Muslim Antichrist proponents totally miss Islamic moral law

Dr. David Reagan has been receiving attacks on the Internet for his article in Lamplighter that debunked the concept of a Muslim Antichrist. One of the misconceptions of Muslim Antichrist proponents is that Islam is looking for a Mahdi that all Muslims will unite behind. They believe this Mahdi will be the Antichrist and will lead Muslims to fight against Israel and the “Christian” West. Never mind that there really is no Christian West, there is only a pseudo Christian West. There are more true Christians in Communist China than there are in today’s humanistic Europe.

I frankly do not know why Christians believe Muslim eschatology as if the lies of Islam can give Christians prophetic truth? … continue reading

Mary apparitions may be the deception that unifies world religions into becoming the Harlot of Revelation

The excerpts of the article I quoted are from an article on “The Coming One World Religion, by Jim Simmons. I think in his article he has done an excellent job of communicating the Hallmarks of the false religious system called the Great Harlot in Revelation.

He like Roger Oakland and myself and some others believe that Mary apparitions will be a major unifier of the world religions. We know the apparitions and the messages will not be from Mary because the messages contradict what God says in the Bible. I believe the apparition is the same Queen of Heaven demonic being that God condemned in the Old Testament.… continue reading

Dr. David Reagan presents a series on the truth about Islam

Dr. David Reagan did a series on Islam on Wordview Weekend that was removed by them for some reason. Wordview Weekend breaks a lot of links to what they post and that is very aggravating. I went to Dr. Reagan’s website and found an article about the truth about Islam. This is probably the same information that was in the series that I partly quote below.

What Reagan says should do away with the misconceptions and false statements about Islam coming from our political leaders and even many who call themselves Christians. The God of Islam is not the God  of Christianity nor is Allah the God of the Bible.… continue reading

Debunking the local Islamic Antichrist malarky because scripture actually indicates the Antichrist is Global

I am liking the teaching of Nathan Jones. He gives very good answers to those who expect a local Muslim Antichrist. Besides this article he also had a very good article the other day on the Divided States of America.  I wrote on this topic myself and like me, Jones also see the possibility of a break up of the United States because of deep moral divisions.

Having said that, lets go to this new article about the rational for a Global or Local Antichrist.

The Muslim Antichrist proponents see the Beast and its Antichrist fighting a regional war against Israel.… continue reading

Believing Amillennialism requires inconsistent hermeneutics and Eschatology

This is a good article that refutes Amillennialism. If you read the whole article that was quoted in part here and still do not understand the issues or still want to believe in Amillennialism you might read my own article on Amillennialism. It gives many more arguments and details. The facts are that believing Amillennialism requires inconsistent hermeneutics and inconsistent Eschatology.

Inconsistent Eschatology: Examining Amillennialism

Many read the Bible with two competing views mixing pre, post, and amillennial scholarship through the use of randomly bought commentaries. This “grab bag” of interpretations is sloppily promoted through prophetic guess sessions linked with every current event to hit the papers.

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Bible Prophecy wars over an Antichrist out of Islam

There is a rather heated controversy stirring between traditional Bible prophecy authors who think the Antichrist will be a western figure and more recent authors who think the Antichrist will come out of Islam.

I wrote on this in July and gave some of my thoughts why the Antichrist would not be a Muslim and his Beast Kingdom would not be Islam.

In the last Jan/Feb issue of Lamplighter magazine Dr. Reagan critiques four books that make the claim that the Antichrist is out of Islam and Dr. Reagan gives his views why this is not the case and is sloppy exegesis.… continue reading

Debunking a Muslim Beast Antichrist

Lately there has been a whole lot of teachers getting on the Antichrist will come from Islam and that Islam is the Beast world system bandwagon.

Apparently painting Antichrist horns on the obvious evil system of our time sells books but is is good theology? I posted a article why I do not believe the Beast will emerge from Islam or why the Beast will be Muslim.

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam

Dr Reagan has written a very scholarly work why the Antichrist will not be a Muslim.

Bill Salus in the article that I quote below gives more good reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Islam.continue reading

The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World
By Don Koenig

The ministry of the two witnesses from God in Revelation chapter 11 will last for 1260 days. This event is the most understated event of Bible prophecy. The witnesses, the two prophets from heaven will shake the world to its core and the whole world will rejoice when they are killed because they tormented those who dwell on the earth.

I think we totally underestimate the impact that these two prophets will have on the world.

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Chuck Missler on the history of Christmas

Chuck Missler did a two part series on the history of Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Xmas (joking). I wish you all a Merry Christmas and pray that you will have a fruitful New Year in Christ.

The History Of Christmas – Part I

The celebration of Christmas has caused some controversy in recent years, for a variety of reasons. Many have been concerned that Christ is too often left out of Christmas; replaced by trimmings and presents and fudge. Others have battled over whether we should allow manger scenes on public property or allow the school choir to sing Christmas carols that actually contain a message about Jesus Christ.

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A brilliant defense against Steve Gregg’s Preterism from Dr. Norman L. Geisler.

Apparently Steve Gregg tried to come to the rescue of Partial Preterism after Dr. Norman Geisler reviewed “The Apocalypse Code” book written by Hank Hanegraaff that attacked premillennial theology and those who are looking for the soon return of Jesus in the Rapture.

I guess someone needed to come to the rescue and bail out Preterism after some of Hank Hanegraaff’s erroneous assumptions were pointed out by Dr. Geisler in his review and some of Hanegraff’s book could not even be fully accepted by preterists. This is the response by Dr. Geisler to Steve Gregg’s apparent defense of partial preterism.

