Christians Consider Drinking Beer Acceptable According to Poll

It is nice to hear that the majority still have some common sense.

The person or persons who said that they do not know anyone that drinks only one beer obviously is hanging around with the wrong people. I suppose he would say the same thing about those who have a glass of wine with dinner? I have news, the vast majority of wine drinkers have one or two glasses of wine and then stop. It is the same with most beer drinkers. The comment that beer and wine does not taste good is a totally ridiculous statement to those who like these food products.continue reading

Common ground betwen Islam and Christianity?

Take a look at the signatories on this letter. Among them are Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Robert Schuller.

God did not call Christians to establish common ground with unbelievers. He told us to preach the good new of salvation through Jesus Christ. It does not matter to these “Christian” leaders that Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind and the Son of God?

I also find it unbelievable that Christians would call Mohammad a prophet. This demonic man got nothing from God but instead he established a religion that would be in direct opposition to God’s people.

I also have news for all of you.continue reading

Collapse of civilization is near

Your not crazy, the collapse of civilization as we know is near. Many of these surplus men will make up the army of the 200 million out of the East in Revelation. There are 163 million surplus men now but there will be many more by 2030. By the time all the end time events play out the Bible says this surplus of men will change to men becoming rarer than gold.

WorldNetDaily: Collapse of civilization is near: “At this risk of sounding like a crazy person, I am driven to say I believe a civilizational collapse is near. Worse, I think it is too late to reverse.

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Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta-Area Megachurch

Another heretical “Word-of-Faith”, “Kingdom Now” leader bites the dust.

When are people going to learn to follow the teachings of the Bible instead of these self anointed and often perverted men and women? – Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta-Area Megachurch – Local News News Articles National News US News
DECATUR, Ga. — The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother’s wife and fathered a child by her.
Members of Archbishop Earl Paulk’s family stood at the pulpit of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Chapel Hill Harvester Church a few Sundays ago and revealed the secret exposed by a recent court-ordered paternity test.

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Dr. Mahmoud Strangelove, I believe?

They think they will be dancing in the street if they nuked Israel but in reality those that survived the counter strikes would all be cowering in feces filled caves.

American Thinker: Dr. Mahmoud Strangelove, I believe?: “The case for a preemptive nuclear strike by Israel is becoming more and more compelling. Israel has been openly threatened with Holocaust for three decades by the Khomeini cult. Their expressed intentions couldn’t be clearer. If you yell, ‘I’m going to shoot you, cop!’ every day for thirty years, and finally aim a loaded gun, any cop will open fire. Israel has an estimated 200 nuclear weapons, three decades of experience working with them, and nuclear-armed submarines, jet bombers, and cruise missiles.

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Shattering Conventional Wisdom About Saddam’s WMD’s

Very interesting article. If this information checks out, Syria is now as much a nuclear danger as is Iran. Now we might know why Bible prophecy says Damascus will get destroyed. It also fits with Syria’s recent attempt to build a nuclear facility and Israel taking it out. There are obviously things about Syria’s WMD capability that we are not being told. Three rogue states are in collusion developing WMD – Syria, Iran and North Korea.

FrontPage Magazine: “The gist of the new evidence is this: roughly one quarter of Saddam’s WMD was destroyed under UN pressure during the early to mid 1990’s.

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The Bible, global warming and the dominionists

I think Evangelicals are caught up into this global warming hype because they believe in Dominion Theology. They actually think that they are in the Kingdom on earth and that they have the mandate to manage from God to make it a paradise. They unite with the world on this cause even if it takes going to the lowest common denominator to find unity with them. To do this they discount absolute truth and evil.

This is why we are now seeing leading Evangelicals standing on platforms with and spouting the same drivel as pagans, the rich and famous, elite atheistic globalists and world religious figures.continue reading

Rick Warren, Reconciliation Peace, and Brian McLaren

Is there any doubt why Rick Warren has change “planting churches” to “promote reconciliation” in the P of his P.E.A.C.E plan acronym? Rick Warren obviously has bought into Dominion Theology and Brian McLaren’s heresy. Willow Creek’s seeker churches have as well. If nobody sees the setting up of the world harlot who rides the Beast of Revelation taking place here they have little understanding of Bible prophecy. Not to mention the scriptures that warn us that this end time apostasy would come from among those who call themselves “Christians”.

The Latest “P” – Reconciliation “Put this quotation on a global scale and apply it to tribes and warring factions, people groups and nations, and you can see how grandiose this thinking becomes.

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State Department foreign policies of women in delusion

This article points out some of the delusion that has been coming out of our State Department. I have to admit that most of the foreign policy “experts” have a very unique world view. They do not see the world as it exists. They see a delusional world of what should be, because apparently in their world everyone is trustworthy and no one is evil. The State Department has been operating under the delusions of silly old women, or men who act like women for quite a while now. Caroline Glick is  one of the voices of reason in this delusional world.continue reading

Some Christian wolves in sheep’s clothing embrace Scientology

Some just cannot get enough to itch their ears from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Anyone who believes Scientology cannot be a Christian, they are incompatible. Here is some of what Scientology believes.

Some Christian pastors embrace Scientology – “Scientologists do not worship God, much less Jesus Christ. The church has seen plenty of controversy and critics consider it a cult. So why are observant Christians embracing some of its teachings? Two pastors who spoke recently with CNN explained that when it comes to religion, they still preach the core beliefs of Christianity. But when it comes to practicing what they preach in a modern world, borrowing from Scientology helps.

