Parsley and McCain prove that Fascism can also come from the religious right

What do Ron Parsley and John McCain have in common? They both see grave danger in Islam to the world. Obviously for Ron Parsley the number one criteria for being a conservative is to be against Islam.

We have here a religious leader and a political leader that would be more than willing to lead a military fight against Islam all over the world. Sure, that might be what it ultimately comes down to anyway, but do you really want the U.S. to actually promote this war? Need I explain the impact that a world war would have on our civil liberties and standards of living?… continue reading

Rev. Wright and his disciple Obama

It should be pretty obvious that Obama and his wife went to that racist church for twenty years because they agreed with what was being taught there. People who do not agree with the doctrine of a church find a different church to attend. The fact that Rev. Wright is so much a part of Obama’s life speaks wonders about Obama.

If you can get past the “change” and “yes we can” slogans what Obama offers the nation is nothing but a Christianized version of Marxism. It is the same stuff that his pastor taught.

I simply cannot believe that people in the U.S.… continue reading

No hope for restoration from Christian conservatives that hardly exist

Chuck Baldwin’s main problem might be that he is assuming that America will be restored by the people. I do not think it will. America will fracture. I just wrote on this imminent danger.

Lets face it, much of the country has bought into godless socialism and the lust. Even the evangelicals are buying into dominionism socialism and the prosperity gospel. It looks like the minority in this country that hold to biblical truths will just have to separate from the walking dead.

The Constitution Party would be great if you could have get a leader of significant stature and experience to run on it.… continue reading

The Obamainable Messiah

The Messiah came two thousand years ago and the only second coming will be the same Christ in the same body that left. The Bible indicates their will be many false Messiah’s in these last days and they we should not follow them. There will one day soon come a world hero with a hundred times the charisma of Obama. It should be obvious how easily the postmodern world will get sucked into the hysteria. The world has a history of making men god’s with very tragic consequences. Notice that the new age pagan false prophets fully expect someone more than human to help the world to evolute to an evolutionary higher plain.… continue reading

Seven reasons not to vote for the Obama Messiah

Obama has become the black Messiah for a whole generation. I will give you seven reasons you why you should not make this man your idol or vote for him.

First, he is just a man. Obama has no special powers unless they are demonic.

Second, get to know what he really plans to do. If you knew instead of just getting caught up in this mass hysteria you would know that he is a globalist socialist. He will make the US subservient to the UN and transfer US wealth to other nations.

Third, many of Obama’s moral positions are in direct opposition to the absolute truths of the Bible.… continue reading

How socialist fascists will take control of America by 2013

If the Democrats control both houses it is almost certain that 2009 will mark the beginning of the end of free speech in America. If Obama or Clinton get elected one of the first things they will do is to bring back the Fairness Doctrine which will kill talk radio.

Then without talk radio and the conservative voices as a counterbalance to socialism they will not only pass hate speech laws there will not even be any discussion about its abuses. After that, they will come after voices that oppose them on the Internet and they will regulate out these voices through government and Internet providers interpretations of the fascist hate speech laws.… continue reading

Without natural affection in the last days

Who do most blacks and even black Christians vote for? They even vote for blacks that help kill their own babies. Many that have the abortions and the leaders they follow are without natural affection.

clipped from

“Officer!” I bellowed from
my lofty perch above the death-camp directed towards a patrol car sitting at the
entrance of the clinic. “There is a hate-crime taking place inside that
building. A white doctor is killing black babies by the dozens. DO something to
protect them.”
As is often the case, the cops wish there was a sniper in the
vicinity to silence my appeals for the unborn.

continue reading

You want a socialist Obama-nation?

I wish the American people would get educated before it is too late. Obama has the most Leftist voting record of any member of the Senate. What should that tell you? It tells you if Obama gets elected with the most liberal congress of all time to support him, his leftist socialist agenda will get passed. That means you will soon be living in the Peoples Republic of America.

If they taught you any real world history in school at all, you should know that wherever Communist socialism was tried it was a failure. Now why would you want to destroy a system that has been working and has made America the most prosperous nation on earth for a socialist system that has proved many time that it cannot work?… continue reading

Dr. James Dobson says he will not vote if John McCain is nominated

Rather than not vote it is time for Christian leaders to get behind a third party. Republicans do not represent us. We need a party that will represent people who believe in the Constitution and Christian values. If we do nothing we soon will no longer even be allowed to proclaim the gospel in this nation.

I am hearing Christian leaders saying that we need to support McCain because of the Supreme Court Justices that he might nominate. John McCain will appoint Liberals to Justice, so it is a mute point. John McCain makes no pretense about his disdain for Conservatives who disagree with his progressive polices.… continue reading

Who should a Christian/Conservative vote for in the 2008 election?

I really do not see a reasonable candidate to vote for in the 2008 primary elections. So what should Conservatives and Christians who believe the Constitution and/or in moral absolutes of the Bible do? There is not much we can do about the Democrats because one of the two will get the nomination.

My suggestion is to Republicans and Independents. I believe that electing an acceptable candidate is no longer possible. Therefore, I suggest that you only vote for the candidate that has the least delegates locked up. The goal should not be for any one of the three candidates to win the primary.… continue reading

“Christian” politicians who use Christianity to their advantage

Like so many Liberals they claim a relationship with Jesus but do not do what He says. If a person cannot discern abominations like Abortion and homosexual practices and understand what harm these abominations bring to society it is because He or She has no biblical understanding.Those who have no understanding of what God said in the scriptures are either immature Christians or liars using Christianity for their advantage. No one in any of those categories should be leaders in the Church or leaders of a Nation that fears God.

