Computers will make humans think a million times faster

Microprocessor brain implants? About that time the Beast will show up. – Scientists Fear Day Computers Become Smarter Than Humans – Technology News News On Technology:
“The Singularity Summit: AI and the Future of Humanity” brought together hundreds of Silicon Valley techies and scientists to imagine a future of self-programming computers and brain implants that would allow humans to think at speeds nearing today’s microprocessors.

With advances in biotechnology and information technology, they say, there’s no scientific reason that human thinking couldn’t be pushed to speeds up to a million times faster.

Kurzweil, director of the Singularity Institute, is so confident in his predictions of the singularity that he has even set a date: 2029.

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Cooking the Books on Global Warming

So what we are finding out is that the warming recorded was because many of the cold-weather stations were shut down and the stations in the most reliable stations in the world located in the United States are often situated in places where they will skew the data in favor of Global warming theories.

Every new report that comes out proves that global warming is a fraud, a hoax, stupidity and a lot of hot air. Yet plans to tax CO2 which never could cause significant global warming will go on and on like the energizer bunny. Open a can of carbonated soda in your green house this winter and observe how much warmer it will get in your green house.continue reading

Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement

Those with true Christian faith have a hard time compromising with the lies of liars and that speaks wonders for those who do.

Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement – CWN: “As W. Graham Scroggie said, “Light and darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, truth and error are incompatibles . . . when they compromise it is the light, the right, the good, and the truth that are damaged.”

The biggest danger to the evangelical Church is not false religion or atheism, but compromise; it has always been a tool of the enemy. When compromise occurs, we can have church growth but no depth; numbers, but no character; enormous buildings, but small hearts.

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Europe’s heart of darkness

Good article that explains to me why the Beast will soon rise out of Europe. They have a very sick godless society.

FrontPage Magazine: “While Americans proclaimed, “In God We Trust,” the Europeans have gradually abandoned the belief in the Judeo-Christian God and the moral direction it provided. They largely agreed with German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) who wrote that, “God is Dead.” In Auschwitz, the Europeans did away with the Judeo-Christian God altogether. And since then they have increasingly relied on the state to direct their lives. The state has become the source of order, legitimacy, and authority. And the state has since 1957 evolved into a super-state known as the European Union.

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Shaping the Global ‘Christian’ Youth

Like usual Berit Kjos gives too many good points in her well documented articles to do justification in a clip or two. I hope you will read the article. Berit has a very good handle on what is happening in the world and the church of today. It is not a pretty picture.

Berit Kjos — Shaping the Global ‘Christian’ Youth: “Like our secular guides, today’s postmodern, purpose-driven church guides keep sounding the call for continual change. And their restless audience — dulled by decades of ‘progressive education’ and corrupt entertainment — are fast falling in line behind the most popular pied pipers.

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Jews urging Christians to save Jewish Temple

Wait a minute. You Jews want us Christians to tell your atheist government, that you elected, what to do? You might use a little more effort in getting Jews in your own country to elect leaders who will take care of your holy sites. We are not your baby sitters. If you cannot even keep your own lands because of unbelief and cowardliness by your people you don’t deserve to have the land. Remember God threw you out of the land a couple of times before because of your nation’s unbelief. So change your ways or expect worse things to come upon you.continue reading

D. James Kennedy dies at 76

One of the great voices of the faith has gone to be with the Lord. Thank the Lord for the life of Dr. D. James Kennedy with his unwavering integrity and powerful Christian message for the world.

Falwell, Kennedy, soon Graham
Where are the replacements??

WorldNetDaily: D. James Kennedy dies at 76: “”D. James Kennedy, author, theologian, biblical scholar, pastor of the 10,000-member ‘Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church’ in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and founder of the highly influential Coral Ridge Ministries, died early this morning in his sleep.”

Janet Folger, WND columunist and president of Faith2Action, who served with Kennedy for five years as the national drector of the Center for Reclaiming America, called him “an inspiration, a mentor and an example of unwavering integrity.”

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Stumbling toward catastrophe

Your atheist self serving leaders sell you out and your delusional population yawns. This is the reason why Israel will soon experience another Holocaust.

Right On!: Stumbling toward catastrophe Jerusalem Post: “What has happened to our sense of outrage? In the wake of his meeting with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas last week, reports surfaced that Ehud Olmert had discussed wide-ranging concessions such as dividing Jerusalem, uprooting dozens of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and forgoing Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount.”

“THINK ABOUT this for a second. We have a prime minister about as popular as acute inflammatory acne going behind the nation’s back, making fateful decisions that will endanger the future of the state and agreeing to establish a Palestinian terrorist entity alongside our country’s shrunken borders.

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Bipolar Illness Soars as a Diagnosis for the Young

I think the real mental illness is in the doctors making these diagnoses. They want to put all kids who just need a kick in the butt on drugs that will screw them up for life. The drug companies just love their pushers but you really can’t blame the doctors either. They got handed this problem because parents are not allowed to discipline their children as they ought to be disciplined and that is 90 percent of the problem. Therefore, parents by giving their parenting rights away to the State can take credit for screwing up their children for life. Congratulations!continue reading

The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

The problem is that the proof is being ignored. The politicians now see this as a means to an end to raise taxes and to establish global governance. 2007 might be the year the Global Warming Hoax was exposed but what is going to stop the treaties that will still take place and cost us trillions of dollars for no reason?

