Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

The relationship between making Bible passages allegory and heretical cults

The Bible contains allegory but when it does it is also makes it clear in the passage. I think along with legalism there is a strong relationship between those that twist Bible passages into allegory and heretical movements and cults.

We can look at the history of Christianity since the Apostles and we will see a reoccurring pattern between allegory and heresy. The first heretics were legalists that wanted to put Jews that found the Messiah back under Jewish law. Soon after we know that gnostic heretics became a plague on the Church. They made scriptures allegorical so it would comply with their old and new mystical beliefs.… continue reading

The Bible is a book of scripts from God and most scripts have context

I have noticed that some teachers and preachers today just rip passages of the Bible out of proper context in order to support whatever point they happen to be teaching. However, the Bible is a book of scripts from God and most of His scripts do have context. So maybe some teachers should read the context of a passage of the Bible before they give a teaching based on a passage.

Taking scriptures out of context and applying strange interpretations to them has been going on since scriptures were given. Making certain Bible passages allegory and misapplying them is how we got Gnosticism, certain Catholic Theologies, some Protestant Theologies, Dominion Theology, Replacement Theology,  Liberation Theology, Emergent Theology, Word/Faith Theology etc, etc.… continue reading

1930’s socialists reincarnated to play in the 2010’s world war games.

There are many parallels to the 1930’s today. History does repeat itself. It seems the socialists of the 1930’s have been reincarnated to play in the upcoming 2010’s world war games.

In the 1930’s the world was heading into a decade of deep depression. All indicators are that in the 2010’s the world will see the same economic fate. In the 1930’s socialism was the big rising ideology. There were some differences between the various socialisms of the 1930’s but they all had many similarities as well, such as government having control over everyone and the redistributing wealth. There was the Hitler’s style, the Lenin/Stalin’s style, Mussolini’s Fascist style, Mao’s style and even FDR’s New Deal style.… continue reading

Explaining my faith and not giving expected apologies – by Josh!

There was a recent article in The Christian Post called Most Christians Cannot Explain their Faith, Says Appologist. The apologist was Josh McDowell and here is part of what was said in that article.

In his 50 years of ministry, McDowell has asked several thousand pastors and leaders how they could be certain Jesus Christ said “I am the truth” and not one of many truths or a truth.

“Not one person has ever given me an intelligent, biblically-based answer,” said the author of The New Evidence that Demands A Verdict.

During the past six years, he asked hundreds of Christians and leaders why they see themselves as Christians.

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The world is rapidly going nuts

In order to stay informed, I average about four hours each day just reading articles. Here is a sample of the good news that I recall reading about just today. There were many other credible articles like why there will be no economic recovery and it will become worse than a depression and why Obama is making all the wrong decisions on just about everything. I even read one article that claims Obama will resign before 2012 (one can always hope )

Myanmar  is trying to develop nuclear weapons with the help of North Korea.

One article seems to think the flotilla battle might be the start of the ‘Gog and Magog’ war.… continue reading

The near death of Christian discernment in these last days

Discernment between good and evil hardly exists in the world in these last days where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. It is displayed by the choices the leaders in the world make nearly every day. For example, the condemning of Israel or Arizona for practicing self defense.

I guess these thing can be expected because we are told these things will happen in these last days. But, even in our churches the lack of spiritual discernment has become quite evident. One has to wonder how so many that claim to be born of the Spirit show no spiritual discernment about anything?continue reading

Should churches run preschools? I say nope.

This post is not going to make me popular with some people that I know since two out of my last three churches operate preschools. Nevertheless, I have to write what I really believe and that might not be what certain people what to hear. When I talk about preschool here I am talking about structured programs away from home before kindergarten. I know kindergarten is really preschool but kindergarten with five and six year old children could have educational value.

My generation generally did not go to preschools and I think that my generation did as well or better than any generation since then academically or socially.… continue reading

Observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Here are some observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Dave Daubenmire ran for Congress in Ohio always loudly proclaiming the cross of Christ during his campaign. Here are the results of the vote for him and his observations and conclusions.

I lost my race for Congress last night. It played out pretty much the way I envisioned it would. I had warned the Tea Party movement that they better pick a horse in the primary or they would wind up with a choice between two Bob Dole clones in November.

That is exactly what they got.

