Bureaucratic taking of children from their parents will start grass roots support for a new civil insurrection movement

Do you find the statement by Vox Day below to be offensive and un-American? Read the article and follow his logic. There is more justification for the government doing what is said in the paragraph below then there there was in the government removal of all the children from their mothers after the questionable and possibly illegal raid on the YFZ ranch in Texas.

If this removal of children is allowed to stand what will stop the state from profiling religions to find some grounds to remove the children from their parents once national hate speech laws are passed that outlaw the teaching of certain fundamental doctrines of the Bible?… continue reading

Allow the state’s unconstitutional taking of kids to stand and I assure you that your kids will be next.

Voices are slowly beginning to speak up about the child abuse of the children of the YFZ by the state of Texas. Yet, I have yet to hear from one nationally well known leader about this unconstitutional taking of children from mothers just because they can, and just giving them wasy to who knows what. Where are even the American patriots and the Libertarians? Why are they not sticking up for the people who have been kidnapped by the state.

Rest assured that all of these kids are now being abused by government and will continue to be abused in the homes and in the school environments they will be forced to submit to.… continue reading

The Russian Orthodox Church joins the state in Putin’s Russia

Religious freedom like political freedom is now about dead in Putin’s new Russia. The state religion is Russian Orthodox. It is a church of blind ritual and no biblical means of salvation.

Protestants in Russia face Moscow’s antipathy – International Herald Tribune

First came visits from agents of the FSB, the successor to the KGB, who evidently saw a threat in a few dozen searching souls who liked to huddle in cramped apartments to read the Bible and, perhaps, drink a little tea. Local officials then labeled the church a “sect.” Finally, last month, they shut it down.

There was a time after the fall of Communism when small Protestant congregations blossomed here in southwestern Russia, when a church was almost as easy to set up as a general store.

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The FLDS yearning for.. government kidnapping

Vox Day speaks up on the kidnapping of the children at the YFZ ranch in Texas. I think what he says makes some good points that I have not brought up in my prior posts on this raid.

Kidnapped by government

How you raise your children is between you and God alone. It is not a matter for the state or anyone else; it never has been. As this mass kidnapping of FLDS children and incredible violation of due process will almost surely demonstrate over time, government is a ruthless and power-maddened institution that is the very last one capable of serving the interests of the children.

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Evidence that they have no evidence for the Texas polygamy raid

Finally a voice in media is questioning the raid on the Yearning for Zion Ranch in Texas. I have heard of nothing going on there that does not go on in any small town of that size in America other than polygamy.

The media played up that some girls gave birth before they were 18 years old and a few girls under 18 were pregnant but tell me that is not the case with a group this size anywhere in America. By the way, according to an expert on this cult the bed found in the Temple was there for sleeping not for ritual sex as some suggested.… continue reading

America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

Truth about the war against the Serbs

Every get the feeling that we are lied to by our government all the time? I heard George Bush just admitted that he was lying to the American people on how the war was going in Iraq because he did not want to upset our troops. So when these “leaders” appear on TV looking earnest like they are telling us the truth maybe we should not be so quick to believe them.

I could get into all the specific lies that we were told by our government over the years but I think I will pass. Here is just one recent untruth where we turned against our own ally.… continue reading

Global governance will bring famine and starvation

Liberals will never learn that the more government takes over the management of the world the more they will screw things up and make life on earth worse. Their global governance of energy and Co2 output will just bring famine and starvation on the earth.

Government bureaucrats cannot manage this planet. They do not have the required wisdom or the scientific knowledge and too often government is controlled by special interest groups who could care less about the poor. This statement is as true as the the second law of thermodynamics.

Simon Jenkins: The cost of green tinkering is in famine and starvation | Comment is free | The Guardian

While antagonism to science merely impedes progress, antagonism to economics is regressive.

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Is the government yearning for Waco II?

I guess nobody is going to talk about this raid so I guess I will. I am no fan of cults but folks this used to be America where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty and where you do not put over one thousand peoples lives in danger over some anonymous phone call of wife abuse.

So am I really to believe that this well coordinated attack by State Rangers, Federal Rangers and polices forces of six counties all came together into a swat like raid based on one wife abuse call? Give me a break!

This plan obviously was already in place and they were just looking for an excuse to carry out the raid.… continue reading

The intolerant U.N. principles of tolerance will come to the U.S.

So according to this those who believe in the rapture and take the book of Revelation literally are extremists. Yep, I qualify.

So do the Christians in China that teach the second coming of Jesus. These are the Christians the Chinese Communists are persecuting. What is happening in China and proposed in the UN is a foretaste of what will happen when we are agree to these Global treaties.

If you want to know what is going to happen in the U.S. under all three socialists that are running for president just read the article below. Under the UN principles of tolerance that we will agree to abide by under any one of these people, preaching the truths of Christianity will be hate speech and it will be against the law.… continue reading

The war against truth.

You are might as well know where the U.S. is heading now that Christians have allowed secular humanists to take full control.

