Going – J. Grant Swank Jr. – Mar 14, 08

Jesus would never sanction what today’s evangelists—especially those on TV—are saying and doing.

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