Are you a Christian or just a great pretender?

Cal Thomas has it right. You have denied the faith if you think there are other paths to God besides through Jesus Christ. So are you a Christian or just a great pretender? If you find yourself believing there are many paths to God you really should remove yourself from the Christian faith and quit corrupting our churches. Also, evangelical pastors and leaders need to take heed and teach the gospel often because 60 percent who attend evangelical churches have not heard it or understood it. Not to mention that in the mainline churches it is 83 percent. So is it any wonder that these “Christians” pick politicians who actually oppose the faith.… continue reading

Emerging emergent heretics

This is a good article on the emerging Emergent Movement that sums up things quite accurately. They are a bunch of emergent heretics that the Bible clearly warned us would come in these last days to tickle the ears.

A Christian & Missionary Alliance Preacher Speaks Against Emergent Movement Heresy – CWN

To the Emergent Movement there is no systematic theology. The questioning of the absolute truth of the central doctrines of Christian teaching is sinful. Why you ask? Because it is not that they ask questions in order to gain greater understanding that would be fine. They ask for the purpose of calling into question the need to hold to the sacred teachings of the central doctrines of Christianity.

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Obama distorts biblical views simply because not being a Christian he really does not know them.

I do not think Obama actually knows the distinctions between the Old Testament codes and the New Covenant reality. Any Christian that knows the beliefs of Obama should know that he is not truly a Christian. How could a Black liberation theology social gospel “Christian” understand that the Church is not under the laws of the Old Testament? He just throws the whole Bible together not understanding the distinctions between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant and then he uses straw-man arguments when real Christians have no such concepts as he suggests.

For him to ask which Christianity is true James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s says wonders and is a no brainier?… continue reading

Most people in the U.S. say there are many ways to God, even among Evangelicals!

Did you catch ABC news today? 3/4 of people in the U.S. do not believe their religion is the only way to God.

If I remember right about 56 percent of Muslims also said that – Which explains why many Muslims say they are moderate although there is no such concept taught in the Quran.

I do not recall the percent of the Jews but it was very high. 60 percent were not sure they believed in God at all.

Catholics were at 79 percent – How do the people who claim that Catholicism is the one true Church believe there can be other truths and many ways to God?continue reading

Realistic imminent dangers to the United States within the next 15 years

I wrote these articles on imminent dangers to the United States a couple of years ago and they are on my website but I think in light of the world and national situation and the fact that many that read this blog have not read my main website it may be appropriate to post a review to these imminent danger to the United States on this blog. The greatest danger to America is in the next 15 years.

Imminent Danger for the United States of America Superpower

Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) – Imminent danger to the US # 1

Massive oil and gas disruptions – Imminent Danger to the U.S.continue reading

Rick Warren is still speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Rev Ken Silva is a former Catholic as I was. The means of Salvation in Roman Catholicism is twisted to say the least and the Protestant Reformation was the end result of their many heresies. So the question becomes how can Rick Warren embrace the Protestant Reformation and Roman Catholicism at the same time? Many saints gave up their lives to proclaim the true gospel but now Warren thinks we should get over creeds and have a reformation with Catholics on deeds?

Rick Warren is an expert at doublespeak, all in the discernment ministries are well aware of that. People need to hold him accountable for what he says and people like Ken Silva, Bob DeWaay, Roger Oakland and others do that.… continue reading

Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message but where is forgiveness for sin?

Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message .This article is a very interesting and new perspective by Cris Rosebrough on Rick Warren’s purpose driven message. It explains why all you hear from Warren is a works message of steps of “how to”. There is never any message of forgiveness of sin coming from Warren. Therefore, what Rick Warren preaches is only half true and it is only true for those who already heard the gospel of forgiveness for sin. You also see this carried out in Warren’s outreaches. They are all about how we can make our life or our world better if we do what God says but it offers little suggestion on how that is even possible for the unforgiven unbeliever.… continue reading

Christianity is No Yoke

Steve Camp explains what it means to not be unequally yoked with nonbelievers. Those that are marketing Christianity with globalists and secular world enterprises ought to take heed.

DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED WITH NONBELIEVERS…what it means and how its truth impacts and shapes our ministry partnerships and alliances – CWN

There will always be a “Simon the Sorcerer” who sees the crowds and the effects of the gospel and wants to “purchase with money the gift of the Holy Spirit.” But genuine ministry cannot surrender its spiritual autonomy and authority to nonbelievers – never.

This is what I told several CCM executives ten years ago when the Christian music industry was being bought out in accelerated rates.

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Keep walking in the wolves footprints and see where that leads you!

Jan Markell makes it clear that Todd Bentley is a wolf even if she does not want to demonize Bentley I think it is a bit too late. He is demonized and if that steps on your latter rain theology, good.

Two decades ago I said that the Charismatics and Pentecostals will continue to split into two major camps. One camp will become biblically grounded and do all things in order, for example, the Calvary Chapels. The other group will continue to move away from sound doctrine into questionable mysterious experiences. I was correct. The leadership moved even beyond what anyone could foresee.… continue reading

Lakeland’s latest outpouring of demonic Bentley dung

This is a pretty good analysis of Todd Bentley with some good links to youtube so you can get to see the WWF act for yourself. Frankly, any Christian that believes that what is coming from Todd Bentley and LakeLand is from God might just skip the whole act and just check themselves into their local mental ward. That includes you pastors and media who promote this satanic blasphemy. From Brownsville to Toronto to Kansas City to Lackland all the false prophets that have opened up Christianity to ridicule and make a mockery of God with their blasphemy should be stoned.… continue reading and their conspiracy loons.

