The Extra Catholic Books of their Bible
This excommunication of the Christian Zionists does not surprise me. Most of Israel are leftist secular humanists who will make peace with their enemies at any cost. The only hope they see for peace is a peace enforced by the world powers. Zionist evangelicals are telling them not to give up there land for peace because it will bring a holocaust but if they know Bible prophecy they also know that a holocaust must come. So it gets rather difficult to understand why some people’s ministry is to bring a mostly unbelieving people back to a place where they know they will be doomed.… continue reading
When Jews build their temple and start animal sacrifices they will soon be stopped by the uproar coming form the animal rights movement. According to Daniel the daily sacrifice will be taken away and eventually this ritual will be replaced by worship of a image set up in the temple. We can now easily see how a law or judicial ruling will force the ceasing of the daily sacrifice almost as soon as it begins.
Animal rights groups against Passover sacrifice – Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
… continue readingThe Temple movements’ intention to hold a public slaughter of the Passover sacrifice was slammed by the animal rights movement, Let Animals Live.The
If Muslims just put new meanings on the passages they do not like in the Qur’an you will have created a man made hybrid religion. That would be feasible for only those Muslims that do not really believe their scriptures literally came from God anyway. We have those people in Christianity as well, they have a man made hybrid Christianity that is devoid of any salvation. When all religions do what you suggest we will have Universalism but no truth. Not that there was any truth in Islam to start with, but true Christianity is truth.
What is suggested is that man redefines the scriptures and accepts what he wants and rejects what he does not want.… continue reading
I am not sure that Chuck Baldwin did not just create his own little straw-man argument here. I do not hear Christians saying that we should just let the world become more evil because we know it is coming. I doubt if Chuck Baldwin did either. Who would be dumb enough to even say something like that to Chuck Baldwin? And for enough people to say it to him to make this a real issue is simply beyond my belief.
So I think what we have here is what Chuck Baldwin thinks that some other Christians think, but frankly I do not think his view is valid unless the people that give him this idea are not really Christians.… continue reading
Astute biblical Christians knew that these emerging birds would come to merge with the universal, pantheistic, pagan flock of vultures that claims it will soar up to a higher plain of cosmic consciousness.
“New age” leaders have fed the gullible this line for several decades. The difference now is that the leaders have changed their name to “New Spirituality” and they are now in the church teaching very dumbed down, biblically illiterate church members their doctrines of demons.
It seems that Western emerging “Christianity” needs the hope of a evolutionary mystical experience to replace their “Old Spirituality” that is now on life support.… continue reading
Some black preachers just want to tell other blacks what they want to hear. There are white preachers that do the same thing though focusing on other fleshly issues. Pastors need to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ not some social gospel that appeals to the flesh. This is why Jeremiah Wright is wrong. Preaching rebellion against white America is not prophecy, it does not build up the body of Christ, it is divisive, not biblically founded and it really is rebellion.
If Jeremiah Wright is a prophet, Isaiah wasn’t
… continue readingThe essence of the real prophets was not that they said things that disturbed people; the moral essence of the prophets was their moral clarity.
Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).
Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).… continue reading
If people understood what Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum is saying in this one article about God’s unfilled covenants there would be no amillennialism, post millennialism or Replacement Theology and everyone would know that God still is fulfilling His plan for natural Israel. They would know that the final stage is being set for the covenants to be fulfilled. The timing is playing out in God’s prophetic sequence.
People can pretend that they have some deeper spiritual truth that nullifies the covenant promises given to Israel but their presumptuous allegorizations of God’s promises given without conditions will not change the natural fulfillment to Israel.… continue reading
I think civil insurrection is in our future. I wrote about how I think this might come about in my imminent danger series. Chuck Baldwin is one of those Christian patriot leaders that will join with a secessionist movement if hate speech laws are passed and constitutional rights reversed. Many heartland American patriots and conservative Christians will join with leaders like Him. I was not just blowing smoke when I wrote my article.
People in the heartland will not put up with godless socialism being shoved down their throats and the throats of their families. These days are almost certainly coming.… continue reading
Everyone knows what Dave said in this article is true. It is a shame that there is no shame anymore and unless people can again be ashamed of their wickedness there is no hope either.
Dave Daubenmire — The Death of Shame
… continue readinghere is the tragic part. We know that they lie, yet we still consider them qualified for public service. Pastors endorse them, pundits justify their behavior, and Christians vote for the “lesser of the evils.” “It’s only politics” (Is that John Dewey I hear?) as they try to convince us that lying is no longer a big deal. Let me ask you something.
