The Eucharistic Jesus merges with the Emergent Church

This article should give you some idea how the Catholic Church and the Emergent church Protestants mystics become the culmination of Revelation chapter 17 (the woman who rides the Beast).

From the Lighthouse For those who are not aware of the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization program, let me provide a brief overview. The Catholic Church plans to establish the kingdom of God on earth and win the world to the Catholic Jesus (i.e., the Eucharistic Christ). This will be accomplished when the world (including the separated brethren) comes under the rule and reign of Rome and this Eucharistic Jesus.The Eucharistic Jesus is supposedly Christ’s presence that a Catholic priest summons through the power of transubstantiation, the focal point of the Mass.

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U.S. Troops Now Fighting for U.N. in Iraq. Could this be prophetic?

I think the UN will take over in Iraq and I think that is also the prophetic scenario. Babylon will be rebuilt because the Antichrist will rule the world from there in the great tribulation. Lahaye did not put that in his “Left Behind” series by accident, it is based on Zec. chapter 5. So if we look at the situation over there and we take into account how fast a modern new city can be built once their is peace in the Middle East and the oil is flowing we can easily see that all pieces for the end time world city can be in place before 2030.continue reading

The doctrines of grace according to Brian McLaren

Brian Mclaren is reinventing Christianity but it is not the Christianity found in the Bible.

Reinventing Calvinism – A Generous Heresy …the doctrines of grace according to Brian McLarenCWN: “If Brian McLaren’s name is new to you, he is the latest guru of evangelicalism’s ‘search for significance movement’ which he and others have coined as “The Emergent Church.” This is the new ‘flavor of the month’ in Christian circles. He is featured currently in the cover article of CT (Christianity Today) on the theme of ‘The Emergent Mystique.’ More on “The Submerging Church” later (‘submerging’ – for what is emergent is not a biblical church at all, but more appropriately – a movement).”

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Jack Hayford says Iran confrontation is inevitable

A military confrontation is inevitable very soon unless the Iranians overthrow Islamic rule.

LA evangelical leader: Iran confrontation ‘inevitable’ Jerusalem Post
A military confrontation with Iran over its nuclear weapons program appears increasingly inevitable, a senior American evangelical leader said on Tuesday.
“The horrible terror of the almost wild-eyed behavior of [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad is enough to cause any thinking person to ask: Is there another way than some military intervention?” Pastor Jack W. Hayford, president of the International Church of Foursquare Gospel, told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

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Russian youth say Stalin was good

It seems the brainwashing of the Russian youth has been ongoing. There is no other answer for such ignorance. This survey also says that the US is looked at as being an enemy of Russia. With their thinking, is it any wonder that Russia is now heading toward fascism. The rise of a more modern Russia with a modern army is now underway and it will be in a position to march within a decade. Russia will be the nation that leads the invasion of Israel (Ez chap 38, 39).

Russian youth: Stalin good, migrants must go: poll International Reuters: “‘Fifty-four percent agreed that Stalin did more good than bad,’ said Theodore Gerber, a sociologist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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The Church of the Dead Sea or the Church of the dead Me?

Once in a while Dave Daubenmire’s observations leave me somewhat bewildered. I don’t know where he attends church but his observation in this article are not based on the facts. Most Christians do not go to Church three times a week and none are over-stuffed with the word. You are luck to get Christians to attend church once a week for one or two hours. Most Christians are starving for the lack of the word being taught. I have yet to meet one Christian that is over-stuffed with the word. Most Christians have never even read through the Bible in their entire lifetime.continue reading

The Emergent Manifesto for a new age religion

I think it is fairly clear from scripture that true Bible believing Christians will one day become the targets of other religious people who have played the harlot with “new age” pagan mysticism and an all ways lead to God mentality. Frankly, they will be glad to get rid of us if we do depart in the rapture. If we do not, or if some are left behind they will certainly want to eliminate us from the earth thinking they are doing God a favor.

Revelation is clear that persecution will come when the fifth seal is opened and it is also clear that all the blood of the saints of the earth is found within the woman who rides the Beast of Revelation 17.continue reading

War Crimes by Jamie Glazov

“War Crimes” is a book that explains the treason that comes from the Left. The Left can only gain power when this nation loses.

My view is that the Left power brokers will do anything including treason to gain that power. Their allegiance is not to the United States, it is to a socialist world order run by those who believe they are the enlightened rightful rulers of this world. They are a self rightious delusional people who see themselves as God’s gift to save the world.

FrontPage :: War Crimes by Jamie Glazov: “Patterson: The bottom line is the Left in this country only wins when America loses.

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Moderate Muslims have the same end as the radicals or they are not Muslims

Moderate Muslims are those who talk the talk but won’t walk the walk of Islam. They are something like liberal “Christians”. Don’t expect moderate Muslims to take a stand against Muslims who use violence. They cannot oppose them, they have no scriptural foundation to stand on. They might not believe in violence as the means to the end or they might not want to do any violence themselves but they do believe in the same end and they are not going to take a stand against those working toward that end.

