Observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Here are some observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Dave Daubenmire ran for Congress in Ohio always loudly proclaiming the cross of Christ during his campaign. Here are the results of the vote for him and his observations and conclusions.

I lost my race for Congress last night. It played out pretty much the way I envisioned it would. I had warned the Tea Party movement that they better pick a horse in the primary or they would wind up with a choice between two Bob Dole clones in November.

That is exactly what they got.

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The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

Talk about the Obama recovery makes me want to wear tall boots. The recovery seems to me to be designed to last until after the 2010 fall election. I think the Obama recovery has bubbles filled with toxic tax, toxic debt and toxic economic policies that will burst on America insuring there will be no meaningful recovery during this democratic administration. On the contrary, economic bottom is not even on the horizon.

Even most in government are blind to this because since the days when Vice President Al Gore was tasked to reinvent government, critical thinking among government employees has been frowned upon.… continue reading

Government health care – Divide and conquer America by prescription

Supposedly on Sunday Americans are going to get a nation health plan shoved down their throat whether they like the medicine or not. As of this writing Fox News is saying that the House is still two votes short of passing the Senate bill. However, I am sure that leading Democrats will prescribe underhanded means to get those two votes or they will delay the health bill vote again (you did not think they would actually vote on a bill they could possible lose, did you?).

Most of the American people want Congress to start over on a health bill. Americans do not trust government on this health bill and for good reason.… continue reading

The world is very unstable we have reached the unraveling point.

Have you noticed that the world is becoming extremely unstable on every front? The only nation that kept the world fairly stable since the Second World War now is projecting a great deal of instability to the rest of the world. Because of our own unraveling the whole world is about to unravel into a third world war and all sorts of evils. Obama with his lame brain foreign policy that projects weakness reflects a major aspect of this national unraveling.

This is the first America president that acts and thinks like a third world president. Will the nation be made into his image? … continue reading

Would Christian repentance in America heal the land or would national repentance be required?

This article really should be two articles but since the topics relate to the same problem of repentance in America I will try to integrate them. The question is, would Christian repentance in America heal the land or will national repentance be required to heal the land? Too often I hear teachers and preachers say that if Christians will humble themselves and pray God will heal our nation. Is that really true? We will look at this presumption later but first I want to deal with a related issue.

Often you will hear the slogan that “We must take America back” It sounds good but who do “we” take America back from and to whom do we give America to?… continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union

I am sure Obama will spin his own scripted story of the state of the Union at his State of the Union Speech but the state of the Union is not going to be as stated by our lying politicians.

I think Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union as painful as that news may be. The economy of the Union is not going to recover any time soon, in fact it is going to get much worse. The American economy is really going into an economic black hole. The link gives 20 darn good easy to understand reasons why we are not on the road to recovery.continue reading

Will they move to phase two and throw Obama under the bus?

I have no inside information of any phase two where Obama will be thrown under the bus by “them” but I just have this gut feeling.

I never believed that an obscure Far Left Congressman with no achievements could get to power without the backing of “them” and I am not sure that “they” did not even expect Obama to help bring the nation to the dire straights it is in. After all, Obama is their own creation.

I think they always intended to throw Obama under the bus after he achieved what they expected of him but the Tea Party Movement and the Brown election might have now moved up the date.… continue reading

2009 was bad but 2010 will be worse

I hope everyone had a great holiday season with their family and friends and hope you all will have a joyful new year in Christ.

We have arrived to a new year and a new decade and I know 2009 was bad for many but 2010 will be worse.

Here are seven things to consider in 2010. They are likely to impact us in one way or another.

1. We probably should start in the house of God. How long will God put up with those on TV speaking in his name?  Christians have been putting up with the rats in our Christian TV for quite a long time.… continue reading

Collective Insanity on Planet Earth

The reason the world needs saving is because mankind is clearly insane in his fallen state. Mankind will somehow always make the collective choices that will bring a type of hell on earth. A study of Bible prophecy and world history or the collective actions of our present world leaders makes collective insanity on earth a undeniable fact.

Man without God will make all the wrong choices over and over again.

like a very wise man once said, “there is nothing new under the sun”. If you think that man’s collective insanity is not being played out on earth today it is probably because you are an inmate of the collective insane asylum named planet earth.… continue reading

The people said, “Give us a King”! Then pimp for hucksters and communist queens.