One of the reasons why I no longer link to is the many hateful conspiracy loons who write articles on that forum. There are some good posts on that website so I check it but I wish writers with Christian discernment would post elsewhere.

I cannot believe that intelligent people would actually believe that our own government was behind 9/11. These people see all government linking to a great unprovable international conspiracy to bring in some imaginary new world order that is already set in stone in back rooms of think tanks. They have been on this nonsense for many decades but they continually find a new audience.… continue reading

Was Germany a Christian nation prior to World War II?

Many unbelievers who do not understand Christianity like to talk about the atrocities of Christian Europe as if Europe was ever truly Christian. Being baptized into a state church does not make one a Christian. You have to believe in Christ and obey his teachings to be a Christian. Most of Europe was never Christian by any biblical definition of a Christian. That is why many true Christians were persecuted in Europe and fled to America. Pre-World War II Germany was not Christian any more than Germany is Christian today.

AD: Pre-Nazi Germany was an Unchristian Nation – Bruce Walker – Jun 15, 08

Few myths warm the hearts of Leftists as much as the myth that Germany was a Christian nation which voted Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists into office.

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A manifesto to marginalize us old style evangelicals by calling us fundamentalists

Berit Kjos wrote a well document article on the problems she finds in the Evangelical Manifesto and the “new evangelicals” involved in the project. This is what you are not hearing from those who are pushing the Evangelical Manifesto. The real intent of the Manifesto is to marginalize us old style evangelicals that they are now calling us fundamentalists as if biblical fundamentalists carried the plague. The goal of many is to promote the way to an interfaith world.

Berit Kjos — An Evangelical Manifesto For an Interfaith World

“THERE ARE NOW TWO KINDS OF EVANGELICALS…. The old is the authentic, biblical position.

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Only Imagine Tolle and Oprah’s homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire!

The quotes are some excerpts from Debra Rae on “Only Imagine Tolle’s New Earth, Part 1” It looks like it is going to be a very good series.

For those into Tolle’s recycled and refined New Age religion I want you to only imagine homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire. Tolle and Oprah are only telling you a rehash of the same lie that the Serpent told Eve from the beginning, “That you can become like God”. No you can’t! You can become a very prideful deceived human like these two have become, believing that they are evolving into a superior race (homonoeticus).… continue reading

Canadian church women dispensing a social gospel of Unity based on humanistic socialism

On mission trips my wife has met Canadian ministers and some of their congregation. It seem they are always female and always into a perverted denial of biblical truths and a social gospel. Makes me wonder if there are any men in the church in Canada? They love to claim that they are carrying out the commission of loving their neighbor but how can you do that if you are only going to give your neighbor some fleshly support while you allow their souls to perish? They have no biblical discernment because they do not believe the truths in scripture.

There is no love in lies, There is no love in teaching spiritual falsehoods.continue reading

Finding Brian Mclaren’s way to the mother of all harlots

Here is the take from the Lighthouse on Brian Mclaren’s newest book “Finding Our Way Again”. Brian Mclaren is obviously a blind soul who could not even find his way with his seeing eye dog. What Mclaren teaches is not Christianity and I wish that Bible colleges and book stores would quit peddling his pagan delusions as something the Church needs to learn about. We do not need to know these things any more then we need to know what was in the books that the early Church burned.

There is a common thread in all these emerging teachers. These are nothing but wolves dressed in old gnostic wolves sheep’s clothing.… continue reading

The Todd Bentley Freak show at Lakeland Florida Circus

I know I say you have to read this too often, but you really do have to read this article.

What a circus is going on in the name of Christ in Lakeland Florida! The latest ring leader of this circus is Todd Bentley but they apparently have had enough freak show hucksters and visitors for these phony and satanic “healing”, laughing and lunacy side shows to keep this circus act going for over a decade. In my last post on this topic I said some Pentecostal’s need to grow up. Now I will say if they are taking part or promoting this demonic activity they are in danger of hellfire.continue reading

Fascism has arrived in Canada and has become a world plague.

Father Alphonse de Valk is one of the small minority of religious leaders that is speaking the truth about the fascist takeover in Canada and he is now being persecuted for it. Fascism is socialist state control over everything. It is obvious that Canada is now run by secular godless socialists. But it is also coming to the U.S. from the Left and it has already arrived in much of Europe. Not to mention the Chinese, Islam and Russia fascism. Hitler and Stalin would be so proud of the world today.

Priest warns fascism has arrived in schools

In a column at Catholic Insight, de Valk writes under the headline “Fascism has come to Canada” that the Department of Education in British Columbia plans in September to “introduce the mandatory teaching of SSM [same-sex marriage] from kindergarten to grade 12 in provincial schools.

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Our leading thumb suckers.

Well, this article is Dave Daubenmire at his best. Believe me I hear similar things from the people who email me. Pastors in many churches don’t lead people to Christ anymore they just follow popular Guru’s and teach their congregations new ways to have a more sensitive and girlie Church service. Did Peter and Paul do that or did they boldly tell the world the salvation message at every opportunity even though it cost them their lives? Did Peter, Paul and John speak correction and instruction to the Church at every opportunity or did they just tap dance around the issues like many popular pastors of today?… continue reading

Rick Warren needs to preach the gospel of Christ clearly.

This article give some interesting insights. Rich Warren is apparently inviting certain critics to visit his purpose driven conferences probably in an attempt to tone down the criticism of him. He may also be genuinely trying to understand why he has critics in the Church (let’s hope so).

Bob DeWaay was invited and he challenged Rick Warren to preach Christ. By that, he meant that Warren should preach specific scriptural Revelation about Jesus Christ in public rather than just General revelation about God. I hope Rick Warren takes Bob’s advise and uses his huge platform to preach the gospel of salvation.… continue reading