Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK

The Western leaders do not understand what is coming but one day soon the people will. The fact that nobody Muslim will break with Muslim leaders nullifies the naive idea that saner Muslims will prevail and integrate with Western societies. They will not until the radicals are forcefully nullified.

WorldNetDaily: Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK: “‘Not one said, ‘You’re not speaking for me’ or ‘Not in my name.’ They stood there and watched and applauded,’ he told WND.

Like the UK, Humphries said, the U.S. has three major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for living in the West is to help fulfill Islamic prophecies: The loss of border control, the inability to say no and lack of assimilation.

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Hank Hanegraaff’s false theology and questionable character

Hank Hanegraaff of CRI has a staff that gets him answers. That makes him credible on many biblical topics but when Hank Hanegraaff himself steps out in certain areas of theology he displays a basic lack of biblical understanding. We should not be surprised that mockers like Hank Hanegraaff would come against those who declare the soon coming of Jesus, Bible prophecy declares they will. The questionable character issues are well known and they can easily be found with any keyword search on his name on Google.

Here is an excerpt of an article by Jan Markel of about Hank Hanegraaff’s attack on Dispensational Premillennial Theology (article was posted on Worldview Weekend).continue reading

Erwin McManus’s False Teachings

This will get to the heart of the matter about the heresy within the emergent church movement. In a nut shell their goal is a Jesus religion that cares little about the Biblical Jesus or His words. They plan to reinvent Christianity so it will fit right in with the postmodern generation taught that there are no moral absolutes. This is why this movement will be identified with the harlot who rides the Beast in Revelation.

Erwin McManus’s False Teachings  “Erwin McManus has made it crystal clear that he hates Christianity. This is very well documented. He has said, “The greatest enemy of the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity,” and “My goals is to destroy Christianity as a world religion and be a recatalyst for the movement of Jesus Christ.”[1]

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Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’

That is why some environmentalists see the only solution to the problem is to get rid of about 4 or 5 billion people. When you mix environmentalists with “new age” religion you get many with this mindset. Why? Because they have no faith in the Creator to provide for the people He created.

American Thinker: Al Gore’s Live Earth: Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’: “And environmentalists have rejected solutions to the problems they say global warming will worsen. Indeed, as I show in my book Eco-Freaks: Environmentalism Is Hazardous to Your Health, environmentalists have created their own public health crises with many of their ‘solutions.’

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United Church of Christ cult (UCC) backs same-sex marriage

Which continues to show that the UCC denomination has no regard for Biblical truths. I think it would only be fair to the cults if they also were now labeled a Christian cult.

BBC NEWS Americas US Church backs same-sex marriage: “The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. “

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The Muslim Global War against Christianity

If you wish to know where and how Islam is actively waring against Christianity today all over the world read the article. Yet, our leaders act as if Islam is a religion of peace and think that kowtowing to them and denying that this war of civilizations is going on will appease this nasty beast. They, like many people in the West are just whistling in the dark past the graveyards of millions hoping the beast will not come to their home. It will the beast will follow them home and devour them.

American Thinker: Islam’s Global War against Christianity “The global war on Christianity by Islam is so massive in size and scope that it is virtually impossible to describe without trivializing it.

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Pollution kills 750,000 in China every year

The truth is that China’s fascist leaders care nothing about the environment or the health of their people. They will only change if it impacts China’s bottom line. The world needs to stop buying from the Chinese as long as they have this amoral leadership.

Pollution kills 750,000 in China every year Earth News Earth Telegraph

Pollution kills three quarters of a million people in China every year, according to previously unreleased World Bank statistics.

Workers clean a canal in Beijing. World Bank figures said China had 16 of the 20 most polluted cities on earth
The figures, almost twice previous estimates, were calculated using a new statistical model.

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One-third of Americans abuse alcohol and almost all abuse something

Alcohol abuse is a huge problem in the US but there are problems with this report as well.

When binge drinking is label as having 3 or 4 drinks and that is defined as “problem drinking” then some are really creating drinking problems where it does not exist.

Asking people if they ever abused alcohol anytime in their life under predetermined criteria and then saying one third of Americans are alcohol abusers is like labeling one third of people violent because once in their life they were involved in a fight. Or if someone ever stole anything in their life labeling them as a thief forever.
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Sexual abuse in society is followed by judgment

He rightly sees that only a very sick society would have all this sexual deviation which rightly should be called perversion. Sexual perversion in society is a barometer of satanic control over a society. This is why when society gets to the point of enabling sexual perversion God’s judgment always follows. God has already raised up the army for his judgment against Western perversion. It is radicalized Islam. I am not suggesting that Islam is of God but only that God uses evil people to correct evil people. If we would turn from our wicked ways we would not have to endure what is coming but unfortunately Western society has given sexual perverts free reign but they should have known that God watches over the innocent.continue reading

Chimera embryos have right to life?

Chimera’s should not be created in the first place. You have government approving human-animal hybrid embryos and you now have some in the Catholic church saying that they should be born. If people allow chimeras to be created and take what the church is saying seriously it will be exactly like it was in the days of Noah and you ought to know what God did next. Jesus also said that it would be like it was in the days of Noah just before He comes back.

Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops Uk News News Telegraph: “Human-animal hybrid embryos conceived in the laboratory – so-called “chimeras” – should be regarded as human and their mothers should be allowed to give birth to them, the Roman Catholic Church said yesterday.

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People will demand a World Government

The report might be a bit biased but it is certain that people will soon demand a world government . The problem is what recourse will anyone have after world government has all the power and it in turn becomes taken over by satanic fascist control freaks. That end time government and the person running it is known as the “Beast” and they are described in Revelation and Daniel. I think we are one nuclear war away from a world government demanded by the people.