Worldview Wars

Because of having allowed itself to be chased out of the political arena in the name of separation of church and state or the “work of the Kingdom,” the Church will find a new challenge from a totally “atheized” secular government, which is now poised to begin telling the Church what it will say and do and what it must not say and do; what it can believe and what it cannot believe. Moreover, the governments of the West will continue their deterioration towards increased authoritarianism as the chaos caused by the new relative values continues to unravel the bonds that held society together under the Christian paradigm.We

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Fascist Jackals take control of Russia

Russia is now fascist and most of the people in Russia love it. So did Germany under Hitler. Fascism with dictatorial leaders can be a very efficient system. In many ways Putin is following in Hitler’s footsteps. For this reason Russia will prosper for awhile and also because it controls so much of the world’s needed resources. However, no reasonable person should have any illusion where this will all lead. When the Jackals take control of a country you know that they will devour anyone in their way. Russia will become a world superpower again but this time she will be much like Germany was under Hitler.… continue reading

How socialist fascists will take control of America by 2013

If the Democrats control both houses it is almost certain that 2009 will mark the beginning of the end of free speech in America. If Obama or Clinton get elected one of the first things they will do is to bring back the Fairness Doctrine which will kill talk radio.

Then without talk radio and the conservative voices as a counterbalance to socialism they will not only pass hate speech laws there will not even be any discussion about its abuses. After that, they will come after voices that oppose them on the Internet and they will regulate out these voices through government and Internet providers interpretations of the fascist hate speech laws.… continue reading

You want a socialist Obama-nation?

I wish the American people would get educated before it is too late. Obama has the most Leftist voting record of any member of the Senate. What should that tell you? It tells you if Obama gets elected with the most liberal congress of all time to support him, his leftist socialist agenda will get passed. That means you will soon be living in the Peoples Republic of America.

If they taught you any real world history in school at all, you should know that wherever Communist socialism was tried it was a failure. Now why would you want to destroy a system that has been working and has made America the most prosperous nation on earth for a socialist system that has proved many time that it cannot work?… continue reading

California Exodus goal is to remove ten percent from public school system this year.

Six hundred thousand children in California now might leave the Big Brother Public school system due to the influence of Project “California Exodus”. That is just for starters. You would think that the government would get the message. However, you ought to know better. All Christians should be taking their kids out of public schools because it is only going to get worse nationwide.

Only months after a new state law effectively banned “mom” and “dad” from California schools, 600,000 students soon could be following them out the door because of what has been described as the “repudiation” of 2,000 years of Christian morality, according to leaders of a new campaign assembling education alternatives.

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Man caused global warming determined to be scientifically wrong

The article gives ample proof that CO2 does not drive global warming.  The author suggests that global warming advocates will either go into denial because they cannot take being wrong or they will switch to the threat of global cooling. I do not think that will be the way it will turn out.

There is already plenty of proof that global warming is not man caused and the little warming that there was over the last hundred years is not any threat to mankind. Nevertheless, if you tell lies long and loud enough, and certain people stand to get rich supporting these lies, and politicians stand to gain power over the people through these lies, the lies are not going to be done away with anytime soon.… continue reading

Sustainable development is global governance

Sustainable Development is where the elite are moving the world and they are using imaginary environmental problems to get us there. It is a mixture of socialism and fascism. It will lead to the Beast system of the Antichrist where everyone and everything will be under global governance

clipped from http://www.christianworldviewnetwork.com/article.php/2969/Tom_DeWeese

Under Sustainable Development there can be no limited government, as advocated by our Founding Fathers, because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great. Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said: “A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns.
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Obama supports every pro choice abortion legislation

You would think that people would learn about his beliefs his voting record and what he plans to do if elected President before they just vote for someone with a winning smile. He will bring in deadly and costly social activism.

clipped from http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59612

“Senator Obama doesn’t care that abortion has obliterated the rights of more
than 15 million black children since 1973,” Gardner said in a statement. “He
doesn’t care that abortion is the No. 1 killer of African-Americans surpassing
deaths caused by accidents, heart disease, stroke, crimes, HIV-AIDS and all
other deaths – combined!

“He won’t make one of his powerful speeches decrying the injustice of
abortion providers as they plant killing centers firmly in black communities –
making it easier to kill black children.

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What does Obama believe about Religion?

Obama had Muslim training and Catholic training but Obama has rejected true Christianity for a social gospel and Universalism. He occasionally attends an Inner city United Church of Christ but the connection he has there is social activism. The pastor of that church teaches black activism and racism.

You did not hear about his Muslim background much but now that Hillary is getting her clock cleaned you can be sure that the negative bombshells will drop from out of the clear blue sky.

I think Obama is wrong on every single issue. All he has is his smile. He could not even get a Top Secret clearance in any government position with his cocaine and drug past.… continue reading

Rice Says Serbia, Kosovo, Will Stay Separate Forever

Never is a long time Miss Secretary. I wonder who made Condoleezza Rice the absolute ruler of the world? I am sure Serbia and Russia would disagree with her statement. It is one thing to state what you wish to happen and it is another thing to declare something temporal to be an absolute truth forever. It is an arrogant statement and it will be seen that way in Serbia and Russia. The main reason why the US gets into so many wars is that leaders in the US want to force everyone in the world to be the way that they want them to be.continue reading