The root of America’s problem is its evolutionary worldview

America has been taken over by ideologues of the radical left that very much identify with socialist Communism or Fascism. They can also be defined as statists. They believe that big government controlled by elite “more evolved” individuals with a secular humanist socialistic worldview is the only hope for humanity to have any hope for survival as a species. They would be correct if there were no God, however, there is a God, and He is fully in control of human destiny. The evolutionary worldview is the root of the problems in America.

These secular humanist socialists are practicable atheists. They might give lip service to God but they are always found in opposition to His teachings.… continue reading

Many calling themselves Christian join a Revelation Harlot

Most people who claim to be Christians in this postmodern generation say they follow Christ. However, their world views and beliefs display that the Christ that they claim to believe in, is not the Jesus Christ that the Bible defines. These pseudo Christians have worldly humanistic world views. They do not have a biblical Christian worldview. They are usually found on the wrong side of most moral and biblical positions.

Christianity is just a religion that they were brought up in or talked into. They follow teachings of religious men, but do not follow the teachings of God. They do not even know what God said, because they show little interest in learning the Bible at all.… continue reading

Aww…Poor God!

Some claiming to be among Christianity would have us think that the universe that God spoke into existence for His own purpose is not really under His control. They have a God that dwells in creation wringing His figurative hands just hoping that someone will love Him and be His friend. Aww…poor God!

Although many “Christians” may deny that they see God in the above terms, their theology and what they say about God indicates otherwise. I will give a few examples but it certainly will not be all-inclusive because this anemic concept of God is exceedingly widespread and is subtly interwoven in “Christian” concepts about their Creator.… continue reading

Modern Bible studies often fall far short of studying the Bible

If you have been a Christian for a few decades and attended Bible studies, one thing that you should have noticed is that Bible studies are not what they used to be. There was a time when Bible studies were actually taught by elder teachers in the congregation. These teachers actually prepared their own well thought-out lessons that were based on knowledge of the Bible and their own understanding of the scriptures. Teaching was a ministry given through spiritually gifted men.

Quite often Bible studies were led by pastors or elder teachers that were formally trained in the Bible. Today, most “Bible studies” are led by facilitators that lead group discussion on passages suggested by expensive quarterly magazines.… continue reading

The postmodern media plague of unreliable sources and information

Have you noticed that a lot of information obtained from main stream media, alternative media, religious media, intelligence, and the Internet cannot be depended upon? How are people suppose to sort out the truth if they can’t find reliable sources for information? In this postmodern media plague where truth is what certain factions want it to be, we get half-truths, disinformation and outright lies. The media “facts” given to us today turn out to be fabrications tomorrow. Whatever the headlines of great interest are this week will not even be mentioned next week if it does not advance the government or media agenda.… continue reading

Americans will not elect a President with a biblical worldview

It is not hard to figure out why Americans are nominating and electing people like Obama and Romney for President. The evidence indicates that the vast majority of Americans do not have a biblical Christian worldview, so it just stands to reason that Americans would also have little desire to vote a person into the presidential office that has a true biblical worldview.

Some think America is a Christian nation but they are short on the facts. True Christianity is not a culture, it is people who have been born spiritually into the body of Christ. These are nowhere near a majority in America.… continue reading

Illogical reasoning: brain virus pandemic creates postmodern nation

Many people in America seem to have caught a mind virus that causes illogical faulty reasoning. Sometime after 1960 young American minds caught a bird brain virus and as they aged their brains continued to get more and more defective. The result is the postmodern nation that we now live in where bad is good and good is bad. The brain virus is part of a demonic communist plot to bring down America. Here is the proof that the bird brain virus exists and that it now infects many American minds:

The ability to reason has almost vanished in most of the nation.continue reading

New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

I guess you should expect articles like this once in awhile because part of the title of this blog is “Church Trends”. In case you do not know, a Blog is a personal journal. It is where I get to publicly express my views on topics that come to my mind. People are free to read them or not read them, and to agree or disagree.  If this post upsets someone they need to realize that there are other views in the world besides their own.

A pastor claims that he wants a revival in his church but he says he cannot find any evangelist that will teach a clear message of salvation every night during the revival.… continue reading

Christians need to take a biblical stand, for Christ’s sake!

First let me point out that Christ Jesus does not need us, so when I say in the title that Christians need to take a biblical stand for Christ’s sake, I am referring to the mission of the spiritual Body of Christ called the Church. Our Savior created the universe and He is perfect in spite of the Laodicean and aberrant Christianity that is largely following the world system and the ways of Satan.

