Prophecies to Israel in end time prophecy

Dr. David Reagan gives a very good summery of the prophecies to Israel and the Jews in end time bible prophecy. How anyone can read works like his article or know these scriptures for themselves and still believe that God is through with Israel or that the prophecies to Israel are now fulfilled by the Church is totally beyond me. Dr. Reagan also gives a list of future promises to the Church.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – A Summary Of The Jews In End Time Bible Prophecy

A Summary Of The Jews In End Time Bible Prophecy

By Dr.

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Gog will be a nuclear guard for Iran

I believe Hal Lindsey will be correct that Russia will now actively seek to regain its former empire. It might not be all the same nations of the former USSR at least at first. But Russia will intimidate the nations of Eastern Europe to join a regional alignment of states to counter the West. Especially if the West is mired in the economic and Islamic caused turmoil that looks almost certain to come. These Eastern nations were not in the original Roman Empire and they will not be in the revived.

My advice to the U.S. and Israel is not to wait too long to take out Iran’s nuclear capabilities because within a very short time Iran will be protected under a Russian nuclear umbrella (thou hast been to them for a guard.,… continue reading

David Flynn and Newton’s unified theory of Bible prophecy dating?

David Flynn’s “Temple at the Center of Time: Newton’s Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012, is probably all very interesting but can you really tell significant biblical events on the earth from the distance from the Temple in nautical miles or feet?

As in the Bible Code, what we have here more likely than not, is selecting what supports the theory and ignoring what does not. If God was going to make a unified system of Bible prophecy everything would fit not just what the author choose to select.

I also do not believe the Millennial temple will be at the Temple Mount of Old Jerusalem.… continue reading

Gog moves Rooks into place for end time chess match.

This is a very good analysis of the Russian Georgian conflict by Terry James. I also think that this is the turning point with Russia to achieve its manifest destiny. From now on you will see Russia act militarily or at least forcefully on conflicts that support their national interest of building a counter force to the West and in doing so Russia will attempt to achieve control over much of Europe’s energy. Yes, Russia is now totally controlled by the old KGB and thugs and Putin’s groomed fascist brown shirts will soon be put into positions of power. There has been no real change in Russia since the cold war.… continue reading

The world is already prepped for the Antichrist

Obama is not the Antichrist but he could be America’s Antichrist if he gets elected. You have to understand who one of his big supporters and mentors is. New Age Oprah. Oprah believes we can all achieve Christhood. With her support of Obama you might already think that she believes that Obama has already achieved Christhood and has conveyed her judgment of that judgment to Obama. Now you might understand why he is so arrogant and he will take no criticism. After all, once you achieved Christhood what can those who have not achieved Christhood tell you? So Obama has all the answers for everyone and the fine details of how the problems will be solved does not matter because just his being their will radiate solutions.… continue reading

Cutting off the head of the snake in Pakistan

After the 9/11 attack on the trade towers Bush said the terrorists would have no sanctuaries to hide. I believe Bush meant what he said at the time but real world conditions cowed him from actually carrying out that promise. Seven years later Osama Bin Laden the mastermind of the attacks is still hiding in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s government and army is completely infiltrated by radical Islamic terrorists and our government knows it. Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda and the Taliban have sanctuary in Pakistan and Pakistan will not deal with the terrorist problem and they also will not allow NATO forces to go in and deal with the terrorist problem.… continue reading

Well known Christian figures often speak out of their hind end. They do not speak for Christianity.

I think it high time Christians realize that heads of Christian institutions do not speak for Christianity especially in these last days of moral and spiritual relativism. They speak for some people in their various denominations, organizations and movements which is quite different than speaking for the Body of Christ. Most of their members and followers never became part of that Body of Christ or they would not be appointing apostate people into leadership. Most of the statements we hear from some of these postmodern leaders are simply anti Christ.

Ninety percent of the who’s who’s list of Christianity do not speak for me on biblical issues either.… continue reading

Anyone know of any positive contributions the Palestinians have made in the world?

Hal Lindsey tried to find positive contributions to the world that came from the Palestinians that now demand their own state. Hal used the Internet to search for them but he says he has not found any. I know of none myself. do you know of any? Even one?

Palestinian contributions to the world

The Palestinians, according to the U.N., deserve statehood based on the presumption that they are a cohesive people who are stateless – rather than a mob who live outside any national jurisdiction as the result of the Israeli victory in the Six Day’s War.

So, if anybody actually can list a few positive Palestinian contributions to the world – ever – in the history of the Palestinian people, drop me a line.

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Will Israel hit Iran’s reactor before it goes on line this September?

Hal Lindsey expects a Middle East War against Israel this September. I certainly would not rule that out. Peace talks have a way of falling apart because the terrorists do not want peace and they sabotage any deal. Hal thinks Israel will hit Iran before they fire up their reactor. I would think that if they are going to hit the reactor they will do it before nuclear material is in the reactor. That would make a September date kind of late if they want to prevent nuclear fall out on civilians. So I do not think Israel will do anything about their reactor going online.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist come from the linage of Antiochus Epiphanes?

Certainly a thought provoking perspective from Chuck Missler on the linage of the Antichrist figure.

The Genealogy of the Antichrist

A genealogical link between the original Antiochus Epiphanes and Titus Vespasian would not be surprising, and yet it is very provocative. But there may be more.