In this article Dr.continue reading

Jesus was born on the Feast of Tabernacles

Dr. Reagan is correct, the only date of the birth of Jesus that makes any sense is on the Feast of Tabernacles. That date will even be celebrated in the millennium and all people of the nations on earth will have to appear before Jesus on that day (Zec 14:16). Jesus was the light of the world and the swaddling cloth Jesus was wrapped in was the same material as that of the wick of the lamp in the temple. Jesus came on the Feast of Tabernacles and dwelt among men as the light of the world. All words of scriptures have meaning but some have deepening meaning than many think.… continue reading

Why Christians should believe in Premillennialism

Dr. Norman L. Geisler gives his expert arguments for premillennialism. Each reason below is fully explained in the full article.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?

Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?By Norman L. Geisler

Arguments for Premillennialism

There are many arguments for premillennialism and several are noteworthy.

Unless Premillennialism is True, God Lost the Battle in History
Unless Premillennialism is True, History Has no End
Only Premillennialism Employs a Consistent Hermeneutic
Premillennialism Adds Urgency to Evangelism
Premillennial Immenency Adds an Incentive for Holiness


Our spiritual forefathers did not put this in our doctrinal statement because they thought it was unimportant.

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We missed it, Obama is really the Antichrist, says John Tng.

I thought you would like this article. Not because I think Obama is the Antichrist, but because we all need to observe how some people with too much time on their hands think. I get emails from these types all too often. By some mathematical wizardry they have all the answers to the mysteries that have eluded the Church. Never mind, that in this scheme that the modern English language was not even in existence when Revelation was written and there is no clear rational for the numbering scheme Tng uses for English. Also, what English language version of the Bible was the totally perfect translation that had these four 666 passages adding up and to a multiple of 743 that when divided into the passage = 666?… continue reading

A critique of the book “Isralestine” that suggests that the war of Psalm 83 is imminent

Is the war of Psalm 83 and a enlarged Israel imminent as in the book “Isralestine”?
One of the great mysteries for those who study Bible prophecy is the timing of the wars mentioned in Psalm 83 and the war described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. They are obviously different wars but which war occurs first and when? Are they pretribulational wars or tribulation wars? How can Israel be living in peace and security prior to the Ezekiel war as the prophecy clearly indicates? That is the ongoing debate.

Bill Salus in his book “Isralestine” offers a solution but the thesis is very difficult to accept in light of real world realities but that does not mean the thesis he offers based on his selection and interpretation of certain scriptures is wrong.… continue reading

Dr. David R. Reagan and the 2008 election.

Dr. David R. Reagan gives his discerning thoughts about the 2008 election. I totally agree with what he is is saying. I would point out that one of the reasons that only 59 percent of the eligible voters voted is that neither major party gave Conservatives and true Christians a candidate that we could vote for. We must never let that happen again.

We may only have one more national presidential election to get this right or in the out years we will find ourselves trying to elect an opposition leader in a fascist like climate of Putin’s Russia. Even in 2012 the playing field and the rules will give the Liberal home team a huge advantage.… continue reading

Rapture Ready Bible prophecy website back in the national news

It is nice to see Todd Strandberg and Terry James Rapture Ready website make the national media again. All the exposure helps to get the message out about Bible prophecy and that we are very near the prophetic end times on earth. If you have not visited the site I highly recommend it. For years RaptureReady has been the top Bible prophecy website in the world and I still very much appreciate the link they have up to my website.

Rapture: Distress about wars and the world economy feed apocalyptic warnings – Salt Lake Tribune

Strandberg, founder and editor of,

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Civil war is certain if people try to overthrow our democratic republic.

Hal Lindsey believes this election will determine the path that America will take in the future. He gives many statements from our forefathers that warn us that a free people cannot take the path of big government control over the people. That position of course is correct.

One party in this election has obvious intentions of departing from the government that was set up by our founding fathers. So if you vote that party you would be more correct to call yourself a Marxist/Communist/Socialist than one who believes in our democratic constitutional republic. The other party is on life support. That is proven by the liberal choice they nominated for President.… continue reading

Dr. David R. Reagan lists the main points of struggle between the secular Left and the Judeo-christian Right.

Dr. David R. Reagan has always stood on solid Biblical ground on his positions. This man of God in his article outlines the spiritual and cultural struggle and the divide based on the opposing views of the secular Left and the traditional Judeo-Christian Right. I can assure you that if Dr. Reagan is talking about them He believes the differences are a grave danger to America.

In politics the differences between Left and Right becomes as clear as supporting someone like Barny Frank verses a Sarah Palin, in the news media reading WND or CNN, In the entertainment media being influenced by Oprah or Chuck Norris, in the churches attending an Emergent Church relying on shifting sand of esoteric and mystical experiences or attending a church that relies on the Rock solid foundation of biblical doctrine.… continue reading

Does the war of Psalm 83 come before the war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39?

I have not read the book “Isralestine”, by Bill Salus but it sounds like an intriguing prophetic explanation of end time events. Almost all futurist Bible prophecy students will agree that there are three end time wars involving Israel. However, we disagree somewhat on the timing of first two wars. Those wars being the Ezekiel Chapter 38 and 39 war where Gog comes down with a host of nations and the Psalm 83 war where a confederacy of nations attempts to cut Israel off from being a nation. In the mix somewhere is the destruction of Damascus since the prophecy has never been fulfilled yet.… continue reading

The Bailouts are part of a conspiracy leading to the Beast economic system?

The bailouts may bring us one step closer to the one world Beast economic system but there are some things said in this article that quite frankly make unfounded innuendos about people in our government and in the financial management of our money that are just not appropriate.

The article seems to paint that since the great depression we have been control by a worldwide conspiracy that is deliberately leading us to the Mark of the Beast system. There is no such conspiracy there is no such evil cabal of men. What is happening is the inevitable results of man’s mismanagement of the world’s economic systems.… continue reading