They often fear what the radicals might bring on their own heads but that is not the same as opposing their actions.continue reading

High taxes in Norway

I lived in Norway for two years. It is a beautiful country and the people are wonderful but the taxes are nuts. The VAT tax causes everything but the basics to be two to three time as high as in the United States. I remember if you drove out of the country you were almost expected to come back with a car trunk full of tax free liqueur. Some people in NATO were paying their monthly rent with their monthly tax free allotment of booze.

What I do not understand is if 3/4 of the people are against the taxes why do they still have them and why do they continually find new things to tax?continue reading

Iraq may have world’s second largest oil reserves

Iraq’s oil Reserves will prove to be even more then what is said. Iraq will have the capabilities to fill the world’s oil gap for at least 10 or 20 years if they get stability over there. In that amount of time the oil wealth could propel Babylon to become the newest world class city just in time for the Antichrist figure around 2030 AD. Ten million barrels per day would work out to over $25,000 a year for each family in Iraq every year after all costs of production. If someone were selling that point to the Iraq people it just might give them the incentives to find peace.continue reading

The coming civil war in Europe

Spensor makes a lot of sense. The far Left and Islam both want a just society brought about by force. This self righteous evil is what they have in common. He is also correct that there will be civil war in Europe. Europeans will only allow Islam to go so far and then their will be a backlash. A “Christian” savior figure will arise who will round the Muslim’s up like they did the Jews and they will conquer the Middle East. Oil will be a major factor. This savior figure will probably be the biblical Antichrist. I can see this scenario all happening within the next two decades


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There Is A Conspiracy? Or is it really just a open socialist world agenda?

Actually what globalists are doing is not properly called a conspiracy as claimed in this article by any definition of the word. It is a well known socialist agenda for a Global government. They want world government because being godless themselves, they see world government and world socialism as the only answer for man. If there were no God it indeed would be the best shot that man has to survive but of course it will fail. Capitalism will also fail because it soon becomes driven by the greedy and the predators.

Christians should known that Jesus will come and set up His own global world government of truth and justice and that is the only global government that will work.continue reading

The Samson Option, Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey has it correct. Syria will miscalculate one day soon. Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. The prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed must still be fulfilled (Isa 17:1-3). Nothing short of several hydrogen bombs, or an asteroid hitting the city could accomplish that prophecy today. The prophecy implies that much of the Syrian population will be wiped out in the event because it only speaks of a remnant of Syria afterward.

WorldNetDaily: The Samson Option “Syria is also known to be producing non-conventional warheads, including those containing V-X gas for delivery via the new longer range and more accurate Scuds.

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RFK Jr. to climate summit: worse environmental administration we had in our history?

I recall in the early 60’s that the Great Lakes were dead and many cities had air that was literally deadly at times. We had nuclear sites all over the West polluting vast areas.  President JFK headed the administration at that time.

What is JFK Jr’s solution for our electricity needs right now? If we did not now have these coal plants what is his alternative? Minor modifications like Wal-Mart is not going to solve our present energy requirements. It is also rather strange that JFK Jr. would praise a company that buys almost everything from China that is by far the biggest manufacturing polluter in the world.continue reading

Carlton Pearson says nobody goes to hell and becomes a heretic

You cannot teach things contrary to what God said and be regarded as a teacher of the Christian faith. Carlton Pearson was a heretic long before he more recently proved it to his own congregation and his denomination. He was in the heretical name it and claim it Word Faith Movement that is so prevalent on TBN. Is it any wonder that these unstable men go from one heresy to the next? With Carlton the defining moment came when he came to believe that the Bible was not the world of God?? Now why would a “believer” ever believe that? Obviously someone told him the Bible was the world of God sometime during his life but he never ever found out the truth for himself.continue reading

China’s weather modification

China always goes to extremes and I do not doubt that they will here also. What happens when they take their weather modification programs too far and it impacts the climate of other nations? For example, it might not be hard to cool the earth by releasing certain gases into the ionosphere or certain chemicals in the oceans. Will that be China’s answer to global warming rather then controlling the industrial output that the West demands? If they did do such an experiment what would be the long term consequences to weather and food production on earth? Could it cause the biblical famines of Revelation?continue reading

Father Jonathan speaks for Pope?

I greatly respect Father Jonathan but can’t the Pope make these things clear himself? I wish you were the head of the Catholic Church, Father, then maybe we would get somewhere, but you are not. We read what this Pope said. If he did not mean what the press communicated on his writings he should be the one to clarify it. Anyone can use their own beliefs and spin to try to tell us that the Pope is not excluding non Catholics from the Body of Christ but I want to hear that said from the head man himself.

You say the Pope does not believe all non Catholics will all go to hell but that is not the issue.continue reading

Killing with the beasts of the earth, the BEAST and Chimeras

I came to that same speculation myself and have talked about it on this Blog. The Beast of Revelation may be a Chimera with super human powers selected from the DNA of animals or angels. I have even took it one step further. Is taking the mark of the Beast also taking his genetic makeup to become changed into an advance race of superior physical beings — some man-made type of an evolutionary leap forward? Therefore, whoever takes it can no longer be saved because he is no longer a member of the Adamic race that Jesus died for?

God destroyed all air breathing flesh in the days of Noah because angels came down and created a human hybrid called the Nephillim.continue reading

Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading