What does Obama believe about Religion?

Obama had Muslim training and Catholic training but Obama has rejected true Christianity for a social gospel and Universalism. He occasionally attends an Inner city United Church of Christ but the connection he has there is social activism. The pastor of that church teaches black activism and racism.

You did not hear about his Muslim background much but now that Hillary is getting her clock cleaned you can be sure that the negative bombshells will drop from out of the clear blue sky.

I think Obama is wrong on every single issue. All he has is his smile. He could not even get a Top Secret clearance in any government position with his cocaine and drug past.… continue reading

Pastor Joel Osteen speaks out on Mormonism

Here is a clear reason why you do not put novices in charge of mega churches just because their daddy was a big time preacher. Joel Osteen knows nothing about Mormonism or even Christianity and he even admits it below. Yet, he tells the world that he thinks Mormon’s are Christians because they say they believe in Christ. Never mind that their Christ is not the Savior we know in the Bible. It is like taking two milk bottles labeled Jesus and thinking because they are labeled the same that they both contain milk. Yet one milk bottle is filled with sweet milk that leads to life and the other contains a deadly poison that leads to death.… continue reading


I agree with what Joel Rosenburg is saying that Pakistan is just one coup d’état from the radical Islamics taking over the government. If this happen it will just make World War III more of a reality than it is now. Neither the US, India or Israel is going to allow Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to fall into the hands of al-Qaeda. You can take that to the bank. Nonetheless, an Islamic controlled Pakistan will end up in a ground war with India in the South and NATO on the North and a civil war in the middle. People in Pakistan might consider that scenario before they support radicals to take over their government.… continue reading

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell?

The purpose driven leaders are teaching pastors to demonize Christian leaders that are against their purpose driven program. All that is documented in the link below.

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell? : “Think carefully about what is being said in that statement. Southerland is encouraging pastors to think of those who may be their brother or sister in Christ as actually ‘leaders from hell!’ Why? Because they question the validity of a
church growth program which lacks Scriptural basis to support it. Talk about
demonizing your opposition because you don’t have a solid argument with which to respond to them except ‘Everybody’s doing Purpose Driven’ or ‘it gets results.’

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Something is drifting down Willow Creek

Willow Creek tells us there is a big paradigm shift coming but we can’t be certain of what that paradigm shift is all about until they come out with it. However, by looking at the guests that speak at Willow Creek I am not encouraged that they will now suddenly emerge with great biblical discernment. This link will give you some background information.

From the Lighthousecontinue reading

Rice Says Serbia, Kosovo, Will Stay Separate Forever

Never is a long time Miss Secretary. I wonder who made Condoleezza Rice the absolute ruler of the world? I am sure Serbia and Russia would disagree with her statement. It is one thing to state what you wish to happen and it is another thing to declare something temporal to be an absolute truth forever. It is an arrogant statement and it will be seen that way in Serbia and Russia. The main reason why the US gets into so many wars is that leaders in the US want to force everyone in the world to be the way that they want them to be.continue reading

Small Asteroids Pose Bigger Threat Than Thought

There is a known Asteroid with a threat to the earth that probably has 15 times the diameter of the one that hit Tunguska and hundreds of times more mass. The timing of this asteroid is starting to look more like something out of Revelation. There will be a near miss in 2029 and perhaps a direct hit seven years later in 2036. At the least it might give Bible prophecy students food for thought.

FOXNews.com – Small Asteroids Pose Bigger Threat Than Thought – Science News Science & Technology Technology News: “The infamous Tunguska explosion, which mysteriously leveled an area of Siberian forest nearly the size of Tokyo a century ago, might have been caused by an impacting asteroid far smaller than previously thought”

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Commercial brain computer systems are coming

The reason I posted this is because I claim the mark of the Beast chip allows a neural link connection to the Internet. The technology to do that obviously is not that far away.

» Commercial brain computer systems are coming Emerging Technology Trends ZDNet.com: “All over the world, systems that directly connect silicon circuits to brains are under development, and some are nearly ready for commercial applications, according to a new report from the World Technology Evaluation Center and announced by a news release of the University of Southern California (USC). Some of the conclusions of this report about brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are quite surprising.

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L.A. Gangs: Nine Miles and Spreading

Lawless gangs are more a threat to America than terrorists. So why does America put up with this lawlessness? If America cannot figure out how to stop inner city and drug gangs it will not have to worry about external threats, because we will soon be Iraq.

LA Weekly – News – L.A. Gangs: Nine Miles and Spreading – Peter Landesman – The Essential Online Resource for Los Angeles: “L.A. Gangs: Nine Miles and Spreading
More codeless, arbitrary and brutal than ever… and coming to a neighborhood near you”

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EU leaders create a Beast

A regional government by treaty has arisen. EU polices will supersede nations. It is such a simple concept. It is a Beast make in the image of the old Soviet Union. Why not have a world government by treaty as well? They certainly will! This is just the first phase of the multi regional Beast world government. By the way, nations are bound by treaties, the nations have to comply with the treaty or they will be brought before the regional or world court. A nation cannot even pull out of a treaty without grave consequences unless the treaty also allows nations to pull out.continue reading

New campaign debate: Is Satan Jesus’ brother?

Mormons say Jesus and Lucifer are Spirit brothers. So why is it religious bigotry to tell people what Mitt Romney must believe as a Mormon? If someone said that I believed in the Trinity it would not offend me – because I do. So why does their own sacred doctrine offend them?

Why? because they know Christians consider it heresy and that we know that this and many more doctrines of the Mormons are heresies in opposition to orthodox Christianity. They however do not want naive Christians to know that.

