Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican

Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican – Telegraph: “Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, said: ‘These masterpieces will help visitors to reread the last book of the Holy Scripture. The Apocalypse is not the worrying announcement of a catastrophic end to humanity, but a great proclamation of the failure of the infernal evils and of the mystery of Christ.'”

Jesus indicates that they were celebrating before the flood came and took them all to their deaths and now you are advocating that people do the same thing. Jesus said people would do this just before the judgments (mat 24:38).continue reading

Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund!

Don’t you think a deliberate fraud on the world should be a criminal offense? They are making students watch this stuff like it was fact in many schools. This was the major catalyst for the global warming hysteria that will now cost the world trillions if not stopped. They even gave an Emmy and a Nobel Peace Prize to this fraud. Where are the lawyers and the FCC? If he did what BBC reported he should be prosecuted.

FOXNews.com – Junk Science: Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund! – Opinion
Perhaps worse than the film’s errors is their origin.

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Putin touts new nuclear weapons against US

More reasons to believe that Putin is Gog and Russia is now developing a modern military that will carry out the Ezekiel 38 and 39 Invasion into the Middle East. His statement that the US wants to Invade Russia is laughable but apparently many in Russia are just that paranoid.

Putin touts new nuclear weapons against US – Telegraph: ” Russia’s already rapid rearmament would be stepped up even further, Mr Putin promised. Ambitious plans to bolster the country’s nuclear arsenal — as well as its conventional military hardware — were well underway. They include new missile systems, modernised nuclear bombers and submarines.

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Zechariah’s and Hal Lindsey’s warning to Bush and Condi

Bush and Rice have no knowledge of the prophetic significance of what is going on in the Middle East. Bush displayed that he does not even have understanding of Christianity with his all religions pray to the same God statements. That is what they must of taught him in his 12 step program. He did not learn that from any Christian teaching. I also wonder why lately we tend to make unmarried woman our Secretary of State? This reflects a feminizing of our State Department and foreign policy. They now think like leftists who believe all world problems can be achieved through compromise and appeasement.continue reading

Drug-Resistant Staph Germ’s Toll Is Higher Than Thought

With this news about antibiotic resistant diseases we should see that the fourth horseman of Revelation could be riding soon.

Drug-Resistant Staph Germ’s Toll Is Higher Than Thought: “A dangerous germ that has been spreading around the country causes more life-threatening infections than public health authorities had thought and is killing more people in the United States each year than the AIDS virus, federal health officials reported yesterday. The microbe, a strain of a once innocuous staph bacterium that has become invulnerable to first-line antibiotics, is responsible for more than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculated.”

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The Nobel Committee wins my Demented Delusional or Dumb award

I have the honor of awarding the Demented Delusional or Dumb award to the Nobel Committee for there long record of awarding their Nobel Peace Price to the world’s deranged.

They just announced that their latest peace prize will go to Al Gore who is a slick con artist making many millions for himself peddling his junk science message across the globe.

Al Gore’s chicken little apocalyptic con will now give the governments of the world the excuse they need to con people on earth out of many trillions of dollars making the poor poorer and those facilitating the con richer.
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The Growing Phenomena of American Christian Hebrew Cults

I think all Christians need to be aware of this new “Christian” cult called the Hebrew Roots Movement.

The Growing Phenomena of American “Hebrew” Cults: “The Hebrew Roots Movement is an American aggregate of home based Bible studies with various names, led often by women. The authentic Christian is challenged to write about such groups, because they all have different names, and “facilitators” argue that many attendees “believe different things” when challenged with sound doctrine. However, the spirit at work is revealed conclusively as core convictions are shared by “facilitators” and leaders of the movement.”

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Muslims Leaders Warn Pope Survival of World at Stake

This is precisely what will take place because of the war on Islamo-Fascism. After that leads the world to the brink the moderates of the world will unite on common ground and fundamental religious groups will be outlawed. Of course at that time it will be hate speech to try to convert anyone to their own belief or to say that Jesus is the only way to God. We already see here that moderate Muslims will have no problem becoming part of the end time harlot religion for sake of world peace. We also see the reason why fundamental Christians will be persecuted just as if they were as dangerous as radical Islamics.continue reading

China is Fascist and the world will be Fascist by 2020

Joe Farah is correct. China is not communistic it is now Fascist. In fact the whole world is become Fascist step by step. Every right the government takes away from its citizens and every new dictated social agenda is one more step toward Fascism. China is now Fascist, Most Islamic countries are now Fascist, The EU is heading toward Fascism, Russia is moving toward Fascism, if not already their. Many Latin America countries are Fascist, The US is moving toward Fascism. The UN polices reflect that they believe in Fascism. Global warming agendas are Fascist.

At the rate the world is going I would say the entire world will be totally Fascist by 2020.continue reading

Religion, child abuse, and the fifth seal of Revelation

Do you want to know what Secular Humanism thinks about religion? They equate it with child abuse. The UN rights of the child, treaty signed by every nation in the world except the U.S. and Somalia are now saying similar things. This world treaty basically takes the rights of parents away from them. Is it any wonder then that the Bible says in the last days Children will be against their parents?

