Greg Laurie’s advice to the emerging apostate church.

Greg Laurie speaks on the Emergent Church, global warming and other issues. Christians need to heed his warnings.

‘The Emergent Church’: A dangerous counterfeit

Jesus plainly said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life. …” (John 14:6, NKJV) Yet despite this clear biblical teaching, another “emergent” leader says, “I see the world through the images of Christianity, which teaches me that I encounter God in everyone I meet, regardless of what they believe.”

This is New Age mysticism, not New Testament Christianity. The truth is, you will only find Christ living in those who have put their faith in Him.

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Those seeking the divine within themselves will find demons

The Bible says that doctrines of demons would be taught and believed in the last days. This worldwide paradigm shift to pagan thought just proves that we have arrived. Woe to the people that are teaching others this satanic deception.

There is nothing divine in self unless you got it from the Jesus that died on the cross and rose from the dead and is sitting on the right hand of God.

Paul Proctor — Oprah and The Gospel of Me

If you break it all down, the New Age is, at its core, just spiritual narcissism – cloaked in charity, compassion and unity.

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Rick Warren and the Saddleback Cult?

I also have been warning about Rick Warren. Christian pastors do not continually let the enemies of the cross use their platform to deceive. I have observed Warren saying one thing to Christians to appear orthodox and then leading the church and the world astray by promoting heretics and universalism. My question to members of Saddleback is why do you put up with it? Have you all become disciples of Rick Warren rather than disciples of Jesus Christ? Is your Church now just a social platform for deceiving people into a wide gate all inclusive type of Christianity? I say either censor Rick Warren, leave the church or expect to be labeled as cult members by true Christians.… continue reading

Man redefining their scriptures for world peace

If Muslims just put new meanings on the passages they do not like in the Qur’an you will have created a man made hybrid religion. That would be feasible for only those Muslims that do not really believe their scriptures literally came from God anyway. We have those people in Christianity as well, they have a man made hybrid Christianity that is devoid of any salvation. When all religions do what you suggest we will have Universalism but no truth. Not that there was any truth in Islam to start with, but true Christianity is truth.

What is suggested is that man redefines the scriptures and accepts what he wants and rejects what he does not want.… continue reading

Emerging toward a cosmic consciousness with the Devil

Astute biblical Christians knew that these emerging birds would come to merge with the universal, pantheistic, pagan flock of vultures that claims it will soar up to a higher plain of cosmic consciousness.

“New age” leaders have fed the gullible this line for several decades. The difference now is that the leaders have changed their name to “New Spirituality” and they are now in the church teaching very dumbed down, biblically illiterate church members their doctrines of demons.

It seems that Western emerging “Christianity” needs the hope of a evolutionary mystical experience to replace their “Old Spirituality” that is now on life support.… continue reading

Oprah promotes Eckhart Tolle and doctrines of demons

Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).

Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).… continue reading

Shame has died so what hope is there?

Everyone knows what Dave said in this article is true. It is a shame that there is no shame anymore and unless people can again be ashamed of their wickedness there is no hope either.

Dave Daubenmire — The Death of Shame

here is the tragic part. We know that they lie, yet we still consider them qualified for public service. Pastors endorse them, pundits justify their behavior, and Christians vote for the “lesser of the evils.” “It’s only politics” (Is that John Dewey I hear?) as they try to convince us that lying is no longer a big deal. Let me ask you something.

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Pantheism is rapidly replacing Secular Humanism

The postmodern generation is shifting into the belief that they can create their own humanistic utopia by just harnessing collective powers. Man creates His own reality. That’s “The Secret”, The “Word of Faith” movement, it is postmodern thought moving into the Emerging Church and it all originates from Eastern thought where God is everything.

Collectively mankind becomes God and all religions are paths to cosmic consciousness.

The distinctions between the children of light and the children of darkness on the earth are becoming well defined in these last days. One family on earth claims to be children of God because of what God did for them and the other family claim to be self evolving god’s.… continue reading

This elevator is going down

Here is a very good summery of the latest going on with many of the “Christian” leaders that seem to be running their own heavenly elevator. Next stop the bottom floor.

clipped from
We welcome new leaders and recognize them for their service to Christ. Today
there are many new leaders, but there is a shortage of biblically well trained
leaders who are aware of the issues and have answers to them. There are just as
many new leaders serving an agenda, themselves and money than Christ.
Postmodernism, pluralism, relativism, interfaith and occult ideas and practices
have reached so deep into the church that we can’t seem to see through the murky
waters we are now swimming in.
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Government forced Christian aid.

Should the government make people do what God’s children should be doing out of their own good heart?

When government takes from those in the world who have, to give to others it fosters rebellion on one end and slothfulness on the other. In addition, government uses the redistribution of wealth to further its own worldly social agendas instead of the heavenly agenda that free will charity would bring.

Many of the problems in the world are because of blatant sin choices that people have made and that government often enables or even promotes. Treating  sin symptom problems when government helps spread the disease is an exercise in futility.… continue reading

Red letters from their spirit guide.

