The bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities is likely, justified and necessary for any peace

Pat Buchanan sometimes gets it both right and wrong at the same time. He is insightful and makes the case why the U.S. needs to bomb Iran and probably will. But then his attitude suggests that Bush is a war monger and Bush would be wrong to carry this bombing out.

Would it put McCain in office like Pat suggests? Well for that to happen it would have to be a short sharp war that carries out its military objectives like Pat suggests. If it does that Pat should celebrate the victory and the decade of peace it will bring and not whine.… continue reading

Man redefining their scriptures for world peace

If Muslims just put new meanings on the passages they do not like in the Qur’an you will have created a man made hybrid religion. That would be feasible for only those Muslims that do not really believe their scriptures literally came from God anyway. We have those people in Christianity as well, they have a man made hybrid Christianity that is devoid of any salvation. When all religions do what you suggest we will have Universalism but no truth. Not that there was any truth in Islam to start with, but true Christianity is truth.

What is suggested is that man redefines the scriptures and accepts what he wants and rejects what he does not want.… continue reading

Parsley and McCain prove that Fascism can also come from the religious right

What do Ron Parsley and John McCain have in common? They both see grave danger in Islam to the world. Obviously for Ron Parsley the number one criteria for being a conservative is to be against Islam.

We have here a religious leader and a political leader that would be more than willing to lead a military fight against Islam all over the world. Sure, that might be what it ultimately comes down to anyway, but do you really want the U.S. to actually promote this war? Need I explain the impact that a world war would have on our civil liberties and standards of living?… continue reading

One well placed rocket will cause a new Middle East war.

It really is a matter of when not if. Rockets are being launched into Israel every day. It is just a matter of time before one hits a target that kills many people. Then all hell will break loose. That is why any talk of peace while the terrorist enemies of Israel are gathering thousand of rockets and are free to launch them against Israel is just plain demented thinking. Until the terrorists can be stopped their can be no peace. Israel might as well just wake to that fact and eliminate them. It is like the US declaring peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan while the resistance is going stronger than ever.… continue reading

Comparing The life of Jesus with the life of Muhammad

This is a great article that compares the life of Jesus with the life of Muhammad. When one looks at the life of the founders of the two religion there really is no comparison between the two.

One point though, if anyone really thinks the world is 33 percent Christian they do not know what a Christian is. I will admit that 33 percent of the world identify with Christianity but that is not the same thing as them being Christians.

Jesus and Muhammad compared

What motivates fundamental Muslims to violence? Much effort has gone into answering this. Muslim apologists are quick to point out Christians have also committed violence.

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Why Obama’s Muslim background Matters

Those are fair points to bring up because they will be brought up. If Obama claims to practice Christianity he will be on the radials Islam hit list. If he embraces Islam he will sell out on Israel and could not take decisive action in the war on Islamic extremism anywhere in the world.

In Actuality I think Obama is either an atheist or believes in Universalism. He himself says that he is Universalistic, meaning that he would think that all paths ultimately led to God. However, I believe by his moral positions that he is totally secular and only uses religion for his own end.… continue reading

Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

I admire his courage. I also hope his life insurance is paid up. I also wonder who will have the courage to run his film. I guess he will have to upload it to the Internet but I doubt if anyone will have the courage to allow it on their Internet site. I wonder if the dutch will confiscate the film anyway before it is even released. I hope he has some copies hid somewhere.

If it ever is shown I expect the reaction from the Islamofascists will be about what we would expect…burning, looting, riots, world demonstrations etc.

Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran – International Herald Tribune: “THE HAGUE, Netherlands: A Dutch conservative lawmaker said Wednesday he is making a film to highlight what he describes as ‘fascist’ passages in the Quran, his latest high profile criticism of Islam.

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Common ground betwen Islam and Christianity?

Take a look at the signatories on this letter. Among them are Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Robert Schuller.

God did not call Christians to establish common ground with unbelievers. He told us to preach the good new of salvation through Jesus Christ. It does not matter to these “Christian” leaders that Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind and the Son of God?

I also find it unbelievable that Christians would call Mohammad a prophet. This demonic man got nothing from God but instead he established a religion that would be in direct opposition to God’s people.

I also have news for all of you.continue reading

Collapse of civilization is near

Your not crazy, the collapse of civilization as we know is near. Many of these surplus men will make up the army of the 200 million out of the East in Revelation. There are 163 million surplus men now but there will be many more by 2030. By the time all the end time events play out the Bible says this surplus of men will change to men becoming rarer than gold.

WorldNetDaily: Collapse of civilization is near: “At this risk of sounding like a crazy person, I am driven to say I believe a civilizational collapse is near. Worse, I think it is too late to reverse.

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Dr. Mahmoud Strangelove, I believe?

They think they will be dancing in the street if they nuked Israel but in reality those that survived the counter strikes would all be cowering in feces filled caves.

American Thinker: Dr. Mahmoud Strangelove, I believe?: “The case for a preemptive nuclear strike by Israel is becoming more and more compelling. Israel has been openly threatened with Holocaust for three decades by the Khomeini cult. Their expressed intentions couldn’t be clearer. If you yell, ‘I’m going to shoot you, cop!’ every day for thirty years, and finally aim a loaded gun, any cop will open fire. Israel has an estimated 200 nuclear weapons, three decades of experience working with them, and nuclear-armed submarines, jet bombers, and cruise missiles.

