America is in revolution because it departed from God

This excellent article gets to the core of the problems in the United States. The problems are a result of departure of America from their Creator. We cannot expect America to be blessed if we deserve a curse. The leadership that is running and ruining America today is just the results of the fact that most Americans have departure from the things of God. Unless America returns to God worse things certainly lie in our future.

America Is Going Through A Revolution

The United States of America has never known a time of discord, turbulence, upheaval and distrust as it is experiencing in the year 2009.

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Constitutional aliens are destroying the United States of America

The Keystone Cop routine in Washington would be pretty funny if the consequences were not so devastating to the future of America. People that are aliens to our constitution and the Bible have now taken over America.

Washington liberal politicians and the head of America’s corporations and financial institutions are a product of the Spock baby boom generation that never experienced discipline. Nobody ever said no to these people and they got what they wanted because the alternative was their temper tantrum. They are used to getting their way. In other words they are really spoiled brats who really needed a good whipping behind the shed.continue reading

Socialist fascism is knocking at your door – Just pledge and sign your name to support the communist agenda of the “Dear Leader”

People need to see where Obama is going with these ten million recruits that will soon be knocking at your door. They will go out to try to recruit you also to blindly follow the “Dear Leader” as they have already took a pledge to do.

Obama is following in the footsteps of all good communists. He does not even try to conceal his communist techniques because he knows most Americans are too stupid, blind, brainwashed or scared to care. Of course he also believes his own teleprompter that tells him that he is best thing that ever happened to America and the world.… continue reading

Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

I was going to write an article about where the radical left is taking this nation but Paul Walter came out with this article that I quoted that says most of what I wanted to say. Paul Walter was in the Communism system so he knows what he is talking about. Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

Lets see what Obama and the demoncrates already achieved

In just the first 50 days the Obama’s administration has turned this nation into a socialist flunky of the elitist run United Nations.

Obama proposes unlimited abortion and supports taxpayer funding of abortion here and abroad and will now allow aborted babies to be used for stem cell research.… continue reading

We are one major crises away from martial law and the end of the Bill of Rights.

John Whitehead in this article makes it clear that the groundwork has already been laid for martial law. It should be rather obvious that our government has used each crises and disaster as a means to gain more federal control. The local Police forces are now arms of the Department of Homeland Security and the swat teams are all trained to be its 21st century storm troupers.

The Department of Homeland Security now runs the police forces of this nation and is under total controlled of the President. One word from the President and all police forces in the nation will be nationalized and follow Homeland’s commands.… continue reading

Spreading the wealth around will cause a revolution. In this great or greatest depression the government should spread the jobs around through a national four day work week.

Fifty years ago futurists were saying that by the year 2000 man would be working 10 to 20 hours a week because of increased productivity and automation.  Here we are in 2009 and we are still working the same forty hour week that people did in the 1950’s.

I have a novel idea which I am sure government will have to propose sooner or later as unemployment plagues the land.  In this great or greatest depression the government should spread the jobs around through a national four day work week.  Obama’s plan to spread the wealth around by robbing the productive will just cause a revolution.… continue reading

The Christian conservative counterrevolution to take back America from the radicals must start today

The article by Dave Daubenmire is full of truth and Christian people need to start paying attention. We have had a coup in America  and socialist communists are now in almost total control.

For decades the apathetic people of the United States allowed the educational system to become dominated by evolutionists, atheists, feminists, perverts and socialists. In other words, all who are in rebellion against the God of the Bible, and those who see the United States as the enemy of their idealist humanist global world order. The one thing that unites the Far Left and Islam is  hate against America

While most in America were sleeping over the decades they became well organized and promoted their own.… continue reading

Stupid Americans have put their future in the hands of liberal elitists who intend to destroy our way of life

These are a few of the things the liberals and democrats have brought up just in just the last few days to “IMPROVE” our country.

Obama promises immigration reform (The American people made it clear that they were against amnesty. Who will pay for it? The liberals want it because a larger Latino population will get them more votes.

Obama signs Presidential Determination allowing Palestinians loyal to Hamas to resettle in the United States (Hamas is a terrorist organization so we are now going to resettle terrorists here)

Senator Boxer to ramrod The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which opponents say could destroy American sovereignty by imposing international rulings on American law, could reach the Senate within 60 days.… continue reading

We are already at the start of a liberal depression according to Gerald Celente and Doug Casey.

Here are two perspectives on the economy from two astute people, one is world trend forecaster Gerald Celente and the other is Doug Casey. Both say that we already are in a depression.

The government lies about unemployment today so many people do not see the real picture. The government says the rate of unemployment is 7.6 percent as of January and they say that this figure does not compare to the Great Depression of the 1930’s when unemployment was 20 to 30 percent. However, in reality the unemployment today is really over 15 percent if government counted all the unemployed as they did in the 1930’s.… continue reading

The media created Obama administration of folly, deception and polices for a great depression

The conditions for huge trade imbalances with China really began under the Clinton administration. The problems needed to be dealt with early on but now that China holds much of our debt and is having its own economic crises and its leadership is threatened is not the time to corner this tiger. The response will be predictable. Did anyone in this administration learn anything about the causes of the last great depression? If nations try to solve this current crises through a retreat into protectionism we are heading for a huge world wide depression and wars. This is a prime example of why in a time of crises you do not put into power a man who has not shown any experience or any wisdom in his life.… continue reading

Liberals intend to pull a fast one on stupid American suckers

The liberals are using the economic downturn as an excuse to get every social program they ever wanted funded in one shot in the name of a economic stimulus package. They now do not have to push new spending bills through Congress and be exposed for the big spending liberals that they are. They just lie and pass a fraudulent bill and call it a stimulus package and the sucker taxpayers do not know the difference.