Unless each person gets off their duff and tells their Representatives in government and corporations that they will be looking for jobs if they support carbon regulations and taxes it will all continue. Their agenda has little to do with Global warming it is about global control and big money.continue reading

Brain chip reads man’s thoughts

The computer chip and science progresses toward the Mark of the Beast where all who take the Mark will be networked into the Beast.

BBC NEWS Health Brain chip reads man’s thoughts: “A paralysed man in the US has become the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind. Matthew Nagle, 25, was left paralysed from the neck down and confined to a wheelchair after a knife attack in 2001. The pioneering surgery at New England Sinai Hospital, Massachusetts, last summer means he can now control everyday objects by thought alone. The brain chip reads his mind and sends the thoughts to a computer to decipher.A

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What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine

That is why I call the Emergent Church Rosemary’s baby of the seeker friendly movement. The leaders of the Emergent Church grew up in the seeker churches where Bible doctrine was downplayed.

The post-modern emergent movement along with Rome’s leadership fits to a tee the Harlot Woman who rides the Beast of Revelation. They most likely will be brought together in a war against Islam and it will hate fundamental religion of any kind and embrace all beliefs except those who claim to have absolute truth.

What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine – CWN: “The Emerging Church Movement is about evangelizing the consumer.

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The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God

Kabbalah a counterfiet Jewish old age, New Age Satanic cult that makes oneself God.

The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God – CWN
Last night I found a book I had purchased about a year ago for research on the current enthusiasm for the Kabbalah and read about a counterfeit “repentance” that, naturally, has nothing to do with the blood of Jesus. The pop Kabbalah offers a counterfeit for everything.

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Should Christianity, politics mix? Sure, but not the way dominionists think

This article is not at all honest about Dominion Theology. Any deceptive person can pick just the good apples and place it on top of a basket of rotten apples and sell the whole basket to someone as if it were all good. It was not too long ago that the Catholic Church did exactly that. They had Christian Dominion theology in practice. Remember the Inquisitions that followed?

Who is going to define what the values and practices of Christianity are in your modern new Christian world? The Pope, Baptists, UCC, Mormons, Masons, Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan, the Christian Patriot Movement, Robert Schuller, Oprah’s Secret, Jimmy Carter, Benny Hinn, George Bush, Rodney Howard Brown, Ron Paul, John and Paul White, Ted Haggard, the KKK?continue reading

The Horror! The Horror! The fascists are here!

You also hear the same rhetoric coming from some on the Right. I have been hearing this stuff since the days of Richard Nixon. I suppose if we elect Ron Paul some will find that he is is really a plant of the Moose Lodge or the Alien Reptilians. Frankly there are a lot of people out there who are on drugs or else need to be on drugs or an increased dose.

Fascism might come one day but it will only come when the American people want it to come. When Americans are willing to give up all their freedoms for security it will evolve into fascism.continue reading

America aids China and loses Latin America

While we are so busy buying Chinese crap and spending over $200 billion more then we are buying from China every year the Chinese are taking our money and doing with it what we should have been doing in Latin America. Therefore, we paid China to undermine our own hemisphere. You can thank all the politicians and Corporate globalists who moved our jobs and technology to China so they could fill their own pockets at our expense. You can also thank yourself every time you buy that Chinese peace of crap that will break down in a year or poison your kids and pets.continue reading

The Return of the Old Gods — A Challenge to Green Evangelicals

This is a great article. It gets into much deeper issues then just the Global warming controversy. I hope you will read it.

American Thinker: The Return of the Old Gods: A Challenge to Green Evangelicals

So what we have witnessed in the Global Warming debate is a perfect storm of anti-Christian philosophies parading as science. Materialists, Socialists, and Left-leaning types found common cause with neo-pagans and anti-Christian spirituality to advocate a New World Order dressed as a movement to save the planet. A friendly media has nurtured and supported it, and it has advanced through a string of sacraments; separating trash, installing low wattage light bulbs, driving hybrid vehicles, etc.

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China to act on gender imbalance

This is important in Bible prophecy because there will soon be a huge surplus of men of military age with no chance for a normal life. Ever since the 80’s China has been birthing a huge surplus of men. If they end the unbalance by 2010 like they have stated before. That generation will span from 1980 until about 2010 or 30 years. The last born of this surplus generation of men will be of military age by 2025 while the first of the generation will be still be young enough to be capable of fighting. This peak generation of disposable men will occur in the years between 2025-2035.continue reading

Lutherans in the Twilight Zone

Nothing surprises me anymore as pseudo Christianity enters the Twilight Zone and mounts the Beast.

Lutherans in the Twilight Zone – CWN: “Sadly and unfortunately, the ELCA has taken a cowardly and unbiblical approach to this volatile issue. They, obviously, need to make up their minds as to whether they are going to obey God and His Word or plant their feet firmly in mid-air of post-modern rationalism. A wise man told me years ago that, “when you try to appease everyone you will please no one.”

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Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever

The Bible say that there will be pestilences in the end times. We can now see how easy that can now take place on earth in our times. One year everything is fine and then wham..something like the bird flu hits and all human interaction on the earth suddenly changes.

Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N. International Reuters: “GENEVA (Reuters) – Infectious diseases are emerging more quickly and spreading faster around the globe than ever and becoming increasingly difficult to treat, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. With billions of people moving around the planet every year, the U.N.

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