They say they put special emphasis on the Red letters because that is what Jesus was reported to have said in contrast to other scriptures that in their doubtful minds are more subjective. Yet, there is enough in Red Letters to destroy their Red Letter arguments. So  they go further and selectively choose which Red Letters they will use for their heretical arguments and which they will discard because it does not fit their view.

It is not a mystery why they do this. They want a Jesus that fits the Jesus they contemplated in their own mind. A Jesus who is their buddy or spirit guide.… continue reading

Red’s in sheep’s clothing

You will be hearing a lot more about Red Letter Christians so you ought to know what they believe. Essentially they are Marxists who find some red letters in the Bible to enforce how red they are. Many are people in the postmodern Emerging Church Movement.

The reason why they identify with Christianity is because they find some things taken out of context in the Bible that enforces their red philosophy. For example, they find a millennial worldly utopia in the Bible but ignore the scriptures that says there first has to be a physical return of Jesus to deal with the evil people on the earth.… continue reading

The war against truth.

You are might as well know where the U.S. is heading now that Christians have allowed secular humanists to take full control.

Worldview Wars

Because of having allowed itself to be chased out of the political arena in the name of separation of church and state or the “work of the Kingdom,” the Church will find a new challenge from a totally “atheized” secular government, which is now poised to begin telling the Church what it will say and do and what it must not say and do; what it can believe and what it cannot believe. Moreover, the governments of the West will continue their deterioration towards increased authoritarianism as the chaos caused by the new relative values continues to unravel the bonds that held society together under the Christian paradigm.We

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The postmodern movement moves to the past to relearn traditions of men and old doctrines of demons

I think much of the postmodern movement are made up of those who are just too damn lazy to study the Bible. It is so much easier for them to learn to contemplate their navel until “divine” revelation pops into their head. The leaders of this movement are quite different and deceptive, they know exactly where they are taking this group. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Paul warned us about. If they do not qualify I would like to know who does?

If you notice it is not just happening in Christianity the old pagan practices spouted by media stars are also coming back to the future to the world in brand new wrappers.… continue reading

If the Bell is warped it will not ring true.

Ken Silva asks some fair questions in this article about the message you are hearing from Ron bell and others.


Below here at Apprising Ministries you will see beyond a shadow of a doubt that emerging church pastor Rob Bell agrees with New Age priestess Marianne Williamson concerning the nature of man. The question that needs to be asked is: What kind of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ could agree with the lie from the pit of Hell you’ll see within? But it is this kind of lunacy in the Lord that we are getting leaders in the Emergent Church like the Elvis of Emergent Rob Bell.

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Recent teachings on prayer and experiencing God misleads Christians

Here is a good commentary by Bob DeWaay on popular teachings that are now leading many Christians astray by equating images and thoughts formed in their own mind with answers from God or Experiencing God. Mysticism has a history of leading Christians astray and it will be no different with these who replace God’s word with extra-biblical techniques and experiences.

Critical Issues Commentary: Unbiblical Teachings on Prayer and Experiencing God

To a Christian, praying to God is privilege, a blessing, and a Biblically defined responsibility. We are called to pray. But a genre of literature exists that I call “prayer secrets.”

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The big shift to the great apostasy and its doctrines of demons.

I hardly knew what to do with this article because I hate quoting so much of anyone’s writing but in this case i think it is necessary. I really want you to read this entire article for yourself because you need to know where all the “New Spirituality” you hear on Oprah and the “shift” talk of the emergent movement and the popular feel good ministers of TV are taking people.

If this article does not convince you that we are the verge of the great apostasy of “Christianity” I guess nothing will wake you up. What follows are some clip quotes from the article but you really have to read the full article to get the full flavor of this.… continue reading

“The Shack” is “The Message” outhouse.

“The Shack” is not about a basketball player it is a book that twists the Gospel. If you are buying into the message of this book thought up in an outhouse you are buying into damnable heresy. The endorsement on the cover of this heretical book is from Eugene Peterson, author of “The Message”. “This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ did for his. It’s that good!” Eugene Peterson, author of The Message (Front cover endorsement)

I for one am fed up with those who quote “The Message” as if it were the Bible.continue reading

Can Evangelical Christians practice Wicca and support what God calls abominations?

Lets be clear about one thing. Evangelical Christians are not taking part in Wicca. People who call themselves Evangelical Christians are getting involved in Wicca. Just because people go to a so called evangelical denomination does not make them a Christian.

I read another article today that talked about how Evangelicals were supporting Democratic political figures like Obama and Hillary. Many that call themselves Evangelicals have moved to the Far Left because absolute truths of the Bible mean nothing to them. They are just following what they learn from worldly media. This just shows that many in the Evangelical churches never learned or never believed the truths in the Bible in the first place.… continue reading

Communists everywhere!

We have people with Communist ideas leading the Democratic Party which should change its name to the socialist party. Now we have these emerging leaders in Christianity spouting Communism and we also have Word Churches, some Pentecostals and the World Counsel of Churches looking to bring in a Christian utopia based on Communist principles. So Communism is not dead it has just shape shifted into the American mainstream. Mao would be so proud. He is taking America and is destroying Christianity without firing a shot.

It is unbelievable how far Americans and Christians have strayed from their ideals in the last fifty years.… continue reading