In the fifth century the royal line of the Franks intermarried with the Merovingian dynasty, which ultimately links with the family trees of the Habsburgs, the House of Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Pont‚zat, Montesquieu, Sinclair, Stuarts, and most of the royal families of Europe. Among contemporary luminaries are Otto von Habsburg of Austria and his son, Karl, and King Juan Carlos I of Spain and his son, Felipe.

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The time of Jacob’s trouble and then the birth of the kingdom

Since Hal Lindsey has been saying this for forty years now it has been false labor pains. Yet, today stresses in the earth do seem to be increasing and wars and famines are certainly on the horizon. So it looks like it won’t be long now to the time of Jacob’s trouble and the birth of the promised kingdom.

Last-days ‘birth pains’ have begun

Jesus used a Greek word for the labor pains of a woman about to give birth. Jesus knew that every generation could understand the illustration. His meaning is clear. Just as a woman experiences birth pains that increase in frequency and intensity just before giving birth, so ALL the signs of His return would increase in frequency and intensity just before His return.

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A God given right to the land of Israel

Chuck Missler explains why Israel is God’s land, that the covenant to occupy it is to the Jews, and what this has to do with what we see going on in the Middle East today.

The Betrayal of the Chosen – CWN

For those of us who take the Bible seriously, it is a critical time to be up to date on our homework. There are many dangers in not taking the Word of God seriously.

The Land does not belong to the Palestinians. It doesn’t belong to the U.N., the U.S., or even Israel! It specifically is the Lord’s.

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Eclipses fulfilling Joel and the second coming in 2015?

This is just more speculative nonsense of trying to force events to fit prophecy. J.R. Church also wrote a book called prophecy in the Psalms where each first hundred psalms was supposed to be a year in the 20th century. Well it was total nonsense and what he wrote never happened. Yet, last I seen he still had the gall to keep selling this book.

When Jesus was talking about the sun turning dark and the moon becoming like blood it is highly unlikely that He was talking about solar/lunar eclipses. What Jesus and the prophets said was in conjunction with other very evident upheavals going on in the earth.… continue reading

Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat” – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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We are not the prodigal nation and belief in the Rapture is not the problem

Dave Daubenmire obviously too often listens to people who do not know what they are talking about.

I emailed Dave the last time he made this ridiculous assertion that the Church is sitting around doing nothing waiting for the Rapture. Obviously what I said to him did not sink in so now I will say it publicly since he makes his ridiculous assertion publicly.

Most of the Church could care less about the Rapture and it certainly is not obsessed with end-time prophecy. As I told Dave before, almost nobody is teaching it anymore. The few churches that are, are probably the churches that are actually doing something spiritual in this nation.… continue reading

Jews against Christian Zionism

This excommunication of the Christian Zionists does not surprise me. Most of Israel are leftist secular humanists who will make peace with their enemies at any cost. The only hope they see for peace is a peace enforced by the world powers. Zionist evangelicals are telling them not to give up there land for peace because it will bring a holocaust but if they know Bible prophecy they also know that a holocaust must come. So it gets rather difficult to understand why some people’s ministry is to bring a mostly unbelieving people back to a place where they know they will be doomed.… continue reading

Four unfulfilled unconditional covenants to natural Israel

If people understood what Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum is saying in this one article about God’s unfilled covenants there would be no amillennialism, post millennialism or Replacement Theology and everyone would know that God still is fulfilling His plan for natural Israel. They would know that the final stage is being set for the covenants to be fulfilled. The timing is playing out in God’s prophetic sequence.

People can pretend that they have some deeper spiritual truth that nullifies the covenant promises given to Israel but their presumptuous allegorizations of God’s promises given without conditions will not change the natural fulfillment to Israel.… continue reading

Forgotten kids or a postmodern generation who reject Jesus because they love their sins?

Jan Markell adequately answered why the true Church should be looking forward to the coming of Jesus and is not worrying about the gloom and doom that the world will soon experience. So I won’t rehash that. I just want to add one point. The woman said that “we have a whole generation of forgotten kids – forgotten by the church so they can have their end time meetings.”

Does this woman even go to church? There are no end time meetings in any church I know. Kids have not been forgotten by the Church in any case. Most kids will simply not attend church if their parents don’t make them attend.… continue reading

Are the same errors as in the days of Noah upon us?

Hal Lindsey sees a connection between the corruption of all flesh in the days of Noah and the genetic engineering of species today. So do I. Jesus did not say it would be like in the days of Noah for nothing. God will not allow man to corrupt His creation with chimeras, clones and transhumanism. Read Hal’s article and also see my article on a related subject of Aliens.

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According to Genesis 6:1-6, the “sons of God” intermarried with “the
daughters of men” and produced offspring that Genesis calls “giants” and “mighty
men of renown.” Genesis 6:9 records that Noah was found to be a “just” man and
perfect in his generations,” i.e.,
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Putin, Gog, Ezekiel and Russia’s modern military expansion

Watch this new Russia closely. I believe we are witnessing the rise of Gog of Bible prophecy. Russia’s military capabilities are a major indicator that Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 can be fulfilled. At the rate Russia is going now, I think she will be ready to fulfill the invasion spoken of by Ezekiel by 2020-2025.

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Vladimir Putin has used one of the last major speeches of his presidency to
deliver a defiant message to the West, accusing it of unleashing a new arms race
that left Moscow no choice but to retaliate in kind. Less than a month before
presidential elections that his hand-picked successor is almost certain to win,
the speech removed any lingering doubts that Russian foreign policy might become
less aggressive after Mr Putin steps down.
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