Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

A home mortgage now makes sense as the ultimate hedge against inflation

A large mortgage on a property now only makes sense as the ultimate hedge against inflation because the government will be financing and subsidizing your tangible property for the duration of the loan.

The reason why long term interest rates are so ridiculously low is that people running our economic system fear deflation so they are spending money that we do not have to kick the can (the day of reckoning) down the road. I think it is now obvious that our government will not allow a deflationary depression. We are heading for a lot of inflation in the future. The government will just keep spending more than it has to try to stimulate the economy.… continue reading

Any American recovery in practice will go back to the American way

Forget all the theory that the economists and socialists keep peddling to us. Any American recovery in practice must go back to the American way! The American way is one of self reliance and reliance on community not reliance on big government and its entrenched bureaucrats. I really do not think America will choose to go back to the American way but if they did the following is probably the way to do it.

Taxes – Do away with the IRS. Get rid of all income taxes on corporations and individuals. Get rid of all payroll taxes on employers. There would be no deduction for employees other than a 15 percent deductions for all health and social programs (see below).… continue reading

1930’s socialists reincarnated to play in the 2010’s world war games.

There are many parallels to the 1930’s today. History does repeat itself. It seems the socialists of the 1930’s have been reincarnated to play in the upcoming 2010’s world war games.

In the 1930’s the world was heading into a decade of deep depression. All indicators are that in the 2010’s the world will see the same economic fate. In the 1930’s socialism was the big rising ideology. There were some differences between the various socialisms of the 1930’s but they all had many similarities as well, such as government having control over everyone and the redistributing wealth. There was the Hitler’s style, the Lenin/Stalin’s style, Mussolini’s Fascist style, Mao’s style and even FDR’s New Deal style.… continue reading

Soon after the third stimulus America will be living under a dictatorship.

I have been saying all along that there will not be any real economic recovery any time soon. Now it looks like the markets have finally figured that out as well. By this fall unemployment will be rising again. When one third of the homes being sold in America are in foreclosure how in the world can people expect a real economic recovery? Here are just some of the things still coming down the pipeline this year and next. I think within a few years this will bring us under a dictatorship.

Even a higher rate of home foreclosures – It looks like there will be a trillion dollar bail-out of Fannie and Freddy by American taxpayers.… continue reading

Worn out loafing around on the Internet in a tired world.

I wanted to write a couple of new articles on something worth knowing this week but the chances of that seem to be getting slimmer all the time. Between comments, emails, website administration and modifications, keeping up with the news, shopping for food, yard work, a garden that is out of control, all my high mileage vehicles needing repair, my wife going on a mission trip, a birthday, spraying the fruit trees, taking care of the animals, doing bills, a holiday coming up, sleeping , etc. I find that there just are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.… continue reading

The Obama Midas touch turns U.S. government policy into fools gold

The Golden One and his handpicked apostles (Czars) apparently do not have the Midas touch after all. In fact, the Obama administration seems to be cursed. Everything touched by Obama and his administration turns into fools gold.

The oil has been gushing in the gulf for two months now. I am not blaming Obama for the oil well failure but some of the blame has to go to people like him that create environmental laws that force Oil Companies to drill fifty miles off-shore.  Also, the buck stops with Obama for poor government oversight of BP and for failure to come up with a solution to this problem and the bumbling with the clean-up .… continue reading

The truth about the sorry state of our American Union

Here is the truth about the sorry state of our American Union.

  • There have been 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973.
  • 1 in every 15 people in the United States will actually do prison time. Many more are convicted of felonies but it is a first offense and they only get probation. Many more than that committed a felony but plea bargain to a lessor crime. Also, most crimes are never reported and/or the criminal either does not get caught or is not prosecuted for various reasons.
  • Well over half of all American adults have used Illegal drugs at least once.
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The world is rapidly going nuts

In order to stay informed, I average about four hours each day just reading articles. Here is a sample of the good news that I recall reading about just today. There were many other credible articles like why there will be no economic recovery and it will become worse than a depression and why Obama is making all the wrong decisions on just about everything. I even read one article that claims Obama will resign before 2012 (one can always hope )

Myanmar  is trying to develop nuclear weapons with the help of North Korea.

One article seems to think the flotilla battle might be the start of the ‘Gog and Magog’ war.… continue reading

America’s fifty-first state: The state of Denial.

America had 50 states in their union for quite some time now but even before the talk of admitting Puerto Rico America already admitted the state of Denial into the union as the fifty-first state. I think the state of Denial can be synonymous with The District of Columbia. The representatives in this 51st state reflects all the American people that continue to live in denial about many things in America.

