Oprah, Word-Faith and postmodern Christianity shifting to the dark side

This article does a real good job putting Oprah’s New Age promotions, Word-Faith and postmodern “Christianity” in the same boat. Essentially they all are saying that we can create our own reality through our own thoughts, words or deeds because we are all part of the force. There is way too much good information in this article to just read my snippet of it so if you want to know all about this paradigm shift to the dark side, read Marsha West’s article.

Marsha West — Oprah Shifts to the Dark Side

Rhonda Byrne and Joel Osteen may have significant differences, but the one thing they agree on is that “You are the Master of the Universe, and the Genie is there to serve you.”

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The Christian movement shifting toward apostasy

If you are buying into a “Emergent” or “Emerging Church” you are going to be shifting toward the apostasy of pantheistic monism and universalism. Everyone in the Church needs to know about this rapidly growing movement because this is the apostasy that we were told would come in the last days.

Are You a “Shifter”? Does the Historic Gospel Message Need to be Repackaged? – CWN

Are you a “SHIFTER”? Do you follow Oprah Winfrey in her swooning free-fall into “planetary consciousness”? Do you “feel” the Christian message and belief system must be “repackaged” in order to be “relevant”, especially to the youth?

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Dobson and Schuller’s Psychological Christianity

Gee, someone actually agrees with what I say about this sacred cow of Christianity. Most science is corrupted by deceptive philosophies of the world in one way or another and does not mix well with Christianity. Theories of Psychotherapy do not mix at all

“Dobson’s Law” has always agreed with Robert Schuller

In response to recent articles concerning Shirley Dobson’s commendation of the ministry of Robert Schuller, I must confess there is no surprise here. Nothing has contributed more to the current preoccupation with self than the propagation of the psychological gospel. And perhaps no man has popularized this man-centered approach to Christianity more than radio psychologist, James Dobson.

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The Southern Baptist South now needs to be invaded by Calvary Chapels.

The main problem with the Southern Baptists (I have been a member at times) is that most members no longer read their Bibles they read Lifeway articles about the Bible. They do not do Bible studies they do Lifeway magazine studies or studies based on the latest book of some popular Christian self help Guru. They do not have Bible teachers they have facilitators of Lifeway products. Don’t believe me? Take a show of hands at your Southern Baptist Church, Bible study or group and ask how many have ever read through the Bible even once in their lives. You might be surprised.… continue reading

Shirley Dobson appears on Hour of Power and says Robert Schuller is doing good work

Much of the church is missing Dr. Dobson’s mixed message because he tells them what they want to hear on issues of the family and morality but Dr. Dobson seems to be confused on many theological issues – from the evil of psychology in the Church, to soft dominionism to his confusion on Robert Schuller’s universalism.

I wrote an article that includes information on Dr. Dobson if anyone cares to read it. The major segment on Dobson is about half way down the article in the psychobabble section, also check the excellent link within for much more information.

Do The Dobsons and Focus on the Family Agree with the Emergent Church?continue reading

Janet Folger says stop whining and take dominion of the earth

How incredibly undiscerning! Janet Folger is now teaching America Word of Faith Theology. She obviously is a believer in heretical Dominion theology. The link will give you more of my take on that theology.

Folger implies that Jesus lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven and had to die to get them back from Satan.
What heretical nonsense. Jesus never lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What kind of God would lose his keys? The keys Jesus gave the Church is authority in the spiritual realm in the spiritual kingdom of heaven. Even Jesus has not yet bound Satan on earth and taken authority on the earth because the timing of that is set by the Father alone.… continue reading

Psychology emerging in Christianity

Many Christian leaders understand that moral relativism is a plague on society but for some reason they do not understand that this thinking originated from theories of psychology.

It also is no accident that psychology is now a major part of the education offered in many Bible colleges and seminaries. Is it any wonder then that leaders with majors and minors in psychology are now emerging out of these schools and are creating the Emergent Church movement.

They teach people to question and redefine what were once Christian absolutes. So now we have the emerging blind leading the blind that have already been brainwashed to accept moral relativism by their secular educators.… continue reading

More blasphemy from the self enlightened haters of truth

Paul Verhoevenand and co-biographer Paul Verhoevenand claimed to have written the most realistic portrayal of Jesus ever published. Yeah, like they were there and seen Mary get raped and know something about Jesus that history has not already revealed. The only reliable portrayals of Jesus are in the gospels from eye witnesses of those events given in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They have withstood ever test in contrast to these unorthodox blasphemies by demonic fools that reflect delusions of their sick minds. It might be laughable if people were not so gullible. This is just more blasphemy for the end times from the self enlightened haters of truth.… continue reading

Brian Mclaren tells young creekers to lessen focus on eternity

I do not know why Willow Creek would allow this heretic to speak at their church. I take that back I think I do known why.

I challenge anyone who reads the Bible as written to tell me that this man has not redefined the scriptures to take away absolutes truths and replace them with stupid rationalizations. Tell me that he is not corrupting Christian youth with his heretical teaching. It is time that Christians quit making apogees for this very destructive heretic. His teachings are doing great harm to Christianity especially to the youth of the church.

