Nuclear attack on America could be sooner then you think.

This article might wake you up to the real possibilities of a nuclear terrorist attack on American cities. The article makes the case for an al-Qaeda plan to set off seven bombs in seven different cities. There is no doubt in my mind that they will someday have the capability to set off a nuke and with their sanctuary in Pakistan they can train for that with impunity. I do not know if they can carry off an attack on seven cities at once but I would not rule it out. Even if they could set off one nuke in one city it would change the world as we know it.… continue reading

If you vote for those who oppose biblical morality. You are to blame for the society you get.

The big mistake America and the West made was letting the homosexual demons out of the closet. Now how do you get them back in? They are in rebellion against the Creator and they are going to do everything they can to disrupt God’s natural moral order. That is why judgment soon follows.

When the Liberals take over our government this year they will soon pass laws that muzzle any criticism of homosexual ways and they will force their perverted views to be taught to your children. So the real question is why have you voted for people in government that you know will bring these laws upon you?… continue reading

The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading

California is where stupidly replaced wisdom

You will have to read the article to see how society will change because of allowing same sex couples to marry. If what is pointed out here does not get you to vote for the marriage amendment you are going to get a world that makes no natural sense at all. California will become the land of fruits, nuts and total social insanity.

California: Where compassion replaced wisdom

It is difficult to imagine a single social change greater than redefining marriage from opposite sex to include members of the same sex.

Nothing imaginable – leftward or rightward – would constitute as radical a change in the way society is structured as this redefining of marriage for the first time in history: Not another Prohibition, not government taking over all health care, not changing all public education to private schools, not America leaving the United Nations, not rescinding the income tax and replacing it with a consumption tax.

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Trends toward a tyrannical new world order

One of the main problems in the world today is that once the tyrants and control freaks get in power there is no way to get them out of power. They have all the weapons and they pay the police forces. So with that in mind, tyranny is going to increase on earth. The tyrants already rule over at least one third of the population of the earth and tyranny in most of the other two thirds is under development.

When you disarm a nation you also make its citizens defenseless against the tyrants in government that will eventually arise. We should learn that lesson well.… continue reading

The Bible Literacy Project is a deceptive name for a project that undermining the authority of the Bible and debases God.

Under the name of the Bible Literacy Project they will bring in every kind of brainwashing deception into the schools. The textbook they use is called “The Bible and its Influence” and it undermines the Bible’s authority and demeans and debases the God of the Bible. Do not support this deceptive project in your schools. Haters of Christianity have now gone from just banning the Bible to a very deceptive attempt to destroy is very foundations and replace it with global spirituality.

The deception of the Bible Literacy Project

Virtually banned from American schools in the early ’60s, the Bible has faced a rising onslaught of wrath, ridicule and legal assaults.

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After the crash will the nation go back to faith and moral values?

Derry Brownfield is probably correct after the crash the nation cannot go back to faith and moral values that they never had.

Derry Brownfield — When the Stock Market Crashes?

I don’t expect so see the majority of the population go back to old-fashioned values. How can we as a nation develop faith, morals, principles, ethics, ideals and Biblical standards when they have never been taught to this generation? It’s only the older generation that sang Christmas Carols, prayed in school, and heard old-fashioned sermons condemning sin and teaching repentance. Our people have been taught the Bible is full of hate speech, prayer should never be heard in a public place, it’s alright to murder unborn babies and the golden rule is to “do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you.”

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More support is needed for those fighting the moral war at home

We need to support those who are fighting against the evil forces that are destroying this nation

Support our troops in the moral war

Years ago, I read George Orwell’s “1984” and doubted that the warped, inside-out and upside-down world he described could be possible in America. But now, we’re approaching it at warp speed.

The “thought police” are here and moving into every area of our society. “Big Brother” government is not fully in evidence yet, but a couple of presidential candidates seem hopeful of ushering it in, promising that all our needs will be met and all our problems solved – by a bloated, all-powerful benevolent “Big Brother” government.

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Onward Soulforce soldiers marching off to your church

I would not doubt that you will soon see a change of position on homosexuality in one or more of these churches. Many of the church members have already been brainwashed by their employers and media. With that in mind the biblical illiterate will shift their thinking. By the way, that is most of the people that call themselves Christians.

Soulforce Marches On To Churches and Christian Colleges To Normalize Homosexuality – CWN

starting this Sunday, Mother’s Day, Soulforce begins a month-long campaign targeting select churches. They have multiple purposes including trying to convince pastors and people that their interpretation of the verses in the Bible condemning homosexuality are misconstrued.