At the rate the birth rate is falling the young adult population of the earth will peak in two decades. When the young mature crop in the field is at its peak is when the harvest will come. This is another sure sign that we are living very near the time when the angels will be told to harvest the wheat of the earth.
‘Demographic Winter’ Exposes the Century’s Overlooked Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS
… continue reading“Demographic Winter” — a dramatic new documentary — is the first to explore the most overlooked crisis of our times: the rapid, worldwide decline in birth rates.Philip
Lets not also forget “The Secret” and many other pagan books and ideas that Oprah supports besides just what Warren Smith mentions here.
It is no coincidence that Oprah is supporting Obama who has the same spirit of universalism. They both really worship the god of this world. Oprah believes that all ways lead to God or that we are all part of God apart from accepting Jesus the creator of the universe, the only possible savior.
The world is experiencing an invasion of doctrines of demons and it is coming through media, political leaders, and “Christian” religious leaders. This apostasy from the true faith to doctrines of demons was predicted for the end times.… continue reading
Obama believes a person who led a moral life will go to heaven apart from accepting Jesus as Lord. This is clearly not Christian teaching so I do not know why some still insist that Obama is Christian. What Obama supports proves that he follows the teachings of Karl Marx and his religious views prove that he believes in Universalism.
If he really wanted to apply the teaching of Jesus in a concrete way he would tell people the true gospel. That salvation comes from what Jesus did period, and no ones good works will save them. Good works on earth comes from the spiritual new heart of Christians not from increasingly fascist worldly government oversight.… continue reading
I love Steve Camp’s reasoning here.
Is God Short of Cash?: The Myth of the Prosperity Gospel – CWN
… continue readingI was on a famous Christian TV show several years ago before their demise. During a ‘commercial’ break, the host of the program told me if I would give $100 to his ministry the Lord would give me back $1,000… I asked him politely, “Sir, where does it say stupid written on me?” He was a bit shocked and asked me, “don’t you believe that the Lord will bless you by giving your money to our ministry?” I told him, “No way”; and that furthermore he didn’t even believe such a thing.
Jim Wallis has delusions of grandeur as he sees himself leading a “Great Awaking” of us blind evangelicals into his pathways to a socialist secular utopia.
Yeah sure Jim, are you taking your medicine?
FrontPage Magazine
… continue readingSojourners chief Jim Wallis is leading a new “Great Awakening” in America, according to his new book by the same name.America’s first Great Awakening was in the mid-18th century, when revivalist preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield preached a Christian revival that won thousands of converts. Later great awakenings in the19th century likewise strove to win lost souls for Heaven.
As the Religious Left’s modern “prophet,” Wallis is interested not so much in Heaven but in expanding the welfare state, restricting the free market, reducing American influence around the world, and apologizing for the Islamist tyrants and Marxist dictators who are ostensibly victims of American imperial overreach.
I am all for a Constitutional party but I am also a realist. Anyone who thinks that a third party candidate can be elected as President in the United States in 2008 is not playing with a full deck.
I doubt if the Constitutional party could even be on half of the state ballets by election time so how in the world can that party elect a president? Even if it could, what good would be a President that did not have the support from the political parties controlling the House and Senate?
2008 might be a good year to get a third party off the ground with eyes for 2012.… continue reading
Since John McCain kissed up to Parsley on everything even though Ron Parsley is one of the worst Word Faith heretics in existence. I thought I would link to a good article on the nonsense that Parsley preaches to his huge Church and TV audience.
I would not want anyone to think that McCain actually linked with true Christian conservatives by speaking at World Harvest Church in Ohio. The most that McCain would find there is Christian garnish that goes along with the Parsley. Not that McCain knows the difference between Christian teaching and tickle the ears garnish spreading of Word Faith teaching.… continue reading
Obama in his speech twisted words for his own advantage to making the same old “blame whitey” claims for his perceived race problems in the U.S.
As if whitey forced many blacks to become amoral and destructive? Could it be that the real motivators for black amorality and hatred is the type of churches leaders that many choose to go listen to and be brainwashed? Churches led by evil people like Mr.Wright (no Rev. deserved) that teach hate, Marxism, and that take anti American and anti biblical viewpoints on every issue. These are churches that are really racists Marxist cults. They do not preach a biblical Jesus Christ at all.… continue reading
I wrote a detailed article on tithing. So I am not going to rehash that here but just let me say the facts prove that most Christians do not tithe. The majority do not even tithe in tithing churches. And the tithe these churches claim is a biblical mandate is not the biblical OT triple tithe anyway.
Christians need to celebrate free will giving because God loves a cheerful giver. Also remember that many people are specially gifted to give. If Pastors would express the real needs they have in the church to the membership instead of trying to put all under a tithing bondage.… continue reading