A few recent interesting emails answered by Don Koenig

I am studying the feast period between Pentecost, Trumpets and Atonement.  Specifically,  I am presently focusing on the day counts and prophetic implications between Trumpets and Atonement.   
Messiah Yeshua fulfilled the Spring feasts to the day.  It seems that the day count ended with Pentecost and that the period between Pentecost and Atonement may be days of years as in the case of Daniel’s 70th week. 
There are 10 days between Trumpets and Atonement.  Most expect that Daniel’s 70th week will occur prophetically during these 10 days/years.  Mainstream biblical scholars (pre-trib/millenialists) say that Daniel’s week happens here.   
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Compromising the gospel for church growth and American idol heretics.

I get no joy out of telling people that much of what is being passed off as Christianity today is counterfeit. Those American Idols that are pushing modern heresies on people may think they are being opened minded but they really have become a willing door of Satanic deception. Satan’s goal is to get people who identify with Christianity to doubt fundamental doctrines that uniquely define who a Christian is. Satan then substitutes Christian doctrine with doctrines of demons in order to create counterfeits of the Christian religion. These demonic bastardizations of Christianity are not true Christianity.

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

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“I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post because most of what Glenn Beck says is as American as American pie. Nevertheless, most Christians leaders so love the sugar in the American pie that Beck is dishing out that they are also gobbling down the deadly crust that molds it. When Glenn Beck stays on politics he is pretty good but when he talks about God he is so far off the Christian reservation that he might as will be on planet Kolob (Where Father God of the Mormons lives).

First let me once again comment on Mormonism in general.… continue reading

Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan says Barack Obama is the Messiah

Louis Farrakhan the black Muslim prophet has spoken. The Half Black Messiah is Obama. The scriptures foreshadowed him. Like Melchisedec no one really knows who his father is or where in the world he came from. 🙄

It is obvious that to some Obama is one of those false Christs that the Bible warned would come.

Barack O-holy-bama,
I have been saved!

It’s not just Merten who has seen the light. The media, too, is dancing around in an orgiastic frenzy, plastering magazine covers of Obama’s suspiciously smooth and unlined face (Photoshop, anyone?) backlit by an ethereal glow while simultaneously retouching McCain’s face with just the right dash of decrepitude.

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Obama, Oprah, and Tolle’s narcissism will bring the world New Age enlightenment?

This article sure hits the nail on the head. It makes the connection between Obama, Oprah and Tolle. This trinity of malignant narcissist’s think that they will actually change the world from what it is, to a “world as it should be”.

Imagine having Obama in the White house and having Oparah and Tolle as his advisers. Obama will control what you are told from the political, Oprah will greatly influence TV addicts, and Tolle will be the false prophet of a New Age pluralist religion that tells the world to hail this elitist pluralist puppet speaking great things.

We already see that most of the world is putting their future hope in the Obamanation who has done absolutely nothing to warrant such a position or the world’s admiration.… continue reading

Parallels between The Shack God and A.A.’s higher power.

“The Shack”, by William P. Young is still a hugely popular and very deceptive book that is likely to become a movie. Those that believe there is a Christian message or theme in this book are totally deceived and must not believe biblical doctrine themselves at all. The book presents another God, another Christ, and another path to salvation. “The Shack” really promotes “New Age” all paths Universalism much like A.A. which itself was founded by a man who got messages from the occult. The book is blasphemous toward God presuming to speak for God while actually promoting a “Queen of Heaven” type God that does not exist.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam?

I get emails asking me if I believe the Antichrist will be Islamic. Some give me a list of reasons why I am wrong in my articles to think that the Antichrist will come from Christianity or Judaism. They send me reasons from other Bible prophecy teachers why the idea that Bible prophecy teachers thought the Antichrist will come from the Roman Empire was wrong and why he will really come from Islam. Although I respect the Bible prophecy teachers that are now teaching this I do not believe that the Antichrist and his Beast government will come out of Islam.continue reading

When the bell tolls for you don’t be found on Tolle’s New Earth

Due to overwhelming interest on my Oprah and Tolle Blog post I am posting another opinion of Tolle’s “A New Earth” book, by Debra Rae.
The teaser quotes that I am putting below is just a small sample of what is in the articles. I cannot do justice to Debra Rae’s article here you have to read the full articles.

I just want to make it clear to everyone that Tolle’s teaching in ” A New Earth” is totally contrary to the fundamental truths of Christianity and Christian Orthodoxy. It is Old Age and New Age paganism originated with the lie of the Serpent and man’s rebellion.… continue reading

Only Imagine Tolle and Oprah’s homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire!

The quotes are some excerpts from Debra Rae on “Only Imagine Tolle’s New Earth, Part 1” It looks like it is going to be a very good series.