The system is already being set up for the State to dictate how you raise your children and if you don’t raise them according to their standards that will not allow fundamental religious indoctrination you will be turned into the State by your own children who will be brainwashed to do so in the State educational system.continue reading

Ten things to deal with to restore America.

If only ten things were dealt with like I know they should be dealt with, sanity could be restored to America and crime would drop at least 95 percent.

Those ten things to deal with are:

1. Stop illegal immigration

2. Drugs

3. Gangs

4. White collar and Internet crimes

5. Pornography and sex perversion

6. Public decency codes restored to like they were in the 50’s for all media and any public display

7. Election reform (term limits, and fund raising reform)

8. Public education reform (Back to basic education like it was before the socialists and perverts took over)

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Is the prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?

* I think Hal Lindsey is correct in this clip quoted from his article that appeared on WND. Syria will be wiped out in the war on Islamofascism. Then the moderates will ascend to power in the Islamic nations and there will be a period of peace with Israel. Then Iraq and Israel will become the economic hubs of the Middle East. Later Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel that is resting in peace and many Islamic nations join with him but not Iraq. These forces are defeated by God. Iraq then becomes the center point of Babylon the Great of Revelation and the Middle East.continue reading

David Wilkerson’s Prophecy of Run on American Banks

I don’t doubt there will be an economic panic someday soon but I am not going to put too much stock in a prophecy make many years ago by David Wilkerson who also made other prophecies that did not come to pass. I have his book here called, “Racing Towards Judgment” it was written in 1976 and it said many such things. I think that book makes the point I made clear enough.

: “In PREPARATION, October 1993(Rebecca, Box 545, Latham, NY 12110. ‘There has come to hand a prophetic word through David Wilkerson transcribed during a sermon.

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Big Brother is watching us all and other things

It will probably be a ipod based speech recognition program that instead of just converting speech to printed words will convert it to another language and then output it to sound. I would think it would only take about ten more years of refining to get something that will be as good as an unprofessional human translator. The world will then be like it was before the languages were confused at Babylon.

Big Brother is watching us all: “The US and UK governments are developing increasingly sophisticated gadgets to keep individuals under their surveillance. When it comes to technology, the US is determined to stay ahead of the game.”

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Higher inflation to warrant double-digit rates in future

Greenspan’s rationalization for double digit inflation in the future is self serving and very deceptive. Double digit inflation will come like Greenspan says but it won’t come because of lack of workers as Greenspan implies. Worker shortages just bring higher productivity. Double digit inflation will actually come because people and governments have been spending much more than they have had, for many decades.

The Federal bankers of some nations have just been creating money like it was toilet paper and it will be worth just about as much some day.

What’s the solution? There isn’t any, it is far too late to save the system.continue reading

What is Post-Postmodernism?

Excellent article about the war going on in the end time churches.

What is Post-Postmodernism? – CWN: “Postmodernism is seen, in part, in the ordination of homosexuals in the liberal mainline churches, the embracing of higher criticism and skepticism of the Biblical texts, and the utilization of pop culture advertising techniques in reaching the masses. While the church is waging internal wars about power-point choruses versus hymnbooks, praise bands versus organs, formal attire versus casual, our Postmodern nation is on the verge of losing the ability to maintain its foundational institutions. Wimps can’t govern themselves. God told Jonah that Ninevah was on the verge of being destroyed.

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Great article Steve on the Emergent movement

Needed: A BOLD ORTHODOXY …the biblical answer to the “PC” State of EMERGENT evangelicalism – CWN: “What is needed in today’s religious climate and culture is a bold orthodoxy. The Emergent Church is proud of their ‘humble’ orthodoxy. Truth to them is liquid, fluid, changing, evolving, and must remain adaptable to the times. By comparison, they mock the Scriptures as being God’s infallible, inerrant Word; they wrest the gospel of its exclusiveness; they misrepresent the character of the One Triune God; they reduce the ministry of Jesus to Him being a social engineer or a compassionate advocate for the rights of the oppressed; they deny the existence of hell, penal substitutionary atonement, justification by faith alone, and that church shouldn’t primarily be about the glory of God, but about us.”

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I am a radical Fundamentalist

I also am also one of those Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Bible thumpers or whatever people call true Christians these days. The Far Left need not apply to be members of our exclusive Body without a spiritual rebirth.

I am a radical Fundamentalist: “I am a radical Fundamentalist by Donald Hank So was Mom. So was Dad. As far as I recall, our whole family, except for 2 unchurched uncles, were radical fundamentalists who professed a naïve belief in the whole Word of God. And here’s the bizarre part: Not one of us misfits has been observed to strap a belt of explosives to ourselves and blow ourselves up in a crowded bus terminal.

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Why the US might not be in Bible prophecy

It is about time that someone wrote on this subject again. It is the number one danger to the United States and nobody is doing anything about it. The possibility of a EMP attack was brought up to congress years ago. I wrote on the EMP danger over a year ago based on what the commission report to congress said.

Since then not a thing has been done to harden US infrastructure from vulnerability to an EMP attack.This $771 Billion is the damage that could occur over one small region of the US. If a more sophisticated EMP were accomplished the damaged could not even be measured in trillion dollar terms because we will have lost our country.continue reading