I write something to offend everyone.

When people ask about my website I often warn them that there is something  to offend everyone on my website. I don’t write to try to offend everyone but it turns out that telling people my Christian worldview makes me an equal opportunity offender. If you  read all of my articles something is sure to offend you. However, if we really could all agree on every point we all could just do away with thinking.

Obviously much of what I write offends non Christians so if your one of those, you will not have to look far on my website to be offended.… continue reading

Jesus must return before 2012-2019 you say? Then hurry send me a million bucks to expand The Prophetic Years Ministry

I really love these people who tell me that they really believe the world is coming to an end in 2012, or they are certain that the Rapture has to happen within a year or two, or that they have the date of the second coming all figured out, or that Jesus has to come before 2019 because of their interpretation of the “Fig Tree Parable”, or based on some pagan prophecy, or the sayings of  Jack Van Impe, etc., etc., but they continue to retain all their wealth like they are going to live here forever or take it with them.continue reading

Internet protocol for Christian Barbarians

Certain Internet Christian webmasters, websites and Blogs are doing barbaric practices on the Internet and they seem to have no intention of changing their barbarian ways. I believe I can say that from the negative response I get when I complain to them. Therefore, I think it is time to expose and identify some of the practices of these Internet Christian barbarians.

You may qualify as one of the Internet Christian barbarians if you claim to be a Christian ministry and then try to charge people for almost all basic Christian information on your website.  In my opinion, this is like charging people at the door of a church.… continue reading

The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

Here are a couple of good articles for people that are part of, promoting, or want to know more about the rapidly growing 2012 cult that is fueling end of the world hysteria.

2012: Tsunami of Stupidity why the latest apocalyptic cult is a silly scam, by Ron Rosenbaum

The article is good but especially follow the links in the article if you wish to be deprogrammed from the 2012 cult.

My own perspective of this 2012 cult is that it is a sinister deception from Satan. There are just two many spokes on this 2012 wheel for this not to be a deception from Satan.… continue reading

Fundamental foundational truths of Christianity are not optional.

Polls indicate that many that call themselves Christians today do not even believe the essential fundamental foundational truths of Christianity.

Can anyone be a Christian and not believe in the foundational truths of Christianity? That is not for me to judge but if you have doubts about believing these things you might judge yourself. Do you just not understand basic Christian truths because you were never taught them or do you deny them and thus deny the Christian faith?

I do not think that the fundamental foundational truths of Christianity are optional or that they can be explained away by those trying to redefine Christianity to fit their own belief system.… continue reading

Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019

I am certain that this post will upset some people but with all the hype and speculation about Jesus coming between 2012-2019 the truth has to be said by someone. I will say dogmatically that Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019 as some Bible prophecy teachers are now saying.

First let me make it clear that I am not talking about the Rapture. The Rapture of the Church is not the second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. The Rapture is always imminent and it can occur anytime even quite some time before the seven year tribulation.… continue reading

Take a chill pill, the world will not end in 2012 in spite of Pagan Mayan, Mahdi, Planet X speculations.

Think the 2012 date setters are not having a negative effect on many in the Church? Obviously this speculation based mostly on Mayan ages and a Mahdi coming out of well is attracting many followers. Some such as the “Gospel Tract Society” now take the position that we are already in the tribulation. H E L L O… what tribulation? I will say it as gently as I can, those who think we are already in the tribulation have lost their marbles.

I do not see a good end result coming from all this date setting nonsense. By 2013 Bible prophecy teachers will be mocked.continue reading

Stinking is normal to children that grew up in a cesspool.

The conservatives and Christian right might even win a battle or two these days against the Secular Humanism and Marxism coming from the godless left but unless Christian parents take charge over the education of their children they cannot win this war against their minds. The next generation will reflect a worldview that is clearly anti-Christian.

Read this article and tell me how Americans can send their kids to our public schools and then still expect them to come out of that anti-Christians indoctrination cesspool system with Christian views on anything? Do you understand why the church pews in America are generally full of white haired people?… continue reading

If you do not follow these ten societal principles you reap the consequences

Here is an Article on God’s ten societal principles that says it all.

The Ten Leading Societal Principles

Dr. David M. Berman www.wakeupandsmellthetruth.com

What has happened to our great country can be traced directly to ten leading principles. There is no way around the fact that these ten indicators tell the story of our nation’s prosperity or impoverishment. When I speak of prosperity and impoverishment, I am not simply speaking of financial status. I am speaking in the broader sense concerning conditions of life, culture, relationships, community, crime, moral values, and finances. These ten indicators express the narrative of our present condition.

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Christian wordviews in crises

Brannon Howse believes the Church is losing its youth because the Church no longer teaches biblical Christian worldviews. I have to agree. Parents and churches are avoiding the important issues of our time so children mostly get their worldviews from public schools and the media. The views most people now get are anti-Christian worldviews and that is why we are losing the culture to socialists/humanists. Many parents and churches avoid the issues and do not teach on Christian worldviews because they are totally confused themselves.

Therefore, we are not going to get anywhere in reclaiming a Christian culture in America if all that is taught in churches and our homes is stories about the Bible.… continue reading

Willow Creek leadership conference: The making of a Harlot

An interesting article was written by Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. She talks about the 2009 leadership conference or summit lead by Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek Association. Two of the guest speakers for this “leadership” conference will be Tony Blair and Rock Star Bono.

