Syria’s rockets against Israel will bring about her own destruction

Syria has known chemical and biological capabilities and has tried to obtain nukes. With this arsenal of rockets it should be clear why Bible prophecy says that Damascus will be destroyed. It increasingly looks like this will take place in the very near future

clipped from
The official said after the Israeli airstrike, Syria picked up the pace of
acquiring rockets and missiles, largely from Russia with Iranian backing, with
the goal of completing its missile and rocket arsenal by the end of the year.
The Jordanian official said Syria is aiming to possess enough projectiles to
fire over 100 rockets into Israel per hour for a sustained period of time.
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Dr Norman Geisler reviews Hank Hanegraff’s Apocalypse Code

Hank Hanegraff’s wrote a book called “Apocalypse Code”. Dr Norman Geisler does a brilliant scholarly book review and rebuttal of Hanegraff’s book that attacks premillennial dispensational theology. Here is just a small sample of Dr Geisler’s summery.

This brings me to my chief concern about The Code–it is based on an allegorical method of interpreting prophetic Scripture that, if applied to other teachings of Scripture, would undermine the salvation essentials of the Christian Faith. Let me illustrate the extent to which The Apocalypse Code goes in allegorizing away the literal truth of Scripture from above cited texts. It transforms –

  • The plain meaning of the Bible into a so-called “deeper” meaning
  • Literal promises into spiritual ones
  • Unconditional promises into conditional ones
  • Jewish tribes into Gentiles
  • A thousand years into eternity
  • A literal resurrection into a spiritual one
  • Land Promises for National Israel into spiritual life in Christ
  • A literal mark of the Beast into a mere symbol of identity with him
  • Physical clouds into mere symbols of judgment
  • A literal earthly throne of David into a heavenly reign of Christ
  • Two literal witnesses into literary representatives of the Law and Prophets
  • Cosmic judgment into the destruction of a small city (Jerusalem)

All of this Hank is fond of calling “Reading the Bible for all it is worth.”

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Zechariah’s and Hal Lindsey’s warning to Bush and Condi

Bush and Rice have no knowledge of the prophetic significance of what is going on in the Middle East. Bush displayed that he does not even have understanding of Christianity with his all religions pray to the same God statements. That is what they must of taught him in his 12 step program. He did not learn that from any Christian teaching. I also wonder why lately we tend to make unmarried woman our Secretary of State? This reflects a feminizing of our State Department and foreign policy. They now think like leftists who believe all world problems can be achieved through compromise and appeasement.continue reading

Is the prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?

* I think Hal Lindsey is correct in this clip quoted from his article that appeared on WND. Syria will be wiped out in the war on Islamofascism. Then the moderates will ascend to power in the Islamic nations and there will be a period of peace with Israel. Then Iraq and Israel will become the economic hubs of the Middle East. Later Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel that is resting in peace and many Islamic nations join with him but not Iraq. These forces are defeated by God. Iraq then becomes the center point of Babylon the Great of Revelation and the Middle East.continue reading

The Samson Option, Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey has it correct. Syria will miscalculate one day soon. Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. The prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed must still be fulfilled (Isa 17:1-3). Nothing short of several hydrogen bombs, or an asteroid hitting the city could accomplish that prophecy today. The prophecy implies that much of the Syrian population will be wiped out in the event because it only speaks of a remnant of Syria afterward.

WorldNetDaily: The Samson Option “Syria is also known to be producing non-conventional warheads, including those containing V-X gas for delivery via the new longer range and more accurate Scuds.

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Bible prophecy websites

It really is getting very hard to find good Bible prophecy websites to link with and to put in my website directory. A few of the biggest names in Bible prophecy seem to be getting nutter that a fruit cake. Many other prophecy websites have bought into every conspiracy theory there is and still others have some rather strange unbiblical views. Some say they are “Bible prophecy websites” but there is little on them but news feeds and headlines. Then there are those who provide almost no free information at all. Some Bible Prophecy websites only exist to sell books.… continue reading