Where is that great revival in America?

If you believed some of the Christian revival hype that was going around this year, you might have been lead to believe that by Thanksgiving our nation would be in sack cloth and ashes humbling themselves and praying and repenting so God would heal our land. That is what some Christian media hucksters tried to sell you, but reality turned out quite differently. It seems that the camp-outs for Black Friday that will be ushering in the commercialism of Christmas will supersede any post Thanksgiving national repentance.

There have been Christian rallies this year that were advertised as the kick off for this American revival but they brought little response.… continue reading

Here is a BreakPoint: Chuck Colson’s worldviews often are befuddling

I almost could not believe my ears this morning when I heard Chuck Colson give one of his BreakPoint commentaries. Here is a man that claims to be a top authority on Christian worldviews. However, his Christian worldviews sometimes seem to be the worldviews of someone who is too accommodating to the enemies of the true gospel. This is the not the first time that Chuck Colson’s viewpoints have left me befuddled although generally I do agree with most of what he says on BreakPoint.

I have issues with what Colson has said before, especially on his very confused ecumenical theology, but his supporting Oprah Winfrey’s book club on his BreakPoint commentary just because Oprah’s book club has two good picks this month takes the cake.… continue reading

Obama is acting out Christian Black Liberation theology on America

Some very misled Evangelicals are saying that Obama is a Christian that once was attending a Christian Black Liberation Theology church but they have it backwards. Christian Black Liberation Theology is attending the mind of Obama. Most everything Obama is doing to America reflects the beliefs of a person driven by “Christian” Black Liberation Theology.

Ann Coulter did a fine job coming to Obama’s defense about him not be a Muslim. She claims that Obama is really an atheist. That probably is true because he supports evil social concepts as if there is no God, but atheism is not the way Obama was religiously and culturally programed for most of his adult life.… continue reading

America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

I guess Americans are not quite as dumb about the economy as they are about politics or the majority would never have voted Marxists and Fabian socialists into office. Almost 80 percent of Americans believe the economy might collapse and believe that politicians in Washington do not have a clue how to fix this problem. They of course are 100 percent correct. The economy will collapse and I think the fall is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe. America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente still says the second phase of the collapse will take place this year.continue reading

The “new age” of pagan enlightenment

There is nothing new under the sun. When man thinks he is moving toward new enlightenment he really starts moving back to the same old pre-Christian paganism. We see that happening today in post-Christian society that is starting to look like the pagan barbarism of the past. We are on our way to the “New Age” of pagan enlightenment which really will bring the world into satanic bondage.

Good thinking!

the secular way station

The most recent European outrages seen in the media are just the beginning. Whether it is British schoolchildren being forced to pray to Allah by their teacher, government judges declaring the valid jurisdiction of Talmudic and Shariah law, or the simple breakdown of peaceful, rational society, it is clear that post-Christian society is far more likely to resemble pagan pre-Christian society than it is to develop into the godless vision of an equalitarian, sexually androgynous workers’ paradise so often sold to the masses by secular prophets of one form or another.

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The rise of atheistic propaganda is another prelude to a great deception

The atheists are in vogue again. Just like there were in the past when atheism and evil philosophies rose in the world. We must be heading toward a new demonic deception and these delusional God haters are helping to set the stage. This is a good article that puts their stupid arguments in the proper trash bin.

What Triggered Such a Sudden Onslaught of Hard-Core, Mean-Spirited Atheistic Propaganda? – CWN

The evidence clearly shows that many of our institutions of higher leaning are cesspools of atheism and hotbeds of radicalism, including sexual radicalism. It’s as though we’re reliving the pre-French and pre-Bolshevik revolutionary eras.

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The war against truth.

You are might as well know where the U.S. is heading now that Christians have allowed secular humanists to take full control.

Worldview Wars

Because of having allowed itself to be chased out of the political arena in the name of separation of church and state or the “work of the Kingdom,” the Church will find a new challenge from a totally “atheized” secular government, which is now poised to begin telling the Church what it will say and do and what it must not say and do; what it can believe and what it cannot believe. Moreover, the governments of the West will continue their deterioration towards increased authoritarianism as the chaos caused by the new relative values continues to unravel the bonds that held society together under the Christian paradigm.We

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Life Almost Certainly Began in Comet says Astrobiologist

We have here the typical delusional thinking of atheistic scientists. They cannot believe that God created life and they now know that honest mathematics cannot support life starting on earth by chance, so this one says it undoubtedly began in space on a slushy comet, with warm watery clay pools. Nevermind, that no such comets have ever been found. These scientists contradict each other all the time. Just yesterday, I read from a scientist that life could not have survived any trip from a comet to the surface of the earth so he says life on earth could not have started on a comet.continue reading