The good ole Joe Sheriffs of Arizona: Sheriff Joe Richards and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Some of the good ole Joe county sheriff’s of Arizona actually believe in carrying out their constitutional mandate. These sheriffs are not figureheads as they are in some states where law enforcement is mainly done by the cities and the State police. The counties of Arizona are some of the largest counties in the nations.

I actually personally knew the Sheriff of Coconino County Arizona for a short period of time. His name is Sheriff Joe Richards (recently retired).

I met Joe Richards when I attended a home church group that he led when I was going to college at NAU for a year.… continue reading

Stupid Americans have put their future in the hands of liberal elitists who intend to destroy our way of life

These are a few of the things the liberals and democrats have brought up just in just the last few days to “IMPROVE” our country.

Obama promises immigration reform (The American people made it clear that they were against amnesty. Who will pay for it? The liberals want it because a larger Latino population will get them more votes.

Obama signs Presidential Determination allowing Palestinians loyal to Hamas to resettle in the United States (Hamas is a terrorist organization so we are now going to resettle terrorists here)

Senator Boxer to ramrod The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which opponents say could destroy American sovereignty by imposing international rulings on American law, could reach the Senate within 60 days.… continue reading

We are already at the start of a liberal depression according to Gerald Celente and Doug Casey.

Here are two perspectives on the economy from two astute people, one is world trend forecaster Gerald Celente and the other is Doug Casey. Both say that we already are in a depression.

The government lies about unemployment today so many people do not see the real picture. The government says the rate of unemployment is 7.6 percent as of January and they say that this figure does not compare to the Great Depression of the 1930’s when unemployment was 20 to 30 percent. However, in reality the unemployment today is really over 15 percent if government counted all the unemployed as they did in the 1930’s.… continue reading

Obeying evil rulers may not be obeying God

If the democrats go through with much of their national agenda they will undoubtedly be the most evil administration in the history of this nation. So should we Christians say God appoints rulers and therefore not fight against the evils of this administration? God forbid! Obeying evil rulers may not be obeying God.

Joe Farah explains the wrong headed thinking of those who blindly follow the leader in this article. The Bible does not tell us to obey evil rulers in spite of what some Christians teach. Also check out this other article on another possible meaning of Romans 13

Pray Obama fails

Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures.

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Will a U.S. Constitutional Convention be called soon?

I was not aware of this. This is a critical issue of national importance we are only two states away from a Constitutional Convention and Ohio will vote on it as soon as today. If a Constitutional Convention were called today under the present political climate it is very likely that our constitution would be changed to be much like that of the EU and reflect humanist pluralist socialist globalist agendas. Everything including our bill of rights would certainly be up for grabs at the convention and we would not emerge as the same nation. This convention alone could see some States not abide by the new U.S.… continue reading

A Christian Conservative Heartland Party needs to be created in America.

I agree with what Chuck Baldwin is saying. The Conservative movement is dead and trying to raise it from the dead in the Republican party will just raise a dead man walking. The Republicans did nothing but make a mockery of Christian Conservatives over the years. What Conservatives need is a new “Heartland Party” that is solidly conservative and the time to build that Heartland Party is now.

If we waste our time with the tested and the failed Republican establishment we are fools. If you put your hope in a woman in Alaska like she can ever get elected in this nation through the Republican establishment without embracing their agenda you are wrong.… continue reading

Civil war is certain if people try to overthrow our democratic republic.

Hal Lindsey believes this election will determine the path that America will take in the future. He gives many statements from our forefathers that warn us that a free people cannot take the path of big government control over the people. That position of course is correct.

One party in this election has obvious intentions of departing from the government that was set up by our founding fathers. So if you vote that party you would be more correct to call yourself a Marxist/Communist/Socialist than one who believes in our democratic constitutional republic. The other party is on life support. That is proven by the liberal choice they nominated for President.… continue reading

The American Christian of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015AD under an Obama administration

The Focus on the Family Letter by the fictional Christian of 2012 AD if anything is understating what will actually happen in the U.S. and the world if the Far Left controls all three branches of government and the media. If the Far Left then hinders opposition and free speech and thus fixes the election of 2012AD as we know they will attempt to do, then by 2013 AD that fictional Christian will be living in a leftist fascist state that persecutes anyone expressing what is not politically correct and in 2014-2015AD if he survives the revolution and secession of 2014AD he will be living in the Confederation of Free Sovereign States of America (CFSSA).… continue reading

United States no longer

This article is pretty profound and gutsy. I have said that the take over of America by the Far Left will start a secessionist movement by 2013AD. Even if the heartland people should somehow retain or regain power it will then bring a revolution from the coastal Left and the Liberal big cities. The differences have become so huge that they cannot be reconciled. Now the head of the number one alternative news site on the Internet believes it is time for the nation to split into two nations. Neither Joseph Farah nor I know how this amicable divorce could take place when the two nations are now so thoroughly integrated but the alternative is unthinkable.… continue reading

Getting ready for TEOTWAWKI or just choosing a less dependent lifestyle?

I am not advocating that people get a retreat in Montana waiting for the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI). I know the thought has crossed the mind of many of you people who see that an economic disaster is on the horizon for the U.S.

For you I have found an article that has links to a blog and website that deal with living a survivalist lifestyle so you will know the issues involved.