Why would any Christian go to a Christian leadership conference to hear from Tony Blair and Bono? They both are all-paths pseudo Christian heretics. Seems to me that Bill Hybels job was to first dumb down Christianity with his seeker friendly program and then steer the pseudo Christians under his influence into the end time one world religion Harlot of Bible prophecy described in Revelation chapter 17.… continue reading

Barack Obama is not found in the Bible and Obama is not the Antichrist

It simply amazes me what people think that they find in the Bible and then publish on the Internet. I get emails much too often from people who think they found what everyone else missed in the Bible and it usually relates to some strange interpretation of end time Bible prophecy. There are some people who seem to do nothing but look for cryptic messages in the Bible in order to impress other people with their faulty detective work and deficient analytical skills.

This particular piece published on YouTube about Barack Obama being the Antichrist would be humorous if so many people did not take dumb on YouTube seriously and then just pass it on to dumber to try to convince biblically illiterate people that do not like Obama that Obama is the Antichrist.… continue reading

Pastors, if you enable tyranny, after the second American Revolution you may be found guilty of treason, even if you use Romans 13 as your excuse.

If you are one of those pastors who willfully allow yourself to be used as an agent by some hypothetical tyrannical government to enable an illegal government to carry out their tyranny against the American people you will be guilty of treason. If you take part in the subversion of the rights guaranteed to Americans under the second Amendment to our Constitution or any of the other rights guaranteed by our Constitution given to us for the protection of “We the People” of the United States of America from such tyranny, you might rightfully be tried for treason during or after the second American Revolution.continue reading

I confess I do not pray God bless America.

Saying I do not pray God Bless America might sound like a unpatriotic unchristian heresy to some. However, there was a time when God told Jeremiah not to pray for Judah because the peoples hearts were far from Him and they loved to believe lies. America is not even a called out nation like ancient Israel and Judah but America certainly is just as evil as they were just before their destruction.

Can anyone even come up with a passage that tells the Church to pray for Gentile nations on the earth anyway? The Bible tells us to pray for those appointed over us for the sake of the Church, so that the Church can live peacefully on the earth.… continue reading

Runner-up to Miss USA vanity contest says God was testing her faith with gay marriage question?

I bring this runner-up Miss USA issue to your attention since it is the number one story on Fox news right now and it shows a strange mindset among Christians in the United States. I have to wonder about the Christian reasoning of Carrie Prejean. She thinks God was testing her faith by her being asked a question about gay marriage? First of all Miss Prejean, did you really pass the test of faith when you entered these vanity contests and paraded around in skimpy bathing suits for all the nation? Does the Bible imply that women should display themselves this way?… continue reading

Beware of getting snared by legalistic churches that love to put heavy burdens on your soul.

I received this email today and thought I would ask permission from this woman to post it on my Blog because so many Christians today are trapped in similar churches and have similar struggles.

I do not know how many Catholics fall away from the Catholic faith only to end up in churches that establish their own “self appointed anointed priesthood”. They then preach that their church has the only doctrine that brings salvation and all others that do not interpret certain passages their narrow minded way are not even Christians. Many people escape the bondage of Catholic legalism but then they put themselves under total control of  this self anointed appointed priesthood of control freaks.continue reading

America is in revolution because it departed from God

This excellent article gets to the core of the problems in the United States. The problems are a result of departure of America from their Creator. We cannot expect America to be blessed if we deserve a curse. The leadership that is running and ruining America today is just the results of the fact that most Americans have departure from the things of God. Unless America returns to God worse things certainly lie in our future.

America Is Going Through A Revolution

The United States of America has never known a time of discord, turbulence, upheaval and distrust as it is experiencing in the year 2009.

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Debt has put Salem Communications in deep trouble

Why do Christian ministries and churches think that they are exempt from the biblical teaching on debt? I guess I want to know how and why Salem Communications got itself $320 million in debt in the first place? Now with all this debt Salem Communications is expanding into Spanish language radio and conservative talk radio? I have news, isn’t business expansion kind of risky in a depression especially when you are already in deep trouble? I do not think that Spanish broadcasting is going to be any great source of revenue for them. They also say they will expand into conservative talk radio.… continue reading

Christian bookstores reflect Christianity in America but what it reflects is the increasing apostasy

I quote below some snippets of what Marsha West had to say about what you will find in protestant Christian bookstores. You really need to read the full article to get the true drift into apostasy. Christian bookstores are a good reflection of Christianity in America today. So obviously we can see by what is selling that Christianity in America is becoming increasingly apostate. Is it any wonder then that our nation is also in great decline both morally and economically?

The Christian bookstores and airwaves are full of deception and the people of this nation cannot discern truth because they have become biblically illiterate.… continue reading

David Wilkerson’s prophecy predicts riots, fires and looting in cities worldwide.

I personally do not put much stock in David Wilkerson’s prophecies. I remember Wilkerson making dire prophecies for the last thirty years that have not come true, at least not yet. Nevertheless, David Wilkerson’s prophecy here is likely to come true but not necessary because God gave him a prophecy. Any astute Christian person can see America is now being judged and with the immoral generation that have taken over our inner cites it certainly will eventually lead to riots, fires, looting and then martial law.

I think telling people to stock 30 days food is better than nothing but it gives them false security.… continue reading