If you look at what they are putting in this bill it will not stimulate the economy. This is nothing but a big increase in the government welfare state and it will bankrupt this nation.… continue reading

Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Many “black Christians” have chosen their Obamanation. I read that 97 percent of blacks voted for this abortionist.

We voted for him because the world is full of poor children who need food, they say! While the wolf enacts executive orders to kill off their next generation.

I have news for these “black Christians”. There is no skin color in the Body of Christ. Choose this day whom you will serve. Will you serve God or people with a tan that display the spirit of anti-Christ in their policies? Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Dave Daubenmire — More Black Than Christian

The history of black Americans is one of deep abiding faith and perseverance through generations of oppression.

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Under the Democrats and Obama there cannot be a long term recovery and the Republicans will not come to the rescue.

The quoted article is the Obama administration through the eyes of Dick Morris. Much of what Dick Morris says will come true but there are many twists and turns that cannot be forecast.

As Morris says only half the nation will soon be paying taxes and the other half will be getting government handouts. How then can the Republicans expect big gains in 2010 and 2012 when the majority in this nations will be dependents of the Democrat government? That makes no sense. Morris also underestimates the power of media to spin all the failures that will occur as necessary pains for later success.… continue reading

Day one and already the obama-nation begins

On day one of his presidency the White house announces their demented agenda for destruction of the family, the moral foundation of our nation, the end of free religious expression, the devastation of our military, and supporting a culture of disease and early death.

They certainly are not wasting any time pushing their godless agenda to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah. I simply do not understand how some Christians actually think that the God of the Bible will work good through the evils of an Obama administration.

Obama Administration Has Hate Crime Agenda on Website Within Hours of President Obama Taking Oath

# Expand Hate Crimes Statutes:

# Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

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America just changed from a constitutional republic to a national personality cult.

I think this article identifies the dangers of the Obama administration as good as any I have read. The nation has traded its soul for the audacity to hope in a national savior figure that speaks great things but never accomplish anything worthy of that trust. In other words, most in this nation have now traded in our Republic for a national personality cult. Historically when this happens what inevitably follows for that nation is tyranny.

You all also need to read this, it was announced on the Oprah show that the light of the new age is here (Obama). Caution it is enough to make a sane person barf.… continue reading

The night that brought the old Yankee gravy train down

Pat Buchanan sees the economic fix by our government the same way I do. Bush, Obama and the entire Congress are now making the same mistakes that brought us to this crises in the first place and they are now multiplying those mistakes exponentially. Their misguided unconstitutional treasonous policies can only bring this nation down. Within two years the United States will either default on its debts or within five years the USA will inflate their way to the same end result. The consequences to this nation will mean the loss of its superpower status in the world, a break up of the Union and a living standard for most in North America that is comparable to that of Mexico today.… continue reading

Civil war is certain if people try to overthrow our democratic republic.

Hal Lindsey believes this election will determine the path that America will take in the future. He gives many statements from our forefathers that warn us that a free people cannot take the path of big government control over the people. That position of course is correct.

One party in this election has obvious intentions of departing from the government that was set up by our founding fathers. So if you vote that party you would be more correct to call yourself a Marxist/Communist/Socialist than one who believes in our democratic constitutional republic. The other party is on life support. That is proven by the liberal choice they nominated for President.… continue reading

A Marxist Communist pig with lipstick is still a Marxist Communist pig

Christians need to expose political correctness for what it is instead of acting like it just a harmless reform-minded movement. It is Marxism and it is very regressive not progressive. I do not know why people are afraid to call the Far left in this nation what they are. They are Marxist Communists. They often quote right out of the communist manifesto. They Go to Marxist religious services and want a Big Brother Marxist fascist government that will enforce communistic rules on everyone but themselves.

They are taking over this nation because people are afraid to expose them for what they are.… continue reading

Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan says Barack Obama is the Messiah

Louis Farrakhan the black Muslim prophet has spoken. The Half Black Messiah is Obama. The scriptures foreshadowed him. Like Melchisedec no one really knows who his father is or where in the world he came from. 🙄

It is obvious that to some Obama is one of those false Christs that the Bible warned would come.

Barack O-holy-bama,
I have been saved!

It’s not just Merten who has seen the light. The media, too, is dancing around in an orgiastic frenzy, plastering magazine covers of Obama’s suspiciously smooth and unlined face (Photoshop, anyone?) backlit by an ethereal glow while simultaneously retouching McCain’s face with just the right dash of decrepitude.

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The American Christian of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015AD under an Obama administration

The Focus on the Family Letter by the fictional Christian of 2012 AD if anything is understating what will actually happen in the U.S. and the world if the Far Left controls all three branches of government and the media. If the Far Left then hinders opposition and free speech and thus fixes the election of 2012AD as we know they will attempt to do, then by 2013 AD that fictional Christian will be living in a leftist fascist state that persecutes anyone expressing what is not politically correct and in 2014-2015AD if he survives the revolution and secession of 2014AD he will be living in the Confederation of Free Sovereign States of America (CFSSA).… continue reading