Oprah has rejected true Christianity for the satanic counterfeit

Lets not also forget “The Secret” and many other pagan books and ideas that Oprah supports besides just what Warren Smith mentions here.

It is no coincidence that Oprah is supporting Obama who has the same spirit of universalism. They both really worship the god of this world. Oprah believes that all ways lead to God or that we are all part of God apart from accepting Jesus the creator of the universe, the only possible savior.

The world is experiencing an invasion of doctrines of demons and it is coming through media, political leaders, and “Christian” religious leaders. This apostasy from the true faith to doctrines of demons was predicted for the end times.… continue reading

Interspiritual international New Spirituality Blackbirds of a feather flock together

The world is definitively emerging toward a universal religion. But, If they do not use the Door they will never enter in to fellowship with God, no matter how spiritually unified these New Spirituality black birds become.

Doug Pagitt, Rob Bell to Join Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, UN at Interspiritual Event – CWN

in one of the boldest moves yet in their promotion of New Spirituality, Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell are joining the Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, and a whole line-up of New Spirituality proponents for the Seeds of Compassion Interspiritual Event in Seattle on April 15 to nurture “spirituality” in youth.

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Pantheism is rapidly replacing Secular Humanism

The postmodern generation is shifting into the belief that they can create their own humanistic utopia by just harnessing collective powers. Man creates His own reality. That’s “The Secret”, The “Word of Faith” movement, it is postmodern thought moving into the Emerging Church and it all originates from Eastern thought where God is everything.

Collectively mankind becomes God and all religions are paths to cosmic consciousness.

The distinctions between the children of light and the children of darkness on the earth are becoming well defined in these last days. One family on earth claims to be children of God because of what God did for them and the other family claim to be self evolving god’s.… continue reading

The postmodern movement moves to the past to relearn traditions of men and old doctrines of demons

I think much of the postmodern movement are made up of those who are just too damn lazy to study the Bible. It is so much easier for them to learn to contemplate their navel until “divine” revelation pops into their head. The leaders of this movement are quite different and deceptive, they know exactly where they are taking this group. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Paul warned us about. If they do not qualify I would like to know who does?

If you notice it is not just happening in Christianity the old pagan practices spouted by media stars are also coming back to the future to the world in brand new wrappers.… continue reading

A Religious UN in Rome is proposed.

Powerful figures have proposed a body that will speak with a united voice for world religion. I don’t thing that this should surprise Bible prophecy students or the fact that it will be set up in Rome. Revelation says the Harlot woman rides the Beast and the Harlot woman sets up in a city that could only be Rome.

Prophecy News Watch – Biblical Prophecy in the News

The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and Pope Benedict XVI.Veltroni

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The big shift to the great apostasy and its doctrines of demons.

I hardly knew what to do with this article because I hate quoting so much of anyone’s writing but in this case i think it is necessary. I really want you to read this entire article for yourself because you need to know where all the “New Spirituality” you hear on Oprah and the “shift” talk of the emergent movement and the popular feel good ministers of TV are taking people.

If this article does not convince you that we are the verge of the great apostasy of “Christianity” I guess nothing will wake you up. What follows are some clip quotes from the article but you really have to read the full article to get the full flavor of this.… continue reading

Is there a New Apostolic Reformation or an old deception?

I came across this excellent article today about “The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation”, by Bob De Waay. It is about how the Latter Rain movement morphed into the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

Christians need to know the truth about these self appointed anointed and other Christians need to separate from these leaders bringing them into Apostasy.

One thing I have found out for myself over the years is that when certain leaders claim Apostolic positions and special prophetic anointing from God they are always lying.

clipped from cicministry.org
This article explores the idea of apostles in the church throughout church
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Rick Warren continues to make very bazaar statements

Rich Warren says the future of the world lies in religious pluralism. Does this man read his Bible at all? The future of the world lies in Jesus Christ alone. Why are Christians still following this double minded man?

clipped from www.christianworldviewnetwork.com
Secularism is quite small outside Europe and Manhattan,” he joked.
“The future of the world lies in religious pluralism.”
–Rick Warren

Read through the points carefully again, and you will see where Rick Warren is taking evangelicals. His beliefs about pluralism explain why he can go to Jewish synagogues and never mention the name of Christ, or appear at secular conferences or shows like Comedy Central and never once mention Jesus and the way of eternal salvation.