All the more reason we should give Christians information so that they will know that Mitt Romney does not have orthodox Christian beliefs and is in a cult.continue reading

Rick Warren’s distortions of reality

I have noticed over the years that Rick Warren just panders to the audience. What he says to Christians on a issue will not necessarily be be what he says to the media or the world power brokers on the same issue. His message is typically post-modern where truth is relative and adjustable to those being pandered to for his own end.

This is why he is signing on to wordily agendas and then apologizing or having to rationalize to other Christians why he jumped on board. Then to appease them he says he did not agree with much of what he signed???continue reading

Gay’ school plot to pervert is unveiled

So, once the law is put into effect they also plan to shove the homosexual agenda down the throats of all those who attend history, social science, and English literature classes. Thus, you will have the few percent of perverts in the state setting the agenda for brainwashing the whole student population. If parents allow this to happen you have advocated your responsibility to raise your children in the way they should go. The end result will be a perverted lost generation and the end of a civil society.

WorldNetDaily: Stripped bare: ‘Gay’ school plot unveiled: “The Gay Straight Alliance recently forwarded an e-mail to its California chapters with information on how to make sure homosexuality is taught in the state’s schools and warned that having students and parents simply ‘tolerate’ homosexuality is not enough.

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Accommodation or Confrontation with the world system?

Dr Francis Schaeffer in 1984 said, “The grossest form of worldliness is conforming to the form of worldliness that exists in it’s own generation”. That is exactly what is happening today in much of Christianity.

Accommodation or Confrontation – CWN: ” recently watched a video presentation of Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s last public meeting before he died in 1984. I was stunned, again, by the precision of his insights into his era, and ours. Dr. Schaeffer’s last two books, The Great Evangelical Disaster and A Christian Manifesto, were nothing short of prophetic. As he approached his death, after fifty years of his ministry, he observed that evangelicalism over that time could be summarized primarily by one term: Accommodation.

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Re-Think Methodology or Repent?

The problem is even though Hybel’s now admits that they have been wrong for twenty years. They have no intentions of going back to church the way it was before they influenced the church to depart to a worldly methodology. If you check what they are doing at Hybel’s and Warren’s churches they are going head first into heretical Emergent Church doctrines and inclusive universalism with all Religion. Why would any church retain a pastor who has lead them down the wrong path for two decades as if he suddenly now learned how to lead people to Christ and pastor the flock?continue reading

The Governor of Purgatory is giving bonus miles in Purgatory for trips to Lourdes this year.

My Bible tells me that Jesus took all my sins on Himself at the sacrifice that He did at the Cross. Pope Benedict thinks that this is now his role as Governor of Purgatory.

For my Catholic readers. There is no purgatory and indulgences are a damnable heresy. What Pope Benedict XVI said in this article makes him a false prophet and an old religious fool who appeals to silly old women and gullible superstitious people. Catholicism needs to return to true Christianity rather than to medieval doctrines of heretics.

Trips to Lourdes to cut time spent in purgatory – Telegraph: “Pope Benedict XVI is offering relief from purgatory to Roman Catholics who travel to Lourdes over the next year, the Vatican said yesterday.”

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Apophatic and Kataphatic Prayer

Apparently the emergent movement is redefining prayer for us. It is not enough to know that prayer is communication with God now you should know the difference between “apophatic” and “kataphatic” prayer. Well don’t panic, Eugene Peterson explains it all for us. Kataphatic prayer is praying with the eyes open and apohpatic prayer is praying with the eyes closed. Somehow all this profound wisdom reminds me of a old commercial. The one where they show eggs frying and equate it with your brain on drugs. You read the article and see where it takes you?

More Books and Things…: A Thing called Apophatic Prayer
kataphatic prayer employs thoughts and images while apophatic transcends these.

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Rick Warren thinks Satan’s greatest weapon is disunity

Rick Warren sounds so sanctimonious when he talks about unity and not allowing any decent in his church but the unity he wants is not unity it is blind loyalty to Rick Warren’s infallibility. Meanwhile Rick Warren himself openly displays unity with secular humanists, Muslims and pagans.

WorldNetDaily: Rick Warren’s Inquisition: “Has it ever occurred to Rick Warren that pastors have been wrong? Has it ever occurred to Rick Warren that pastors might teach unbiblical principles? Has it ever occurred to Rick Warren no earthly pastor is the recipient of all Divine revelation? Has it ever occurred to Rick Warren that pastors have led entire flocks into grave error that may have eternal consequences?

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Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

I admire his courage. I also hope his life insurance is paid up. I also wonder who will have the courage to run his film. I guess he will have to upload it to the Internet but I doubt if anyone will have the courage to allow it on their Internet site. I wonder if the dutch will confiscate the film anyway before it is even released. I hope he has some copies hid somewhere.

If it ever is shown I expect the reaction from the Islamofascists will be about what we would expect…burning, looting, riots, world demonstrations etc.

Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran – International Herald Tribune: “THE HAGUE, Netherlands: A Dutch conservative lawmaker said Wednesday he is making a film to highlight what he describes as ‘fascist’ passages in the Quran, his latest high profile criticism of Islam.

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More Reasons To Beware Of Mike Huckabee

What is it about the South that produces these people? Mike said himself that he did some of the things he did because politics is rough in Arkansas. Why would a minister of the Gospel trade that job in for the affairs of the world and then stoop to their level? It seems to me that Mike Huckabee is in the same mold as Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Kenneth Copeland. They preach the Kingdom should be established right here right now. The way they intend to bring in this soft dominionism is through social action and legislation and they have no problem uniting with secular humanists and anti Christ religions to establish this end.continue reading