For those into Tolle’s recycled and refined New Age religion I want you to only imagine homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire. Tolle and Oprah are only telling you a rehash of the same lie that the Serpent told Eve from the beginning, “That you can become like God”. No you can’t! You can become a very prideful deceived human like these two have become, believing that they are evolving into a superior race (homonoeticus).… continue reading

The black Marxist “Christianity” of Barack Obama

This is an excellent article that will help you understand the “Christian” faith of Barack Hussein Obama. It is not Christianity at all. It is Marxist Black Liberation Theology and has Black Muslim influences. It comes complete with their own version of Jesus. So who among you thinks it is wise to make a black cult member the leader of our nation? It shows us how far our nation has digressed that this Marxist is even in the running. Should Obama become President I hope you are truly ready for the dire consequences.

American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx

Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic.

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Emerging Christian leaders Envision a cosmic Christ

It is disturbing that Kay Warren, Brian McLaren, Jim Wallis and Samir Selmanovic would take part in these conferences that promote a pluralist cosmic false Christ and Universalism but it not surprising. If people cannot see where these undiscerning people are taking “emerging Christianity by now they have not been paying attention.

Kay Warren will be joining Brian McLaren, Jim Wallis, Samir Selmanovic and a number of other emerging church leaders at the Envision 08 Conference – CWN

Kay Warren will be joining Brian McLaren, Jim Wallis, Samir Selmanovic and a number of other emerging church leaders at the Envision 08 Conference.

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America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

Oprah and her New Age mystics arise for end time deception

I think that Oprah started believing her own press when some people made her out to be a goddess. Now she is promoting every New Age Guru that fits within her own belief that she has some divine connection.

I guess it would now be more than appropriate to call Oprah a Cult leader since she is brainwashing gullible people and teaching pagan beliefs from her media pulpits.

In my opinion Oprah is now the most dangerous woman on the planet and she would be a shoe in for Antichrist if she was not a woman. Maybe she will change sexes.… continue reading

Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief.… continue reading

Wright taught hatred toward whites, He is not Christian.

Obama in his speech twisted words for his own advantage to making the same old “blame whitey” claims for his perceived race problems in the U.S.

As if whitey forced many blacks to become amoral and destructive? Could it be that the real motivators for black amorality and hatred is the type of churches leaders that many choose to go listen to and be brainwashed? Churches led by evil people like Mr.Wright (no Rev. deserved) that teach hate, Marxism, and that take anti American and anti biblical viewpoints on every issue.  These are churches that are really racists Marxist cults. They do not preach a biblical Jesus Christ at all.… continue reading

Obama and Oprah receive the O’s and ah’s of earth’s idol worshipers.

It would not surprise me if Obama gives Oprah a Cabinet level position. In fact I think is is most likely. She helped make Obama the Idol he is. Oprah has money and fame now all she needs is high governmental powers to further her neo-pagan new spirituality agenda. It will be the perfect intolerant government for all that oppose their self deceived elitist Leftist, socialist, universalistic, self-righteous, neo-fascist administration.

Some think of Oprah as a god on earth and I am sure in her own “self enlightened” mind that she believes she has plenty of divine attributes.

Obviously there are some of us who think that millions are being deceived by these secret agents of Satan.… continue reading

The Obamainable Messiah

The Messiah came two thousand years ago and the only second coming will be the same Christ in the same body that left. The Bible indicates their will be many false Messiah’s in these last days and they we should not follow them. There will one day soon come a world hero with a hundred times the charisma of Obama. It should be obvious how easily the postmodern world will get sucked into the hysteria. The world has a history of making men god’s with very tragic consequences. Notice that the new age pagan false prophets fully expect someone more than human to help the world to evolute to an evolutionary higher plain.… continue reading

Seven reasons not to vote for the Obama Messiah

Obama has become the black Messiah for a whole generation. I will give you seven reasons you why you should not make this man your idol or vote for him.

First, he is just a man. Obama has no special powers unless they are demonic.

Second, get to know what he really plans to do. If you knew instead of just getting caught up in this mass hysteria you would know that he is a globalist socialist. He will make the US subservient to the UN and transfer US wealth to other nations.

Third, many of Obama’s moral positions are in direct opposition to the absolute truths of the Bible.… continue reading

New campaign debate: Is Satan Jesus’ brother?

Mormons say Jesus and Lucifer are Spirit brothers. So why is it religious bigotry to tell people what Mitt Romney must believe as a Mormon? If someone said that I believed in the Trinity it would not offend me – because I do. So why does their own sacred doctrine offend them?

Why? because they know Christians consider it heresy and that we know that this and many more doctrines of the Mormons are heresies in opposition to orthodox Christianity. They however do not want naive Christians to know that.

All the more reason we should give Christians information so that they will know that Mitt Romney does not have orthodox Christian beliefs and is in a cult.continue reading