Globalist Study Says Citizens Want A World Government: “An ‘in depth’ study by a core globalist body and also funded in part by all manner of elitist groups and corporations, including the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, has found that the people of the world want a global government with a standing army to police the planet.

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Erwin McManus’ Real Position on the Authority of Scripture

Just some documentation on the postmodern doublespeak of Emergent church leader Erwin McManus

Erwin McManus’ Real Position on the Authority of Scripture : “When challenged openly, Erwin is quick to defend himself by making “orthodox” statements like, “the Scriptures are God’s authoritative word to us.” But then he turns around and train his leaders to perpetuate the unregenerate mind of the culture in their own circles of church leadership, telling their followers that the Word of God is God’s word “to us” and for us, and is all about us; that it means, more or less, whatever you think it means.

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Secularist Europe Silences Pro-Lifers and Creationists

The secularist European governments are now obviously against anything called God.

Secularist Europe Silences Pro-Lifers and Creationists The Brussels Journal: “Last week, a German court sentenced a 55-year old Lutheran pastor to one year in jail for “Volksverhetzung” (incitement of the people) because he compared the killing of the unborn in contemporary Germany to the holocaust. Next week, the Council of Europe is going to vote on a resolution imposing Darwinism as Europe’s official ideology. The European governments are asked to fight the expression of creationist opinions, such as young earth and intelligent design theories. According to the Council of Europe these theories are “undemocratic” and “a threat to human rights.””

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The beast is a chimera?

This happened before in the days of Noah. God destroyed all flesh because the angels corrupted the genetics of man and animals. Perhaps the Beast of Revelation and Daniel is a chimera and that is why God calls him a beast. He might be genetically engineered by man or angels and that is why he has some unique powers. The technology to create chimeras already exists so he could have already been created or he could soon be created in a test tube. This could be the reason why he has no regard for woman. He has no mother. If that is true, taking the mark of the Beast might involve taking something that will change one’s genetics to that of the Beast.continue reading

The EU will become a socialist dictatorship

This is a very informative interview. He says a Soviet style dictatorship and union will soon be taking over in Europe. He also sees it eventually failing and then bringing war and civil unrest to Europe. I think a scenario like that will be the catalyst that will transform the wreckage of the EU into the Beast world government.

Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship The Brussels Journal: ”
Bukovsky and BelienVladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky called the EU a “monster” that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state.”

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A world government by 2030 AD?

The EU is just the pilot project for a world government. The North American Union is just one other leg in that world government. They are doing the same thing in Africa and elsewhere. All this fits into my own time line that the Beast government of Daniel and Revelation will come into power about 2030 AD.

WorldNetDaily: One final, treasonous act before calling it a decade “Blair’s worst betrayal, however, was of British national sovereignty. Above all, this will be his lasting historical legacy. It was bad enough to increase central power in Britain itself, but far worse was his agreement to voluntarily abandon Britain’s national veto in 40 distinct areas while denying the British people the opportunity to either confirm or reject this abase surrender of national sovereignty.

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Will Drug resistant TB be an end time plague?

It sounds to me like this new drug resistant TB could be one of the end time pestilences spoken about in Bible prophecy. If this TB gets into the HIV infected population it could spread worldwide in a decade for obvious reasons.

WorldNetDaily: Untreatable TB threat ‘apocalyptic scenario’
“That is the big threat here. If you have more and more of these cases, you will automatically magnify the problem by having transmission going on to other individuals … Once they become infected they are sort of a time bomb,” he said.
“If this is kept unchecked and goes on, then you may also see an apocalyptic scenario where the present epidemic of TB is replaced by an epidemic of TB which is now fully resistant to everything,” he added.

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Obama tries to hijack true Christian faith

I have news for you Obama, The Christian faith never brought all people together. It divides those who believe from those who disbelieve. When Democrats pass legislation that robs from the rich to give to the poor don’t think that this is taught in the Bible. The Bible teaches free will giving and it is a matter of record that Conservative Christians freely give more than liberals.

If you legislate abortion and homosexual marriage, if you are against school prayer, and against intelligent design then Democrats do disrespect the values of Evangelicals and dislike their churches.

If you want to claim that you are religious fine, but being religious does not make you a true Christian any more than being a Muslim makes you a Christian.continue reading

World Council of Churches thinks that God’s land belongs to the Arabs

Here is a organization born the exact same year as the state of Israel that was born to oppose the state of Israel. It claims to represent 560 million “Christians” but unites with satanic world religions to tell Israel to get out of God’s land. They say God’s land belongs to the Arab’s. Obviously they have never read the Bible without their allegorical replacement theology glasses.

The Land Israel occupies belongs to God and the Bible claims that Israel will govern it when they return to Him. I see nothing about this land ever being Arab land. So why is a religious organization that is supposedly founded on the Bible touting issues that have nothing to do with Christian teaching and that is in direct opposition to what the Bible teaches?continue reading

Chuck Colson says Christians cannot defend their faith

I agree with the spirit of Chuck Colson’s quoted statement but lets look at the issue and at what Colson said and did not say a little more closely.

The main reason “Christians” cannot defend their faith is because most of them are not Christians at all. They have no faith other than some faith in fulfilling some man-made religious requirements that they believe will make them righteous with God.

People privatize their faith because they believe that have nothing to offer anyone and they are largely correct.

Many true believers will not talk about their faith because they know they are biblically illiterate and that they cannot intelligently talk about Christian doctrine.continue reading