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Seeker Friendly Church Leader Admits They Have Done It All Wrong

I know some of you are going to find this totally incredible but the granddaddy of the seeker movement, Bill Hybels, has come out and said that the seeker churches made a mistake, it does not work.

“Perhaps the most shocking thing of all in this revelation coming out of Willow Creek is in a summary statement by Greg Hawkins:

Our dream is that we fundamentally change the way we do church. That we take out a clean sheet of paper and we rethink all of our old assumptions. Replace it with new insights. Insights that are informed by research and rooted in Scripture.

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What is Robert Schuller rethinking?

Rethink to me sounds a little to much like what the Emergent Church movement is doing although with this line up it would appear to be more of a all ways to utopia on earth through a religious dominionist agenda.

I do not know why Christian leaders would appear on Robert Schuller’s platform anyway since he is an admitted universalist and his teaching is obviously heretical. We will have to wait and see what they all say, I am sure what that say will give us much more to write about. I am not liking where many of today’s “Christian leaders” are taking the church.continue reading

Some in the heartland call it treason!

I think Wallace addresses the issue from a Far Right/American Patriot point of view. Many people in the heartland of America think like him. Of course for the most part what he says is correct. Still I do not know how we go from here back to there without great upheaval. It is not as simple as he makes it sound. How do you go back to US constitutional rule and 18th century morality when the nation has already bought into godless socialism and globalism? We are now dependent on other nations for almost everything we buy? How do you suddenly change that without causing a massive depression, a civil war and the rise of despicable despots?continue reading

Unregenerate church members might spell R.I.P. for SBC

Having been a member of that denomination, at this point I have to agree. Southern Baptists are going the way of other mainline churches. Doctrine is being downplayed and members just show up occasionally to stay in touch. Only a small core group shows up for important church gatherings. Most have never read the Bible, few can discuss concepts in the Bible and no members are held accountable for their actions. But, there are quite a few exceptions in the rural areas.

Unregenerate church members might spell R.I.P.: “Despite the doctrinal victories of the conservative resurgence, the Southern Baptist Convention is dying, contends Jim Elliff, founder and president of Christian Communicators Worldwide.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Marijuana Not a Drug

Its not a either or situation. I want a politician that does not use illegal drugs and that makes good decisions. A politician who makes bad personal decisions and breaks the laws of the country will not make good decisions for others while in public office. Schwarzenegger has proved that with the bills he recently signed. Why should you care that someone is in office who abuses drugs? Because he or she will not have normal reasoning abilities. For example, the politician might say Marijuana is not a drug but the laws of the state He governs says it is a drug and prosecutes people who use and traffic it.continue reading

Russia is rapidly going Fascist

Can anyone spell Fascism? There is no doubt that Russia is going back to its old ways. The bankruptcy of Russia erased their debt and their oil and natural resourse wealth now allows them to build a modern state controlled industry and a modern new military. In less than 15 years Russia will be the number one nuclear military threat to the world and China will be a close second. Meanwhile Europe will have their own Fascism. Who know what becomes of the United States? That’s just part of the world story because there will be other major players as well.continue reading

The future is here right now, if you can read the signs

I keep saying that the Mark of the Beast includes a direct neural link to everything any everyone on the Internet. By that time, it will include just about all public information that exists in the world.

The future is here right now, if you can read the signs – Business – Business: “IT’S the year 2040 and Ray Hammond is getting advice from his software assistant Maria. Located in an implant just behind his left ear, Maria has a direct connection with Mr Hammond’s brain. Linked with Google and other search engines, Maria is able to filter, search and speak softly to Mr Hammond, as quietly and as transparently as if she were his own thoughts.”

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The Fatherless Civilization

The Fatherless Civilization – The Brussels Journal

I sometimes wonder whether the modern West, and Western Europe in particular, should be dubbed the Fatherless Civilization. Fathers have been turned into a caricature and there is a striking demonization of traditional male values. Any person attempting to enforce rules and authority, a traditional male preserve, is seen as a Fascist and ridiculed, starting with God the Father. We end up with a society of vague fathers who can be replaced at the whim of the mothers at any given moment. Even the mothers have largely abdicated, leaving the upbringing of children to schools, kindergartens and television.… continue reading

How to get morons off the Net

That certainly is a rather moronic statement. There is a very good reason for anonymous posting or alias posting. First of all, not all governments allow free speech. We cannot even be sure that free speech will be allowed in this country much longer. Suppose the government passes hate speech laws and then searches for any comment that falls within their new demented hate laws? Suppose citizen action groups look for people to turn into the government or sue them? Suppose law suits are enacted against people who hurt other people’s feeling with their comments? Suppose employers will not hire you until they do a search on the Internet on your name to see everything you ever said about anything?continue reading

Most young American Jews resent Israel and most Israeli Jews do not have any interest in Judaism

We should no longer wonder why Israel elects leaders that will destroy their state. Frankly, with their secular humanistic atheist views Jews do not deserve God’s grace to live in His land. The Majority of Jews today are worse than the ones that God threw out of the Land twice. These atheist cowards actually will side with those trying to destroy them. Jews once said, never again, after the holocaust. Most of today’s Jews resent Israel. By their cowardly appeasement of those who wish to eliminate them as a nation and race they guarantee another holocaust.

Now we see why Bible prophecy says God will bring a time called Jacob’s trouble for Israel where the unbelieving Jews will be cut off and only one-third of Jews will be refined through the fire.continue reading