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Eugenics through population control

The article gives the connection from eugenics to world population control. The power elite want the earth to have far less people for the sake of the environment. The people they really want to limit are what they consider the genetically inferior underclass. Many of the world birth control polices are toward that end. The common people are so misled or oppressed that they either are forced to submit like the people in China or they are “educated” to support quantity control through birth control and abortion like inner city blacks and the poor in the U.S.

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control

Population control today – and the corresponding environmental movements – grew out of the post WWII shift from eugenics to Malthusian programs.

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Allow the state’s unconstitutional taking of kids to stand and I assure you that your kids will be next.

Voices are slowly beginning to speak up about the child abuse of the children of the YFZ by the state of Texas. Yet, I have yet to hear from one nationally well known leader about this unconstitutional taking of children from mothers just because they can, and just giving them wasy to who knows what. Where are even the American patriots and the Libertarians? Why are they not sticking up for the people who have been kidnapped by the state.

Rest assured that all of these kids are now being abused by government and will continue to be abused in the homes and in the school environments they will be forced to submit to.… continue reading

America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

Truth about the war against the Serbs

Every get the feeling that we are lied to by our government all the time? I heard George Bush just admitted that he was lying to the American people on how the war was going in Iraq because he did not want to upset our troops. So when these “leaders” appear on TV looking earnest like they are telling us the truth maybe we should not be so quick to believe them.

I could get into all the specific lies that we were told by our government over the years but I think I will pass. Here is just one recent untruth where we turned against our own ally.… continue reading

Is the government yearning for Waco II?

I guess nobody is going to talk about this raid so I guess I will. I am no fan of cults but folks this used to be America where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty and where you do not put over one thousand peoples lives in danger over some anonymous phone call of wife abuse.

So am I really to believe that this well coordinated attack by State Rangers, Federal Rangers and polices forces of six counties all came together into a swat like raid based on one wife abuse call? Give me a break!

This plan obviously was already in place and they were just looking for an excuse to carry out the raid.… continue reading

Christians who think we should not resist evil so the end will come?

I am not sure that Chuck Baldwin did not just create his own little straw-man argument here. I do not hear Christians saying that we should just let the world become more evil because we know it is coming. I doubt if Chuck Baldwin did either. Who would be dumb enough to even say something like that to Chuck Baldwin? And for enough people to say it to him to make this a real issue is simply beyond my belief.

So I think what we have here is what Chuck Baldwin thinks that some other Christians think, but frankly I do not think his view is valid unless the people that give him this idea are not really Christians.… continue reading

Is a Jericho like civil war possible in America?

I think civil insurrection is in our future. I wrote about how I think this might come about in my imminent danger series. Chuck Baldwin is one of those Christian patriot leaders that will join with a secessionist movement if hate speech laws are passed and constitutional rights reversed. Many heartland American patriots and conservative Christians will join with leaders like Him. I was not just blowing smoke when I wrote my article.

People in the heartland will not put up with godless socialism being shoved down their throats and the throats of their families. These days are almost certainly coming.… continue reading

Demographics makes it clear that the harvest of the earth draws near

At the rate the birth rate is falling the young adult population of the earth will peak in two decades. When the young mature crop in the field is at its peak is when the harvest will come. This is another sure sign that we are living very near the time when the angels will be told to harvest the wheat of the earth.

‘Demographic Winter’ Exposes the Century’s Overlooked Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS

“Demographic Winter” — a dramatic new documentary — is the first to explore the most overlooked crisis of our times: the rapid, worldwide decline in birth rates.Philip

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The future break up of the United States

Along with the coming crash of the economy there may occur in this country a movement that few have considered. I am not saying that this latest article in my imminent danger series will happen but I think that there is about a 50/50 chance that it will. As the country goes liberal and makes amoral laws and calls biblical expression hate speech, regions of this country may decide they do not want to be part of the United States anymore.

The counter-revolution from the heartland may start as a rebirth of the anti federal Government American Patriot Movement and the Libertarians that all but died out after 9/11.

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The world economic crash

In light of the present economic crises I will bring up an article I wrote almost a decade ago. Some of the figures have been updated but things look like they are now beginning to play out as I figured.

This article is now one of the most downloaded article on my website. It will be downloaded two thousand times this month alone. You can always tell what people are worried about by what they search for on the Internet. Many people obviously are very concerned about the economy.

They have good reason to be concerned with the economy. We are about to enter a time like none before in modern times.… continue reading

See if you can get “Expelled”

There is a true movie out by Ben Stein called “Expelled” that every Christian needs to support and see. It does not even matter if you already believe in intelligent design. We need to support movies that proclaim truth and allow for the free exchange of ideas in our educational institutions. Christians also need to become fully aware of just how far the public educational system has moved toward a closed minded bully system run by secular humanist control freaks rooted in Darwinian Fascism.

Only a fool says there is no God

Ben Stein starts out talking about the fact that the United States was built on freedom.

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