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The Governor of Purgatory is giving bonus miles in Purgatory for trips to Lourdes this year.

My Bible tells me that Jesus took all my sins on Himself at the sacrifice that He did at the Cross. Pope Benedict thinks that this is now his role as Governor of Purgatory.

For my Catholic readers. There is no purgatory and indulgences are a damnable heresy. What Pope Benedict XVI said in this article makes him a false prophet and an old religious fool who appeals to silly old women and gullible superstitious people. Catholicism needs to return to true Christianity rather than to medieval doctrines of heretics.

Trips to Lourdes to cut time spent in purgatory – Telegraph: “Pope Benedict XVI is offering relief from purgatory to Roman Catholics who travel to Lourdes over the next year, the Vatican said yesterday.”

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Rick Warren, Reconciliation Peace, and Brian McLaren

Is there any doubt why Rick Warren has change “planting churches” to “promote reconciliation” in the P of his P.E.A.C.E plan acronym? Rick Warren obviously has bought into Dominion Theology and Brian McLaren’s heresy. Willow Creek’s seeker churches have as well. If nobody sees the setting up of the world harlot who rides the Beast of Revelation taking place here they have little understanding of Bible prophecy. Not to mention the scriptures that warn us that this end time apostasy would come from among those who call themselves “Christians”.

The Latest “P” – Reconciliation “Put this quotation on a global scale and apply it to tribes and warring factions, people groups and nations, and you can see how grandiose this thinking becomes.

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Muslims Leaders Warn Pope Survival of World at Stake

This is precisely what will take place because of the war on Islamo-Fascism. After that leads the world to the brink the moderates of the world will unite on common ground and fundamental religious groups will be outlawed. Of course at that time it will be hate speech to try to convert anyone to their own belief or to say that Jesus is the only way to God. We already see here that moderate Muslims will have no problem becoming part of the end time harlot religion for sake of world peace. We also see the reason why fundamental Christians will be persecuted just as if they were as dangerous as radical Islamics.continue reading

Lutherans in the Twilight Zone

Nothing surprises me anymore as pseudo Christianity enters the Twilight Zone and mounts the Beast.

Lutherans in the Twilight Zone – CWN: “Sadly and unfortunately, the ELCA has taken a cowardly and unbiblical approach to this volatile issue. They, obviously, need to make up their minds as to whether they are going to obey God and His Word or plant their feet firmly in mid-air of post-modern rationalism. A wise man told me years ago that, “when you try to appease everyone you will please no one.”

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The Eucharistic Jesus merges with the Emergent Church

This article should give you some idea how the Catholic Church and the Emergent church Protestants mystics become the culmination of Revelation chapter 17 (the woman who rides the Beast).

From the Lighthouse For those who are not aware of the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization program, let me provide a brief overview. The Catholic Church plans to establish the kingdom of God on earth and win the world to the Catholic Jesus (i.e., the Eucharistic Christ). This will be accomplished when the world (including the separated brethren) comes under the rule and reign of Rome and this Eucharistic Jesus.The Eucharistic Jesus is supposedly Christ’s presence that a Catholic priest summons through the power of transubstantiation, the focal point of the Mass.

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Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading

Pope wants the Mass in Latin

Every time I get stupid enough to think that the Pope seems to be moving in a more orthodox Christian direction he regress to doctrines that leads me to think he knows nothing about true Christianity. What will bringing back Latin mumble jumbo in the Mass do other than satisfy feelings of nostalgia for those who grew up on this mindless ritual?

The Catholic Mass was put into the common language so that people could understand what the priest was doing and saying. Now this Pope wants to make it all mystical again. The correct position to take if he ever wants to start on a path to unite Christianity would be to do away with the Mass altogether since the Mass is not supported by scripture.continue reading