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Zechariah’s and Hal Lindsey’s warning to Bush and Condi

Bush and Rice have no knowledge of the prophetic significance of what is going on in the Middle East. Bush displayed that he does not even have understanding of Christianity with his all religions pray to the same God statements. That is what they must of taught him in his 12 step program. He did not learn that from any Christian teaching. I also wonder why lately we tend to make unmarried woman our Secretary of State? This reflects a feminizing of our State Department and foreign policy. They now think like leftists who believe all world problems can be achieved through compromise and appeasement.continue reading

Muslims Leaders Warn Pope Survival of World at Stake

This is precisely what will take place because of the war on Islamo-Fascism. After that leads the world to the brink the moderates of the world will unite on common ground and fundamental religious groups will be outlawed. Of course at that time it will be hate speech to try to convert anyone to their own belief or to say that Jesus is the only way to God. We already see here that moderate Muslims will have no problem becoming part of the end time harlot religion for sake of world peace. We also see the reason why fundamental Christians will be persecuted just as if they were as dangerous as radical Islamics.continue reading

China is Fascist and the world will be Fascist by 2020

Joe Farah is correct. China is not communistic it is now Fascist. In fact the whole world is become Fascist step by step. Every right the government takes away from its citizens and every new dictated social agenda is one more step toward Fascism. China is now Fascist, Most Islamic countries are now Fascist, The EU is heading toward Fascism, Russia is moving toward Fascism, if not already their. Many Latin America countries are Fascist, The US is moving toward Fascism. The UN polices reflect that they believe in Fascism. Global warming agendas are Fascist.

At the rate the world is going I would say the entire world will be totally Fascist by 2020.continue reading

Is the prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?

* I think Hal Lindsey is correct in this clip quoted from his article that appeared on WND. Syria will be wiped out in the war on Islamofascism. Then the moderates will ascend to power in the Islamic nations and there will be a period of peace with Israel. Then Iraq and Israel will become the economic hubs of the Middle East. Later Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel that is resting in peace and many Islamic nations join with him but not Iraq. These forces are defeated by God. Iraq then becomes the center point of Babylon the Great of Revelation and the Middle East.continue reading

The Future of Western Civilization Depends on Two Things

The writer of this article does not have it quite right. The Messiah was not predicted by Jesus. The Messiah was Jesus. The Messiah that your looking for will turn out to be the Antichrist. He will be the wicked shepherd who will not spare the flock (Israel). Jesus warned you of this. He said that He came in His Fathers name and you would not accept Him but One will come in his own name and him you will accept.” You will, unless you accept Jesus as Messiah.

American Thinker: The Future of Western Civilization Depends on Two Things: “This scenario also includes the hope of the Messiah, one who will provide profound leadership and usher in an age of genuine peace.

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Israel to give up Temple Mount?

OK, here is the scoop. The atheists running Israel would give up their own mother if they thought it would bring peace. Israel does not have administrative control of the temple mount anyway. They cannot do anything there without permission from the Arabs. The Jewish leaders know they cannot deny access to the temple mount to Jews or they would be looking for new jobs. Therefore, this is what will happen in any peace agreement. The temple mount will be put under control of the UN with administration by International ecumenical religious nut cases. Under the agreement Christians, Muslims and Jews will have access to their holy areas on the mount.continue reading

Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

Here comes another film from the wisdom of atheists who attack what they know nothing about. I see nothing about Islam in this article? It would not surprise me that Bill Maher would exclude Islam in his film. These people attack what they do not know and fear what they do know.

Mather, you cannot possibly know about Christianity if you do not believe in the righteousness of God. So you cannot offer anyone any wisdom on this subject. It is rather ridiculous for people to be making films on topics they know nothing about. It is not a comedy it is a tragedy.continue reading

Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God Allah

Where do they grow these buffoons? The Bishop says God does not care what we call Him? We can debate where the name Allah really came from – The language or a demon god — but that is not the main issue anyway. The Quran says that Allah has NO SON. So how does Christians calling God Allah make Christians submissive to Islam’s Allah who has no son, as Islam requires? Christianity clearly says that if you do not have the Son you do not have the Father either. Islam does not have the Son and therefore does not have the Father either.continue reading

Evangelicals tell Bush to support a Palestinian State in the land of Israel

The list of the signatories makes it clear that this letter is from a bunch of replacement theology dominionists. They do not represent those who take the Bible literally. The Bible clearly says the land of Israel was given to descendants of Israel forever. Yet, the letter from them says that the “Palestinians” had a right to the “land of Israel”. They contradict themselves in their own letter! They first call it the “land of Israel” and then say the “land of Israel” also belongs to non Israelites. The solution they endorse is not a solution since Islam is violently opposed to Israel and always will be until Jesus returns.continue reading

The Emergent Manifesto for a new age religion

I think it is fairly clear from scripture that true Bible believing Christians will one day become the targets of other religious people who have played the harlot with “new age” pagan mysticism and an all ways lead to God mentality. Frankly, they will be glad to get rid of us if we do depart in the rapture. If we do not, or if some are left behind they will certainly want to eliminate us from the earth thinking they are doing God a favor.

Revelation is clear that persecution will come when the fifth seal is opened and it is also clear that all the blood of the saints of the earth is found within the woman who rides the Beast of Revelation 17.continue reading