If I had no ties keeping me currently where I am at and I had a little cash stashed away I would serious consider living in some remote retreat.… continue reading

World socialism brought to you by government bailing out people who will not pay their debts.

It should be a joke but sadly it is not. Those who have been paying their mortgages and not piling up debt are suckers. They will continue to pay their bills but the government will pay the bills of everyone who lived beyond their means and the greedy elite pigs that financed them.

Many people in America are now just going to stop paying on their houses, cars, credit cards, student loans etc. until government takes much of their debt off their hands. When that happens we are not talking about a 700 billion dollar bailout we are talking about a government that just keeps taking on trillions of dollars of new personal debt.… continue reading

The Far Left and Obama will bring fascism to America

Joe Farah in the quoted article explains what fascism is.

Fascism does not come from the Right like you were taught by socialists. It comes from the socialist Far Left. Those of you who plan to vote for Obama are actually voting in fascism. You will have a nation where all three branches of the government, media, the educational systems, and corporations will be controlled by Far Left socialist fascists. The checks and balances designed in our Constitution will essentially be nullified by a nation controlled by the Far Left.

When they take control woe to anyone who will dare to oppose this self righteous group of self enlightened control freaks that believe that they know what is best for everyone else.… continue reading

There will be no democracy in our future

There will be no democracy in our future. People always demand a king. God wanted ancient Israel to have a representational republic with the leaders following Him through the words of His prophets but the people said give us a King. Nothing has changed. All the nations will demand their king and reap the consequences. The vast majority of the population of the world today is not ruled by a republic or a democracy and those people who think they are in a democracy are usually living under a great illusion. The whole world will soon choose a king the book of Revelation calls him the Beast.… continue reading and their conspiracy loons.

One of the reasons why I no longer link to is the many hateful conspiracy loons who write articles on that forum. There are some good posts on that website so I check it but I wish writers with Christian discernment would post elsewhere.

I cannot believe that intelligent people would actually believe that our own government was behind 9/11. These people see all government linking to a great unprovable international conspiracy to bring in some imaginary new world order that is already set in stone in back rooms of think tanks. They have been on this nonsense for many decades but they continually find a new audience.… continue reading

Christians who think we should not resist evil so the end will come?

I am not sure that Chuck Baldwin did not just create his own little straw-man argument here. I do not hear Christians saying that we should just let the world become more evil because we know it is coming. I doubt if Chuck Baldwin did either. Who would be dumb enough to even say something like that to Chuck Baldwin? And for enough people to say it to him to make this a real issue is simply beyond my belief.

So I think what we have here is what Chuck Baldwin thinks that some other Christians think, but frankly I do not think his view is valid unless the people that give him this idea are not really Christians.… continue reading

Is a Jericho like civil war possible in America?

I think civil insurrection is in our future. I wrote about how I think this might come about in my imminent danger series. Chuck Baldwin is one of those Christian patriot leaders that will join with a secessionist movement if hate speech laws are passed and constitutional rights reversed. Many heartland American patriots and conservative Christians will join with leaders like Him. I was not just blowing smoke when I wrote my article.

People in the heartland will not put up with godless socialism being shoved down their throats and the throats of their families. These days are almost certainly coming.… continue reading

Its time to start a third party, but elect a 2008 third party President? be realistic!

I am all for a Constitutional party but I am also a realist. Anyone who thinks that a third party candidate can be elected as President in the United States in 2008 is not playing with a full deck.

I doubt if the Constitutional party could even be on half of the state ballets by election time so how in the world can that party elect a president? Even if it could, what good would be a President that did not have the support from the political parties controlling the House and Senate?

2008 might be a good year to get a third party off the ground with eyes for 2012.… continue reading

The future break up of the United States

Along with the coming crash of the economy there may occur in this country a movement that few have considered. I am not saying that this latest article in my imminent danger series will happen but I think that there is about a 50/50 chance that it will. As the country goes liberal and makes amoral laws and calls biblical expression hate speech, regions of this country may decide they do not want to be part of the United States anymore.

The counter-revolution from the heartland may start as a rebirth of the anti federal Government American Patriot Movement and the Libertarians that all but died out after 9/11.

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Seven reasons not to vote for the Obama Messiah

Obama has become the black Messiah for a whole generation. I will give you seven reasons you why you should not make this man your idol or vote for him.

First, he is just a man. Obama has no special powers unless they are demonic.

Second, get to know what he really plans to do. If you knew instead of just getting caught up in this mass hysteria you would know that he is a globalist socialist. He will make the US subservient to the UN and transfer US wealth to other nations.

Third, many of Obama’s moral positions are in direct opposition to the absolute truths of the Bible.… continue reading

You want a socialist Obama-nation?

I wish the American people would get educated before it is too late. Obama has the most Leftist voting record of any member of the Senate. What should that tell you? It tells you if Obama gets elected with the most liberal congress of all time to support him, his leftist socialist agenda will get passed. That means you will soon be living in the Peoples Republic of America.

If they taught you any real world history in school at all, you should know that wherever Communist socialism was tried it was a failure. Now why would you want to destroy a system that has been working and has made America the most prosperous nation on earth for a socialist system that has proved many time that it cannot work?… continue reading