So why is it that Christians in your church are mislead from his books and there is no warning about this wolf in sheep’s clothing and others emergent leaders like him coming from your pastor?… continue reading

Pope blesses the ground they died on

Your blessing is many years too late your unholiness. Not that your blessing would have changed anything. Do you now believe you have a time machine in your magic wand? Also, since you claim to be the Vicar of Christ you ought to know that God is not going to bring peace to this violent world as long as the wicked in this world insist on being wicked. No peace will come to this world until the Prince of Peace establishes it by removing the violent and the wicked out of it. So are you pleading with God for His judgments on earth to begin?… continue reading

America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

The emergent rise of pantheistic universalism

This article will give you a good perspective of how the Emergent Church is sliding into unity with New Age and Eastern paganism and pantheistic universalism. It will tell you who the leaders in this religious paradigm shift are and some of what they teach.

Emergent Church Spreading Spiritual Cancer – CWN

Now a similar assault on historic orthodox Christianity is underway that’s gaining momentum. Some Christians believe a paradigm shift is taking place in the Church and as a consequence “everything must change.” This is anything but good news for Christendom, my friends. In a radio interview with Worldview Network’s Brannon Howse, Professor Peter Jones of Westminster Seminary warned listeners that the Christian theistic West has been turning back to pagan, pantheistic monism.

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Oprah and her New Age mystics arise for end time deception

I think that Oprah started believing her own press when some people made her out to be a goddess. Now she is promoting every New Age Guru that fits within her own belief that she has some divine connection.

I guess it would now be more than appropriate to call Oprah a Cult leader since she is brainwashing gullible people and teaching pagan beliefs from her media pulpits.

In my opinion Oprah is now the most dangerous woman on the planet and she would be a shoe in for Antichrist if she was not a woman. Maybe she will change sexes.… continue reading

We are not the prodigal nation and belief in the Rapture is not the problem

Dave Daubenmire obviously too often listens to people who do not know what they are talking about.

I emailed Dave the last time he made this ridiculous assertion that the Church is sitting around doing nothing waiting for the Rapture. Obviously what I said to him did not sink in so now I will say it publicly since he makes his ridiculous assertion publicly.

Most of the Church could care less about the Rapture and it certainly is not obsessed with end-time prophecy. As I told Dave before, almost nobody is teaching it anymore. The few churches that are, are probably the churches that are actually doing something spiritual in this nation.… continue reading

Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief.… continue reading

Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

The Catholics taking part in this Global Living Rosary are practicing what is forbidden in the Bible. The Bible says that there is one in heaven that makes intercession between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Show me any scripture that says we are to pray to Mary or that Mary makes intercession for anyone. I will show you many Old Testament scriptures that says the Queen of Heaven (often carrying a child) was in existence before Mary and it was a demon. Those who prayed and offered to her were condemned by God.

These also think that their many rote prayers to someone other then Jesus works up power.… continue reading

Greg Laurie’s advice to the emerging apostate church.

Greg Laurie speaks on the Emergent Church, global warming and other issues. Christians need to heed his warnings.

‘The Emergent Church’: A dangerous counterfeit

Jesus plainly said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life. …” (John 14:6, NKJV) Yet despite this clear biblical teaching, another “emergent” leader says, “I see the world through the images of Christianity, which teaches me that I encounter God in everyone I meet, regardless of what they believe.”

This is New Age mysticism, not New Testament Christianity. The truth is, you will only find Christ living in those who have put their faith in Him.

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Those seeking the divine within themselves will find demons

The Bible says that doctrines of demons would be taught and believed in the last days. This worldwide paradigm shift to pagan thought just proves that we have arrived. Woe to the people that are teaching others this satanic deception.

There is nothing divine in self unless you got it from the Jesus that died on the cross and rose from the dead and is sitting on the right hand of God.

Paul Proctor — Oprah and The Gospel of Me

If you break it all down, the New Age is, at its core, just spiritual narcissism – cloaked in charity, compassion and unity.

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Seeds of deception conference

Your kids will be publicly introduced to Eastern religious paganism and the Dalai Lama at the “Seeds of Compassion Conference” by direct participation of your public schools. Now why does it not surprise me that heretics Desmond Tutu, Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt will be speakers at this conference.

They will even have a Yoga secession for children ages 6-10. How nice!

After reading what is going in the Emergent Movement and New/Age does any astute Christian still think they a Universal one world religion is not well underway?

Emergent Leaders and School Children follow “his holiness” the Dalai Lama to Seattle Commencing this Friday (April 11, 2008) the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the world’s Tibetan Buddhists begins a five day conference in Seattle.… continue reading

Rick Warren and the Saddleback Cult?

I also have been warning about Rick Warren. Christian pastors do not continually let the enemies of the cross use their platform to deceive. I have observed Warren saying one thing to Christians to appear orthodox and then leading the church and the world astray by promoting heretics and universalism. My question to members of Saddleback is why do you put up with it? Have you all become disciples of Rick Warren rather than disciples of Jesus Christ? Is your Church now just a social platform for deceiving people into a wide gate all inclusive type of Christianity? I say either censor Rick Warren, leave the church or expect to be labeled as cult members by true Christians.… continue reading