Purpose Driven support for Rosemarie’s baby

Ever wonder why Rick Warren gets all this news coverage? I guess it really helps to be a member of the CFR. I wonder how many of this globalist elite club he has reached for Christ? Paul Proctor, in this article hits the main points so I just want to add my belief that this movement is also the mother of Rosemarie’s baby (The emergent church movement). I explain that and talk about some of the issues that Paul Proctor brings up in my dominion theology article. It gets into Psychology, the Purpose Driven and the Emergent church movements and much more.continue reading

Hank Hanegraff thinks premillennialism is a fad that has run its course

I received this email about Hank Hanegraff I thought it might be of interest to some.

I first would like to thank you for your very informative and skillfully created website. I find it a very useful tool for defending the faith. I live in Wisconsin in the Milwaukee county area and can listen to Hank Hanegraff radio show on my drive home from work. I find him palatable when he is not talking about the End Times. Unfortunately today (4/17/07) he was promoting another new book on his Preterist views. I was about to change the station when he began telling a story about a man in South Carolina that gave up his faith because he believed Jesus was a false Prophet based on the prophecy that this Generation will not pass away.… continue reading

The rebuilding of Babylon is not far fetched

There was an eye opener on 20/20 last night. If anyone wonders how Babylon can be rebuilt in a short period of time check out what is happening in Dubai today. The city is rapidly becoming the international playground of the rich people of the world. The King of this emirate is now building the most modern city in the world using 500,000 temporary guest workers (nearly slaves). He is in the process of erecting a building that will be twice as tall as the tallest building in the world. He is even making offshore islands in the shape of each nation of the world.… continue reading

There is a Woman On The Beast and She has Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology is sometimes also called “Christian Reconstructionism” or “Kingdom Now” but there are significant differences among these theologies. I have lumped all the theologies together in this article under the name Dominion Theology because popular dominionist leaders that bridge denominations and movements have blurred the distinctions. This also is the case with most of their critics. They often lump together beliefs of “Kingdom Now, Christian Reconstructionism” “NAR” and “Latter Rain Theology” as if everyone agreed. There are many different religious doctrines within Dominion Theology so I include the words “many”, “most” or “some” in this article for good reason.

Much of Christianity is now traveling on very different bandwagons of dominionism but all paths lead to some form of a Christian or religious world under a government theonomy (under the law of God) or theocracy, before the return of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

Christian identity

Some of the evils in the Christian patriot movement:

Much of the patriot movement disrespects government leaders and authority that scripture says were put there by God. We are told to pray for our leaders, we are not to make railing accusations

Christian patriots are told to arm themselves and to be prepared to fight the new world order while scripture says that we are to be peaceful and willing to go like sheep to the slaughter

Christian patriots are told that they are not required to pay there taxes but scripture tells us we are to support the government put over us as the government requires.… continue reading