British believe religion is bad

The British have a history of believing lies before reality kicks them in the pants.

British poll: Religion does more harm than good – News from Israel, Ynetnews: “Eighty-two percent of people in Britain believe that religious faith causes tension in the country, while two-thirds of the resident state that they do not believe in religion, a new poll published Saturday by the British Guardian newspaper revealed.

According to the survey, most respondents believe religion does more harm that good and see it as a cause of division. Only 16 percent disagreed with this assertion. “… continue reading

The rebuilding of Babylon is not far fetched

There was an eye opener on 20/20 last night. If anyone wonders how Babylon can be rebuilt in a short period of time check out what is happening in Dubai today. The city is rapidly becoming the international playground of the rich people of the world. The King of this emirate is now building the most modern city in the world using 500,000 temporary guest workers (nearly slaves). He is in the process of erecting a building that will be twice as tall as the tallest building in the world. He is even making offshore islands in the shape of each nation of the world.… continue reading

Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof – God does nothing supernatural

Paul tells Timothy in his second letter what it will be like in the last days:

2 Tim 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times
shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,
boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent,
fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady,
highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a
form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly
women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and
never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

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Christian conservatives in America often lack the compassion of Christ

I consider myself a Christian conservative but I cannot ignore the selfishness and hatred that is too often displayed by Conservative Christians in America. While it is true that Christian Conservatives claim the Bible is the word of God, many are not living according to its New Testament teaching. Some dwell more on the Old Testament laws and expect non-believers to live by them even though through their own social actions it is obvious that even they themselves do not live by the commandments.

For example, the Deep South is the conservative Christian Bible belt of America but it also had so much racism and hatred towards blacks that the federal government had to intervene and force desegregation about forty years ago.… continue reading

The road map into insanity

It now looks like there will be a cease fire and foreign troops will occupy the border of Lebanon. As if that will really solve anything.

I really have to wonder what the point of the war really was? I guess it was to make Israel appear weak and to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon to stir up more hatred against Israel in the world.

The liberals in control of Israel just made a few thousand Hezbollah look like a formidable foe against Israel. The terrorists have just proved to all Moslems that Israel does not have the leadership or the will to take any decisive military action.… continue reading

There is a Woman On The Beast and She has Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology is sometimes also called “Christian Reconstructionism” or “Kingdom Now” but there are significant differences among these theologies. I have lumped all the theologies together in this article under the name Dominion Theology because popular dominionist leaders that bridge denominations and movements have blurred the distinctions. This also is the case with most of their critics. They often lump together beliefs of “Kingdom Now, Christian Reconstructionism” “NAR” and “Latter Rain Theology” as if everyone agreed. There are many different religious doctrines within Dominion Theology so I include the words “many”, “most” or “some” in this article for good reason.

Much of Christianity is now traveling on very different bandwagons of dominionism but all paths lead to some form of a Christian or religious world under a government theonomy (under the law of God) or theocracy, before the return of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

The real short term solution in the Middle East might be to bomb Iran

Things are getting rather dangerous in the Middle East. It looks like Israel will now be at war with the terrorist groups until the terrorist groups are significantly weakened or this war escalates into a war with Syria and Iran.

I think God only knows what will really happen. Israel right now will probably only attempt to bring about the significant weakening of these terrorists groups so she can allow the creation of the Palestinian State. The majority of Israeli’s have bought into the view that this is the only solution for peace.

If Syria or Iran does something stupid, Israel and the U.S.… continue reading

Bible prophecy websites

It really is getting very hard to find good Bible prophecy websites to link with and to put in my website directory. A few of the biggest names in Bible prophecy seem to be getting nutter that a fruit cake. Many other prophecy websites have bought into every conspiracy theory there is and still others have some rather strange unbiblical views. Some say they are “Bible prophecy websites” but there is little on them but news feeds and headlines. Then there are those who provide almost no free information at all. Some Bible Prophecy websites only exist to sell books.… continue reading

The Handwriting on the wall says Apocalypse Now will be playing soon

Latest insights on the end times, by Don Koenig

Prepare for the apocalypse now

Some have asked me how close we are to the prophesied end time events of the Bible and the promise of the second coming of Jesus. I am not setting a date but I have been indicating in my articles that by what I see taking place in the world, that all events are very likely to take place within two to three decades. I believe all that is written about the last days before the second coming of Jesus will most likely be completed in this period.… continue reading

Do all Christians need to be taught why The Da Vinci Code is blasphemy?

Recently in churches across America “The Da Vinci Code” is the main topic. Even my own church did a four-week home study on “The Da Vinci Code. I guess we should all get on the bandwagon and learn to rebut these loony inferences based on already thoroughly refuted Gnostic and fraudulent writings. I may be alone in my views with a few exceptions but I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom of having anyone in the church study why this specific heresy is so “paramount” when most in the church have not yet read the absolute truths of the Bible even once.… continue reading

The Gospel of Judas

The gospel of Judas story is all over the news. The liberals in the church who reject the clear teaching in the Bible now claim special knowledge from ancient Gnostic documents that were declared heresy by the early church. It should not be surprising that in these last days neo-Gnostics would reappear claiming special knowledge outside of the truths in scripture and even present some of the same documents that were condemned as their proof.

Article continued on my websitecontinue reading

Internet censorship will come from government directives or search engine companies policies

After a highly ranked article I wrote on sexual perversion and another one I wrote on the polices in China just completely vanish out of the Google database my first thought was censorship. I do not know if that actually occurred but it certainly made me think about the subject. I now believe there will soon come a day when absolute truths expressed in the Bible will no longer be allowed to be posted on the Internet. I also believe that day will not be very far in the future, in fact, in China it is already occurring.

Article continue on my websitecontinue reading

Christian identity

Some of the evils in the Christian patriot movement:

Much of the patriot movement disrespects government leaders and authority that scripture says were put there by God. We are told to pray for our leaders, we are not to make railing accusations

Christian patriots are told to arm themselves and to be prepared to fight the new world order while scripture says that we are to be peaceful and willing to go like sheep to the slaughter

Christian patriots are told that they are not required to pay there taxes but scripture tells us we are to support the government put over us as the government requires.… continue reading

The nuclear threat to the United States by Iran and North Korea

Those who think Iran is not a nuclear threat to the United States might read the following article I wrote and posted on my website. Those who think Iran is a threat might also want to be aware of what could happen if a nuclear bomb gets in the hands of terrorist’s or terrorist states.

Imminent danger to the US # 1 – Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) by a nuclear explosion high over the United States or by natural catastrophe – by Don Koenig

Possible Causes – A direct attack from a nation and/or terrorist group using one or more nuclear weapons exploded at very high altitude over the United States – A blast from a meteor exploding at high altitude in the atmosphere – A massive explosion on the sun.… continue reading

Apostasy In the Church

Apostasy in the Church, by Don Koenig
The reason for this article
Most of the major Christian denominations have deviated from biblical Christianity in one way or another. It is not the purpose of this article to point a finger at any one group, or to tell true Christians to get out of their denomination or not to fellowship. I understand that this article will not win me any popularity contest but very few others are talking about the apostasy in the church institutions that identifies with Christianity and the practices within that deviate from true biblical Christianity.The one true Church of God is interwoven in all Christian denominations.
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