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There is no hope in human government, Christians should hope in God

Human Government will always end up reflecting the depravity and the insanity of man. It will always reject the God displayed through His Son. The Hope of Christians should always be on the promises of God in Jesus Christ. Our hope should not be on the governments of any nations that we occupy.

History shows us that those that put their hope in the governments of the world are always disappointed. The world without God will increasingly prove its depravity but our  hope is for eternal life in a body of perfection in a city of perfection.

I want to caution those Christians that think we can change America to be a nation that follows God.… continue reading

The world is very unstable we have reached the unraveling point.

Have you noticed that the world is becoming extremely unstable on every front? The only nation that kept the world fairly stable since the Second World War now is projecting a great deal of instability to the rest of the world. Because of our own unraveling the whole world is about to unravel into a third world war and all sorts of evils. Obama with his lame brain foreign policy that projects weakness reflects a major aspect of this national unraveling.

This is the first America president that acts and thinks like a third world president. Will the nation be made into his image? … continue reading

Views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview

One of the problems I encounter in the comments on my blogs and in emails are views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview. Often their views originate from world philosophies, ideologies, theologies or human taught sociocultural suppositions rather than the clear teachings of the scriptures. That leads me to believe that these Christians do not know or understand the Christian scriptures and that they are more likely influenced by the world than influencing the world for Christ.

Barma Group – a respected Christian research firm, asked certain questions in a survey to determine how many Americans had Christian worldviews.  They asked the following questions:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
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Salvation comes by keeping a religion?

Most people in the world claim to have a religion and they think that keeping the religion offers some reward for them after death. I was a Roman Catholic, but I really had to fall away from their religious system of bondage to find the only doctrine that will free and save anyone from their sins.

Salvation doctrine is simply that God’s salvation comes through God’s grace. His grace to mankind was given in His Son. What you have to do is believe in God’s righteousness and trust in the Savior that God gave to pay for mankind’s sins and bridge the gap between God and man.… continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

Writing without any rhyme or reason

One of the problems with a blog it that you have to post regularly or you risk losing your audience and your rankings with indexes like Google. However, there are those times that you simply do not have anything you really want to say at least nothing you want to write about in great detail. This is one of those times. Many things are going through my head but probably nothing worth writing on that I have not already written about.  Therefore, I am posting without any rhyme or reason and even I do not know what I am going to say today.… continue reading

Christians that know Jesus without reading the Bible

I have found one absolute truth in every evangelical Bible believing church. (I have attended many churches with all the moves that I have made over the years). That absolute truth is that most people that attend these churches have never read through the Bible even once in their entire Christian lives. How do they really know a biblical Jesus without reading the Bible? Apparently some Christians think they know all about  Jesus but they do not know or care that the Bible is the only infallible source that accurately speaks of Him?

I realize that there is Christian teaching in many of these churches where you can find out things about Jesus without reading the Bible for yourself.… continue reading

Franklin Graham gives the gospel with material aid rather than waste God’s resources

I read an interesting article by Paul Proctor . I am not sure I agree with everything Paul said in his article but I do agree with much of it. The most interesting part of the article is what Franklin Graham said in “The Gathering interview”.

Franklin Graham is someone I highly respect he has been working in the mission field helping people in physical need for a long time and he always brings the gospel of Jesus Christ along with any material aid. That is in stark contrast to those Christian organizations that are working with world organizations to bring aid to the poor and needy but do not present the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

12 steps into the apathetic Laodicean Church Age.

I believe there are seven separate subdivisions within in the Gentile Church Age and that Jesus identifies each era by a certain church type. Jesus has messages to each of them in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. I also believe the letters had meanings to  seven historical literal churches to whom the letters were given and the prophecy also gives instruction to all in Christianity.

But for the purpose of this post I will reflect on the prophetic applications where this Bible prophecy in Revelation is of Jesus dealing with the church types that identify with Him throughout the Church Age on earth.… continue reading

Make the pastor preach to the choir!

My wife has a good voice and a good ear for music and she wants to join the church choir and of course she should. The problem is that she will not join the choir unless I join as well, even though she knows I cannot sing a lick (unless I am jointly singing “American Pie” at some wedding).

Joining the church choir is difficult for me since I cannot even read music and my voice is different everyday. If I try to look at the notes in the song book I often lose the words as well. Even when I am in the pews they are often already on the third stanza by the time I get the hymnal open to the right page and get my reading glasses on.… continue reading