Just reading about what is going on in this nation and the world and churches each day is enough to make the blood boil of real Christians and real American patriots.  I am learning how Lot felt when the Sodomites took over the land and how Martin Luther felt when he came to realize that the Roman Church was run by the same den of vipers that crucified his Lord. I am also beginning to understand the feelings of Patrick Henry that said, “give me Liberty or give me Death”. He would be saying the same thing today to our government of pimps and queens that want to run a collective communist Borg ant farm here.… continue reading

Chuck Norris a Champion and Christian American patriot for President

I think people should start promoting Chuck Norris for President of the United States in 2012. Chuck Norris is about the only popular Christian patriot and national figure that is saying all the right things about getting America back on the right track.

Some may say he is not qualified to be President but neither is Obama or Hillary, But I say, who is more qualified than a proven real American champion and political author and commentator that has shown that he understands the critical issues and dangers that face our nation and also offers real solutions to fix them? It certainly will not be a professional politician.… continue reading

Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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The United States income tax system is controlled by a tyranny of the majority.

John Stossel brings up some interesting points about our income tax system that you may or may not know. We have now reached the point where half the households in the United States pay no income taxes. Many of these will actually get tax rebates on taxes that they never paid.

The top twenty percent of earners in the United States pay over ninety percent of the income taxes!

Obviously these facts raises some issues.

If half the households in the United States pay no income taxes or are receiving money from those paying incoming taxes why would they ever vote to change a tax system that would not continue to favor themselves?… continue reading

Delusional American Illusion

I just read two profound commentaries that I think everyone should read. I clipped some statements from them to wet your appetite but you really need to read the full articles. I have no delusional illusion that the average America would actually even take the time to read what was said in these two articles but I do hope there are some above average people reading my blog.

The first article is written by James Quinn. It contains quite a history lesson and presents information that I am sure that 99 percent of Americans never learned. This article gives no delusional American illusion about the future.continue reading

The New American National Pastime: Telling and Believing Lies.

Not too long ago the American pastime was baseball and more recently football but it seems to me that the real American pastime today has become telling and believing lies. lying is a national movement contaminating all sectors of our society. Telling and believing lies is the infallible rule for living in national politics, the scientific community, our educational system, national media, business, and even in religion. It seems most everyone either wants to believe lies or they are deceptive themselves. There seems to be a codependency between liars and their receptive enablers in America.

Our government representatives peddle lies one after another.… continue reading

Worldviews in Collision

Christians in surveys often do not even have a Christian Worldview. I think this article is a very good summery of the six main worldviews in the world today. There are worldviews other than just these six but these are the six major worldviews on earth today.

Some people teach and are taught and believe different combinations of these worldviews. For example, Humanism and Marxism are often part of a mix because they have overlapping concepts. True Christianity in contrast is in absolutely collision with all other worldviews.

The six major world wordviews are:

The Christian Worldview
The Islamic Worldview
The secular Humanist Worldview
The Marxist Worldview
The Cosmic Humanist Worldview
The Postmodern Worldview

Although I agree with the statement of the hope and goal of Summit Ministries.… continue reading

The change in America during the first six months under Obama

I thought I would make a progress report on how America is changing under the Obama administration’s promise of change before I take a little break for my upcoming physical relocation to another state.

First lets talk about the economy under the Obama administration of the last six months.

We were told that if congress passed the nearly trillion dollar stimulus package it would keep unemployment below 8 percent. Right now we are at 9.5 percent and it is likely to go to 11 percent by early next year.  If you also count the people the government no longer counts such as those who gave up looking for work and those forced to work part time the real unemployment will soon approach 20 percent.… continue reading

The negative influence on America from the social and economic perversions of John Maynard Keynes

The hard left that has hijacked America with flattering lips and lies is now following the economic ideas and even the social beliefs taught by the atheist pervert named John Maynard Keynes. So you really ought to know something about what Keynes taught and believed and where those following Keynesism will take America.

Keynes opposed the free economic system and his views helped form the ideas of the Nazi and Marxist socialist systems. His views today are held by Fabian socialists that now control the Democratic Party of our nation. People who believe in Fabian socialist Keynesism control many of our universities, national media, foundations, and government bureaucracies.… continue reading

The good ole Joe Sheriffs of Arizona: Sheriff Joe Richards and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Some of the good ole Joe county sheriff’s of Arizona actually believe in carrying out their constitutional mandate. These sheriffs are not figureheads as they are in some states where law enforcement is mainly done by the cities and the State police. The counties of Arizona are some of the largest counties in the nations.

I actually personally knew the Sheriff of Coconino County Arizona for a short period of time. His name is Sheriff Joe Richards (recently retired).

I met Joe Richards when I attended a home church group that he led when I was going to college at NAU for a year.… continue reading