A Movement of God, Or Spiritual Incest?

Some of what he says here may be true in America but it certainly is not true in China. There is a place for the house Church and there is a place for larger churches. If so many people are starting house churches because they are angry at their traditional church you might ask why that is? Let’s face it, many are tired of playing church a few hours a week and only getting the seeker friendly fluff or emerging mysticism that is now found in most large churches.

Others get tired of paying for the bigger and bigger entertainment centers that they meet in once or twice a week.continue reading

The Future of Western Civilization Depends on Two Things

The writer of this article does not have it quite right. The Messiah was not predicted by Jesus. The Messiah was Jesus. The Messiah that your looking for will turn out to be the Antichrist. He will be the wicked shepherd who will not spare the flock (Israel). Jesus warned you of this. He said that He came in His Fathers name and you would not accept Him but One will come in his own name and him you will accept.” You will, unless you accept Jesus as Messiah.

American Thinker: The Future of Western Civilization Depends on Two Things: “This scenario also includes the hope of the Messiah, one who will provide profound leadership and usher in an age of genuine peace.

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Worried about Putin’s Russia?: Read on

Read on….Gog arising

Worried about Putin’s Russia?: Read on – International Herald Tribune: “Not only is Putin’s regime making smart strategic investments – in infrastructure, laboratories, a modernized military – its flow of energy wealth is giving the Kremlin the confidence to pursue assertive foreign policies, secure for the moment in a set of global circumstances that has hobbled the United States, turned the attention of China and India elsewhere (toward growth and internal modernization), and given all the world’s oil-producing states immense leverage.”

Two examples will have to suffice here: the creation of a patriotic youth movement, and the not-too-subtle rewriting of Russia’s school history books.

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Sizzling study concludes: Global warming is a farce’

This article makes some excellent points that global warming hysterics are not telling people. 97 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not from human activity. Human activity cannot double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even if the carbon dioxide did somehow double, the effects on climate would be so minimal that nobody would notice.

They want the world to spend trillions of dollars to reduce human carbon but even if every human left the planet forever it would only have the effect of reducing carbon in the atmosphere by less than three percent. These idiots of environmental junk science really want global management and control and they hijacked the media to attract the usual knee jerkers and convince politicians and foundations to support only science that will support what the global warming gurus wish published.continue reading

Life Almost Certainly Began in Comet says Astrobiologist

We have here the typical delusional thinking of atheistic scientists. They cannot believe that God created life and they now know that honest mathematics cannot support life starting on earth by chance, so this one says it undoubtedly began in space on a slushy comet, with warm watery clay pools. Nevermind, that no such comets have ever been found. These scientists contradict each other all the time. Just yesterday, I read from a scientist that life could not have survived any trip from a comet to the surface of the earth so he says life on earth could not have started on a comet.continue reading

Scientists Believe Artificial Life Will Be Possible in 3 to 10 Years

Then men will have the ability to play God without the necessary knowledge. He was heading toward that during the building of the tower of Babel and you know what happened next.

FOXNews.com – Scientists Believe Artificial Life Will Be Possible in 3 to 10 Years – Science News Current Articles: “WASHINGTON — Around the world, a handful of scientists are trying to create life from scratch and they’re getting closer. Experts expect an announcement within three to 10 years from someone in the now little-known field of ‘wet artificial life.'”

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Willowcreek has Jimmy Carter at Annual Leadership Summit. Next year, Antichrist?

Jan Markell understands what other Church leaders that attend Bill Hybels events continually miss. The Church is not about learning worldly success. It is not about inviting world leaders to teach us worldly philosophies of men. It is especially not about inviting world leaders who prove that they do not believe fundamental moral concepts found in the Bible. These leaders might call themselves Christians but when they continually are on the side and promote those living in immoral lifestyles the Bible says to remove them from the Church. We are not to fellowship with them. Yet Hybels often invites famous people to teach Christian leaders who oppose what any true Christian knows is right and moral.continue reading

Israel to give up Temple Mount?

OK, here is the scoop. The atheists running Israel would give up their own mother if they thought it would bring peace. Israel does not have administrative control of the temple mount anyway. They cannot do anything there without permission from the Arabs. The Jewish leaders know they cannot deny access to the temple mount to Jews or they would be looking for new jobs. Therefore, this is what will happen in any peace agreement. The temple mount will be put under control of the UN with administration by International ecumenical religious nut cases. Under the agreement Christians, Muslims and Jews will have access to their holy areas on the mount.continue reading

Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

Here comes another film from the wisdom of atheists who attack what they know nothing about. I see nothing about Islam in this article? It would not surprise me that Bill Maher would exclude Islam in his film. These people attack what they do not know and fear what they do know.

Mather, you cannot possibly know about Christianity if you do not believe in the righteousness of God. So you cannot offer anyone any wisdom on this subject. It is rather ridiculous for people to be making films on topics they know nothing about. It is not a comedy it is a tragedy.continue reading

Evangelical pastor told to leave Israel

This points out the fact that Israel still opposes the will of God and she will reap the consequences in the time of Jacob’s trouble. The leaders of Israel continue to reject any light from Christians and they will not allow their people to see the light either. Evangelicals can lead the Jewish horse to living water but they can’t make them drink. They reject those trying to help them and kowtow to those that will kill them. God help Israel!

Evangelical pastor told to leave Israel Jerusalem Post “An American evangelical pastor who has been living in Israel with his family for nearly two decades has been ordered to leave the country with his wife within two weeks after their request for permanent residency was turned down, officials said Thursday.”