Obama might say the right words when he stands before naive Christians but his stands are contrary to what He claims to believe.… continue reading

Why Obama’s Muslim background Matters

Those are fair points to bring up because they will be brought up. If Obama claims to practice Christianity he will be on the radials Islam hit list. If he embraces Islam he will sell out on Israel and could not take decisive action in the war on Islamic extremism anywhere in the world.

In Actuality I think Obama is either an atheist or believes in Universalism. He himself says that he is Universalistic, meaning that he would think that all paths ultimately led to God. However, I believe by his moral positions that he is totally secular and only uses religion for his own end.… continue reading

Obama supports every pro choice abortion legislation

You would think that people would learn about his beliefs his voting record and what he plans to do if elected President before they just vote for someone with a winning smile. He will bring in deadly and costly social activism.

clipped from

“Senator Obama doesn’t care that abortion has obliterated the rights of more
than 15 million black children since 1973,” Gardner said in a statement. “He
doesn’t care that abortion is the No. 1 killer of African-Americans surpassing
deaths caused by accidents, heart disease, stroke, crimes, HIV-AIDS and all
other deaths – combined!

“He won’t make one of his powerful speeches decrying the injustice of
abortion providers as they plant killing centers firmly in black communities –
making it easier to kill black children.

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What does Obama believe about Religion?

Obama had Muslim training and Catholic training but Obama has rejected true Christianity for a social gospel and Universalism. He occasionally attends an Inner city United Church of Christ but the connection he has there is social activism. The pastor of that church teaches black activism and racism.

You did not hear about his Muslim background much but now that Hillary is getting her clock cleaned you can be sure that the negative bombshells will drop from out of the clear blue sky.

I think Obama is wrong on every single issue. All he has is his smile. He could not even get a Top Secret clearance in any government position with his cocaine and drug past.… continue reading

New campaign debate: Is Satan Jesus’ brother?

Mormons say Jesus and Lucifer are Spirit brothers. So why is it religious bigotry to tell people what Mitt Romney must believe as a Mormon? If someone said that I believed in the Trinity it would not offend me – because I do. So why does their own sacred doctrine offend them?

Why? because they know Christians consider it heresy and that we know that this and many more doctrines of the Mormons are heresies in opposition to orthodox Christianity. They however do not want naive Christians to know that.

All the more reason we should give Christians information so that they will know that Mitt Romney does not have orthodox Christian beliefs and is in a cult.continue reading

More Reasons To Beware Of Mike Huckabee

What is it about the South that produces these people? Mike said himself that he did some of the things he did because politics is rough in Arkansas. Why would a minister of the Gospel trade that job in for the affairs of the world and then stoop to their level? It seems to me that Mike Huckabee is in the same mold as Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Kenneth Copeland. They preach the Kingdom should be established right here right now. The way they intend to bring in this soft dominionism is through social action and legislation and they have no problem uniting with secular humanists and anti Christ religions to establish this end.continue reading

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Marijuana Not a Drug

Its not a either or situation. I want a politician that does not use illegal drugs and that makes good decisions. A politician who makes bad personal decisions and breaks the laws of the country will not make good decisions for others while in public office. Schwarzenegger has proved that with the bills he recently signed. Why should you care that someone is in office who abuses drugs? Because he or she will not have normal reasoning abilities. For example, the politician might say Marijuana is not a drug but the laws of the state He governs says it is a drug and prosecutes people who use and traffic it.continue reading

The Horror! The Horror! The fascists are here!

You also hear the same rhetoric coming from some on the Right. I have been hearing this stuff since the days of Richard Nixon. I suppose if we elect Ron Paul some will find that he is is really a plant of the Moose Lodge or the Alien Reptilians. Frankly there are a lot of people out there who are on drugs or else need to be on drugs or an increased dose.

Fascism might come one day but it will only come when the American people want it to come. When Americans are willing to give up all their freedoms for security it will evolve into fascism.continue reading

Sizzling study concludes: Global warming is a farce’

This article makes some excellent points that global warming hysterics are not telling people. 97 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not from human activity. Human activity cannot double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even if the carbon dioxide did somehow double, the effects on climate would be so minimal that nobody would notice.

They want the world to spend trillions of dollars to reduce human carbon but even if every human left the planet forever it would only have the effect of reducing carbon in the atmosphere by less than three percent. These idiots of environmental junk science really want global management and control and they hijacked the media to attract the usual knee jerkers and convince politicians and foundations to support only science that will support what the global warming gurus wish published.continue reading

Gog Putin wants Sex for the motherland and the Fascist Nashi’s

Everyone but the liberal West which has its head in the sand about many world threats can see that Russia is going Fascist big time and Putin is the one pushing it. Yet we continue to kiss up to him like he was our friend. If we think we had problems with Russia during the cold war just wait another decade. What a wonderful world it will be.

Putin has become as popular in Russia as Hitler was in Germany and he has much the same ideology and personality. He is now in the process of killing and marginalizing his opposition and he is now making land and power grabs for control of the earth’s energy resources.continue reading