In God’s eyes the Roman fourth beast still rules the world

The visions given to Daniel document that there will only be four Gentile world kingdoms from his own time until the Kingdom of the Messiah. The four kingdoms that Daniel saw that were identified with four beasts have been unquestionably identified by reputable historians as Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greek, and the Roman. The Roman is the fourth beast described and last Gentile Kingdom on earth. At the end of the age this kingdom will be destroyed and the earth will be given to the people of God (Daniel 7).

There is no other worldwide Gentile kingdom in scripture between the time of the ancient Roman Empire and the time that the latter-day prince makes a seven-year covenant with Israel at the end of the Gentile age (Dan 9:27).… continue reading

Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

In 2009 Tom Horn gave us his theory in his book “Apollyon Rising 2012” that the Antichrist would make himself known between the year 2009 and 2012. Three years later Horn has followed up with a book that has the False Prophet coming to power in late 2012. This book seems designed to complete his theory based on many private mystical and pagan prophecies that the Great Tribulation starts near the end of 2012 and ends in 2016.

Last month I gave a review on Apollyon rising 2012. In brief, I thought that Tom Horn assumes that unregenerate man has power over the spirits that humans do not have, and that Tom Horn gives demonic pagan prophets way to much credit to be able to foretell the future.… continue reading

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

Some in Christian media have been doing interviews with Thomas Horn so I decided to read a couple of his books. I recently read “Apollyon rising 2012” and I will soon read his latest book “Petrus Romanus”, which God willing, I will comment on sometime in the future. The title “Apollyon Rising 2012”, implies that Apollyon of Revelation 9:11 will be rising in 2012 but If you believe that you probably already have been hornswoggled.

First let me say that there are quite a few errors and shoehorning of scripture as well as some hornswoggling in Tom Horn’s book. Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom’s Horn’s Apollyon Rising: 2012.… continue reading

Any operational Bushehr nuclear reactor is destroyed with Babylon.

It has been announced that Russia is going to fuel up the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran on Aug 21st, 2010. That has also fueled speculation by some that Israel or even the U.S. will attack the reactor within the next eight days because after it goes operational nobody would dare attack this reactor because radiation would be spread over a large area of the Middle East. Attacking it after it has become operational for a while would even be worse, because it would spread the Plutonium that is generated in the fuel rods and wherever this Plutonium dust might spread would become radioactive and uninhabitable for human life for many thousands of  years.… continue reading

From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

Babylon the Great is about to rise.

This article probably has plenty of Bible prophecy significance. Iraq is trying to set up a group of nations like the EU in the Middle East. Many who study Bible prophecy have been saying that Iraq will rise again as a great world center of prosperity in the last days and fulfill the prophecies of Babylon and Babylon the Great. This most likely is the first major step in building the foundation for that entity.

Also notice that other regions on earth are doing the same thing as this EU pilot project prototype. All generally are following the Club of Rome’s plan for ten regional governments under a central world government.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam?

I get emails asking me if I believe the Antichrist will be Islamic. Some give me a list of reasons why I am wrong in my articles to think that the Antichrist will come from Christianity or Judaism. They send me reasons from other Bible prophecy teachers why the idea that Bible prophecy teachers thought the Antichrist will come from the Roman Empire was wrong and why he will really come from Islam. Although I respect the Bible prophecy teachers that are now teaching this I do not believe that the Antichrist and his Beast government will come out of Islam.continue reading

Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world and will fulfill the prophecies on Babylon

With this information it becomes much more credible that Iraq (Babylon) will rise to become very wealthy in these last days. By the way, Iraq has real plans to make the city of Babylon into a world cultural center and theme park. So don’t be surprised when Iraq becomes the economic powerhouse in the Middle East like the Bible indicates. Also if Iraq starts major development of these oil fields their increased output will take care of any world shortages. I think in two decades or so Iraq/Babylon will realistically be able to fulfill Bible prophecy about Babylon.

Iraq could have largest oil reserves in the world – Times Online

Iraq dramatically increased the official size of its oil reserves yesterday after new data suggested that they could exceed Saudi Arabia’s and be the largest in the world.

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Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat” – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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The United Nation Returns to Iraq

The UN will take over nation building in Iraq. It will be the world headquarters of the Beast world government of the Antichrist. Twenty years down the line most Christians will understand the implications of a modern world class city being built at Babylon, if they are still here.

The United Nation Returns to Iraq – HUMAN EVENTS: “Four years after an explosives-packed suicide cement truck blew up and destroyed the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to expand its operation in Iraq. ”

“Iraq’s Al Azzaman Website quoted a senior U.N. spokesman as saying: “The U.N.

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U.S. Troops Now Fighting for U.N. in Iraq. Could this be prophetic?

I think the UN will take over in Iraq and I think that is also the prophetic scenario. Babylon will be rebuilt because the Antichrist will rule the world from there in the great tribulation. Lahaye did not put that in his “Left Behind” series by accident, it is based on Zec. chapter 5. So if we look at the situation over there and we take into account how fast a modern new city can be built once their is peace in the Middle East and the oil is flowing we can easily see that all pieces for the end time world city can be in place before 2030.continue reading

Iraq may have world’s second largest oil reserves

Iraq’s oil Reserves will prove to be even more then what is said. Iraq will have the capabilities to fill the world’s oil gap for at least 10 or 20 years if they get stability over there. In that amount of time the oil wealth could propel Babylon to become the newest world class city just in time for the Antichrist figure around 2030 AD. Ten million barrels per day would work out to over $25,000 a year for each family in Iraq every year after all costs of production. If someone were selling that point to the Iraq people it just might give them the incentives to find peace.continue reading

Pope wants the Mass in Latin

Every time I get stupid enough to think that the Pope seems to be moving in a more orthodox Christian direction he regress to doctrines that leads me to think he knows nothing about true Christianity. What will bringing back Latin mumble jumbo in the Mass do other than satisfy feelings of nostalgia for those who grew up on this mindless ritual?

The Catholic Mass was put into the common language so that people could understand what the priest was doing and saying. Now this Pope wants to make it all mystical again. The correct position to take if he ever wants to start on a path to unite Christianity would be to do away with the Mass altogether since the Mass is not supported by scripture.continue reading

The rebuilding of Babylon is not far fetched

There was an eye opener on 20/20 last night. If anyone wonders how Babylon can be rebuilt in a short period of time check out what is happening in Dubai today. The city is rapidly becoming the international playground of the rich people of the world. The King of this emirate is now building the most modern city in the world using 500,000 temporary guest workers (nearly slaves). He is in the process of erecting a building that will be twice as tall as the tallest building in the world. He is even making offshore islands in the shape of each nation of the world.… continue reading