Christ Jesus offers us a gift of salvation and a role in eternity with Him but what you do with that free gift is up to you.… continue reading

Biblical ignorance within Christendom waters Satan’s plants!

Christian discernment is learning the difference between what is good and what is evil, what is of God and what is a lie from Satan. The Bible was given to us to help us do that. Anything that is contrary to what God said in His word is Satanic. There is an obvious lack of discernment in Christendom today because many confessing Christians do not know what God said. They cannot discern the truth so they cannot see the difference between God’s plants and Satan’s plants in the world. Some Christians like to water toxic weeds and then they wonder why it produces deadly runoff.… continue reading

Compromising the gospel for church growth and American idol heretics.

I get no joy out of telling people that much of what is being passed off as Christianity today is counterfeit. Those American Idols that are pushing modern heresies on people may think they are being opened minded but they really have become a willing door of Satanic deception. Satan’s goal is to get people who identify with Christianity to doubt fundamental doctrines that uniquely define who a Christian is. Satan then substitutes Christian doctrine with doctrines of demons in order to create counterfeits of the Christian religion. These demonic bastardizations of Christianity are not true Christianity.

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

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Shepherds on a mission to appease often have sheep dung on their boots

I had a discussion yesterday with more than one person about the plight of pastors today. It seems that some pastors feel if they openly preach on certain Biblical topics, they believe they will offend some people that carry past or present baggage and lose a portion of their congregation.

We blame pastors for the gospel light inclusive pluralistic universalistic teaching that many of them are now spouting from their pulpits but we must also consider that there are many people sitting in the pews that will not endure sound doctrine anymore. Many are brainwashed by the liberal progressive message that prevails on all media.… continue reading

The relationship between making Bible passages allegory and heretical cults

The Bible contains allegory but when it does it is also makes it clear in the passage. I think along with legalism there is a strong relationship between those that twist Bible passages into allegory and heretical movements and cults.

We can look at the history of Christianity since the Apostles and we will see a reoccurring pattern between allegory and heresy. The first heretics were legalists that wanted to put Jews that found the Messiah back under Jewish law. Soon after we know that gnostic heretics became a plague on the Church. They made scriptures allegorical so it would comply with their old and new mystical beliefs.… continue reading

The truth about the sorry state of our American Union

Here is the truth about the sorry state of our American Union.

  • There have been 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973.
  • 1 in every 15 people in the United States will actually do prison time. Many more are convicted of felonies but it is a first offense and they only get probation. Many more than that committed a felony but plea bargain to a lessor crime. Also, most crimes are never reported and/or the criminal either does not get caught or is not prosecuted for various reasons.
  • Well over half of all American adults have used Illegal drugs at least once.
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Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

I wish I could tell people want they want to hear but that would make me just another liar. The truth is that it will not be long before American cities start burning and we wake up in a police state. The economy of America will go into further decline and before long the United States will no longer be united.

Some think this will happen because Americans have rejected God. That may be the reason why God will remove the special hedge of protection we have had but all nations on earth have rejected the true God and most remain as viable nations.… continue reading

Views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview

One of the problems I encounter in the comments on my blogs and in emails are views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview. Often their views originate from world philosophies, ideologies, theologies or human taught sociocultural suppositions rather than the clear teachings of the scriptures. That leads me to believe that these Christians do not know or understand the Christian scriptures and that they are more likely influenced by the world than influencing the world for Christ.

Barma Group – a respected Christian research firm, asked certain questions in a survey to determine how many Americans had Christian worldviews.  They asked the following questions:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
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Blogging to mostly postmodern mindless robots?

When I started blogging two or three years ago it was with the idea of getting more traffic to read articles on my main website The blogging has certainly brought readers to the blog part of my website but I do not think it has increased traffic to the rest of my website much at all. I probably could have increased traffic much more by just writing and posting new articles on my main website and not blogging at all.

Between the blog and the website I probably get about 1000 unique visitors a day or 1500 visits a day, and each visit downloads about 3 written articles from my website.… continue reading

Global warming climate change, postmodern thinking and Al Gore reinventing truth

I have not covered climate change (global warming) much on this blog because it would seem to be off topic to the world and church trends and Bible prophecy theme. But, it actually is an attempt at satanically controlled global government. So an article on this climate change topic does seems fitting.

I did write about this issue and listed scores of articles on this global warming or climate change topic on my old blog and I always took the position that all the hype was based on junk science and was a hoax and a fraud pushed by global elitists and politicians controlling the purse strings of many scientists.… continue reading

Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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