When you get enough greedy people living in the state of Denial an economic crash becomes inevitable. Just a few years ago American blind optimists thought the real estate boom would never end and many were living beyond their means on real estate loans but they have now received a doze of economic reality.… continue reading

Earth in upheaval

I know Immanuel Velikovsky used the same title for one of his books but most of this generation would not be aware of that. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote several books about catastrophism in Earth’s geological past. His theory of planets in collision gives natural causes for the flood and the other judgments in the Bible. If you reject evolution you might read his books because there is a lot of truth in what he wrote, but even geniuses like Velokosvsky do not get everything right. He certainly did not acknowledge that God also works through supernatural means. His theory of “planets in collision” most likely has some validity especially since his theories were rejected by most of the scientific world.… continue reading

Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

I wish I could tell people want they want to hear but that would make me just another liar. The truth is that it will not be long before American cities start burning and we wake up in a police state. The economy of America will go into further decline and before long the United States will no longer be united.

Some think this will happen because Americans have rejected God. That may be the reason why God will remove the special hedge of protection we have had but all nations on earth have rejected the true God and most remain as viable nations.… continue reading

The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

Talk about the Obama recovery makes me want to wear tall boots. The recovery seems to me to be designed to last until after the 2010 fall election. I think the Obama recovery has bubbles filled with toxic tax, toxic debt and toxic economic policies that will burst on America insuring there will be no meaningful recovery during this democratic administration. On the contrary, economic bottom is not even on the horizon.

Even most in government are blind to this because since the days when Vice President Al Gore was tasked to reinvent government, critical thinking among government employees has been frowned upon.… continue reading

From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

I guess Americans are not quite as dumb about the economy as they are about politics or the majority would never have voted Marxists and Fabian socialists into office. Almost 80 percent of Americans believe the economy might collapse and believe that politicians in Washington do not have a clue how to fix this problem. They of course are 100 percent correct. The economy will collapse and I think the fall is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe. America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente still says the second phase of the collapse will take place this year.continue reading

The world is very unstable we have reached the unraveling point.

Have you noticed that the world is becoming extremely unstable on every front? The only nation that kept the world fairly stable since the Second World War now is projecting a great deal of instability to the rest of the world. Because of our own unraveling the whole world is about to unravel into a third world war and all sorts of evils. Obama with his lame brain foreign policy that projects weakness reflects a major aspect of this national unraveling.

This is the first America president that acts and thinks like a third world president. Will the nation be made into his image? … continue reading

America will default on national debt or have Hyperinflation before 2020

I guess you heard that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has said our federal national debt will be about $22 trillion by 2020. I think it will be many trillions higher than what they say but don’t confuse our government national debt with our government negative net worth. What we owe in debt and entitlements is now well over $70 trillion and is now increasing by $5 trillion a year.

The obligations we owe exceeds the whole gross domestic products of the world ten times over. People really have to be blind to the facts to think that we can ever repay these obligations in today’s dollars.… continue reading

Would Christian repentance in America heal the land or would national repentance be required?

This article really should be two articles but since the topics relate to the same problem of repentance in America I will try to integrate them. The question is, would Christian repentance in America heal the land or will national repentance be required to heal the land? Too often I hear teachers and preachers say that if Christians will humble themselves and pray God will heal our nation. Is that really true? We will look at this presumption later but first I want to deal with a related issue.

Often you will hear the slogan that “We must take America back” It sounds good but who do “we” take America back from and to whom do we give America to?… continue reading

A deadly game of chicken will soon play out with the Chinese great red dragon

There is one crises spot in the world that few dare speak about because they do not want to irk a fire breathing dragon. I am talking about China the once sleeping giant that is now economically devouring the world. While the whole world is mired in stagnation or depression the Chinese dragon is red hot. However, a deadly game of chicken will soon play out with the Chinese great red dragon when the world gets red hot over the Chinese driven unemployment.

The United States currently buys four times the amount of goods from China than China buys from the United States.… continue reading

Writing without any rhyme or reason

One of the problems with a blog it that you have to post regularly or you risk losing your audience and your rankings with indexes like Google. However, there are those times that you simply do not have anything you really want to say at least nothing you want to write about in great detail. This is one of those times. Many things are going through my head but probably nothing worth writing on that I have not already written about.  Therefore, I am posting without any rhyme or reason and even I do not know what I am going to say today.… continue reading