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Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God Allah

Where do they grow these buffoons? The Bishop says God does not care what we call Him? We can debate where the name Allah really came from – The language or a demon god — but that is not the main issue anyway. The Quran says that Allah has NO SON. So how does Christians calling God Allah make Christians submissive to Islam’s Allah who has no son, as Islam requires? Christianity clearly says that if you do not have the Son you do not have the Father either. Islam does not have the Son and therefore does not have the Father either.continue reading

Do you really believe Syria wants peace?

I believe that war with Syria will be sooner rather then later despite everyone saying they want peace. The present leadership of Israel are a bunch of unbelieving humanistic fools who cannot help but lead Israel to great destruction. The Zionist Evangelical Christians will help Israel if the leaders of Israel are willing to listen to them but if they are going to go off into typical Jewish patterns of trying to appease those who want to see them dead and think that world government will protect them, they will see a worse Holocaust then they experience under Hitler.

Two thirds of Jews do not get killed in the time of Jacob’s trouble because they were listening to the people of God that are looking out for them.continue reading

The United Nation Returns to Iraq

The UN will take over nation building in Iraq. It will be the world headquarters of the Beast world government of the Antichrist. Twenty years down the line most Christians will understand the implications of a modern world class city being built at Babylon, if they are still here.

The United Nation Returns to Iraq – HUMAN EVENTS: “Four years after an explosives-packed suicide cement truck blew up and destroyed the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to expand its operation in Iraq. ”

“Iraq’s Al Azzaman Website quoted a senior U.N. spokesman as saying: “The U.N.

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Who Shall Watch the Watchers?

This is where the world is heading and it is starting big time in China because the government already has all power in China. There is a time of war coming to the free world where governments will be given power over the people for security. In the coming surveillance society that will result we can ask who will watch the watchers? The answer will not be inherently noble figures, at least not for very long. Tyrants and control freaks will rise to watch the watchers who are watching us.

China: Who Shall Watch the Watchers? – HUMAN EVENTS: “In “The Republic” Plato’s lead character, Socrates, describes a perfect society as being one where there is reliance on laborers, tradesmen and slaves.

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Chuck Baldwin asks, Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast?

Chuck Baldwin chides Christians for any interest that might have in the timing of the second coming as if it is something a Christian should not be spending time on but he himself continually spends all his own time attacking our government and George Bush which he equates to Hitler and the Antichrist. No Christian should do this!

No, Chuck Baldwin — the mark of the Beast is not accepting the policies of Hitler or George Bush. Read your Bible for a change instead of fantasy conspiracy theories. The Mark of the Beast does not even occur until after the False Prophet comes on the scene after Satan is cast out of the Heaven for his 3 1/2 year reign on earth to deceive people like you who do not want to believe the truth and expect a man made resistance will bring about God’s Kingdom.continue reading

China Enacting a High-Tech System to Track People

Sounds like they are already installing a system in China where one will not be able to buy or sell with something similar to the Mark of the Beast. Which proves how swiftly and easily it can be done today once government decrees that it will be done.

China Enacting a High-Tech Plan to Track People – New York Times “Data on the chip will include not just the citizen’s name and address but also work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status and landlord’s phone number. Even personal reproductive history will be included, for enforcement of China’s controversial “one child” policy.

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Now Africa heads toward continental government

The King of the South takes shape as another step toward regional and world government. With the EU that means that about one half of the nations of the world are in a regional political and economic alignment. The other half will also find it necessary to align for economic reasons. Then of course the different regions will need a world government body to coordinate the affairs of all the different regional alignments. World government is already here in a limited way but it will rapidly be allowed to increase its governing powers.

Now Africa heads toward continental government: “Advancing the movement toward economic and political globalism, the African Union is moving down the path of regional economic integration, with the expected end result of continental economic and political integration.

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The Transhumanists will lead to the Beast of Revelation

Your going to hear more and more about the Transhuman Movement. There is soon going to be a big push to extend life so that some will believe they will never die. I think the Beast Antichrist will convince people that the kingdom of God is on earth and that by taking the mark they will evolute into a higher life form and live forever in the flesh. This was never God’s design for man. Man must die in the flesh and be born of the Spirit. However, man including most religious people are so tied to their earthly bodies that they will do anything to extend their lives.continue reading

Gog Putin wants Sex for the motherland and the Fascist Nashi’s

Everyone but the liberal West which has its head in the sand about many world threats can see that Russia is going Fascist big time and Putin is the one pushing it. Yet we continue to kiss up to him like he was our friend. If we think we had problems with Russia during the cold war just wait another decade. What a wonderful world it will be.

Putin has become as popular in Russia as Hitler was in Germany and he has much the same ideology and personality. He is now in the process of killing and marginalizing his opposition and he is now making land and power grabs for control of the earth’s energy resources.continue reading

Evangelicals tell Bush to support a Palestinian State in the land of Israel

The list of the signatories makes it clear that this letter is from a bunch of replacement theology dominionists. They do not represent those who take the Bible literally. The Bible clearly says the land of Israel was given to descendants of Israel forever. Yet, the letter from them says that the “Palestinians” had a right to the “land of Israel”. They contradict themselves in their own letter! They first call it the “land of Israel” and then say the “land of Israel” also belongs to non Israelites. The solution they endorse is not a solution since Islam is violently opposed to Israel and always will be until Jesus returns.continue reading